Search results for ""author cl"
The University of Chicago Press The Museum on the Roof of the World: Art, Politics, and the Representation of Tibet
For millions of people around the world, Tibet is a domain of undisturbed tradition, the Dalai Lama a spiritual guide. By contrast, the Tibet Museum opened in Lhasa by the Chinese in 1999 was designed to reclassify Tibetan objects as cultural relics and the Dalai Lama as obsolete. Suggesting that both these views are suspect, Clare E. Harris argues in "The Museum on the Roof of the World" that for the past one hundred and fifty years, British and Chinese collectors and curators have tried to convert Tibet itself into a museum, an image some Tibetans have begun to contest. This book is a powerful account of the museums created by, for, or on behalf of Tibetans and the nationalist agendas that have played out in them. Harris begins with the British public's first encounter with Tibetan culture in 1854. She then examines the role of imperial collectors and photographers in representations of the region and visits competing museums of Tibet in India and Lhasa. Drawing on fieldwork in Tibetan communities, she also documents the activities of contemporary Tibetan artists as they try to displace the utopian visions of their country prevalent in the West, as well as the negative assessments of their heritage common in China. Illustrated with many previously unpublished images, this book addresses the pressing question of who has the right to represent Tibet in museums and beyond.
The University of Chicago Press Made in America: A Social History of American Culture and Character
Our nation began with the simple phrase "We the People." But who were and are "We"? Who were we in 1776, in 1865, or in 1968, and is there any continuity in character between the we of those years and the nearly 300 million people living in the radically different America of today? With "Made in America", Claude S. Fischer draws on decades of historical, psychological, and social research to answer that question by tracking the evolution of American character and culture over three centuries. He explodes myths - such as that contemporary Americans are more mobile and less religious than their ancestors, or that they are more focused on money and consumption - and reveals instead how greater security and wealth have only reinforced the independence, egalitarianism, and commitment to community that characterized our people from the earliest years.
The University of Chicago Press Jane Austen's Cults and Cultures
In Jane Austen's Cults and Cultures, Claudia L. Johnson shows how Jane Austen became "Jane Austen," a figure intensely-sometimes even wildly-venerated, and often for markedly different reasons. Johnson begins by exploring the most important monuments and portraits of Austen, then passes through the four critical phases of Austen's reception - the Victorian era, the First and Second World Wars, and the establishment of the Austen House and Museum in 1949 - and ponders what the adoration of Austen has meant to readers over the past two centuries. By respecting the intelligence of past commentary about Austen, Johnson shows, we are able to revisit her work and unearth fresh insights and new critical possibilities.
The University of Chicago Press Drama, Play, and Game: English Festive Culture in the Medieval and Early Modern Period
How was it possible for drama, especially biblical representations, to appear in the Christian West given the church's condemnation of the theatrum of the ancient world?In a book with radical implications for the study of medieval literature, Lawrence Clopper resolves this perplexing question.Drama, Play, and Game demonstrates that the theatrum repudiated by medieval clerics was not "theater" as we understand the term today. Clopper contends that critics have misrepresented Western stage history because they have assumed that theatrum designates a place where drama is performed. While theatrum was thought of as a site of spectacle during the Middle Ages, the term was more closely connected with immodest behavior and lurid forms of festive culture. Clerics were not opposed to liturgical representations in churches, but they strove ardently to suppress May games, ludi, festivals, and liturgical parodies. Medieval drama, then, stemmed from a more vernacular tradition than previously acknowledged-one developed by England's laity outside the boundaries of clerical rule.
HarperCollins Publishers When You Were Mine
Don''t miss this next emotional tear-jerker of motherhood, friendship and what family really means to us all. Pre-order now!One mistake could change their lives foreverMy life is a mess. My marriage is falling apart, and I'd hoped the arrival of our baby girl would bring us closer together. Yet, as she grows, I see less of a resemblance to my husband, stirring unsettling questions.I was hoping a visit from my friend, Victoria would bring some stability. With her seemingly perfect life in Spain, she embodies hope for a brighter future.But our reunion has taken an unexpected turn. And when a shock diagnosis shakes our family further, Victoria doesn't know it yet, but she might just hold the key to saving our family.But if I want her to help, a big secret has to come out. Revealing the truth risks everything my marriage, our friendship, our families. Can we weather this storm, or will it shatter us beyond repair?An emotional and powerful novel of motherhood, friendship and what family me
HarperCollins Publishers My Baby Sister (Humber and Plum, Book 2)
The second book about gorgeous toddler bear, Humber, and his family. From the highly-regarded creator of Blue Kangaroo and Melrose and Croc. When Humber’s mum returns home from hospital, she has a little surprise for him… a baby sister, Plum! Mum’s very busy taking care of the baby and she doesn’t seem to have quite as much time for Humber as she used to. Can he think of a way to regain her full attention? Emma Chichester Clark's exquisite illustrations and wonderfully acute observations evoke a captivating world that both young children and their parents will instantly recognise.
Hachette Sadapter
IGI Global Impact of Political Socialization on the Support for Democratic Principles: Emerging Research and Opportunities
As we come upon the 30th anniversary of communism's fall, it is a good time to reexamine what life was like behind the Iron Curtain and how communism impacted people for generations. The study of communication is important as it shows how much effect government type has on the principles its people support. Those interested in promoting and maintaining democratic ideals in countries around the world require a book such as this to better understand the effect communism has had. Impact of Political Socialization on the Support for Democratic Principles: Emerging Research and Opportunities examines life under communism in Czechoslovakia and Hungary with particular attention paid to education, religion, travel, and exposure to Western culture, as well as their transition to democracy and how successful that transition has been. The book makes the case that being politically socialized under communism has made embracing democratic principles more difficult. The evidence for this case is based on 200 interviews conducted in 2017-18 with people who lived in Czechoslovakia and Hungary during communism, present-day analysis of government and politics in the Czech Republic and Hungary, and survey data from the European Social Survey. The main struggles in transitioning to democracy are identified, and it is speculated whether the Czech Republic and Hungary can ever be long-term, fully functioning democracies. The main implications of this publication are how government type during political socialization affects support for democratic principles, and whether the United States could ever be at risk for democratic erosion. The book is intended for political scientists, government officials, historians, academicians, researchers, and students.
Cornerstone My Life
President Bill Clinton's My Life is the strikingly candid self-portrait of a world leader who decided in early life to devote his intellectual and political gifts, and his extraordinary capacity for hard work, to serving the people of America and the entire world population. It is the fullest, most concretely detailed, most nuanced account of a presidency ever written, and a testament to the positive impact that his work and his political ideals had on America and on the world. Here is the life of a great national and international figure, revealed with all his talents and contradictions. Filled with fascinating moments and insights, it is told openly, directly, in President Clinton's immediately recognisable voice. A fascinating journey through American politics, and one of the world's most famous politicians, and popular presidents.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Atoms In Electromagnetic Fields (2nd Edition)
“The production quality is very high; even the smallest symbols are easily readable, and some papers are reproduced in color. The clarity of the exposition, the wide range of topics, and the logic of the presentation make this a valuable teaching reference. This book is highly recommended for physicists and students working on atoms in intense laser fields, laser cooling and trapping and Bose-Einstein condensation.”Optics & Photonics NewsThis invaluable book presents papers written during the last 40 years by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and his collaborators on various physical effects which can be observed on atoms interacting with electromagnetic fields. It consists of a personal selection of review papers, lectures given at schools, as well as original experimental and theoretical papers. Emphasis is placed on physical mechanisms and on general approaches (such as the dressed atom approach) having a wide range of applications. Various topics are discussed, such as atoms in intense laser fields, photon correlations, quantum jumps, radiative corrections, laser cooling and trapping, Bose-Einstein condensation. In this new edition, about 200-page of new material has been added.
Embassy Books The Richest Man in Babylon
ISTE Editions Ltd Biocontrle Des Maladies Des Plantes AvanccEs RcCentes Et Perspectives En Matire de Protection Des Plantes
Ebury Publishing The New Menopause
Dr Mary Claire Haver is a board-certified OB/GYN, a Certified Culinary Medicine Specialist, a Certified Menopause Provider and the founder of Mary Claire Wellness, a private medical practice that focuses on women in midlife. Her bestselling book, The Galveston Diet, is based on the groundbreaking nutritional protocol she developed as an online subscriber programme for women going through perimenopause and menopause. Her second book, The New Menopause, was an instant number one New York Times bestseller. Dr Haver lives with her husband and two daughters in Galveston, Texas.
University of Massachusetts Press A Cultural Arsenal for Democracy: The World War II Work of U.S. Museums
Does it seem strange to think of a museum as a weapon in national defense?" asked John Hay Whitney, president of the Museum of Modern Art, in June 1941. As the United States entered the Second World War in the months to follow, this idea seemed far from strange to museums. Working to strike the right balance between education and patriotism, and hoping to attain greater relevance, many American museums saw engagement with wartime concerns as consistent with their vision of the museum as a social instrument.Unsurprisingly, exhibitions served as the primary vehicle through which museums, large and small, engaged their publics with wartime topics with fare ranging from displays on the cultures of Allied nations to "living maps" that charted troop movements and exhibits on war preparedness. Clarissa J. Ceglio chronicles debates, experiments, and collaborations from the 1930s to the immediate postwar years, investigating how museums re-envisioned the exhibition as a narrative medium and attempted to reconcile their mission with new modes of storytelling.
Austin Macauley Publishers Keeper of the Hearth
Simon & Schuster Weep No More My Lady
Elizabeth Lange has arrived at an exclusive spa in Pebble Beach, California, weary of heart and soul. Still grieving for her beloved sister, a famous actress who plunged to her death from her Manhattan penthouse, Elizabeth is determined to unearth the truth about how Leila died. Accused of the murder is international celebrity Ted Winters, Leila's dashing fiancé. The chief witness for the prosecution is Elizabeth Lange. Attempting to relax before the trial, Elizabeth is confronted by a cast of characters who all had cause to love - or hate - Leila La Salle. And one of them is determined that Elizabeth will not live to testify…
Harmony/Rodale Sweet Potato Soul
Little, Brown Book Group Forgotten Worlds Book Two of The Silence Silence 2
The battle is over. But the war has only just begun. Aleister Lanoe has won a stunning victory against the alien armada that threatened Niraya, but it''s not enough to satisfy his desire for vengeance. He won''t rest until he''s located the armada''s homeworld and reduced it to ashes. Yet his personal vendetta will have to wait. Lanoe now faces a desperate race against time, and the merciless Centrocor corporation, if he''s to secure the Earth''s future - and discover the truth he seeks.
HarperCollins India The Magic of Believing
Museum Tusculanum Press Impulser: i Københavns koncertrepertoire 1900-1935
Perioden 1900-1935 var en meget rig og dynamisk periode i dansk og internationalt musikliv. I Impulser i Københavns koncertrepertoire 1900-1935 tegner Claus Røllum-Larsen et billede af musiklivet i datidens København, hvor komponister som Alban Berg, Claude Debussy, Percy Grainger, Paul Hindemith, Arthur Honegger, Gustav Mahler, Sergej Rachmaninov, Max Reger, Arnold Schönberg, Jean Sibelius m.fl. var med til at forny repertoiret. Bogen bygger på omfattende studier i 8 centrale musikalske selskaber og foreningers koncertprogrammer i årene fra århundredeskiftet, da Dansk Koncertforening blev stiftet, og frem til 1935, da radioen for alvor satte sig igennem i musiklivet. Blandt de mere overraskende fund er, at Mahler så tidligt som i 1897 blev opført i København og var i kontakt med dansk musikliv. Røllum-Larsen belyser forskellige aspekter af koncertlivets udvikling: forsøgene på at skaffe København en tilfredsstillende koncertsal og et stort symfoniorkester, og musikerstandens bekymring over truslen fra de nye, mekaniske musikinstrumenter, grammofonen og radioen, og fra tilrejsende, udenlandske musikere. Undervejs tegnes en række portrætter af den ny musiks frontkæmpere: Frederik Schnedler-Petersen og Georg Høberg, der som kapelmestre i hhv. Tivoli og på Det Kongelige Teater indtog nøgleroller i datidens musikliv, Radiosymfoniorkestrets første dirigent Launy Grøndahl, den senere kontroversielle dirigent Paul von Klenau, Nicolai Malko, m.fl. Dertil kommer omfattende ny dokumentation i form af repertoirefortegnelser, præsentationsdiagrammer og opførelsesdiagrammer, der gør bogen til et uomgængeligt opslagsværk for alle, der interesserer sig for periodens rige musikalske liv. Claus Røllum-Larsen, og ph.d., er seniorforsker på Musikafdelingen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek. Han har tidligere udgivet Kong Frederik den 9. og musikken (1990).
Archive Books Tracelation
Archive Books Film Material N 5: The Cast
Arnoldsche Leidenschaft fur Keramik
With passion and expert insight, Frank Nievergelt compiled an impressive collection over forty-five years of more than 900 pieces of contemporary ceramics, ranging from vessels and sculptures via display pieces to monumental works. Over one hundred leading figures of the international ceramic scene from 1970 to 2015 are represented in the collection, the emphasis of which is on newer objects. In this publication, the most significant pieces of this renowned collection are presented in a selection of forty-one artists, hence impressively highlighting the unaffected beauty and diversity of contemporary ceramic art. Moreover, Nievergelt introduces the artists individually, enhanced with reflections from Anne-Claire Schumacher (curator of the Musee Ariana) and Prof. Volker Ellwanger. The catalogue documents the latest inventory of the Musee Ariana in Geneva.
DOM Publishers Exhibition Halls: Construction and Design Manual
An exhibition centre is a central focus of a city's economic life, and in many cases a unique expression of its image. For this reason, as well as offering adequate space and infrastructure, it must make a strong, clearly recognizable architectural statement. Over the past couple of decades, new technology and globalization have transformed trade fairs: today they are not so much markets as forums for the exchange of information and contacts. This new volume in the Construction and Design Manual series spotlights twenty-two exemplary European buildings that have overcome the resulting architectural challenges. It also includes an overview of the cultural history of European trade fairs, and an interview on successful exhibitioncentre design with Volkwin Marg of gmp Architekten, one of the world's leading specialists in this area of architecture.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Baptist Traditions and Q
Clare K. Rothschild offers the first comprehensive examination of why current models of Q feature traditions concerning John the Baptist both prominently and favorably. A close hermeneutical investigation of the NT Gospels, including literary phenomena such as the double attribution of sayings to John and to Jesus, contradictions among sayings of Jesus, and significant thematic continuities between Baptist traditions and Q sayings on topics such as the Son of Man and Kingdom of God, support the argument that at some point in the undoubtedly complex pre-history of its redactions Q existed as a source of Baptist traditions exclusively. This study also includes an important new interpretation of the Markan transfiguration narrative.
De Gruyter Applied Valuation: A Pragmatic Approach
Valuation is part art and part science. While there are wrong ways to value a stock, there may be no single correct way to value a stock. Applied Valuation: A Pragmatic Approach helps to bridge theory and how valuations can be implemented in practice. It offers pragmatic solutions that are in line with valuation principles, and explains the implications of certain approaches and rules of thumb that are commonly used in practice, so the reader understands why or when such methods make sense. Valuation is a highly case-specific exercise and slight changes in the conditions at the time of the valuation could change the approach and inputs that an analyst should be using. This book discusses how to develop the intuition and skills that would allow you to determine the appropriate or reasonable approach to take regardless of what situation may arise in the future. Also including in-depth case studies of Walmart and Tesla, this book examines concepts like projections, discount rates, terminal value, and relative valuation to equip students, practitioners, and the general reader with a better understanding of the methods that will help them build their own framework to value businesses and analyze valuation issues.
De Gruyter The China Paradox: At the Front Line of Economic Transformation
In The China Paradox: At the Front Line of Economic Transformation, Harvard University-based historian of modern China and business strategist Dr. Paul G. Clifford documents the twists and turns of China’s dramatic and unforeseen rise over the last four decades. He sheds light on the delicate and fragile balance of forces at the heart of the success of China’s hybrid model, explaining how the ruling Communist Party boldly led the nation’s economic reforms as the surest way to preserve its grip on political power. Five years after this book was first published, much has changed within China and in its relationship with the world. This second edition provides extensive fresh new material. It explains how China has raised its game, moving from a catch-up mode to technological innovation in some areas, while still languishing in technology dependence in other respects. Earlier, China had shown signs that its driving spirit was faltering with its sails flapping. Under Xi Jinping, renewed energy has been injected. But at the same time Xi and his party have strongly reinforced their control across society and the economy, posing the question of whether Xi’s New Era in fact marks a retreat from the reforms. This second edition contains two new chapters. One profiles Huawei, a national champion in advanced technology. Another focuses on China’s frictions with the world which have been fueled by a perception that its technology progress threatens US global dominance, coupled with China’s human rights record. In addition, against a background of the challenges faced by Alibaba and other firms, there is analysis of this watershed in China’s private sector’s autonomy. There is also extensive new insight into Xi Jinping’s rule. As it celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2021, the Chinese Communist Party displays strong optimism over its continued governance of China. But that should not mask the longer-term risks to China’s development and stability if its hybrid model continues to unravel as reforms are abandoned in favor of heightened autocracy.
Monash University Publishing Eilean Giblin: A Feminist between the Wars
Playdead Press Skank
Playdead Press Cuttings
Globe Law and Business Ltd Good Governance in Law Firms: A Strategic Approach to Executive Decision Making and Management Structures
Governance today is more than just writing a good partnership agreement. Our multidisciplinary team of contributors demonstrate how governance has become a unifying and integrating system for a wide range of critical strategic and business issues. The inquiry starts with an overview of modern governance structures in law firms, and how the concept of governance has expanded to include features such as professional managers and partner remuneration systems. To be effective, a law firm's governance system must facilitate, not complicate, the solution of important internal challenges, such as change management, managing partner performance and succession planning. How can good governance help law firm owners to make better decisions? How can governance incorporate management information and concepts of risk management into the decision-making process? The fourth in this popular series on the business of law, published in association with the International Bar Association, the book concludes with an examination of emerging trends that will shape law firm governance in the future. It provides visionary, but entirely realistic, insights into how law firm governance will need to continue to adapt to new regulatory regimes for the legal profession, stress testing concepts and new alternative business structures.
Old Street Publishing Who Is Charlie Conti?
Route Publishing I am
Hawksmoor Publishing Thinking About Tomorrow: Excerpts from the Life of Keith West
Globe Law and Business Ltd Good Governance in Law Firms: A Strategic Approach to Executive Decision Making and Management Structures, Second Edition
Good governance has become a critical condition for law firms of all sizes to meet the new, fast-moving opportunities of fast-changing markets for legal services — much more than just having a good partnership agreement. Our multidisciplinary team of contributors demonstrate how governance has become a unifying and integrating system for a wide range of critical strategic and business issues. The inquiry starts with an overview of modern governance structures in law firms, and how the concept of governance has expanded to include features such as professional managers and partner remuneration systems. To be effective, a law firm's governance system must facilitate, not complicate, the solution of important internal challenges, such as change management, managing partner performance and succession planning. How can good governance help law firm owners to make better decisions? How can governance incorporate management information and concepts of risk management into the decision-making process? With new insights and substantially updated guidance derived from the recent developments and disruptions of the past ten years, this Second Edition, published in association with the International Bar Association, concludes with an examination of emerging trends that will shape law firm governance in the future. It provides visionary, but entirely realistic, insights into how law firm governance will need to continue to adapt to new regulatory regimes for the legal profession, stress testing concepts and new alternative business structures.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Les accidents nucléaires militaires: Conséquences environnementales, écologiques, sanitaires et socio-économiques
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd De la fabrication additive à l'impression 3D/4D 1: Des concepts aux réalisations actuelles
Sourcebooks, Inc King of Battle and Blood
Nova Science Publishers Inc Exploring Speciation
In chemistry, speciation refers to the distribution of an element amongst chemical species in a system. The five chapters of this book each bring a unique perspective on this type of speciation as it pertains to marine biota, x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, and other areas of interest. Chapter One investigates the bioaccumulation of cadmium, a toxic heavy metal, in marine biota in the Egyptian coastal zones. Chapter Two scrutinizes the applications of energy and wavelength dispersive spectroscopic techniques in various materials. Chapter Three explains the phenomenon of thermoluminescence and the effect of varying readout heating rates on the dosimetric properties of TLD-100 (LiF: Mg, Ti) irradiated with 6 MV X-ray. Chapter Four focuses on the applications of different X-ray spectroscopy techniques and their use in the elemental analysis of water, coal, fly ash, and fertilizer samples. Finally, Chapter Five describes how to select the best speciation model from studies based on potentiometric measurements.
Haymarket Books The Tragedy of American Science: From Truman to Trump
The tragedy of American science is that its direction is determined by private profit rather than by the desire to improve the human condition. As a result, Conner argues, Big Science has been irredeemably corrupted by Big Money. This corruption threatens the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the medicines we take.The Tragedy of American Science explores how the U.S. economy’s addiction to military spending distorts and deforms science by making it overwhelmingly subservient to military interests. The primary motive driving American science and technology has become the search for new and more efficient ways to kill people. This transforms science from the classic ideal of a creative force for the advancement of humankind into its destructive and antihuman opposite. That those trillions of dollars in resources and scientific talent are not devoted to solving the problems of poverty, disease, and environmental destruction is one of the greatest tragedies of our times.While the underlying problems may appear intractable, Conner compellingly argues that replacing the current science-for-profit system with a science-for-human-needs system is not an impossible, utopian dream. But to get there, we’ll need to grapple with this important history.
North Star Editions Continents: Australia
This book introduces readers to the climate, landforms, plants, animals, and people of Australia. Vivid photographs and easy-to-read text aid comprehension for early readers. Features include a table of contents, an infographic, fun facts, Making Connections questions, a glossary, and an index. QR Codes in the book give readers access to book-specific resources to further their learning.
North Star Editions Continents: Asia
This book introduces readers to the climate, landforms, plants, animals, and people of Asia. Vivid photographs and easy-to-read text aid comprehension for early readers. Features include a table of contents, an infographic, fun facts, Making Connections questions, a glossary, and an index. QR Codes in the book give readers access to book-specific resources to further their learning.
North Star Editions All Families: Unhoused Families
This compassionate book explores the dynamics of unhoused families. Young readers learn about the different kinds of unhoused families, the ways they form, the challenges they can face, and strategies for working through those challenges. This book also features a “Many “Identities special feature, several "Did You Know?" facts, a table of contents, a reading comprehension quiz, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. This Focus Readers series is at the Beacon level, aligned to reading levels of grades 2-3 and interest levels of grades 3-5.
North Star Editions Major Disasters: Mount St. Helens
Press Room Editions Sacramento Kings
Press Room Editions Memphis Grizzlies
Nova Science Publishers Inc Job Corps Program: Financial & Management Issues
Nova Science Publishers Inc Imprisonment & Incarceration: Patterns, Prospects & Psychological Implications