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JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Verschränkung von europäischem Verordnungsrecht und nationalen Normen: Vorschlag einer methodischen Grundlegung am Beispiel des Datenschutzrechts
Europäisches Verordnungsrecht kann oft nur unter Rückgriff auf nationale Vorschriften durchgeführt werden. In der Anwendung kommt es so zwangsläufig zu einer Verschränkung zwischen europäischer und nationaler Rechtsordnung. Bei Verordnungsnormen stellen sich aufgrund der direkten Anwendbarkeit grundlegend andere Probleme als beim europäischen Richtlinienrecht. Clara Schulze Velmede zeigt die unterschiedliche Problemlage in theoretischer wie in praktischer Hinsicht und untersucht, welche dogmatischen Regeln und rechtstheoretischen Annahmen diesem Ineinandergreifen der Rechtsordnungen zugrunde liegen. Das so entwickelte methodische Grundkonzept für die rechtsordnungsübergreifende Rechtsanwendung wird in einem praktischen Teil anhand ausgewählter Fallbeispiele aus der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) überprüft, was auch genuin datenschutzrechtliche Erkenntnisse zutage fördert.
Nachtschatten Verlag Ag Seelenlandschaften
Springer Intervention nach häuslicher Gewalt
Wenn die Gewalt aufhört: Verschiedene Beziehungen und verschiedene Formen von Gewalt in der Familie - Leben mit Gewalt in der Familie: Retrospektive Erinnerung an die Kindheitserfahrungen von Frauen.- Wie man helfen kann, die Gewalt zu beenden: Anwendung einer Sicherheitsmethodik über die gesamte Lebensspanne.- Paaren helfen, sich sicher zu trennen: Auf dem Weg zu sicheren Trennungen.- Heilung und Reparatur in Beziehungen: Therapeutische Arbeit mit Paaren.- Systemische Arbeit mit Eltern, Kindern und erwachsenen Überlebenden, wenn der Missbrauch aufhört.- Arbeit im Territorium: Erfahrungen von Therapeuten bei der Arbeit mit gewalttätigem Verhalten in Paaren und Familien.- Supervision und Beratung von Therapeuten, die mit Familien und Trauma intervenieren.- Prävention und Frühintervention bei Gewalt und Missbrauch in Familien.
Springer International Publishing AG Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method
This book presents the developments of the finite volume method applied to fluid flows, starting from the foundations of the method and reaching the latest approaches using unstructured grids. It helps students learn progressively, creating a strong background on CFD. The text is divided into two parts. The first one is about the basic concepts of the finite volume method, while the second one presents the formulation of the finite volume method for any kind of domain discretization. In the first part of the text, for the sake of simplicity, the developments are done using the Cartesian coordinate system, without prejudice to the complete understanding. The second part extends this knowledge to curvilinear and unstructured grids. As such, the book contains material for introductory courses on CFD for under and graduate students, as well as for more advanced students and researchers.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Innovations in Urban and Regional Systems: Contributions from GIS&T, Spatial Analysis and Location Modeling
This book presents cutting‐edge research on urban and regional systems applying modern spatial analytical techniques of Geographic Information Science & Technologies (GIS&T), spatial statistics, and location modeling. The contributions, written by leading scholars from around the globe, adopt a spatially explicit analytical perspective and highlight methodological innovations and substantive breakthroughs on many facets of the socioeconomic and environmental reality of urban and regional contexts. The book is divided into three parts: The first part offers an introduction to the research field, while the second part discusses critical issues in urban growth and urban management, presenting case studies on city and urban environments, their growth, data infrastructures and spatial and management issues. The third part then broadens the analysis to the regional scale, addressing growth, convergence and adaptation to new economic and information‐based realities. This book appeals to scholars of spatial and regional sciences as well as to policy decision-makers interested in advanced methods of spatial analysis, location modeling, and GIS&T.
Pocket Et je danse aussi
Hachette Les jours heureux
Editions Flammarion Xavier Veilhan Chanel Bilingual edition
Rutgers University Press All Together Now: American Holiday Symbolism Among Children and Adults
In a hard driving society like the United States, holidays are islands of softness. Holidays are times for creating memories and for celebrating cultural values, emotions, and social ties. All Together Now considers holidays that are celebrated by American families: Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Halloween, and the December holidays of Christmas or Chanukah. This book shows how entire families bond at holidays, in ways that allow both children and adults to be influential within their shared interaction. The decorations, songs, special ways of dressing, and rituals carry deep significance that is viscerally felt by even young tots. Ritual has the capacity to condense a plethora of meaning into a unified metaphor such as a Christmas tree, a menorah, or the American flag. These symbols allow children and adults to co-opt the meaning of symbols in flexible and age-relevant ways, all while the symbols are still treasured and shared in common.
University of Cincinnati Press Exploring the Architecture of Place in America′s Public and Farmers Markets
Exploring the Architecture of Place in America's Farmers Markets explores the elusive architectural states of these beloved community-gathering places. From classic market buildings such as Findlay Market in Cincinnati, to open-air pavilions in Durham North Carolina and pop-up canopy markets in Staunton, Virginia, the country currently has over 8,700 seasonal and year-round farmers markets. Architect, teacher, and founder of the Friends of the Farmers Market, Katheryn Clarke Albright combines historically informed architectural observation with interview material and images drawn from conversations with farmers, vendors, market managers and shoppers. Using eight scales of interaction and interface, Albright presents in-depth case studies to demonstrate how architectural elements and spatial conditions foster social and economic exchange between vendors, shoppers, and the community at large. Albright looks ahead to an emerging typology—the mobile market—bringing local farmers and healthy foods to underserved neighborhoods. The impact farmers markets make on their local communities inspires place-making, improves the local economy, and preserves rural livelihoods. Developed organically and distinctively out of the space they occupy, these markets create and revitalize communities as rich as the produce they sell.
Ugly Duckling Presse Quartet
Silver Sprocket The Paradox Of Getting Better
Compendium Publishing & Communications I've Been Meaning to Tell You (a Book about Being Your Friend) --An Illustrated Gift Book about Friendship and Appreciation.
The Secret Book Company Evolution
Valley Press In Between
Maney Publishing Reading Literature in Portuguese
This book brings together textual commentaries in English and Portuguese on thirty representative works of literature in Portuguese — either complete poems or extracts from longer works.
The Crowood Press Ltd Practical Beekeeping
Practical Beekeeping is the complete guide to the bee and its management. Topics covered include: the bee and its environment; hives and other equipment; management of the apiary and control of pests and diseases.
Oneworld Publications Heart Specialist
An incredible story of perseverance and passion, The Heart Specialist sets the young, headstrong Agnes White against the prejudice and arrogance of the medical establishment in a battle that will eventually grant her the right to save lives as a practising doctor. Set against the upheaval and social strictures of the early 1900s and based on true events, this unforgettable novel is a testament to the spirit, intelligence, and determination we summon when people stand in the way of our dreams.
Bodleian Library The Potato Book
A charming guide to the potato, first published in 1918, covering everything from practical advice on how to grow potatoes to their origins and history.
Cinebook Ltd Insiders Vol.5: Destination Gulag
Identified as a former Chechen guerrilla fighter, Najah has been arrested by the FSB, the successor to the old KGB, and sent to a prison colony in Siberia the infamous gulag. Isolated, hated by the Russian guards, the Insider is far from the luxury life her cover inside organised crime afforded her. Meanwhile, the power plays continue between the mafia, politicians and the intelligence services of Russia, the United States ... and elsewhere.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Tourism Firms
Managing Tourism Firms is an authoritative selection of the most important published work on the particular characteristics and problems associated with running a firm in tourism. Major topics covered include: strategy, marketing, the use of the Internet and IT, pricing, managing staff and studies of specific sectors of the industry. The book provides an overview of current issues and a handy reference in one volume to the major published research contributions. The editor has written a new, authoritative introduction which offers a comprehensive, state-of-the-art summary of the literature. This volume will be valuable to researchers and students in tourism and practitioners seeking the latest thinking on these topics.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd François Villon in English Poetry: Translation and Influence
Responses from the nineteenth century onwards to the medieval French poet. Medieval Paris' paradigmatic poet, François Villon, has long captured the imaginations of creative writers. Attracted by his beguilingly pseudo-autobiographical literary persona and a body of work that moves seamlessly between bawdy humour, bitterness, devotion, and regret, Villon's heirs have been many and varied. A veritable "poet's poet", his oeuvre has appealed to fellow versifiers in particular, providing a rich source for translation and imitation. This book explores creative responses to Villon by British and North American poets, focusing on translations and imitations of his work by Algernon Swinburne, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Ezra Pound, Basil Bunting, and Robert Lowell. They are presented as exemplary of the greater trend of rendering Villon into English, transporting the reader from the first verse translations of his work in the nineteenth century, to post-modern adaptations and parodies ofVillon in the twentieth. By concentrating on the manner in which individual poets have reacted to Villon, and to one another, the study unravels multiple layers of poetic relations. It argues that the relationships that exist between the translated or imitated texts are collaborative as much as they are competitive, establishing a canon of Villon in English poetry whose allusions are not only to the French source, but to the parallel corpus of English translations and imitations. CLAIRE PASCOLINI-CAMPBELL holds degrees in medieval and comparative literatures from the University of St Andrews and University College London.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics of Environmental Conservation, Second Edition
This fully updated and comprehensively revised edition of a classic text concentrates on the economics of conserving the living environment. It begins by covering the ethical foundations and basic economic paradigms' essential for understanding and assessing ecological economics. General strategies for global environmental conservation, policies for government intervention, developing countries, preserving wildlife and biodiversity, open-access to and common property in natural resources, conservation of natural areas, forestry, agriculture and the environment, tourism, sustainable development and demographic change are also all covered.This second edition deals with contemporary environmental policy issues that can be expected to be of lasting concern and importance - each chapter benefiting from either the addition of substantial sections of new material, valuable explanations or updates and revisions in light of developments in theory or world events and conditions. Updated techniques of economic analysis are also introduced, explained simply, and applied as appropriate.Economics of Environmental Conservation, Second Edition is written in an engaging and accessible manner and as such will be warmly received by both specialists and non-specialists in economics. It will find a wide readership amongst academics and policymakers in the fields of ecological, environmental and natural resource economics as well as those involved in development studies, environmental management and science, and conservation ecology and biology. Particular chapters will be of interest to those in tourism studies, agriculture, wildlife management and forestry.
Little Tiger Press Group Sunny Side Up
A CBT-inspired novelty book by Clare Helen Welsh, accompanied by beautiful, nuanced illustrations from Ana Sanfelippo.When you change the way you look at the world, the world you look at changes.When you put on your sunny-side specs a bad mood can become a good mood, a goodbye can become a hello, and even the impossible can become possible! But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the sunny side seems far away. And that's OK. Sunny things will be there to discover whenever you are ready.This warm and innovative novelty book uses die-cuts and flaps to transform the world around us, illustrating the power and impact that reframing your thoughts can have. Just like Happy by Nicola Edwards and Katie Hickey, The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas and The Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright and Chris Chatterton, Sunny Side Up is the ideal book for exploring difficult emotions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Bounded Rationality
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.Offering an engaging overview of the concepts of bounded rationality and their applications, this stimulating Advanced Introduction engages with the topic in a constructively critical manner to introduce new ideas. Chapters cover key topics including: optimally imperfect decisions; ecological rationality; the role of bounded rationality in evolutionary economics; satisficing as a response to bounded rationality; desirable types of economic decisions; the relational exercise of foresight; and the impact of bounded rationality on the efficiency of organizations.Key Features: Demonstrates the progress made in the field over the last century Presents a unique, succinct and useful coverage of the core issues in the topic Outlines different concepts of rationality and specifies factors that result in limited rationality Postgraduate and advanced undergraduate economics and business management students will find this a stimulating read. The easy-to-follow exposition of the topic and careful use of diagrams will also make this an interesting book for decision makers, business managers and policy makers who have studied economics or business administration.
Chronicle Books Unruly Figures
The Secret Book Company Hot and Cold
The Secret Book Company Sound
The Secret Book Company Electricity
The Secret Book Company Light
Collective Ink Where After: WHERE do our loved ones go AFTER they die?
A journey that will compel readers to view life after death in a completely different way. Where - do our loved ones go - After they die? This is the question that has traversed the universe for centuries and is considered one of life’s greatest mysteries. While many of the world’s renowned philosophers, scientists, theorists, doctors, and great mystics endorsed the existence of the afterlife, no one book has been available to explore it all, until now. Mariel Forde Clarke asserts that whether you believe in God or heaven, you can be comforted by the sense that an afterlife exists beyond the realm of one's physical comprehension. Drawing on the findings of patients who have had near-death experiences and visions, and on those of renowned scientists and doctors, Clarke helps the reader chart the journey of the soul and navigate their grief.
BookLife Publishing Different Families
BookLife Publishing Cyber Bullying
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Industrial and Medical Nuclear Accidents: Environmental, Ecological, Health and Socio-economic Consequences
The peaceful use of atomic energy has given rise to a variety of nuclear accidents from the start. This concerns all forms of use, industrial and medical. For each accident, Industrial and Medical Nuclear Accidents details the contamination of the environment, flora and fauna, and quantifies the effects of ionizing radiation. The book also examines the adverse effects on the health, both physical and mental, of the human populations concerned. The monetary cost is also evaluated. The research presented in this book is based on scientifically recognized publications and on the reports of national and international organizations competent in this field (IAEA, WHO, UNSCEAR, IRSN, etc.). The book contains chapters devoted to the most recent accidents (Chernobyl and Fukushima), with a large body of institutional and academic literature.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Additive Manufacturing to 3D/4D Printing 3: Breakthrough Innovations: Programmable Material, 4D Printing and Bio-printing
With a turnover of some 5-15 billion € / year, the additive manufacturing has industrial niches bearers thanks to processes and materials more and more optimized. While some niches still exist on the application of additive techniques in traditional fields (from jewelery to food for example), several trends emerge, using new concepts: collective production, realization of objects at once (without addition Of material), micro-fluidic, 4D printing exploiting programmable materials and materials, bio-printing, etc. There are both opportunities for new markets, promises not envisaged less than 10 years ago, but difficulties in reaching them.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to International Sales Law
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world s leading scholars.Providing a concise overview of the basic doctrines underlying the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Clayton Gillette explores their ambiguities and thus considers the extent to which uniform international commercial law is possible, as well as appraising the extent to which the doctrines in the UN Convention reflect those that commercial parties would prefer. With its compelling combination of doctrine and theory, this book makes an ideal companion for students and legal scholars alike.Key features include: Concise and compact overview of the CISG Includes contemporary developments Provides a theoretical basis for evaluating international sales law Considers perspectives of economic analysis of law.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Royalism, Religion and Revolution: Wales, 1640-1688
Analyses the role of long-term continuities in the political and religious culture of Wales from the eve of the Civil War in 1640 to the Glorious Revolution of 1688 In Royalism, Religion and Revolution: Wales, 1640-1688, Sarah Ward Clavier provides a ground-breaking analysis of the role of long-term continuities in the political and religious culture of Wales from the eve of the Civil War in 1640 to the Glorious Revolution. A final chapter also extends the narrative to the Hanoverian succession. The book discusses three main themes: the importance of continuities (including concepts of Welsh history, identity and language); religious attitudes and identities; and political culture. As Ward Clavier shows, the culture of Wales in this period was not frozen but rather dynamic, one that was constantly deploying traditional cultural symbols and practices to sustain a distinctive religious and political identity against a tide of change. The book uses a wide range of primary research material: from correspondence, diaries and financial accounts, to architectural, literary and material sources, drawing on both English and Welsh language texts. As part of the 'New Regional History' this book discusses the distinctively Welsh alongside aspects common to English and, indeed, European culture, and argues that the creative construction of continuity allowed the gentry of North-East Wales to maintain and adapt their identity even in the face of rupture and crisis.
Amber Books Ltd Astrology: Understanding Your Star Sign
Astrology is an illustrated guide to this ever-popular subject,with easy-to-use instructions to help you understand the fundamental ideas and determine the more advanced aspects of the Zodiac: what should you understand by your sun sign? How do you work out what your moon sign is? How should you interpret terms like ‘Mercury in Sagittarius’? Your sun sign influences your path in the world, your love life and your relationships, including your role as a parent, your career, finances, health and appearance. Your moon sign, on the other hand, determines your inner life, emotional strengths and weaknesses, sources of joy and fear, and how you respond to people and situations. Illustrated with 85 specially commissioned artworks and beautifully presented on high quality paper with special Chinese binding, Astrology is the perfect guide to your inner and outer life as determined by the planets.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Human Values and Biodiversity Conservation: The Survival of Wild Species
This pioneering book explores the influence of human values on the willingness of individuals to pay for the conservation of individual wildlife species (and classes of these), to be for or against their survival, and to favor or oppose their harvesting.Clement Tisdell combines original theories, survey results and experimental findings to assess the economic benefit of conserving particular wild species and to suggest strategies for a sustainable future. With a detailed analysis of 25 species, covering the three classes (mammals, birds and reptiles), this book examines how variations in knowledge and social factors can influence individuals' evaluation of species. Moreover, economics and ecology are combined to propose sound policies for wildlife management and to provide estimates of the net economic benefit of conserving particular species.The first work to provide such extensive analysis of human values and conservation, this book is an essential resource for economists, ecologists and all those interested in wildlife management, environment and nature conservation.Contents: PART I: BACKGROUND 1. Human values and the conservation of wild species: an overview 2. Basic theory: the economic value of wild species, their conservation and use PART II: VALUES AND SUPPORT FOR THE CONSERVATION OF INDIVIDUAL SPECIES AS WELL AS SUSTAINABLE USE STRATEGIES 3. Changed values and increased support for wildlife conservation as a result of ecotourism: a sea turtle study 4. The economic worth of conserving the Asian elephant 5. Australia's curious tree-kangaroos: important influences (particularly knowledge) on support for their conservation 6. The social net economic benefit of conserving an endangered marsupial glider: economic and ecological considerations 7. Support for conserving the likeable koala versus that for a critically endangered species of wombat 8. The hawksbill turtle its conservation and use: public values, attitudes and policies 9. Saltwater crocodiles: human values, conservation and sustainable use PART III: VALUES AND SUPPORT FOR THE CONSERVATION OF MULTIPLE SPECIES AS WELL AS SUSTAINABLE USE STRATEGIES 10. Public support for conserving reptile species: stated values for different species and comparative support for their conservation 11. Influences of knowledge on wildlife valuation and support for conserving species 12. The relative importance of likeability and endangerment for payments to conserve species 13. The similarity principle and public support for the survival of wildlife species 14. The comparative probability of species of mammals, birds and reptiles being selected for survival when only a limited number of species can be chosen 15. Public support for sustainable wildlife harvesting and biodiversity conservation: a case study 16. Public attitudes to wildlife use by Indigenous Australians: conservation issues, marketing and the economic viability of aboriginal wildlife enterprises Index
ECW Press,Canada Artistic Glass: One Studio and Fifty Years of Stained Glass
Penguin Random House Australia The Secrets of the Huon Wren
O'Reilly Media Fusion 360 for Makers, 2e: Design Your Own Digital Models for 3D Printing and CNC Fabrication
Learn how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to digitally model your own original projects for a 3D printer or a CNC device.
Simon & Schuster Where Are the Children?
New Harbinger Publications Raising Good Humans Guided Journal
For busy, stressed-out parents, it''s easy to lose sight of what matters the most-raising happy, conscientious, and compassionate kids who will grow up to make the world a better place. In the midst of rushing your child out the door in the morning, preparing meals, keeping house-not to mention working-you may feel bogged down, burned out, emotionally drained, and overstressed. And this stress can take a toll on your mental health and your relationship with your kids. What you need is your own space to unwind and reflect on what really matters.Based on the self-help hit Raising Good Humans, this guided journal offers simple writing practices to help you calm your own stress, work through difficult emotions, and set intentions for more mindful parenting. The prompts in this journal will also help you identify and explore your values, and challenge the negative habits you''ve learned from your parents, so you can interact with and respond to your children in more skillfu
Page Street Publishing Co. Master the Art of Manners: Modern-Day Etiquette for Any Situation
Manners matter. How you hold yourself, talk to others and engage with your surroundings can make or break an important relationship. When you meet and interact with new people, there are small, largely unspoken factors - like active listening and emotional attractiveness - that influence how much they trust and connect with you. By learning etiquette in both casual and formal settings, you’ll be able to find deeper, more fulfilling relationships. Learn how to cultivate important skills such as: Introducing Yourself to a Group, Dressing to Visit a Home or Party, Communication Etiquette with Cell Phones and Email, How to Taste, Select, and Pair Wine, Setting the Table for a Formal Dinner, Dress Code for Business Travel Abroad, Interview Etiquette. The best part is that everything builds on itself. By mastering personal etiquette - like learning about the arts, cultural differences and global politics - you’ll notice yourself feeling more comfortable in conversations with strangers. And once you nail down the basics of personal and social communication, knowing what to do in more complicated situations like splitting the check when out to dinner or when having a meeting with colleagues from a different country will feel like a breeze. Stop second guessing yourself, and start operating in the world with the confidence you need to succeed.
Omnidawn Publishing wyrd] bird
In times fraught with ecological and individual loss, Claire Marie Stancek’s wyrd] bird grapples with both the necessity and apparent impossibility of affirming mystical experience. It is at once a book-length lyric essay on the 12th-century German mystic Hildegard of Bingen, a dream journal, a fragmentary notebook, a collection of poems, and a scrapbook of photographic ephemera. Stancek follows Hildegard as she guides the poet through an underworld of climate catastrophe and political violence populated by literary, mythical, and historical figures from Milton’s Eve to the biblical Satan to Keats’s hand. The book deconstructs a Western tradition of good and evil by rereading, cross-questioning, and upsetting some of that tradition’s central poetic texts. By refusing and confusing dualistic logic, wyrd] bird searches for an expression of visionary experience that remains rooted in the body, a mode of questioning that echoes out into further questioning, and a cry of elegiac loss that grips, stubbornly, onto love.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Beginner's Guide to Wheel Throwing: A Complete Course for the Potter's Wheel: Volume 1
“An excellent guide for those aspiring to take up pottery making. […] While nothing can replace hands-on instruction, this book comes close.” ―Library Journal Starred Review Ready, set, throw! If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at the pottery wheel, or if you have ever taken a class and walked away wishing you knew more, you’ve come to the right place.Welcome to the wheel, from artist and instructor Julia Claire Weber. In The Beginner’s Guide to Wheel Throwing, you’ll find all you need to develop the skills (and patience) you need to make your first forms. You’ll start at the beginning of the process with a tour through a typical ceramics studio, a discussion of the best clays for throwing, as well as a variety of centering methods. Then unleash your creativity with the chapters that follow. You’ll find: Starter projects like cups, bowls, and plates to hone your skills. Tutorials on important topics like trimming and handles. A unique decal workshop, unlocking the potential of image transfer. Throughout the book, skill-building is front and center, with tips and tricks to help you crack the code and make pieces you’re proud of. Gallery work from some of today's top artists are sure to inspire potters of all levels. What will you make first? For beginners and those returning to ceramics, the Essential Ceramics Skills series from Quarry Books offer the fundamentals along with fresh, contemporary, and simple projects that build skills progressively.
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. No es un monstruo