Search results for ""de Gruyter""
De Gruyter Illuminating Metalwork: Metal, Object, and Image in Medieval Manuscripts
The presence of gold, silver, and other metals is a hallmark of decorated manuscripts, the very characteristic that makes them “illuminated.” Medieval artists often used metal pigment and leaf to depict metal objects both real and imagined, such as chalices, crosses, tableware, and even idols; the luminosity of these representations contrasted pointedly with the surrounding paints, enriching the page and dazzling the viewer. To elucidate this key artistic tradition, this volume represents the first in-depth scholarly assessment of the depiction of precious-metal objects in manuscripts and the media used to conjure them. From Paris to the Abbasid caliphate, and from Ethiopia to Bruges, the case studies gathered here forge novel approaches to the materiality and pictoriality of illumination. In exploring the semiotic, material, iconographic, and technical dimensions of these manuscripts, the authors reveal the canny ways in which painters generated metallic presence on the page. Illuminating Metalwork is a landmark contribution to the study of the medieval book and its visual and embodied reception, and is poised to be a staple of research in art history and manuscript studies, accessible to undergraduates and specialists alike.
De Gruyter Divining Gospel: Oracles of Interpretation in a Syriac Manuscript of John
Ancient manuscripts of John’s Gospel containing hermeneiai have long puzzled scholars, provoking debate about their origins, purpose, and use. The fragmentary nature of the early evidence has impeded progress towards a better understanding of these specialized books. The present study shows that these books are "Divining Gospels"—editions of John’s Gospel incorporating lot divination materials for use in fortune-telling. The study centers on material presented here for the first time: the text and translation of a unique sixth-century Syriac manuscript, the earliest and most complete example of a hermeneia Gospel. An analysis of the Syriac along with evidence from Greek, Coptic, Latin, and Armenian versions show they all preserve vestiges of the same apparatus, disseminated widely at an early time throughout many different Christian communities. These books must be situated squarely within the development of divinatory practices in early and late antique Christianity. However, they represent a true hermeneutic, a method by which interpreters brought the potency of the Bible to bear on the everyday concerns of people who consulted them for help. Furthermore, the Divining Gospel draws on the special aura that John’s Gospel held in the Christian imagination, both as text and as textual object. An analysis of the interplay between the biblical text and sacred codex, the oracles, the ritual practitioner, and the client enrich our appreciation of this distinctive hermeneutic. Contextualizing these materials in popular use illuminates the fraught relationships between the ecclesial establishment, ritual experts operating on the margins of orthodox respectability, and lay clients seeking knowledge and help.
de Gruyter Nietzsches Gods
De Gruyter Confucius and Cicero: Old Ideas for a New World, New Ideas for an Old World
This book explores the relationships between ancient Roman and Confucian thought, paying particular attention to their relevance for the contemporary world. More than 10 scholars from all around the world offer thereby a reference work for the comparative research between Roman (and early Greek) and Eastern thought, setting new trends in the panorama of Classical and Comparative Studies.
De Gruyter Selbst Philosophieren: Ein Methodenbuch
de Gruyter VW
De Gruyter Tur - Valldosera
De Gruyter The Autotrophic Biorefinery: Raw Materials from Biotechnology
The depletion of fossil resources and an ever-growing human population create an increasing demand for the development of sustainable processes for the utilization of renewable resources. As autotrophic microorganisms offer numerous metabolic pathways for the fixation of carbon dioxide and the metabolic utilization of light, electricity and inorganic energy donors, they are expected to play a pivotal role in an emerging carbon neutral society. This text-book presents the metabolic principles of autotrophy and current efforts for their utilization in biotechnology, including photoautotrophic, chemolithoautotrophic and electroautotrophic organisms. It outlines how modern molecular biology and process engineering create technologies that allow to use industrial off-gases and inorganic energy for the synthesis of bio-based plastics, materials and other chemical products. The text-book is ideally suited for students in advanced graduate and master courses and offers a reference for PhD students, engineers, chemists, biologists and all with an interests in biotechnology and renewable resources.
De Gruyter §§ 8-20; § 23 Geschgehg; Register
De Gruyter Children by Choice?: Changing Values, Reproduction, and Family Planning in the 20th Century
During the 20th century, medico-technical advances such as the invention of the latex condom (1930), the arrival of the contraceptive pill on the free market (1960/61) and the birth of the first child conceived by in vitro fertilization (1978) contributed to the fact that in Europe and the USA, the planning, conceiving and making of children was increasingly perceived as a matter of individual and collective decision-making. Especially since mid-century, these societies underwent profound political, economic and cultural evolutions. In the realm of human reproduction the relationship between the possible, the desirable, and the permitted had to be continually renegotiated. This volume examines in nine chapters how thinking, speaking and acting changed with regards to reproduction and family planning throughout the modern and post-modern period. Applying an international comparative perspective, the study specifically focuses on the role of value changes underlying these transformation processes.
De Gruyter 2016
De Gruyter 2016
De Gruyter De Musica
This is the first critical edition of all six books of Augustine's De musica. Originally meant as part of a series of treatises on the liberal arts, it is especially important because of its presentation of metrics. Book six offers a theological discussion of perception based on the concept of numerus ("rhythm"). Thus, De musica is a fascinating document of Augustine's intellectual development from secular learning to Christian philosophy.
De Gruyter Mechanik
de Gruyter Briefwechsel 1809-1810: (Briefe 3021-3560)
De Gruyter Kommentar
de Gruyter Über Das Gebet
De Gruyter Elemente Der Narratologie
De Gruyter Approaching the Ancient Artifact: Representation, Narrative, and Function
This volume consists consists of forty contributions written by an internationally renowned selection of scholars. The authors adopt an interdisciplinary methodology, examining both literary and archaeological sources, and a comparative perspective that transgresses national, chronological, and cultural boundaries, in order to investigate the nature of the links between text and image. This multifaceted approach to the study of ancient artifacts enables the authors to treat art and artistic production as activities that do not merely mirror social or cultural relationships but rather, and more significantly, as activities that create social and cultural relationships. The essays in this book are motivated by their authors' belief that there is no simple direct link between art and myths, art and text, or art and ritual, and that art should not be delegated to the role of a by-product of a literate culture. Instead, the contextual and symbolic analyses of artifacts and representations offered in this volume elucidate how art actively shaped myth, how it changed texts, how it transformed ritual, and how it altered the course of local, regional, and Mediterranean histories.
De Gruyter An Introduction to Surfactants
Surfactants are surface active agents, molecules that have a significant role in emulsions, suspensions, and foams. They find widespread application in personal care, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and the food industry. The main objective of this graduate level textbook is to present an overview of the classification, physical properties, phase behavior, their effects and applications of surfactants, e.g. as emulsifiers, foam stabilizer, in nano- and microemulsions and as wetting agents.
De Gruyter Plots, Designs, and Schemes: American Conspiracy Theories from the Puritans to the Present
Plots, Designs, and Schemes is the first study that investigates the long history of American conspiracy theories from the perspective of literary and cultural studies. Since research in these fields has so far almost exclusively focused on the contemporary period, the book concentrates on the time before 1960. Four detailed case studies offer close readings of the Salem witchcraft crisis of 1692, fears of Catholic invasion during the 1830s to 1850s, antebellum conspiracy theories about slavery, and anxieties about Communist subversion during the 1950s. The study primarily engages with factual texts, such as sermons, pamphlets, political speeches, and confessional narratives, but it also analyzes how fears of conspiracy were dramatized and negotiated in fictional texts, such as Nathaniel Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown (1835) or Hermann Melville's Benito Cereno (1855). The book offers three central insights: 1. The American predilection for conspiracy theorizing can be traced back to the co-presence and persistence of a specific epistemological paradigm that relates all effects to intentional human action, the ideology of republicanism, and the Puritan heritage. 2. Until far into the twentieth century, conspiracy theories were considered a perfectly legitimate form of knowledge. As such, they shaped how many Americans, elites as well as “common” people, understood and reacted to historical events. The Revolutionary War and the Civil War would not have occurred without widespread conspiracy theories. 3. Although most extant research claims the opposite, conspiracy theories have never been as marginal and unimportant as in the past decades. Their disqualification as stigmatized knowledge only occurred around 1960, and coincided with a shift from theories that detect conspiracies directed against the government to conspiracies by the government.
de Gruyter Spinnen. a - Tiergarten
De Gruyter Medical Physics: Exercises and Examples
This textbookcontains acomprehensive collection of exercises in medical physics with numerous illustrations – ideally suited for teaching and learning. Introductory sections summarize contents and learning targets of each chapter.
De Gruyter Das Begrenzte Papsttum: Spielräume Päpstlichen Handelns. Legaten - Delegierte Richter - Grenzen
De Gruyter Algebra: Einführung in Die Galoistheorie
De Gruyter Nematoda
This section of the Handbook of Zoology is intended as a comprehensive and exhaustive account of the biology of the taxa Gastrotricha, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Priapulida, Kinorhyncha, Loricifera, Gnathostomulida, Micrognathozoa, Rotifera, Seisonida and Acanthocephala, covering all relevant topics such as morphology, ecology, phylogeny and diversity. The series is intended to be a detailed and up-to-date account of these taxa. As was the case with the first edition, the Handbook is intended to serve as a reliable resource for decades. Many of the taxa of this volume are comparatively unknown to many biologists, despite their diversity and importance for example in meiofaunal communities (Gastrotricha, Rotifera, Gnathostomulida), their fascinating recent discoveries (Loricifera and Micrognathozoa), their importance as parasites (many nematodes, Nematomorpha, Acanthocephala) and their importance for evolutionary questions (e.g. Priapulida, Gastrotricha). The groups covered range from those poor in species (such as Micrognathozoa with 2 known species) to the species-rich and diverse Nematoda and their ca. 20.000 described species. While each taxon is covered by one chapter, nematodes are treated in several chapters dedicated to their structural, taxonomic and ecological diversity.
De Gruyter Morphology and Systematics: Phytophaga
This book is the third volume in the Handbook of Zoology series which treats the systematics and biology of Coleoptera. With approximately 350,000 described species, Coleoptera are by far the most species-rich order of insects and the largest group of animals of comparable geological age. This third Coleoptera volume completes the Morphology and Systematics volumes with 43 chapters and covers one of the largest radiations of beetles, the mainly plant-feeding Phytophaga, with information on world distribution, biology, morphology of all life stages (including anatomy), phylogeny and comments on taxonomy.
De Gruyter Anatol: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe
Nach Lieutenant Gustl (2011) erscheint mit Anatol der zweite Band der historisch-kritischen Ausgabe von Arthur Schnitzlers Frühwerk. Er enthält die Faksimiles der Manuskripte zu den sieben Einaktern in der Reihenfolge ihres Entstehens. Diese frühen Fassungen unterscheiden sich zum Teil noch beträchtlich von der späteren Textgestalt im Zyklus. Das Gegenüber von Original und präziser Transkription macht die Entzifferung von Schnitzlers berüchtigt schwer lesbarer Handschrift nachprüfbar. Der Lesetext folgt der Erstausgabe des Zyklus. Darüber hinaus enthält der Band zum Teil erstmals publizierte Texte ‑ Einakter, Prosatexte und Gedichte ‑ aus dem Umfeld des Entstehungsprozesses, die über die Anatol-Figur oder durch thematische Bezüge mit dem Zyklus verbunden sind. Der Band wird erschlossen durch editorische Apparate, einen literaturwissenschaftlichen Kommentar sowie einen ausführlichen Editionsbericht. Die Ausgabe erlaubt damit erstmals Einblicke in die komplexe Werkgenese dieses Einakterzyklus, der Arthur Schnitzlers Ruhm begründete.
De Gruyter Pseudodifferential and Singular Integral Operators: An Introduction with Applications
This textbook provides a self-contained and elementary introduction to the modern theory of pseudodifferential operators and their applications to partial differential equations. In the first chapters, the necessary material on Fourier transformation and distribution theory is presented. Subsequently the basic calculus of pseudodifferential operators on the n-dimensional Euclidean space is developed. In order to present the deep results on regularity questions for partial differential equations, an introduction to the theory of singular integral operators is given - which is of interest for its own. Moreover, to get a wide range of applications, one chapter is devoted to the modern theory of Besov and Bessel potential spaces. In order to demonstrate some fundamental approaches and the power of the theory, several applications to wellposedness and regularity question for elliptic and parabolic equations are presented throughout the book. The basic notation of functional analysis needed in the book is introduced and summarized in the appendix. The text is comprehensible for students of mathematics and physics with a basic education in analysis.
De Gruyter Schleime - Seitter
De Gruyter Rimpl - Rover
De Gruyter Jeraj - Jur'ev
De Gruyter Argument and Rhetoric: Adverbial Connectors in the History of English
The book is the first corpus-based study giving a comprehensive overview of English items which have been used as adverbial connectors ('conjuncts', 'linking adverbials'), from Old English to Present-Day English. The author analyses different characteristics of the make-up, functions and use of connectives, and considers morphological and syntactic factors as well as pragmatic, textlinguistic and socio-cultural aspects.
De Gruyter English Linguistics: A Coursebook for Students of English
The book introduces the reader to the central areas of English linguistics. The main sections are: the English language and linguistics - sounds - meaning-carrying units - sentences: models of grammar - meaning - utterances - variation. Notably, the book is written from a foreign student's perspective of the English language, i.e. aspects relevant to foreign language teaching receive particular attention. A great deal of emphasis is put on the insights to be gained from the analysis of corpora, especially with respect to the idiomatic character of language (idiom principle, valency approach). In addition, the text offers basic facts about the history of the language and elaborates on the differences between British and American English. The author demonstrates that a linguistic fact can usually be described in more than one way. To this end, each section contains a chapter written for beginners providing a broad outline and introducing the basic terminology. The remaining chapters in each section highlight linguistic facts in more detail and give an idea of how particular theories account for them. The book can be used both from the first semester onwards and as perfect study aid for final B.A.-examinations.
De Gruyter Wörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
The Learner's Dictionary of German is truly a dictionary for learning. Students have all the vocabulary they need for everyday communication at their fingertips. Learn the language using the clear, easy to understand definition of each entry; the many phrases and examples of usage which show the word and its meaning in its correct context; the numerous comments on peculiarities and rules; the details on the correct pronounciation of each entry. Expand vocabulary by using synonyms and antonyms; individual entries give further referral to related words and expressions; learning how the single entries are related to their word families.
De Gruyter Sprachgeschichte. 2. Teilband