Search results for ""de Gruyter""
de Gruyter Biolubricants
de Gruyter Netz Und Werk
De Gruyter Inspecting the Interview
De Gruyter Wissen Über Ungewisses: Politische Berater Und Die Spätmittelalterlichen Kreuzzugspläne (1274-1336)
de Gruyter Aulularia Sive Querolus
De Gruyter Charité-Compendium Gynäkologie
de Gruyter Operational Energy
de Gruyter Exiting Violence
de Gruyter Learning Languages Being Social
de Gruyter Indexicality
de Gruyter Biopolymer Conjugates
De Gruyter Innovative Nursing Care: Education and Research
Higher life expectancy on a global level requires complex nursing care as poor education and a lack of knowledge can lead to mistakes. There is a need for nurses who can provide high quality and advanced nursing practice. A mix of well-grounded education and innovative research is needed, where the first provides an understanding of best nursing practice care delivery and the second helps nurses determine best practices and improve nursing care.
de Gruyter Dynamics of Discrete Group Action
de Gruyter Product and Process Design
de Gruyter Enigma in Rus and Medieval Slavic Cultures
De Gruyter Länder
De Gruyter Handbook of Energy Law in the Low-Carbon Transition
The low-carbon transition is ongoing everywhere. This Handbook, written by a group of senior and junior scholars from six continents and nineteen countries, explores the legal pathways of decarbonisation in the energy sector. What emerges is a composite picture. There are many roadblocks, but also a lot of legal innovation. The volume distils the legal knowledge which should help move forward the transition. Questions addressed include the differences between the decarbonization strategies of developed and developing countries, the pace of the transition, the management of multi-level governance systems, the pros and cons of different policy instruments, the planning of low-carbon infrastructures, the roles and meanings of energy justice. The Handbook can be drawn upon by legal scholars to compare decarbonisation pathways in several jurisdictions. Non-legal scholars can find information to be included in transition theories and decarbonization scenarios. Policymakers can discover contextual factors that should be taken into account when deciding how to support the transition.
De Gruyter Jewish Life and Culture in Germany after 1945: Sacred Spaces, Objects and Musical Traditions
How was the re-emerging Jewish religious practice after 1945 shaped by traditions before the Shoah? To what extent was it influenced by new inspirations through migration and new cultural contacts? By analysing objects like prayer books, musical instruments, Torah scrolls, audio documents and prayer rooms, this volume shows how the post-war communities created new Jewish musical, architectural and artistic forms while abiding by the tradition. This peer-reviewed volume presents contributions to the conference „Jewish communities in Germany in Transition", held in July 2021, as well as the results of a related research project carried out by two university institutions and two museums: the Bet Tfila – Research Unit for Jewish Architecture (Technische Universität Braunschweig), the European Center for Jewish Music (Hanover University for Music, Drama and Media), the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum, and the Jewish Museum Augsburg Swabia. For the first time, post war synagogues in Germany and their objects were researched on a broad and interdisciplinary basis – regarding history of architecture, art history of their furniture and ritual objects as well as liturgy and musicology. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) during the years 2018 to 2021 in its funding line „The Language of Objects".
de Gruyter Manual of Romance Word Classes
De Gruyter Acetylsalicylic Acid
Written by a leading expert on Aspirin-related research, this is the most comprehensive treaty of the history, pharmacological effects and clinical applications of one of the most successful drugs ever. The text is written with a wide audience in mind and to be readily understandable for clinicians, pharmacists, biomedical researchers and pharmacologists alike. This third completely revised edition contains the latest results of clinical and pharmacological research on Acetylsalicylic acid, addressing the multiple pharmacological properties of this famous drug with a balanced view on their translation into clinical practice, including prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, thromboinflammation and colorectal cancer.
De Gruyter 2021
de Gruyter Physikalische Chemie Kapieren
De Gruyter Theodor Herzl’s Zionist Journey – Exodus and Return
This book provides in-depth investigation into the secret of Theodor Herzl’s success in changing the fate of the Jewish People. More than a biography, the book delves deep into Herzl’s personality and physique, which left a deep impression on his followers and opposers alike. The book traces Herzl’s transformation from a newspaper editor and playwright into a man of vision and action, the star in a drama he could never write for the stage.
De Gruyter Religious Responses to Modernity
The dawn of the modern age posed challenges to all of the world’s religions – and since then, religions have countered with challenges to modernity. In Religious Responses to Modernity, seven leading scholars from Germany and Israel explore specific instances of the face-off between religious thought and modernity, in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.As co-editor Christoph Markschies remarks in his Foreword, it may seem almost trivial to say that different religions, and the various currents within them, have reacted in very different ways to the “multiple modernities” described by S.N. Eisenstadt. However, things become more interesting when the comparative perspective leads us to discover surprising similarities. Disparate encounters are connected by their transnational or national perspectives, with the one side criticizing in the interest of rationality as a model of authorization, and the other presenting revelation as a critique of a depraved form of rationality. The thoughtful essays presented herein, by Simon Gerber, Johannes Zachhuber, Jonathan Garb, Rivka Feldhay, Paul Mendes-Flohr, Israel Gershoni and Christoph Schmidt, provide a counterweight to the popularity of some all-too-simplified models of modernization.
De Gruyter Jacob Böhme in Three Worlds: The Reception in Central-Eastern Europe, the Netherlands, and Britain
Jacob Böhme (1575–1624) has been recognized as one of the internationally most influential German authors of the Early Modern period. Even today, his writings continue to impact fields as diverse as literature, philosophy, religion and art. Yet Böhme and his reception remain understudied. As a lay author, his works were often suppressed and circulated underground. Borrowing Böhme’s idea of “three worlds” or planes of existence, this volume traces the transmission of his thought through three stations: from his first underground readers in Central and Eastern Europe, to the Netherlands, where most of his writings were first published, to Britain, where early translations made him a popular author for generations to come. Drawing on the work of both established and younger researchers from around the world, this volume charts new territory. It fills many lacunae and reveals a number of exciting discoveries, especially regarding the production and diffusion of manuscripts and previously overlooked sites of engagement. This book will be of interest to a wide range of scholars interested in the development of philosophical, religious, literary and artistic thought from the 17th century to the present day.
De Gruyter Sino-British Negotiations and the Search for a Post-War Settlement, 1942–1949: Treaties, Hong Kong, and Tibet
The book is a systematic study of the China-Britain relationship during the 1942–1949 period with a particular focus on the two countries’ discussions over both the 1943 Sino-British treaty and the discarded Sino-British commercial treaty, the future of Hong Kong, and the political status of Tibet. These were dominated by two underlying themes: the elimination of the British imperialist position in China and the establishment of an equal and reciprocal bilateral relationship. The negotiations started promisingly in 1942–1943, but, by 1949, had failed to reach a satisfactory settlement. Behind the failure lay a complex set of domestic considerations and external factors, including the powerful infl uence of the United States. Even after seven decades, the failure still has a contemporary impact. Recent Sino-British disputes over the Hong Kong Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement and incessant Indo-Chinese confl icts and skirmishes over their unsettled borders all attest to the enduring legacy of the years 1942–1949 as setting the scene for subsequent Sino-British and Sino-Indian relations. From this perspective, the history has never left us.
De Gruyter “Who Am I to Judge?”: Homosexuality and the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church still takes an ambivalent stance toward homosexuality, declaring that homosexuals should be respected and not discriminated against while morally condemning their intimate relationships. This volume presents exegetical, theological, and ethical arguments as well as evidence from the human sciences to advocate for the recognition of homosexuality as a natural variant of the human capacities to love and to form relationships.
De Gruyter Spätmittelalter Und Renaissance
De Gruyter Nothingness, Negativity, and Nominalism in Shakespeare and Petrarch
Being exposed to the Nominalist expansion in early modernity, Petrarch and Shakespeare are highly preoccupied with a Nominalist dimension of language and representation. Against this background, the study shows how these Renaissance poets advanced a special notion of subjectivity and identity as rooted in negativity, otherness, and representation. The book thus argues for a new understanding of negative modes of subjectivity in Petrarch and Shakespeare. A new and sharpened understanding emerging from an interpretation of Francesco Petrarch’s notion of exile and of love in his great poetical cycle Rerum vulgarium fragmenta as well as a meticulous examination of the concept of nothingness in William Shakespeare’s works. Petrarch and Shakespeare poetically show how identity is alien and decentred – yet also free and expanding. In other words, these poets illustrate how subjectivity is constituted by heterogeneity. Moreover, pointing to other examples of this negative subjectivity in Renaissance philosophy and poetry, the study suggests that these models for subjectivity could be extended to other early modern writers.
De Gruyter Internet of Things and Machine Learning in Agriculture: Technological Impacts and Challenges
Agriculture is one of the most fundamental human activities. As the farming capacity has expanded, the usage of resources such as land, fertilizer, and water has grown exponentially, and environmental pressures from modern farming techniques have stressed natural landscapes. Still, by some estimates, worldwide food production needs to increase to keep up with global food demand. Machine Learning and the Internet of Things can play a promising role in the Agricultural industry, and help to increase food production while respecting the environment. This book explains how these technologies can be applied, offering many case studies developed in the research world.
De Gruyter Poland September 1939 – July 1941
Executive editor: Klaus-Peter Friedrich; English-language edition prepared by: Elizabeth Harvey, Russell Alt-Haaker, Johannes Gamm, Georg Felix Harsch, Dorothy Mas, and Caroline Pearce This volume, the first of three in the series focusing on the persecution and murder of the Jews in occupied Poland, documents the developments from the attack on Poland in September 1939 up to July 1941. It covers the territories of western and northern Poland annexed to the Reich as well as the General Government. With the attack on Poland, around two million Polish Jews came under German rule. Jews were immediately subjected to stigmatization and humiliation, exposed to arbitrary acts of violence, deprived of their livelihoods, subjected to forced labour and forcibly displaced. In July 1940, a report by representatives of Polish Jews on the situation in the annexed territories of Poland sent to the US embassy in Berlin described a ‘downcast, stigmatized Jewish population’, terrorized and powerless in face of displacement, expulsions and the increasing incarceration of the Jewish population in ghettos, and it predicted that ‘the process of destruction is not yet complete’. The volume documents the drive by the occupiers systematically to confiscate the property of the Polish Jews, and the different, often chaotic and conflicting strategies for displacing Jews in the annexed territories and in the General Government. The volume shows a range of reactions by the non-Jewish population of Poland to the escalating persecution of the Polish Jews. It also shows the efforts by Jewish organizations to publicize their plight abroad, to withstand the onslaught on their communities and to manage daily life in the increasingly desperate conditions of the ghettos. Learn more about the PMJ on
De Gruyter Western and Northern Europe June 1942–1945
Executive editors: Katja Happe, Barbara Lambauer, and Clemens Maier-Wolthausen, with Maja Peers; English-language edition prepared by: Elizabeth Harvey, Johannes Gamm, Georg Felix Harsch, Dorothy Mas, and Caroline Pearce In summer 1942 the Germans escalated the systematic deportations of Jews from Western and Northern Europe to the extermination camps. In most of the countries under German control, the occupying forces initially focused on arresting foreign and stateless Jews, thereby securing the cooperation of local authorities. However, before long the entire Jewish population was targeted for deportation. This volume documents the parallels and differences in the persecution of Jews in occupied Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France in the period from summer 1942 to liberation; it records the implementation of the systematic deportation and murder of Jews from Western and Northern Europe, and it also records the rescue of more than 5,000 Danish Jews. In letters and diary entries the persecuted Jews describe their attempts to flee, life in hiding, the transit camps, and deportation transports that often took several days. In Westerbork camp in the occupied Netherlands, Bob Cahen, himself an inmate, recorded in his diary the arrival in the camp of 17,000 Jews from across the Netherlands in October 1942: ‘People arrived here herded like livestock. Some were buried beneath their luggage, others without any possessions at all, not even properly dressed. Women in poor health who had been hauled out of bed in thin nightgowns, children in undergarments and barefoot, the elderly, the ill, the infirm – more and more new people came to the camp.’ The sources in the volume show how the perpetrators attempted to dupe their victims regarding the destination of the transports, and how Jewish organizations attempted to alleviate the suffering of the deportees. The documents additionally illustrate how the resistance movement gained momentum during this period. Learn more about the PMJ on
De Gruyter Solid State Physics
This highly regarded textbook provides a general introduction to solid state physics. It covers a wide range of physical phenomena occurring in solids and discusses fundamental concepts for describing them. Traditional themes are complimented by modern topics, like low dimensional systems, strongly correlated materials, nanoscale systems and non-crystalline solids, which are gaining increasing technical and scientific importance. Helpful for exam preparation are numerous exercises in all chapters.
De Gruyter Polyketides and Steroids
De Gruyter The Albergo Diffuso Model: Community-based hospitality for a sustained competitive advantage
The hospitality model called "Albergo Diffuso" (AD), or "scattered hotel," has been engneered by Mr Giancarlo Dall'Ara and described by The New York Times as a way of bringing life back to historic towns and rural hamlets by utilizing unused rooms for tourism. This "simple but genial" model devised in Italy in the mid-90's received an award from the UNDP for its sustainability, but despite the spread of AD's, no peer-reviewed books have previously been published in English focusing on this innovation. In this book, the author therefore begins by exploring the AD as a community-based hospitality model, examining both its pros and cons. He then considers conviviality, sense of security, and other factors that Hans Magnus Enzensberger referred to as luxuries of our time for urban dwellers. These represent the key pre-requisites a location must possess to be deemed suitable for this innovation. Next, investors and co-interested private, public and not-for-profit associations are provided with a structured framework to help them achieve a defensible competitive advantage by harnessing the economic potential of valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable (VRIN) resources. The final section assesses the AD as a business model, evaluating various aspects at the heart of any business plan.
De Gruyter Poets Laureate in the Holy Roman Empire: A Bio-bibliographical Handbook. Volume 5: Supplement
Between 1355 and 1806 the title of Poet Laureate was bestowed on around 1500 persons in the territories of the Holy Roman Empire. In some cases the title was conferred by the Emperor himself, on his own initiative or in response to a petitioner. In others the title was granted by a count palatine acting upon the Emperor's behalf, but an even larger number had the title bestowed on them by various German universities exercising this privilege under the Emperor's authority.The lives and publications of 1340 of these poets were detailed in the four-volume Poets Laureate in the Holy Roman Empire: A Bio-bibliographical Handbook published in 2006. This supplementary volume provides similar information about some 130 further poets who have come to light since that work was published. Furthermore, it updates, augments and - where necessary - corrects details relating to the poets covered in the previous volumes. In particular, it includes extensive new information about the two dozen women poets who were laureated in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Poets Laureate in the Holy Roman Empire: A Bio-bibliographical Handbook, Volume 1–4 is still available for purchase.