Search results for ""Author Anne""
Octopus Publishing Group The Ayurveda Kitchen: Transform your kitchen into a sanctuary for health - with 80 perfectly balanced recipes
'Anne Heigham has brought the ancient, timeless wisdom of Ayurveda into these energizing recipes that nourish the doshas.Anne Heigham has brought the ancient, timeless wisdom of Ayurveda into these energizing recipes that nourish the doshas.' Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, Ayurvedic Physician'Let food be your first medicine and the kitchen your first pharmacy.' Taittiriya UpanishadBy using the principles of Ayurveda, which is one of the fastest growing health practices, and a little vision, transform your kitchen into a space that nourishes your body, mind and soul.With this beautiful introduction to Ayurveda, learn how to use your kitchen as a natural pharmacy to improve your health and prevent imbalances with key Ayurvedic ingredients, 80 perfectly balanced vegetarian recipes and simple home remedies. Ayurveda aims to bring health back into balance, nourishing agni (metabolic fire) and prana (life force), while clearing ama (metabolic waste or 'sludge'). Just imagine fresh, vibrant herbs growing, seeds sprouting and pickles fermenting. Discover how to perform a kitchen sadhana at the beginning of each season, mix your own spice blends and balance recipes according to what you need and how you feel.Sections include:Introduction to AyurvedaAyurveda and seasonal eatingThe kitchen pharmacyRecipes from the Ayurveda kitchenRecipes include:Sweet potato and pea tortillaNourishing spiced pumpkin soupRefuelling rice and red lentil ballsCarrot and beetroot celebration cake
Transworld Publishers Ltd Three Women and a Boat: A BBC Radio 2 Book Club Title
Tender and humorous novel of second chances and life-changing new friendship for fans of Rachel Joyce, Clare Chambers and Barbara Pym'Life-affirming and funny' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING'Anne Youngson's witty and elegant novel is a celebration of friendship and a timely reminder that it is never too late to take on a life-changing new challenge' DAILY MAILMeet Eve, who has departed from her thirty-year career to become a Free Spirit; Sally, who has waved goodbye to her indifferent husband and two grown-up children; and Anastasia, a defiantly independent narrowboat-dweller, suddenly vulnerable as she awaits a life-saving operation.Inexperienced and ill-equipped, Sally and Eve embark upon a journey through the canals of England, guided by the remote and unsympathetic Anastasia. As they glide gently - and not so gently - through the countryside, the eccentricities and challenges of canalboat life draw them inexorably together, and a tender and unforgettable story unfolds. Disarmingly truthful and narrated with a rare wit, THREE WOMEN AND A BOAT is a journey over the glorious waterways of England and into the unfathomable depths of the human heart by an inspirational new talent now in her seventies.**********What customers are saying:'Moving, tender and just a balm for the soul' *****'Perfect for those in need of an uplifting read' ****'A warm and enjoyable read' *****
Hachette Children's Group The Naughtiest Girl: Naughtiest Girl Wants To Win: Book 9
In Enid Blyton's bestselling series, the Naughtiest Girl and her friends make their own rules at their very unusual boarding school.In book nine, Elizabeth is furious when Kerry, new girl and young actress, becomes head girl over the obvious choice, her friend Emma. Elizabeth is convinced that all the seniors have been swayed by Kerry's acting skills.How will Elizabeth prove that the real Kerry is a nasty piece of work without looking like the troublemaker herself? Between 1940 and 1952, Enid Blyton wrote four novels about Naughtiest Girl, Elizabeth Allen. Books 5-10 are authorised sequels of the series written by Anne Digby in 1999. Bonus material: A rare, complete serial story about a very special school. An interview with Enid Blyton about her school days. Enid Blyton's experiences as a teacher. A timeline of the author's life. Photos from Enid Blyton's younger days.
Hachette Children's Group The Naughtiest Girl: Naughtiest Girl Saves The Day: Book 7
In Enid Blyton's bestselling school series Elizabeth Allen is sent away to boarding school and makes up her mind to be the naughtiest pupil there's ever been.In book seven, the school's strawberry plants are vandalised and a lost blazer button at the scene of the crime leads straight to the Naughtiest Girl. It is hers, but how did it get there - and why would anyone want to pin the blame on Elizabeth?Between 1940 and 1952, Enid Blyton wrote four novels about Naughtiest Girl, Elizabeth Allen. Books 5-10 are authorised sequels of the series written by Anne Digby in 1999. Bonus material:A rare, complete serial story about a very special school.An interview with Enid Blyton about her school days.Enid Blyton's experiences as a teacher.A timeline of the author's life.Photos from Enid Blyton's younger days.
Hachette Children's Group The Naughtiest Girl: Naughtiest Girl Keeps A Secret: Book 5
In Enid Blyton's bestselling school series Elizabeth Allen is sent away to boarding school and makes up her mind to be the naughtiest pupil there's ever been.In book five, Elizabeth intends never to be naughty again. But when John entrusts her with his secret, the naughtiest girl finds herself in deeper trouble than ever...Between 1940 and 1952, Enid Blyton wrote four novels about Naughtiest Girl, Elizabeth Allen. Books 5-10 are authorised sequels of the series written by Anne Digby in 1999.Bonus material:A rare, complete serial story about a very special school.An interview with Enid Blyton about her school days.Enid Blyton's experiences as a teacher.A timeline of the author's life.Photos from Enid Blyton's younger days.
Headline Publishing Group Through Rose-Coloured Glasses: A compelling saga of love, loss and dangerous secrets
A whirlwind romance changes a young woman's life forever... Anne Baker writes a spellbinding saga in Through Rose-Coloured Glasses, in which a young woman's rash decision leads her into new dangers. Perfect for fans of Lyn Andrews and Nadine Dorries.Dinah Radcliffe doesn't have much money to spend on the finer things in life, but she shares a contented existence with her mother, Sarah. They have seen their share of troubles since Dinah's father was killed in the Great War, but the Radcliffes have always made the best of things. When Dinah meets widowed businessman Richard Haldane at the races, her life changes beyond recognition. Richard sweeps Dinah off her feet, dazzling her with a glimpse of wealth and privilege beyond her wildest dreams, and they are married in a matter of weeks. But Richard is not the man Dinah thought he was. Soon, she's learning that money can't buy you happiness. And that she's married to a man who takes far more dangerous risks than just betting on his horses... What readers are saying about Through Rose-Coloured Glasses: 'Now this book I really could not put down. It had everything that makes a good book. As well as a really good story there was mystery and twists and turns throughout. I empathised with the main character almost immediately but there were so many times when I wondered if my sympathies were with the right person. A really intriguing story from a first-rate author''I found this book absolutely brilliant and hard to put down! The plot was very well written and flowed well from the beginning, and I can honestly say there wasn't a part that I disliked ...I would recommend this book to all my friends!'
Little, Brown Book Group The Ripple Effect: Finding inner peace and harmony
The Ripple Effect is based on simple principles for a fulfilling and empowering life. As we take responsibility for ourselves, improve our self-esteem, heal our emotions and release our anxieties, we become happier with ourselves and our world. And as we achieve this happiness and peace of mind for oursevles, we find it positively affects those around us. Using easy-to-follow teachniques, popular healer Anne Jones teaches you how to awaken your sense of your own value and worth and how to find inner harmony.You will learn how to:* Turn your dreams into reality * Rediscover the spiritual truths that still hold good and translate them to meet your own needs * Find a balance between the demands of family and work * Get back to basics and rediscover the beauty of 'truth' - and how to use it in your everyday life
Bonnier Books Ltd The Theatre of Glass and Shadows
'Marvellous' Bridget Collins, The Sunday Times bestselling author of The BindingSometimes the greatest spectacle hides the darkest secrets .
U.S. Games The Phoenix Cards
Walker Books Ltd Angelo and Angelina the Christmas Angels
A warm and festive tale about the special friendships that blossom when the magic of Christmas is in the air.Angelo and Angelina were two toy angels.Angelo was the bigger angel, Angelina the little one.Mrs Lovely got them in her stocking when she was just a little girl.Angelo and Angelina spend a lifetime with Mrs Lovely, observing the magic and joy of Christmas from her windowsill. But when Mrs Lovely gets older, she spends more time on her own and it's then that Angelo and Angelina must use their magic to look out for her too, with the help of a special little neighbour.A warm and magical story that celebrates community and the true meaning of Christmas, with beautiful, atmospheric illustrations throughout. The perfect tale to read aloud together on a cosy Christmas night.
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group Queen Victoria and Her Prime Ministers
University of Pittsburgh Press Natures Registry
A new addition to the University of Pittsburgh Press''s Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century series.
MD - Duke University Press Technologies of the Gendered Body Reading Cyborg Women
From female body building to virtual reality, from cosmetic surgery to cyberpunk, from reproductive medicine to public health policies to TV science programs, this book articulates the key issues concerning the status of the body for feminist cultural studies in a postmodern world.
Oxford University Press Mental Health Nursing Skills 2e
Pearson Education Making a Difference with Nursing Research
Prh Grupo Editorial La Biblia Ilustrada The Illustrated Bible
University of Tartu Press Being a Young Citizen in Estonia: An Exploration of Young People's Civic and Media Experiences
Robinbook La Flauta Mágica
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La prueba del ángel / Of Love and Evil
Debolsillo La villa de las telas
Has cubierto mi desnudezespiritualidad
Un libro en el que se nos enseña a vivir sin juzgar y sin tener miedo. Un libro que aborda lo que nos avergüenza, lo que no corresponde a la imagen de Dios en nosotros. Un libro para vivir en libertad, tras las huellas de los grandes personajes bíblicos cuya desnudez real, moral o psicológica ha sido cubierta por túnicas, mantos y paños de lino: formas textiles de la misericordia ilimitada de Dios.La descripción que hace la Biblia del Dios que se encuentra con la vergüenza humana no es la del que condena o acusa, sino la del que restaura. Al revestir a Adán y Eva con túnicas de piel tras la caída, los rehabilita, cubriendo lo que no se corresponde a su imagen y semejanza.Pero esa no será la única vez que Dios nos dé una túnica para cubrir cuanto nos sonroja. Jesús, en la revelación suprema de la cruz, nos deja una túnica sin costuras, que no será rasgada. Es la herencia que, cubriendo nuestra culpa, nos devuelve la plena condición de hijos amados con ternura sin fin.Siguiendo el hilo d
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La postal / The Postcard
Editorial Lumen El hilo azul
Una novela sobre los lazos familiares construida con el mejor estilo de Anne Tyler (Pulitzer 1989), que muestra lo mejor y lo peor de nosotros mismos.Lo importante no es saber cuánto amas a alguien,sino quién eres tú cuando estás con esa persona.Anne TylerTodas las familias guardan secretos, incluso las que parecen perfectas. Los Whitshank no son una excepción a esa regla, pero quiénes son realmente los Whitshank? Pues una familia de clase media americana afincada en Baltimore desde 1920. A simple vista, parecen un clan unido por el afecto y la solidaridad. Sin embargo, pronto descubriremos que en el retrato que hacen de sí mismos solo aparece una parte de la fotografía.Era una hermosa tarde amarilla y verde, y soplaba una suave brisa... Así es como Abby comienza siempre a relatar cómo se enamoró de Red Whitshank. Pero eso fue en julio de 1959, y ahora estamos en pleno siglo XXI. Abby y Red se han hecho mayores, los cuatro hijos que tuvieron son ya adulto
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Hambruna roja : La guerra de Stalin contra Ucrania / Red Famine: Stalins’s War on Ukraine
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La reina de los condenados / The Queen of the Damned
Lingen, Helmut Verlag Die Bloggerbande Rätsel auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt Adventskalenderbuch
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Kreativ mit Bienenwachs ber 50 Rezepte zum Nachmachen Kosmetik Dekoration Kerzen Bastelideen Praktisches fr zu Hause
Frech Verlag GmbH Werkstatt Weiden flechten Grundlagen Techniken Projekte
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Die Tchter der Tuchvilla Roman
Blanvalet Taschenbuch Verlag. Label der Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Das Gutshaus - Zeit des Aufbruchs
Franckh-Kosmos Die drei Kids Bücherhelden 2. Klasse Tatort Dschungel
Knaur Taschenbuch This is our show Roman
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Qu'est-Ce Que La Justification?
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Morale Et Sa Philosophie
Classiques Garnier Le Roman de Troie En Prose: Prose 5
Classiques Garnier Le Moment Americain Du Roman Francais
Classiques Garnier La Danse Ecartelee: Moeurs, Esthetiques Et Croyances En Europe Romane
Les Belles Lettres Le Principe de l'Action Humaine Selon Demosthene Et Aristote: Hairesis - Prohairesis
Penguin USA The Blackbird Girls
Myers Education Press Reckoning: Kalamazoo College Uncovers Its Racial and Colonial Past
Belt Publishing So You Want to Publish a Book?
Ocean Cruise Guides Alaska by Cruise Ship
Monash University Publishing On Red Earth Walking: The Pilbara Aboriginal Strike, Western Australia 1946–1949