Search results for ""Author Anne""
Stanford University Press Terrorism, War, or Disease?: Unraveling the Use of Biological Weapons
The use of biological warfare (BW) agents by states or terrorists is one of the world's most frightening security threats but, thus far, little attention has been devoted to understanding how to improve policies and procedures to identify and attribute BW events. Terrorism, War, or Disease? is the first book to examine the complex political, military, legal, and scientific challenges involved in determining when BW have been used and who has used them. Through detailed analysis of the most significant and controversial allegations of BW use from the Second World War to the present, internationally recognized experts assess past attempts at attribution of unusual biological events and draw lessons to improve our ability to counter these deadly silent killers. This volume presents the most comprehensive analysis of actual and alleged BW use, and provides an up-to-date evaluation of law enforcement, forensic epidemiology, and arms control measures available to policymakers to investigate and attribute suspected attacks.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Business Management for the Equine Industry
Written by a team of consultants who combine modern business knowledge with decades of direct experience of working in the equine industry, this book bridges the gap between modern business theory and equine business practice. After providing overviews of the equestrian industry and the livery sector as a detailed example, Part I (Assessing a Business) sets out how to access the business environment, externally, competitively and with regard to its internal resources. Part 2 (Management) goes on to deal with resource management and how to go about strategic planning and marketing, concluding with an overall Business Plan. Part 3 sets out a series of case histories to illustrate the principles as discussed in Part 1 and 2. No other book applies a truly modern business approach to equine enterprise. The Authors Sharon Eastwood, Anne-Lise Riis Jensen and Anna Jordon work together at Dark Horse Consultancy, a team of equine business consultants offering a wide range of advice and services to the industry. Also available: Horse and Stable Management Fourth Edition Jeremy Houghton Brown, Sarah Pilliner and Zoe Davies 1 4051 0007 9 978 14051 0007 6 Teaching Jumping Jane Houghton Brown 0 632 04127 7 978 0632 04127 5 Horse Nutrition and Feeding Second Edition Sarah Pilliner 0 632 05016 0 978 0632 05016 1 Equine Science Second Edition Sarah Pilliner and Zoe Davies 1 4051 1944 6 978 14051 1944 3 Introduction to Horse Biology Zoe Davies 1 4051 2162 9 978 14051 2162 0 Horse Business Management Third Edition Jeremy Houghton Brown 0 632 05826 9 978 0632 05826 6
Truman State University Press Time, Space, and Women’s Lives in Early Modern Europe
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Marine Ecological Field Methods: A Guide for Marine Biologists and Fisheries Scientists
A comprehensive, clear, and detailed guide to procedures for conducting marine ecological field studies Marine Ecological Field Methods is a comprehensive resource that offers the most relevant sampling methodologies for quantitative and qualitative studies of mesopelagic, demersal, littoral, and soft-bottom organisms, as well as relevant physical parameters. The authors describe how various sampling gears work, how to operate them, their limitations, guides on sorting and measuring collected organisms, and how to deal with subsamples of large catches. The text also explains how to use acoustic equipment for monitoring aggregations of organisms, for example fish shoals, as well as the use of sensors for registering environmental variables such as salinity, temperature, oxygen, and light. The text contains cutting-edge research techniques that are in their final stages of development for use in research surveys. Marine Ecological Field Methods is designed to help with the entire procedure for conducting a field study, including the generation of hypotheses, planning field collection of data, conducting field work, data exploration and statistical analysis with the use of R, and presentation of results in a final report. This essential resource: Covers a wide range of techniques and methods for the marine environment Includes tried and trusted methodologies and techniques from a team of noted experts in the field Contains information on sampling equipment ranging from those that are useful in the littoral zone to shallow nearshore areas, including bottles, secchi discs, and gillnets, and finally large trawls, benthic sleds, ROV and advanced technologies for remote sensing in the open ocean. Explores the step-by-step procedures for conducting a field study, from formulating hypotheses to the process of registering and reporting results Written for students and professionals in the field, this vital resource describes marine ecological sampling equipment, methods and analysis, ranging from physical parameters to fish, microalgae, zooplankton, benthos and macroalgae.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Suggestibility in Legal Contexts: Psychological Research and Forensic Implications
A comprehensive survey of the theory, research and forensic implications related to suggestibility in legal contexts that includes the latest research. Provides a useful digest for academics and a trusted text for students of forensic and applied psychology A vital resource for legal practitioners who need to familiarize themselves with the subject Includes practical suggestions for minimizing witness suggestibility in interviews Features topics that focus on suggestibility at each stage - from witnessing a crime through to trial
Kerber Verlag MOMENTA Biennale de l’image: Mascarades. L’attrait de la métamorphose
Titled Masquerades: Drawn to Metamorphosis, the 18th edition of the MOMENTA Biennale de l’image presents 23 artists whose projects activate processes of transformation, mimicry, and mutation. Its goal is to shed light on the dynamics of visibility and invisibility defining the relationships between self and other, between humans and their environment, whether that environment is vegetal, animal, or technological. This publication assembles the descriptions of the exhibitions, an essay by Anne Anlin Cheng on the metamorphic potential of “skin consciousness,” an original portfolio of photographs by Chris Curreri, and an essay by the curator Ji-Yoon Han that reflects on the notion of the image through the prism of the Biennale’s theme. Artists: Bianca Shonee Arroyo-Kreimes, Bianca Baldi, Rémi Belliveau, Valérie Blass, Michèle Pearson Clarke, Chris Curreri, Lindsay Katsitsakatste Delaronde, Mara Eagle, Jeannette Ehlers, Séamus Gallagher, Lynn Hershman Leeson, siren eun young jung, Marion Lessard, Tuan Andrew Nguyen, Marianne Nicolson, Kristina Norman, Meky Ottawa, Émilie Pitoiset, Naomi Rincón Gallardo, Anette Rose, Hito Steyerl, Maya Watanabe, Carey Young. Text in French.
John Wiley & Sons Inc School Counselor's Letter Book
Here are over 200 counselor-tested model letters, forms, memos, worksheets, and checklists specifically designed to help you cut the time you spend on paperwork in half, letting you spend more time interacting with students, teachers, and parents. This wide-ranging resource saves you time in virtually every counseling situation that requires written communications-- from letters to parents and student progress reports to pre-college counseling and crisis intervention.
Kogan Page Ltd Neuromarketing in Action: How to Talk and Sell to the Brain
Neuromarketing in Action provides an in-depth review of how the brain functions and the ways in which it unconsciously influences consumer behaviour. It shows both the scientific frameworks and the practical applications of this increasingly popular marketing tool. Referencing many global brands such as Aston Martin, Hermes, Virgin, Facebook, Ralph Lauren and Fuji, the authors, whose background covers both neuroscience and marketing, showcase the latest thinking on brain function and intelligence, and on the subconscious influences on consumer behaviour. Neuromarketing in Action then examines the ways in which marketing efficiency can be improved through the satisfaction of the customer's senses, emotions, memory and conscience and looks at the impact on current marketing activities such as selling methods, sensory marketing and product modification, and on future strategies like value innovation, sensory brands, increased interaction with social networks and permission marketing.
Kerber Verlag MOMENTA Biennale de l’image: Sensing Nature
A longing for togetherness – for love – shows insistently in this 17th edition of MOMENTA Biennale de l’image. The artists and authors invite us to forge intimate kinships with nonhuman life-worlds. They propose that we listen to – and observe, smell, touch, speak to – the land, the water, the air not with the aim of distantly understanding, grasping, or exploiting, but to resonate, to vibrate, to be together. Or, perhaps, with no aim at all. They make room for stories that dwell in the blurred boundaries between technology and ancestral wisdoms, weaving in both human and nonhuman modes of knowing. They celebrate that we are in relation with nature, that we are of nature. Artists: Frances Adair Mckenzie, Abbas Akhavan, alaska B, BUSH Gallery (Jeneen Frei Njootli, Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill, Peter Morin, and Tania Willard), Scott Benesiinaabandan, Jen Bervin, Anna Binta Diallo, Charlotte Brathwaite, Carolina Caycedo, Julien Creuzet, Léuli Eshrāghi, Maryse Goudreau, Ayesha Hameed, Taloi Havini, Ts̱ēmā Igharas, Lisa Jackson, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Hamedine Kane, Kama La Mackerel, Candice Lin, Ange Loft, Chloë Lum and Yannick Desranleau, Malik McKoy, Alex McLeod, Caroline Monnet, Sandra Mujinga, Faye Mullen, New Red Order (Adam Khalil, Zack Khalil, Kite, and Jackson Polys), Thao Nguyen Phan, Laura Ortman, Sabrina Ratté, Tabita Rezaire, Jamilah Sabur, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Susan Schuppli, Tejal Shah, Erin Siddall, Miriam Simun, P. Staff, Eve Tagny, Joce Two-Crows Tremblay, Susanne M. Winterling, T’uy’t’tanat-Cease Wyss.
Kogan Page Ltd Neuromarketing in Action: How to Talk and Sell to the Brain
Neuromarketing in Action provides an in-depth review of how the brain functions and the ways in which it unconsciously influences consumer behaviour. It shows both the scientific frameworks and the practical applications of this increasingly popular marketing tool. Referencing many global brands such as Aston Martin, Hermes, Virgin, Facebook, Ralph Lauren and Fuji, the authors, whose background covers both neuroscience and marketing, showcase the latest thinking on brain function and intelligence, and on the subconscious influences on consumer behaviour. Neuromarketing in Action then examines the ways in which marketing efficiency can be improved through the satisfaction of the customer's senses, emotions, memory and conscience and looks at the impact on current marketing activities such as selling methods, sensory marketing and product modification, and on future strategies like value innovation, sensory brands, increased interaction with social networks and permission marketing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advancing Methodological Thought and Practice
Research Methodology in Strategy and Management advances understanding of the methods used to study organizations – including managers, strategies, and how firms succeed. This volume explores cutting-edge methodological approaches to the study of organizations, managers, and strategy, and offers ‘how to’ guides for applying these approaches. It also includes retrospective accounts by Joe Hair and John van Maanen, of the key methodological contributions they have made throughout their careers. This is an informative book for all academics and researchers working in the fields of management, strategy, international business, entrepreneurship and organization theory.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Soldier Experience in the Fourteenth Century
Essays throwing fresh light on what it was like to be a medieval soldier, drawing on archival research. The "long" fourteenth century saw England fighting wars on a number of diverse fronts - not just abroad, in the Hundred Years War, but closer to home. But while tactics, battles, and logistics have been frequently discussed, the actual experience of being a soldier has been less often studied. Via a careful re-evaluation of original sources, and the use of innovative methodological techniques such as statistical analysis and the use of relational databases, the essays here bring new insights to bear on soldiers, both as individuals and as groups. Topics addressed include military service and the dynamics of recruitment; the social composition of the armies; the question of whether soldiers saw their role as a "profession"; and the experience of prisoners of war. Contributors: Andrew Ayton, David Simpkin, Andrew Spencer, David Bachrach, Iain MacInnes, Adam Chapman, Michael Jones, Guilhem Pepin, Remy Ambuhl, Adrian R. Bell
Pearson Education (US) My ABC Storybook Audio CD