Search results for ""Author Anne""
Random House USA Inc How You Can Survive When They're Depressed: Living and Coping with Depression Fallout
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Pathways Human Resource Management
Wiley Pathways Human Resource Management walks readers through the steps involved in managing the most important component of a company - its employees. The skills-based approach covers everything from designing a new position and the interview process to administering benefits and managing workplace safety so students will be able to apply their knowledge in a professional setting.
Turtleback Books The Diary of a Young Girl The Definitive Edition
John Wiley & Sons Inc Down Syndrome Across the Life Span
This book promotes a positive message for people with Down syndrome across the world. Living with Down Syndrome is a positive experience for the majority of children and adults with Down syndrome, and for their families. Of course there are difficulties to be faced, but quality of life, from infancy to old age, is determined more by the quality of healthcare, education and social inclusion offered to individuals, than by the developmental difficulties that are associated with Down syndrome. The aim of this book is to bring the latest information on research and good practice to families, practitioners and policy makers in order improve the services available to individuals with Down syndrome in all countries.
Stanford University Press Of Hospitality
These two lectures by Jacques Derrida, "Foreigner Question" and "Step of Hospitality/No Hospitality," derive from a series of seminars on "hospitality" conducted by Derrida in Paris, January 1996. His seminars, in France and in America, have become something of an institution over the years, the place where he presents the ongoing evolution of his thought in a remarkable combination of thoroughly mapped-out positions, sketches of new material, and exchanges with students and interlocutors. As has become a pattern in Derrida's recent work, the form of this presentation is a self-conscious enactment of its content. The book consists of two texts on facing pages. "Invitation" by Anne Dufourmantelle appears on the left (an invitation that of course originates in a response), clarifying and inflecting Derrida's "response" on the right. The interaction between them not only enacts the "hospitality" under discussion, but preserves something of the rhythms of teaching. The volume also characteristically combines careful readings of canonical texts and philosophical topics with attention to the most salient events in the contemporary world, using "hospitality" as a means of rethinking a range of political and ethical situations. "Hospitality" is viewed as a question of what arrives at the borders, in the initial surprise of contact with an other, a stranger, a foreigner. For example, Antigone is revisited in light of the question of impossible mourning; Oedipus at Colonus is read via concerns that also apply to teletechnology; the trial of Socrates is brought into conjunction with the televised funeral of François Mitterrand.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Model-Based Testing Essentials - Guide to the ISTQB Certified Model-Based Tester: Foundation Level
Provides a practical and comprehensive introduction to the key aspects of model-based testing as taught in the ISTQB® Model-Based Tester—Foundation Level Certification Syllabus This book covers the essentials of Model-Based Testing (MBT) needed to pass the ISTQB® Foundation Level Model-Based Tester Certification. The text begins with an introduction to MBT, covering both the benefits and the limitations of MBT. The authors review the various approaches to model-based testing, explaining the fundamental processes in MBT, the different modeling languages used, common good modeling practices, and the typical mistakes and pitfalls. The book explains the specifics of MBT test implementation, the dependencies on modeling and test generation activities, and the steps required to automate the generated test cases. The text discusses the introduction of MBT in a company, presenting metrics to measure success and good practices to apply. Provides case studies illustrating different approaches to Model-Based Testing Includes in-text exercises to encourage readers to practice modeling and test generation activities Contains appendices with solutions to the in-text exercises, a short quiz to test readers, along with additional information Model-Based Testing Essentials – Guide to the ISTQB® Certified Model-Based Tester – Foundation Level is written primarily for participants of the ISTQB® Certification: software engineers, test engineers, software developers, and anybody else involved in software quality assurance. This book can also be used for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of software testing and of the use of models for test generation.
Oxford University Press Palliative Medicine: A Case-Based Manual
Palliative medicine is the medical care provided for people who have a life limiting illness or condition. It encompasses both the physical symptoms a person may experience but also the psychosocial, emotional, and ethical issues that may arise. Now in its fourth edition, Palliative Medicine: A Case-Based Manual walks clinicians through the management of the most common situations found in palliative medicine, from diagnosis and managing symptoms through to grief and bereavement. Using real patient case scenarios and an easy-to-read question and answer format, it gives students and medical professionals an accessible, evidence-based entryway to gain the skills and knowledge needed to provide high quality palliative and end of life care to patients and their families. This new edition has been fully updated to cover the latest guidance, including new chapters dedicated to medical cannabis, opioids, grief and bereavement, and wider issues including palliative care in the community, structurally vulnerable populations, and public health. Written by over 50 experienced palliative care clinicians and educators, this book will be a welcome guide for palliative care workers, medical and nursing students, and medical professionals of any specialty where palliative needs might arise.
Guilford Publications Evaluation Essentials, Second Edition: From A to Z
Thoroughly revised and updated, this engaging text has given thousands of students and new evaluators the practical information and expert advice needed to conduct or use evaluations. In 26 concise sections, the book describes how to articulate answerable evaluation questions, collect and analyze data using both quantitative and qualitative methods, and deal with contingencies that might alter the traditional sequence of an evaluation. Special strengths of the text are its attention to individual, organizational, and community culture and emphasis on building collaborative relationships with stakeholders. An in-depth case study and related end-of-section exercises (including group activities) help students put themselves in the evaluator role. Other pedagogical features include section titles written as questions, bulleted recaps of each section, "Thinking Ahead" and "Next Steps" pointers, cautionary notes, and suggestions for further reading. New to This Edition *New and expanded topics: evaluation contracts, budgeting, surveys, data visualization, qualitative coding and memoing, factors affecting evaluation use, and context-sensitive evaluation. *Revised case study with extended exercises that guide the reader to complete a simulated evaluation. *End-of-section "Quick Read" links to recommended American Evaluation Association blog posts. *Four entirely new sections (such as "How Do You Strengthen Relationships with Stakeholders?" and "How Do We Plan a Process-Focused Evaluation Design?"), plus other changes and additions throughout.
York Medieval Press Sin in Medieval and Early Modern Culture: The Tradition of the Seven Deadly Sins
A fresh consideration of the enduring tradition of the Seven Deadly Sins, showing its continuing post-medieval influence. The tradition of the seven deadly sins played a considerable role in western culture, even after the supposed turning-point of the Protestant Reformation, as the essays collected here demonstrate. The first part of the book addresses such topics as the problem of acedia in Carolingian monasticism; the development of medieval thought on arrogance; the blending of tradition and innovation in Aquinas's conceptualization of the sins; the treatment of sin in the pastoral contexts of the early Middle English Vices and Virtues and a fifteenth-century sermon from England; the political uses of the deadly sins in the court sermons of Jean Gerson; and the continuing usefulnessof the tradition in early modern England. In the second part, the role of the tradition in literature and the arts is considered. Essays look at representations of the sins in French music of the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries; in Dante's Purgatorio; in a work by Michel Beheim in pre-Reformation Germany; and in a 1533 play by the German Lutheran writer Hans Sachs. New interpretations are offered of Gower's "Tale of Constance" and Bosch's Tabletop of the Seven Deadly Sins. As a whole, the book significantly enhances our understanding of the multiple uses and meanings of the sins tradition, not only in medieval culture but also in the transition from the medievalto the early modern period. RICHARD G. NEWHAUSER is Professor of English and Medieval Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe; SUSAN J. RIDYARD is Professor of History and Director of the Sewanee Medieval Colloquium,The University of the South, Sewanee. Contributors: Richard G. Newhauser, James B. Williams, Kiril Petkov, Cate Gunn, Eileen C. Sweeney, Holly Johnson, Nancy McLoughlin, Anne Walters Robertson, Peter S. Hawkins, CarolJamison, Henry Luttikhuizen, William C. McDonald, Kathleen Crowther.
Bristol University Press The Triple Bind of Single-Parent Families: Resources, Employment and Policies to Improve Wellbeing
Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Single parents face a triple bind of inadequate resources, employment, and policies, which in combination further complicate their lives. This book - multi-disciplinary and comparative in design - shows evidence from over 40 countries, along with detailed case studies of Sweden, Iceland, Scotland, and the UK. It covers aspects of well-being that include poverty, good quality jobs, the middle class, wealth, health, children’s development and performance in school, and reflects on social justice. Leading international scholars challenge our current understanding of what works and draw policy lessons on how to improve the well-being of single parents and their children.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Women in Culture: An Intersectional Anthology for Gender and Women's Studies
The thoroughly revised Women in Culture 2/e explores the intersections of gender, race, sexuality, gender identity, and spirituality from the perspectives of diverse global locations. Its strong humanities content, including illustrations and creative writing, uniquely embraces the creative aspects of the field. Each of the ten thematic chapters lead to creative readings, introducing a more Readings throughout the text encourage intersectional thinking amongst students humanistic angle than is typical of textbooks in the field This textbook is queer inclusive and allows students to engage with postcolonial/decolonial thinking, spirituality, and reproductive/environmental justice A detailed timeline of feminist history, criticism and theory is provided, and the glossary encourages the development of critical vocabulary A variety of illustrations supplement the written materials, and an accompanying website offers instructors pedagogical resources
Stanford University Press Terrorism, War, or Disease?: Unraveling the Use of Biological Weapons
The use of biological warfare (BW) agents by states or terrorists is one of the world's most frightening security threats but, thus far, little attention has been devoted to understanding how to improve policies and procedures to identify and attribute BW events. Terrorism, War, or Disease? is the first book to examine the complex political, military, legal, and scientific challenges involved in determining when BW have been used and who has used them. Through detailed analysis of the most significant and controversial allegations of BW use from the Second World War to the present, internationally recognized experts assess past attempts at attribution of unusual biological events and draw lessons to improve our ability to counter these deadly silent killers. This volume presents the most comprehensive analysis of actual and alleged BW use, and provides an up-to-date evaluation of law enforcement, forensic epidemiology, and arms control measures available to policymakers to investigate and attribute suspected attacks.
University of Tennessee Press Smoky Jack: The Adventures of a Dog and His Master on Mount Le Conte
In 1925, Paul Adams was appointed custodian of Mount Le Conte, the third-highest peak of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. His job was to welcome tourists, give guided tours, and establish a camp that would become known as LeConte Lodge, which still stands in what has become America’s most popular national park. Adams had everything he needed for the job: a passion for the outdoors, a love of hiking, a desire to preserve the native habitat while welcoming visitors, and the companionship of a remarkable dog.During his time on the mountains, Adams trained Smoky Jack to be a pack-dog–not just carrying supplies but actually making the four-hour trip to a store in Gatlinburg and back alone. Over the next nine months, Adams and his dog would become inseperable. Smoky Jack became his assistant, bodyguard, and best friend. Throughout Smoky Jack, readers will also gain a unique glimpse into the early days of the Great Smoky Mountains region during the decade before it was name a national park in 1934.Adams describes the trials and triumphs he and the indomitable German sherpherd faced as they exemplified the ancient relationship between man and dog on Mount Le Conte, building trails, guiding visitors, and making a life in nature. Paul Adams’s faithful Smoky Jack stays by his side until the end.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Pres Candrakirti's Madhyamakavatarabhasya: Chapters 1 to 5, Critically and Diplomatically Edited on the Basis of Preparatory Work by Helmut Krasser
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Pete the Cat: Three Bite Rule
Based on the Amazon Prime Video original series that was inspired by the classic bestselling picture book series!Pete the Cat is whipping up a delicious dish for his class’s potluck. Pete can’t wait to share his banana casserole with his classmates. It’s his favorite lunch!But it turns out that his friend Grumpy Toad hates bananas. How can he hate bananas if he's never tried one before? Pete shows Grumpy trying something new can be supercool and groovy with the “Three Bite Rule.”This brand-new Pete the Cat picture book retells groovy moments from the show and includes a coloring poster!
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Set and Setting: Kerim Seiler 1997-2022
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The Story of Science: Radical Ideas and Extraordinary Discoveries
State University of New York Press Beyond Friendship and Eros: Unrecognized Relationships between Men and Women
John Wiley and Sons Ltd American Philosophies: An Anthology
This anthology promotes a new vision: American Philosophy as complex and constantly changing, enlivened by historically marginalized, yet never silent, voices.
Emerald Publishing Limited Shopper Marketing and the Role of In-Store Marketing
This volume of Review of Marketing Research (RMR) focuses on Shopper Marketing and the Role of In-Store Marketing. The chapters draw from academic research as well as collaborations with major retailers and industry practitioners. Over the past several decades there has been research into how marketing actions influence how shoppers respond to offers. Yet, with the ever-shifting landscape due to influences such as mobile devices, the internet, and social media, there is an increasing need to understand how marketing actions influence shoppers in their path to purchase. Although there are many path to purchase points which are important to understand, this edition of RMR is devoted to the topic of in-store marketing actions to understand their impact on shopper reactions to offers. The chapters highlight new technologies (e.g., mobile, digital displays) and information aids (e.g., nutrition scores, floor signage) being used by leading retailers to influence the path to purchase. In addition, new research technologies (e.g., eye-tracking, heat maps, in-store experiments) and models that are being used to assess the effectiveness of the path to purchase tactics are discussed.
Springer Why Knowing What To Do Is Not Enough: A Realistic Perspective on Self-Reliance
This open access book sets out to explain the reasons for the gap between “knowing” and “doing” in view of self-reliance, which is more and more often expected of citizens. In today’s society, people are expected to take responsibility for their own lives and be self-reliant. This is no easy feat. They must be on constant high alert in areas of life such as health, work and personal finances and, if things threaten to go awry, take appropriate action without further ado. What does this mean for public policy? Policymakers tend to assume that the government only needs to provide people with clear information and that, once properly informed, they will automatically do the right thing. However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that things do not work like that. Even though people know perfectly well what they ought to do, they often behave differently. Why is this? This book sets out to explain the reasons for the gap between ‘knowing’ and ‘doing’. It focuses on the role of non-cognitive capacities, such as setting goals, taking action, persevering and coping with setbacks, and shows how these capacities are undermined by adverse circumstances. By taking the latest psychological insights fully into account, this book presents a more realist perspective on self-reliance, and shows government officials how to design rules and institutions that allow for the natural limitations in people’s ‘capacity to act’.
Capstone Press What Eats What in a Desert Food Chain (Food Chains)
New Directions Publishing Corporation Stranger to the Moon
The renowned Colombian writer Evelio Rosero has never been one to shy away from the darker aspects of his nation’s history and society. His magnificent novel Stranger to the Moon portrays a world that seems to exist outside time and place but taps into the dark myths and collective subconscious of his country, with its harrowing inequality and violence. A parable of pointed social criticism, with naked humans imprisoned in a house in order to serve the needs of “the vicious clothed ones,” the novel describes what ensues when a single “naked one” privately rebels, risking his own death and that of his fellow prisoners. Each subsequent section of the book adds further layers to the ritualistic and bizarre social order inhabited by its characters. Insects and reptiles are trained as agents and spies against the naked ones, and only the most fortunate humans manage to reach old age by taking up strategic spots near the kitchens and grabbing for the fiercely contested food. Stranger to the Moon is a brave, powerful, and distinctive novel by a writer who arguably holds the strongest claim to the title of Colombia’s greatest living author.
Amsterdam University Press Pope Eugenius III (1145-1153): The First Cistercian Pope
Elected pope in the wake of a rebellion, Eugenius III came to power as a relative unknown during a time of crisis. This book examines the controversial developments in papal justice and theological debate during his pontificate, his treatment of Cistercian monasteries, his relationships with France, Spain, and Rome, his work in the papal states, and the crusades. It offers a new view of an under-appreciated pope and the place of the church in a rapidly changing European society.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Collaborating to Improve Community Health: Workbook and Guide to Best Practices in Creating Healthier Communities and Populations
Resolving Tough Community Problems with Teamwork The first resource that shows how key players from local governments, businesses, health care organizations, school boards, churches, and police departments can be turned into a team, working together to improve their communities. The editors have gathered the accumulated wisdom of top consultants and practitioners and share the experiences and accomplishments of these experts who have worked in over fifty community partnerships across North America. A useful, hands-on tool, this workbook contains a wealth of resources--including worksheets, guidelines, overhead slides, and case studies--designed to help every community implement a workable plan of action. It takes you through the Seven Core Processes, a synthesis of interrelated activities and events in which all collaborative efforts engage. Will help communities * Gain insight into the collaborative process * Jump-start community efforts with new strategies and initiatives * Understand and work through the action steps of each Core Process * Craft more effective partnerships * Create healthier and safer places to live
John Wiley & Sons Inc Lithium Chemistry: A Theoretical and Experimental Overview
An up-to-date, comprehensive guide to LITHIUM CHEMISTRY Although lithium has been the subject of numerous individualstudies, this intriguing element has rarely been examined from thebroad perspective many researchers require. Lithium Chemistry: ATheoretical and Experimental Overview fills this void by providingthe most thorough and up-to-date overview available of currenttheories and experimental data. Supported by nearly two hundred illustrations, this book draws uponthe expertise of prominent researchers in the field, and treats thefull range of modern applications and techniques. The result is aunique and invaluable guide to lithium studies for researchers andgraduate students working in the fields of organic, inorganic, andorgano-metallic chemistry. Lithium Chemistry: A Theoretical and Experimental Overview assumesa background in quantum chemistry and experimental physicalchemistry at the graduate level and includes coverage of thesemajor topics: * Bonding, structures, and energies in organolithium compounds * Theoretical studies of aggregates of lithium compounds * Comparison of lithium and hydrogen bonds * Lithium atom matrix reactions with small molecules * NMR of organolithium compounds * Aspects of the thermochemistry of lithium compounds * The structure of lithiated amines and lithiated ethers--fromcarbanions to carbenoids * Complexes of inorganic lithium salts * Structures of lithium salts of heteroatom compounds * Synthetic ionophores for lithium ions
John Wiley & Sons Inc Alpha Leadership: Tools for Business Leaders Who Want More from Life
This is a book for 21st Century leaders. The authors are offering approaches to reduce stress and to promote satisfaction at a time when this seems impossible for most people struggling to make sense of the workplace and its demands: 76% of managers want to spend more time with their families 50% say they feel too mentally and physically exhausted to do anything but work or sleep 30% say their lives are out of control one in five say they are too stressed to enjoy their lives at all Many of the leadership skills (such as emotional intelligence, weak signal management, mental agility) that are key to success in today's corporate world are not taught in business schools, are rarely discussed by business academics, nor are they recognised within corporations as they recruit, promote and train their staff. Business conversation is all about the war for talent - and yet the solutions presented are all "outside-in" (i.e. what the corporation needs to do to ensure people stay, to "make" their values align, to retain them) rather than "inside-out" (i.e. alignment of individual's sense of purpose with how they spend their time, the fit of their skills to the demands of their job, and so on). Alpha Leadership seeks to redress these imbalances. The book is constructed around a new and simple model of leadership. The authors call this, 'Alpha leadership', which consists of three main axes: Anticipate, Align and Act. They have derived this model from their extensive experience of leadership development in the US and Europe, during a period of rapid adaptation to the digital economy. The authors argument is that traditional approaches to leadership, leadership as it is taught in the business schools and the criteria assigned to it by corporate promotion and appraisal systems, focus exclusively on 'action', and take little or no account of the crucial importance of anticipation and alignment. This is of increased concern since the skills most likely to generate success for leaders in today's networked, knowledge-based and unpredictable business environment are precisely those most often ignored. This emphasis on action without its preliminaries of anticipation and alignment is also a paradox, since without effective anticipation and alignment, action is likely to be inefficient, ineffective, and unsustainable. The book is aimed at an "inside-out" view of leadership: starting with the individual and his/her sense of purpose and values, rather than the more typical approach to leadership writing which adopts an "outside-in" view, holding up models and examples of other leaders to emulate with little or no clue of how to go about doing so, or indeed whether or not this would be an appropriate model in the reader's specific context. Alpha Leadership is designed as a pragmatic "how to" book, derived from the authors experience of one-to-one executive coaching - with tools, approaches and frameworks to support leaders in progressing in their careers, while also maintaining a sense of balance and purpose in their lives. Each chapter starts with a "parable" or story - a very readable analogy from completely different fields of study that is used to shed light on the issues and problems facing leaders in the business environment. The authors then move to a section on "sense making" (avoiding blue sky theorising in favour of practical, down-to-earth interpretation and real life business examples). Finally the authors include relevant tools/frameworks to help the readers apply what they have read in their every day business lives.
John Wiley & Sons Inc School Counselor's Letter Book
Here are over 200 counselor-tested model letters, forms, memos, worksheets, and checklists specifically designed to help you cut the time you spend on paperwork in half, letting you spend more time interacting with students, teachers, and parents. This wide-ranging resource saves you time in virtually every counseling situation that requires written communications-- from letters to parents and student progress reports to pre-college counseling and crisis intervention.
Kogan Page Ltd Neuromarketing in Action: How to Talk and Sell to the Brain
Neuromarketing in Action provides an in-depth review of how the brain functions and the ways in which it unconsciously influences consumer behaviour. It shows both the scientific frameworks and the practical applications of this increasingly popular marketing tool. Referencing many global brands such as Aston Martin, Hermes, Virgin, Facebook, Ralph Lauren and Fuji, the authors, whose background covers both neuroscience and marketing, showcase the latest thinking on brain function and intelligence, and on the subconscious influences on consumer behaviour. Neuromarketing in Action then examines the ways in which marketing efficiency can be improved through the satisfaction of the customer's senses, emotions, memory and conscience and looks at the impact on current marketing activities such as selling methods, sensory marketing and product modification, and on future strategies like value innovation, sensory brands, increased interaction with social networks and permission marketing.
Kerber Verlag MOMENTA Biennale de l’image: Sensing Nature
A longing for togetherness – for love – shows insistently in this 17th edition of MOMENTA Biennale de l’image. The artists and authors invite us to forge intimate kinships with nonhuman life-worlds. They propose that we listen to – and observe, smell, touch, speak to – the land, the water, the air not with the aim of distantly understanding, grasping, or exploiting, but to resonate, to vibrate, to be together. Or, perhaps, with no aim at all. They make room for stories that dwell in the blurred boundaries between technology and ancestral wisdoms, weaving in both human and nonhuman modes of knowing. They celebrate that we are in relation with nature, that we are of nature. Artists: Frances Adair Mckenzie, Abbas Akhavan, alaska B, BUSH Gallery (Jeneen Frei Njootli, Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill, Peter Morin, and Tania Willard), Scott Benesiinaabandan, Jen Bervin, Anna Binta Diallo, Charlotte Brathwaite, Carolina Caycedo, Julien Creuzet, Léuli Eshrāghi, Maryse Goudreau, Ayesha Hameed, Taloi Havini, Ts̱ēmā Igharas, Lisa Jackson, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Hamedine Kane, Kama La Mackerel, Candice Lin, Ange Loft, Chloë Lum and Yannick Desranleau, Malik McKoy, Alex McLeod, Caroline Monnet, Sandra Mujinga, Faye Mullen, New Red Order (Adam Khalil, Zack Khalil, Kite, and Jackson Polys), Thao Nguyen Phan, Laura Ortman, Sabrina Ratté, Tabita Rezaire, Jamilah Sabur, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Susan Schuppli, Tejal Shah, Erin Siddall, Miriam Simun, P. Staff, Eve Tagny, Joce Two-Crows Tremblay, Susanne M. Winterling, T’uy’t’tanat-Cease Wyss.
Sir John Soane's Museum Soane Medal Lecture 2023
French architecture practice Lacaton & Vassal are the recipients of the Soane Medal 2023 and delivered the sixth Soane Medal Lecture at a ceremony at Sir John Soane's Museum. This publication is the latest in a series marking the annual award. The Soane Medal was established by Sir John Soane’s Museum in 2017 and continues the mission of the Museum’s founder, the celebrated Regency architect Sir John Soane, to encourage a better understanding of the central importance of architecture in culture and society. The Medal recognises architects, educators and critics who have made a major contribution to their field through practice, history or theory. Previous recipients of the Soane Medal are Rafael Moneo, Denise Scott Brown, Kenneth Frampton, Marina Tabassum and Peter Barber.
Emerald Publishing Limited Uncertainty and Strategic Decision Making
The study of management and organization has transitioned from approaches to deal with steady state management, to approaches that can cope with unknown or unknowable futures. The strategy field has has moved from business policy, through strategic planning, onto strategic management and now grapples with dynamic contexts as the new normal. In that trend the field has seen a broad movement in research interests in corporate and competitive strategies towards an emphasis on the manager’s strategic role. Through this shift, strategy has moved from a concept of something organizations have towards something that managers do. This has happened while traditional boundaries of industries have become permeable and even melted away. Managers tasked with doing strategy have lost not just the certainty of a goal-oriented future, but also the certainty of understanding their current position. Decision-making tools have now moved from answer generators to scenario builders. When decisions can rely less on evidence and certainty, it is managers that take up the slack and fill the void. This book focuses on the challenge of making strategic decisions in conditions of uncertainty.
University of Pennsylvania Press Frontiers of Jewish Scholarship: Expanding Origins, Transcending Borders
The birth of modern Jewish studies can be traced to the nineteenth-century emergence of the Wissenschaft des Judentums, a movement to promote a scholarly approach to the study of Judaism and Jewish culture. Frontiers of Jewish Scholarship offers a collection of essays examining how Wissenschaft extended beyond its original German intellectual contexts and was transformed into a diverse, global field. From the early expansion of the new scholarly approaches into Jewish publications across Europe to their translation and reinterpretation in the twentieth century, the studies included here collectively trace a path through largely neglected subject matter, newly recognized as deserving attention. Beginning with an introduction that surveys the field's German origins, fortunes, and contexts, the volume goes on to document dimensions of the growth of Wissenschaft des Judentums elsewhere in Europe and throughout the world. Some of the contributions turn to literary and semantic issues, while others reveal the penetration of Jewish studies into new national contexts that include Hungary, Italy, and even India. Individual essays explore how the United States, along with Israel, emerged as a main center for Jewish historical scholarship and how critical Jewish scholarship began to accommodate Zionist ideology originating in Eastern Europe and eventually Marxist ideology, primarily in the Soviet Union. Finally, the focus of the volume moves on to the land of Israel, focusing on the reception of Orientalism and Jewish scholarly contacts with Yemenite and native Muslim intellectuals. Taken together, the contributors to the volume offer new material and fresh approaches that rethink the relationship of Jewish studies to the larger enterprise of critical scholarship while highlighting its relevance to the history of humanistic inquiry worldwide.
Rowman & Littlefield Linking Visions: Feminist Bioethics, Human Rights, and the Developing World
A thought provoking examination of the interrelationship between and among feminist bioethics, human rights, and global development, Linking Visions addresses global concerns about oppression in the context of health care, medical research, and population health. Reflecting the ever-expanding diversity and comprehensiveness of feminist bioethics, contributors examine such topics as reproductive rights of women in India, HIV/AIDs policies, patenting genetic material, the language of human rights, and consequences of the “Global Gag Rule”. Linking Visions demonstrates the far-reaching effects of feminism on global bioethics, highlighting and celebrating the reality that feminist work is no longer relegated solely to the realm of reproductive, sexual, or maternal ethics.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Fifteenth Century VIII: Rule, Redemption and Representations in Late Medieval England and France
Important aspects of fifteenth-century England and Europe assessed in this new collection. A variety of new perspectives and fresh insights into people and society in fifteenth-century England and France are gathered together here. We learn from contemporary accounts of the battle of Anthon how regional politics in theDauphiné were enmeshed in the broader conflict over the French throne; subtle inferences about East Anglian politics in the fifteenth century are derived not only from a detailed study of stained glass, but also from a close examination of Sir John Fastolf's papers; the motivations of members of guilds in founding almshouses in their towns, and how such establishments functioned, are presented for our deeper understanding; relations between Humphrey, dukeof Gloucester, and the citizens of London at crucial stages of Henry VI's reign are explored anew; the celebration of the accession of Edward IV by the artistic endeavours of a clerk of the staple of Calais gives our study of theperiod a new visual dimension; and a drama perhaps performed in the household of Cardinal Morton throws a new perspective on contemporary attitudes towards the nobility and Henry VII's "new men". Contributors: KATHLEEN DALY, DAVID KING, RUTH LEXTON, JONATHAN MACKMAN, CAROLE RAWCLIFFE, COLIN RICHMOND, LUCY RHYMER, ANNE F, SUTTON.
Liverpool University Press The Boke of Gostely Grace: The Middle English Translation: A Critical Edition from Oxford, MS Bodley 220
The Boke of Gostely Grace is the anonymous Middle English version of the Liber specialis gratiae by the German visionary Mechthild of Hackeborn (1241–1298). The original Liber, compiled at the convent of Helfta in Saxony, presents Mechthild’s visions as she experienced them in the liturgy of the Christian year. Her famous visions of the Sacred Heart follow, along with instructions on the religious life in community and her visions of the afterlife. The Middle English version adapts the text to a new fifteenth-century audience, probably a Birgittine community such as the newly founded Syon Abbey on the Thames near London; it emphasises imagery of the dance of the liturgy, the vineyard and the Sacred Heart in new and vivid terms, while other aspects, such as the bridal imagery, are played down. Within a generation, the English text had become popular among the nobility, and stimulated lay piety and private prayer. While scholars have traced the influence and reception of many continental European women writers, Mechthild’s revelations have often escaped their attention, through the lack of suitable editions. This edition of Bodley 220, the manuscript written in the London area, includes introduction, commentary and glossary, and breaks new ground in the study of late medieval vernacular translation and women’s literary culture.
Emerald Publishing Limited Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Teams: What Matters
This volume presents multidisciplinary perspectives from leading scholars in the science of teams and intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) on research needed to advance the state of the art of team ITSs. Our esteemed authors provide lessons learned to guide future research that will produce the technical capabilities needed to support team skills development. The introduction by Drs. Robert Sottilare and Eduardo Salas, who are leaders in the field of ITSs and team science, discusses the challenges and approaches to building ITSs for teams. The volume’s first section introduces concepts for understanding team training such as team task analysis, team macrocognition, measurement strategies for dynamic processes, and effective team training methods to provide insights into ITS design. Section two presents recent advances in team assessment and feedback through unobtrusive assessments, modeling dynamic team interactions, neurodynamic scaffolding, and collaborative tutoring strategies. In the Volume’s third section authors discuss lessons learned from past research, provide a discourse on the five disciplinary perspectives of engineering, learning sciences, team research, data analysis, and human computer interaction to create a framework for guiding team ITS developers, and examine the team ITS requirements for long term space travel. The final chapter summarizes and integrates lessons learned and provides recommendations for future research and development.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Symphonic Poem in Britain, 1850-1950
The Symphonic Poem in Britain 1850-1950aims to raise the status of the genre generally, and in Britain specifically, by reaffirming British composers' confidence in dealing with literary texts. The Symphonic Poem in Britain 1850-1950 aims to raise the status of the genre generally and in Britain specifically. The volume reaffirms British composers' confidence in dealing with literary texts and takes advantage of the contributors' interdisciplinary expertise by situating discussions of the tone poem in Britain in a variety of historical, analytical and cultural contexts. This book highlights some of the continental models that influenced British composers, and identifies a range of issues related to perceptions of the genre. Richard Strauss became an important figure in Britain during this time, not only in terms of the clear impact of his tone poems, but the debates over their value and even their ethics. A focus on French orchestral music in Britain represents a welcome addition to scholarly debate, and links to issues in several other chapters. The historical development of the genre, the impact of compositional models, issues highlighted in critical reception as well as programming strategies all contribute to a richer understanding of the symphonic poem in Britain. Works by British composers discussed in more detail include William Wallace's Villon (1909), Gustav Holst's Beni Mora(1909-10), Hubert Parry's From Death to Life (1914), John Ireland's Mai-Dun (1921), and Frank Bridge's orchestral 'poems' (1903-15).
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Women, the Book, and the Worldly: Selected Proceedings of the St Hilda's Conference, Oxford, Volume II
Studies of women's roles in the secular literary world, as patrons, authors, readers, and characters in secular literature. This second volume of proceedings from the `Women and the Book' conference, held at St Hilda's College, Oxford in 1993, brings together fifteen papers dealing with women's experience in the secular literary world. It covers the whole variety of roles women might take, as patrons, authors, readers, and characters in secular literature; encompassed in its range are well-known characters, real and fictional, such as Christine de Pisan and the Wife of Bath, and the more obscure but no less fascinating topic of women in Chinese medieval court poetry. Like its predecessor Women, the Book, and the Godly(Brewer, 1995), this volume illuminates the world of medieval women with carefulscholarship and attention to sources, producing new readings and new materials which shed fresh light on an increasingly important field of study. Contributors: PATRICIA SKINNER, PHILIP E. BENNETT, JENNIFER GOODMAN, CHARITY CANNON-WILLARD, BENJAMIN SEMPLE, ANNE BIRRELL, JEANETTE BEER, MARK BALFOUR, CAROL HARVEY, HEATHER ARDEN, KAREN JAMBECK, JULIA BOFFEY, JENNIFER SUMMIT, MARGARITA STOCKER
John Wiley & Sons Inc Age and Structural Lag: Society's Failure to Provide Meaningful Opportunities in Work, Family, and Leisure
"In society at large, lives have been drastically altered over this century--as a consequence of increased longevity, advances in science and education, the gender revolution, improvements in public health, and other historical trends and events--but numerous inflexible social structures, roles, and norms have lagged behind. There is a mismatch or imbalance between the transformation of the aging process from birth to death and the role opportunities or places in the social structure that could foster and reward people at the various stages of their lives. While the twentieth century has experienced a revolution in human development and aging, there has been no comparable revolution in the role structures of society to keep pace with the changes in the ways people grow up and grow old. The lag involves not only institutional and organizational arrangements, but also the many aspects of culture that, in addition to being internalized by people, are built into role expectations and societal mores and laws. For the future, then, structural changes will be needed if people are to find opportunities to spread leisure and work, as well as education, more evenly over the life course, and to make room for family affairs." --from Age and Structural Lag
The Library of America Reporting World War II: The 75th Anniversary Edition: A Library of America Boxed Set
Liverpool University Press Conington's Virgil: Aeneid X - XII
John Conington’s three-volume edition of The Works of Virgil, begun in 1852, has long been unavailable except in rare second-hand sets. The whole work is now being reissued in six affordable paperbacks, with new introductions setting the commentary in its context. Well into the twentieth century Conington’s Virgil remained the sine qua non for school and undergraduate students and their teachers; Conington’s commentary is remarkably close and uncompromising in its engagement with the detail of Virgil’s Latin, as well as its literary sensitivity; it still has much to offer the modern reader. This volume includes Virgil’s text and Conington’s commentary on Books X–XII, along with Conington’s index to Books VII–XII. It also includes Philip Hardie’s general assessment of Conington and Anne Rogerson’s introduction to Conington’s Aeneid.
Policy Press Beyond listening: Children's perspectives on early childhood services
More young children than ever before are spending their time in some form of early childhood service. But how do we know what they think about it? While there has been a move to take children's views into account more generally, very little attention has been given to listening to young children below the age of six or seven. This book is the first of its kind to focus on listening to young children, both from an international perspective and through combining theory, practice and reflection. With contributions and examples from researchers and practitioners in six countries it examines critically how listening to young children in early childhood services is understood and practised. Each chapter is rooted in the everyday lives of young children and presents a range of actual experiences for students and practitioners to draw from. Beyond listening goes further to address key questions emerging from early childhood services and research. These are What do we mean by listening? Why listen? How do we listen to young children? What view of the child do different approaches to listening presume? What risks does listening entail for young children? The authors are leading experts in this area of rapidly growing interest and have themselves developed innovative methods such as the Mosaic approach, which is discussed in the book.
Stanford University Press Being Singular Plural
This book, by one of the most innovative and challenging contemporary thinkers, consists of an extensive essay from which the book takes its title and five shorter essays that are internally related to “Being Singular Plural.” One of the strongest strands in Nancy’s philosophy is his attempt to rethink community and the very idea of the social in a way that does not ground these ideas in some individual subject or subjectivity. The fundamental argument of the book is that being is always “being with,” that “I” is not prior to “we,” that existence is essentially co-existence. Nancy thinks of this “being-with” not as a comfortable enclosure in a pre-existing group, but as a mutual abandonment and exposure to each other, one that would preserve the “I” and its freedom in a mode of imagining community as neither a “society of spectacle” nor via some form of authenticity. The five shorter essays impressively translate the philosophical insight of “Being Singular Plural” into sophisticated discussions of national sovereignty, war and technology, identity politics, the Gulf War, and the tragic plight of Sarajevo. The essay “Eulogy for the Mêlée,” in particular, is a brilliant discussion of identity and hybridism that resonates with many contemporary social concerns. As Nancy moves through the exposition of his central concern, being-with, he engages a number of other important issues, including current notions of the “other” and “self” that are relevant to psychoanalytic, political, and multicultural concepts. He also offers astonishingly original reinterpretations of major philosophical positions, such as Nietzsche’s doctrine of “eternal recurrence,” Descartes’s “cogito,” and the nature of language and meaning.
Emerald Publishing Limited Police Occupational Culture: New Debates and Directions
The idea of police occupational culture or cop culture has been a source of academic interest and debate since research into policing began in earnest in the 1960s. Police culture has become a lens through which a number of aspects of the police and policing more broadly have been studied, including the use of discretion, police corruption, institutional racism, sexism and police reform. For the most part, these studies have been done in topical isolation from each other and have focused rather narrowly on Anglo-American state policing forms. Using studies from Australia, Britain, the United States, Africa and Canada, this book offers a contemporary look at police culture from an international perspective by questioning established silos in topics, by presenting new ways of thinking about police culture and suggesting forms that police culture is likely to take in the future.In revisiting the meaning of police culture in the light of key developments in the field of policing, including the pluralization of policing governance and delivery, new management practices and the increased diversification and representation within police organizations, the chapters in this book offer both explanatory and normative approaches to the topic. The chapters also point to new topics in police cultural studies, such as the impact of tertiary education opportunities on police culture, police unions as counter-cultural groupings, the coming together of private and public policing cultures, and the impact of new identity groupings on police organizational culture.Students and researchers in police and policing studies, crime and criminal justice, as well as police practitioners themselves, should find this volume of the "Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance" series a particularly interesting read. It presents a timely reassessment of the new dimensions of police occupational culture Proposes a new schema for thinking and writing about policing culture. It considers aspects of the police occupational culture from an international perspective through including studies from Australia, Britain, the United States, Africa and Canada - one often neglected in Anglo-American research. It revisits the meaning of police culture in the light of key developments in the field of policing including the pluralization of policing governance and delivery; new management practices and the increased diversification and representation within police organizations.
Yale University Press The Philosophy Chamber: Art and Science in Harvard's Teaching Cabinet, 1766–1820
Harvard College’s 18th-century Philosophy Chamber consisted of paintings, prints, sculptures, scientific instruments, natural specimens, and various indigenous artifacts—it was a rich and varied representation of not only artistic and cultural achievement but also contemporary understandings of the natural world. Dispersed and hidden away for nearly 200 years, this unrivaled collection has been reunited for the first time since it was originally assembled, providing an invaluable window into the art and culture of early America. It attests to the wide-ranging spirit of inquiry that characterized the late 18th and early 19th centuries. With an insightful look at conservation efforts and detailed examination of specific objects, including works by artists such as John Singleton Copley and John Trumbull, this publication explores the social and political stakes that underpinned one of the most remarkable assemblages of artifacts, images, and objects in the Atlantic World, and introduces readers to many long-forgotten icons of American culture. Distributed for the Harvard Art MuseumsExhibition Schedule:Harvard Art Museums (05/19/17–12/31/17)The Hunterian, University of Glasgow (03/23/18–06/24/18)
New Village Press Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty
30th Anniversary Edition Coming March, 2024. With beautifully crafted words and exuberant watercolor illustrations, Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty offers a poetic and empowering message for world peace. Recognizing "we are right on the edge of destroying ourselves," this modern allegory inspires taking joyful steps to end violence. It expands upon the idea that "we are all in the circle together," and presents a timeless parable for readers of all ages. The Haiku-like text delivers a call to "make a new earth grow beneath our feet." In the playful style of 12th century Japanese picture scrolls, Mayumi Oda's art depicts humans as animals who lose their way when their leaders become confused and drawn to violence. It is up to each individual?the frog who plants a thriving garden, the cat who supports an elderly neighbor as they walk?to create a better world through simple acts of kindness. The message of this book is the sweet realization that each person can become an agent of goodness and beauty. This twentieth-anniversary, full-color edition, with a new foreword by venerable peacemaker Desmond Tutu, is dedicated to Fukushima recovery in the face of world climate crises. All royalties will be donated to community resiliency across boundaries and antinuclear advocacy.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Pocket PAL: Building Learning in Mathematics
The concept of deep learning, as opposed to surface learning, is being increasingly recognized by teachers and, here, Anne Watson and her colleagues use it in connection with enabling so-far low attaining students to recover their self-esteem and mathematical capabilities. This essential guide for mathematics teachers will help to change the focus from 'doing and finishing' to 'thinking and learning'.