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Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine
Using a practical, question-and-answer approach, Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 2nd Edition, helps you provide optimal care for patients and families who are dealing with serious illness. This unique reference focuses on patient and family/caregiver-centered care, highlighting the benefits of palliative care and best practices for delivery. The highly practical, user-friendly format sets it apart from other texts in the field, with concise, readable chapters organized around clinical questions that you’re most likely to encounter in everyday care. Uniquely organized using a question-and-answer approach, making it easy to find answers to common questions asked by practitioners and patients. Up-to-date, reader-friendly chapters explore interventions, assessment techniques, treatment modalities, recommendations and guidelines, communication techniques, and available resources for palliative care. Expanded discussions on hospice in every chapter, and a new emphasis on pediatrics, with increased material on pediatric malignancies, developmental delays, cystic fibrosis, and perinatal palliative care. New chapters on wellness of the palliative care practitioner, patients with opioid use disorders, telehealth in palliative care, health disparities, rural palliative care, caring for people with hematologic malignancies, integrative and alternative therapies, LGBTQ+ populations, mobile health technologies, and national palliative care implementation strategies. High-quality evidence gathered and reviewed by leading experts in palliative medicine, including clinicians, educators, and researchers across a broad range of disciplines. Numerous algorithms throughout help you make informed decisions, and “take-home” points in every chapter provide a quick summary of key content. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text and figures from the book on a variety of devices. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Role of the Economic Crisis on Occupational Stress and Well Being
Workers experience an increasingly uncertain future and many have been forced to search for jobs in a highly competitive market. In this volume, we call upon the field's leading researchers to examine how economic conditions relate to occupational stress and well being.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Agility Factor: Building Adaptable Organizations for Superior Performance
A research-based approach to achieving long-term profitability in business What does it take to guarantee success and profitability over time? Authors Christopher G. Worley, a senior research scientist, Thomas D. Williams, an executive advisor, and Edward E. Lawler III, one of the country's leading management experts, set out to find the answer. In The Agility Factor: Building Adaptable Organizations for Superior Performance the authors reveal the factors that drive long-term profitability based on the practices of successful companies that have consistently outperformed their peers. Of the 234 large companies across 18 industries that were studied, there were few companies that delivered sustained performance across the board. The authors found that across industries, the most successful companies were not the "usual suspects" found in the media, but companies who possessed a quiet agility that allowed them to quickly perceive and respond to changes so that they could continue to grow. Agility gives organizations the ability to adapt to fluctuations in the environment, test possible responses, and implement changes quickly. This book offers specific, research-based case studies to help organizational leaders use agility to achieve sustained profitability and performance while also becoming more adaptable to a changing marketplace. For executives, leaders, consultants, board members and all those responsible for the long-term health of organizations, this insightful guide outlines: The components of agility for business organizations How to successfully build agility within an organization How agility has its foundation in good management practices How to use agility to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Norman Studies XIX: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1996
`No single recent enterprise has done more to enlarge and deepen our understanding of one of the most critical periods in English history'. Antiquaries Journal The proceedings of the 1996 Battle Conference contain the usual wide range of topics, from the late tenth century to 1200 and from Durham to Southern Italy, demonstrating once again its importance as the leading forum for Anglo-Norman studies. Many different aspects of the Anglo-Norman world are examined, ranging from military technology to the architecture of Durham Cathedral; there are also in-depth investigations of individual families and characters, including William Malet and Abbot Suger.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Enhancing Building Performance
Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) informs and enhances the usability and sustainability of building designs with lessons learned from evaluation of building performance throughout the building life cycle, from initial planning through occupancy to adaptive re-use. A key feature of BPE is that it examines design and technical performance of buildings alongside human performance criteria. That is, it seeks to examine facilities in order to determine whether they will work for the people that will use and occupy them. Rigorous BPE helps to improve design practice by providing feedback on the effectiveness of the choices made about the building to ensure that its design is optimised for stakeholders’ uses. The overarching theme for Enhancing Building Performance is to present the next generation of BPE work. The book provides an updated systematic approach for BPE as well as chapters written by experts from around the world who demonstrate how to apply BPE to enhance building design. Topics covered include: evidence-based and integrative design processes, evaluation methods and tools, and education and knowledge transfer. In addition, case studies provide specific examples of how BPE has been used to study such things as the impact of workplace design on human productivity and innovation. Written primarily for design professionals and facility managers who wish to use BPE to deliver improved building performance that is responsive to the needs of stakeholders, Enhancing Building Performance will also be of great value to researchers and students across a range of architecture and construction disciplines.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Foundations of Financial Risk: An Overview of Financial Risk and Risk-based Financial Regulation
Gain a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding financial risk and regulation Foundations of Financial Risk details the various risks, regulations, and supervisory requirements institutions face in today's economic and regulatory environment. Written by the experts at the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), this book represents an update to GARP's original publication, Foundations of Banking Risk. You'll learn the terminology and basic concepts surrounding global financial risk and regulation, and develop an understanding of the methods used to measure and manage market, credit, and operational risk. Coverage includes traded market risk and regulation, treasury risk and regulation, and much more, including brand new coverage of risk management for insurance companies. Clear explanations, focused discussion, and comprehensive relevancy make this book an ideal resource for an introduction to risk management. The textbook provides an understanding of risk management methodologies, governance structures for risk management in financial institutions and the regulatory requirements dictated by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. It provides thorough coverage of the issues surrounding financial risk, giving you a solid knowledgebase and a practical, applicable understanding. Understand risk measurement and management Learn how minimum capital requirements are regulated Explore all aspects of financial institution regulation and disclosure Master the terminology of global risk and regulation Financial institutions and supervisors around the world are increasingly recognizing how vital sound risk management practices are to both individual firms and the capital markets system as a whole. Savvy professionals recognize the need for authoritative and comprehensive training, and Foundations of Financial Risk delivers with expert-led education for those new to risk management.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Understanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences
A comprehensive introduction to behavioral and social science research methods in the health sciences Understanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences is designed to develop and facilitate the ability to conduct research and understand the practical value of designing, conducting, interpreting, and reporting behavioral and social science research findings in the health science and medical fields. The book provides complete coverage of the process behind these research methods, including information-gathering, decision formation, and results presentation. Examining the application of behavioral and social science research methodologies within the health sciences, the book focuses on implementing and developing relevant research questions, collecting and managing data, and communicating various research perspectives. An essential book for readers looking to possess an understanding of all aspects of conducting research in the health science field, Understanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences features: Various research designs that are appropriate for use in the health sciences, including single-participant, multi-group, longitudinal, correlational, and experimental designs Step-by-step coverage of single-factor and multifactor studies as well as single-subject and nonexperimental methods Accessible chapter explanations, real-world examples, and numerous illustrations throughout Guidance regarding how to write about research within the formatting styles of the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association The book is an excellent educational resource for healthcare and health service practitioners and researchers who are interested in conducting and understanding behavioral and social science research done within the health sciences arena. The book is also a useful resource for students taking courses in the fields of medicine, public health, epidemiology, biostatistics, and the health sciences.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Parliament at Work: Parliamentary Committees, Political Power and Public Access in Early Modern England
The political, social and economic changes which overtook England in the early seventeenth century forced Parliament to adapt from a medieval institution into one with authority over all facets of society; studies focus on particular cases. The political, social and economic changes which overtook England in the early seventeenth century were both powerful and dramatic, forcing Parliament to adapt from a medieval institution into one with authority over all facets ofsociety. Dynastic change, union with Scotland, fiscal reform, civil war, revolution and Restoration required Parliament not only to be at work, but also to discover how to work. These studies focus on change and development in three areas: firstly, the institution of Parliament itself, exploring its growing institutional sophistication and the problems connected with attendance, workload and physical environment; secondly, on Parliament's role within theinstitutional set-up of the constitution, and the structure and relationships of power within the governance of the country; and thirdly, on the public perception of Parliament, and the practicalities of the relationship between Parliament and the wider world. Contributors: JOHN ADAMSON, ROBERT ARMSTRONG, DAVID DEAN, MICHAEL GRAVES, PAUL M. HUNNYBALL, SEAN KELSEY, CHRISTOPHER KYLE, JASON PEACEY, PAUL SEAWARD.
University of California Press Handbook of Citizen Science in Ecology and Conservation
University of California Press Handbook of Citizen Science in Ecology and Conservation
Emerald Publishing Limited The Role of Demographics in Occupational Stress and Well Being
This peer-reviewed series promotes theory and research in the expanding area of occupational stress, health and well-being. Each volume of this series focuses on a particular topic, allowing authors and readers in that area to critically explore the cutting edge work from their discipline. Interest in organizational demography spans several decades (e.g., Pfeffer, 1983). However, in much of the contemporary research on occupational stress and well-being, demographic factors such as gender, age, and race/ethnicity are evident in the background and controlled in statistical analysis. In this volume, we ask whether that should be the case and the extent to which those demographics impact our experience of stress and well-being. Topics for this volume include age, occupational strain, and well-being using a person-environment fit perspective; race, stress, and well being in organizations; gender facades, biological sex, and gender role stereotypes in the workplace; age, resilience, wellbeing, and positive work outcomes; conceptual/theoretical issues related to religion and stress/well-being; and sex and sexual orientation on occupational stress and well being.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Resetting the Kitchen Table: Food Security, Culture, Health & Resilience in Coastal Communities
F.A. Davis Company Laboratory Manual for Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy
Before, during, and after labThis “hands-on” learning tool is the perfect complement to the 7th Edition of Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy!Divided into three sections, it will help you to prepare for lab, guide you through lab activities, and serve as an after-lab review that ensures you build a solid knowledge base of kinesiology. Updated, Enhanced, & Revised!Content that reflects the most current information on the science that is the foundation of kinesiology Expanded!More critical-thinking type questions Follows the organization of Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy, 7th Edition, chapter by chapter. Explores the basic structure and function of the human body, including joints, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, bones and bony landmarks, muscle origin and insertion. Provides a simple and clear presentation of gait and posture. Includes functional anatomy questions to help you understand where muscles are placed in the body and how they work together. Offers photographs in the palpations sections to assist in locating muscles and landmarks. Features an analysis of a functional task in the upper and lower extremity chapters to determine what movements are needed, what muscles are working, and the type of contractions the muscles are performing. (Each joint of an extremity is analyzed for the same functional task.)
Emerald Publishing Limited Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Emerging Markets: Selected Papers from the 2018 MIT SCALE Latin America Conference
In April 2018 more than 150 researchers from 16 different countries convened at MIT for the second SCALE Latin American Conference on Supply Chain Management and Logistics (SCM&L). This edited book presents 18 papers on SCML in Latin America which emerged from this conference. As a region with more than 640 million people, and an economy that grows faster than those of developed regions, Latin America is the subject of large infrastructure projects and heightened interest from multinational companies. With contributors spanning eleven different countries, and comprising MIT faculty and researchers, and academics from prestigious Latin American institutions, this collection covers a variety of relevant topics in SCM&L for the region, and also addresses its lack of cases and applied examples. With cases from Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, and Paraguay, this book breaks fresh ground by looking at risk analysis, and small firms supply chain management. Making a solid contribution to the regional needs for SCM&L literature for education, research, and practice, this book is relevant to researchers and professionals living and operating in the region, as well as in developing economies beyond.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mistreatment in Organizations
Volume 13 of Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being is focused on mistreatment in organizations. Mistreatment can be damaging to the individual as well as to the organization. This volume includes critical topics on customer mistreatment, aggression in the workplace, incivility, and workplace ostracism.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Understanding Business Research
Explore the essential steps for data collection, reporting, and analysis in business research Understanding Business Research offers a comprehensive introduction to the entire process of designing, conducting, interpreting, and reporting findings in the business environment. With an emphasis on the human factor, the book presents a complete set of tools for tackling complex behavioral and social processes that are a part of data collection in industry settings. Utilizing numerous real-world examples throughout, the authors begin by presenting an overview of the research process, outlining key ideas relating to the business environment, ethics, and empirical methods. Quantitative techniques and considerations that are specific to business research, including sampling and the use of assessments, surveys, and objective measures are also introduced. Subsequent chapters outline both common and specialized research designs for business data, including: Correlational Research Single Variable Between-Subjects Research Correlated Groups Designs Qualitative and Mixed-Method Research Between-Subjects Designs Between-Subjects Factorial Designs Research with Categorical Data Each chapter is organized using an accessible, comprehensive pedagogy that ensures a fluid presentation. Case studies showcase the real-world applications of the discussed topics while critical thinking exercises and Knowledge Checks supply questions that allow readers to test their comprehension of the presented material. Numerous graphics illustrate the visual nature of the research, and chapter-end glossaries outline definitions of key terms. In addition, detailed appendices provide a review of basic concepts and the most commonly used statistical tables. Requiring only a basic understanding of statistics, Understanding Business Research is an excellent book for courses on business statistics as well as business and management science research methods at the graduate level. The book is also a valuable resource for practitioners in business, finance, and management science who utilize qualitative and quantitative research methods in their everyday work.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Norman Studies XX: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1997
The Anglo-Norman world, with particular focus on the Normans in Ireland. Founded by Professor R. Allen Brown, the Battle Conference this year celebrates its 20th meeting in Dublin with a particular focus on Irish topics. Anglo-Norman Studies, published annually and containing the papers presented at the conference, is established as the single most important publication in the field (as a glance at bibliographies of the period will confirm), covering not only matters relating to pre- and post-Conquest England and France,but also the activities and influences of the Normans on the wider European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern stage.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
A comprehensive introduction to research methods and best practices for designing,conducting, interpreting, and reporting findings This text is designed to develop in students a passion for conducting research and an understanding of the practical value of systematic information- gathering and decision-making. It features step-by-step coverage of the research process including research design, statistical considerations, and guidance on writing up and presenting results. Recognized leaders in the field—authors Bart Weathington, Christopher Cunningham, and David Pittenger—present: Introductions to multiple research designs—including single-participant, multi-group, longitudinal, correlational, and experimental designs—accompanied by examples Bibliographic research and methods for appropriate sampling Identifying, developing, and evaluating reliable and valid approaches to measurement The issues and steps common to all single-factor and multifactor studies, as well as single-subject and nonexperimental methods How to summarize research in writing that conforms to the editorial guidelines of the American Psychological Association A comprehensive review of research methods and the statistical concepts that support them, Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences offers the best techniques for studying behavior and social phenomena.
Oxford University Press A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying, and Civil Engineering
This new edition of A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying, and Civil Engineering is the most up-to-date dictionary of its kind. In more than 8,000 entries it covers the key areas of civil and construction engineering, construction technology and practice, construction management techniques and processes, as well as legal aspects such as contracts and procurement. It has been updated with more than 600 new entries spanning subjects such as sustainability, new technologies, disaster management, and building software. New additions include terms such as Air source heat pump, hydraulic failure, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, off-site construction, predictive performance, sustainable development, and value engineering. Useful diagrams and web links complement the text, which also includes suggestions for further reading. With contributions from more than 130 experts from around the world, this dictionary is an authoritative resource for engineering students, construction professionals, and surveyors.
Scarecrow Press Guide to U.S. Map Resources
More than fourteen years have passed since the second edition of the Map and Geography Round Table's Guide to U.S. Map Resources appeared in 1990. The third edition offers users a detailed snapshot of and guide to hundreds of map collections and cartographic resources in libraries and repositories throughout the nation. Substantial changes have occurred within library map collections over the past decade and a half, and not surprisingly, the computer has been at the core of most of these innovations. Geographic information systems (GIS), the World Wide Web, email, Portable Document Format, data sets, the Internet and digitization have all played revolutionary roles in transforming libraries—and map collections in particular—over the past fifteen years. Today's librarian who works with maps is no longer limited by the contents of his or her own map and atlas collection. In many cases the librarian can turn to the Internet and locate a map or data set physically located in a library hundreds of miles away. However, this is not always the case. But knowing which collection may contain a needed cartographic item can be a valuable first step in locating the item in question. As map collections everywhere continue to grow, new maps, digital files, aerial photos, and atlases become available to users every day. This detailed, timely, and reliable guide to these varied and still somewhat "hidden" cartographic collections—and their personnel—serves as a useful reference tool, especially in this digital age, when library online catalogues are immediately and readily accessible.
Universitatsverlag Winter The Museal Turn
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Norman Studies XXI: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1998
No single recent enterprise has done more to enlarge and deepen our understanding of one of the most critical periods in English history. ANTIQUARIES JOURNAL Anglo-Norman Studies, published annually and containing the papers presented at the Battle conference, is established as the single most important publication in the field, covering not only matters relating to pre- and post-Conquest England and France, but also the activities and influences of the Normans on the wider European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern stage; it celebrates its twenty-first anniversary with this volume. This year there is an emphasis on the examination of sources: translation-narratives, the Life of Hereward, the Book of Llandaf, a Mont Saint Michel cartulary, Benoit de Sainte-Maure and Roger of Howden. Secular topics include Anglo-Flemish relations and the origins of an important family; ecclesiastical matters considered are the Breton church in the late eleventh century, William Rufus's monastic policy, the patrons of the great abbey of Bec, and, for the first time in this series, the life of St Thomas of Canterbury.
Nine Elms Books The Drum Horse in the Fountain: & Other Tales of Heroes and Rogues in the Guards
In this highly entertaining and informative book, Christopher Joll and Anthony Weldon have captured the careers, accomplishments, follies and the occasional crimes of over three hundred of the officers and men who have served in the seven Regiments (two Household Cavalry and five Foot Guards) of the sovereign's personal troops. The pages of The DRUM HORSE IN THE FOUNTAIN will reveal a whole parade of remarkable and unusual characters... In the world of the arts - theatre, film, music, and writing - and sport there are many notable, and some surprising, Guardsmen including * two Oscar winning film stars - one of whom was drunkenly responsible for dispatching a Drum Horse into "The Fountain" in front of Buckingham Palace. And some of the most eccentric men ever to have been let loose on the public including * The irresponsible officer in charge of the Tower of London guard who had to break back into the Tower by climbing the mast of a barge on the Thames and then onto Traitor's Gate; * The VC who rallied his troops with a hunting horn; * The officer who dressed as a nun to entertain the Duke of Wellington; * The unfortunate officer who Queen Victoria thought was addressing her when he was actually trying to admonish his unruly horse - she was not amused; * Traitors, conmen, bigamists, a purveyor of `honours for cash' and three accused of murder - as well as at least five murder victims, one of whom died in a Chicago bootleggers' shoot-out. On military service the officers and men of the Household Division have * earned forty-four Victoria Crosses; * been founding members of SOE, SAS, Commandos, operated behind enemy lines and pioneered military parachuting; * acted as spies, double agents and spy masters; * been supported through the fiercest fighting of WW2 by a remarkably loayl tea-lady in her NAAFI wagon. As well as Prime Ministers and politicians, churchmen also feature prominently with * a Cardinal who, had he lived, might have been Pope; an Archbishop of Canterbury, known as `Killer', with an MC (as well as four padres awarded MCs), a bishop, two monks, three Lord Priors of the Order of St John, and two Grand Masters of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (who rank as Cardinals). Were this not enough, amongst actual, as well as aspiring, royalty and their progeny - legitimate and otherwise, there was * the aristocratic candidate for the throne of Albania (who, although almost blind, fought as a regimental officer in WW1 without actually enlisting). ...and, not to be forgotten, are * one regimental wolfhound in the 1930s which dispatched the Italian Ambassador's greyhound, three bears (one stuffed), two WW1 milking cows who took part in the 1919 Victory Parade, one monkey with the rank of Corporal of Horse and a very alert goose called Jacob.
Little, Brown Book Group Where The Bodies Are Buried
The first book in the Jasmine Sharp series, from author Christopher Brookmyre.A ''tense, moving, and gloriously twisted'' (Mark Billingham) top ten Sunday Times bestseller from the award-winning author of Quite Ugly One Morning Detective Catherine McLeod was always taught that in Glasgow, they don''t do whodunit. They do score-settling, vendettas and petty revenge. And however she looks at it, the discovery of a dead drug-dealer in a back alley means she''s going to be busy.Meanwhile, aspiring actress Jasmine Sharp is reluctantly - and incompetently - working for her uncle Jim''s private investigation business. When Jim goes missing, Jasmine has to take on the investigator mantle for real, and her only lead points to a professional assassin who has been dead for twenty years. Soon Jasmine stumbles into a web of corruption and secrets that leaves her running for her life.''[A] smartly written mainstream detective story .
Little, Brown Book Group Want You Gone
The eighth book in the Jack Parlabane series, from author Christopher Brookmyre.The award-winning, million-selling author of Black Widow brings a twist-filled story of secrets and lies.What if your deepest secret was revealed?Sam Morpeth is growing up way too fast, left to fend for a younger sister when their mother goes to prison and watching her dreams of university evaporate. But Sam learns what it is to be truly powerless when a stranger begins to blackmail her.Who would you turn to?Meanwhile, reporter Jack Parlabane has finally got his career back on track, but his success has left him indebted to a volatile, criminal source. Now that debt is being called in, and it could cost him everything. What would you be capable of?Thrown together by a vindictive and mysterious mutual enemy, Sam and Jack are about to discover they might be each other's only hope.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Groupthink
In Groupthink, his final book, the late, eminent journalist and bestselling author Christopher Booker seeks to identify the hidden key to understanding much that is disturbing about the world today. With reference to the ideas of a Yale professor who first identified the theory, and to the writings of George Orwell from whose ''newspeak'' the word was adapted, Booker sheds new light on the remarkable and worrying effects of ''groupthink'', and its influence on our society. Booker defines the three rules of groupthink: the adoption of a common view or belief not based on objective reality; the establishment of a consensus of right-minded people, an ''in group''; and the need to treat the views of anyone who questions the belief as wholly unacceptable. He shows how various interest groups, journalists and even governments in the twenty-first century have subscribed to this way of thinking, with deeply disturbing results. As Booker shows, such be
Emerald Publishing Limited Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Latin America: A Multi-Country Perspective
Latin America is a well recognized and growing market, but its poor infrastructure, explosive urbanization, expensive and inefficient logistics, and multiple social problems continue to pose major problems to logistics professionals and academics. The uniqueness and complexity of these issues have long daunted scholars, and there remains an important gap in the literature around Latin American supply chain management and logistics (SCM&L). Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Latin America brings together leading scholars across Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Panama, and the USA in order to address this gap. The chapters collected here, all of which are drawn from selected papers presented at the 2016 MIT SCALE Latin American Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management, offer perspectives from five different countries—Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru—and provide insights into cases and new methods written by people who have faced the challenges they discuss. The authors cover a broad range of subjects: in addition to general contributions to qualitative and quantitative methods in supply chain management and coverage of cases of global importance such as the Panama Canal expansion, they offer insights into regionally specific problems around freight corridors in Colombia, reverse logistics and recycling in Colombia, supply risk management in Colombia, and socially oriented logistics in low-income communities in Peru. Since Latin America is one of the most urbanized regions in the world, with about eighty percent of the population living in cities, questions around urban logistics also receive heavy coverage, with four chapters discussing issues unique to very high-density cities and megacities such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bogotá, and Quito. For its explorations of important themes, methods, and local topics within a crucial and ever-expanding market, Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Latin America is a valuable resource for educators, researchers, and practitioners.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd King John: New Interpretations
The most recent ideas and arguments from leading historians of John's reign. The reign of King John (1199-1216) is one of the most controversial in English history. When he succeeded to Richard the Lionheart's lands, he could legitimately claim to rule half modern France as well as England and Ireland; butby the time of his death his dominion lay in tatters, and his subjects had banded together to restrict his powers as king under the Magna Carta and to overthrow him in favour of the son of the king of France. Over the centuries his reign has provided politicians and historians with fertile ground for inspiration and argument, and this volume adds to the debate, offering the most recent ideas and arguments from leading historians on the subject, and covering all the major issues involved. It is coherently formulated around explorations of the two major events of his reign: the loss of his continental inheritance, and the ending of his reign in the disaster of civil war. Topicscover all aspects of his life and career, from his reputation, the economy, the Norman aristocracy, the Church, Justice and the Empire, to his mother Eleanor of Aquitaine and his wife Isabella of Angouleme. It will be essential reading for all interested in one of the most significant periods of English history. Contributors: NICK BARRATT, J.L. BOLTON, JIM BRADBURY,SEAN DUFFY, A.A.M. DUNCAN, NATALIE FRYDE, JOHN GILLINGHAM, CHRISTOPHER HARPER-BILL, PAUL LATIMER, JANE MARTINDALE, V.D. MOSS, DANIEL POWER, IFOR W. ROWLANDS, RALPH V. TURNER, NICHOLAS VINCENT. Professor S.D. CHURCH teaches in the Department of History at the University of East Anglia.
Stanford University Press Leading Culture Change: What Every CEO Needs to Know
Leading Culture Change: What Every CEO Needs To Know is a practical guide for top leaders who are faced with the challenge of shaping their culture to create long term, sustainable value. Culture is changeable—but only with CEO sponsorship and a methodical, best practices approach. Author Christopher S. Dawson draws on 25 years of experience as an organizational consultant in a variety of industries to delineate five critical success factors, without which culture change is unlikely to occur. He offers practical tools and approaches to facilitate culture change, in addition to an overall framework that acts as a yardstick for seasoned and new top leaders. The book provides a "red-yellow-green" level of urgency tool for determining the degree of organizational effort required to address the gap between strategy and culture; a roadmap for culture change; and more. After describing how to effect change, the text describes frequent scenarios, providing guidelines, an in-depth case example, and lessons for top leaders. Finally, the book outlines four essential leadership competencies—dual-horizon vision; self-awareness; team leadership; and source of inspiration—based on the requirements for leaders of any transformation. This book is an ideal guide for today and tomorrow's top leaders—as well as a valuable supplement to management consultants' and human resource executives' professional training.
Kerber Verlag Christopher Winter: Archipelago of the Mind
British artist Christopher Winter (*1968) is a figurative painter, performance and installation artist. His work is influenced primarily by literature, film and politics. He has a particular interest in fairy tales, folk rituals and often questions the nature of our reality. Winter's paintings are mysterious yet also have a narrative element. This is the second monograph to be published on his painting by Kerber Verlag. This volume compliments the preceding one and illuminates Winter's previously unseen installation and performance work. The book is arranged in themed “Islands”, works are not organised chronologically. The reader is then invited to visit “Libertine Island”, “Deep Forest Island” or “Reality Island” as they sail amongst The Archipelago of the Mind. A map at the front of the book guides the way. Text in English and German. Published to accompany an exhibition entitled ARCHIPELAGO OF THE MIND - a CHRISTOPHER WINTER SOLO EXHIBITION with Book Launch and Opening of the Exhibition on Friday 8 October 2021 at ZAK – Center for Contemporary Art Zitadelle, Berlin.