Search results for ""Author Christopher""
Aspen Publishing Environmental Regulation: Law, Science, and Policy [Connected eBook with Study Center]
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cardiovascular Imaging: A Handbook for Clinical Practice
This book is focused on the use of non-invasive imaging in clinical cardiology. Its central theme is the use of different imaging modalities in the routine clinical problems that physicians encounter on a regular basis. Many different clinical issues are discussed, including valvular disease, coronary artery disease, and myocardial and pericardial disease. In these various pathologies, the applications of echocardiography, nuclear imaging, CMR and MSCT are highlighted. The majority of chapters are illustrated with a clinical case study and with moving images, which are contained on the accompanying CD. These case studies offer excellent examples of how to use the imaging modalities in clinical cardiology. Contributors are from Europe, the US and Asia to provide a global perspective. The ESC Education Series This book with its supporting CD is part of the ESC Education Series. The series is designed to provide medical professionals with the latest information about the understanding, diagnosis and management of cardiovascular diseases. Where available, management recommendations are based on the established European Guidelines, which encompass the best techniques to use with each cardiac disease. Throughout the series, the leading international opinion leaders have been chosen to edit and contribute to the books. The information is presented in a succinct and accessible format with a clinical focus.
Rowman & Littlefield Realism/Antirealism and Epistemology
This landmark collection of essays by six renowned philosophers explores the implications of the contentious realism/antirealism debate for epistemology. The essays examine issues such as whether epistemology needs to be realist, the bearing of a realist conception of truth on epistemology, and realism and antirealism in terms of a pragmatist conception of epistemic justification. Richard Rorty's essay provides a critical commentary on the other five.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Peripheral Nerve Issues after Orthopedic Surgery: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Prevention, Evaluation and Treatment
Peripheral nerve issues are potential sequalae of orthopedic surgery, even after cases in which technically excellent surgery was performed. These injuries can impede the expected recovery of function after the primary surgery. Given the manifold challenges associated with recovery of peripheral nerve injuries, this book is designed as a multidisciplinary guide to the diagnosis, prognostication and treatment of peripheral nerve issues after common orthopedic surgeries. Beginning with an overview of nerve compression, injury and regeneration, as well as a presentation of the current diagnostic and imaging modalities for peripheral nerve injuries, this unique text is organized by anatomic region and by type of procedure performed. Topics covered include shoulder and elbow arthroplasty and arthroscopy, fractures of the hand and wrist, hip preservation surgery, total knee replacement, open surgery of the foot and ankle, lumbosacral myeloradiculopathy, and more. Each chapter is authored by both a subspecialty surgeon who routinely performs the surgeries described and a subspecialized hand/peripheral nerve surgeon with experience in evaluating and treating nerve issues after that particular injury. Emphasis is placed on multidisciplinary team approaches, patient counseling, and technical aspects of surgical treatment. Generously illustrated and written by experts in the field, Peripheral Nerve Issues after Orthopedic Surgery is a truly interdisciplinary resource for orthopedic, plastic, hand and trauma surgeons, physiatrists, trainees, and all professionals evaluating and managing postoperative peripheral nerve issues.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Key Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery
Key Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery, 2nd Edition, by Steven Stern, Matthew Saltzman, and Christopher Bono provides a fully updated, easy-to-follow orthopaedics reference. The book encompasses a full spectrum of core orthopaedic procedures impacting pediatric to adult patients. Unlike dense orthopaedic tomes, the straightforward, streamlined approach makes this reference the ideal operating room companion. For each of the 60 procedures, the authors include numbered, step-by-step guidance. This is augmented with more than 300 high-quality black and white line drawings illustrating techniques. In addition to consistently formatted surgery procedures, each chapter includes indications; contraindications; preoperative preparation; special instruments, position, and anesthesia; clinical tips and pearls; pitfalls to avoid; postoperative care issues; and suggested reading. From the foot and ankle to the cervical spine, procedures cover a wide range of acquired and degenerative conditions. Key Features Open and arthroscopic shoulder approaches including rotator cuff repair, Latarjet, Bankart, hemiarthroplasty/reverse shoulder arthroplasty for proximal humerus fractures, and total shoulder arthroplasty Management of arm, elbow, and hand conditions including compartment syndrome of the forearm, carpal tunnel syndrome, olecranon and radial head/neck fractures, thumb metacarpal fractures, and distal radius fractures Essential techniques for treating hip fractures, hybrid and uncemented total hip arthroscopy, hemiarthroplasty,and pediatric hip aspiration Core knee and leg procedures including ACL repair, total and medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty, and repair of tibial shaft, femoral shaft, and patella fractures The use of pedicle screws, fusions, decompression, disc arthroplasty, discectomy, and vertebrectomy, for cervical and lumbar spine pathologies The succinct, reader-friendly format emphasizes technique and is designed to allow readers to quickly review and absorb salient procedural steps. Orthopaedic residents and surgeons alike will benefit from this must-have rounds and OR resource.
New York University Press Fear Itself: The Causes and Consequences of Fear in America
An antidote to the culture of fear that dominates modern life From moral panics about immigration and gun control to anxiety about terrorism and natural disasters, Americans live in a culture of fear. While fear is typically discussed in emotional or poetic terms—as the opposite of courage, or as an obstacle to be overcome—it nevertheless has very real consequences in everyday life. Persistent fear negatively effects individuals’ decision-making abilities and causes anxiety, depression, and poor physical health. Further, fear harms communities and society by corroding social trust and civic engagement. Yet politicians often effectively leverage fears to garner votes and companies routinely market unnecessary products that promise protection from imagined or exaggerated harms. Drawing on five years of data from the Chapman Survey of American Fears—which canvasses a random, national sample of adults about a broad range of fears—Fear Itself offers new insights into what people are afraid of and how fear affects their lives. The authors also draw on participant observation with Doomsday preppers and conspiracy theorists to provide fascinating narratives about subcultures of fear. Fear Itself is a novel, wide-ranging study of the social consequences of fear, ultimately suggesting that there is good reason to be afraid of fear itself.
Taylor & Francis Inc Effective Portfolio Management Systems
With an estimated 70 percent of new projects failing to add value to the organization, reducing project failure rate represents one of the biggest improvement opportunities available today. This book highlights proven approaches designed to separate the successful projects from the potential losers before the projects are started. This represents huge savings in manpower, money, and time. The book shows you how to reduce project cycle time and apply resources effectively to maximize results and project success rates. Effective Portfolio Management Systems provides a roadmap for the implementation of an organizational Portfolio Project Management (PPM) system and a model for driving sustainable change. It takes you through the complete project/program management cycle—from the submittal of the proposed projects to the management of their implementation. To do this, the authors present an effective, proven, four-phase Organizational Portfolio Management (OPM) system: Phase I: Developing the Organizational Portfolio involves selecting the right mix of projects/programs based upon resource limitations and risks involved. Phase II: Creating the OPM System Implementation Plan is the development of a plan to minimize the resources consumed, reduce cycle time, and increase the ability of the projects to meet their projected value-added content to the organization. Phase III: Implementing the OPM System focuses on the complexity of managing an Organizational Portfolio and keeping it aligned with the organization’s goals and objectives. This phase provides a roadmap for the implementation of an organizational PPM system, including sample plans and PMO Implementation/Management Templates. Phase IV: Practical Applications of Project Change Management within the OPM System focuses on overcoming the difficulties related to the continuous changing environment and project requirements that are encountered as projects are developed and implemented in today’s demanding conditions. This phase provides guidelines for effectively enrolling, communicating with, and training the individuals who are impacted by the project/program to effectively drive sustainable change. At first glance, an OPM system may look like increased bureaucracy. However, when it results in a 20-percent increase in the percentage of projects that are successful, it really turns out to be one of the best resources an organization can invest in to ensure profitability and long-term sustainable results.
American Psychological Association Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care: Step-by-Step Guidance for Assessment and Intervention
Now in its third edition, Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care details the relevant updates in the field for behavioral health care practitioners and offers targeted clinical assessment and intervention strategies that will meet the future needs of educators, students, and clinicians. Drawing on comprehensive research evidence and the authors’ decades of clinical experience, this book offers practical guidance for behavioral health care practitioners who want to work more effectively in the fast-paced and complex setting of primary care. Chapters provide an overview of the key foundational concepts and applications of behavioral health within the primary care setting, and detail the competencies required for optimal assessment and intervention outcomes. The authors give detailed, practical advice for addressing common behavioral health concerns including depression, anxiety, health behaviors, pain disorders, substance misuse, and other pertinent problems, as well as special issues such as managing suicidal risk. Key updates to this third edition include: An expanded exploration of core competencies and clinical practice management skills; A review of the neuromatrix theory of pain model, as well as additional important considerations for assessing and treating fibromyalgia and other pain disorders, and; Assessment and intervention guidelines for opioid misuse.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Community College Finance: A Guide for Institutional Leaders
Smart financial management means more students served Community College Finance provides an introduction to best practices for community college leaders and their boards, with guidance on the complex regulations, processes, and considerations surrounding the financial management of these unique institutions. As community colleges continue to increase in importance, this book provides non-technical yet extensive information to guide current and future leaders toward the establishment of effective processes to secure and maintain the funding that is so crucial to the education and future of millions of students nationwide. Readers will gain insight into the background and foundation of community college finance and learn the essentials of practice in today's economic and political climate. The discussion covers student financial aid, tuition, budgeting, and more, and explores the future of federal policy and what it means for the institutions that play such a critical role in the nation's educational system. Over eight million students attend more than a thousand community colleges in the United States today, and those colleges are now facing the retirement of their founding generation of leadership. Meanwhile, the balance between traditional funding sources is shifting as new models and approaches are being implemented, and comprehensive, guiding resources are lacking. This book fills that need with expert insight reflecting current realities and a true understanding of the challenges community colleges face. Readers will: Delve into factors affecting funding and the cost of attendance Develop a budgeting style and process that serves the institution Learn to manage fiscal crises effectively without reducing standards Consider the future of federal policy and how it will affect budgeting At a time when a difficult economy raises questions about the value of higher education, the value that community colleges offer becomes ever more clear. Community College Finance provides the guidance leaders need to help their institutions flourish.
University of Nebraska Medical Center Nebraska Isolation and Quarantine Manual
John Wiley & Sons Inc Built to Change: How to Achieve Sustained Organizational Effectiveness
In this groundbreaking book, organizational effectiveness experts Edward Lawler and Christopher Worley show how organizations can be “built to change” so they can last and succeed in today’s global economy. Instead of striving to create a highly reliable Swiss watch that consistently produces the same behavior, they argue organizations need to be designed in ways that stimulate and facilitate change. Built to Change focuses on identifying practices and designs that organizations can adopt so that they are able to change. As Lawler and Worley point out, organizations that foster continuous change Are closely connected to their environments Reward experimentation Learn about new practices and technologies Commit to continuously improving performance Seek temporary competitive advantages
Taylor & Francis Ltd Subject Knowledge: Readings For The Study Of School Subjects
School knowledge has been a subject for historians, notably in the field of history of education. concentrating on the educational aspects of particular historical periods, however, links with contemporary education have often remained undeveloped.; This text attempts to account for the growth of increased interest by sociologists and others in school subjects since the 1960s. Goodson's analysis of his own work in the UK and North America examines the range of insights afforded of the nature of schooling and teaching through the study of school subjects.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Process Improvement for Effective Budgeting and Financial Reporting
"The budget and financial reporting processes are well known sources of frustration for most CFOs. Seeking a quick fix to the problem, the common solution is to pour more money into new and better software. This leaves the root cause, the inefficient and dysfunctional underlying processes and routines, unaddressed. As this book shows, substantial and sustainable improvements are only achieved through an holistic approach to process improvement, technology, strategy, and people." —Tom Henry Knudsen, Executive Vice President, Telenor Eiendom Fornebu AS, Proven methods for improving efficiency Corporations face a high turnover among financial managers, rapid changes in technology, lack of time and process redesign skills, and ongoing ambiguity about primary objectives behind the budgeting and financial reporting processes. Amid this frenzy, it is the fundamental efficiency of these processes that dramatically impact overall business performance. Process Improvement for Effective Budgeting and Financial Reporting provides financial managers with a compelling blueprint for increasing efficiency and eliminating waste of time and energy. Four operational experts lay out an 80/20 plan-improving 80% of processes in 20% of the time it would take to improve 100%-and explain a Business Process Improvement (BPI) plan that incorporates: The emerging trends affecting financial managers today Step-by-step process implementation Interviews with industry leaders, consultants, and managers who have successfully instituted BPI plans Appraisals of the available software that can help or hinder the process There is no substitute for improved efficiency. CFOs, controllers, budget managers, and financial analysts will significantly benefit from adding this authoritative guide to their professional libraries.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Management Reset: Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness
Provocative new management principles and practices that create effective organizations for shareholders and society Management experts Lawler and Worley have developed a set of management principles that enable organizations to be both successful and responsible. Existing command & control and high-involvement management styles depend too much on stable conditions and focus too narrowly on economic outcomes. They convincingly argue that we need to "reset" our approach to management to one that fits today's demanding business environment. Starting with a change in how success is measured and a more realistic view of risk, Lawler and Worley take us through how strategy, governance, organization structure and talent should be managed. The result is an organization that can reliable produce financial, social, and ecological results. Includes illustrative lessons from Microsoft, Cisco, Netflix, DaVita, Starbucks, Nokia, and the U.S. Secret Service Offers clear prescriptions for managers who want to organize for sustainable performance effectiveness Lawler and Worley are the authors of the bestselling Built to Change Lawler and Worley outline why and how the current practice of management must change in order for organizations to achieve sustained organizational effectiveness.
University of Illinois Press The Pew and the Picket Line: Christianity and the American Working Class
The Pew and the Picket Line collects works from a new generation of scholars working at the nexus where religious history and working-class history converge. Focusing on Christianity and its unique purchase in America, the contributors use in-depth local histories to illustrate how Americans male and female, rural and urban, and from a range of ethnic backgrounds dwelt in a space between the church and the shop floor. Their vivid essays show Pentecostal miners preaching prosperity while seeking miracles in the depths of the earth, while aboveground black sharecroppers and white Protestants establish credit unions to pursue a joint vision of cooperative capitalism. Innovative and essential, The Pew and the Picket Line reframes venerable debates as it maps the dynamic contours of a landscape sculpted by the powerful forces of Christianity and capitalism. Contributors: Christopher D. Cantwell, Heath W. Carter, Janine Giordano Drake, Ken Fones-Wolf, Erik Gellman, Alison Collis Greene, Brett Hendrickson, Dan McKanan, Matthew Pehl, Kerry L. Pimblott, Jarod Roll, Evelyn Sterne, and Arlene Sanchez Walsh.
The University of Chicago Press Why Birds Matter: Avian Ecological Function and Ecosystem Services
For over one hundred years, ornithologists and amateur birders have jointly campaigned for the conservation of bird species, documenting not only birds' beauty and extraordinary diversity, but also their importance to ecosystems worldwide. But while these avian enthusiasts have noted that birds eat fruit, carrion, and pests; spread seed and fertilizer; and pollinate plants, among other services, they have rarely asked what birds are worth in economic terms. In Why Birds Matter, an international collection of ornithologists, botanists, ecologists, conservation biologists, and environmental economists seeks to quantify avian ecosystem services the myriad benefits that birds provide to humans. The first book to approach ecosystem services from an ornithological perspective, Why Birds Matter asks what economic value we can ascribe to those services, if any, and how this value should inform conservation. Chapters explore the role of birds in such important ecological dynamics as scavenging, nutrient cycling, food-chains, and plant-animal interactions all seen through the lens of human well-being to show that quantifying avian ecosystem services is crucial when formulating contemporary conservation strategies. Both elucidating challenges and providing examples of specific ecosystem valuations and guidance for calculation, the contributors propose that in order to advance avian conservation, we need to appeal not only to hearts and minds, but also to wallets.
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co Cruciform Scripture: Cross, Participation, and Mission
Wolters Kluwer Health Manual of Neurologic Emergencies
Based on the highly-regarded Walls Manual of Emergency Airway Management and part of the Manual of Emergency Medicine series envisioned by leading authority in emergency medicine, Dr. Ron M. Walls, Manual of Neurologic Emergencies provides evidence-based, easy-to-read coverage on the diagnosis and management of neurologic emergencies. Through the direction and expertise of editors Drs. Andy S. Jagoda and Christopher A. Lewandowski, this reference is a practical guide to approaching the patient with a neurologic complaint in a systematic way, providing a hands-on framework for clinical decision making and therapeutic interventions. Walks you through all aspects of diagnosis and management, including a rapid diagnosis and directed approach which are especially critical to optimal outcomes. Reviews neuroanatomy, performing a history, selecting appropriate imaging, and structuring/modifying the physical exam for the needs of the individual patient. Provides helpful information such as pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, evidence-based analysis of the literature, best practice recommendations, and treatment algorithms for a wide range of clinical presentations. Covers altered consciousness and behavior, neuromuscular disorders, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, dizziness and vertigo, head trauma, acute stroke, headache, seizures, central nervous system infections, and more. Facilitates best practices and promotes communication across all specialties, whether in the emergency department, ICU, urgent care setting, pre-hospital environment, or anywhere else neurologic emergencies may occur. Shares the experience as well as extensive knowledge the editors and authors have with neurologic emergencies. , Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. ,
Nova Science Publishers Inc Neotropical & Caribbean Aquatic Mammals Perspectives from Archaeology & Conservation Biology: (Animal Science, Issues & Research Series)
Museum of Fine Arts,Boston Dutch Art in a Global Age
Exploring the impact and influence of global trade networks on 17th-century Dutch life and art The 17th century has long been considered a "golden age" for Dutch art, fueled by the Dutch Republic’s growth as an economic world power. Nourished by an innovative stock market and burgeoning global trade network, this vibrant economy not only provided artists with a rich context in which to make their art, but also directly influenced the art itself—in its subject matter, materials, meaning and interpretation. The genre scenes and still lifes that today seem quintessentially Dutch actually project a global vision, and often address the positive and negative aspects of economic and global expansion. Drawing on the world-renowned collection of Dutch paintings, works on paper, decorative arts and illustrated books at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, this book offers a fresh look at 17th-century Dutch art, accompanied by authoritative essays that ask readers to consider the global context in which this work was made. Artists include: Rembrandt van Rijn, Jacob van Ruisdael, Rachel Ruysch, Frans Hals, Judith Leyster, Gerrit van Honthorst, Maria Schalcken, Pieter Claesz, Nicolaes Maes, Jan van Huysum and Johannes Vermeer.
Cambridge University Press Savanna Monkeys: The Genus Chlorocebus
Living across Africa and the Caribbean, this widely dispersed primate population must adapt to different environmental challenges. How do members of the genus Chlorocebus live in desert-like conditions and in areas with freezing temperatures and snow in winter? This book examines the ways these primates adapt genetically, hormonally, physically and behaviourally to their changing landscapes. It features summary chapters for major topics such as behavioural ecology, life history, taxonomy, genetics and ethnoprimatology. Shorter essays supplement the work, with experts detailing their particular research on these primates. The combination of scholarship provides both a comprehensive view of this adaptable genus while enabling the reader to gain depth in specific topics. Developed from a symposium, this book combines decades of experience working with savanna monkeys into a tangible resource, for students and researchers in primatology as well as evolutionary and behavioural studies.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine
Using a practical, question-and-answer approach, Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 2nd Edition, helps you provide optimal care for patients and families who are dealing with serious illness. This unique reference focuses on patient and family/caregiver-centered care, highlighting the benefits of palliative care and best practices for delivery. The highly practical, user-friendly format sets it apart from other texts in the field, with concise, readable chapters organized around clinical questions that you’re most likely to encounter in everyday care. Uniquely organized using a question-and-answer approach, making it easy to find answers to common questions asked by practitioners and patients. Up-to-date, reader-friendly chapters explore interventions, assessment techniques, treatment modalities, recommendations and guidelines, communication techniques, and available resources for palliative care. Expanded discussions on hospice in every chapter, and a new emphasis on pediatrics, with increased material on pediatric malignancies, developmental delays, cystic fibrosis, and perinatal palliative care. New chapters on wellness of the palliative care practitioner, patients with opioid use disorders, telehealth in palliative care, health disparities, rural palliative care, caring for people with hematologic malignancies, integrative and alternative therapies, LGBTQ+ populations, mobile health technologies, and national palliative care implementation strategies. High-quality evidence gathered and reviewed by leading experts in palliative medicine, including clinicians, educators, and researchers across a broad range of disciplines. Numerous algorithms throughout help you make informed decisions, and “take-home” points in every chapter provide a quick summary of key content. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text and figures from the book on a variety of devices. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Fontes Antiqui Sabinorum: I Sabini E La Sabina Nelle Fonti Letteraie Grecche E Latine
University Press of Florida Forensic Anthropology: An Introductory Lab Manual
Key topics and basic laboratory training for beginning studentsThis versatile laboratory manual is designed to support introductory undergraduate courses in forensic anthropology. Usable for both in-person and online classes and suitable to accompany any textbook or for use on its own as a text-lab manual hybrid, it provides basic training for beginner students in relevant methods of biological profile estimation and trauma assessment for use in medico-legal death investigations. Structured in a standard format for classes and existing texts, this manual offers a unique emphasis on lab exercises that align with general studies requirements and basic science competency. Each chapter begins with learning goals and an introductory section that outlines the topics to be covered. The discussion then leads students through the material, including periodic learning checks built into the structure of the chapter, followed by end-of-chapter exercises. Through clear explanations of fundamental principles, the complete medico-legal context is covered with respect to forensic anthropology. Basic information on bone biology, human osteology, and rules of evidence are also presented.Alongside its substantive text discussion of key topics, this manual’s exercises can be used in in-person laboratory classes while its learning checks can be completed by online students without access to skeletal material or casts. This book offers the necessary content to teach forensic anthropology regardless of the experience or location of students or the resources of specific colleges and universities.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes: For Patients and Families
Living with diabetes is a balancing act of monitoring blood glucose, food intake, and medication. It makes sense that individuals who have diabetes do best when they understand their condition and how to control it. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes is a comprehensive and easy-to-read guide to this complex condition, answering questions such as: What are the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes? How are the different forms of this disease treated? Can gestational diabetes become a permanent condition? Can diabetes ever be managed successfully with diet and exercise alone? The second edition of this valued resource includes up-to-date information on* How diabetes is diagnosed* The two types of diabetes* The role of genetics * Improvements in blood glucose measurement* Good nutrition and regular exercise* Insulin and non-insulin medications* Insulin pumps* The emotional side of diabetes* How families are affected and how they can help* What to do if diabetes affects your work* Complications from head to toe Written by a team of Johns Hopkins diabetes specialists, this authoritative guide will help people who have diabetes work effectively with their care team to control their diabetes and maintain good health.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Best Practices in School Neuropsychology: Guidelines for Effective Practice, Assessment, and Evidence-Based Intervention
The latest edition of the gold standard in school neuropsychology references In the newly revised Second Edition of Best Practices in School Neuropsychology: Guidelines for Effective Practice, Assessment, and Evidence-Based Intervention, a team of psychological experts delivers a thoroughly updated treatment of modern issues and challenges in school neuropsychology. The editors provide comprehensive discussions of current assessment and intervention models, best practices in assessing cognitive processes, and the important task of collaborating with parents, educators, and other professionals. This latest edition includes: Explorations of the unique challenges posed by working with culturally diverse student populations Clinical advice for learning specialists and neuropsychologists engaged with special populations and students with academic disabilities, processing deficits, or medical disorders New chapters on assessment and intervention with children suffering from trauma or substance abuse Perfect for psychologists, neuropsychologists, clinicians, and academics working in or studying school environments, Best Practices in School Neuropsychology is a must-read reference for practitioners working with children and students who seek a one-stop reference for evidence-informed assessment and intervention guidelines.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Henry II: New Interpretations
Survey of the reign of Henry II, offering a range of new evaluations and interpretations. Henry II is the most imposing figure among the medieval kings of England. His fiefs and domains extended from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, and his court was frequented by the greatest thinkers and men of letters of his time,besides ambassadors from all over Europe. Yet his is a reign of paradoxes: best known for his dramatic conflicts with his own wife and sons and with Thomas Becket, it was also a crucial period in the evolution of legal and governmental institutions. Here experts in the field provide significant reevaluations of its most important aspects. Topics include Henry's accession and his relations with the papacy, the French king, other rulers in the British Islesand the Norman baronage; the development of the common law and the coinage; the court and its literary milieu; the use of Arthurian legend for political purposes; and the career of the Young King Henry, while the introduction examines the historiography of the reign. CONTRIBUTORS: MARTIN ALLEN, MARTIN AURELL, NICK BARRATT, PAUL BRAND, SEAN DUFFY, ANNE DUGGAN, JEAN DUBABIN, JOHN GILLINGHAM, EDMUND KING, DANIEL POWER, IAN SHORT, MATTHEW STRICKLAND CHRISTOPHER HARPER-BILL and NICHOLAS VINCENT are Professors of Medieval History at the University of East Anglia.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers An Asperger Marriage
Chris and Gisela have been partners for twelve years. Four years ago Chris was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. For Chris, this was an explanation of why he had always regarded himself as 'socially handicapped'. For Gisela, it meant coming to terms with a marriage in which there would never be an intuitive understanding despite Chris's good intentions. For the couple it was the beginning of a long and still unfinished process of learning to live with a disability regarded by some as incompatible with marriage.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation
Entrepreneurship these days is evident, even showcased, in so many places that it is harder for anyone interested in the field to really know about all of its many facets. That diversity is what makes the Concise Guide so essential. The Guide's ability to provide an expert's take in just a couple of pages on key topics in entrepreneurship is a boon to anyone interested in entrepreneurship. This is not a volume for your bookcase. You will want it at-hand as your explore the world of entrepreneurship.'- Jerome Katz, Saint Louis University, USThe Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation brings together internationally recognized scholars to summarize the state of knowledge about fundamental topics in entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation.Written by the top international scholars in their field, this book has an encyclopaedic range; from academic entrepreneurship to valuing an entrepreneurial enterprise. Each chapter provides an informed overview of the topic and references in each chapter guide the reader to the more advanced literature.This landmark book will be the first port of call for any student or scholar seeking a brief introduction to each of the fundamental topics in entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation.Contributors: D.B. Audretsch, C. Boardman, B. Bozeman, S.R. Bradley, A. Burke, U. Cantner, M. Casson, S. Cazzago, J.A. Cunningham, P. Davidsson, A. De Massis, M. Deloof, D. Dunlap, W. Geoghegan, V. Ghosal, J. Hanssens, C.S. Hayter, M. Herzig, A. Kao, M. Kenney, D.F. Kuratko, H. Landström, E.E. Lehmann, D.P. Leyden, X. Liu, A.N. Link, S. Manigart, G.D. Markman, H. Meier, M.H. Morris, A.J. Nelson, C. O'Kane, D. Organ, S. Parker, G.T. Payne, M. Perkmann, L.S. Peters, P.H. Phan, E.A. Prasetio, J.H. Rooksby, G.E. Shockley, T. Standaert, A. Talrico, R. Thurik, T. Vanacker, S. Vismara, N.S. Vonortas, J. West, P. Westhead, K. Wirsching, M. Wright
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation
Entrepreneurship these days is evident, even showcased, in so many places that it is harder for anyone interested in the field to really know about all of its many facets. That diversity is what makes the Concise Guide so essential. The Guide's ability to provide an expert's take in just a couple of pages on key topics in entrepreneurship is a boon to anyone interested in entrepreneurship. This is not a volume for your bookcase. You will want it at-hand as your explore the world of entrepreneurship.'- Jerome Katz, Saint Louis University, USThe Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation brings together internationally recognized scholars to summarize the state of knowledge about fundamental topics in entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation.Written by the top international scholars in their field, this book has an encyclopaedic range; from academic entrepreneurship to valuing an entrepreneurial enterprise. Each chapter provides an informed overview of the topic and references in each chapter guide the reader to the more advanced literature.This landmark book will be the first port of call for any student or scholar seeking a brief introduction to each of the fundamental topics in entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation.Contributors: D.B. Audretsch, C. Boardman, B. Bozeman, S.R. Bradley, A. Burke, U. Cantner, M. Casson, S. Cazzago, J.A. Cunningham, P. Davidsson, A. De Massis, M. Deloof, D. Dunlap, W. Geoghegan, V. Ghosal, J. Hanssens, C.S. Hayter, M. Herzig, A. Kao, M. Kenney, D.F. Kuratko, H. Landström, E.E. Lehmann, D.P. Leyden, X. Liu, A.N. Link, S. Manigart, G.D. Markman, H. Meier, M.H. Morris, A.J. Nelson, C. O'Kane, D. Organ, S. Parker, G.T. Payne, M. Perkmann, L.S. Peters, P.H. Phan, E.A. Prasetio, J.H. Rooksby, G.E. Shockley, T. Standaert, A. Talrico, R. Thurik, T. Vanacker, S. Vismara, N.S. Vonortas, J. West, P. Westhead, K. Wirsching, M. Wright
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Reigns of Edmund, Eadred and Eadwig, 939-959: New Interpretations
Essays highlighting the importance of three kings - Edmund, Eadred and Eadwig - in understanding England in the tenth century. Much scholarly attention has been devoted to both the expanding kingdom of Alfred the Great, Edward the Elder, and Æthelstan, and to the larger and integrated realm of their more distant successors, Edgar and Æthelred II. However, the English kingdom in the 940s and 950s, and its three kings, Edmund (939-946), Eadred (946-955), and Eadwig (955-959), the men who inherited and held together the kingdom created by their immediate predecessors, have been somewhat neglected, with little research being dedicated to these men as kings, or the era in which they ruled. This volume offers a variety of approaches to the period. Its contributors bring to light royal legal innovations to ecclesiastical law, oaths, heriot, complex factional politics, including the crucial role of queens, differing perspectives on the final era of an independent northern kingdom of York, and developments in literary culture outside the domineering trend of the later monastic reformers.
New York University Press Paranormal America (second edition): Ghost Encounters, UFO Sightings, Bigfoot Hunts, and Other Curiosities in Religion and Culture
The untold account of the countless Americans who believe in, or personally experience, paranormal phenomena such as ghosts, Bigfoot, UFOs and psychics Given the popularity of television shows such as Finding Bigfoot, Ghost Hunters, Supernatural, and American Horror Story, there seems to be an insatiable public hunger for mystical happenings. But who believes in the paranormal? Based on extensive research and their own unique personal experiences, Christopher Bader, Joseph Baker and Carson Mencken reveal that a significant number of Americans hold these beliefs, and that for better or worse, we undoubtedly live in a paranormal America. Readers will join the authors as they participate in psychic and palm readings, and have their auras photographed, join a Bigfoot hunt, follow a group of celebrity ghost hunters as they investigate claims of a haunted classroom, and visit a support group for alien abductees. The second edition includes new and updated research based on findings from the Baylor Religion survey regarding America’s relationship with the paranormal. Drawing on these diverse and compelling sources of data, the book offers an engaging account of the social, personal, and statistical stories of American paranormal beliefs and experiences. It examines topics such as the popularity of paranormal beliefs in the United States, the ways in which these beliefs relate to each other, whether paranormal beliefs will give rise to a new religion, and how believers in the paranormal differ from “average” Americans. Brimming with fascinating anecdotes and provocative new findings, Paranormal America offers an entertaining yet authoritative examination of a growing segment of American religious culture.
Elsevier Health Sciences Joint Disease in the Horse
Dr. McIlwraith's Joint Disease in the Horse, 2nd Edition is the only book to give you a full account of equine joint disease, combining a thorough, up-to-date survey of scientific advances with a practical guide to both medical and surgical treatments. With contributions from nationally and internationally recognized pioneers in the field, this groundbreaking text offers an overview of joint structure and function and translates the latest information on basic joint pathobiology into practical application for the clinician. Step-by-step guidance on injection techniques and medications, along with a survey of practical arthroscopic surgery and developments, make it a truly indispensable reference for all equine veterinarians treating sports and racing horses. UNIQUE! Unprecedented, state-of-the-art coverage of the pathology, pathogenesis, and clinical diagnosis of traumatic and degenerative joint disease, so you stay in the know. Section on general principles of joint pathobiology provides the background to evaluate and interpret the diagnostic and surgical aspects of disease. Explores treatments for traumatic arthritis and osteoarthritis and other joint entities, offering a broad range of options and up-to-date recommendations for problematic decisions. Addresses recent advances and results in arthroscopic surgery for the acute injury and results including fragment removal, fragment fixation, and synovectomy. Discussion of current research provides insight for difficult cases and calls out the directions in which future arthritis research is headed. More than 325 photographs and line drawings help engage and guide you through procedures and treatments. NEW! Full color throughout with new artwork and a range of new images including radiographs showing both the normal and the disease progression. NEW! Practical step-by-step approach demonstrates the authors' preferred injections methods and shows underlying anatomic correlations. NEW and UPDATED! Restructured and substantially revised to emphasize treatment options, making it a practical, concise, and accessible reference and text. NEW! All-new chapters on drugs and new biological therapies, including stem cells, IRAP, and PRP and thoroughly updated coverage of HA and corticosteroids. NEW! Covers advanced imaging, giving you the latest information available. NEW! Expert advice from Dr. McIlwraith, three new co-editors, and new contributors - all distinguished specialists in the field of joint disease in the horse. Lameness and surgical clinicians describe how to approach the various, specific disease conditions. Equine specific radiologists provide their opinions on the best imaging techniques for defining the disease and making interpretations.
American Psychological Association Assessing Undergraduate Learning in Psychology: Strategies for Measuring and Improving Student Performance
This book shows educators how to develop assessments for designing pedagogies, courses, and curricula around student learning goals, including those identified by APA’s Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major. The contributors are veteran educators who offer expert advice for addressing assessment‑driven pressures from individual and institutional stakeholders. They also discuss international pressures as education programs around the world become more interconnected, which requires global cooperation and harmonization. Using illustrative case examples, the authors provide strategies for assessing students’ learning, developing institutional assessment plans, and building bridges across institutions and international borders. In addition, they highlight the limitations of assessment, encouraging flexibility in determining what to assess and how to act on and communicate the resulting data. They encourage active, thoughtful engagement to improve student learning, and ensure that today’s students are ready to compete in the global economy.
Crossway Books Why We Belong: Evangelical Unity and Denominational Diversity
Denominations, although often maligned, are important for the continued health and vitality of the church. Contributors from a variety of evangelical traditions share their personal stories for the sake of unity across denominational lines.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes: For Patients and Families
Living with diabetes is a balancing act of monitoring blood glucose, food intake, and medication. It makes sense that individuals who have diabetes do best when they understand their condition and how to control it. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes is a comprehensive and easy-to-read guide to this complex condition, answering questions such as: What are the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes? How are the different forms of this disease treated? Can gestational diabetes become a permanent condition? Can diabetes ever be managed successfully with diet and exercise alone? The second edition of this valued resource includes up-to-date information on: how diabetes is diagnosed; the two types of diabetes; the role of genetics; improvements in blood glucose measurement; good nutrition and regular exercise; insulin and non-insulin medications; insulin pumps; the emotional side of diabetes; how families are affected and how they can help; what to do if diabetes affects your work; and complications from head to toe. Written by a team of Johns Hopkins diabetes specialists, this authoritative guide will help people who have diabetes work effectively with their care team to control their diabetes and maintain good health.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Enterprise Dynamics Sourcebook
Rapidly changing market, technological, and organizational environments are forcing government and private sector enterprises to improve services and transform processes. Employing a case study approach, the Enterprise Dynamics Sourcebook presents frameworks and analytical models of the enterprise as a complex system to improve your understanding of its dynamic elements and their interactions.Illustrating the transformation environments and the evolution of methods required to address emerging challenges, this sourcebook is the product of MITRE-sponsored research on enterprise dynamics and the range of applications pertaining to enterprise transformation programs. It explains how to address the complexities involved with the coordination of policies, organizations, economics, and technology (POET) in operational strategies and processes. It also: Presents qualitative and quantitative data-analytic methods including process workflow, systems dynamics, and highly optimized tolerance-inspired models of SoSE processes Features Bayesian probability and state-space transition methods to address uncertainties in the controlled, influenced, and uncontrolled aspects of enterprise dynamics Explains how to use hybrid multi-scale modeling coupled with enterprise architecture to support decision making in the design, acquisition, and management of complex transformation efforts Outlines methods applicable in the national security, aviation, nuclear waste processing, international commerce, energy and materials, and healthcare sectors of the U.S. economy The structures and concepts covered in this book will be useful to managers and technical staff in government entities as well as private sector enterprises with significant operational and regulatory interaction with government entities. The enterprise dynamics methods discussed can help in the advancement of systems engineering practices at the enterprise level and also enable the enterprise systems engineering and architecting (ESE/A) process. Filled with examples, the text provides the understanding of the qualitative and quantitative data-analytic methods required to reduce risk and failure rates and enable your organization to operate effectively in today’s complex and ever-changing environment.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa
An essential collection of scholarly essays on the anthropology of Africa, offering a thorough introduction to the most important topics in this evolving and diverse field of study The study of the cultures of Africa has been central to the methodological and theoretical development of anthropology as a discipline since the late 19th-century. As the anthropology of Africa has emerged as a distinct field of study, anthropologists working in this tradition have strived to build a disciplinary conversation that recognizes the diversity and complexity of modern and ancient African cultures while acknowledging the effects of historical anthropology on the present and future of the field of study. A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa is a collection of insightful essays covering the key questions and subjects in the contemporary anthropology of Africa with a key focus on addressing the topics that define the contemporary discipline. Written and edited by a team of leading cultural anthropologists, it is an ideal introduction to the most important topics in the field, both those that have consistently been a part of the critical dialogue and those that have emerged as the central questions of the discipline’s future. Beginning with essays on the enduring topics in the study of African cultures, A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa provides a foundation in the contemporary critical approach to subjects of longstanding interest. With these subjects as a groundwork, later essays address decolonization, the postcolonial experience, and questions of modern identity and definition, providing representation of the diverse thinking and scholarship in the modern anthropology of Africa.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Clinical, Applied, and Cross-Cultural Research
Volume 4, Clinical, Applied, and Cross-Cultural Research of The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences (EPID) is organized into four volumes that look at the many likenesses and differences between individuals. Each of these four volumes focuses on a major content area in the study of personality psychology and individuals' differences. The first volume, Models and Theories, surveys the significant classic and contemporary viewpoints, perspectives, models, and theoretical approaches to the study of personality and individuals' differences (PID). The second volume on Measurement and Assessment examines key classic and modern methods and techniques of assessment in the study of PID. Volume III, titled Personality Processes and Individuals Differences, covers the important traditional and current dimensions, constructs, and traits in the study of PID. The final volume discusses three major categories: clinical contributions, applied research, and cross-cultural considerations, and touches on topics such as culture and identity, multicultural identities, cross-cultural examinations of trait structures and personality processes, and more. Each volume contains approximately 100 entries on personality and individual differences written by a diverse international panel of leading psychologists Covers significant classic and contemporary personality psychology models and theories, measurement and assessment techniques, personality processes and individuals differences, and research Provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the field of personality psychology The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences is an important resource for all psychology students and professionals engaging in the study and research of personality.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Healthcare Systems Engineering
Apply engineering and design principles to revitalize the healthcare delivery system Healthcare Systems Engineering is the first engineering book to cover this emerging field, offering comprehensive coverage of the healthcare system, healthcare delivery, and healthcare systems modeling. Written by leading industrial engineering authorities and a medical doctor specializing in healthcare delivery systems, this book provides a well-rounded resource for readers of a variety of backgrounds. Examples, case studies, and thoughtful learning activities are used to thoroughly explain the concepts presented, including healthcare systems, delivery, quantification, and design. You'll learn how to approach the healthcare industry as a complex system, and apply relevant design and engineering principles and processes to advance improvements. Written with an eye toward practicality, this book is designed to maximize your understanding and help you quickly apply toward solutions for a variety of healthcare challenges. Healthcare systems engineering is a new and complex interdisciplinary field that has emerged to address the myriad challenges facing the healthcare industry in the wake of reform. This book functions as both an introduction and a reference, giving you the knowledge you need to move toward better healthcare delivery. Understand the healthcare delivery context Use appropriate statistical and quantitative models Improve existing systems and design new ones Apply systems engineering to a variety of healthcare contexts Healthcare systems engineering overlaps with industrial engineering, operations research, and management science, uniting the principles and practices of these fields together in pursuit of optimal healthcare operations. Although collaboration is focused on practitioners, professionals in information technology, policy and administration, public health, and law all play crucial roles in revamping health care systems. Healthcare Systems Engineering is a complete and authoritative reference for stakeholders in any field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Clinical Radiology of the Horse
Clinical Radiology of the Horse is the best-selling, practical guide to all areas of equine radiography and radiology written by an experienced group of clinicians with a broad range of backgrounds. Offers an atlas of normal and clinical images, as well as a comprehensive guide to techniques, equipment, positioning, and interpretation for general veterinary practitioners and specialists in imaging and orthopaedics Updates to this fourth edition fully reflect the move to digital imaging with many new figures in the book and major revisions to the chapters on the head, thorax, and abdomen Contains expanded coverage of the foot, pastern, and fetlock (now in separate chapters) Includes a password-protected website with all the images from the book as well as over 200 additional images with examples of more subtle lesions, more fractures, correct technique and positioning versus incorrect, immature horses, progression of disease, and pathological images
John Wiley & Sons Inc Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: An Introduction
Provides the basics of spacecraft orbital dynamics plus attitude dynamics and control, using vectrix notation Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: An Introduction presents the fundamentals of classical control in the context of spacecraft attitude control. This approach is particularly beneficial for the training of students in both of the subjects of classical control as well as its application to spacecraft attitude control. By using a physical system (a spacecraft) that the reader can visualize (rather than arbitrary transfer functions), it is easier to grasp the motivation for why topics in control theory are important, as well as the theory behind them. The entire treatment of both orbital and attitude dynamics makes use of vectrix notation, which is a tool that allows the user to write down any vector equation of motion without consideration of a reference frame. This is particularly suited to the treatment of multiple reference frames. Vectrix notation also makes a very clear distinction between a physical vector and its coordinate representation in a reference frame. This is very important in spacecraft dynamics and control problems, where often multiple coordinate representations are used (in different reference frames) for the same physical vector. Provides an accessible, practical aid for teaching and self-study with a layout enabling a fundamental understanding of the subject Fills a gap in the existing literature by providing an analytical toolbox offering the reader a lasting, rigorous methodology for approaching vector mechanics, a key element vital to new graduates and practicing engineers alike Delivers an outstanding resource for aerospace engineering students, and all those involved in the technical aspects of design and engineering in the space sector Contains numerous illustrations to accompany the written text. Problems are included to apply and extend the material in each chapter Essential reading for graduate level aerospace engineering students, aerospace professionals, researchers and engineers.
University of Illinois Press Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois
The second edition of the Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois offers up-to-date information on the state’s 102 species of frogs and toads, salamanders, turtles, lizards, and snakes. Detailed descriptions by the authors include habitats, distinguishing features, behaviors, and other facts, while revised range maps and full-color photographs help users recognize animals in the field. In addition, an identification key and easy-to-navigate page layouts guide readers through extensive background material on each species' population, diet, predators, reproduction, and conservation status. A one-of-a-kind resource, the Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois is a definitive guide aimed at biologists, teachers, students, wildlife specialists, natural resource managers, conservationists, law enforcement officials, landowners, hobbyists, and everyone else eager to explore herpetology and nature in the Prairie State.
Texas A & M University Press Blue and Gray on the Border: The Rio Grande Valley Civil War Trail
Most general histories of the Civil War pay scant attention to the many important military events that took place in the Lower Rio Grande Valley along the Texas-Mexico border. It was here, for example, that many of the South's cotton exports, all-important to its funding for the war effort, were shuttled across the Rio Grande into Mexico for shipment to markets across the Atlantic. It was here that the Union blockade was felt perhaps most keenly. And it was here where longstanding cross-border rivalries and shifting political fortunes on both sides of the river made for a constant undercurrent of intrigue. And yet, most accounts of this long and bloody conflict give short shrift to the complexities of the ethnic tensions, political maneuvering, and international diplomacy that vividly colored the Civil War in this region.Now, Christopher L. Miller, Russell K. Skowronek, and Roseann Bacha-Garza have woven together the history and archaeology of the Lower Rio Grande Valley into a densely illustrated travel guide featuring important historical and military sites of the Civil War period. Blue and Gray on the Border integrates the sites, colorful personalities, cross-border conflicts, and intriguing historical vignettes that outline the story of the Civil War along the Texas-Mexico border. This resource-packed book will aid heritage travelers, students, and history buffs in their discovery of the rich history of the Civil War in the Rio Grande Valley.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die politischen Gesetze des Mose: Entstehung und Einflüsse der politia-judaica-Literatur in der Frühen Neuzeit
Vordenker der Moderne wie Thomas Hobbes, Baruch de Spinoza, James Harrington, Christian Thomasius und viele mehr griffen in ihren politischen Lehren oft auf das Modell des alten jüdischen Gemeinwesens zurück. Entscheidend beeinflusste sie dabei ein Schrifttum (politia-judaica-Literatur), das in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts entstand und Moses Gesetze als politisches Vorbild darstellte. Markus M. Totzeck legt die erste vollständige Untersuchung zur Entstehung dieser Literatur vor. Die antiken außerbiblischen Mose-Traditionen bilden den Hintergrund seiner Arbeit. Diese Traditionen waren in der Frühen Neuzeit zum ersten Mal als Druckausgaben erschienen und hatten sich im Renaissance-Humanismus mit Konzeptionen einer uralten Theologie und Weisheit (prisca theologia bzw. prisca sapientia) des Mose verbunden. Totzeck stellt heraus, wie Debatten über die politische Relevanz der mosaischen Gesetze später in der Reformation zur Entstehung der politia-judaica-Literatur beitrugen. Die ersten Werke stammten aus der Feder humanistischer Gelehrter, die in erster Linie ausgebildete Juristen und Historiographen waren, zugleich aber auch einen mehrheitlich calvinistischen Hintergrund hatten. Die Nähe zwischen humanistischer Jurisprudenz und dem Calvinismus prägte die politia-judaica-Literatur in einer ersten Phase bis zu Petrus Cunaeus Werk De republica Hebraeorum libri III (1617). Die Verbreitung dieses Buchklassikers des 17. Jahrhunderts führte den ursprünglichen Rechtsdiskurs in umfangreichere politische Diskussionen.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Globalisation, Governance & Ethics: New Managerial & Economic Insights
New Falcon Publications,U.S. Hinduism and Jungian Psychology
Island Press The Law and Policy of Ecosystem Services
This is the first comprehensive exploration of the status and future of natural capital and ecosystem services in American law and policy. Included are a series of nine empirical case studies that explore the problems caused by society's failure to properly value natural capital. Among the case study topics are water issues, the Conservation Reserve Program, the National Conversation Buffer Initiative, pollution trading, among others.