Search results for ""author douglas"" Publishing Belfast, A Novel of the Troubles
Cornerstone Afraid of the Light
THE EXPLOSIVE NEW THRILLER FROM INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER, DOUGLAS KENNEDY__________________________'A pulse-racing thriller centred on hot-button debates' Daily MailBrendan has always lived a careful, constrained life. A salesman who never liked the work, he's a man who has stayed in his marriage and his faith because it was what was expected of him. But now, having lost his job after corporate downsizing and on the cusp of sixty, he finds himself scrambling to somehow stay afloat in the only Los Angeles work on offer to a man his age - driving for Uber.When one of his rides, a retired professor named Elise, asks to be dropped off outside an abortion clinic where she now volunteers, Brendan finds himself driving right into the virulent epicentre of one of the major issues of our time, engulfing his life in the process.A novel of high suspense and considerable moral complexity, Afraid of the Light is a tough, affecting social thriller that speaks volumes about the corrosive divisions of our troubled times.__________________________'Kennedy is skilled at zigzag plotting, blending domestic twists with turns created by global affairs' OBSERVER
Pearson Education Limited Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics, Global Edition
For courses in introductory calculus-based physics. Precise. Highly accurate. Carefully crafted. Physics for Scientists and Engineers combines outstanding pedagogy and a clear and direct narrative with applications that draw the student into the physics at hand. The text gives students a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of physics in all its aspects, from mechanics to modern physics. Each topic begins with concrete observations and experiences that students can relate to their everyday lives and future professions, and then moves to generalizations and the more formal aspects of the physics to show why we believe what we believe. The 5th Edition presents a wide range of new applications including the physics of digital, added approaches for practical problem-solving techniques, and new Mastering Physics resources that enhance the understanding of physics.
AK Classics Publishing Unbound Gifts
Crossway Books Daily Liturgy Devotional
Helping believers make a habit of daily connection with the Lord, the Daily Liturgy Devotional offers 40 reflective daily readings filled with content for prayer, worship, and Scripture reading.
Edinburgh University Press Death and Life in the Ottoman Palace
John Wiley & Sons All Canada in the Hands of the British General Jeffery Amherst and the 1760 Campaign to Conquer New France
In 1760, General Jeffery Amherst led the British campaign that captured Montreal and began the end of French colonial rule in North America. All Canada in the Hands of the British is a detailed account of Amherst's successful military strategy and soldiers' experiences on both sides.
Pearson Education Physics
La llave del faran Gideon Crew 5
Voy a ser muy claro: si tiene algún valor, vamos a robarlo. Os apuntáis?Gideon Crew, científico brillante y ladrón de enorme talento, se ha quedado sin trabajo: su antiguo jefe, Eli Glinn, ha desaparecido sin dejar rastro y ha cerrado la empresa de la noche a la mañana. No obstante, este es el menor de sus males, pues le quedan meses de vida. Mientras recogen sus pertenencias, Gideon y su colega Manuel Garza descubren que un programa informático ha logrado descifrar la tan esperada traducción del disco de piedra de una civilización perdida bajo el desierto egipcio: el disco de Festo (o disco de Phaistos).Crew, condenado por su enfermedad, no necesita que lo persuadan para embarcarse en la aventura final con Garza. Al fin y al cabo, qué riesgo corres cuando tienes los días contados?
Skyhorse Publishing Fire in the Streets
Encounter Books,USA Putin on the March: The Russian President's Unchecked Global Advance
Baker Publishing Group Understanding the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
Hal Leonard Corporation Sorry for Your Loss Soprano and Piano
Schott Music Corporation, New York The Boys Nature from Doubt MezzoSoprano and Piano
Rowman & Littlefield Hopelessly Divided: The New Crisis in American Politics and What it Means for 2012 and Beyond
Just in time for the 2012 election, Douglas E. Schoen, one of America’s preeminent political pundits, analyzes the growing chasm between the political class—politicians, lobbyists, fundraisers, consultants—and the American Mainstream, frustrated with government’s inability to address the major issues affecting their lives. This gap has given rise to populist movements on the right and the left and driven our two-party system to the brink of possible collapse—in ways that have never been fully discussed or articulated.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Design and Analysis of Experiments
Design and Analysis of Experiments provides a rigorous introduction to product and process design improvement through quality and performance optimization. Clear demonstration of widely practiced techniques and procedures allows readers to master fundamental concepts, develop design and analysis skills, and use experimental models and results in real-world applications. Detailed coverage of factorial and fractional factorial design, response surface techniques, regression analysis, biochemistry and biotechnology, single factor experiments, and other critical topics offer highly-relevant guidance through the complexities of the field. Stressing the importance of both conceptual knowledge and practical skills, this text adopts a balanced approach to theory and application. Extensive discussion of modern software tools integrate data from real-world studies, while examples illustrate the efficacy of designed experiments across industry lines, from service and transactional organizations to heavy industry and biotechnology. Broad in scope yet deep in detail, this text is both an essential student resource and an invaluable reference for professionals in engineering, science, manufacturing, statistics, and business management.
Burnham, Incorporated The Dust Bowl: An Agricultural and Social History
To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
Syracuse University Press The Archaeology of Harriet Tubman's Life in Freedom
Harriet Tubman's social activism as well as her efforts as a soldier, nurse, and spy have been retold in countless books and films and have justly elevated her to iconic status in American history. Given her fame and contributions, it is surprising how little is known of her later years and her continued efforts for social justice, women's rights, and care for the elderly. Tubman housed and cared for her extended family, parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews, as well as many other African Americans seeking refuge. Ultimately her house just outside of Auburn, New York, would become a focal point of Tubman's expanded efforts to provide care to those who came to her seeking shelter and support, in the form of the Harriet Tubman Home for the Aged.In this book, Armstrong reconstructs and interprets Tubman's public and private life in freedom through integrating his archaeological findings with historical research. The material record Tubman left behind sheds vital light on her life and the ways in which she interacted with local and national communities, giving readers a fuller understanding of her impact on the lives of African Americans. Armstrong's research is part of a wider effort to enhance public interpretation and engagement with the Harriet Tubman Home.
Syracuse University Press Perfectionist Politics: Abolitionism and the Religious Tensions of American Democracy
This work covers the story of an important antebellum reform movement: ecclesiastical abolitionism. It covers the struggle among the most radical religions to purge their churches and society of sin, especially slavery, and their uncompromising efforts to force morality into political discourse.
Arcadia Publishing Rails Around Houston
Scribner Book Company Washington
Little, Brown & Company Millionaire by Thirty
Collective Ink Transcendental Spirituality, Wisdom and Virtue: The Divine Virtues and Treasures of the Heart
In the face of potentially cataclysmic challenges and existential threats to both humanity and the planet, it is timely for this generation to recall and then live by forgotten or ignored universal ethical principles and virtues. Transcendental Spirituality, Wisdom and Virtue: The Divine Virtues and Treasures of the Heart identifies and explores 36 such principles that represent divine virtues or universal ethical principles. Supported by relevant scriptural passages from various faiths such as Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Indigenous spiritual beliefs, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism, each chapter is devoted to exploring and synthesizing the essence of the scriptural meaning and scope of one Divine Virtue. While previous works have focussed generally on ancient wisdom, this book extends beyond wisdom to include 35 additional virtues or spiritual principles that underpin these great and diverse religions.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Clinical Neuroanatomy
Practical, case-based resource helps students integrate content from neuroanatomy and clinical coursesClinical Neuroanatomy: A Case-Based Approach by Douglas Gould and Gustavo Patino presents nervous system anatomy in a clinically-integrated manner, making it an ideal learning tool for medical students. Forty-seven succinct patient presentations feature a step-by-step walk-through of the lesion localization, correlating neuroanatomy with signs and symptoms. Each consistently organized case also includes the patient complaint, salient medical history, physical exam findings, discussion of symptoms, differential diagnoses, and potential tests.Key Highlights High-yield, patient-focused vignettes challenge students to find the lesion and propose differential diagnoses Images provide an illustrative review of relevant anatomy and impacted pathways A visually-rich appendix provides a quick anatomi
Seven Stories Press,U.S. Once You Go Back: A Novel
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Revit Architecture 2020 for Designers
Building information modeling (BIM) is rapidly replacing AutoCAD as the digital drawing tool of choice for architects and interior designers—and Revit ® Architecture is the leading software package in the BIM marketplace. Neither simplistic nor exhaustive, Revit ® Architecture 2020 for Designers is written specifically for architects and interior designers learning digital drawing for the first time or transitioning from CAD to BIM. Beginning with the building blocks of BIM (levels, walls, windows, and doors), the book progresses through in-depth instructions to create both presentation drawings and construction documents. Advanced features are also covered, such as custom families, photorealistic rendering, custom title blocks, and exporting drawings to AutoCAD ® and SketchUp. Instructions are fully illustrated, creating a smooth transition to the BIM environment for all designers.
University of Toronto Press The Employment Forecast Survey
Temple University Press,U.S. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal: New Perspectives on the Housing Act of 1949
The consequences of the federal Housing Act of 1949—which supported the clearance and redevelopment of “blighted” areas across the nation—were felt by communities of all sizes, not just large cities. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal presents a more comprehensive view of the federal urban renewal program by situating the experiences of large cities like Baltimore, MD and Philadelphia PA alongside other geographies, such as the small city of Waterville, ME, suburban St. Louis County in Missouri, the State of New York, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and others. Chapters identify trends and connections that cut across jurisdictional boundaries, investigate who used federal funds, how those funds were used, and examine the profound short and long-term consequences of the program. Taken as a whole, the essays showcase the unexpected diversity of how different communities used the federal urban renewal program. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal allows us to better understand what was arguably the most significant urban policy of the 20th century, and how that policy shaped the American landscape. Contributors include Francesca Russello Ammon, Brent Cebul, Robert B. Fairbanks, Leif Fredrickson, Colin Gordon, David Hochfelder, Robert K. Nelson, Benjamin D. Lisle, Stacy Kinlock Sewell and the editor.
American Psychological Association The Case Against Conversion “Therapy”: Evidence, Ethics, and Alternatives
Many LGBTQ youth are still forced into harmful “treatments” with devastating mental health consequences. This volume explores the history, effects, and danger of so-called conversion therapy. Because conversion “therapy” is not actually therapeutic, it is now more accurately referred to as sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) or gender identity change efforts (GICE). What does the record show about the efficacy and effects of SOCE and GICE? What motivates individuals to seek these harmful treatments, either for themselves or for their children? This book synthesizes findings from a vast literature base to answer these and other important questions, in hopes of fully discrediting SOCE and GICE once and for all. Over the last four decades, considerable research has showed SOCE to be not only ineffective, but harmful. As a result of these findings, professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association (APA) have denounced the practice and recommended affirmative, supportive treatment instead. Although SOCE have been widely discredited, they remain legal in most states and continue to be practiced with lesbian, gay, and bisexual children and adolescents. Furthermore, as the past 20 years have seen an increase in gender nonconforming and transgender individuals, there has been a similar rise in efforts to socially reprogram gender nonconforming children and adolescents. This volume is grounded in the principle long embraced by the scientific and healthcare communities—that same-sex attraction and gender nonconformity are not signs of psychopathology. Rather, sexual and gender minority individuals should be supported in embracing their own identities. This affirmative approach to practice with sexual and gender minorities is consistent with decades of APA policy and ethics.
Crossway Books ESV Bible Promises: 700 Passages to Strengthen Your Faith (TruTone, Brown)
ESV Bible Promises is a carefully curated collection of 700 of God’s beloved promises, organized into centralized themes to help believers meditate on the assurance of God’s unfailing promises.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cinema Wars: Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-Cheney Era
Cinema Wars explores the intersection of film, politics, and US culture and society through a bold critical analysis of the films, TV shows, and documentaries produced in the early 2000s Offers a thought-provoking depiction of Hollywood film as a contested terrain between conservative and liberal forces Films and documentaries discussed include: Black Hawk Down, The Dark Knight, Star Wars, Syriana, WALL-E, Fahrenheit 9/11 and other Michael Moore documentaries, amongst others Explores how some films in this era supported the Bush-Cheney regime, while others criticized the administration, openly or otherwise Investigates Hollywood’s treatment of a range of hot topics, from terrorism and environmental crisis to the Iraq war and the culture wars of the 2000s Shows how Hollywood film in the 2000s brought to life a vibrant array of social protest and helped create cultural conditions to elect Barack Obama
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Meditations of Lady Elizabeth Delaval Written Between 1662 and 1671 190 Publications of the Surtees Society 190
Meditations and prayers, aged 14 to 23.This record of the meditations and prayers of the independent and high-spirited daughter of Sir James Livingston, Viscount Newburgh, was written between the ages of fourteen and twenty-three, to assist self-examination and repentance of sins. They detail her relationships with her family, close friends and certain servants and her reflections on her courtships and marriage. Lady Elizabeth had royal connections and was later closely involved with various Jacobite plots and schemes. Bodleian Library MS. Rawlinson D. 78. Biography, 17c
University of Nebraska Press Myths and Traditions of the Arikara Indians
When trappers and fur traders first encountered the Arikara Indians, they saw a settled and well-organized people who could be firm friends or fearsome enemies. Until the late eighteenth century the Arikaras, close relatives of the Pawnees, were one of the largest and most powerful tribes on the northern plains. For centuries Arikaras lived along the middle Missouri River. Today, they reside on the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota. Though much has been written about the Arikaras, their own accounts of themselves and the world as they see it have been available only in limited scholarly editions. This collection is the first to make Arikara myths, tales, and stories widely accessible. The book presents voices of the Arikara past closely translated into idiomatic English.The narratives include myths of ancient times, legends of supernatural power bestowed on selected individuals, historical accounts, and anecdotes of mysterious incidents. Also included in the collection are tales, stories the Arikaras consider fiction, that tell of the adventures and foibles of Coyote, Stuwi, and of a host of other characters.Myths and Traditions of the Arikara Indians offers a selection of narratives from Douglas R. Parks’s four-volume work, Traditional Narratives of the Arikara Indians. The introduction situates the Arikaras in historical context, describes the recording and translation of the narratives, and discusses the distinctive features of the narratives. For each story, cross references are given to variant forms recorded among other Plains tribes.
University of Nebraska Press Traditional Narratives of the Arikara Indians, Volumes 3 & 4
Until the late eighteenth century the Arikaras were one of the largest and most influential Indian groups on the northern plains. For centuries they have lived along the Missouri River, first in present South Dakota, later in what is now North Dakota. Today they share the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota with the Mandans and Hidatsas. Although their postcontact history and aspects of their culture are well documented, Douglas R. Parks's monumental four-volume work Traditional Narratives of the Arikara Indians represents the first comprehensive attempt to describe and record their language and literary traditions. Volumes 1 and 2 present transcriptions of 156 oral narratives in Arikara and include literal interlinear English translations. Volumes 3 and 4 contain free English translations of those narratives, making available for the first time a broad, representative group of Arikara oral traditions that will be invaluable not only to anthropologists and folklorists but to everyone interested in American Indian life and literature. The narratives cover the entire range of traditional stories found in the historical and literary tradition of the Arikara people, who classify their stories into two categories, true stories and tales. Here are myths of ancient times, legends of power bestowed, historical narratives, and narratives of mysterious incidents that affirm the existence today of supernatural power in the world, along with tales of the trickster Coyote and stories of the risque Stuwi and various other animals. In addition, there are accounts of Arikara ritualism: prayers and descriptions of how personal names are bestowed and how the Death Feast originated.
Baker Publishing Group The Substance of Our Faith: Foundations for the History of Christian Doctrine
Christianity Today 2024 Award of Merit (Academic Theology) Doctrine is central to Christian discipleship and maturity. Unfortunately, it is often sidelined in churches' teaching ministry as irrelevant or impractical. Countering this, leading church historian Douglas Sweeney defines doctrine as church teaching intended for the shaping of daily faith and practice. The Substance of Our Faith addresses introductory issues in the study and application of historical doctrine, incorporating a unique global and catholic perspective. It addresses the Spirit's role in the rise of doctrine in the early church, the authority of Scripture and tradition in the development of doctrine, the challenges of doing global historical theology, the nature and purpose of doctrine, and implications for teaching the faith today. Specifically, Sweeney advocates that those who teach the Christian faith in all churches do so in communion with the saints who have come before. A future volume by the author will narrate the actual history of doctrinal teaching around the world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dictionary of Conflict Resolution
The first and only dictionary for the field of conflict resolution. Defining 1,400 terms, this comprehensive resource will standardize the language of conflict resolution--improving dialogue and understanding among professionals and theorist and promoting uniformity and consistency in the language. The Dictionary of Conflict Resolution offers common and varied uses of terms, clarifies differences between terms, and recommAnds accurate usage. Bringing much-needed clarity and cohesion to this evolving profession, the Dictionary of Conflict Resolution is a major breakthrough in the field's linguistic evolution. In Cooperation with the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution and with the support of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Georgia Consortium on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution.
Pluto Press The Scramble for African Oil
How Western control of Africa's oil has fed corruption and undermined democracy, and how African people have resisted.
Princeton University Press Political Change in Morocco
How to develop new forms of political expression and political participation on the national level is one of the major problems facing newly independent countries. Mr. Ashford gives a careful description of the pattern of Moroccan national politics at the time of independence, and analyzes how this pattern was changed during the first three post-independence years. He provides a general outline of the ways a widely differentiated people can participate in the national politics of a developing country. Like Apter's books on Ghana and Uganda, and Wriggins' book on Ceylon, this is an important study of the transition to independence of a postwar, rapidly developing political system. Originally published in 1961. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press How Birds Evolve: What Science Reveals about Their Origin, Lives, and Diversity
A marvelous journey into the world of bird evolutionHow Birds Evolve explores how evolution has shaped the distinctive characteristics and behaviors we observe in birds today. Douglas Futuyma describes how evolutionary science illuminates the wonders of birds, ranging over topics such as the meaning and origin of species, the evolutionary history of bird diversity, and the evolution of avian reproductive behaviors, plumage ornaments, and social behaviors.In this multifaceted book, Futuyma examines how birds evolved from nonavian dinosaurs and reveals what we can learn from the "family tree" of birds. He looks at the ways natural selection enables different forms of the same species to persist, and discusses how adaptation by natural selection accounts for the diverse life histories of birds and the rich variety of avian parenting styles, mating displays, and cooperative behaviors. He explains why some parts of the planet have so many more species than others, and asks what an evolutionary perspective brings to urgent questions about bird extinction and habitat destruction. Along the way, Futuyma provides an insider's perspective on how biologists practice evolutionary science, from studying the fossil record to comparing DNA sequences among and within species.A must-read for bird enthusiasts and curious naturalists, How Birds Evolve shows how evolutionary biology helps us better understand birds and their natural history, and how the study of birds has informed all aspects of evolutionary science since the time of Darwin.
Princeton University Press Free Trade under Fire
Growing international trade has helped lift living standards around the world, and yet free trade is always under attack. Critics complain that trade forces painful economic adjustments, such as plant closings and layoffs of workers, and charge that the World Trade Organization serves the interests of corporations, undercuts domestic environmental regulations, and erodes America's sovereignty. Why has global trade--and trade agreements such as NAFTA--become so controversial? Does free trade deserve its bad reputation? In Free Trade under Fire, Douglas Irwin sweeps aside the misconceptions that litter the debate over trade and gives the reader a clear understanding of the issues involved. This fourth edition has been thoroughly updated to include the most recent policy developments and the latest research findings on the impact of trade.
Princeton University Press Peddling Protectionism: Smoot-Hawley and the Great Depression
The Smoot-Hawley tariff of 1930, which raised U.S. duties on hundreds of imported goods to record levels, is America's most infamous trade law. It is often associated with--and sometimes blamed for--the onset of the Great Depression, the collapse of world trade, and the global spread of protectionism in the 1930s. Even today, the ghosts of congressmen Reed Smoot and Willis Hawley haunt anyone arguing for higher trade barriers; almost single-handedly, they made protectionism an insult rather than a compliment. In Peddling Protectionism, Douglas Irwin provides the first comprehensive history of the causes and effects of this notorious measure, explaining why it largely deserves its reputation for combining bad politics and bad economics and harming the U.S. and world economies during the Depression. In four brief, clear chapters, Irwin presents an authoritative account of the politics behind Smoot-Hawley, its economic consequences, the foreign reaction it provoked, and its aftermath and legacy. Starting as a Republican ploy to win the farm vote in the 1928 election by increasing duties on agricultural imports, the tariff quickly grew into a logrolling, pork barrel free-for-all in which duties were increased all around, regardless of the interests of consumers and exporters. After Herbert Hoover signed the bill, U.S. imports fell sharply and other countries retaliated by increasing tariffs on American goods, leading U.S. exports to shrivel as well. While Smoot-Hawley was hardly responsible for the Great Depression, Irwin argues, it contributed to a decline in world trade and provoked discrimination against U.S. exports that lasted decades. Peddling Protectionism tells a fascinating story filled with valuable lessons for trade policy today.
Princeton University Press On Equal Terms: The Constitutional Politics of Educational Opportunity
Since Brown v. Board of Education and the desegregation battles of the 1960s and 1970s, the legal pursuit of educational opportunity in the United States has been framed largely around race. But for nearly thirty years now, a less-noticed but controversial legal campaign has been afoot to equalize or improve the resources of poorly funded schools. This book examines both the consequences of efforts to use state constitutional provisions to reduce the "resource segregation" of American schools and the politics of the opposition to these decisions. On Equal Terms compares the relative success of school finance lawsuits to the project of school desegregation and explores how race and class present sharply different obstacles to courts. Since a 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that effectively deferred to the states in the matter of educational equity, about a third of state judiciaries have mandated reform of state-level educational funding systems. Douglas Reed analyzes both the rhetoric of reform and the varying effects of these controversial decisions while critiquing the courts' failure to more clearly define educational equity. Well-written with keen insight throughout, the book concludes with an intriguing policy proposal that acknowledges obstacles to such efforts. This proposal aims to enhance education by fostering racial and economic integration locally. Setting the stage for a more coherent debate on this controversial issue and expanding our understanding of constitutional design, On Equal Terms will have far-reaching implications for law, public policy, politics, and not least, the future of American education.
Princeton University Press Integral Europe: Fast-Capitalism, Multiculturalism, Neofascism
Over the past 15 years, the project of advanced European integration has followed a complex secular and cosmopolitan agenda. As that agenda has evolved, however, so have various hard-line populist movements with goals diametrically opposed to the ideals of a harmonious European Union. Spearheaded by figures such as Jean-Marie Le Pen, the controversial leader of France's National Front party, these radical movements have become increasingly influential and, because of their philosophical affinities with fascism and national socialism--politically worrisome. In Integral Europe, anthropologist Douglas Holmes posits that such movements are philosophically rooted in integralism, a sensibility that, in its most benign form, enables people to maintain their ethnic identity and solidarity within the context of an increasingly pluralistic society. Taken to irrational extremes by people like Le Pen, integralism is being used to inflame people's feelings of alienation and powerlessness, the by-products of impersonal, transnational "fast-capitalism." The consequences are an invidious politics of exclusion that spawns cultural nationalism, racism, and social disorder. The analysis moves from northern Italy to Strasbourg and Brussels, the two venues of the European Parliament, and finally to the East End of London. This multi-sited ethnography provides critical perspective on integralism as a form of intimate cultural practice and a violent idiom of estrangement. It combines a wide-ranging review of modern and historical scholarship with two years of field research that included personal interviews with right-wing activists, among them Le Pen and neo-Nazis in inner London. Fascinating, provocative, and sobering, Integral Europe offers a rare inside look at one of modern Europe's most unsettling political trends.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Arbitration Practice in Construction Contracts
Since it came into force on 31 January 1997 the Arbitration Act 1996 has generally been welcomed by users and practitioners in the construction industry. It has fulfilled expectations that it would provide a user-friendly and practical basis of resolving disputes arising from construction contracts in a fair, expeditious and economical way. In doing so it has generated a modest volume of case law that has demonstrated the excellence of the Act's provisions and its drafting. Since the Fourth Edition of this book appeared in 1997 the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 with its Scheme for Construction Contracts Regulations 1998 have come into force, as have the Civil Procedure Rules 1998, both of which affect the resolution of disputes arising from construction contracts. Case law has arisen from the Construction Act, and from the House of Lords' judgment in the Beaufort Developments case, overturning the much-criticised judgment of the Court of Appeal in Crouch. In this Fifth Edition of an established text the author deals with each stage of an arbitration, explaining in practical terms the procedures to be adopted in avoiding disputes and in dealing with them efficiently when they do arise. It features over 20 specimen arbitration documents and includes the full text of the Act. It also covers several important developments in case law affecting construction arbitrations, and refers to the introduction and case law arising from adjudication under the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996.