Search results for ""author douglas""
America Through Time Railroads of Delmarva: A Pictorial History
Trine Day Being There: Eye Witness To History
Douglas Caddy was the attorney for E. Howard Hunt, one of the key persons involved in both the JFK assassination and Watergate. Being There: Eye Witness to History is his autobiographical account of these events by accidentally being in the right place at the right time or the wrong place at the wrong time. Episodes include being with Lee Harvey Oswald and Guy Banister in New Orleans, investigating the founding of the modern conservative movement and where it went wrong, looking inside the JFK assassination and the Watergate Conspiracy, uncovering JFK’s secret son and why he came to fear for his life, analyzing LBJ’s murder victims and his rise to the presidency, interpreting the Moody Foundation Scandal, Russia's involvement in Trump’s election, and more.
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation Play Mandolin Today Beginners Pack Level 1 BookCDDVD Pack Ultimate SelfTeaching Method
Hal Leonard Corporation Song of Wisdom from Old Turtle Based on the Book old Turtle by Douglas Wood
P & R Publishing Co (Presbyterian & Reformed) Hostage Lands
Rowman & Littlefield Beginner's Guide to Playing Guitar: A Simple, A-To-Z Guide For First-Time Musicians
The guitar is one of the most versatile of musical instruments, and can be used to play a huge variety of musical styles, such as folk, country, blues, rock, pop, jazz, classical, and even flamenco. Learning to play it can be complicated, but it needn't be, as THE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO PLAYING GUITAR so expertly shows. In the experienced teaching hands of Douglas J. Noble, players who haven't touched a guitar before, nor have any prior musical knowledge, can easily learn the basics. All the musical examples included here have been written to be played by a total neophyte, with easy-to-understand notation and straightforward timing. Chapters include: - Getting Started - Guitar Music Notation - Major and Seventh Chords - Minor Chords and Seventh Chords - Minor Chords and Ear Training - The Twelve Bar Blues - Classical Guitar - Completing the Open String Chords - Barre Chords - Music Theory - The Blues Scale - Jazz - Discography - Glossary Though the book does contain some actual songs, it concentrates on material written specifically to improve a certain aspect of playing. Readers will work progressively through a variety of styles-from classical to rock, blues to jazz-with the end in mind that each style influences the other. Advocating a practice routine of ten to fifteen minutes a day, Noble stresses a basic, no-nonsense approach that will have even the tone-deaf strumming away in days.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Treating Hepatitis Naturally
Hepatitis is a common causes of illness and death. Many types of hepatitis are caused by viruses, whereas other types result from the liver being overwhelmed by toxins, including alcohol and drugs. In this User's Guide, Dr. MacKay describes the most common forms of hepatitis, their causes, and ways to reduce your risk of contracting or developing them. He also describes vitamins, herbs, and other supplements that can help you reduce symptoms of hepatitis, including elevated liver enzymes, so you can lead a healthier life.
Taylor Trade Publishing The Court Martial of Robert E. Lee: A Novel
On the first day of July 1863, Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia accidentally crossed swords with George Gordon Meade’s federal Army of the Potomac. They clashed at a tiny Pennsylvania crossroads called Gettysburg. Three days later, at least 22,000 Confederate men and boys were dead, wounded or captured, and the Yankees held the field when the river of bloodshed finally stopped. Gettysburg was General Lee’s worst defeat on an open field of battle. In The Court Martial of Robert E. Lee, a discouraged Confederate Congress summons General Lee to Richmond in December 1863, to face a board of inquiry on the Battle of Gettysburg. Through this speculative board of inquiry, the reader is drawn into the true history of the Army of Northern Virginia and the real political personalities and true political intrigue of Richmond in 1863. Will General Lee be relieved of command? Perhaps sent into retirement borne of catastrophic failure, leaving behind forever his beloved Army of Northern Virginia? The reader feels his pain and the anguish of a defeated general who wrote four months after Gettysburg that, “My heart and thoughts will always be with this army.”
Trafalgar Square The Riding Horse Repair Manual: Not the Horse You Want? Create Him from What You Have
There are many horses out there that express discomfort or discontent in a variety of troublesome ways. These are the common problems riders at all levels deal with on a regular basis, such as bucking, rearing, bolting, pulling, grinding teeth, refusing fences, and running out - to name but a few! Doug Payne has made a name for himself in equestrian circles as the "go-to guy" when it comes to finding a way forward with problem horses. Now he's sharing his tips and techniques for solving some of the most common contact issues, unruly outbursts, and jumping problems that riders experience. Learn about causes for problem behaviour - from physical issues to "holes" in a horse's education - and discover dozens of safe and professionally tested solutions and step-by-step exercises.
Greystone Books,Canada City of Glass Douglas Couplands Vancouver
The iconic bestselling collection of novelist Douglas Coupland's personal reflections on his home city, which gave rise to the city's international moniker, City of Glass.
Broadview Press Ltd Deductive Logic in Natural Language
This text offers an innovative approach to the teaching of logic, which is rigorous but entirely non-symbolic. By introducing students to deductive inferences in natural language, the book breaks new ground pedagogically. Cannon focuses on such topics as using a tableaux technique to assess inconsistency; using generative grammar; employing logical analyses of sentences; and dealing with quantifier expressions and syllogisms. An appendix covers truth-functional logic.
Simon & Schuster Zoobilations!: Animal Poems and Paintings
Time Warner Trade Publishing The Lost City of the Monkey God: A True Story
Simon & Schuster Disciples: The World War II Missions of the CIA Directors Who Fought for Wild Bill Donovan
Tilbury House Distr My Shenandoah: The Story of Captain Robert S. Douglas and His Schooner
InterVarsity Press The Twelve Disciples
InterVarsity Press Heroes of Faith
InterVarsity Press John 13-21: Part 2: The Way to True Life
InterVarsity Press The Lords Prayer Lifeguide Bible Studies
Holiday House Inc Ice! Poems About Polar Life
Holiday House Inc Pig and Cat Are Pals
St Martin's Press The Codex
Greetings from the dead," Maxwell Broadbent declared from the videotape he left behind after his mysterious disappearance. A notorious treasure hunter and tomb robber, Maxwell accumulated a priceless collection of rare art, gems, and artefacts before vanishing completely - along with all his riches. At first, robbery is suspected, but the truth proves far stranger: as a final challenge to his three sons, Maxwell has buried himself and his treasures somewhere in the world, hidden away like an ancient Egyptian pharaoh. If his sons wish to claim their inheritance, they must find their father's concealed tomb. Furthermore, Maxwell's priceless possessions include a codex-an ancient Mayan manuscript that contains all the lost arts of Mayan herbal medicine, secrets that have the capacity to revolutionize pharmacology. The codex is worth billions, and one pharmaceutical company CEO has sent mercenaries after it with orders to kill anyone in their way, including the beautifully enigmatic woman accompanying one of them. Now the race is on, with more and more people competing for the treasure - including some who will stop at nothing to succeed.
Peter Owen Publishers Circus Mania: The Ultimate Book for Anyone Who Ever Dreamed of Running Away with the Circus
James Clarke & Co Ltd Living Through Dying: The Spiritual Experience of Saint Paul
In this beautifully written study, Douglas Dales examines the autobiographical passages in St. Paul's letters, notably II Corinthians, in the light of the continuing spiritual experience and language of the church, to ascertain the saint's own experience of entering into the dying and rising of Christ. This phenomenon is related to certain aspects of other New Testament writings, especially early Christian attitudes to the passages about suffering in the Old Testament, and the testimony of the Apostolic Fathers. Douglas Dales aims to address the question: 'What makes a church a place where the experience of living through dying may be realised?', and concludes his study with a call to the modern church in the West to pursue afresh the steps of the saints. 'This book takes us back to the heart of that mystery which has been worked out in so many different circumstances. It tells of the mystery of Christ and the cross, above all, as it is expounded in the writings of Saint Paul.' From the Foreword by the Revd Canon A.M. Allchin.
Simon & Schuster Ltd What Teachers Can't Do
Synopsis coming soon.......
Simon & Schuster What Dads Can't Do
Synopsis coming soon.......
John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design With Nature
Written by the chair of the LEED-Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) initiative, Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design with Nature is both an urgent call to action and a comprehensive introduction to "sustainable urbanism"--the emerging and growing design reform movement that combines the creation and enhancement of walkable and diverse places with the need to build high-performance infrastructure and buildings. Providing a historic perspective on the standards and regulations that got us to where we are today in terms of urban lifestyle and attempts at reform, Douglas Farr makes a powerful case for sustainable urbanism, showing where we went wrong, and where we need to go. He then explains how to implement sustainable urbanism through leadership and communication in cities, communities, and neighborhoods. Essays written by Farr and others delve into such issues as: Increasing sustainability through density. Integrating transportation and land use. Creating sustainable neighborhoods, including housing, car-free areas, locally-owned stores, walkable neighborhoods, and universal accessibility. The health and environmental benefits of linking humans to nature, including walk-to open spaces, neighborhood stormwater systems and waste treatment, and food production. High performance buildings and district energy systems. Enriching the argument are in-depth case studies in sustainable urbanism, from BedZED in London, England and Newington in Sydney, Australia, to New Railroad Square in Santa Rosa, California and Dongtan, Shanghai, China. An epilogue looks to the future of sustainable urbanism over the next 200 years. At once solidly researched and passionately argued, Sustainable Urbanism is the ideal guidebook for urban designers, planners, and architects who are eager to make a positive impact on our--and our descendants'--buildings, cities, and lives.
Pearson Education (US) Physics: Principles with Applications, Volume 2 (Chapters 16-33)
Elegant, engaging, exacting, and concise, Giancoli’s Physics: Principles with Applications , Seventh Edition, helps you view the world through eyes that know physics. Giancoli’s text is a trusted classic, known for its elegant writing, clear presentation, and quality of content. Using concrete observations and experiences you can relate to, the text features an approach that reflects how science is actually practiced: it starts with the specifics, then moves to the great generalizations and the more formal aspects of a topic to show you why we believe what we believe. Written with the goal of giving you a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of physics in all its aspects, the text uses interesting applications to biology, medicine, architecture, and digital technology to show you how useful physics is to your everyday life and in your future profession.
Oxford University Press, USA Strategic Marketing
Voyager Books,U.S. Lizards, Frogs, and Polliwogs
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Autumnblings
Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Fausto Melotti
Piper Verlag GmbH Young Mungo
Hanser Berlin Young Mungo
Knaur Taschenbuch Headhunt Feldzug der Rache Ein neuer Fall fr Special Agent Pendergast
Birkhauser Critique of Architecture: Essays on Theory, Autonomy, and Political Economy
Critique of Architecture offers a renewed and radical theorization of the relations between capital and architecture. It explicates the theoretical gymnastics through which architecture legitimates its services to neoliberalism, examines the discipline’s production of platforms for happily compliant consumers, and challenges its entrepreneurial self-image. Critique of Architecture also addresses the discourse of autonomy, questioning its capacity to engage effectively with the terms and conditions of capitalism today, analyses the post-political turns of contemporary architecture theory, and reckons with the legacies and limitations of critical theory.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Outbreak in the Village: A Family Doctor's Lifetime Study of Whooping Cough
Outbreak in the Village is a fascinating account of the personal and professional journey of Dr. Doug Jenkinson, physician and researcher. Over the course of four decades in practice, Jenkinson traces the reemergence of whooping cough in the developed world, using his practice in the idyllic English countryside as a clinical control group. Keeping meticulous notes and indulging an itch to investigate, he explores one of history's most enigmatic and pervasive diseases. Jenkinson relates the tale of his life's work amid winsome anecdotes, relevant history, and practical advice. Told in an amiable, engaging voice with an expert balance of levity and earnestness, this story will charm casual readers interested in medical history and memoir, as well as doctors and researchers who identify with the experiences and may benefit from the research and techniques employed. Readers will find themselves in the examination room beside Jenkinson as the investigation unfolds, learning about the nature of the illness and the sweeping detrimental effects of an anti-vaccination campaign. An intriguing memoir about a mysterious illness, a public health failure, and one doctor's quest for clarity, Outbreak in the Village is a tale of perseverance and objectivity sure to delight and inform.
Waldorf Publications Trailing Clouds of Glory: Essays on Human Sexuality and the Education of Youth
Sexuality is an important but challenging issue for schools to address. Adolescents need to know about reproduction and the power of procreation, but mainstream teaching can offer a very raw view of sexuality and gender.This book, a wonderful antidote to the mainstream, brings together insights from several experienced Waldorf teachers, who share their approaches to the subject. Full of wisdom and perception, these contributions add up to an invaluable resources for teachers facing similar challenges.The book also includes a full survey of child development in this area, giving useful background information which will underpin the curriculum.Suitable for Classes 7 to 12.
Dog Horn Publishing Mechagnosis
Merlin Unwin Books The Sporting Gun's Bedside Companion
Liverpool University Press Michel Houellebecq: Humanity and its Aftermath
An Open Access edition of this book is available on the Liverpool University Press website and the OAPEN library.Michel Houellebecq is perhaps the single most successful and controversial of all contemporary novelists writing in French. Houellebecq has become a global publishing phenomenon: his books have been translated worldwide, three film adaptations of his work have been produced, and the author has been the subject of million-euro publishing deals and of successive media scandals in France. If Houellebecq is unique in contemporary French writing, it is thanks not only to his extraordinary success, but to the unparalleled scope of his narrative ambition. In the work which most forcefully marked his breakthrough to the mainstream – Les Particules élémentaires – Houellebecq made a significant appeal to the science-fiction genre in order to undergird his critique of contemporary society. For Houellebecq presents humanity – at least modern, western humanity – as in a terminal state of decadence and decline and ripe for replacement by its post-human successor. His novels narrate a metaphysical mutation or paradigm shift through which humanity as we know it ceases to be the over-riding value or focus of our world when it comes into conflict with a competitor in the form of a post-human or neo-human species. It is the aim of this book to appraise the global significance of Houellebecq’s novelistic visions while at the same time situating them within the context of French literature, culture and society.
Oldcastle Books Ltd Twenty First Century Horror Films
From the vengeful ghosts of J-horror to the walking dead in 28 Days Later and World War Z, from the creepiness of Spain's haunted houses to the graphic gore of the New French Extremism, horror is everywhere in the twenty-first century. This lively and illuminating book explores over 100 contemporary horror films, providing insightful and provocative readings of what they mean while including numerous quotes from their creators. Some of these films, including The Babadook, The Green Inferno, It Follows, The Neon Demon, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and The Witch are so recent that this will be one of the first times they are discussed in book form. The book is divided into three main sections: 'nightmares', 'nations' and 'innovations'. 'Nightmares' looks at new manifestations of traditional fears, including creepy dolls, haunted houses and demonic possession as well as vampires, werewolves, witches and zombies; and also considers more contemporary anxieties such as dread of home invasion and homophobia. 'Nations' explores fright films from around the world, including Australia, Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, India, Japan, Norway, Russia, Serbia, Spain and Sweden as well as the UK and the US. 'Innovations' focuses on the latest trends in terror from 3D to found-footage films, from Twilight teen romance to torture porn, and from body horror and eco-horror to techno-horror. Parodies, remakes and American adaptations of Asian horror are also discussed.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Disaster Risk Reduction
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.With disasters increasing in both frequency and intensity, this timely Advanced Introduction provides a fresh perspective on how the concepts established in the Sendai Framework can be put into practice to reduce disaster risk, improve preparedness in cost-effective ways, and develop whole-of-society approaches to increasing resilience.Key Features: Provides evidence-informed coverage of the core areas of disaster risk reduction Identifies the implementation issues and challenges to anticipation, preparedness, evaluation and governance and the strategies that can be used to facilitate it Discusses individual and collective ways to manage recovery and to learn from disaster experiences and programmes such as Build Back Better to prepare people to deal with disasters more effectively in the future Incorporating research on preparedness modelling, evaluation strategies, adaptive governance, and transformative learning, this Advanced Introduction will be invaluable to students and scholars of environmental management, governance and regulation interested in disaster risk reduction. It will also be a vital resource to policymakers looking to strengthen their disaster preparedness and recovery measures.