Search results for ""ARC""
Arc Humanities Press Book Conservation and Digitization: The Challenges of Dialogue and Collaboration
Arc Humanities Press Classic Readings on Monster Theory
Arc Humanities Press Rituals in Slavic Pre-Christian Religion: Festivals, Banqueting, and Divination
Arc Humanities Press Pagans in the Early Modern Baltic: Sixteenth-Century Ethnographic Accounts of Baltic Paganism
Arc Humanities Press Craft Beer Culture and Modern Medievalism: Brewing Dissent
Arc Humanities Press A New Companion to Critical Thinking on Chaucer
Arc Humanities Press The Customary of the Shrine of St. Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral: Latin Text and Translation
Arc Humanities Press Medieval Islamic Sectarianism
Arc Humanities Press Worship in Medieval England
Arc Medieval Press Plague and Contagion in the Islamic Mediterranean
Arc Humanities Press Medieval History in the Modern Classroom: Using Project-Based Learning to Engage Today’s Learners
Arc Humanities Press Icelandic Folklore and the Cultural Memory of Religious Change
Arc Humanities Press Byzantine Rome
Arc Medieval Press The Jews in Late Antiquity
Arc Humanities Press French Lessons in Late-Medieval England: The "Liber Donati" and "Commune Parlance"
Arc Humanities Press The Medieval Persian Gulf
The Persian Gulf today is home to multiple cosmopolitan urban hubs of globalization. This did not start with the discovery of oil. This book tells of the Gulf from the rise of Islam until the coming of the Portuguese, when port cities such as Siraf, Sohar, and Hormuz were entrepots for trading pearls, horses, spices, and other products across much of Asia and eastern Africa. Indeed, products traded there became a key part of the material culture of medieval Islamic civilization, and the Gulf region itself was a crucial membrane between the Middle East and the world of the broader Indian Ocean. The book also highlights the long-term presence of communities of South Asian and African ancestry, as well as patterns of religious change among Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and Muslims that belie the image of a region long polarized between Arabs and Persians and Sunnis and Shi'ites.
Arc Humanities Press French Lessons in Late-Medieval England: The "Liber Donati" and "Commune Parlance"
Arc Humanities Press Evangelizing Korean Women and Gender in the Early Modern World: The Power of Body and Text
Arc Humanities Press Literature, Emotions, and Pre-Modern War: Conflict in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Arc Humanities Press Women Religious Crossing between Cloister and the World: Nunneries in Europe and the Americas, ca. 1200–1700
Arc Humanities Press Craft Beer Culture and Modern Medievalism: Brewing Dissent
Arc Humanities Press Seals - Making and Marking Connections across the Medieval World
Arc Humanities Press The Knights Templar
Arc Humanities Press Slaveries of the First Millennium
Arc Humanities Press A Companion to Crime and Deviance in the Middle Ages
Arc Humanities Press The Almoravid Maghrib
Arc Humanities Press Christian-Muslim Relations during the Crusades
Arc Medieval Press Books Before Print
Arc Humanities Press Armies and Ecosystems in Premodern Europe: The Meuse Region, 1250-1850
Arc Humanities Press Coloniality and the Rise of Liberation Thinking during the Sixteenth Century
Arc Humanities Press Elizabeth I and the Old Testament: Biblical Analogies and Providential Rule
Arc Humanities Press Shared Saints and Festivals among Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Medieval Mediterranean
Arc Humanities Press John Miles Foley's World of Oralities: Text, Tradition, and Contemporary Oral Theory
Arc Humanities Press Antonio Latini’s "The Modern Steward, or The Art of Preparing Banquets Well": A Complete English Translation
Arc Humanities Press Jewish Theatre Making in Mantua, 1520–1650
Arc Humanities Press Queens and Queenship
Arc Humanities Press Inclusive Curating in Contemporary Art: A Practical Guide
Arc Humanities Press A Companion to the Cavendishes
Arc Humanities Press Architecture and Power in Early Central Europe
Arc Humanities Press Migration in the Medieval Mediterranean
Arc Humanities Press Early Medieval Hagiography
Arc Medieval Press The Transformation of the Roman West
Arc Medieval Press The Peace of God
Arc Humanities Press Fraternal Bonds in the Early Middle Ages
Arc Humanities Press Writing about the Merovingians in the Early United States
The use of Merovingian history as a cultural and political model for American writers in the early years of the post-revolution United States.
Arc Humanities Press The Institutional Power of Choson Koreas Queen Dowagers
Arc Humanities Press Ancient, Medieval, and Premodern Korean Songs and Poems: An Historical Anthology, With Parallel Texts in Korean and English
Arc Humanities Press Tradition and Innovation in Old English Metre