Search results for ""ARC""
Arc Humanities Press The Islamization of the Holy Land, 634–1800
Arc Humanities Press Desert Ascetics of Egypt
Arc Humanities Press Elite Byzantine Kinship, ca. 950-1204: Blood, Reputation, and the Genos
Arc Humanities Press Medieval Syphilis and Treponemal Disease
Arc Humanities Press Elite Women as Diplomatic Agents in Italy and Hungary, 1470–1510: Kinship and the Aragonese Dynastic Network
Arc Humanities Press Everyday Sermons from Worcester Cathedral Priory: An Early-Fourteenth-Century Collection in Latin
Arc Humanities Press Why Study the Middle Ages?
Arc Humanities Press The Christianization of Scandinavia in the Viking Era: Religious Change in Adam of Bremen's Historical Work
Arc Humanities Press Medieval Cityscapes Today
Arc Humanities Press Tradition and Innovation in Old English Metre
Arc Humanities Press A Handbook of Animals in Old English Texts
Arc Humanities Press The Global North: Spaces, Connections, and Networks before 1600
Arc Humanities Press Agnès Sorel and the French Monarchy: History, Gallantry, and National Identity
Arc Humanities Press Chaucer and Becket’s Mother: "The Man of Law’s Tale," Conversion, and Race in the Middle Ages
Arc Humanities Press Sufi Masters and the Creation of Saintly Spheres in Medieval Syria
Arc Humanities Press The Aljubarrota Battle and Its Contemporary Heritage
Arc Humanities Press A Companion to the Cavendishes
Arc Humanities Press Medieval Bosnia and South-East European Relations: Political, Religious, and Cultural Life at the Adriatic Crossroads
Arc Humanities Press Gender, Reading, and Truth in the Twelfth Century: The Woman in the Mirror
Arc Humanities Press Waldef: A French Romance from Medieval England
Arc Humanities Press Eastern Europe in Icelandic Sagas
Arc Medieval Press The Scholastic Project
Arc Humanities Press New Evidence for the Dating and Impact of the Black Death in Asia
Arc Humanities Press The Economics of the Manuscript and Rare Book Trade ca. 18901939
The market for rare books has been characterized as unpredictable, and driven by the whims of a small number of rich individuals. Yet behind the headlines announcing new auction records, a range of sources make it possible to analyze the market as a whole. This book introduces the economics of the trade in manuscripts and rare books during the turbulent period ca. 18901939. It demonstrates how surviving sources, even when incomplete and inconsistent, can be used to tackle questions about the operation of the rare book trade, including how books were priced, profit margins, accounting practices, and books as investments, from the perspectives of both dealers and collectors.
Arc Humanities Press Ritual Spectacle and Theatre in Late Medieval Seville
From the fall of Islamic Išbiliya in 1248 to the conquest of the New World, Seville was a nexus of economic and religious power where interconfessional living among Christians, Jews, and Muslims was negotiated on public stages. From out of seemingly irreconcilable ideologies of faith, hybrid performance culture emerged in spectacles of miraculous transformation, disciplinary processionals, and representations of religious identity.Ritual, Spectacle, and Theatre in Late Medieval Seville reinvigorates the study of medieval Iberian theatre by revealing the ways in which public expressions of devotion, penance, and power fostered cultural reciprocity, rehearsed religious difference, and ultimately helped establish Seville as the imperial centre of Christian Spain.
Arc Humanities Press Vikings Behaving Reasonably
Arc Humanities Press Medieval and Early Modern Jewish Romance
Arc Humanities Press Reading Nature in the Early Middle Ages: Writing, Language, and Creation in the Latin Physiologus, ca. 700–1000
Arc Humanities Press Caroline Bergvall’s Medievalist Poetics: Migratory Texts and Transhistorical Methods
Arc Humanities Press Medieval Women, Material Culture, and Power: Matilda Plantagenet and her Sisters
Arc Humanities Press Fu Poetry Along the Silk Roads: Third-Century Chinese Writings on Exotica
Arc Humanities Press Beowulf by All: Community Translation and Workbook
Arc Humanities Press Recreating the Medieval Globe: Acts of Recycling, Revision, and Relocation
Arc Humanities Press The Museum as Experience: Learning, Connection, and Shared Space
Arc Humanities Press Creating Playful First Encounters with the Pre-Modern Past
Arc Humanities Press Christine de Pizan, Empowering Women in Text and Image
Arc Humanities Press Medieval Women, Material Culture, and Power: Matilda Plantagenet and her Sisters
Arc Humanities Press “Europe” in the Middle Ages
Arc Humanities Press Judaism in South India, 849–1489: Relocating Malabar Jewry
Arc Humanities Press Digital Spatial Infrastructures and Worldviews in Pre-Modern Societies
Arc Humanities Press Digital Medieval Studies—Practice and Preservation
Arc Humanities Press Milton’s Scriptural Theology: Confronting De Doctrina Christiana
Arc Humanities Press Icelandic Folklore and the Cultural Memory of Religious Change
Arc Humanities Press Bishop John Vitez and Early Renaissance Central Europe: The Humanist Kingmaker
Arc Humanities Press Coloman, King of Galicia and Duke of Slavonia (1208-1241): Medieval Central Europe and Hungarian Power
Arc Humanities Press The Congregation of Tiron: Monastic Contributions to Trade and Communication in Twelfth-Century France and Britain
Arc Humanities Press The St. Thomas Way and the Medieval March of Wales: Exploring Place, Heritage, Pilgrimage