Search results for ""author karen"
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Change the World Before Bedtime
Written in simple, engaging rhyme, this story takes an inspirational look into how the little things in life – a smile, a kind word, a simple deed – can help change the world in a big way. Through 18 stunning illustrations, children will read about eating right, cleaning up the Earth by recycling and conserving, helping the sick and those less fortunate, and working in a group to make bigger miracles. Even an ordinary kid can be a superhero before bedtime! Early reader–ages 5-8.
Penguin Putnam Inc When Love Hurts: A Woman's Guide to Understanding Abuse in Relationships
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cancer Metabolism: Historical Landmarks, New Concepts, and Opportunities
American Society for Microbiology Diagnostic Microbiology of the Immunocompromised Host
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bridges for Changing Times: Local Practitioner Organizations in American Anthropology
NAPA Bulletin is a peer reviewed occasional publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology, dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods. Peer reviewed publication of the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology Dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods Most editions available for course adoption
Johns Hopkins University Press Performance-Enhancing Technologies in Sports: Ethical, Conceptual, and Scientific Issues
This book brings together an interdisciplinary group of experts in bioethics, sports, law, and philosophy to examine the need for regulating such athletic performance-enhancing technologies as steroids and gene doping. The use of performance-improving drugs in sports dates back to the early Olympians, who took an herbal tonic before competitions to augment athletic prowess. But the permissibility of doing so came into question only in the twentieth century as the popularity of anabolic steroid use and blood doping among athletes grew. Sports officials and others-aided by the development of technologies to test participants for proscribed substances-became concerned over the physical safety of athletes and competitive fairness in sporting events. In exploring the culture, ethics, and policy issues surrounding doping in competitive athletics, the contributors to this volume detail the history and current state of drug use in sports, analyze the distinctions between acceptable and unacceptable usages, evaluate the ethical arguments for and against permitting athletes to avail themselves of new means of improving athleticism, and discuss possible future doping technologies and the issues that they are likely to raise. They explain how and why some athletes resort to doping and assess what the fair opportunity principle means in theory and practice and how it relates to the concept of an equal opportunity to perform. This frank discussion of doping in sports includes accounts by former elite athletes and offers an illuminating exchange over the meaning and value of natural talents and genetic hierarchies and the essence of fair competition.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare, The Profession of Social Work
Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare, Volume 1: The Profession of Social Work features contributions from leading international researchers and practitioners and presents the most comprehensive, in-depth source of information on the field of social work and social welfare.
Human Kinetics Publishers Live Well Comprehensive High School Health
Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health helps students understand the importance of developing healthy habits, eating well, and being physically active. They’ll also learn how to maintain emotional, mental, and social health; how to avoid risky behaviors; and how to protect themselves and the environment.Through the text, students will develop skills like these: Identifying reliable sources of health information and becoming savvy consumers Strengthening decision making skills as they identify healthy solutions in challenging situations Sharpening communication skills as they share health knowledge, engage in advocacy, and manage interpersonal conflicts Analyzing the influences of family, peers, media, and technology on their health and wellness Students will also learn to set goals, establish healthy living plans, advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities, and discern how health and technology intersect.Aligned With StandardsLive Well: Comprehensive High School Health includes comprehensive health content that is aligned with the National Health Education Standards as well as many state standards.FeaturesThe text offers students a variety of features and tools: Skill-building activities to develop health literacy Case studies, healthy living tips, career connections, writing prompts, cross-curricular connections, and more tools to learn and apply health concepts and skills Vocabulary terms and definitions, available in both English and Spanish, with audio pronunciations Worksheets and quizzes; modified versions of the worksheets meet the needs of ELL and ESL students Print, Digital, and Teacher ResourcesLive Well: Comprehensive High School Health is available as a hardcover text, an ebook, and an interactive web text (IWT). Students can access the IWT from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. It contains the same content as the print book but uses interactive audio, video, worksheets, and other tools to help students engage with the material and to enhance learning. Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health is the only interactive ebook on the market in both English and Spanish. (The interactive web text is available separately to schools that adopt the student textbook. Please contact the Human Kinetics K-12 sales department for details.)The print book and ebook also come with a web resource that offers easy access to materials referenced in the text, including note-taking guides, vocabulary terms with English and Spanish definitions and audio pronunciations, Skill-Building Challenge worksheets, and chapter reviews. Schools that adopt the student text can also get a teacher’s guide in an online format or as a PDF.With its flexibility, its high-quality content, and its alignment with national and state standards, Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health is a great resource to help high school students learn and practice the skills that will lead to a life of health and wellness.Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Social Work and Social Policy: Advancing the Principles of Economic and Social Justice
A comprehensive overview of domestic and global social welfare policy Written by a team of renowned social policy experts sharing their unique perspectives on global and U.S. social welfare policy issues, Social Work and Social Policy helps social workers consider key issues that face policymakers, elected officials, and agency administrators in order to develop policies that are both fair and just. Designed as a foundational social welfare policy text, this important book meets the Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS). Encouraging readers' critical thinking on various issues, each chapter begins with an overarching question and "what if" scenarios, and ends with a set of suggested key terms, online resources, and discussion questions. Recognizing that policy work requires practitioners to be as fully versed as possible with the issue at hand, Social Work and Social Policy thoroughly explores: Social welfare policy as a form of social justice The evolution of the American welfare state Human security and the welfare of societies Social policy from a global perspective Challenges for social policies in Asia Welfare reform and the need for social empathy The U.S. Patriot Act and its implications for the social work profession Human rights and emerging social media Compelling and broad in scope, Social Work and Social Policy is an indispensable text for students and a valuable resource for practitioners concerned with creating social policy and governmental action guided by justice for all.
University of Toronto Press Complete Poems. A Bilingual Edition
In 1545, the first edition of the Rymes presented the young Pernette du Guillet as a model of feminine virtue and learning for other ladies to emulate. Pernette du Guillet has long been identified as muse and pupil of Maurice Scève in Lyon’s lively literary circle. Such views have profoundly shaped the reading of her work, yet the poems themselves reveal complex responses to lyric traditions and theories of love that influenced many Renaissance writers. Du Guillet transforms those conventions in a unique voice, moving beyond the silence imposed on sixteenth-century women. Expressing admiration and jealousy, awe and dismay, solemnity and playfulness, confusion and confidence, her poems bring to life a young woman’s experience with love and her development as a writer. This first complete English edition provides a fully-annotated bilingual text and a fresh perspective from which to appreciate the originality and beauty of this poetry.
Harper Perennial Changing Planes: Stories
Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Honabeats Says: Crazy Words!
University of Toronto Press My Havana: The Musical City of Carlos Varela
For more than thirty years, musician Carlos Varela has been a guide to the heart, soul, and sound of Havana. One of the best known singer-songwriters to emerge out of the Cuban nueva trova movement, Varela has toured in North America, the Caribbean, Latin America, and Europe. In North America, Varela is "Cuba's Bob Dylan." In Cuba, he is the voice of the generation that came of age in the 1990s and for whom his songs are their generation's anthems. My Havana is a lyrical exploration of Varela's life and work, and of the vibrant musical, literary, and cinematic culture of his generation. Popular both among Cubans on the island and in the diaspora, Varela is legendary for the intense political honesty of lyrics. He is one of the most important musicians in the Cuban scene today. In My Havana, writers living in Canada, Cuba, the United States, and Great Britain use Varela's life and music to explore the history and cultural politics of contemporary Cuba. The book also contains an extended interview with Varela and English translations of the lyrics to all his recorded songs, most of which are appearing in print for the very first time.
Rutgers University Press Taking Chances: The Coast after Hurricane Sandy
Humanity is deeply committed to living along the world’s shores, but a catastrophic storm like Sandy—which took hundreds of lives and caused many billions of dollars in damages—shines a bright light at how costly and vulnerable life on a shoreline can be. Taking Chances offers a wide-ranging exploration of the diverse challenges of Sandy and asks if this massive event will really change how coastal living and development is managed. Bringing together leading researchers—including biologists, urban planners, utilities experts, and climatologists, among others—Taking Chances illuminates reactions to the dangers revealed by Sandy. Focusing on New Jersey, New York, and other hard-hit areas, the contributors explore whether Hurricane Sandy has indeed transformed our perceptions of coastal hazards, if we have made radically new plans in response to Sandy, and what we think should be done over the long run to improve coastal resilience. Surprisingly, one essay notes that while a large majority of New Jerseyans identified Sandy with climate change and favored carefully assessing the likelihood of damage from future storms before rebuilding the Shore, their political leaders quickly poured millions into reconstruction. Indeed, much here is disquieting. One contributor points out that investors scared off from further investments on the shore are quickly replaced by new investors, sustaining or increasing the overall human exposure to risk. Likewise, a study of the Gowanus Canal area of Brooklyn shows that, even after Sandy swamped the area with toxic flood waters, plans to convert abandoned industrial lots around the canal into high-density condominiums went on undeterred. By contrast, utilities, emergency officials, and others who routinely make long-term plans have changed operations in response to the storm, and provide examples of adaptation in the face of climate change. Will Sandy be a tipping point in coastal policy debates—or simply dismissed as a once-in-a-century anomaly? This thought-provoking collection of essays in Taking Chances makes an important contribution to this debate.
Harvard University Press The Image of the Black in Western Art: Volume III From the "Age of Discovery" to the Age of Abolition: Part 2: Europe and the World Beyond
In the 1960s, art patron Dominique de Menil founded an image archive showing the ways that people of African descent have been represented in Western art. Highlights from her collection appeared in three large-format volumes that quickly became collector’s items. A half-century later, Harvard University Press and the Du Bois Institute are proud to publish a complete set of ten sumptuous books, including new editions of the original volumes and two additional ones.Europe and the World Beyond focuses geographically on peoples of South America and the Mediterranean as well as Africa—but conceptually it emphasizes the many ways that visual constructions of blacks mediated between Europe and a faraway African continent that was impinging ever more closely on daily life, especially in cities and ports engaged in slave trade.
Harvard University Press The Image of the Black in Western Art: Volume III From the "Age of Discovery" to the Age of Abolition: Part 1: Artists of the Renaissance and Baroque
In the 1960s, art patron Dominique de Menil founded an image archive showing the ways that people of African descent have been represented in Western art. Highlights from her collection appeared in three large-format volumes that quickly became collector’s items. A half-century later, Harvard University Press and the Du Bois Institute are proud to publish a complete set of ten sumptuous books, including new editions of the original volumes and two additional ones.The much-awaited Artists of the Renaissance and Baroque has been written by an international team of distinguished scholars, and covers the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The rise of slavery and the presence of black people in Europe irrevocably affected the works of the best artists of the time. Essays on the black Magus and the image of the black in Italy, Spain, and Britain, with detailed studies of Rembrandt and Heliodorus’s Aethiopica, all presented with superb color plates, make this new volume a worthy addition to this classic series.
MP-FAD F.A. Davis Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing
Presents checklists for over 165 common nursing procedures that follow the procedures presented in Fundamentals of Nursing, 4th Edition and Basic Nursing, 2nd Edition. Put your knowledge to work and use these checklists to practice your skills or to participate in peer check-offs.
Arcadia Publishing (SC) King City
John Wiley & Sons Inc Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare, Social Policy and Policy Practice
Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare, Volume 4: The Profession of Social Work features contributions from leading international researchers and practitioners and presents the most comprehensive, in-depth source of information on the field of social work and social welfare.
Human Kinetics Publishers Live Well Middle School Health
Through Live Well: Middle School Health, students will discover fundamentals of health and wellness and learn how to apply these throughout their life span. The text will help students understand how to do the following: Develop skills for healthy living Prioritize healthy nutrition, physical activity, and stress management Avoid destructive habits Build healthy relationships Contribute to community and environmental health Skills Developed The content in Live Well: Middle School Health is aligned with the National Health Education Standards (NHES), state standards, and the CDC's Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool. The text will help students build an array of skills: Analyze the effect that family, peers, media, and technology have on their health and wellness Identify reliable sources of health information and become savvy consumers Sharpen interpersonal communication skills as they share health knowledge, debate controversial topics, manage interpersonal conflicts, and more Strengthen decision-making skills as they identify healthy solutions to problems posed In addition, students will learn to create behavior change goals, establish healthy living plans, advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities, and discern how health and technology intersect on various topics.Features and BenefitsLive Well: Middle School Health offers students many features and benefits. The text provides skill-based learning applications to reinforce the health concepts and help students develop health literacy. Skill-building challenges, healthy living tips, career connections, and other recurring special elements supply opportunities to analyze, evaluate, and apply the health concepts and skills being taught. Case studies and other features allow students to engage with issues of diversity and inclusion across content areas. And vocabulary terms-available in English and Spanish to meet the needs of ELL and ESL students-help students test their understanding of the material. To assist students using the print book or ebook, the Live Well: Middle School Health Web Resource features easy access to material referenced in the text, including note-taking guides, vocabulary terms with English and Spanish definitions and audio pronunciations, Skill-Building Challenge worksheets, and chapter reviews.Live Well: Middle School Health is also available as an interactive web text, which students can access from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. The student interactive web textbook contains the same content as the print book but uses interactive audio, video, worksheets, and other great activities to help students engage with the material and enhance learning. The interactive web textbook offers audio vocabulary and definitions in English and Spanish. Introductory videos at the beginning of each lesson help students assess their knowledge going in, while videos at the end of each lesson help students put what they've learned into context. (The interactive web text is available separately to schools that adopt the student textbook. Please contact the Human Kinetics K-12 sales department for details.) Note: A code for accessing the web resource is included with all new print books.
Human Kinetics Publishers Live Well Comprehensive High School Health
Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health helps students understand the importance of developing healthy habits, eating well, and being physically active. They’ll also learn how to maintain emotional, mental, and social health; how to avoid risky behaviors; and how to protect themselves and the environment.Through the text, students will develop skills like these: Identifying reliable sources of health information and becoming savvy consumers Strengthening decision making skills as they identify healthy solutions in challenging situations Sharpening communication skills as they share health knowledge, engage in advocacy, and manage interpersonal conflicts Analyzing the influences of family, peers, media, and technology on their health and wellness Students will also learn to set goals, establish healthy living plans, advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities, and discern how health and technology intersect.Aligned With StandardsLive Well: Comprehensive High School Health includes comprehensive health content that is aligned with the National Health Education Standards as well as many state standards.FeaturesThe text offers students a variety of features and tools: Skill-building activities to develop health literacy Case studies, healthy living tips, career connections, writing prompts, cross-curricular connections, and more tools to learn and apply health concepts and skills Vocabulary terms and definitions, available in both English and Spanish, with audio pronunciations Worksheets and quizzes; modified versions of the worksheets meet the needs of ELL and ESL students Print, Digital, and Teacher ResourcesLive Well: Comprehensive High School Health is available as a hardcover text, an ebook, and an interactive web text (IWT). Students can access the IWT from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. It contains the same content as the print book but uses interactive audio, video, worksheets, and other tools to help students engage with the material and to enhance learning. Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health is the only interactive ebook on the market in both English and Spanish. (The interactive web text is available separately to schools that adopt the student textbook. Please contact the Human Kinetics K-12 sales department for details.)The print book and ebook also come with a web resource that offers easy access to materials referenced in the text, including note-taking guides, vocabulary terms with English and Spanish definitions and audio pronunciations, Skill-Building Challenge worksheets, and chapter reviews. Schools that adopt the student text can also get a teacher’s guide in an online format or as a PDF.With its flexibility, its high-quality content, and its alignment with national and state standards, Live Well: Comprehensive High School Health is a great resource to help high school students learn and practice the skills that will lead to a life of health and wellness.Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Prenatal and Postnatal Care: A Person-Centered Approach
Prenatal and Postnatal Care Situate pregnancy in the emotional and physical life of the whole person with this bestselling guide Prenatal and postnatal care are important and dynamic areas in healthcare research and practice. The needs of the childbearing person before and after birth are complex and intensely personal, combining significant physiological impact with broader emotional needs. In order to supply optimal care, providers must account not only for physiological factors, but also for cultural, social, experiential, and psychological ones. Prenatal and Postnatal Care takes a holistic, person-centered approach to prenatal and postnatal care. Emphasizing the pregnant person and their unique needs, this book presents prenatal and postnatal care as foundational care for a healthy start to family life. This accessible, comprehensive book provides unique knowledge and skills to practitioners so that they can make a positive difference to the people they serve. Readers of the third edition of Prenatal and Postnatal Care will also find: New chapters covering health equity, ethics in perinatal care, exercise, and more All chapters updated to reflect evidence concerning health disparities and inequities Concrete ways for clinicians to disrupt the systems of harm and exclusion that can mediate care at every level Prenatal and Postnatal Care is essential for midwives, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other healthcare providers who work with childbearing people.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Porous Materials
The first comprehensive textbook on the timely and rapidly developing topic of inorganic porous materials This is the first textbook to completely cover a broad range of inorganic porous materials. It introduces the reader to the development of functional porous inorganic materials, from the synthetic zeolites in the 50’s, to today’s hybrid materials such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs) and related networks. It also provides the necessary background to understand how porous materials are organized, characterized, and applied in adsorption, catalysis, and many other domains. Additionally, the book explains characterization and application from the materials scientist viewpoint, giving the reader a practical approach on the characterization and application of the respective materials. Introduction to Inorganic Porous Materials begins by describing the basic concepts of porosity and the different types of pores, surfaces, and amorphous versus crystalline materials, before introducing readers to nature’s porous materials. It then goes on to cover everything from adsorption and catalysis to amorphous materials such as silica to inorganic carbons and Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas (PMOs). It discusses the synthesis and applications of MOFs and the broad family of COFs. It concludes with a look at future prospects and emerging trends in the field. The only complete book of its kind to cover the wide variety of inorganic and hybrid porous materials A comprehensive reference and outstanding tool for any course on inorganic porous materials, heterogeneous catalysis, and adsorption Gives students and investigators the opportunity to learn about porous materials, how to characterize them, and understand how they can be applied in different fields Introduction to Inorganic Porous Materials is an excellent book for students and professionals of inorganic chemistry and materials science with an interest in porous materials, functional inorganic materials, heterogeneous catalysis and adsorption, and solid state characterization techniques.
Americas Society,US Feliciano Centurión
Key textile works by Feliciano Centurión, combining folk art and queer aesthetics in 1990s South America Through the embroidery and painting of vernacular objects such as blankets and aprons, Paraguayan artist Feliciano Centurión (1962-96) rendered poetic readings of his youth in the tropics, his experiences of love in the metropolis and his reflections prior to his untimely death from AIDS-related illness. Since his death, Centurión’s work has been largely overlooked, only recently receiving recognition. This book traces the short but vibrant career of a remarkable artist. With essays and reproductions, it attends to Centurión’s stories of the self—his love life, his disease—but also stories of a cultural body searching for a new political expression in a changing world. The book reproduces over 80 key works by the artist, accompanied by numerous details and archival material.
Johns Hopkins University Press Minority Health in America: Findings and Policy Implications from The Commonwealth Fund Minority Health Survey
This book assembles timely evidence from a major national survey regarding the different experiences of health care as it is being delivered to various minority members of our society-Hispanics, African Americans, Asian Americans, and minority women. It provides the documentation needed to assess the successes and failures of our present system and to chart productive directions for the future. The book will be an important resource for researchers, policy makers, clinicians, and students interested in minority health and health policy.
University of Toronto Press My Havana: The Musical City of Carlos Varela
For more than thirty years, musician Carlos Varela has been a guide to the heart, soul, and sound of Havana. One of the best known singer-songwriters to emerge out of the Cuban nueva trova movement, Varela has toured in North America, the Caribbean, Latin America, and Europe. In North America, Varela is "Cuba's Bob Dylan." In Cuba, he is the voice of the generation that came of age in the 1990s and for whom his songs are their generation's anthems. My Havana is a lyrical exploration of Varela's life and work, and of the vibrant musical, literary, and cinematic culture of his generation. Popular both among Cubans on the island and in the diaspora, Varela is legendary for the intense political honesty of lyrics. He is one of the most important musicians in the Cuban scene today. In My Havana, writers living in Canada, Cuba, the United States, and Great Britain use Varela's life and music to explore the history and cultural politics of contemporary Cuba. The book also contains an extended interview with Varela and English translations of the lyrics to all his recorded songs, most of which are appearing in print for the very first time.
Scholastic US Akim Aliu: Dreamer (Original Graphic Memoir)
A riveting graphic novel that reminds us to never stop dreaming. This honest, engrossing graphic memoir tells the story of professional athlete and activist Akim Aliu's incredible life as a hockey prodigy in Canada. Akim Aliu – also known as “Dreamer” – is a Ukrainian-Nigerian-Canadian professional ice hockey player whose career took him all around the world and who experienced systemic racism at every turn. Dreamer tells Akim's incredible story, from being the only Black child in his Ukrainian community, to his family struggling to make ends meet while living in Toronto, to confronting the racist violence he often experienced both on and off the ice. "With honesty and courage, Akim Aliu's Dreamer will inspire readers of all ages to move confidently in the direction of their future." - Colin Kaepernick Full-colour illustration Sure to inspire young readers everywhere Akim has partnered with the Time to Dream Foundation and the Hockey Diversity Alliance to help their mission to eradicate racism and intolerance in hockey Akim continues to play hockey professionally in Europe
Harvard University Press The Image of the Black in Western Art: Volume IV From the American Revolution to World War I: Part 2: Black Models and White Myths: New Edition
In the 1960s, art patron Dominique de Menil founded an image archive showing the ways that people of African descent have been represented in Western art. Highlights from her collection appeared in three large-format volumes that quickly became collector’s items. A half-century later, Harvard University Press and the Du Bois Institute are proud to publish a complete set of ten sumptuous books, including new editions of the original volumes and two additional ones.Black Models and White Myths examines the tendentious racial assumptions behind representations of Africans that emphasized the contrast between “civilization” and “savagery” and the development of so-called scientific and ethnographic racism. These works often depicted Africans within a context of sexuality and exoticism, representing their allegedly natural behavior as a counterpoint to inhibited European conduct.
Harvard University Press The Image of the Black in Western Art: Volume II From the Early Christian Era to the "Age of Discovery": Part 1: From the Demonic Threat to the Incarnation of Sainthood: New Edition
In the 1960s, art patron Dominique de Menil founded an image archive showing the ways that people of African descent have been represented in Western art. Highlights from her collection appeared in three large-format volumes that quickly became collector’s items. A half-century later, Harvard University Press and the Du Bois Institute are proud to publish a complete set of ten sumptuous books, including new editions of the original volumes and two additional ones.From the Demonic Threat to the Incarnation of Sainthood, written largely by noted French scholar Jean Devisse, has established itself as a classic in the field of medieval art. It surveys as never before the presence of black people, mainly mythical, in art from the early Christian era to the fourteenth century. The extraordinary transformation of Saint Maurice into a black African saint, the subject of many noble and deeply touching images, is a highlight of this volume. The new introduction by Paul Kaplan provides a fresh perspective on the image of the black in medieval European art and contextualizes the classic essays on the subject.
Brookes Publishing Co The Social Compass Curriculum: A Story-Based Intervention Package for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Children with autism learn social skills best in group settings where they can practice everyday interactions with peers. Now there's a highly effective, ready-to-use curriculum educators can use to explicitly teach social skills right in the classroom! Ideal for Grades 4-8 but easily adaptable for use with older children, this social skills intervention curriculum gives educators 24 lessons that help students with autism make progress in areas critical to social success. Each step-by-step lesson gives students a social story that models a key skill; worksheets that reinforce takeaway points; a simple, memorable icon that helps them remember what to do; opportunities to role-play and rehearse the skill; and take-home worksheets to ensure generalisation in settings outside of school.
MP-MAS Uni of Massachusetts Whats Left Radical Politics in the Postcommunist Era
The collapse of Soviet-style communism has provoked an identity crisis among socialists and leftists giving rise to separate identity politics among feminists, gays and other social movements. This study explores this crisis and offers suggestions for a new vision and direction for the left.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Zeitalter von Herbert Giersch: Wirtschaftspolitik für eine offene Welt
Am 11. Mai 2011 wäre Herbert Giersch 90 Jahre alt geworden. Er lehrte von 1955 bis 1969 an der Universität des Saarlandes und von 1969 bis zu seiner Emeritierung 1989 als Präsident des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel. Zudem war Giersch Gründungsmitglied des Sachverständigenrats zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Der vorliegende Band enthält die Beiträge einer Tagung, die zu seinen Ehren in Freiburg veranstaltet wurde. Die Autoren beleuchten Gierschs wissenschaftliches Werk aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven, seine Vorstellung von wirtschaftspolitischer Beratung, seine Analysen zu Konjunkturpolitik und Globalsteuerung, zur Angebotspolitik, zu Wachstum und weltwirtschaftlicher Entwicklung, zu Monetarismus und Wechselkursen, zum Strukturwandel, zur Regionalökonomik und zur Ordnungspolitik. Die Beiträge fassen nicht nur Gierschs Einsichten zu diesen Themen zusammen, sondern zeigen auch ihre Relevanz für die heutige Wirtschaftspolitik im Zeichen der Finanz- und Schuldenkrise auf. Zu den Autoren gehören eine Reihe von namhaften Ökonomen, darunter Peter Bernholz, Jagdish Bhagwati, Johannes Bröcker, Juergen B. Donges, Gerhard Fels, Bertram Schefold, Gerhard Schwödiauer, Hans-Werner Sinn, Manfred Streit, Roland Vaubel und Carl-Christian von Weizsäcker.
Skyhorse Publishing Reaching Out: A K-8 Resource for Connecting Families and Schools
Too often, today’s student feels alienated from school, and learning suffers as a result. Developing a relationship with the family can provide the missing link in the educational chain. Reaching Out is an invaluable resource for compassionate educators interested in building strong relationships with their students’ families.A dynamic team of teachers and teacher educators have combined their first-hand experience and in-depth research in this essential guidebook. By involving the entire family in the educational experience, teachers can bridge the gap separating home and school and help produce happier, healthier, and smarter kids.Highlights include:-Building trust with families-Communicating in positive ways with students’ families-Implementing family workshops-Involving families through innovative homework ideasBased on a five-year study, the information will be particularly helpful for teachers whose classrooms reflect a diverse student population. By incorporating these concepts and techniques, you not only enhance the learning experience you also help your students to be more compassionate and excited about school.
Cengage Learning, Inc Practical Problems in Math for Health Science Careers
PRACTICAL PROBLEMS IN MATHEMATICS FOR HEALTH SCIENCE CAREERS, 3RD EDITION familiarizes readers in Allied Health programs with essential math processes using real-life examples and straightforward instruction. Using a word problem format, this text starts with simple examples and progresses to complex paradigms to ensure readers are engaged throughout each chapter. In addition to basic applications with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals, problems involving medications, intravenous solutions, and other emulsions information are also featured on common graphs, charts, and gauges. Thoroughly updated and expanded, Practical Problems In Mathematics For Health Science Careers, 3rd Edition provides a strong foundation in the essential math processes used in all areas of health care.
F.A. Davis Company Surgical Technology Review: Certification & Professionalism
Be prepared for certification exam success.A concise outline format reviews the essential content on The National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) Certification Examination for Surgical Technology (CST), and the Tech in Surgery–Certified (TS-C) exam administered by the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT). Reinforce and test your knowledge with more than 2,000 practice questions with detailed rationales. You’ll be ready to meet the growing demand for certified surgical technologists.Now with online Q&A practice in Davis Edge!Purchase a new, print copy of the text and receive a FREE, 1-year subscription to Davis Edge, the online Q&A program with more than 1,300 questions. Davis Edge helps you to create quizzes in the content areas you choose to focus on, build simulated practice exams, and track your progress every step of the way.The Text Expanded! Content on laparoscopic and robotics procedures More! Photographs that reflect current practice and advances in the field More questions! 640 questions at the recall, problem-solving, and application levels New! Comprehensive rationales for correct and incorrect responses for all practice questions Updated! The latest advances in surgical technology, including minimally invasive surgery and the use of robotics in surgery Brief content outlines for each chapter 40 review questions at the end of each chapter, followed by the answer key and rationales 150 line drawings and photographs precisely illustrating anatomy, positioning, and instruments “Tidbit” boxes highlighting important content for exams and practice Davis Edge Online Q&A—NEW! FREE, 1-year access with purchase of new, print text Online Q&A quizzing platform features 1,300+ questions Access from laptop, tablet, and mobile devices makes study on the go easy “Comprehensive Exam Builder” creates practice tests that simulate a certification exam experience. “Quiz Builder” feature lets you select practice questions by exam section or topic area. Rationales for correct and incorrect responses provide immediate feedback. “Student Success Center” dashboard monitors your performance over time, helping to identify areas for additional study.
F.A. Davis Company Fundamentals of Nursing, Volume 2: Thinking, Doing, and Caring
Fundamentals of Nursing, Third Edition is perfect for both concept-based and traditional curricula. It is the only text designed the way nursing fundamentals is actually taught. Volume 2 covers the practical knowledge taught in lab.
Firefly Books Ltd Ballet Book: The Young Performer's Guide to Classical Dance
“This comprehensive guide... helps youngsters who love ballet to understand the hard work and commitment involved in classical dance training.” —School Library Journal (of the first edition). “A detailed, practical guide for serious ballet students... To balance collections heavy on colourful ballet books for browsers with stars in their eyes, here’s a guide for ballet students who are ready to get down to work.” —Booklist (on the first edition). Prepared in conjunction with Canada’s National Ballet School, The Ballet Book is the definitive instructional resource for children who are beginning to explore the possibilities and delights of ballet. The Ballet Book is an inspirational motivator, an exceptional teaching aid, and an ideal companion for students. Now it has all-new photographs in colour and a text more suited to contemporary young dancers. The book illustrates in meticulous detail — and through more than 100 photographs — every position, step and pose involved in barre work, pointe work, alignment, classical ballet poses, attitudes, allegros, batteries, pirouettes and arabesques. Age-appropriate and comprehensive, it is a motivational guide, with information on deciding to dance; finding a teacher; musical accompaniment; finding the ideal studio; what to wear and grooming; positions, steps and poses; and exercises and nutrition. Historical highlights and modern opportunities complete this comprehensive book. The Ballet Book is a strong guide for both boys and girls.
Oxford University Press Practical Management of Complex Cancer Pain
This new edition of the Practical Management of Complex Cancer Pain has been fully updated and expanded, with five new chapters on novel interventional techniques in cancer pain amelioration. The book provides advice on advanced pain management, emphasising the suitability and selection of patients for different invasive and complex procedures based on patient history. Case histories are included throughout the text to give the reader insight into the complexities of holistic management, with pain being only one component in the distress that cancer causes for both patients and families. The book also covers cancer pain management for patients in a community setting, and the collaboration between pain and palliative medicine. Concise, practical, and evidence-based, this guide is essential reading for all pain and palliative care specialists in the community, hospital, and hospice settings.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Dementia, Culture and Ethnicity: Issues for All
With contributions from experienced dementia practitioners and care researchers, this book examines the impact of culture and ethnicity on the experience of dementia and on the provision of support and services, both in general terms and in relation to specific minority ethnic communities. Drawing together evidence-based research and expert practitioners' experiences, this book highlights the ways that dementia care services will need to develop in order to ensure that provision is culturally appropriate for an increasingly diverse older population. The book examines cultural issues in terms of assessment and engagement with people with dementia, challenges for care homes, and issues for supporting families from diverse ethnic backgrounds in relation to planning end of life care and bereavement. First-hand accounts of living with dementia from a range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds give unique perspectives into different attitudes to dementia and dementia care. The contributors also examine recent policy and strategy on dementia care and the implications for working with culture and ethnicity. This comprehensive and timely book is essential reading for dementia care practitioners, researchers and policy makers.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Essentials of Dementia: Everything You Really Need to Know for Working in Dementia Care
To provide high quality dementia care, professionals need to be both knowledgeable about dementia and skilled in the provision of care. This book is an introductory reference guide that will help students, professionals and practitioners develop their skills and expertise to better respond to the needs of people with dementia. It sets out information and advice on essential topics, research and evidence-based practice within dementia care in a clear, sensible way. Based on the standard course structure for higher and further dementia education, this wide-ranging textbook covers topics including dementia diagnosis, person-centred care and law, ethics and safeguarding. The new go-to book for the dementia curriculum, it is an invaluable tool for anyone wishing to improve the required core skills and values needed to care for those affected by dementia.
Monacelli Press Nancy Holt: Inside/Outside
An in-depth exploration of the pathbreaking works of Nancy Holt, a pioneering practitioner of Conceptual and Land Art Nancy Holt: Inside/Outside takes a journey through the artist’s key experiments in visual art presenting works never seen before, commissioning new critical thinking, and amplifying knowledge of an artist whose ideas are fundamental to how we define art today. Over the course of fifty years, Nancy Holt’s rich output spanned concrete poetry, audio, film and video, photography, drawings, room-sized installations, earthworks, and public sculpture. Nancy Holt: Inside/Outside details her unique and significant contributions, situating an important female voice within the narratives of land art and conceptual art. Initiating her art practice in 1966 with concrete poetry, she soon expanded her ideas into other media and the landscape. Through each of the mediums she worked in, Holt explored how we understand our place in the world by investigating perception and site within and outside of traditional museum contexts. In the mid-1970s Holt completed her most influential earthwork, Sun Tunnels, an artwork central to the definition of land art. Rigorous documentation of Holt’s work, as well as contributions by key scholars, previously unseen photoworks and drawings, and a revealing, never-before-published “self-interview” by the artist bring her work into far fuller context. Developed in close consultation with Holt/Smithson Foundation, an artist endowed organization dedicated to preserving and extending the work of Nancy Holt and her husband Robert Smithson, this expansive publication will serve as a major contribution to the critical ongoing research into the art of our time. This new book is published to coincide with an exhibition anchored at Bildmuseet in Umeå, Sweden, and traveling to MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona and further internationally.
Fordham University Press American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of US Catholicism
A vital collection of interdisciplinary essays that illuminates the significance of Marian shrines and promises to teach scholars how to “read” them for decades to come. American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of US Catholicism is a collection of twelve essays that examine the historical and contemporary roles of Marian shrines in US Catholicism. The essays in this collection use historical, ethnographic, and comparative methods to explore how Catholics have used Marian devotion to make an imprint on the physical and religious landscape of the United States. Using the dynamic malleability of Marian shrines as a starting place for studying US Catholicism, each chapter reconsiders the American religious landscape from the perspective of a single shrine to Mary and asks: What does this shrine reveal about US Catholicism and about American religion? Each of the contributors in American Patroness examines why and how Marian shrines persist in the twenty-first century and subsequently uses that examination to re-read contemporary US Catholicism. Because shrines are not neutral spaces—they reflect and shape the elastic yet strict boundaries of what counts as Catholic identity, and who controls prayer practices—the studies in this collection also shed light on the contested dynamics of these holy sites. American Patroness demonstrates that Marian shrines continue to be places where an American Catholic identity is continuously worked on, negotiations about power occur, and Marian relationships are fostered and nurtured in spaces that are simultaneously public and intimate.
Fordham University Press American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of US Catholicism
A vital collection of interdisciplinary essays that illuminates the significance of Marian shrines and promises to teach scholars how to “read” them for decades to come. American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of US Catholicism is a collection of twelve essays that examine the historical and contemporary roles of Marian shrines in US Catholicism. The essays in this collection use historical, ethnographic, and comparative methods to explore how Catholics have used Marian devotion to make an imprint on the physical and religious landscape of the United States. Using the dynamic malleability of Marian shrines as a starting place for studying US Catholicism, each chapter reconsiders the American religious landscape from the perspective of a single shrine to Mary and asks: What does this shrine reveal about US Catholicism and about American religion? Each of the contributors in American Patroness examines why and how Marian shrines persist in the twenty-first century and subsequently uses that examination to re-read contemporary US Catholicism. Because shrines are not neutral spaces—they reflect and shape the elastic yet strict boundaries of what counts as Catholic identity, and who controls prayer practices—the studies in this collection also shed light on the contested dynamics of these holy sites. American Patroness demonstrates that Marian shrines continue to be places where an American Catholic identity is continuously worked on, negotiations about power occur, and Marian relationships are fostered and nurtured in spaces that are simultaneously public and intimate.
Workman Publishing My Perfectly Imperfect Life: 127 Exercises for Self-Acceptance
Embrace the things that make you you. From the bestselling editors at Flow magazine comes a guided journal with a welcoming, come-as-you-are message: Embrace the things that make you you, flaws and all. Charmingly illustrated and filled with activities and exercises, My Perfectly Imperfect Life inspires readers to let go of the pressure to be perfect and to celebrate quirks, slipups and imperfections rather than judge them. Here are prompts for easing up on self-criticism. For slowing down, and worrying less about accomplishments. For keeping a sense of perspective—even a playful one—when things don’t go as planned. It’s a thoughtful gift and an inspiring counterpoint to the too-perfectly-curated, omnipresent Instagram lifestyle.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Restructuring Strategy: New Networks and Industry Challenges
New industries are emerging; others are disrupted; old barriers are crumbling, while new ones are rising. This book seeks to better understand the challenges facing industries, networks, businesses and management during periods of industry structuring and restructuring. Comprising a series of contributions from experts in the field, the book addresses key questions about the opportunities and threats posed by these times of turmoil, including: How do existing industries sustain their competitiveness in such difficult times? How do networks stave off threats from new technologies? How do emerging and incumbent companies survive when growth is not an option? And how should companies be governed during periods of industry structuring and restructuring? In answering these questions, the contributors provide an overview of the strategies that industries, networks, businesses and managers are currently deploying in order to adapt to chaotic conditions and to enhance business profitability. Their responses make a distinctive contribution to scholarly thought and management practice.