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Vintage Publishing Doctor Zhivago (Vintage Classic Russians Series)
'Not since Shakespeare has love been so fully, vividly, scrupulously and directly communicated' Sunday TimesRead this stunning new translation of Boris Pasternak's Nobel Prize-winning masterpiece from Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, the acclaimed translators of War and Peace and Anna Karenina.Banned in the Soviet Union until 1988, Doctor Zhivago is the epic story of the life and loves of a poet-physician during the turmoil of the Russian Revolution. Taking his family from Moscow to what he hopes will be shelter in the Ural Mountains, Yuri Zhivago finds himself instead embroiled in the battle between the Whites and the Reds, and in love with the tender and beautiful nurse Lara.Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky have restored the rhythms, tone, precision, and poetry of Pasternak's original, bringing this classic of world literature gloriously to life for a new generation of readers.VINTAGE CLASSICS RUSSIAN SERIES - sumptuous editions of the greatest books to come out of Russia during the most tumultuous period in its history.
AB Die Andere Bibliothek Auto halt Aufzeichnungen eines Berliner Chauffeurs
Little, Brown & Company WorldEnd, Vol. 1
Hundreds of years ago, humanity was beset by otherworldly creatures only known as Beasts and utterly wiped out. The last human, Willem, wakes up in a world where everyone he has ever known or cared about has been dead for centuries. With nothing to live for, he's done nothing but drift from place to place. But in his lonely wanderings, he's discovered the identity of the greatest weapons ever made for the unending war against the beasts-fairies, destined to fight with everything they have, then die.
Everyman Collected Shorter Fiction Volume 1
Written over a period of more than half a century, Tolstoy’s enchanting short stories and novellas reflect every aspect of his developing art and outlook. Volume 1 of the Everyman Collected Shorter Fiction is dominated by the characteristic experiences of his early life as soldier, land-owner, husband and father, the life which shaped Anna Karenina and War and Peace. It also includes several short fables which point to his later preoccupation with the religious life.
Carnegie-Mellon University Press Her Breath on the Window
Canongate Books The Awakening
Over one long, languid summer Edna Pontellier, fettered by marriage and motherhood, becomes acquainted with Robert Lebrun. As the days shorten and the temperature drops Edna succumbs to Robert's devotion. But as her desire grows so too does her discontentment - with the role society has forced her to play and with the bonds that hold her fast - and her world begins to unravel with devastating consequences . . .The Awakening is widely regarded as one of the forerunners of feminist literature alongside Tolstoy's Anna Karenina and Flaubert's Madame Bovary. First published in the United States in 1899, this radical novel sent shockwaves through American society and continues to speak to readers over a hundred years later. This tender, brilliant, and seductive novel is as beautifully written as it is politically engaging.
Associated University Presses Faithful Realism: Elizabeth Gaskell and Leo Tolstoy : A Comparative Study
This book argues that the established view of Elizabeth Gaskell as a sociopolitical and/or provincial writer is a serious distortion of her achievements. It seeks to resituate Gaskell's work within the wider tradition of nine-teenth century realism, arguing that Gaskell's 'Wives and Daughters' is the nearest equivalent we have in English to Leo Tolstoy's 'Anna Karenina'.
University of Illinois Press The Obama Phenomenon: Toward a Multiracial Democracy
Barack Obama's campaign and electoral victory demonstrated the dynamic nature of American democracy. Beginning as a special issue of The Black Scholar, this probing collection illustrates the impact of "the Obama phenomenon" on the future of U.S. race relations through readings on Barack Obama's campaign as well as the idealism and pragmatism of the Obama administration. Some of the foremost scholars of African American politics and culture from an array of disciplines--including political science, theology, economics, history, journalism, sociology, cultural studies, and law--offer critical analyses of topics as diverse as Obama and the media, Obama’s connection with the hip hop community, the public's perception of first lady Michelle Obama, voter behavior, and the history of racial issues in presidential campaigns since the 1960s. Contributors are Josephine A. V. Allen, Robert L. Allen, Herb Boyd, Donald R. Deskins Jr., Cheryl I. Harris, Charles P. Henry, Dwight N. Hopkins, John L. Jackson, Maulana Karenga, Robin D. G. Kelley, Martin Kilson, Clarence Lusane, Julianne Malveaux, Shaun Ossei-Owusu, Dianne M. Pinderhughes, Sherman C. Puckett, Scharn Robinson, Ula Y. Taylor, Alice Walker, Hanes Walton Jr., and Ronald Williams II.
C.H. Beck Die Mongolen
Alianza Editorial El primo Basilio
Historia de seducción y chantaje, ?El primo Basilio? integra, junto con Madame Bovary, Ana Karenina, La Regenta y Effi Briest, la brillante constelación de lo que podría llamarse ?novelas de adulterio? del siglo XIX. En el marco de una languideciente Lisboa, Eça de Queiroz narra la tediosa y mediocre existencia de la soñadora Luisa, en cuyos confusos sentimientos el canallesco Basilio encontrará terreno abonado para añadir un registro más a la nómina de sus fechorías.
New York University Press Fighting for Us
The untold story of the Black nationalist group behind the growing popularity of Kwanzaa In spite of the ever-growing popularity of Kwanzaa, the story of the influential Black nationalist organization behind the holiday has never been told. Fighting for Us explores the fascinating history of the US Organization, a Black nationalist group based in California that played a leading role in Black Power politics and culture during the late 1960s and early ‘70s whose influence is still felt today. Advocates of Afrocentric renewal, US unleashed creative and intellectual passions that continue to fuel debate and controversy among scholars and students of the Black Power movement. Founded in 1965 by Maulana Karenga, US established an extensive network of alliances with a diverse body of activists, artists and organizations throughout the United States for the purpose of bringing about an African American cultural revolution. Fighting for US presents the first historical examination of US’ philosophy, internal dynamics, political activism and influence on African American art, making an elaborate use of oral history interviews, organizational archives, Federal Bureau of Investigation files, newspaper accounts, and other primary sources of the period. This book also sheds light on factors contributing to the organization's decline in the early ‘70s—government repression, authoritarianism, sexism, and elitist vanguard politics. Previous scholarship about US has been shaped by a war of words associated with a feud between US and the Black Panther Party that gave way to a series of violent and deadly clashes in Los Angeles. Venturing beyond the lingering rhetoric of rivalry, this book illuminates the ideological similarities and differences between US's “cultural” nationalism and the Black Panther Party's "revolutionary" nationalism. Today, US’s emphasis on culture has endured as evidenced by the popularity of Kwanzaa and the Afrocentrism in Black art and popular media. Engaging and original, Fighting for US will be the definitive work on Maulana Karenga, the US organization, and Black cultural nationalism in America.
Georg Thieme Verlag Fachsprache Medizin im Schnellkurs Fr Studium und Berufspraxis
Girl Friday Productions The Big Silence: A Daughter's Memoir of Mental Illness and Healing
Editorial Seix Barral Qué vemos cuando leemos
Describió Tolstói a Ana Karenina? Nos contó Melville alguna vez cuál era el aspecto de Ismael? Cómo nos imaginamos el Londres de Dickens o el Dublín de Joyce? Peter Mendelsund, uno de los mejores diseñadores de cubiertas de libros del mundo, ha escrito una exploración única del fenómeno de la lectura que nos revela hasta qué punto leer es un acto creativo.
Van de Velde Pieces recreatives Vol 4
Nathalie Bera-Tagrine (pianist), associated with Francine Trachier (violinist) wrote and adapted these melodious pieces to easily pass the difficulties of the violin and its technical aspects.Each piece involves a precise technical difficulty (bow, strings, pizz, legato, nuances, wrist, shift technic...). Learning will be a pleasure with the progression of these four volumes.Nice violin-piano duets for 1st cycle students.CONTENTS: Les Vacances; L'Orage; Anna Karenine; Barcarolle; Les Danseurs russes; Pont des soupirs; Anastasia; Au cafe Pouchkine; Morgane; Nostalgie; Le Danseur etoile; A la patinoire de Gatchina; Valse slave.
Reaktion Books Leo Tolstoy
When he arrived in Moscow in 1851, a young Leo Tolstoy set himself three immediate aims: to gamble, to marry and to obtain a post. At that time he managed only the first. The writer’s momentous life would be full of forced breaks and abrupt departures, from the death of his beloved parents to an abandonment of the social class into which he had been born. Andrei Zorin skilfully pieces together Tolstoy’s life, offering an account of the novelist’s deepest feelings and motives, and a brilliant interpretation of his major works, including the celebrated novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina.
University of Pennsylvania Press "In the Days of Serfdom" and Other Stories
"In the Days of Serfdom" and Other Stories, originally published in 1911, presents in miniature themes developed in Tolstoy's longer works War and Peace and Anna Karenina. The compelling stories in this collection have largely been ignored by contemporary scholars and teachers because of their general unavailability. Available once again, the stories reveal new thematic and stylisitic dimensions to Tolstoy's oeuvre. While not all of the stories deal with actual serfdom, they all address the legacy of serfdom, of choicelessness, in Tolstoy's Russia. These stories are also thoroughly modern, concerned as they are with the market economy, changing values, and women's roles in society. Artistically and historically significant, they constitute ethical and spiritual questionings that deal with lives out of control, with characters making sense of the experience of living.
Random House USA Inc Aster and the Accidental Magic
Penguin Books Ltd Childhood, Boyhood, Youth
Leo Tolstoy began his trilogy, Childhood, Boyhood, Youth, in his early twenties. Although he would in his old age famously dismiss it as an 'awkward mixture of fact and fiction', generations of readers have not agreed, finding the novel to be a charming and insightful portrait of inner growth against the background of a world limned with extraordinary clarity, grace and colour. Evident too in its brilliant account of a young person's emerging awareness of the world and of his place within it are many of the stances, techniques and themes that would come to full flower in the immortal War and Peace and Anna Karenina, and in the other great works of Tolstoy's maturity.
Arcadia Publishing Byberry State Hospital
Johns Hopkins University Press Adultery in the Novel: Contract and Transgression
Originally published in 1979. Adultery is a dominant feature in chivalric literature; it becomes a major concern in Shakespeare's last plays; and it forms the central plot of novels from Anna Karenina to Couples. Tony Tanner proposes that transgressions of the marriage contract take on a special significance in the "bourgeois novels" of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. His interpretation begins with the general topic of adultery in literature and then zeroes in on three works—Rousseau's La Nouvelle Héloïse, Goethe's Die Wahlverwandtschaften, and Flaubert's Madame Bovary. His interpretation encompasses the role of women, the structure of the family, social mores, and the history of sexuality.
Palgrave Macmillan Contemporary Black Thinkers in the Diaspora and Their Conceptualizations of Africa
1. Angela Y. Davis.- 2. Michael Eric Dyson.- 3. Maulana Karenga.- 4. Martin Luther King, Jr.- 5. Malcolm X.- 6. Robert Nesta Bob Marley.- 7. Toni Morrison.- 8. Walter Rodney.- 9. Peter Tosh.- 10. Sir Derek Alton Walcott.- 11. Alice Walker.- 12. Cornel Ronald West.- 13. Eric Eustace Williams.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Death of Ivan Ilyich & Other Stories
With an Introduction and Notes by Dr T.C.B.Cook. Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is best known for War and Peace and Anna Karenina, commonly regarded as amongst the greatest novels ever written. He also, however, wrote many masterly short stories, and this volume contains four of the longest and best in distinguished translations that have stood the test of time. In the early story Family Happiness, Tolstoy explores courtship and marriage from the point of view of a young wife. In The Kreutzer Sonata he gives us a terrifying study of marital breakdown, in The Devil a powerful depiction of the power of sexual temptation, and, in perhaps the finest of all, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, he portrays the long agony of a man gradually coming to terms with his own mortality. This volume also includes an Introduction and Notes written specially for this Wordsworth edition by Dr Tim Cook, formely lecturer in literature at the Universities of Kingston and Ulster. Previous work contributed by Dr Cook for Wordsworth includes an introduction and notes to Charles Dickens' Nicholas Nickleby.
Alma Books Ltd Oblomov: New Translation: Newly Translated and Annotated with an introduction by Professor Galya Diment, University of Washington (Alma Classics Evergreens)
First published in 1859, Oblomov is an indisputable classic of Russian literature, comparable in its stature to such masterpieces as Gogol’s Dead Souls, Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina and Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov. The book centres on the figure of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a member of the dying class of the landed gentry, who spends most of his time lying in bed gazing at life in an apathetic daze, encouraged by his equally lazy servant Zakhar and routinely swindled by his acquaintances. But this torpid existence comes to an end when, spurred on by his crumbling finances, the love of a woman and the reproaches of his friend, the hard-working Stoltz, Oblomov finds that he must engage with the real world and face up to his commitments. Rich in situational comedy, psychological complexity and social satire, Oblomov – here presented in Stephen Pearl’s award-winning translation, the first major English-language version of the novel in more than fifty years – is a timeless novel and a monument to human idleness.
Dalkey Archive Press Century 21
"Century 21," a time machine in literary form, ignores the unity of time, space, and character. This tragicomical idyll of the future past mixes ancient and modern genres: Platonic dialogue and nineteenth-century romance, reportage and science fiction. At the book's core are two sisters, Ann Kar, a writer and survivor, and Carol, a suicidal artist. Considering herself a lunatic, Carol dreams about escaping from the earth to the moon (luna) and about the moon scholar, a lunar archeologist, who a thousand years after her death, while reconstructing terrestrial life, discovers the traces of her existence, falls in love with her, and begins to write about her - and his - erotic adventure. The result is a novel where Anna Karenina writes about Simone Weil, where Joseph Conrad meets Malcolm Lowry in Mexico, where Goethe presides over a literary institute made up of such members as Italo Svevo and Sextus Propertius, and where Djuna Barnes, dying from AIDS, visits Moses Maimonides in Japan. Ewa Kuryluk is fascinated by the repetition of the same situations and types, yet she's after her contemporaries who are starved for affection, lost in transit, ready to slip into somebody else's skin, and speaking in English, their second language, with a heavy accent. "Century 21" is a profoundly moving and original work.
Octopus Publishing Group Timeless: A Century of Iconic Looks
By Louise Young and Loulia Sheppard, 2018 Academy Award nominee for her hair and make-up design on Victoria and Abdul.'If you haven't heard of Louise Young and are interested in period makeup, or any makeup in fact, then we highly recommend you check out her latest book.' - PIXIWOOThe definitive step-by-step guide to recreating the most striking make-up and hair styles of the 20th century.Timeless is a beauty bible for the golden ages of style from renowned film, television and make-up artist Louise Young, along with Academy Award-nominated film industry hairstylist Loulia Sheppard.Step-by-step photography and clear, concise instructions help you to recreate make-up and hair looks from the past 100 years of beauty, from the dark, smouldering eyes of the jazz-age flapper to the red lips and victory rolls of the 1940s, right up to the electric colours of the 1980s and beyond.Accurate, practical and beautiful, this is the ultimate guide to the most classic looks of all time.Between them, Louise and Loulia have provided make-up and hair styling for stars such as Scarlett Johansson, Keira Knightley and Selma Hayek, and on films including Victoria and Abdul, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Pride and Prejudice, Florence Foster Jenkins, Anna Karenina and The Duchess, among many others.
Vintage Publishing Doctor Zhivago
From the acclaimed translators of War and Peace and Anna Karenina, a stunning new translation of Boris Pasternak's Nobel Prize-winning masterpiece, the first since the 1958 original.Banned in the Soviet Union until 1988, Doctor Zhivago is the epic story of the life and loves of a poet-physician during the turmoil of the Russian Revolution. Taking his family from Moscow to what he hopes will be shelter in the Ural Mountains, Yuri Zhivago finds himself instead embroiled in the battle between the Whites and the Reds, and in love with the tender and beautiful nurse Lara. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky have restored the rhythms, tone, precision, and poetry of Pasternak's original, bringing this classic of world literature gloriously to life for a new generation of readers.
Oratia Media Te Reo Maori: The Basics Explained
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Tolsti en 90 minutos
Alguien dijo en una ocasión que las novelas de Tolstói no eran arte sino fragmentos de vida. Considerado uno de los mejores novelistas de todos los tiempos, Tolstoi ocupa un lugar junto a Homero, Dante, Shakespeare y Goethe: el grupo de los cinco mejores escritores de la tradición literaria occidental. Hasta en sus obras maestras, Guerra y paz y Anna Karenina, el profeta que habitaba en Tolstoi doblega en ocasiones al magnífico escritor. Pero se le perdona este pequeño defecto, al igual que su enorme ego, gracias a la fuerza de su talento literario y la grandeza de sus ideas. Novelista, genio, anarquista cristiano, sabio, santo y filósofo moral, la vida de Tolstoi fue un largo viaje espiritual lleno de sucesos. En Tolstói en 90 minutos, Paul Strathern nos ofrece un relato tan conciso como experto sobre la vida y obra de Leo Tolstoi, explicando su influencia sobre la literatura y la lucha de la humanidad por entender su lugar en el mundo. El libro incluye asimismo una cronología de su v
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Family Happiness: Stories
Russian writer Leo Tolstoy is probably best known to the Western world for his epic WAR AND PEACE and splendid ANNA KARENINA, but during his long lifetime Tolstoy also wrote enough shorter works to fill many volumes. Reprinted here are two of his finest short novels -- FAMILY HAPPINESS and MASTER AND MAN -- and one short story -- ALYOSHA THE POT Alongside FAMILY HAPPINESS, Harper Perennial will publish the short fiction of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Herman Melville, Willa Cather, Stephen Crane, and Oscar Wilde to be packaged in a beautifully designed, boldly colorful boxset in the aim to attract contemporary fans of short fiction to these revered masters of the form. Also, in each of these selections will appear a story from one of the new collections being published in the "Summer of the Short Story."
Sandstone Press Ltd The Master of Chaos and Other Fables
A Nobel laureate struggles to write a convincing suicide note; a hobo sings of hope in the darkest hours after the Grenfell disaster; in a strange post-death waiting room, Anna Karenina and Emma Bovary exchange confidences, and a scientist finally discovers the appalling truth about a boyhood friendship. Unpredictable, haunting, with a streak of black humour, this collection ranges across the world, from Petersburg to Guyana, Syria to London, Argentina to Edinburgh. Its diverse characters are caught up in wars or revolution, escaping the past or finally returning to confront it.
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group What We See When We Read
A gorgeously unique, fully illustrated exploration into the phenomenology of reading—how we visualize images from reading works of literature, from one of our very best book jacket designers, himself a passionate reader.“A playful, illustrated treatise on how words give rise to mental images.” —The New York TimesWhat do we see when we read? Did Tolstoy really describe Anna Karenina? Did Melville ever really tell us what, exactly, Ishmael looked like? The collection of fragmented images on a page—a graceful ear there, a stray curl, a hat positioned just so—and other clues and signifiers helps us to create an image of a character. But in fact our sense that we know a character intimately has little to do with our ability to concretely picture our beloved—or reviled—literary figures. In this remarkable work of nonfiction, Knopf's Associate Art Director Peter Mendelsund combines his profession, as an award-winnin
Cambridge University Press The Paradoxes of Art: A Phenomenological Investigation
In this study, Alan Paskow first asks why fictional characters, such as Hamlet and Anna Karenina, matter to us and how they emotionally affect us. He then applies these questions to painting, demonstrating that certain paintings beckon us to view their contents as real. As emblematic of the fundamental concerns of our lives, paintings, he argues, are not simply in our heads but in our world. Paskow also situates the phenomenological approach to the experience of painting in relation to contemporary schools of thought, particularly Marxist, feminist, and deconstructionist.
Penguin Books Ltd How Much Land Does A Man Need?
'Although he feared death, he could not stop. 'If I stopped now, after coming all this way - well, they'd call me an idiot!'A pair of short stories about greed, charity, life and death from one of Russia's most influential writers and thinkers.Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from around the world and across many centuries. They take us from a balloon ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. Here are stories lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions.Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910). Tolstoy's works available in Penguin Classics are Anna Karenina, War and Peace, Childhood, Boyhood, Youth,The Cossacks and Other Stories, The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories, What is art?, Resurrection, The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories, Master and Man and Other Stories, How Much Land Does A Man Need? & Other Stories, A Confession and Other Religious Writings and Last steps: The Late Writings of Leo Tolstoy.
Alianza Editorial Cuánta tierra necesita el hombre y otros cuentos
Si Lev Tolstói (1828-1910) alcanzó sin duda la celebridad gracias a sus grandes novelas, como ?Guerra y paz?, ?Anna Karenina? o ?Resurrección?, no es menos cierto que sus obras más breves y sus cuentos comparten el mismo vigor literario y la misma profundidad. En ?Cuánta tierra necesita el hombre y otros cuentos? encontramos reunido lo mejor de su producción en este género, con una variedad de registros que va desde el relato de aventuras, como ?El prisionero del Cáucaso?, a la incursión en el folclore (?Historia de Iván el Tonto?), sin olvidar otras piezas que se consideran unánimemente entre las mejores escritas nunca, como ?Jolstomer?, ?Lo que mueve a los hombres? o el cuento que da título al volumen.Presentación de Víctor Andresco
HarperCollins Publishers The Abandoners
The best kind of book: the one you didn't know you were craving until it appeared . . . self-interrogative, intricately perceptive. I absolutely inhaled it' JIA TOLENTINOA very richly interesting exploration of a complex subject. Begoña Gómez Urzaiz tells the stories with such intelligence and wit and generosity' TESSA HADLEYWhen it comes to children: a man leaves, a woman abandons Ingrid Bergman, Muriel Spark, Maria Montessori, Joni Mitchell what do these vastly different women have in common?During the pandemic, trapped at home with young children and struggling to find creative space to write, journalist Begoña Gómez Urzaiz became fixated on artistic women who were able to overcome both society's judgement and their own maternal instincts in order to leave their children. More than anything, she was fascinated by her own prejudice towards these women, so clearly tied up in a much wider cultural bias.Using famous examples including Doris Lessing, fictional ones such as Anna Karenina
University of California Press The Wages of Sin: Censorship and the Fallen Woman Film, 1928-1942
The story of the fallen woman was a staple of film melodrama in the late 1920s and 1930s. In traditional plots, a woman commits a sexual transgression, usually adultery. She becomes an outcast, often a prostitute, suffering humiliations that culminate in her death. In more modern variants, the heroine is a stereotypical "kept woman," "gold digger," or wisecracking shopgirl who uses men to become rich. In The Wages of Sin, Lea Jacobs uses the fallen woman film, which served as a focal point for public criticism of the film industry, to explore Hollywood's system of self-censorship and the evolution of the rules governing representations of sexuality. Drawing on the extensive case files of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), the industry trade association responsible for censorship, Jacobs focuses on six films. Her close analyses of The Easiest Way, Baby Face, Blonde Venus, Anna Karenina, Kitty Foyle, and Stella Dallas reveal the ideology of self-regulation at work and the social constraints affecting the film industry.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Great Short Works of Leo Tolstoy
The brilliant shorter novels of Tolstoy, including The Death of Ivan Ilych and Family Happiness, collected and reissued with a beautiful updated design. Of all Russian writers Leo Tolstoy is probably the best known to the Western world, largely because of War and Peace, his epic in prose, and Anna Karenina, one of the most splendid novels in any language. But during his long lifetime Tolstoy also wrote enough shorter works to fill many volumes. Here reprinted in one volume are his eight finest short novels, together with "Alyosha the Pot", the little tale that Prince Mirsky described as "a masterpiece of rare perfection."
Columbia University Press Hollywood Lighting from the Silent Era to Film Noir
Lighting performs essential functions in Hollywood films, enhancing the glamour, clarifying the action, and intensifying the mood. Examining every facet of this understated art form, from the glowing backlights of the silent period to the shaded alleys of film noir, Patrick Keating affirms the role of Hollywood lighting as a distinct, compositional force. Closely analyzing Girl Shy (1924), Anna Karenina (1935), Only Angels Have Wings (1939), and T-Men (1947), along with other brilliant classics, Keating describes the unique problems posed by these films and the innovative ways cinematographers handled the challenge. Once dismissed as crank-turning laborers, these early cinematographers became skillful professional artists by carefully balancing the competing demands of story, studio, and star. Enhanced by more than one hundred illustrations, this volume counters the notion that style took a backseat to storytelling in Hollywood film, proving that the lighting practices of the studio era were anything but neutral, uniform, and invisible. Cinematographers were masters of multifunctionality and negotiation, honing their craft to achieve not only realistic fantasy but also pictorial artistry.
Profile Books Ltd Tolstoy: A Russian Life
In November 1910, Count Lev Tolstoy died at a remote Russian railway station attended by the world's media. He was eighty-two years old and had lived a remarkable and long life during one of the most turbulent periods of Russian history. Born into a privileged aristocratic family, he seemed set to join the ranks of degenerate Russian noblemen, but fighting in the Crimean war alongside rank and file soldiers opened his eyes to Russia's social problems and he threw himself into teaching the peasantry to read and write. After his marriage he wrote War and Peace and Anna Karenina, both regarded as two of the greatest novels in world literature. Rosamund Bartlett's exceptional biography of this brilliant, maddening and contrary man draws on key Russian sources, including the many fascinating new materials which have been published about Tolstoy and his legacy since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Penguin Books Ltd Nora Webster
* * * Shortlisted for the 2014 Costa Novel Awards and the 2015 Folio Prize * * * Nora Webster is the heartbreaking new novel from one of the greatest novelists writing today.It is the late 1960s in Ireland. Nora Webster is living in a small town, looking after her four children, trying to rebuild her life after the death of her husband. She is fiercely intelligent, at times difficult and impatient, at times kind, but she is trapped by her circumstances, and waiting for any chance which will lift her beyond them. Slowly, through the gift of music and the power of friendship, she finds a glimmer of hope and a way of starting again. As the dynamic of the family changes, she seems both fiercely self-possessed but also a figure of great moral ambiguity, making her one of the most memorable heroines in contemporary fiction. The portrait that is painted in the years that follow is harrowing, piercingly insightful, always tender and deeply true. Colm Tóibín's Nora is a character as resonant as Anna Karenina or Madame Bovary and Nora Webster is a novel that illuminates our own lives in a way that is rare in literature. Its humanity and compassion forge an unforgettable reading experience. 'A profoundly gifted world writer' Sebastian Barry
Barbara Fiore Editora Paisaje de amor
En el fondo de tu corazón quizá tengas un bello paisaje que merezca la pena buscar toda la vida.En 2003, Ekin Cheng, Karena Lam y Ye Liu protagonizaron la película The Floating Landscape, dirigida por Miu-Suet Lai. Invitaron a Jimmy Liao a que pintase diez ilustraciones que reflejasen los distintos estados de ánimo de la protagonista en su búsqueda desesperada de su difunto amor, así como el hermoso paisaje que este había visto, con un desenlace muy diferente de lo habitual en las historias de amor de hoy en día. En los créditos finales, las diez ilustraciones aparecían como telón de fondo de la canción The Floating Landscape, que cantaba feliz la protagonista, dando así un toque añadido de romanticismo e imaginación a la película. The Floating Landscape fue seleccionada para el 60 Festival Internacional de Cine de Venecia. La película se estrenó en Japón en 2005, y la editorial japonesa Tokuma le pidió a Jimmy que crease un álbum a partir de esas diez ilustraciones. A finales de es
Chronicle Books Well Read Women: Portraits of Fiction's Most Beloved Heroines
Seeing the faces of literature's most memorable female characters - from Anna Karenina's icy grey gaze to Scarlett O'Hara's sensual open-lipped pout - will stir up treasured memories for every reader who has been dazzled by a well-written woman. Celebrated artist Samantha Hahn brings these bookish beauties vividly to life in 50 watercolour portraits and hand-lettered quotations straight from the lips of the leading ladies. Each is, in her own way, stunning. And Hahn's pairing of art and text captures all the individuality and voice of the characters as they were originally written. With a silkscreened cloth spine and debossed cover to recall the tactile appeal of vintage tomes and uncoated pages that feel like watercolour paper, this collection will become a new classic in every nostalgic book lover's library.
Edinburgh University Press Modern Literature and the Tragic
This book explores modern literature's responses to the tragic. It examines writers from the latter half of the nineteenth century through to the later twentieth century who respond to ideas about tragedy. Although Ibsen has been accused of being responsible for the 'death of tragedy', Ken Newton argues that Ibsen instead generates an anti-tragic perspective that had a major influence on dramatists such as Shaw and Brecht. By contrast, writers such as Hardy and Conrad, influenced by Schopenhauerean pessimism and Darwinism, attempt to modernise the concept of the tragic. Nietzsche's revisionist interpretation of the tragic influenced writers who either take pessimism or the 'Dionysian' commitment to life to an extreme, as in Strindberg and D. H. Lawrence. Different views emerge in the period following the second world war with the 'Theatre of the Absurd' and postmodern anti-foundationalism. Key Features *Broad coverage of drama and fiction by British, European, and American writers *Provides readings of particular texts including Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, Ibsen's Ghosts, Strindberg's Miss Julie, Brecht's Mother Courage, Chekhov's Three Sisters, Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure, Shaw's Saint Joan, Miller's Death of a Salesman, Conrad's Heart of Darkness, and D H Lawrence's The Rainbow and Women in Love *Combines literary interpretation with philosophical discussion, e.g. of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Derrida, Rorty
New York University Press The Slave Soul of Russia: Moral Masochism and the Cult of Suffering
Why, asks Daniel Rancour-Laferriere in this controversial book, has Russia been a country of suffering? Russian history, religion, folklore, and literature are rife with suffering. The plight of Anna Karenina, the submissiveness of serfs in the 16th and 17th centuries, ancient religious tracts emphasizing humility as the mother of virtues, the trauma of the Bolshevik revolution, the current economic upheavals wracking the country-- these are only a few of the symptoms of what The Slave Soul of Russia identifies as a veritable cult of suffering that has been centuries in the making. Bringing to light dozens of examples of self-defeating activities and behaviors that have become an integral component of the Russian psyche, Rancour-Laferriere convincingly illustrates how masochism has become a fact of everyday life in Russia. Until now, much attention has been paid to the psychology of Russia's leaders and their impact on the country's condition. Here, for the first time, is a compelling portrait of the Russian people's psychology.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Tone It Up: Five Day Reset
Hey Gorgeous! Welcome to Tone It Up, a worldwide community of amazing girlfriends who support and encourage each other to live our happiest, healthiest lives. As women, we so often focus on others, but a balanced and beautiful life means prioritizing yourself so you can truly be the version of you. The best way to do that is by combining a nutritious diet, active lifestyle, and most importantly, by spreading positivity and boosting each other up. Whether you’re sharing workouts or wine, female friendship is so important—plus it makes fitness a lot more fun! BALANCED AND BEAUTIFUL is a guide to focusing on the amazing woman that is you, with a 5-day plan to Refresh, Motivate, Inspire, Energize, and last but not least, Relax. Filled with daily fitness routines, delicious recipes, wisdom to transform your mindset, and all the love and advice of the TIU community, Karena and Katrina make it easier than ever to reach your goals and feel great. Each day, you’ll find tips and advice for every aspect of your journey, told through fun and fascinating stories and secrets that will be like having your best girlfriend along for the ride. Throughout these pages, you’ll feel empowered, uplifted, and connected—with the entire TIU community behind you, cheering you on towards your most confident, centered self. Ready to reset? Feeling BALANCED AND BEAUTIFUL is only 5 days away!
Penguin Books Ltd Resurrection
Leo Tolstoy's last completed novel, Resurrection is an intimate, psychological tale of guilt, anger and forgiveness, translated from the Russian with an introduction and notes by Anthony Briggs in Penguin Classics.Serving on the jury at a murder trial, Prince Dmitri Nekhlyudov is devastated when he sees the prisoner - Katyusha, a young maid he seduced and abandoned years before. As Dmitri faces the consequences of his actions, he decides to give up his life of wealth and luxury to devote himself to rescuing Katyusha, even if it means following her into exile in Siberia. But can a man truly find redemption by saving another person? Tolstoy's most controversial novel, Resurrection (1899) is a scathing indictment of injustice, corruption and hypocrisy at all levels of society. Creating a vast panorama of Russian life, from peasants to aristocrats, bureaucrats to convicts, it reveals Tolstoy's magnificent storytelling powers.Anthony Briggs' superb new translation preserves Tolstoy's gripping realism and satirical humour. In his introduction, Briggs discusses the true story behind Resurrection, Tolstoy's political and religious reasons for writing the novel, his gift for characterization and the compelling psychological portrait of Dmitri. This edition also includes a chronology, notes and a summary of chapters.Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) spent his youth in wasteful idleness until 1851, when he travelled to the Caucasus and joined the army with his older brother, fighting in the Crimean war. After marrying in 1862, Tolstoy settled down, managing his estates and writing two of his best-known novels, War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1878). A Confession (1879-82) marked a spiritual crisis in his life, and in 1901 he was excommunicated by the Russian Holy Synod. He died in 1910, in the course of a dramatic flight from home, at the small railway station of Astapovo.If you enjoyed Resurrection, you might like Ivan Goncharov's Oblomov, also available in Penguin Classics.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Critical Companion to Medieval Motets
First full comprehensive guide to one of the most important genres of music in the Middle Ages. Motets constitute the most important polyphonic genre of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Moreover, these compositions are intrinsically involved in the early development of polyphony. This volume - the first to be devotedexclusively to medieval motets - aims to provide a comprehensive guide to them, from a number of different disciplines and perspectives. It addresses crucial matters such as how the motet developed; the rich interplay of musical,poetic, and intertextual modes of meaning specific to the genre; and the changing social and historical circumstances surrounding motets in medieval France, England, and Italy. It also seeks to question many traditional assumptions and received opinions in the area. The first part of the book considers core concepts in motet scholarship: issues of genre, relationships between the motet and other musico-poetic forms, tenor organization, isorhythm, notational development, social functions, and manuscript layout. This is followed by a series of individual case studies which look in detail at a variety of specific pieces, compositional techniques, collections, and subgenres. JARED C. HARTT is Associate Professor of Music Theory at the Oberlin College Conservatory of Music. Contributors: Margaret Bent, Jacques Boogaart, Catherine A. Bradley, Alice V. Clark, Suzannah Clark, KarenDesmond, Lawrence Earp, Sarah Fuller, John Haines, Jared C. Hartt, Elizabeth Eva Leach, Dolores Pesce, Gaël Saint-Cricq, Jennifer Saltzstein, Matthew P. Thomson, Stefan Udell, Anna Zayaruznaya, Emily Zazulia