Search results for ""author anne""
Duke University Press The Long War on Drugs
Since the early twentieth century, the United States has led a global prohibition effort against certain drugs in which production restriction and criminalization are emphasized over prevention and treatment as means to reduce problematic usage. This “war on drugs” is widely seen to have failed, and periodically decriminalization and legalization movements arise. Debates continue over whether the problems of addiction and crime associated with illicit use of drugs stem from their illegal status or the nature of the drugs themselves. In The Long War on Drugs Anne L. Foster explores the origin of the punitive approach to drugs and its continued appeal despite its obvious flaws. She provides a comprehensive overview, focusing not only on a political history of policy developments but also on changes in medical practices and understanding of drugs. Foster also outlines the social and cultural changes prompting different attitudes about drugs; the racial, environmental, and social justice implications of particular drug policies; and the international consequences of US drug policy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Paleopathology
A Companion to Paleopathology offers a comprehensive overview of this rapidly growing sub- field of physical anthropology. Presents a broad overview of the field of paleopathology, integrating theoretical and methodological approaches to understand biological and disease processes throughout human history Demonstrates how paleopathology sheds light on the past through the analysis of human and non-human skeletal materials, mummified remains and preserved tissue Integrates scientific advances in multiple fields that contribute to the understanding of ancient and historic diseases, such as epidemiology, histology, radiology, parasitology, dentistry, and molecular biology, as well as archaeological, archival and historical research. Highlights cultural processes that have an impact on the evolution of illness, death and dying in human populations, including subsistence strategies, human environmental adaptations, the effects of malnutrition, differential access to resources, and interpersonal and intercultural violence
Stanford University Press Open Secrets: The Literature of Uncounted Experience
Open Secrets identifies an ethos of affirmative reticence and recessive action in Mme de Lafayette's La Princesse de Clèves (1678), Jane Austen's Mansfield Park (1814), and poems by William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, and Thomas Hardy. The author argues that these works locate fulfillment not in narrative fruition, but in grace understood both as a simplicity of formal means and a freedom from work, in particular that of self-concealment and self-presentation. Declining the twin pressures of self-actualization and self-denial defining modernity's call to make good on one's talents, the subjects of the "literature of uncounted experience" do nothing so heroic as renounce ambitions of self-expression; they simply set aside the fantasy of the all-responsible subject. The originality of Open Secrets is thus to imagine the non-instrumental without casting it as a heavy ethical burden. Non-appropriation emerges not as what is difficult to do but as the path of least resistance. The book offers a valuable counterpoint to recent anti-Enlightenment revaluations of passivity that have made non-mastery and non-appropriation the fundamental task of the ethical subject.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Married: A Fine Predicament
We live in a world where the concept of marriage is an unfashionable one. Where individuals protest their independence, their inability to commit or their lack of faith in the institution, against a culture of bestsellers, films, television series and magazines all obsessed with the finding, and keeping, of a mate. With clarity Anne Roiphe gives us an unfettered view of an institution which continues to play an important role in all our lives. In doing so she offers an elegant defence of married life from the perspective of a wife and mother who has survived the fifties, the sexual revolution and the woman's movement. Drawing on personal anecdote, history, literature and popular culture, "Married" is a moving tribute not only to what marriage asks of us, but also to what it gives us.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Armenians
This is a 3000 year history of one of Europe's most fascinating and important peoples.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Women's Reality
Bedford Square Publishers The Cancer Guide
Random House USA Inc The Scarlet Pimpernel
New Directions Publishing Corporation Never Any End to Paris
This brilliantly ironic novel about literature and writing, in Vila-Matas’s trademark witty and erudite style, is told in the form of a lecture delivered by a novelist clearly a version of the author himself. The “lecturer” tells of his two-year stint living in Marguerite Duras’s garret during the seventies, spending time with writers, intellectuals, and eccentrics, and trying to make it as a creator of literature: “I went to Paris and was very poor and very unhappy.” Encountering such luminaries as Duras, Roland Barthes, Georges Perec, Sergio Pitol, Samuel Beckett, and Juan Marsé, our narrator embarks on a novel whose text will “kill” its readers and put him on a footing with his beloved Hemingway. (Never Any End to Paris takes its title from a refrain in A Moveable Feast.) What emerges is a fabulous portrait of intellectual life in Paris that, with humor and penetrating insight, investigates the role of literature in our lives.
Random House USA Inc Agnes Grey, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall: Introduction by Lucy Hughes-Hallett
Fledgling Press Time's Witnesses: Women's Voices from the Holocaust
'If we had held one minute's silence for each of the six million Jews who were murdered, we would have remained silent for twelve years.' Blanche Major. In Time's Witnesses: Women's Voices from the Holocaust, Major and nine other Jewish women testify about their horrific experiences in Auschwitz, Theresienstadt, Bergen-Belsen and other Nazi camps.This book tells of humiliation, hunger, death and despair, but also of dignity, unity and hope-and an indomitable will to live. Each woman's experience is unique; yet their reflections share a common hope for reconciliation and understanding. They are a testament to the Nazi atrocities and a caution for the future. Theirs are stories the world must never forget.
Emerald Publishing Limited Generations Z in Europe: Inputs, Insights and Implications
Generations Z in Europe: Inputs, Insights and Implications brings together differing geographic perspectives from a range of researchers to present the complex picture of contemporary reality for 'Gen-Z' workers, demonstrating the diverse issues faced by the new global workforce. Using a variety of perspectives from social science, media theory and literary studies, the book creates a showcase of existing and new theoretical and scientific approaches to exploring current challenges relating to Generation Z workers. The voices of theorists such as Karl Mannheim, Jean Baudrillard and Neil Postman are utilized to understand and reflect on the different social, cultural and political contexts for Generation Z in Europe and the need to sensitize organizations to the needs of these young future employees. Chapters offer analysis exploring nine different national contexts from Spain, Great Britain, France, The Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Serbia, Bulgaria and Russia. Key themes highlighted across these studies include: digital socialization, intellectual capital, social engagement, aging organizations and the digital divide. The discussion of future implications and the conclusions offered make this book an illuminating read for both researchers and practitioners working within areas of Business and Human Resource Management.
University of California Press Minimal Art: A Critical Anthology
Here with a new introduction and updated bibliography, is the definitive collection of writings by and about the work of the 1960s minimalists, generously illustrated with photographs of paintings, sculpture, and performance.
Bloomberg Press The Securitization Markets Handbook: Structures and Dynamics of Mortgage- and Asset-backed Securities
Newmarket Press,U.S. On Their Own: Creating an Independent Future for Your Adult Child With Learning Disabilities and ADHD: A Family Guide
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociological Studies of Children
The volumes in this series illustrate how social organization and private, emotional experience are different phases of the social process. They show the steps by which emotional experience is shaped by social structural, macro-level processes and how these processes are changed by experience.
New York University Press Toward a Tenderer Humanity and a Nobler Womanhood: African American Women's Clubs in Turn-Of-The-Century Chicago
During the Progressive Era, over 150 African American women's clubs flourished in Chicago. Through these clubs, women created a vibrant social world of their own, seeking to achieve social and political uplift by educating themselves and the members of their communities. In politics, they battled legal discrimination, advocated anti-lynching laws, and fought for suffrage. In the tradition of other mothering, in which the the community shares in the care and raising of all its children, the club women established kindergartens, youth clubs, and homes for the elderly. In Toward a Tenderer Humanity and a Nobler Womanhood, Anne Meis Knupfer documents how the club women created multiple allegiances through social and club networks and sheds light on the life experiences of African American women in urban centers throughout the country. Drawing upon the primary documents of African American newspapers, journals, and speeches of the time, this book chronicles and analyzes the complexity and richness of the African American club women's lives as they lifted while others climbed.
Kogan Page Ltd Facilitating Reflective Learning: Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision
Facilitating Reflective Learning: Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision is written by two leading experts in the field. The text explains how coaching and mentoring works in different situations. The authors guide the reader through key learning theories; describe the different models available for coaching and mentoring; and demonstrate how they can be applied in practice. In this completely revised new edition, robust theory is backed up by practical advice and numerous case studies. The coaching and mentoring skills used in different situations are clearly described. Ready to use resources include templates for contracting, reviewing and evaluating, as well as guidance on group dynamics for team coaching and group supervision. Advice is also included on sensitive areas such as the boundary between mentoring or coaching and therapy, and the desirability of supervision.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cognitive Therapy for Chronic and Persistent Depression
‘This volume provides the most comprehensive presentation to date of the phenomenology, clinical aspects and cognitive therapy of persistent depression. The text is highly readable, replete with illustrative case material, and highlighted by concise summaries at the end of each chapter. The treatment approach, already validated in the famed Cambridge–Newcastle clinical trial, is an invaluable contribution.’ Aaron T. Beck, M.D. Drawing on extensive clinical experience, Richard G. Moore and Anne Garland present a cognitive model of persistent depression that places particular importance on the role of thinking styles, underlying beliefs, subtle forms of avoidance and environmental factors. For the practitioner, this book offers guidance on how to address particular issues that commonly arise at each stage of therapy, such as: the patient is reluctant to engage in therapy the patient’s negative thinking does not respond to standard therapeutic techniques the patient’s negative beliefs have much basis in their experience the therapist becomes demoralised by the apparent lack of progress in therapy Through extensive clinical material, Cognitive Therapy for Chronic and Persistent Depression demonstrates how entrenched negative thinking patterns and ongoing avoidance can be addressed to achieve significant change in many people’s lives. This book is essential reading for any therapist working with these hard to help patients, such as clinical psychologists, psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, social workers and counsellors.
Macmillan Education Macmillan Readers Little Women Beginner Reader without CD
Carefully controlled information, structure and vocabulary Some difficult words and phrases are explained with pictures The book has around 600 basic words for Beginner-level students Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Theorizing in Organization Studies: Insights from Key Thinkers
While many books provide guidance to the construction of theory, the process of theorizing itself has been addressed far less. The aim of this book is to encourage researchers to reflect upon their subjective theorizing practices and to engage in dialogue about theorizing in organization studies. Drawing on interviews with eight key figures in the field, this book provides guidance for how to theorize, and how to do so well, using the key tools of the theorizers. Providing rich insights, these interviews with Professors David Boje, Barbara Czarniawska, Kenneth Gergen, Tor Hernes, Geert Hofstede, Edgar Schein, Andrew Van de Ven and Karl Weick give an opportunity to learn from some of the most successful theorists in the field of organization studies. By addressing aspects of theorizing which seek to make it a personal and meaningful endeavour, this book goes beyond the sole aim of getting published and encourages the reader to develop their own unique way of theorizing. This book will be an invaluable tool for graduate researchers and scholars looking to refine their theorizing practices in order to produce outstanding theoretical work. Its insights will also be of use for anyone seeking to breathe new life into their work, with its insightful commentary on the practices of successful theorists.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc What's So Bad About Gasoline? Fossil Fuels and What They Do
Emerald Publishing Limited Mergers and Alliances: The Operational View and Cases
Volume 37 of Advances in Librarianship presents detailed examples of local and regional mergers and collaborations and serves as a companion to Volume 36 which presented a comprehensive broad review of the factors that lead to mergers and other alliances, and the methods used to ensure effective and successful collaborations. While corporate mergers make headlines, library and information science examples, especially at regional an local levels, have less visibility. This volume demonstrates that such efforts are occurring in libraries, among LIS degree programs, and enterprises including networks and consortia. They are occurring as economic conditions around the world mandate consolidation and/or collaboration among agencies and enterprises to reduce or curtail expenditures.
Arc Humanities Press Literature, Emotions, and Pre-Modern War: Conflict in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Duke University Press Transatlantic Gender Crossings
A special issue of differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies As much as French feminism influenced the establishment of women’s studies in U.S. universities, so has U.S. gender and queer theory marked the French intellectual and academic landscape. For this reason, gender and sexuality studies have been bound up from the beginning with specific intractable questions of internationalization. Has internationalization contributed to an “Americanization” of the field, or has it allowed for different ways of understanding the connections between the local and the global, the center and the periphery? And how might institutionalization and internationalization affect our thinking about the political and theoretical intersections between gender and sexuality or between sex and race? Contributors from Europe and the United States consider theoretical, political, and institutional questions raised by the transatlantic exchange of feminist theories over four decades. Contributors Anne Emmanuelle Berger, Éric Fassin, Delphine Gardey, Clare Hemmings, Ranjana Khanna, Griselda Pollock, Tuija Pulkkinen, Elizabeth Weed
Random House USA Inc Only Passing Through: The Story of Sojourner Truth
John Wiley & Sons Inc Seeker and Servant: Reflections on Religious Leadership
This collection of original essays expands on visionary Robert K. Greenleaf's servant-leadership theme. It offers thought-provoking ideas on how religious institutions and individuals can serve in a more caring way by applying the ideas and ideals of Greenleaf's servant-leadership vision.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The American West: A Concise History
Tracing events from the pre-history to the present day, this book offers a concise and accessible history of the American West. Explores the complex interactions between and among cultures in the American West Chronologically organized and informed by the latest scholarship Grounded in attention to race, class, gender, and the environment, the text focuses on social, economic, and political forces that shaped the lived experiences of diverse westerners and influenced the patterns of western history.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Interventional Bronchoscopy And Pleuroscopy: A Book Of Case Studies With Videos
This is a book of case series on interventional bronchoscopy and pleuroscopy based on decades of clinical experience of the authors. The purpose of this publication is not to provide the principles, theory or evidence of clinical practice of these procedures but to illustrate actual case scenarios. Each case is presented with the history, including clinical, radiological, endoscopic findings and final outcome; and procedural details in the form of video illustration. Learning points of these cases are highlighted either at the end of the case presentation and/or in a separate chapter. Physicians accessing the immense resource of videos will acquire the knowledge and expertise necessary to manage their patients.
Broadview Press Ltd The Broadview Anthology of Literature of the Revolutionary Period 1770-1832
The selections from 132 authors in this anthology represent gender, social class, and racial and national origin as inclusively as possible, providing both greater context for canonical works and a sense of the era's richness and diversity. In terms of genre, poetry, non-fiction prose, philosophy, educational writing, and prose fiction are included. Geographically, America, Canada, Australia, India, and Africa are represented along with Britain, emphasizing Romantic literature as a world literature. Biographical headnotes, explanatory footnotes, and an extensive bibliography clarify and illuminate the texts for readers.
Hunter House Publishers Violent No More: Helping Men End Domestic Abuse, Third ed.
Skinner House Books Unitarian Universalism is a Really Long Name - New Edition
This one-of-a-kind picture book is a colorful introduction to Unitarian Universalism for children ages five to nine. Simple language and appealing illustrations offer children accessible answers to commonly asked questions such as: Who are we? What do we believe? How do we worship? Who leads us? Do we read the Bible? What is our religious symbol? Do we pray? What is Sunday school? How do we celebrate?
New Directions Publishing Corporation A Leopard-Skin Hat
A Leopard-Skin Hat may be the French writer Anne Serre’s most moving novel yet. Hailed in Le Point as a “masterpiece of simplicity, emotion and elegance,” it is the story of an intense friendship between “the Narrator” and his close childhood friend, Fanny, who suffers from profound psychological disorders. A series of short scenes paints the portrait of a strong-willed and tormented young woman battling many demons, and of the narrator’s loving and anguished attachment to her. Anne Serre poignantly depicts the bewildering back and forth between hope and despair involved in such a relationship, while playfully calling into question the very form of the novel. Written in the aftermath of the death of the author’s little sister, A Leopard-Skin Hat is both the celebration of a tragically foreshortened life and a valedictory farewell, written in Anne Serre’s signature style.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Way of the Bear CD
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Peek-a-Poop
A hilarious lift-the-flap potty training board book about magical poops and the creatures that make them! Where do unicorns poop? How big are elf droppings? Do fairies ever have to go? PEEK-A-POOP! and find out in this rhyming interactive book for the littlest poopers. Navigate through magical worlds to discover the whereabouts and physical characteristics of mermaid, yeti, dragon, fairy, unicorn, and elf poop. At the end, your prince or princess will learn that there’s a special place for them to go, too: the golden throne (a potty, of course!). Great for fans of Where’s the Poop? by Julie Markes and Princess Potty by Samantha Berger.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Bugs Are Insects
What makes an insect an insect? What makes a bug a bug? Read and find out! With intricate and vividly colored collages from Caldecott Medal winner Steve Jenkins and engaging text from Anne Rockwell, Bugs Are Insects introduces the youngest readers to the fascinating world of the creepy crawly. Now rebranded with a new cover look, this NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Book includes activities such as conducting an insect survey, drawing a picture of your favorite insects, and planting a butterfly garden. Both text and artwork were vetted for accuracy by Dr. Ed Spevak, Curator of Invertebrates and Director of the Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Institute Center for Native Pollinator Conservation. This is a Level 1 Let's-Read-and-Find-Out, which means the book explores introductory concepts for children in the primary grades and supports the Common Core Learning Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Let's-Read-and-Find-Out is the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Pony Scouts: Runaway Ponies!
The Pony Scouts are having a sleepover at Jill's house! They get to tend to the ponies day and night. But when one of the girls forgets to latch a stall, it's the Scouts to the rescue!
Kohlhammer Begabungen Von Kindern Erkennen Und Fordern
Wits University Press Students must rise: Youth struggle in South Africa before and beyond Soweto `76
The Soweto Student Uprising of 1976 was a decisive moment in the struggle against apartheid. It marked the expansion of political activism to a new generation of young activists, but beyond that it inscribed the role that young people of subsequent generations could play in their country’s future. Since that momentous time students have held a special place in the collective imaginary of South African history.Drawing on research and writing by leading scholars and prominent activists, Students Must Rise takes Soweto ’76 as its pivot point, but looks at student and youth activism in South Africa more broadly by considering what happened before and beyond the Soweto moment. Early chapters assess the impact of the anti-pass campaigns of the 1950s, of political ideologies like Black Consciousness as well as of religion and culture in fostering political consciousness and organisation among youth and students in townships and rural areas. Later chapters explore the wide-reaching impact of June 16th itself for student organisation over the next two decades across the country. Two fi nal chapters consider contemporary student-based political movements, including #RhodesMustFall and #FeesMustFall, and historically root these in the long and rich tradition of student activism in South Africa.2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the 1976 June 16th uprisings. This book rethinks the conventional narrative of youth and student activism in South Africa by placing that most famous of moments – the 1976 students’ uprising in Soweto – in a deeper historical and geographic context.
ISTE Ltd Lead in Glassy Materials in Cultural Heritage
Although the development of lead crystal was a major step in the history of glass in the late 17th century, the presence of lead in vitreous matrices (glass and glazes) is much older, dating back to the second millennium BCE. Lead in Glassy Materials in Cultural Heritage traces the history of these skills and also looks at the most recent developments in materials science concerning the role played by lead in the properties of glass, including coloring. It develops an understanding of weathering processes and notions of the durability of leaded glass. It also examines public health issues and current recommended standards for the use of lead in industrial glass. This multidisciplinary book is intended for a wide audience: art and technical historians, museum curators, restorers, materials specialists, manufacturers and engineers.
Bristol University Press Environmental Justice, Popular Struggle and Community Development
Struggles for environmental justice involve communities mobilising against powerful forces which advocate ‘development’, driven increasingly by neoliberal imperatives. In doing so, communities face questions about their alliances with other groups, working with outsiders and issues of class, race, ethnicity, gender, worker/community and settler/indigenous relationships. Written by a wide range of international scholars and activists, contributors explore these dynamics and the opportunities for agency and solidarity. They critique the practice of community development professionals, academics, trade union organisers, social movements and activists and inform those engaged in the pursuit of justice as community, development and environment interact.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Facilitative Coaching: A Toolkit for Expanding Your Repertoire and Achieving Lasting Results
Many facilitators realize that the basic methodologies they use often fail to take their clients to a place of deeper learning and growth required when addressing complex issues. This book offers over seventy exercises, along with tips and tools for expanding the professional coach's repertoire and includes a full range of interventions. The book also includes step-by-step guidance on how to use these innovative methods with clients. Based on the Skilled Facilitator model developed by best-selling author Roger Schwarz in his landmark book, The Facilitative Coaching Toolkit is ideal for coaches who are looking for advanced alternative approaches to helping their clients get "unstuck" when dealing with obstacles.
Palgrave Macmillan Iris Murdoch and Morality
Iris Murdoch and Morality provides a close focus on moral issues in Murdoch's novels, philosophy and theology. It situates Murdoch within current theoretical debates and develops an understanding of her work as a crucial link between twentieth and twenty-first century writing and theory.
University of Toronto Press Feeling Obligated: Teaching in Neoliberal Times
Feeling Obligated combines theoretical insights with the first-hand experiences of Canadian teachers to illustrate the impact of neoliberalism – the installation of market norms into educational and social policies – on teachers’ professional integrity. Anne M. Phelan and Melanie D. Janzen illustrate the miserable conditions in which teachers teach, their efforts to navigate and withstand those circumstances, and their struggle to respond ethically to students, especially those already marginalized economically and socially. Exploring how educational policies attempt to recast teachers as skilled clinicians, the book revitalizes a conversation about teaching as a vocation wherein the challenge of obligation is of central concern. Haunted by what has already happened and threatened by what may yet occur, Feeling Obligated foregrounds the challenge of ethical obligation in teaching and makes a strong case for the revitalization of teaching as a vocation, involving commitment, resolve, and trust in a future yet to come.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Science Fiction Handbook
The Science Fiction Handbook offers a comprehensive and accessible survey of one of the literary world's most fascinating genres. Includes separate historical surveys of key subgenres including time-travel narratives, post-apocalyptic and post-disaster narratives and works of utopian and dystopian science fiction Each subgenre survey includes an extensive list of relevant critical readings, recommended novels in the subgenre, and recommended films relevant to the subgenre Features entries on a number of key science fiction authors and extensive discussion of major science fiction novels or sequences Writers and works include Isaac Asimov; Margaret Atwood; George Orwell; Ursula K. Le Guin; The War of the Worlds (1898); Starship Troopers (1959); Mars Trilogy (1993-6); and many more A 'Science Fiction Glossary' completes this indispensable Handbook
John Wiley & Sons Inc Domain Names Rewired: Strategies for Brand Protection in the Next Generation of the Internet
An essential guide to navigating the shifting Internet landscape The Internet is about to profoundly change when it explodes from a 21 top level domain world to a 500 to a 1,000 .anything top level domain universe. How will you evolve your .com strategy? How will you keep your brands safe in the changing global Internet landscape? In an economic time where global brand protection is more important than ever and budgets are leaner, project leaders inside corporations will welcome the strategies revealed in Domain Names Rewired. Written for executives and branding professionals, this timely book equips you with the tools to address important issues your company will face when creating new brands or derivative brands, as well as protecting your existing brands and .com in a global changing Internet landscape. With this book, authors Jennifer C. Wolfe and Anne H. Chasser skillfully show branding executives and intellectual property lawyers how to increase the value and success of their initiatives within the next generation of the Internet. Features interviews with executives from the world's leading companies, including Procter & Gamble, Microsoft, Time Warner, Yahoo!, Neustar, AUS Registry, ICANN, Remax, the International Trademark Association, Verizon, and many others Looks at relevant situations your corporation may deal with in creating new brands Provides expert guidance for protecting your existing .com and brand in an exponentially changing Internet world Offers ideas to consider disruptive innovation in expanding .com into .anything The rapidly changing new regime of the Internet is impacting the hundreds of millions of Internet users around the globe, not to mention every business that already has a .com. Maximize your opportunities in the changing digital world and stay ahead of the competitors with the visionary strategies found in Domain Names Rewired.
Guilford Publications Play Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice
This authoritative work brings together leading play therapists to describe state-of-the-art clinical approaches and applications. The book explains major theoretical frameworks and summarizes the contemporary play therapy research base, including compelling findings from neuroscience. Contributors present effective strategies for treating children struggling with such problems as trauma, maltreatment, attachment difficulties, bullying, rage, grief, and autism spectrum disorder. Practice principles are brought to life in vivid case illustrations throughout the volume. Special topics include treatment of military families and play therapy interventions for adolescents and adults.