Search results for ""author anne""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Science Fiction Handbook
The Science Fiction Handbook offers a comprehensive and accessible survey of one of the literary world's most fascinating genres. Includes separate historical surveys of key subgenres including time-travel narratives, post-apocalyptic and post-disaster narratives and works of utopian and dystopian science fiction Each subgenre survey includes an extensive list of relevant critical readings, recommended novels in the subgenre, and recommended films relevant to the subgenre Features entries on a number of key science fiction authors and extensive discussion of major science fiction novels or sequences Writers and works include Isaac Asimov; Margaret Atwood; George Orwell; Ursula K. Le Guin; The War of the Worlds (1898); Starship Troopers (1959); Mars Trilogy (1993-6); and many more A 'Science Fiction Glossary' completes this indispensable Handbook
John Wiley & Sons Inc Genetics and the Logic of Evolution
In this book the authors draw on what is known, largely from recent research, about the nature of genes and cells, the genetics of development and animal and plant body plans, intra- and interorganismal communication, sensation and perception, to propose that a few basic generalizations, along with the modified application of the classical evolutionary theory, can provide a broader theoretical understanding of genes, evolution, and the diverse and complex nature of living organisms.
Turtleback Books The Diary of a Young Girl The Definitive Edition
University of Toronto Press Feeling Obligated: Teaching in Neoliberal Times
Feeling Obligated combines theoretical insights with the first-hand experiences of Canadian teachers to illustrate the impact of neoliberalism – the installation of market norms into educational and social policies – on teachers’ professional integrity. Anne M. Phelan and Melanie D. Janzen illustrate the miserable conditions in which teachers teach, their efforts to navigate and withstand those circumstances, and their struggle to respond ethically to students, especially those already marginalized economically and socially. Exploring how educational policies attempt to recast teachers as skilled clinicians, the book revitalizes a conversation about teaching as a vocation wherein the challenge of obligation is of central concern. Haunted by what has already happened and threatened by what may yet occur, Feeling Obligated foregrounds the challenge of ethical obligation in teaching and makes a strong case for the revitalization of teaching as a vocation, involving commitment, resolve, and trust in a future yet to come.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Science Fiction Handbook
The Science Fiction Handbook offers a comprehensive and accessible survey of one of the literary world's most fascinating genres. Includes separate historical surveys of key subgenres including time-travel narratives, post-apocalyptic and post-disaster narratives and works of utopian and dystopian science fiction Each subgenre survey includes an extensive list of relevant critical readings, recommended novels in the subgenre, and recommended films relevant to the subgenre Features entries on a number of key science fiction authors and extensive discussion of major science fiction novels or sequences Writers and works include Isaac Asimov; Margaret Atwood; George Orwell; Ursula K. Le Guin; The War of the Worlds (1898); Starship Troopers (1959); Mars Trilogy (1993-6); and many more A 'Science Fiction Glossary' completes this indispensable Handbook
John Wiley & Sons Inc Domain Names Rewired: Strategies for Brand Protection in the Next Generation of the Internet
An essential guide to navigating the shifting Internet landscape The Internet is about to profoundly change when it explodes from a 21 top level domain world to a 500 to a 1,000 .anything top level domain universe. How will you evolve your .com strategy? How will you keep your brands safe in the changing global Internet landscape? In an economic time where global brand protection is more important than ever and budgets are leaner, project leaders inside corporations will welcome the strategies revealed in Domain Names Rewired. Written for executives and branding professionals, this timely book equips you with the tools to address important issues your company will face when creating new brands or derivative brands, as well as protecting your existing brands and .com in a global changing Internet landscape. With this book, authors Jennifer C. Wolfe and Anne H. Chasser skillfully show branding executives and intellectual property lawyers how to increase the value and success of their initiatives within the next generation of the Internet. Features interviews with executives from the world's leading companies, including Procter & Gamble, Microsoft, Time Warner, Yahoo!, Neustar, AUS Registry, ICANN, Remax, the International Trademark Association, Verizon, and many others Looks at relevant situations your corporation may deal with in creating new brands Provides expert guidance for protecting your existing .com and brand in an exponentially changing Internet world Offers ideas to consider disruptive innovation in expanding .com into .anything The rapidly changing new regime of the Internet is impacting the hundreds of millions of Internet users around the globe, not to mention every business that already has a .com. Maximize your opportunities in the changing digital world and stay ahead of the competitors with the visionary strategies found in Domain Names Rewired.
Guilford Publications Play Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice
This authoritative work brings together leading play therapists to describe state-of-the-art clinical approaches and applications. The book explains major theoretical frameworks and summarizes the contemporary play therapy research base, including compelling findings from neuroscience. Contributors present effective strategies for treating children struggling with such problems as trauma, maltreatment, attachment difficulties, bullying, rage, grief, and autism spectrum disorder. Practice principles are brought to life in vivid case illustrations throughout the volume. Special topics include treatment of military families and play therapy interventions for adolescents and adults.
Springer International Publishing AG Academia in Conflict: Engaging Stakeholders through Transformational Crisis Communication
This book explores communication as a key influence on the trajectory of conflicts and crises in the specific context of academia. From the ideological responsibilities of academia to the profit-seeking motives of institutions, the authors explore challenges facing faculty across multiple disciplines. Critique of the higher education industry is more necessary than ever in the context of academic corporatization and marketization. Academia in Conflict reveals how institutional discourses can contribute to or mitigate conflict and crisis, offering communication practices that prioritize stakeholder experiences and needs. Enduring academic crises are addressed, including declines in public funding, mental health emergencies, and threats to job stability. Academia in Conflict provides crucial insights for navigating the challenges of higher education today.
The Library of America Reporting World War II: The 75th Anniversary Edition: A Library of America Boxed Set
Liverpool University Press Conington's Virgil: Aeneid X - XII
John Conington’s three-volume edition of The Works of Virgil, begun in 1852, has long been unavailable except in rare second-hand sets. The whole work is now being reissued in six affordable paperbacks, with new introductions setting the commentary in its context. Well into the twentieth century Conington’s Virgil remained the sine qua non for school and undergraduate students and their teachers; Conington’s commentary is remarkably close and uncompromising in its engagement with the detail of Virgil’s Latin, as well as its literary sensitivity; it still has much to offer the modern reader. This volume includes Virgil’s text and Conington’s commentary on Books X–XII, along with Conington’s index to Books VII–XII. It also includes Philip Hardie’s general assessment of Conington and Anne Rogerson’s introduction to Conington’s Aeneid.
Policy Press Beyond listening: Children's perspectives on early childhood services
More young children than ever before are spending their time in some form of early childhood service. But how do we know what they think about it? While there has been a move to take children's views into account more generally, very little attention has been given to listening to young children below the age of six or seven. This book is the first of its kind to focus on listening to young children, both from an international perspective and through combining theory, practice and reflection. With contributions and examples from researchers and practitioners in six countries it examines critically how listening to young children in early childhood services is understood and practised. Each chapter is rooted in the everyday lives of young children and presents a range of actual experiences for students and practitioners to draw from. Beyond listening goes further to address key questions emerging from early childhood services and research. These are What do we mean by listening? Why listen? How do we listen to young children? What view of the child do different approaches to listening presume? What risks does listening entail for young children? The authors are leading experts in this area of rapidly growing interest and have themselves developed innovative methods such as the Mosaic approach, which is discussed in the book.
Stanford University Press Being Singular Plural
This book, by one of the most innovative and challenging contemporary thinkers, consists of an extensive essay from which the book takes its title and five shorter essays that are internally related to “Being Singular Plural.” One of the strongest strands in Nancy’s philosophy is his attempt to rethink community and the very idea of the social in a way that does not ground these ideas in some individual subject or subjectivity. The fundamental argument of the book is that being is always “being with,” that “I” is not prior to “we,” that existence is essentially co-existence. Nancy thinks of this “being-with” not as a comfortable enclosure in a pre-existing group, but as a mutual abandonment and exposure to each other, one that would preserve the “I” and its freedom in a mode of imagining community as neither a “society of spectacle” nor via some form of authenticity. The five shorter essays impressively translate the philosophical insight of “Being Singular Plural” into sophisticated discussions of national sovereignty, war and technology, identity politics, the Gulf War, and the tragic plight of Sarajevo. The essay “Eulogy for the Mêlée,” in particular, is a brilliant discussion of identity and hybridism that resonates with many contemporary social concerns. As Nancy moves through the exposition of his central concern, being-with, he engages a number of other important issues, including current notions of the “other” and “self” that are relevant to psychoanalytic, political, and multicultural concepts. He also offers astonishingly original reinterpretations of major philosophical positions, such as Nietzsche’s doctrine of “eternal recurrence,” Descartes’s “cogito,” and the nature of language and meaning.
Emerald Publishing Limited Police Occupational Culture: New Debates and Directions
The idea of police occupational culture or cop culture has been a source of academic interest and debate since research into policing began in earnest in the 1960s. Police culture has become a lens through which a number of aspects of the police and policing more broadly have been studied, including the use of discretion, police corruption, institutional racism, sexism and police reform. For the most part, these studies have been done in topical isolation from each other and have focused rather narrowly on Anglo-American state policing forms. Using studies from Australia, Britain, the United States, Africa and Canada, this book offers a contemporary look at police culture from an international perspective by questioning established silos in topics, by presenting new ways of thinking about police culture and suggesting forms that police culture is likely to take in the future.In revisiting the meaning of police culture in the light of key developments in the field of policing, including the pluralization of policing governance and delivery, new management practices and the increased diversification and representation within police organizations, the chapters in this book offer both explanatory and normative approaches to the topic. The chapters also point to new topics in police cultural studies, such as the impact of tertiary education opportunities on police culture, police unions as counter-cultural groupings, the coming together of private and public policing cultures, and the impact of new identity groupings on police organizational culture.Students and researchers in police and policing studies, crime and criminal justice, as well as police practitioners themselves, should find this volume of the "Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance" series a particularly interesting read. It presents a timely reassessment of the new dimensions of police occupational culture Proposes a new schema for thinking and writing about policing culture. It considers aspects of the police occupational culture from an international perspective through including studies from Australia, Britain, the United States, Africa and Canada - one often neglected in Anglo-American research. It revisits the meaning of police culture in the light of key developments in the field of policing including the pluralization of policing governance and delivery; new management practices and the increased diversification and representation within police organizations.
Yale University Press The Philosophy Chamber: Art and Science in Harvard's Teaching Cabinet, 1766–1820
Harvard College’s 18th-century Philosophy Chamber consisted of paintings, prints, sculptures, scientific instruments, natural specimens, and various indigenous artifacts—it was a rich and varied representation of not only artistic and cultural achievement but also contemporary understandings of the natural world. Dispersed and hidden away for nearly 200 years, this unrivaled collection has been reunited for the first time since it was originally assembled, providing an invaluable window into the art and culture of early America. It attests to the wide-ranging spirit of inquiry that characterized the late 18th and early 19th centuries. With an insightful look at conservation efforts and detailed examination of specific objects, including works by artists such as John Singleton Copley and John Trumbull, this publication explores the social and political stakes that underpinned one of the most remarkable assemblages of artifacts, images, and objects in the Atlantic World, and introduces readers to many long-forgotten icons of American culture. Distributed for the Harvard Art MuseumsExhibition Schedule:Harvard Art Museums (05/19/17–12/31/17)The Hunterian, University of Glasgow (03/23/18–06/24/18)
New Village Press Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty
30th Anniversary Edition Coming March, 2024. With beautifully crafted words and exuberant watercolor illustrations, Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty offers a poetic and empowering message for world peace. Recognizing "we are right on the edge of destroying ourselves," this modern allegory inspires taking joyful steps to end violence. It expands upon the idea that "we are all in the circle together," and presents a timeless parable for readers of all ages. The Haiku-like text delivers a call to "make a new earth grow beneath our feet." In the playful style of 12th century Japanese picture scrolls, Mayumi Oda's art depicts humans as animals who lose their way when their leaders become confused and drawn to violence. It is up to each individual?the frog who plants a thriving garden, the cat who supports an elderly neighbor as they walk?to create a better world through simple acts of kindness. The message of this book is the sweet realization that each person can become an agent of goodness and beauty. This twentieth-anniversary, full-color edition, with a new foreword by venerable peacemaker Desmond Tutu, is dedicated to Fukushima recovery in the face of world climate crises. All royalties will be donated to community resiliency across boundaries and antinuclear advocacy.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Pocket PAL: Building Learning in Mathematics
The concept of deep learning, as opposed to surface learning, is being increasingly recognized by teachers and, here, Anne Watson and her colleagues use it in connection with enabling so-far low attaining students to recover their self-esteem and mathematical capabilities. This essential guide for mathematics teachers will help to change the focus from 'doing and finishing' to 'thinking and learning'.
Workman Publishing A Landowner's Guide to Managing Your Woods: How to Maintain a Small Acreage for Long-Term Health, Biodiversity, and High-Quality Timber Production
Whether you have a few acres of trees in the suburbs or a small commercial forest, you can encourage a healthy and sustainable ecosystem through proper woodland management. This introductory guide shows you how to identify the type, health, and quality of your trees and suggests strategies for keeping your woodland thriving.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd American Philosophies: An Anthology
This anthology promotes a new vision: American Philosophy as complex and constantly changing, enlivened by historically marginalized, yet never silent, voices.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Down Syndrome Across the Life Span
This book promotes a positive message for people with Down syndrome across the world. Living with Down Syndrome is a positive experience for the majority of children and adults with Down syndrome, and for their families. Of course there are difficulties to be faced, but quality of life, from infancy to old age, is determined more by the quality of healthcare, education and social inclusion offered to individuals, than by the developmental difficulties that are associated with Down syndrome. The aim of this book is to bring the latest information on research and good practice to families, practitioners and policy makers in order improve the services available to individuals with Down syndrome in all countries.
Stanford University Press Of Hospitality
These two lectures by Jacques Derrida, "Foreigner Question" and "Step of Hospitality/No Hospitality," derive from a series of seminars on "hospitality" conducted by Derrida in Paris, January 1996. His seminars, in France and in America, have become something of an institution over the years, the place where he presents the ongoing evolution of his thought in a remarkable combination of thoroughly mapped-out positions, sketches of new material, and exchanges with students and interlocutors. As has become a pattern in Derrida's recent work, the form of this presentation is a self-conscious enactment of its content. The book consists of two texts on facing pages. "Invitation" by Anne Dufourmantelle appears on the left (an invitation that of course originates in a response), clarifying and inflecting Derrida's "response" on the right. The interaction between them not only enacts the "hospitality" under discussion, but preserves something of the rhythms of teaching. The volume also characteristically combines careful readings of canonical texts and philosophical topics with attention to the most salient events in the contemporary world, using "hospitality" as a means of rethinking a range of political and ethical situations. "Hospitality" is viewed as a question of what arrives at the borders, in the initial surprise of contact with an other, a stranger, a foreigner. For example, Antigone is revisited in light of the question of impossible mourning; Oedipus at Colonus is read via concerns that also apply to teletechnology; the trial of Socrates is brought into conjunction with the televised funeral of François Mitterrand.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Model-Based Testing Essentials - Guide to the ISTQB Certified Model-Based Tester: Foundation Level
Provides a practical and comprehensive introduction to the key aspects of model-based testing as taught in the ISTQB® Model-Based Tester—Foundation Level Certification Syllabus This book covers the essentials of Model-Based Testing (MBT) needed to pass the ISTQB® Foundation Level Model-Based Tester Certification. The text begins with an introduction to MBT, covering both the benefits and the limitations of MBT. The authors review the various approaches to model-based testing, explaining the fundamental processes in MBT, the different modeling languages used, common good modeling practices, and the typical mistakes and pitfalls. The book explains the specifics of MBT test implementation, the dependencies on modeling and test generation activities, and the steps required to automate the generated test cases. The text discusses the introduction of MBT in a company, presenting metrics to measure success and good practices to apply. Provides case studies illustrating different approaches to Model-Based Testing Includes in-text exercises to encourage readers to practice modeling and test generation activities Contains appendices with solutions to the in-text exercises, a short quiz to test readers, along with additional information Model-Based Testing Essentials – Guide to the ISTQB® Certified Model-Based Tester – Foundation Level is written primarily for participants of the ISTQB® Certification: software engineers, test engineers, software developers, and anybody else involved in software quality assurance. This book can also be used for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of software testing and of the use of models for test generation.
Oxford University Press Palliative Medicine: A Case-Based Manual
Palliative medicine is the medical care provided for people who have a life limiting illness or condition. It encompasses both the physical symptoms a person may experience but also the psychosocial, emotional, and ethical issues that may arise. Now in its fourth edition, Palliative Medicine: A Case-Based Manual walks clinicians through the management of the most common situations found in palliative medicine, from diagnosis and managing symptoms through to grief and bereavement. Using real patient case scenarios and an easy-to-read question and answer format, it gives students and medical professionals an accessible, evidence-based entryway to gain the skills and knowledge needed to provide high quality palliative and end of life care to patients and their families. This new edition has been fully updated to cover the latest guidance, including new chapters dedicated to medical cannabis, opioids, grief and bereavement, and wider issues including palliative care in the community, structurally vulnerable populations, and public health. Written by over 50 experienced palliative care clinicians and educators, this book will be a welcome guide for palliative care workers, medical and nursing students, and medical professionals of any specialty where palliative needs might arise.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd American Philosophies: An Anthology
This anthology promotes a new vision: American Philosophy as complex and constantly changing, enlivened by historically marginalized, yet never silent, voices.
Random House Worlds Legends II Shadows Gods and Demons
Our World of Books Good Night Maryland
Random House USA Inc Complicity: How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Mongolian Folktales
From the descendants of the Huns and the mighty warrior, Chinggis Khan (or, as he is known to Westerners, Genghis Khan), and the land of the steppes and the Gobi Desert, come tales of passion, strife, magic, and laughter. This collection of traditional Mongolian folktales, the only one of its kind currently available in English, features more than 60 fascinating stories, ranging from The Legend of the Magic Bone and Seven Brown Mice to The Dreaming Boy and A Fiery Red Khan. The tales are organized in chapters that cover legends, myths, animal tales, magical tales, stories of life conditions, and humor. In addition, the authors provide an introduction to Mongolia, games, recipes, color photos, and notes on the stories. All levels.
Bristol University Press In Defence of Welfare 2
In Defence of Welfare 2 brings together nearly fifty short pieces from a diverse range of social policy academics and commentators, policy makers and journalists that focus on developments in ‘welfare’ over the last five years of Coalition Government. Following on from the successful publication In Defence of Welfare, (Social Policy Association 2011) published in response to the government's first Major Spending Review), this second volume reflects on the impact of recent welfare reforms and explores how inequalities in income, wealth and well-being have become firmly entrenched in society. It considers how welfare can and should develop going forward in order to promote a more equal society.
Facet Publishing An Introduction to Library and Information Work
This book introduces support staff, paraprofessionals and students to the workplace. Informing readers of the latest developments in the sector, the text provides them with a practical, educational underpinning to library and information work across the sectors. It introduces the structure and functions of the principal types of library and looks at the key areas of competence necessary for the efficient and informed practice of a wide range of tasks. Contents include: management perspectives information and communications technology recruitment, supervision digital libraries electronic resources user services customer service library cooperation information skills Readership: This is an essential self-development tool for all new entrants to the sector. It is ideal for parprofessional training and as a continuing professional education reader for the non-professional.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Pop-Up Moon
Open this book and discover the dazzling magic of the moon! Find out where it came from, why it seems to change shape, how its power affects the earth, and what causes an eclipse. Shoot into space with the Saturn V rocket and travel back in time to join the first men on the moon…
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Business Management for the Equine Industry
Written by a team of consultants who combine modern business knowledge with decades of direct experience of working in the equine industry, this book bridges the gap between modern business theory and equine business practice. After providing overviews of the equestrian industry and the livery sector as a detailed example, Part I (Assessing a Business) sets out how to access the business environment, externally, competitively and with regard to its internal resources. Part 2 (Management) goes on to deal with resource management and how to go about strategic planning and marketing, concluding with an overall Business Plan. Part 3 sets out a series of case histories to illustrate the principles as discussed in Part 1 and 2. No other book applies a truly modern business approach to equine enterprise. The Authors Sharon Eastwood, Anne-Lise Riis Jensen and Anna Jordon work together at Dark Horse Consultancy, a team of equine business consultants offering a wide range of advice and services to the industry. Also available: Horse and Stable Management Fourth Edition Jeremy Houghton Brown, Sarah Pilliner and Zoe Davies 1 4051 0007 9 978 14051 0007 6 Teaching Jumping Jane Houghton Brown 0 632 04127 7 978 0632 04127 5 Horse Nutrition and Feeding Second Edition Sarah Pilliner 0 632 05016 0 978 0632 05016 1 Equine Science Second Edition Sarah Pilliner and Zoe Davies 1 4051 1944 6 978 14051 1944 3 Introduction to Horse Biology Zoe Davies 1 4051 2162 9 978 14051 2162 0 Horse Business Management Third Edition Jeremy Houghton Brown 0 632 05826 9 978 0632 05826 6
Truman State University Press Time, Space, and Women’s Lives in Early Modern Europe
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Marine Ecological Field Methods: A Guide for Marine Biologists and Fisheries Scientists
A comprehensive, clear, and detailed guide to procedures for conducting marine ecological field studies Marine Ecological Field Methods is a comprehensive resource that offers the most relevant sampling methodologies for quantitative and qualitative studies of mesopelagic, demersal, littoral, and soft-bottom organisms, as well as relevant physical parameters. The authors describe how various sampling gears work, how to operate them, their limitations, guides on sorting and measuring collected organisms, and how to deal with subsamples of large catches. The text also explains how to use acoustic equipment for monitoring aggregations of organisms, for example fish shoals, as well as the use of sensors for registering environmental variables such as salinity, temperature, oxygen, and light. The text contains cutting-edge research techniques that are in their final stages of development for use in research surveys. Marine Ecological Field Methods is designed to help with the entire procedure for conducting a field study, including the generation of hypotheses, planning field collection of data, conducting field work, data exploration and statistical analysis with the use of R, and presentation of results in a final report. This essential resource: Covers a wide range of techniques and methods for the marine environment Includes tried and trusted methodologies and techniques from a team of noted experts in the field Contains information on sampling equipment ranging from those that are useful in the littoral zone to shallow nearshore areas, including bottles, secchi discs, and gillnets, and finally large trawls, benthic sleds, ROV and advanced technologies for remote sensing in the open ocean. Explores the step-by-step procedures for conducting a field study, from formulating hypotheses to the process of registering and reporting results Written for students and professionals in the field, this vital resource describes marine ecological sampling equipment, methods and analysis, ranging from physical parameters to fish, microalgae, zooplankton, benthos and macroalgae.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Suggestibility in Legal Contexts: Psychological Research and Forensic Implications
A comprehensive survey of the theory, research and forensic implications related to suggestibility in legal contexts that includes the latest research. Provides a useful digest for academics and a trusted text for students of forensic and applied psychology A vital resource for legal practitioners who need to familiarize themselves with the subject Includes practical suggestions for minimizing witness suggestibility in interviews Features topics that focus on suggestibility at each stage - from witnessing a crime through to trial
Sir John Soane's Museum Soane Medal Lecture 2023
French architecture practice Lacaton & Vassal are the recipients of the Soane Medal 2023 and delivered the sixth Soane Medal Lecture at a ceremony at Sir John Soane's Museum. This publication is the latest in a series marking the annual award. The Soane Medal was established by Sir John Soane’s Museum in 2017 and continues the mission of the Museum’s founder, the celebrated Regency architect Sir John Soane, to encourage a better understanding of the central importance of architecture in culture and society. The Medal recognises architects, educators and critics who have made a major contribution to their field through practice, history or theory. Previous recipients of the Soane Medal are Rafael Moneo, Denise Scott Brown, Kenneth Frampton, Marina Tabassum and Peter Barber.
Emerald Publishing Limited Uncertainty and Strategic Decision Making
The study of management and organization has transitioned from approaches to deal with steady state management, to approaches that can cope with unknown or unknowable futures. The strategy field has has moved from business policy, through strategic planning, onto strategic management and now grapples with dynamic contexts as the new normal. In that trend the field has seen a broad movement in research interests in corporate and competitive strategies towards an emphasis on the manager’s strategic role. Through this shift, strategy has moved from a concept of something organizations have towards something that managers do. This has happened while traditional boundaries of industries have become permeable and even melted away. Managers tasked with doing strategy have lost not just the certainty of a goal-oriented future, but also the certainty of understanding their current position. Decision-making tools have now moved from answer generators to scenario builders. When decisions can rely less on evidence and certainty, it is managers that take up the slack and fill the void. This book focuses on the challenge of making strategic decisions in conditions of uncertainty.
University of Pennsylvania Press Frontiers of Jewish Scholarship: Expanding Origins, Transcending Borders
The birth of modern Jewish studies can be traced to the nineteenth-century emergence of the Wissenschaft des Judentums, a movement to promote a scholarly approach to the study of Judaism and Jewish culture. Frontiers of Jewish Scholarship offers a collection of essays examining how Wissenschaft extended beyond its original German intellectual contexts and was transformed into a diverse, global field. From the early expansion of the new scholarly approaches into Jewish publications across Europe to their translation and reinterpretation in the twentieth century, the studies included here collectively trace a path through largely neglected subject matter, newly recognized as deserving attention. Beginning with an introduction that surveys the field's German origins, fortunes, and contexts, the volume goes on to document dimensions of the growth of Wissenschaft des Judentums elsewhere in Europe and throughout the world. Some of the contributions turn to literary and semantic issues, while others reveal the penetration of Jewish studies into new national contexts that include Hungary, Italy, and even India. Individual essays explore how the United States, along with Israel, emerged as a main center for Jewish historical scholarship and how critical Jewish scholarship began to accommodate Zionist ideology originating in Eastern Europe and eventually Marxist ideology, primarily in the Soviet Union. Finally, the focus of the volume moves on to the land of Israel, focusing on the reception of Orientalism and Jewish scholarly contacts with Yemenite and native Muslim intellectuals. Taken together, the contributors to the volume offer new material and fresh approaches that rethink the relationship of Jewish studies to the larger enterprise of critical scholarship while highlighting its relevance to the history of humanistic inquiry worldwide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Shopper Marketing and the Role of In-Store Marketing
This volume of Review of Marketing Research (RMR) focuses on Shopper Marketing and the Role of In-Store Marketing. The chapters draw from academic research as well as collaborations with major retailers and industry practitioners. Over the past several decades there has been research into how marketing actions influence how shoppers respond to offers. Yet, with the ever-shifting landscape due to influences such as mobile devices, the internet, and social media, there is an increasing need to understand how marketing actions influence shoppers in their path to purchase. Although there are many path to purchase points which are important to understand, this edition of RMR is devoted to the topic of in-store marketing actions to understand their impact on shopper reactions to offers. The chapters highlight new technologies (e.g., mobile, digital displays) and information aids (e.g., nutrition scores, floor signage) being used by leading retailers to influence the path to purchase. In addition, new research technologies (e.g., eye-tracking, heat maps, in-store experiments) and models that are being used to assess the effectiveness of the path to purchase tactics are discussed.
Springer Why Knowing What To Do Is Not Enough: A Realistic Perspective on Self-Reliance
This open access book sets out to explain the reasons for the gap between “knowing” and “doing” in view of self-reliance, which is more and more often expected of citizens. In today’s society, people are expected to take responsibility for their own lives and be self-reliant. This is no easy feat. They must be on constant high alert in areas of life such as health, work and personal finances and, if things threaten to go awry, take appropriate action without further ado. What does this mean for public policy? Policymakers tend to assume that the government only needs to provide people with clear information and that, once properly informed, they will automatically do the right thing. However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that things do not work like that. Even though people know perfectly well what they ought to do, they often behave differently. Why is this? This book sets out to explain the reasons for the gap between ‘knowing’ and ‘doing’. It focuses on the role of non-cognitive capacities, such as setting goals, taking action, persevering and coping with setbacks, and shows how these capacities are undermined by adverse circumstances. By taking the latest psychological insights fully into account, this book presents a more realist perspective on self-reliance, and shows government officials how to design rules and institutions that allow for the natural limitations in people’s ‘capacity to act’.
Houghton Mifflin Adventures of the Greek Heroes
York Medieval Press Texts and the Repression of Medieval Heresy
Historiographical survey of inquisition texts, from lists of questions to inquisitor's manual, studies their role in the suppression of heresy. Did you see a heretic? When? Where? Who else was there?'. The inquisitor is questioning, and a suspect is replying; a notary is translating from the vernacular into Latin, and writing it down, abbreviating and omitting at will; later there is the reading out of a sentence in public and then, in a few cases, burning. At every stage there is a text: a list of questions, for example, or an inquisitor's how-to-do it manual. The substance and intention of these texts forms the subject of this book. The introduction brings them all together in an historiographical survey of the role of texts in the suppression of heresy, and the volume is crowned by the Quodlibet lecture, in which the doyen of all heresy historians, ALEXANDER PATSCHOVSKY, magisterially surveys the political nature of heresy accusations. Contributors: MARK PEGG, PETER BILLER, CATERINA BRUSCHI, JAMES GIVEN, JOHN ARNOLD, JESSALYN BIRD, ANNE HUDSON, ALEXANDER PATSCHOVSKY.
Duke University Press Feminists Confront State Violence
Temple University Press,U.S. Ethnographies of Youth and Temporality: Time Objectified
As we experience and manipulate time—be it as boredom or impatience—it becomes an object: something materialized and social, something that affects perception, or something that may motivate reconsideration and change. The editors and contributors to this important new book, Ethnographies of Youth and Temporality, have provided a diverse collection of ethnographic studies and theoretical explorations of youth experiencing time in a variety of contemporary socio-cultural settings. The essays in this volume focus on time as an external and often troubling factor in young people’s lives, and shows how emotional unrest and violence but also creativity and hope are responses to troubling times. The chapters discuss notions of time and its and its “objectification” in diverse locales including the Georgian Republic, Brazil, Denmark and Uganda. Based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork, the essays in Ethnographies of Youth and Temporality use youth as a prism to understand time and its subjective experience. In the series Global Youth, edited by Craig Jeffrey and Jane Dyson
Random House USA Inc How You Can Survive When They're Depressed: Living and Coping with Depression Fallout
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Pathways Human Resource Management
Wiley Pathways Human Resource Management walks readers through the steps involved in managing the most important component of a company - its employees. The skills-based approach covers everything from designing a new position and the interview process to administering benefits and managing workplace safety so students will be able to apply their knowledge in a professional setting.
Kogan Page Ltd Neuromarketing in Action: How to Talk and Sell to the Brain
Neuromarketing in Action provides an in-depth review of how the brain functions and the ways in which it unconsciously influences consumer behaviour. It shows both the scientific frameworks and the practical applications of this increasingly popular marketing tool. Referencing many global brands such as Aston Martin, Hermes, Virgin, Facebook, Ralph Lauren and Fuji, the authors, whose background covers both neuroscience and marketing, showcase the latest thinking on brain function and intelligence, and on the subconscious influences on consumer behaviour. Neuromarketing in Action then examines the ways in which marketing efficiency can be improved through the satisfaction of the customer's senses, emotions, memory and conscience and looks at the impact on current marketing activities such as selling methods, sensory marketing and product modification, and on future strategies like value innovation, sensory brands, increased interaction with social networks and permission marketing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advancing Methodological Thought and Practice
Research Methodology in Strategy and Management advances understanding of the methods used to study organizations – including managers, strategies, and how firms succeed. This volume explores cutting-edge methodological approaches to the study of organizations, managers, and strategy, and offers ‘how to’ guides for applying these approaches. It also includes retrospective accounts by Joe Hair and John van Maanen, of the key methodological contributions they have made throughout their careers. This is an informative book for all academics and researchers working in the fields of management, strategy, international business, entrepreneurship and organization theory.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Women, the Book, and the Worldly: Selected Proceedings of the St Hilda's Conference, Oxford, Volume II
Studies of women's roles in the secular literary world, as patrons, authors, readers, and characters in secular literature. This second volume of proceedings from the `Women and the Book' conference, held at St Hilda's College, Oxford in 1993, brings together fifteen papers dealing with women's experience in the secular literary world. It covers the whole variety of roles women might take, as patrons, authors, readers, and characters in secular literature; encompassed in its range are well-known characters, real and fictional, such as Christine de Pisan and the Wife of Bath, and the more obscure but no less fascinating topic of women in Chinese medieval court poetry. Like its predecessor Women, the Book, and the Godly(Brewer, 1995), this volume illuminates the world of medieval women with carefulscholarship and attention to sources, producing new readings and new materials which shed fresh light on an increasingly important field of study. Contributors: PATRICIA SKINNER, PHILIP E. BENNETT, JENNIFER GOODMAN, CHARITY CANNON-WILLARD, BENJAMIN SEMPLE, ANNE BIRRELL, JEANETTE BEER, MARK BALFOUR, CAROL HARVEY, HEATHER ARDEN, KAREN JAMBECK, JULIA BOFFEY, JENNIFER SUMMIT, MARGARITA STOCKER