Search results for ""Author Jean""
Barbour Publishing The Bible Memory Plan and Devotional for Men: 365 Readings for Morning and Evening
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Readings in Infancy
‘Nobody knows how to write’. Thus opens this carefully nuanced and accessible collection of essays by one of the most important writer-philosophers of the 20th century, Jean-François Lyotard (1924-1998). First published in French in 1991 as Lectures d'enfance, these essays have never been printed as a collection in English. In them, Lyotard investigates his idea of infantia, or the infancy of thought that resists all forms of development, either human or technological. Each essay responds to works by writers and thinkers who are central to cultural modernism, such as James Joyce, Franz Kafka, Hannah Arendt, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Sigmund Freud. This volume – with a new introduction and afterword by Robert Harvey and Kiff Bamford – contextualises Lyotard’s thought and demonstrates his continued relevance today.
WW Norton & Co Cane: A Norton Critical Edition
Originally published in 1923, Jean Toomer’s Cane remains an innovative literary work—part drama, party poetry, part fiction. This revised Norton Critical Edition builds upon the First Edition (1988), which was edited by the late Darwin T. Turner, a pioneering scholar in the field of African American studies. The Second Edition begins with the editors’ introduction, a major work of scholarship that places Toomer within the context of American Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance. The introduction provides groundbreaking biographical information on Toomer and examines his complex, contradictory racial position as well as his own pioneering views on race. Illustrative materials include government documents containing contradictory information on Toomer’s race, several photographs of Toomer, and a map of Sparta, Georgia—the inspiration for the first and third parts of Cane. The edition reprints the 1923 foreword to Cane by Toomer’s friend Waldo Frank, which helped introduce Toomer to a small but influential readership. Revised and expanded explanatory annotations are also included. “Backgrounds and Sources” collects a wealth of autobiographical writing that illuminates important phases in Jean Toomer’s intellectual life, including a central chapter from The Wayward and the Seeking and Toomer’s essay on teaching the philosophy of Russian psychologist and mystic Georges I. Gurdjieff, “Why I Entered the Gurdjieff Work.” The volume also reprints thirty of Toomer’s letters from 1919–30, the height of his literary career, to correspondents including Waldo Frank, Sherwood Anderson, Claude McKay, Horace Liveright, Georgia O’Keeffe, and James Weldon Johnson. An unusually rich “Criticism” section demonstrates deep and abiding interest in Cane. Five contemporary reviews—including those by Robert Littell and W. E. B. Du Bois and Alain Locke—suggest its initial reception. From the wealth of scholarly commentary on Cane, the editors have chosen twenty-one major interpretations spanning eight decades including those by Langston Hughes, Robert Bone, Darwin T. Turner, Charles T. Davis, Alice Walker, Gayl Jones, Barbara Foley, Mark Whalan, and Nellie Y. McKay. A Chronology, new to the Second Edition, and an updated Selected Bibliography are also included.
Brepols N.V. Writing Royal Entries in Early Modern Europe
Classiques Garnier Le Songe de Madame Helisenne
Classiques Garnier Roman Mystique, Mystiques Romanesques
Interlink Books A Summer Without Dawn: An Armenian Epic
The Catholic University of America Press The Bible on the Question of Homosexuality
The Bible on the Question of Homosexuality addresses the hotly debated topic of whether the Bible condemns homosexuality by a close reading of the biblical texts without taboo or prejudice, without personal or church interpretation. The authors--three Christian exegetes, two Catholic and one Protestant--are interested in discovering what the Bible says about homosexuality. They take seriously the world from which the biblical text emerges, and discuss the hermeneutical challenges raised by scripture. They deal with the full range of issues raised by homosexuality in the Bible including Jesus' own sexual orientation and his relationship with the Beloved Disciple. Their conclusions are modest though their comprehensive overview is significant. Innocent Himbaza begins the work by looking at the entire range of Old Testament texts and examining the often-cited discussions of homosexuality: Sodom and Gomorrah, the outrage at Gibeah (Judges 19), the relationship between Jonathan and David, and the relationship between Saul and David. Next Adrien Schenker addresses the question: Why did the Law of Moses forbid homosexual relations (Leviticus 18 and 20)? Schenker also examines such issues as the death penalty for those caught in homosexual relationships within the proper historical context and the significance of these Levitical passages within the perspective of biblical theology. ,p>The third and final section of the book looks at homosexuality within the New Testament. Jean-Baptiste Edart first examines the Pauline texts (1 Corinthians 6 and 1Timothy 1; Romans 1). He then examines Jesus and the healing of the centurion's slave in Luke 7, Jesus' relationship with the Beloved Disciple, Jesus' attitude toward homosexual acts, and finally the commandment of love. Though many books are available on the topic of homosexuality and the Bible, most advance a particular ideology. This book, while not a moral treatise on homosexuality, intends only to clarify, without a predetermined interpretation, what the Bible actually says on the subject.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Superacid Chemistry
The chemistry of superacids has developed in the last two decades into a field of growing interest and importance. Now available in a new expanded second edition, this definitive work on superacids offers a comprehensive review of superacids and discusses the development of new superacid systems and applications of superacids in the promotion of unusual reactions. Covering Bronsted and Leurs superacids, solid superacids, carbocations, heterocations, and catalyzed reactions, this timely volume is invaluable to professionals, faculty, and graduate students in organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry.
American Meteorological Society Verner Suomi – The Life and Work of the Founder of Satellite Meteorology
As the space age got underway in the wake of Sputnik, one of the earliest areas of science to take advantage of the new observational opportunities it afforded was the study of climate and weather. This book tells the story of Finnish-American educator, inventor, and scientist Verner Suomi, who, in those early days of space science, brought his pragmatic engineering skills to bear on finding ways to use our new access to space to put observational instruments into orbit. In 1959, Suomi’s work resulted in the launching of Explorer VII, a satellite that measured the earth’s radiation budget, a major step in our ability to understand and forecast weather. Drawing on personal letters and oral histories, the book presents a rounded picture of the man who launched the field of satellite meteorology—in the process changing forever the way we understand and interact with the weather around us.
Little, Brown & Company AgeProof: Living Longer Without Running Out of Money or Breaking a Hip
All the money in the world doesn't mean a thing if we can't get out of bed. And the healthiest body in the world won't stay that way if we're frazzled about five figures worth of debt. TODAY Show financial expert Jean Chatzky and the Cleveland Clinic's chief wellness officer Dr. Michael Roizen explain the vital connection between health and wealth--giving readers all the tactics, strategies, and know-how to live longer, healthier, more lucrative lives.The same principles that allow us to achieve a better body will allow us to do the same for our investment portfolio. For instance, physical and financial stability comes down to the same equation: Inflow versus outflow. Do we burn more calories than we ingest? Likewise, are we making more money than we spend? The authors detail scientific ways to improve our behavior so that the answers tilt in the readers' favor. They also offer ways to beat the system by automating how we do things and limiting our decisions in the face of too much food or too much debt. Chatzky and Roizen provide a plan for both financial independence and biological strength with action steps to get you there.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Purchasing: Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry
Purchasing: Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry, 9th Edition is a learning-centered text that includes several pedagogical enhancements to help students quickly acquire and retain important information. It is written for those who will be involved with some phase of purchasing throughout their hospitality careers. This text covers product information as well as management of the purchasing function, and how this relates to a successful operation. It also acts as a comprehensive reference guide to the selection and procurement functions within the hospitality industry. Purchasing: Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry is the comprehensive and up-to-date hospitality purchasing text available today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc People Analytics in the Era of Big Data: Changing the Way You Attract, Acquire, Develop, and Retain Talent
Apply predictive analytics throughout all stages of workforce management People Analytics in the Era of Big Data provides a blueprint for leveraging your talent pool through the use of data analytics. Written by the Global Vice President of Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics at Monster Worldwide, this book is packed full of actionable insights to help you source, recruit, acquire, engage, retain, promote, and manage the exceptional talent your organization needs. With a unique approach that applies analytics to every stage of the hiring process and the entire workforce planning and management cycle, this informative guide provides the key perspective that brings analytics into HR in a truly useful way. You're already inundated with disparate employee data, so why not mine that data for insights that add value to your organization and strengthen your workforce? This book presents a practical framework for real-world talent analytics, backed by groundbreaking examples of workforce analytics in action across the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Leverage predictive analytics throughout the hiring process Utilize analytics techniques for more effective workforce management Learn how people analytics benefits organizations of all sizes in various industries Integrate analytics into HR practices seamlessly and thoroughly Corporate executives need fact-based insights into what will happen with their talent. Who should you hire? Who should you promote? Who are the top or bottom performers, and why? Who is at risk to quit, and why? Analytics can provide these answers, and give you insights based on quantifiable data instead of gut feeling and subjective assessment. People Analytics in the Era of Big Data is the essential guide to optimizing your workforce with the tools already at your disposal.
WW Norton & Co Cane
First published in 1923, Jean Toomer’s Cane is an innovative literary work—part drama, part poetry, part fiction—powerfully evoking black life in the South. Rich in imagery, Toomer’s impressionistic, sometimes surrealistic sketches of Southern rural and urban life are permeated by visions of smoke, sugarcane, dusk, and fire; the northern world is pictured as a harsher reality of asphalt streets. This iconic work of American literature is published with a new afterword by Rudolph Byrd of Emory University and Henry Louis Gates Jr. of Harvard University, who provide groundbreaking biographical information on Toomer, place his writing within the context of American modernism and the Harlem Renaissance, and examine his shifting claims about his own race and his pioneering critique of race as a scientific or biological concept.
Edinburgh University Press My Quest for the Middle Ages
In this fascinating book, which takes the form of a series of edited interviews with noted journalist Jean-Maurice de Montremy, Jacques Le Goff offers us a synthesis of his work. In the course of these conversations he explains how he came to write his books and how an overall view of the civilisation of the Middle Ages gradually emerged; a civilisation which shaped 'western' culture both for better and for worse. Each conversation touches upon one of the major themes of his work and the book as a whole presents the reader with a fascinating attempt to recover, define, and understand the Middle Ages.
Princeton University Press Dark Matter Credit: The Development of Peer-to-Peer Lending and Banking in France
How a vast network of shadow credit financed European growth long before the advent of bankingPrevailing wisdom dictates that, without banks, countries would be mired in poverty. Yet somehow much of Europe managed to grow rich long before the diffusion of banks. Dark Matter Credit draws on centuries of cleverly collected loan data from France to reveal how credit abounded well before banks opened their doors. This incisive book shows how a vast system of shadow credit enabled nearly a third of French families to borrow in 1740, and by 1840 funded as much mortgage debt as the American banking system of the 1950s.Dark Matter Credit traces how this extensive private network outcompeted banks and thrived prior to World War I—not just in France but in Britain, Germany, and the United States—until killed off by government intervention after 1918. Overturning common assumptions about banks and economic growth, the book paints a revealing picture of an until-now hidden market of thousands of peer-to-peer loans made possible by a network of brokers who matched lenders with borrowers and certified the borrowers’ creditworthiness.A major work of scholarship, Dark Matter Credit challenges widespread misperceptions about French economic history, such as the notion that banks proliferated slowly, and the idea that financial innovation was hobbled by French law. By documenting how intermediaries in the shadow credit market devised effective financial instruments, this compelling book provides new insights into how countries can develop and thrive today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits: FPGA, ASIC and Embedded Systems
A new approach to the study of arithmetic circuits In Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits: FPGA, ASIC and Embedded Systems, the authors take a novel approach of presenting methods and examples for the synthesis of arithmetic circuits that better reflects the needs of today's computer system designers and engineers. Unlike other publications that limit discussion to arithmetic units for general-purpose computers, this text features a practical focus on embedded systems. Following an introductory chapter, the publication is divided into two parts. The first part, Mathematical Aspects and Algorithms, includes mathematical background, number representation, addition and subtraction, multiplication, division, other arithmetic operations, and operations in finite fields. The second part, Synthesis of Arithmetic Circuits, includes hardware platforms, general principles of synthesis, adders and subtractors, multipliers, dividers, and other arithmetic primitives. In addition, the publication distinguishes itself with: * A separate treatment of algorithms and circuits-a more useful presentation for both software and hardware implementations * Complete executable and synthesizable VHDL models available on the book's companion Web site, allowing readers to generate synthesizable descriptions * Proposed FPGA implementation examples, namely synthesizable low-level VHDL models for the Spartan II and Virtex families * Two chapters dedicated to finite field operations This publication is a must-have resource for students in computer science and embedded system designers, engineers, and researchers in the field of hardware and software computer system design and development. An Instructor Support FTP site is available from the Wiley editorial department.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 750 French Verbs and Their Uses
Essential grammar taught simply and directly. 750 French Verbs and Their Uses gives you the backbone of language study -- correct verb usage -- by showing verb conjugations in their contexts. To understand the value of such an approach, consider the English verb "to hold," the meaning of which can change dramatically when used in expressions such as "hold on," "hold up," "hold off," and "hold down"; in French, as students of the language have perennially learned to their frustration, the changes are far broader and apply to many more verbs. Now you won't have to guess how a verb is used in a sentence: 750 French Verbs and Their Uses gives you all the correct variations and grammatical interrelationships. Correct usages are illustrated in common phrases and idiomatic expressions. Unusual or troublesome expressions are emphasized throughout. And special attention is given to reflexive verbs (often difficult for English speakers) to make their usage clear. Perfect for students and travelers, ideal as a text, a grammar book and a reference, 750 French Verbs and Their Uses will help you not only to conjugate verbs, but also to use them correctly and comprehensibly. Series Editors: Jan R. Zamir, PhD, and Sonia Zamir, MA Also available in the series: 750 German Verbs and Their Uses and 750 Spanish Verbs and Their Uses.
The University of Chicago Press Black Women in America: Social Science Perspectives
Emphasizing work that "frees our imaginations and allows us to conceive new theories, new language, and new questions," the collection seeks to establish the nature of Afro-American women's experiences while providing a theoretical framework for Black feminist thought. In essays that explore the intersection of work and family, socio-historical literature and critiques, and the relation of Black women to community life, contributors to this volume document Afro-American social and personal struggles and strategies. Individual essays examine family roles, job satisfaction, economic status, and women's traditions in the church. An eloquent introduction to the development of Black feminist thought, Black Women in America encourages the discussion of broader issues, such as the treatment of cultural diversity in American higher education.
The University of Chicago Press Africa and the Disciplines: The Contributions of Research in Africa to the Social Sciences and Humanities
African Studies, contrary to some accounts, is not a separate continent in the world of American higher education. Its intellectual borders touch those of economics, literature, history, philosophy and art; its history is the story of the world, both ancient and modern. This is the clear conclusion of "Africa and the Disciplines", a book that addresses the question: Why should Africa be studied in the American university? This question was put to distinguished scholars in the social sciences and humanities, prominent Africanists who are also leaders in their various disciplines. Their responses make a strong case for the importance of research on Africa to the academy. Paul Collier's essay, for example, shows how studies of African economies have clarified our understanding of the small open economies, and contributed to the theory of repressed inflation and to a number of areas in microeconomics as well. Art historian Suzanne Blier uses the terms and concepts that her discipline has applied to Africa to analyze the habits of mind and social practice of her own field. Christopher I. Miller describes the confounding and enriching impact of Africa on European and American literary theory. Political scientist Richard Sklar outlines Africa's contributions to the study of political modernization, pluralism, and rational choice. These essays, together with others from scholars in history, anthropology, philosophy, and comparative literature, attest to the influence of African research throughout the curriculum. Contributors are Paul Collier, Sally Falk Moore, Richard L. Sklar, Steven Feierman, Susan Blier, Christopher L. Miller, and Kwame Anthony Appiah, in addition to the editors.
American University in Cairo Press The Luxor Obelisk and Its Voyage to Paris
The extraordinary story of how an obelisk from the banks of Luxor was transferred to the Place de la Concorde in Paris in the early 19th century Transporting the Luxor obelisk from Egypt to Paris was one of the great engineering triumphs of the early nineteenth century. No obelisk this size (two hundred and fifty tons) had left Egypt in nearly two thousand years, and the task of bringing it fell to a young engineer, Apollinaire Lebas, a man of extraordinary resolve and ability. His is a tale of adventure, excitement, and drama, but one hardly known to the English-speaking world. Lebas’ team was struck by the plague; they ran out of wood; they had to wait four months for the Nile to rise to free their beached ship. But in the end, The Luxor, with its precious cargo on board, sailed down the Nile. On October 25, 1836 before two hundred thousand cheering Parisians, Lebas raised his obelisk. He was rewarded handsomely by his king, a medal with his name on it was struck, and his body lies in the famous Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris along with French luminaries. Now this first-ever translation of Lebas’s account, including digitally enhanced copies of his beautiful drawings, makes his remarkable story available to a wide audience.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A History of Rome
Spanning 1,300 years, this popular history of Rome has been thoroughly revised and updated, reinforcing its stature as an indispensable resource on the history and enduring influence of one of the world's greatest empires. New format: two-color text throughout; new pedagogical features, such as glossary terms in margins; chronological tables and genealogies are made clearer for student use Includes revised text throughout, updated guides to further reading, and new sources for Roman history Expands coverage of the late Republic period Retains its emphasis on the importance of multi-disciplinary interpretations of literary sources and new archaeological evidence
Palgrave Macmillan Report on the State of the European Union
The Report on the State of the European Union examines the progress of European integration and focuses on economic aspects of the process. Thissecond volume in the series explores the four crises of contemporary Europe, those of growth, trust, inequalities and unity.
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia From Theology to Theological Thinking
Jean-Yves Lacoste resets our understanding of Western Christian thought, contending that a new way of thinking that is at once philosophical and theological will be the lasting discourse of Christianity.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Khirbet Qumrân et Aïn Feshkha: Fouilles du P. Roland de Vaux: Novum Testamentum Et Orbis Antiquus
Text in English & French. For 60 years Qumran research has been focused on epigraphy, exegesis, and the historical sources of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The manuscripts are now published and accessible, and research is turning in a positive way to the archaeology of the site and its context. The time has come to provide researchers with a complete documentation. The excavator, Roland de Vaux, had given preliminary reports and a valuable interpretation made in the immediate aftermath of the excavations. Since considerable progress has been made in the archeology of Hellenistic and Roman Palestine, however, Qumran has to be reassessed and the interpretation objectively verified. Volume IIIA presents an up-to-date archaeological reconsideration: a shorter and more precise chronology, in which the earthquake of 31 BC is deleted; the concept of an Essene community is challenged, owing to the lack of a suitable infrastructure; the cemetery itself is connected with a Jewish diaspora scattered around the Dead Sea. Other facilities strengthen the Jewish character of the site, however. The function of Qumran fits better with the rites of a pilgrimage on the occasion of the festivals of Passover and Pentecost. In the second part, the peripheral Essene facilities, expanded around an earlier Hellenistic center, are analyzed and described. The essay seeks to outline their internal consistency and to determine their function. The restoration of a stratigraphy, by cross-checking the excavation archives, leads to a redistribution of pottery in four levels in a more precise chronology.m The reconsideration makes use of anthropology, which opens up the archaeological field and throws additional light on the manuscripts.
Classiques Garnier La Faula
Rowman & Littlefield Civil Society, Democracy, and Civic Renewal
Civil society is receiving renewed attention from academics, politicians, journalists, community leaders, and participants in the voluntary sector. Civil Society, Democracy, and Civic Renewal brings together several of America’s leading scholars—of history, sociology, political science, and philosophy—to explore the meaning of civil society, its positive and negative effects, its relation to government, and its contribution to democracy. The chapters range widely, taking up the connection between social trust and civic renewal, the role of citizen councils in environmental decisionmaking, the growth of self-help groups and their impact on community, historical patterns of civic activity by women and African Americans, and the place of expertise in public deliberation on scientific and medical issues. By examining the many disparate views of the civil society debate, this important volume will contribute to the process of civic renewal.
Penguin Books Ltd Selected Fables
Jean de la Fontaine (1621-95) freely plundered the works of Aesop, Phaedrus, Bidpai and others to transform the world's great fables into charming poems of astonishing originality, wit and verve. Here he depicts lions, frogs, donkeys, rats, insects, birds and wily foxes in situations that reveal the quirks, follies and frailties he observed in humankind. Sins of pride, greed and vanity come under humorous attack - a cunning fox tricks a crow out of his dinner, an arrogant hare loses a race to a steady tortoise, a merry cicada who sings all summer finds herself hungry in winter, and the goddess Juno scolds a peacock who covets a nightingale's song. But faith in human nature can also be found in poems such as those in which a wolf is saved from choking by a helpful stork, demonstrating an engaging belief in the possibilities of redemption.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Behavior of Organic Matrix Composites: Effect of Thermo-oxidative Ageing
The book focuses on the effect of ageing (thermo-oxidation, humid ageing) on the mechanical properties of organic matrix composite materials, covering: Bibliographic issues and a detailed state-of-the-art; phenomenological and experimental issues; modelling issues and models parameter identification; illustration and interpretation of experimental tests and proposal for novel test design in the light of the model predictions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Exploring the Entrepreneurial Society: Institutions, Behaviors and Outcomes
Entrepreneurship is the engine of economic development, which in turn impacts the challenges facing future entrepreneurs. Understanding the development of a vivid entrepreneurial society requires attention to several interacting factors, as well as expected transversal policies provided by ministries and administrations as a whole. This timely book explores institutional, behavioral and policy issues of primary importance to seizing the entrepreneurial society. Exploring the Entrepreneurial Society collects original work from renowned scholars involved in entrepreneurship research, with theoretical and empirical contributions anchored in economics, management and sociology. The chapters are structured in five distinct parts: entrepreneurship in relation to formal and informal institutions; entrepreneurial choice, orientation and success; entrepreneurial behaviors; entrepreneurial finance, growth and economic crises; and entrepreneurship, social dimensions and outcomes. By examining themes at the forefront of research interest, this book will appeal to scholars, as well as MA and PhD students, in entrepreneurship, business administration and economics. Policy makers will also be able to apply the results in a more practical context.Contributors include: E. Akola, S. Allegrezza, L. Ben Aoun-Peltier, A. Aragón Sánchez, J.H. Block, D. Bögenhold, J. Bonnet, D. Carré, G. de Wit, M. Dejardin, A. Dubrocard, N. Esteban-Lloret, F. Facchini, U. Fachinger, A. Frankus, D. Garcia Perez de Lema, P. Giordani, G. Maldonado-Guzman, J. Heinonen, G. Hernández-Cánovas, A. Jacquemin, F. Janssen, S. Larue, N. Le Pape, N. Levratto, X. Li, M. del C. Martinez Serna, H. Okamuro, E. Papaoikonomou, M.C. Ramón-Llorens, A. Risselada, U. Rizzo, A. Rubio Bañon, V. Schutjens, P. Segarra, Subandono, M. Teruel Carrizosa, L. Tessier, A. van Stel, I. Verheul, N. Vi Dung, Ph, S.G. Walter
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Alternatives to Blood Transfusion in Transfusion Medicine
Meeting the needs of patients while minimizing blood transfusions requires special expertise, precise monitoring and innovative techniques. This cutting-edge resource covers all the important clinical aspects of transfusion medicine in diverse clinical settings, with a special emphasis on alternatives to transfusion. Edited by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a transfusion specialist, an anesthesiologist and an intensive care specialist this book is endorsed by the Network for Advancement of Transfusion Alternatives. The contributors review the appropriate use of fluids and of blood products, and describe the latest treatment options available to decrease the need for allogeneic blood products including: Argon beam Cell saver Harmonic scalpel Normovolemic haemodilution Synthetic erythropoietin Antifibrinolytics Recombinant factor VIIa Advanced monitoring of hemostasis Intravenous iron The new edition is a key reference source for all those involved in the practice of blood management and conservation.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Age of Apology: Facing Up to the Past
In a turnabout of the cynical belief that might makes right, nations now see fit to issue apologies to peoples and countries they have wronged. We live in an age that seeks to establish political truth, perhaps best exemplified by the creation of truth commissions in societies seeking to emerge from dictatorial pasts. The most noteworthy result of these efforts has been the near-universal realization that a society will not be able successfully to pass into the future until it somehow deals with the horrors of its past. A number of Western states and institutions have sought to come to terms with their relationships to non-Western states and peoples. Powerful actors and institutions are apologizing to the relatively powerless. What do these apologies mean? Are they an indication of a new international order, either politically or as they relate to international law? Or are these apologies fleeting and insignificant? In The Age of Apology twenty-two law, politics, and human rights scholars explore the legal, political, social, historical, moral, religious, and anthropological aspects of Western apologies in an attempt to answer these questions. Conversely, a nonapology might be as important to study, and several chapters discuss the absence or refusal of apology and how this might be interpreted.
The University of Chicago Press Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages
Focusing on medieval women with a wide range of occupations and life-styles, the interdisciplinary essays in this collection examine women's activities within the patriarchal structures of the time. Individual essays explore women's challenges to a sexual ideology that confined them strictly to the roles of wives, mothers, and servants. Also included are sections on women and work, cultural production and literacy, and religious life. These essays provide a greater understanding of the ways in which gender has played a part in determining relations of power in Western cultures. This volume makes a vital contribution to the current scholarship about women in the Middle Ages.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Dermatology Essentials
Edited by world authorities Drs. Jean L. Bolognia, Julie V. Schaffer, Karynne O. Duncan, and Christine J. Ko, Dermatology Essentials, 2nd Edition, provides the fast answers you need on every important aspect of dermatology and guidance on their application in your day-to-day practice. Derived from the renowned authoritative reference work Dermatology, 4th Edition, this on-the-go reference distills the essential information needed to quickly diagnose and manage a wide range of dermatologic disorders-without the need for any additional resources. It's an ideal reference for family medicine and internal medicine physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other health care professionals who diagnose, treat, and refer patients with dermatological conditions. Features a highly user-friendly, "easy-in-easy-out" format and a wealth of tables and schematics for instant visual comprehension. Helps you visualize more of the conditions you see in practice with over 1,800 typical clinical images, illustrations, and line drawings. Includes numerous practical tables, intuitive artworks, and logical algorithms to help you avoid diagnostic pitfalls. Expedites decision making with easily recognizable DDx and Rx sections that provide rapid, direct reference to current guidance and treatment recommendations. Downloadable worksheets are also available. Features unique introductory chapters that cover the basic principles of dermatology, bedside diagnostics, and clinical approach to a fever and rash-extremely helpful information for the beginner. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
MP-NCA Uni of North Carolina Why You Cant Teach United States History without American Indians
A resource for all who teach and study history, this book illuminates the unmistakable centrality of American Indian history to the full sweep of American history. The nineteen essays gathered in this collaboratively produced volume reflect the newest directions of the field and are organised to follow the chronological arc of the standard American history survey.
Springer International Publishing AG Pyomo — Optimization Modeling in Python
This book provides a complete and comprehensive guide to Pyomo (Python Optimization Modeling Objects) for beginning and advanced modelers, including students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, academic researchers, and practitioners. Using many examples to illustrate the different techniques useful for formulating models, this text beautifully elucidates the breadth of modeling capabilities that are supported by Pyomo and its handling of complex real-world applications. This second edition provides an expanded presentation of Pyomo’s modeling capabilities, providing a broader description of the software that will enable the user to develop and optimize models. Introductory chapters have been revised to extend tutorials; chapters that discuss advanced features now include the new functionalities added to Pyomo since the first edition including generalized disjunctive programming, mathematical programming with equilibrium constraints, and bilevel programming.Pyomo is an open source software package for formulating and solving large-scale optimization problems. The software extends the modeling approach supported by modern AML (Algebraic Modeling Language) tools. Pyomo is a flexible, extensible, and portable AML that is embedded in Python, a full-featured scripting language. Python is a powerful and dynamic programming language that has a very clear, readable syntax and intuitive object orientation. Pyomo includes Python classes for defining sparse sets, parameters, and variables, which can be used to formulate algebraic expressions that define objectives and constraints. Moreover, Pyomo can be used from a command-line interface and within Python's interactive command environment, which makes it easy to create Pyomo models, apply a variety of optimizers, and examine solutions.
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres. Tome VIII: Poesies Politiques, Satiriques, Poemata, Poesies de Constant d'Aubigne
Heyday Books Life in a California Mission: Monterey in 1786
On the afternoon of September 14, 1786, two French ships appeared off the coast of Monterey, the first foreign vessels to visit Spain's California colonies. Aboard was a party of eminent scientists, navigators, cartographers, illustrators, and physicians. For the next ten days the commander of this expedition, Jean François de La Pérouse, took detailed notes on the life and character of the area: its abundant wildlife, the labors of soldiers and monks, and the customs of Indians recently drawn into the mission. These observations provide a startling portrait of California two centuries ago.
Rowman & Littlefield Civil Society, Democracy, and Civic Renewal
Civil society is receiving renewed attention from academics, politicians, journalists, community leaders, and participants in the voluntary sector. Civil Society, Democracy, and Civic Renewal brings together several of AmericaOs leading scholars_of history, sociology, political science, and philosophy_to explore the meaning of civil society, its positive and negative effects, its relation to government, and its contribution to democracy. The chapters range widely, taking up the connection between social trust and civic renewal, the role of citizen councils in environmental decisionmaking, the growth of self-help groups and their impact on community, historical patterns of civic activity by women and African Americans, and the place of expertise in public deliberation on scientific and medical issues. By examining the many disparate views of the civil society debate, this important volume will contribute to the process of civic renewal.
Rowman & Littlefield Finding a New Feminism: Rethinking the Woman Question for Liberal Democracy
This collection of original essays by prominent scholars of political theory contends that contemporary ideas of feminism have reached a theoretical impasse because they are unable to reconcile tensions between principles such as equality and difference. Finding A New Feminism places modern concepts of feminism within the historical context of political thought and uses feminism as a lens through which to examine the strengths and weaknesses of liberal democracy, both in practice and in theory. By reconsidering classic works of literature, philosophy, and political theory, the authors identify certain deficiencies of liberal democracy but do not call for its complete abandonment. Instead, they present a new theory of feminism that fosters the reconciliation of conflicting and competing principles, as well as the private and public realms of women's lives. This is compulsory reading for students and scholars of political and feminist theory.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Climate Adaptation Futures
Adaptation is the poor cousin of the climate change challenge - the glamour of international debate is around global mitigation agreements, while the bottom-up activities of adaptation, carried out in community halls and local government offices, are often overlooked. Yet, as international forums fail to deliver reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, the world is realising that effective adaptation will be essential across all sectors to deal with the unavoidable impacts of climate change. The need to understand how to adapt effectively, and to develop appropriate adaptation options and actions, is becoming increasingly urgent. This book reports the current state of knowledge on climate change adaptation, and seeks to expose and debate key issues in adaptation research and practice. It is framed around a number of critical areas of adaptation theory and practice, including: Advances in adaptation thinking, Enabling frameworks and policy for adaptation, Engaging and communicating with practitioners, Key challenges in adaptation and development, Management of natural systems and agriculture under climate change, Ensuring water security under a changing climate, Urban infrastructure and livelihoods, and The nexus between extremes, disaster management and adaptation. It includes contributions from many of the leading thinkers and practitioners in adaptation today. The book is based on key contributions from the First International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation ‘Climate Adaptation Futures’, held on the Gold Coast, Australia, in June 2010. That three-day meeting of over 1000 researchers and practitioners in adaptation from 50 countries was the first of its kind. Readership: The book is essential reading for a wide range of individuals involved in climate change adaptation, including: Researchers, Communication specialists, Decision-makers and policy makers (e.g. government staff, local council staff), On-ground adaptation practitioners (e.g. aid agencies, government workers, NGOs), Postgraduate and graduate students, and Consultants.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Syncope Cases
This book presents a unique collection of clinical cases to help combat the difficulty of diagnosis and treatment of Syncope. Medical professionals using this book are provided with a reference to a large array of succinctly described and illustrated clinical scenarios. Each case is presented with the results of appropriate tests and critical comments about the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment according to guidelines. Syncope is considered a difficult diagnostic and treatment problem for all who work in the field. Regardless of your prior knowledge, you will find the case studies easy to digest, enlightening, and immediately pertinent to improving the care patients – giving you confidence in your diagnosis and your advice. The editors have developed a lively and easy-to-read book with a focused expert editorial commentary, offering the reader a broader and easily understood context for each case, as well as key citations from the literature. Syncope Cases is a valuable contribution to your collection; edited by seven prominent authorities on the management of syncope from four countries, with more than 130 contributors, this book provides a unique additional step in the fostering of a better understanding of the many factors that can cause syncope, with the ultimate goal of facilitating the delivery of more precise and cost-effective care for syncope patients. It is a contribution that should be widely read, and one that offers the possibility of distinctly enhancing medical care of the syncope patient.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Political Writings from Alienation and Freedom
Frantz Fanon’s political impact is difficult to overestimate. His anti-colonialist, philosophical and revolutionary writings were among the most influential of the 20th century. The essays, articles and notes published in this volume cover the most politically active period of his life and encapsulate the breadth, depth and urgency of his writings. In particular, they clarify and amplify his much-debated views on violent resistance. These works provide new complexity to our understanding of Fanon and reveal just how relevant his thinking is to the contemporary world and how important his ideas are to changing it.
University of Nebraska Press Extraordinary Anthropology: Transformations in the Field
What happens when anthropologists lose themselves during fieldwork while attempting to understand divergent cultures? When they stray from rigorous agendas and are forced to confront radically unexpected or unexplained experiences? In Extraordinary Anthropology leading ethnographers from across the globe discuss the importance of the deeply personal and emotionally volatile “ecstatic” side of fieldwork. Anthropologists who have worked in communities in Central America, North America, Australia, Africa, and Asia share their intimate experiences of tranformations in the field through details of significant dreams, haunting visions, and their own conflicting emotional tensions. Their experiences demonstrate the necessary fluidity of research agendas, the value of going beyond an accepted (and safe) cultural and academic vantage point, and the inevitability of wrestling with tension and unhappiness when faced with irreconcilable cultural and psychological dichotomies. The contributors explore ways in which conventional research methods can be adapted to creatively engage the intellectual, ethical, and practical dimensions of these dislocations and capitalize on them. Unsettling and revealing, Extraordinary Anthropology will spark debate and reflection among anthropologists for years to come.