Search results for ""Author Jean""
Usborne Publishing Ltd Christmas Snap
A fun festive card game for the whole family to enjoy. Contains 26 pairs of cards featuring vibrant illustrations of festive objects such as snowmen, reindeer, and stockings to match and win the game. A great way for young children to develop word and picture matching skills.
Yale University Press M. Pablo’s Holidays: Picasso in Antibes Juan-les-Pins, 1920–1946
Picasso began to spend his summer holidays in Antibes Juan-les-Pins in 1920, returning most summers to the Côte d’Azur until the outbreak of war. During those years, he produced paintings and drawings of the villas where he stayed with his family, as well as of bathers on the beach, and many studies for paintings that were ultimately realized in his studio back in Paris. He returned again after the war and showed his affinity for the region in compositions that reflect its classical and mythological past.M. Pablo’s Holidays accompanies an exhibition of the same name at the Musée Picasso in Antibes, and is composed of seven essays by authoritative writers on the artist. The essays are enhanced by six thematic sections that present the exhibited works.Distributed for Éditions Hazan, ParisExhibition Schedule:Musée Picasso, Antibes (09/28/18–01/15/19)
The University of Chicago Press To Live Is to Resist: The Life of Antonio Gramsci
This in-depth biography of Italian intellectual Antonio Gramsci casts new light on his life and writing, emphasizing his unflagging spirit, even in the many years he spent in prison. One of the most influential political thinkers of the twentieth century, Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937) has left an indelible mark on philosophy and critical theory. His innovative work on history, society, power, and the state has influenced several generations of readers and political activists, and even shaped important developments in postcolonial thought. But Gramsci’s thinking is scattered across the thousands of notebook pages he wrote while he was imprisoned by Italy’s fascist government from 1926 until shortly before his death. To guide readers through Gramsci’s life and works, historian Jean-Yves Frétigné offers To Live Is to Resist, an accessible, compelling, and deeply researched portrait of an extraordinary figure. Throughout the book, Frétigné emphasizes Gramsci’s quiet heroism and his unwavering commitment to political practice and resistance. Most powerfully, he shows how Gramsci never surrendered, even in conditions that stripped him of all power—except, of course, the power to think.
Verso Books The Shock of the Anthropocene: The Earth, History and Us
The Earth has entered a new epoch: the Anthropocene. What we are facing is not only an environmental crisis, but a geological revolution of human origin. In two centuries, our planet has tipped into a state unknown for millions of years.How did we get to this point? Refuting the convenient view of a "human species" that upset the Earth system, unaware of what it was doing, this book proposes the first critical history of the Anthropocene, shaking up many accepted ideas: about our supposedly recent "environmental awareness," about previous challenges to industrialism, about the manufacture of ignorance and consumerism, about so-called energy transitions, as well as about the role of the military in environmental destruction. In a dialogue between science and history, The Shock of the Anthropocene dissects a new theoretical buzzword and explores paths for living and acting politically in this rapidly developing geological epoch
Autonomedia Lost Dimension
Image Comics Outpost Zero Volume 3
Welcome back to the smallest town in the universe! Deep in the Outpost, Alea and Sam make a new friend who knows a lot more than they do, and finally get to ask the questions that have been building since Steven's death... hopefully their friendship can survive the answers.Collects OUTPOST ZERO #10-14.
MIT Press Ltd German Philosophy: A Dialogue
Penguin Books Ltd The Centurions
When The Centurions was first published in 1960, readers were riveted by the thrilling account of soldiers fighting for survival in hostile environments. They were equally transfixed by the chilling moral question the novel posed: how to fight when the "age of heroics is over."As relevant today as it was half a century ago,The Centurions is a gripping military adventure, an extended symposium on waging war in a new global order, and an essential investigation of the ethics of counterinsurgency. Featuring a foreword by renowned military expert Robert D. Kaplan, this important wartime novel will again spark debate about controversial tactics in hot spots around the world.
Penguin Books Ltd Of The Social Contract and Other Political Writings
'Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains.' These are the famous opening words of a treatise that has stirred vigorous debate ever since its first publication in 1762. Rejecting the view that anyone has a natural right to wield authority over others, Rousseau argues instead for a pact, or 'social contract', that should exist between all the citizens of a state and that should be the source of sovereign power. From this fundamental premise, he goes on to consider issues of liberty and law, freedom and justice, arriving at a view of society that has seemed to some a blueprint for totalitarianism, to others a declaration of democratic principles.Translated by Quintin HoareWith a new introduction by Christopher Bertram
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes. Tome V: Oeuvres Politiques Et Pedagogiques: Voeux d'Un Solitaire Et Textes Peripheriques
Classiques Garnier Bulletin de la Societe Internationale Des Amis de Montaigne
Classiques Garnier L'Oeuvre de Jean Bodin
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes
Baraka Books Tatouine
It's a long way from a basement apartment in a Montreal suburb to a new life on a fictional planet, but that's the destination our unnamed narrator has set his sights on, bringing readers with him on an off-beat and often hilarious journey.Along the way, he writes poems, buys groceries at the dollar store, and earns minimum wage at a dead-end supermarket job. But not to worry - he is John McClane, he is the ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi (with a bacteria he's never heard of), he is Justin Timberlake... Meryl Streep... a grumpy George Clooney...In between treatments for his cystic fibrosis and the constant drip-drip-drip of disappointment, he dreams of a new life on Tatouine, where he'll play Super Mario Bros and make sand angels all day. But in the meantime, he'll have to make do with daydreams. Daydreams of normality, daydreams of surreal little catastrophes, daydreams of a better life. On Tatouine.
Picture Window Books No Hay Nada Más Chistoso Que Leer Con un Oso
Random House USA Inc The Social Contract and The Discourses: Introduction by Alan Ryan
Dover Publications Inc. Masterpieces of Solo Piano: Baroque Era
Guilford Publications Inclusive Instruction: Evidence-Based Practices for Teaching Students with Disabilities
This accessible book presents research-based strategies for supporting K-8 students with high-incidence disabilities to become accomplished learners. The authors clearly describe the core components of effective inclusive instruction, showing how to recognize and respond to individual students' needs quickly and appropriately. Teachers are provided with essential tools for managing inclusive classrooms; planning a curriculum that fosters concept development across content areas, promotes strategic learning, and builds fluent skill use; and integrating technology into instruction. Case examples illustrate ways that special and general education teachers can work together successfully to solve complex learning problems and improve outcomes for students who are struggling.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Plays from Alienation and Freedom
Prior to becoming a psychiatrist, Frantz Fanon wanted to be a playwright and his interest in dialogue, dramatisation and metaphor continued throughout his writing and career. His passion for theatre developed during the years that he was studying medicine, and in 1949 he wrote the plays The Drowning Eye (L’Œil se noie), and Parallel Hands (Les Mains parallèles). This first English translation of the works gives us a Fanon at his most lyrical, experimental and provocative.
University of Nebraska Press A Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri: The Journal and Description of Jean-Baptiste Truteau, 1794–1796
2018 Dwight L. Smith (ABC-CLIO) Award from the Western History AssociationA Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri offers the first annotated scholarly edition of Jean-Baptiste Truteau’s journal of his voyage on the Missouri River in the central and northern Plains from 1794 to 1796 and of his description of the upper Missouri. This fully modern and magisterial edition of this essential journal surpasses all previous editions in assisting scholars and general readers in understanding Truteau’s travels and encounters with the numerous Native peoples of the region, including the Arikaras, Cheyennes, Lakotas-Dakotas-Nakotas, Omahas, and Pawnees. Truteau’s writings constitute the very foundation to our understanding of the late eighteenth-century fur trade in the region immediately preceding the expedition of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. An unparalleled primary source for its descriptions of Native American tribal customs, beliefs, rituals, material culture, and physical appearances, A Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri will be a classic among scholars, students, and general readers alike. Along with this new translation by Mildred Mott Wedel, Raymond J. DeMallie, and Robert Vézina, which includes facing French-English pages, the editors shed new light on Truteau’s description of the upper Missouri and acknowledge his journal as the foremost account of Native peoples and the fur trade during the eighteenth century. Vézina’s essay on the language used and his glossary of voyageur French also provide unique insight into the language of an educated French Canadian fur trader.
The University of Chicago Press Truth and Existence
Truth and Existence, written in response to Martin Heidegger's Essence of Truth, is a product of the years when Sartre was reaching full stature as a philosopher, novelist, playwright, essayist, and political activist. This concise and engaging text not only presents Sartre's ontology of truth but also addresses the key moral questions of freedom, action, and bad faith. Truth and Existence is introduced by an extended biographical, historical, and analytical essay by Ronald Aronson. "Truth and Existence is another important element in the recently published links between Sartre's existentialist ontology and his later ethical, political, and literary concerns...The excellent introduction by Aronson will help readers not experienced in reading Sartre."--Choice "Accompanied by an excellent introduction, this dense, lucidly translated treatise reveals Sartre as a characteristically 20th-century figure."--Publishers Weekly
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Promoting Public Mental Health and Well-being: Principles into Practice
What causes a person to flourish or languish? Or to be well or ill? How can the mental health and well-being of society as a whole, and individuals, be promoted and enhanced? This book explores the social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors that affect mental health and well-being on a societal and individual level, and how prevention and intervention can enhance mental health. Taking a holistic approach to mental health, the book sets out effective strategies, from creating a supportive environment to building personal skills. Three extended case studies demonstrate how principles can be applied in practice in different situations: a specific social problem (suicide); a population group (young Black and minority ethnic groups); and a medically defined problem (people with long term conditions).The book is a vital resource for strategic planners (including commissioners) working to promote mental health and wellbeing at a population level, as well as operational services delivering to specific individuals and groups. It addresses the role of generic service providers as well as being essential reading for mental health and public health students.
Pallas Athene Publishers Hogarth on High Life: The Marriage a La Mode Series from Georg Cristoph Lichtenberg's Commentaries
Marriage a la Mode is the most famous of William Hogarth's 'progresses' or series paintings, the story of a marriage de convenance and its unhappy consequences in fashionable 18th-century London. Contemporaries relished teasing out the meaning of all its rich detail, and the most extensive and popular of all the commentaries on the artist's accomplishment: was that of the witty, many-sided German, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Brilliantly translated, thoroughly annotated, this text is accompanied by the earlier and less-known commentary by Hogarth's friend, the French-Swiss enameller Jean-Andre Rouquet, and by a selection of Lichtenberg's remarks (in letters to friends) on his purposes and problems in interpreting Hogarth's work. Included also is another and very rare 'explanation' of the plates, an anonymous 1746 pamphlet titled Marriage A-la-Mode-An Humorous Tale, in Six Cantos. A foreword on Lichtenberg, and an historical essay on Hogarth's work by Mr. Coley, supply necessary background on artist and commentary. Of Hogarth's greatness there is little that need be said. But it is worth noting that, of his several 'progresses' or 'modern moral subjects', only Marriage a la Mode centres on the upper levels of British society - the aristocracy and the mercantile class.
Plural Publishing Inc Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States
A contemporary and vibrant Deaf culture is found within Deaf communities, including Deaf Persons of Color and those who are DeafDisabled and DeafBlind. Taking a more people-centered view, the second edition of Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States critically examines how Deaf culture fits into education, psychology, cultural studies, technology, and the arts. With the acknowledgment of signed languages all over the world as bona fide languages, the perception of Deaf people has evolved into the recognition and acceptance of a vibrant Deaf culture centered around the use of signed languages and the communities of Deaf peoples. Written by Deaf and hearing authors with extensive teaching experience and immersion in Deaf cultures and signed languages, Deaf Culture fills a niche as an introductory textbook that is more inclusive, accessible, and straightforward for those beginning their studies of the Deaf-World. New to the Second Edition • A new co-author, Topher González Ávila, MA • Two new chapters! o Chapter 7 “Deaf Communities within the Deaf Community” highlights the complex variations within this community o Chapter 10 “Deaf People and the Legal System: Education, Employment, and Criminal Justice” underscores linguistic and access rights • The remaining chapters have been significantly updated to reflect current trends and new information, such as: o Advances in technology created by Deaf people that influence and enhance their lives within various national and international societies o Greater emphasis on different perspectives within Deaf culture o Information about legal issues and recent political action by Deaf people o New information on how Deaf people are making breakthroughs in the entertainment industry o Addition of new vignettes, examples, pictures, and perspectives to enhance content interest for readers and facilitate instructor teaching. o Introduction of theories explained in a practical and reader-friendly manner to ensure understanding o An updated introduction to potential opportunities for professional and informal involvement in ASL/Deaf culture with children, youth, and adults Key Features • Strong focus on including different communities within Deaf cultures • Thought-provoking questions, illustrative vignettes, and examples • Theories introduced and explained in a practical and reader-friendly manner • PluralPlus companion website with a test bank and digital slides/presentations for instructors
Five Continents Editions Pont-Aven School: Cradle of the Modern Sensibility
Pont-Aven has lent its name to one of the most famous schools of painting in modern art and is now automatically associated with Paul Gauguin and Émile Bernard. In 1888, in this Breton village in southern Finistère, the two painters set about inventing the features of a completely new style of painting: Synthetism. Breaking with academic orthodoxy and heavily influenced by Japanese prints, they introduced novel aesthetic principles distinguished especially by a belief in simple forms and the use of colour applied in large patches edged by a dark line. This approach further distanced itself from the art that preceded it in its taste for matt tones and the rejection of traditional perspective. This new book reveals to a wider public the important collection that Alexandre Mouradian amassed in only a few years. The collection reflects its creator's great passion for the artists of the Pont-Aven group, as well as others in Brittany and beyond who embraced the new ideas of Bernard and Gauguin without ever losing their individuality. Whether in painting or printmaking, each of these was able to move beyond the imitation of observed reality to express the deepest aspect of his personality: his emotions. The works selected by the collector eloquently show the international reach of what was not strictly speaking a school, in the full sense of the term. Since the private Paris academies were closed during the summer, artists from all over Europe went to Pont-Aven and Le Pouldu to seek inspiration and 'to dare' like Gauguin. Written contributions by Jean-Marie Rouart of the French Academy and the author and art historian Adrien Goetz, are supported by detailed notes on the works by the museum curator Estelle Guille des Buttes, providing invaluable insights into this exceptional collection.
Barbour Publishing The Bible Memory Plan and Devotional for Men: 365 Readings for Morning and Evening
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Readings in Infancy
‘Nobody knows how to write’. Thus opens this carefully nuanced and accessible collection of essays by one of the most important writer-philosophers of the 20th century, Jean-François Lyotard (1924-1998). First published in French in 1991 as Lectures d'enfance, these essays have never been printed as a collection in English. In them, Lyotard investigates his idea of infantia, or the infancy of thought that resists all forms of development, either human or technological. Each essay responds to works by writers and thinkers who are central to cultural modernism, such as James Joyce, Franz Kafka, Hannah Arendt, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Sigmund Freud. This volume – with a new introduction and afterword by Robert Harvey and Kiff Bamford – contextualises Lyotard’s thought and demonstrates his continued relevance today.
WW Norton & Co Cane: A Norton Critical Edition
Originally published in 1923, Jean Toomer’s Cane remains an innovative literary work—part drama, party poetry, part fiction. This revised Norton Critical Edition builds upon the First Edition (1988), which was edited by the late Darwin T. Turner, a pioneering scholar in the field of African American studies. The Second Edition begins with the editors’ introduction, a major work of scholarship that places Toomer within the context of American Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance. The introduction provides groundbreaking biographical information on Toomer and examines his complex, contradictory racial position as well as his own pioneering views on race. Illustrative materials include government documents containing contradictory information on Toomer’s race, several photographs of Toomer, and a map of Sparta, Georgia—the inspiration for the first and third parts of Cane. The edition reprints the 1923 foreword to Cane by Toomer’s friend Waldo Frank, which helped introduce Toomer to a small but influential readership. Revised and expanded explanatory annotations are also included. “Backgrounds and Sources” collects a wealth of autobiographical writing that illuminates important phases in Jean Toomer’s intellectual life, including a central chapter from The Wayward and the Seeking and Toomer’s essay on teaching the philosophy of Russian psychologist and mystic Georges I. Gurdjieff, “Why I Entered the Gurdjieff Work.” The volume also reprints thirty of Toomer’s letters from 1919–30, the height of his literary career, to correspondents including Waldo Frank, Sherwood Anderson, Claude McKay, Horace Liveright, Georgia O’Keeffe, and James Weldon Johnson. An unusually rich “Criticism” section demonstrates deep and abiding interest in Cane. Five contemporary reviews—including those by Robert Littell and W. E. B. Du Bois and Alain Locke—suggest its initial reception. From the wealth of scholarly commentary on Cane, the editors have chosen twenty-one major interpretations spanning eight decades including those by Langston Hughes, Robert Bone, Darwin T. Turner, Charles T. Davis, Alice Walker, Gayl Jones, Barbara Foley, Mark Whalan, and Nellie Y. McKay. A Chronology, new to the Second Edition, and an updated Selected Bibliography are also included.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Catholic Dogmatic Theology A Synthesis Book 1 On the Trinitarian Mystery of God
Every discipline, including theology, requires a synthetic overview of its acquisitions and open questions, a kind of ""topography"" to guide the new student and refresh the gaze of specialists. In his Synthese dogmatique, Fr. Jean-Herve Nicolas, OP (1910-2001) presents just such a map of Thomistic theology.
Logos Verlag Berlin Le Rocher Des Aures Et l'Age Du Bronze Autour de la Lance
RM Verlag SL Horta Picasso Miro Mont-Roig
Picasso and Miró revolutionized modern art in the early 20th century. Although trained in Barcelona, it was in Paris where both were consecrated as artists. Having said that, their painting and art have their roots in two unique places in southern Catalonia: Horta de Sant Joan and Mont-Roig del Camp. French photographer Jean Marie Del Moral, son of Spanish exiles during the Civil War, has never ceased to be fascinated by the work and figures of Picasso and Miró. A connoisseur of the places where both geniuses were inspired and worked, he affirms that in Horta and Mont-Roig, Picasso and Miró found nature and popular culture in its primitive state. Del Moral believes that both artists, although they painted differently, shared the same ideas about creation, art, life and nature. Hence, he believes that the roots of their art are alike and that the similarities between the Horta and Mont-Roig landscapes are very revealing. Through his lyrical and intimate photography, Del Moral creates an imaginary dialogue between the landscapes and places that inspired Picasso and Miró. He has a perceptive and poetic gaze, heir to that of the great masters of Catalan photography such as Joaquim Gomis and Francesc Català Roca and reminding us also of Paul Strand or Edward Weston images. Jean Marie Del Moral discovers a new Picasso and a new Miró, still original and unique but close in essence.
Editions Flammarion A Day at Château de Vaux le Vicomte
An insider’s tour of the magnificent seventeenthcentury castle and gardens, conceived by Le Vau, Le Brun, and Le Nôtre, that inspired the great châteaux of Europe. Vaux-le-Vicomte’s rich history began in 1641, when infamous Finance Minister Nicolas Fouquet bought the estate and enlisted architect Louis Le Vau, decorator Charles le Brun, and garden designer André Le Nôtre to transform it into a lavish residence. His extravagance piqued Louis XIV’s jealousy, and he was thrown into prison for mishandling funds. The château inspired the design of Versailles, and was later home to the great chef Vatel, who famously died for his art. This volume traces the château’s history from the seventeenth-century through the Belle Époque, World War I, and its public opening in 1968. Exclusive photography and archival documents offer unprecedented access to the château, furnishings, and gardens, and illuminate the extraordinary secrets of court life and centuries of celebrations that include the enchanting candlelit tours held today.
Everyman Fables
Seventeenth-century Frenchman Jean de La Fontaine happily plundered Aesop and other classical writers as a source for his witty, elegant fables, as well as inventing a number of his own. Seeking to expose the weaknesses of human nature, he offered vivid perspectives on greed and flattery, envy and avarice, love and friendship, old age and death. The sixty fables collected here – from 'The Crow and the Fox' and 'The Cock and the Pearl' to 'The Grasshopper and the Ant' and 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse' – are illustrated with more than a hundred drawings by R. de La Nezière which which charmingly capture La Fontaine’s unforgettable cast of animal personalities.
City Lights Books The Tribe
Between 1952 and 1954, Jean-Michel Mension haunted Saint-Germain-des-Pres as a member of the legendary Letterist International, direct progenitor of the Situationist International. In a series of conversations, Mension recounts this very particular vie de boheme whiled away with Guy Debord and a rogue's gallery of hard drinkers and thinkers. The Tribe is a rare, vivid tour of a moment and milieu barely noticed at the time by the tourists who flocked to the Left Bank for a glimpse of Sartre & Co. The rich iconography includes many of Ed van der Elsken's celebrated photographs of "the tribe" and a trove of Letterist leaflets and posters. A rare, vivid tour of a moment and milieu barely noticed at the time by the tourists flocking to Saint-Germain for a glimpse of Sartre & Co. "The Tribe relates the Parisian wanderings of a heterogeneous group of individuals who cultivated laziness and revolt, alcohol and talk, drift and chance, creative hopes and encounters quest of a Rimbaldian derangement of all the senses, of detournement of art and daily life in the defiance of order, by vandalism, by deliquency, but also by an altogether contemporary quest for a supersession of Marxism." -Le Monde libertaire "In his oral memoir The Tribe, Jean-Michel Mension provides a useful context for [Guy] Debord's particular estrangement from postwar modernity. Mension reveals a multicultural dimension that is rarely explored in the burgeoning literature on this group ..." -McKenzie Wark, Bookforum "Mension, who began submitting writing to the Letterist journal at 18, recounts life in this fascinating, emphatically improvident, quasi-anarchist subculture, delivering vivid anecdotes and a still-fresh scoff-law sensibility." -Publishers Weekly Jean-Michel Mension (1934 - 2006) misspent his youth in Saint-Germain-des-Pres in the early 1950s before joining the Communist Party in 1962 and the Ligue Communiste in 1968. The Tribe is Mension's first book; he published his second in 2001: Le Temps gage: aventures politiques et artistique d'un irregulier a Paris.
American Society of Overseas Research The Archaeological Survey of the Desert Roads between Berenike and the Nile Valley: Expeditions by the University of Michigan and the University of Delaware to the Eastern Desert of Egypt, 1987-2015
The publication of the Eastern Desert Roads Surveys brings together the research of two survey projects, the Michigan-Assiut Koptos-Eastern Desert Project and the University of Delaware-Leiden University Eastern Desert Surveys. From 1987 to 2001 and intermittently thereafter until 2015, these two survey teams worked independently to explore and document the archaeological remains along the routes connecting the Nile Valley cities of Koptos (modern Qift) and Apollinopolis Magna (modern Edfu) to the Red Sea port city of Berenike in Egypt. The result of these surveys was the documentation of seventy discrete archaeological sites ranging in date from the late Dynastic to the Late Roman periods, with many sites demonstrating long-term, multi-period occupation. The survey also recorded road sections, route marking cairns and graves/cemeteries. This monograph brings together and integrates the discoveries of both teams, presenting a coherent analysis of the extensive surveys and the materials documented by each. Emphasis is placed on the physical setting of each site, its material remains--including preserved architecture, pottery and other surface finds--and relevant textual evidence, such as inscriptions, ostraka and related historical texts. A single chapter in gazetteer form is devoted to the sites themselves (excluding mines and quarries, which form a separate chapter), while other chapters present the geology of the region and ancient mines and quarries, which made use of the road network, the pottery evidence by phase, and specialist studies. An Introductory chapter offers historical and disciplinary context for the surveys and their subjects, tying the Berenike-Nile roads surveys into the corpus of archaeological surveys in Egypt and the wider Mediterranean world.
Peeters Publishers Ecritures Et Reecritures. La Reprise Interpretative Des Traditions Fondatrices Par La Litterature Biblique Et Extra-biblique: Cinquieme Colloque International Du RRENAB, Universites De Geneve Et Lausanne, 10-12 Juin 2010
La maniere dont la litterature biblique et extra-biblique se construit a travers la reception et la reinterpretation de textes et de traditions consideres comme fondateurs et investis d'une autorite est au cour de ce volume. Cette problematique est abordee de maniere a mettre en dialogue les lectures synchroniques et diachroniques des textes. Il s'agit d'une part de s'interroger sur les techniques litteraires qui permettent de construire et analyser une reference intertextuelle dans les recits des deux testaments et de la litterature extra-biblique; cela implique d'evaluer l'impact narratif de ces reprises intertextuelles sur la conduite de l'intrigue et la caracterisation des personnages, ainsi que leurs effets possibles sur le lecteur. Il s'agit d'autre part d'examiner la relation entre reception, autorite textuelle et processus de formation canonique; en effet, les textes bibliques qui se construisent par reference a d'autres textes affirment le caractere autorise et fondateur de ces sources, tout en les reinterpretant de maniere parfois radicale. Selon cette perspective, c'est cette relation dialectique entre ces traditions fondatrices et leurs reprises qu'il s'agit de mieux comprendre, en tenant compte non seulement des ecrits bibliques mais egalement de la litterature extra-biblique juive et chretienne.
Logos Verlag Berlin Katholischer Religionsunterricht in Europa: Unterschiedliche Kontexte, Ein Gemeinsames Ziel?
JRP Ringier Denis Savary
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Philosophie Arabe a l'Etude / Studying Arabic Philosophy: Sens, Limites Et Defis d'Une Discipline Moderne Meaning, Limits and Challenges of a Modern Discipline
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Ecrits Sur l'Idealisme
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin L'Ame Et Le Corps
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin L'Individu
Classiques Garnier Economie Appliquee 2021 - 2
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes. Tome XII: Pandora - Promenades Et Souvenirs
Classiques Garnier Entreprise Et Responsabilite Sociale En Questions: Savoirs Et Controverses
Les Belles Lettres Prolegomenes a la Philosophie de Platon