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Taylor & Francis Ltd Public Relations, Society and the Generative Power of History
Public Relations, Society and the Generative Power of History examines how histories are used to explore how the past is constructed from the present, how the present is always historical, and how both past and present can power imagined futures.Divided into three distinct parts, the book uses historical inquiry as a springboard for engaging with interdisciplinary, critical and complex issues in the past and present. Part I examines the history of corporate PR, the centrality of the corporation in PR scholarship and the possibility of resisting corporate hegemony through PR efforts. The theme of Part II is ‘Historicising gender, ethnicity and diversity in PR work,’ focusing on how gendered and racialised identities have been constructed and resisted both within the profession and through the result of its work. Part III engages with ‘Histories of public relations in the political sphere,’ bringing together work on the different ways in which public relations has evolved in changing political contexts, both formally as a function within political institutions and in the context of contributions to broader narratives of nationalism and identity.Featuring contributions from leading academics, this book challenges traditional PR historiography and contests the ‘lessons’ derived from existing literature to address the implications of key areas of critically engaged PR theory. This volume is a valuable teaching resource for upper-level undergraduates and postgraduates studying public relations, strategic communications, political communication and organisational communication.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Design for Life: Creating Meaning in a Distracted World
Stuart Walker’s design work has been described as life-changing, inspiring, disturbing and ferocious. Drawing on an extraordinarily diverse range of sources and informed by creative practice, Design for Life penetrates to the heart of modern culture and the malaise that underlies today’s moral and environmental crises. The author argues that this malaise is deep-seated and fundamental to the modern outlook. He shows how our preoccupation with technological progress, growth and the future has produced a constricted view of life – one that is both destructive and self-reinforcing. Based on over twenty-five years of scholarship and creative practice, he demonstrates the vital importance of solitude, contemplation, inner growth and the present moment in developing a different course – one that looks squarely at our current, precarious situation while offering a positive, hopeful way forward – a way that is compassionate, context-based, human scale, ethically motivated and critically creative.Design for Life is an intensely original contribution that will be essential reading for design practitioners and students. Written in a clear, accessible style, it will also appeal to a broader readership, especially anyone who is concerned with contemporary society’s rising inequalities and environmental failings and is looking for a more constructive, balanced and thoughtful direction.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Relearning to Teach: Understanding the Principles of Great Teaching
Relearning to Teach challenges the seemingly complex teaching profession and the various initiatives, strategies and ideas that are regularly suggested. It explores how teaching methods are used without a clear understanding of why, which leads to ineffective teaching that is believed to work – but ultimately doesn’t. Cutting through the clutter of conventional teacher guidance, David Fawcett tackles myths head on, sharing the latest research and explaining how this will look translated to a classroom environment.The book breaks down the complexities of teaching into manageable chunks and offers practical advice on how to take charge of your own CPD to become a more reflective and successful practitioner. Focusing on what’s most relevant and helpful to build effective teaching practice and self-improvement it raises key questions such as:• Is lesson planning just a box ticking exercise?• Why do students remember in lessons, but forget in tests?• Is asking more questions beneficial?• Is feedback actually worth it?Relearning to Teach is a must read for all teachers looking to pinpoint the why of teaching methods and to gain an understanding of the reasons why various pedagogies are used within the classroom.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Instrumental Analytical Chemistry: An Introduction
Analytical chemistry today is almost entirely instrumental analytical chemistry and it is performed by many scientists and engineers who are not chemists. Analytical instrumentation is crucial to research in molecular biology, medicine, geology, food science, materials science, and many other fields. With the growing sophistication of laboratory equipment, there is a danger that analytical instruments can be regarded as "black boxes" by those using them. The well-known phrase "garbage in, garbage out" holds true for analytical instrumentation as well as computers. This book serves to provide users of analytical instrumentation with an understanding of their instruments.This book is written to teach undergraduate students and those working in chemical fields outside analytical chemistry how contemporary analytical instrumentation works, as well as its uses and limitations. Mathematics is kept to a minimum. No background in calculus, physics, or physical chemistry is required. The major fields of modern instrumentation are covered, including applications of each type of instrumental technique.Each chapter includes: A discussion of the fundamental principles underlying each technique Detailed descriptions of the instrumentation. An extensive and up to date bibliography End of chapter problems Suggested experiments appropriate to the technique where relevant This text uniquely combines instrumental analysis with organic spectral interpretation (IR, NMR, and MS). It provides detailed coverage of sampling, sample handling, sample storage, and sample preparation. In addition, the authors have included many instrument manufacturers’ websites, which contain extensive resources.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology
Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology is a comprehensive introduction to the field. It covers theoretical and methodological foundations and examines the characteristics, epidemiology, etiology, developmental course, assessment, and treatment of disorders of childhood and adolescence. At the heart of the text is the partnership of the developmental psychopathology perspective, which analyzes problems of youth within a developmental context, and a traditional clinical/disorder approach, which underscores the symptoms, causes, and treatments of disorders. Woven throughout the text is the view that behavior stems from the continuous interaction of multiple influences, that the problems of the young are intricately tied to their social and cultural contexts, and that empirical approaches and the scientific method provide the best avenue for understanding the complexity of human behavior. This edition explores the latest areas of research and tackles important contemporary topics, including: how to best classify and diagnose problems the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework the roles of genetics and early brain development and their interaction with the environment the complex roles of family and peers; sex/gender; and culture, ethnicity, and race in psychopathology progress in early intervention and prevention improvements in accessibility and dissemination of evidence-based treatments social issues such as poverty, child maltreatment, substance use, bullying/victimization, and terrorism and war This edition also features a new full-color design and over 200 color figures, tables, and photos. The text is written in a clear and engaging style and is approachable for students with varying academic backgrounds and experiences. It is rich in case descriptions that allow students to examine problems through the lens of youth and their families. The "Accent" boxes foster discussion of current interest topics such as infant mental health, scientific evidence regarding vaccines and autism, suicidality in sexual minority youth, and the impact of stigmatization. The "Looking Forward" sections focus students’ attention on the central concepts to be addressed, while the "Looking Back" sections provide students with a synopsis of the chapter for further study and reflection. The text is also supplemented with online resources for students and instructors.
Taylor & Francis Ltd eMarketing: Digital Marketing Strategy
eMarketing, 9th edition, equips students with the solid foundation in digital marketing required to excel in practice and "think like a marketer".The book connects digital marketing topics with the traditional marketing framework, making it easier for students to grasp the concepts and strategies involved in developing a digital marketing plan. With a strategic approach that focuses on performance metrics and monitoring, it is a highly practical book. The 9th edition has been fully updated to include the most cutting-edge trends and topics, including SEO, Customer Experience, digital media consumption, Analytics, Big Data and AI, and Diversity and Ethics. Case studies and examples have been updated across the book to demonstrate marketing practice in real organisations globally. Pedagogical features support the theoretical foundation throughout, incorporating "success stories," "trend impact," and "let’s get technical" boxes, as well as activities at the end of each chapter, to aid students in their understanding of, and ability to execute, successful digital marketing strategies.Highly regarded and comprehensive, this textbook is core reading for undergraduate students studying Digital Marketing and Digital Business. Online resources include PowerPoint slides and a test bank.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Applied Design Research: A Mosaic of 22 Examples, Experiences and Interpretations Focussing on Bridging the Gap between Practice and Academics
Focuses on applied design research, a relatively new field of research which combines the fields of design and research Offers the experiences of 22 professors and provides a wide range of applications of applied design research Demonstrates how applied design research offers an inspiring and effective approach to combining the unique qualities of research (aimed at studying the present) and design (aimed at developing the future) Shows that the transdisciplinary approach this book includes is applicable across a number of sectors such as product design, architecture healthcare, urban planning, circular economy, as well as the food industry Arranged in five parts, the book is a mosaic of examples, experiences, and interpretations, giving different illustrative examples and describing different methods which makeup the characteristic of a mosaic in that each piece contributes to the whole, but none of the pieces contains all the information. Together they offer an excellent picture of applied design research, how it is implemented and what the reader can expect from it
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sleep Time: A 'Words Together' Storybook to Help Children Find Their Voices
Sleep Time, part of the ‘Words Together’ series, has been created to support children to understand and use two-word sentences.Using the pivot word ‘sleeping’, the simple story and repetitious structure provide an opportunity for the child to hear and experience the sentence structure in new ways. Bright and colourful illustrations provide rich opportunities for conversation and engagement.This storybook is an exciting resource for early years practitioners, parents, and those working with children at an early stage of speech and language development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Behaviour Blob Cards
Behaviour is always in the news. Sometimes we praise people for their endeavour, their heroism and their love. Generally we complain about people for their laziness, arrogance, pettiness and bad behaviour. The media are full of it and our daily conversation is filled with what our acquaintances or characters from the soaps are up to!Blob Behaviour is a set of cards which looks at how we all relate and provides the user with an opportunity to look at the whole range of human behaviour ...and understand one another through it!Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Helping Children Who Yearn for Someone They Love: A Guidebook
This is a guidebook to help children who: are missing someone too much or suffer from separation anxiety are obsessed with their absent parent yearn for a parent who: has died; seems unreachable, although is right there is loving one minute and indifferent, cold or abusive the next They yearn because they have been taken into care, fostered or adopted.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Meaning in Interaction: An Introduction to Pragmatics
Meaning in Interaction: An Introduction to Pragmatics is a comprehensive introductory text which discusses the development of pragmatics - its aims and methodology - and also introduces themes that are not generally covered in other texts.Jenny Thomas focuses on the dynamic nature of speaker meaning, considering the central roles of both speaker and hearer, and takes into account the social and psychological factors involved in the generation and interpretation of utterances. The book includes a detailed examination of the development of Pragmatics as a discipline, drawing attention to problems encountered in earlier work, and brings the reader up to date with recent discussion in the field. The book is written principally for students with no previous knowledge of pragmatics, and the basic concepts are covered in considerable detail. Theoretical and more complicated information is highlighted with examples that have been drawn from the media, fiction and real-life interaction, and makes the study more accessible to newcomers. It is an ideal introductory textbook for students of linguistics and for all who are interested in analysing problems in communication.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Routledge Handbook of Global Populism
This volume illustrates the diversity of populism globally. When seeking power, populists politicize issues, and point to problems that need to be addressed such as inequalities, the loss of national sovereignty to globalization, or the rule of unresponsive political elites. Yet their solutions tend to be problematic, simplistic, and in most instances, instead of leading to better forms of democracy, their outcomes are authoritarian. Populists use a playbook of concentrating power in the hands of the president, using the legal system instrumentally to punish critics, and attacking the media and civil society. Despite promising to empower the people, populists lead to processes of democratic erosion and even transform malfunctioning democracies into hybrid regimes.The Routledge Handbook of Global Populism provides instructors, students, and researchers with a thorough and systematic overview of the history and development of populism and analyzes the main debates. It is divided into sections on the theories of populism, on political and social theory and populism, on how populists politicize inequalities and differences, on the media and populism, on its ambiguous relationships with democratization and authoritarianism, and on the distinct regional manifestations of populism. Leading international academics from history, political science, media studies, and sociology map innovative ideas and areas of theoretical and empirical research to understand the phenomenon of global populism.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex
In Bodies That Matter, renowned theorist and philosopher Judith Butler argues that theories of gender need to return to the most material dimension of sex and sexuality: the body. Butler offers a brilliant reworking of the body, examining how the power of heterosexual hegemony forms the "matter" of bodies, sex, and gender. Butler argues that power operates to constrain sex from the start, delimiting what counts as a viable sex. She clarifies the notion of "performativity" introduced in Gender Trouble and via bold readings of Plato, Irigaray, Lacan, and Freud explores the meaning of a citational politics. She also draws on documentary and literature with compelling interpretations of the film Paris is Burning, Nella Larsen's Passing, and short stories by Willa Cather.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Gravity and Grace
Gravity and Grace was the first ever publication by the remarkable thinker and activist, Simone Weil. In it Gustave Thibon, the farmer to whom she had entrusted her notebooks before her untimely death, compiled in one remarkable volume a compendium of her writings that have become a source of spiritual guidance and wisdom for countless individuals. On the fiftieth anniversary of the first English edition - by Routledge & Kegan Paul in 1952 - this Routledge Classics edition offers English readers the complete text of this landmark work for the first time ever, by incorporating a specially commissioned translation of the controversial chapter on Israel. Also previously untranslated is Gustave Thibon's postscript of 1990, which reminds us how privileged we are to be able to read a work which offers each reader such 'light for the spirit and nourishment for the soul'. This is a book that no one with a serious interest in the spiritual life can afford to be without.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Modern Man in Search of a Soul is the perfect introduction to the theories and concepts of one of the most original and influential religious thinkers of the twentieth century. Lively and insightful, it covers all of his most significant themes, including man's need for a God and the mechanics of dream analysis. One of his most famous books, it perfectly captures the feelings of confusion that many sense today. Generation X might be a recent concept, but Jung spotted its forerunner over half a century ago. For anyone seeking meaning in today's world, Modern Man in Search of a Soul is a must.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Max Weber's best-known and most controversial work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, first published in 1904, remains to this day a powerful and fascinating read. Weber's highly accessible style is just one of many reasons for his continuing popularity. The book contends that the Protestant ethic made possible and encouraged the development of capitalism in the West. Widely considered as the most informed work ever written on the social effects of advanced capitalism, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism holds its own as one of the most significant books of the twentieth century. The book is one of those rare works of scholarship which no informed citizen can afford to ignore.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Madness and Civilization
In this classic account of madness, Michel Foucault shows once and for all why he is one of the most distinguished European philosophers since the end of World War II. Madness and Civilization,Foucault's first book and his finest accomplishment, will change the way in which you think about society. Evoking shock, pity and fascination, it might also make you question the way you think about yourself.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sovereign Excess, Legitimacy and Resistance
When talking about his film Salò, Pasolini claimed that nothing is more anarchic than power, because power does whatever it wants, and what power wants is totally arbitrary. And yet, upon examining the murderous capital of modern sovereignty, the fragility emerges of a power whose existence depends on its victims’ recognition. Like a prayer from God, the command implores to be loved, also by those whom it puts to death. Benefitting from this "political theurgy" as the book calls it (the idea that a power, like God, claiming to be full of glory, constantly needs to be glorified) is Barnardine, the Bohemian murderer in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, as he, called upon by power to the gallows, answers with a curse: ‘a pox o’ your throats’. He does not want to die, nor, indeed, will he. And so, he becomes sovereign. On a level with and against the State.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Psychology of Art
Why do we enjoy art? What inspires us to create artistic works? How can brain science help us understand our taste in art?The Psychology of Art provides an eclectic introduction to the myriad ways in which psychology can help us understand and appreciate creative activities. Exploring how we perceive everything from colour to motion, the book examines art-making as a form of human behaviour that stretches back throughout history as a constant source of inspiration, conflict and conversation. It also considers how factors such as fakery, reproduction technology and sexism influence our judgements about art.By asking what psychological science has to do with artistic appreciation, The Psychology of Art introduces the reader to new ways of thinking about how we create and consume art.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Psychology of Prejudice
Why do we develop extreme attitudes to others? Can our personality contribute to our prejudices? How do we reduce prejudice and discrimination?The Psychology of Prejudice explores different forms of prejudice and discrimination, from racial jokes to genocide. It looks at what might cause our prejudiced attitudes, including our personalities, social influences, group identity, and evolutionary factors, and how prejudice can be reduced through education, campaigning, and consciousness raising.Offering insights into a topic of great public concern and debate, The Psychology of Prejudice shows us how we can confront our prejudiced attitudes and contribute to greater tolerance and understanding.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Don’t Force It, Solve It!: How To Design Meaningful and Efficient Design Processes
This book aims at helping software teams work more efficiently by setting up their own design processes In a world where being able to satisfy users’ needs becomes a crucial element for products’ existence, this book helps organizations understand design processes, allowing them efficiently deliver experiences that address the real problems of their audiences. This book offers a combination of theory and practice that will help its readers understand how to design efficient processes and apply this knowledge in their own work. A large volume of insights in the form of colorful images and doodles.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Psychology of Intelligence
What fascinates us about intelligence? How does intelligence impact our daily lives? Why do we sometimes fear intelligence?Human intelligence is a vital resource, yet the study of it is pervaded by neglect and misconceptions. The Psychology of Intelligence helps make sense of the contradictory social attitudes and practices in relation to intelligence that we have seen over the decades, from the idea that it drove eugenicist policies and actions in the past, to our current backlash against "experts" and critical thinking. Showing how our approach to intelligence impacts our everyday lives in educational, occupational, medical, and legal settings, the book asks if it is possible to lift the taboo and move beyond the prejudices surrounding intelligence.Challenging popular assumptions, The Psychology of Intelligence encourages us to face intelligence in ourselves and others as an important fact of life that we can all benefit from embracing more openly.
Taylor & Francis Ltd School Start Storybooks: Nik the Ninja
In this colourful illustrated storybook, part of the School Start series, children with language needs can explore the story of Nik the Ninja, and his disastrous night at Merryville Museum.School Start Storybooks support language development in reception and Key Stage 1 aged children both in school and at home. Through beautifully illustrated stories, children are invited to explore language, ask questions and recall events in order to aid language development, listening and memory skills. Each book contains a colourful and engaging story designed to appeal to young children, and with language specifically chosen for children with language needs.Key skills that these books support include: Comprehension Expression Vocabulary Memory Sequencing Available either as a set or as individual books, the School Start Storybooks are a vital resource for professionals looking to support language development either with individual children, or groups of children. Each book also contains guidance and prompt questions to help the supporting adult use the book effectively, making it ideal for parents to support language development at home.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Managing Workplace Substance Misuse: A Guide for Professionals
This book provides professionals with the confidence and know-how to build a complete substance misuse management programme and deliver it within their respective workplace, regardless of sector or discipline.Organizations are frequently in the dark about their rights and obligations where substance misuse takes place in their workplace, affects performance or employee wellbeing, or in extreme cases has a devastating impact on both the company and its employees. There is no formal training for HR, Occupational Health or Health and Safety professionals, solicitors, union representatives and many more situations. This book is written in such a way that as to help those professions, as well as individuals, understand the step-by-step process for building a complete workplace substance and alcohol misuse programme.Managing Workplace Substance Misuse is written by the UK’s only registered expert witness for substance misuse policy writing, implementation and mediation. With decades of expertise and first-hand experience of implementing effective policies in some of the UK and world’s biggest organizations, Trevor Hall helps all organizations navigate this complex problem, offering consultancy advice and a roadmap to policy development and its implementation, providing you with a comprehensive consultancy in one volume. He explains, too, the central role industry and commerce plays in the identification of substance misuse and the rehabilitation of staff, as well as what organizations can do to protect themselves from the culpability of getting things wrong in a litigious society.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Affordable Housing for Smart Villages
This book initiates a fresh discussion of affordability in rural housing set in the context of the rapidly shifting balance between rural and urban populations. It conceptualises affordability in rural housing along a spectrum that is interlaced with cultural and social values integral to rural livelihoods at both personal and community level. Developed around four intersecting themes: explaining houses and housing in rural settings; exploring affordability in the context of aspirations and vulnerability; rural development agendas involving housing and communities; and construction for resilience in rural communities, the book provides an overview of some of the little understood and sometimes counter-intuitive best practices on rural affordability and affordable housing that have emerged in developing economies over the last thirty years. Drawing on practice-based evidence this book presents innovative ideas for harnessing rural potential, and empowering rural communities with added affordability and progressive development in the context of housing and improved living standards. For a student aspiring to work in rural areas in developing countries it is an introduction to and map of some key solutions around the critical area of affordable housing For the rural development professional, it provides a map of a territory they rarely see because they are absorbed in a particular rural area or project For the academic looking to expand their activities into rural areas, especially in rural housing, it provides a handy introduction to a body of knowledge serving 47% of the world's population, and how this differs from urban practice For the policy makers, it provides a map for understanding the dynamics around rural affordability, growth potential and community aspirations helping them to devise appropriate intervention programs on rural housing and development
Taylor & Francis Ltd Get into Nursing & Midwifery: A Guide to Application and Career Success
This book is a helpful companion for those hoping to become nurses or midwives. Applications to nursing and midwifery courses are on the rise, and with limited university places available, competition is high. This accessible guide, packed with up to date and practical information, will guide you through all stages of the admissions process and maximise your likelihood of success.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Food Styling for Photographers: A Guide to Creating Your Own Appetizing Art
"You eat with your eyes first," and no one turns a photograph of food into a culinary masterpiece like a food stylist. Food Styling for Photographers is the next best thing to having renowned food stylist Linda Bellingham by your side. Linda has worked with clients Baskin Robbins Ice Cream, McDonald's, Tyson Foods, FritoLay, and many, many more. Professional photographer Jean Ann Bybee has worked with Harry & David, Dominos, Sara Lee, Seven-Up Company, and more. Jean Ann provides a seasoned photographer's point of view with helpful tips throughout.If you are hungry for unique photo assignments and want to expand your portfolio, this guide provides the well-kept secrets of food styling techniques that can make your photos good enough to eat. Each chapter covers step-by-step instructions with mouth-watering photographs illustrating techniques for the creation of hero products that photographers at any level can whip up. Bon Appétit!Check out a new podcast interview with the authors about the upcoming second volume in this series, More Food Styling for Photographers!
Taylor & Francis Ltd Contemporary Economics An Applications Approach 8Th Edn
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Character Conundrum
The Character Conundrum is a practical guide for developing confidence, independence and resilience in primary and secondary classrooms. Tackling the hotly-contested question of what role schools can play in developing character'', the book untangles the big debates in this area and outlines how teachers can support their pupils to develop the skills and mindsets that will help them to thrive academically.Based on a combination of ground-level investigations and academic research, the book offers a simple, evidence-based approach that can be implemented at every level of school life. The key to this approach is being deliberate and consistent: knowing which mindsets, skills and habits you're trying to develop, and planning the details of your classroom culture, relationships, routines and instruction so that they align and combine to address your aims. When you do this, the author contends, seemingly minor changes to your practice can have a major effect on pupils. T
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Students Guide to Social Neuroscience
Social neuroscience is a rapidly growing field which explains, using neural mechanisms, our ability to recognize, understand, and interact with others. Concepts such as trust, revenge, empathy, prejudice, and love are now being explored and unravelled by neuroscientists. This engaging and cutting-edge text provides an accessible introduction to the complex methods and concepts of social neuroscience, with examples from contemporary research and a blend of different pedagogical features helping students to engage with the material, including essay questions, summary and key points, and further reading suggestions.The second edition of this ground-breaking text has been thoroughly revised and expanded to reflect the growing volume of evidence and theories in the field. Notable additions include a greater emphasis on genetics and hormones, and the expansion of topics such as cultural neuroscience, emotion regulation, biological markers of autism, power and status, social categor
Taylor & Francis Ltd Becoming a Computational Thinker
This book has a single purpose: to help everyone become computational thinkers. Computational thinking (CT) is thinking informed by the digital age, and a computational thinker is someone who can apply that thinking everywhere and anywhere. Through practical examples and easy-to-grasp terminology, this book is a guide to navigating the digital world and improving one's efficiency, productivity, and success immediately.Given its pervasiveness, knowledge and experience of computation is a cornerstone of productivity, and improved thinking will lead to advances in every aspect of one's life. In this way, CT can be thought of as the mutual reinforcement of thinking and knowledge of computation in the digital age. Comprising a rich collection of self-contained articles that can be read separately, and illustrated by pictures, images and article-end crossword puzzles, this book is an engaging and accessible route to Becoming a Computational Thinker' and achieving Success in the Dig
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Routledge Companion to Gender Sexuality and Culture
The Routledge Companion to Gender, Sexuality, and Culture is an intersectional, diverse, and comprehensive collection essential for students and researchers examining the intersection of sexuality and culture. The book seeks to reflect established theories while anticipating future developments within gender, sexuality, and cultural studies. A range of international contributors, including leaders in their field, provide insights into dominant and marginalised subjects. Comprising over 30 chapters, the volume is comprised into five thematic parts: Identifying, Embodying, Making, Doing, and Resisting. Topics explored include homonormativity, poetry, video games, menstruation, fatness, disability, sex toys, sex work, BDSM, dating apps, body modifications, and politics and activism.This is an important and unique collection aimed at scholars, researchers, activists, and practitioners across cultural studies, gender studies and sociology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Global Black Narratives for the Classroom Britain and Europe
A unique yet practical resource, Global Black Narratives provides primary teachers with a global outline of Black history, culture, and life within the framework of the UK’s National Curriculum.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Psychology of Sport Injury and Rehabilitation
The Psychology of Sport Injury and Rehabilitation draws on the latest research in sport psychology and sports medicine. This new edition emphasizes the importance of a holistic, interprofessional approach to sport injury management and care.
Taylor & Francis Ltd On Immigration and Refugees
The philosopher Michael Dummett was one of the sharpest and most prominent commentators and campaigners for the fair treatment of immigrants and refugees in Britain and Europe. On Immigration and Refugees was the only book he wrote on the topic and among one of the most eloquent and important reflections on the subject to have been published in many years. Exploring the confused and often highly unjust and racist thinking about immigration, Dummett questions the principles and justifications governing state policies, pointing out that they often conflict with the rights of refugees as laid down by the Geneva Convention. With compelling and often moving examples, he points a new way forward for humane thinking and practice about a problem we cannot afford to ignore.This Routledge Classics edition includes a new Foreword by Sarah Fine.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Olives Angry Day
Olive learns she needs to clean her room before reading her new book, and anger rolls in like a storm. But like the weather, feelings come and go. This delightful take on a familiar emotion helps young readers understand that feelings are never forever. And when anger happens, kids have everything they need to manage that feeling. Friendly characters and accessible text introduce the emotion of anger and the idea that feelings can be externalized and managed, a tried-and-true method backed by the pediatric psychologists at Mayo Clinic. Olive's Angry Day was created in collaboration with Emily McTate, Ph.D., L.P., Pediatric Psychologist at the Mayo Clinic Children’s Center.Aligns to core CASEL Competencies of self-awareness, self-management, and social awareness. Mayo Clinic Press Kids creates empowering health and wellness content in partnership with pediatric experts. Proceeds from the sale of every book go to bene
Taylor & Francis Ltd 101 Answers for New Teachers and Their Mentors: Effective Teaching Tips for Daily Classroom Use
Now in its third edition, this bestseller has remained popular, relevant, and a must-read for new teachers, mentors, administrators, and staff development professionals. Appropriate for individual or collaborative study, this book provides simple, practical solutions to the challenges experienced by both new and veteran teachers, including: • managing the classroom;• handling discipline problems;• dealing with challenging students, coworkers, and parents;• planning lessons effectively and managing time wisely;• accommodating individual differences in students;• getting students excited about learning;• and much, much more.In this new edition, you’ll find advice on incorporating technology into your lessons and using social media to connect with others. You’ll also find new Ask Yourself questions (following each of the 101 Answers) and Chapter Highlights to help you apply the ideas in your own classroom. These resources are available in the book and on our website for easy download.Though written for new teachers, the book's practical, easy-to-implement strategies will appeal to teachers of any grade level, subject area, or level of expertise, as well as to mentors, induction coordinators, or anyone seeking to find answers to classroom challenges and improve teaching skills.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Field to Palette: Dialogues on Soil and Art in the Anthropocene
Field to Palette: Dialogues on Soil and Art in the Anthropocene is an investigation of the cultural meanings, representations, and values of soil in a time of planetary change. The book offers critical reflections on some of the most challenging environmental problems of our time, including land take, groundwater pollution, desertification, and biodiversity loss. At the same time, the book celebrates diverse forms of resilience in the face of such challenges, beginning with its title as a way of honoring locally controlled food production methods championed by "field to plate" movements worldwide. By focusing on concepts of soil functionality, the book weaves together different disciplinary perspectives in a collection of dialogue texts between artists and scientists, interviews by the editors and invited curators, essays and poems by earth scientists and humanities scholars, soil recipes, maps, and DIY experiments. With contributions from over 100 internationally renowned researchers and practitioners, Field to Palette presents a set of visual methodologies and worldviews that expand our understanding of soil and encourage readers to develop their own interpretations of the ground beneath our feet.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sustainable Design for the Built Environment
Sustainable Design for the Built Environment marks the transition of sustainable design from a specialty service to the mainstream approach for creating a healthy and resilient built environment. This groundbreaking and transformative textbook introduces sustainable design in a clear, concise, easy-to-read format.This new edition includes fully updated exercises and online resources, an increased focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion in design, more international examples, perspectives, and approaches, enhanced full colour visuals, and additional resources for further study. The book takes the reader deep into the foundations of sustainable design, and creates a holistic and integrative approach addressing the social, cultural, ecological, and aesthetic aspects in addition to the typical performance-driven goals. The first section of this book is thematically structured around the origins, principles, and frameworks of sustainable design, aimed at inspiring a deepe
Taylor & Francis Ltd Darjeeling: In Search of People’s History of the Hills
History has always dealt with people, yet often gazing at the people from the perspectives of the non-people – colonizers, intruders, outsiders and the privileged elite insiders – who seem to have internalized the ‘mainstream’ perspective framed by the outsiders. In this context a group of scholars working on Darjeeling felt that there was a need for an inclusive people’s history of the Darjeeling hills.The present volume tries to fill this gap of the missing voices of the people of the Darjeeling hills and their cultures through re-writing inclusive history of society and culture from ‘below’, not only by decoding the elements that are treated as tradition, but also the transformations in the realms of arts and ecology. For, the tribal-scape of the Darjeeling hills is not a static/frozen zone and the people (hence, the geo-space) are in continuous transition from traditional beings towards becoming neo-traditional. Accepting history as constantly ‘extra mural’ the objectives of the book are to focus on undocumented histories related to harmony, intimacy, belongingness and environmental care and thereby, interact the living with what is often projected as ‘dead’, by rejecting to abide by any given set of references as the final/‘scientific’/authentic and, thereby, opening up with other kinds of historical dialogue with the understated historical items that are accessible in Darjeeling.Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the print version of this book in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Critical Chain
A business novel focusing on project management. The novel aims to provoke readers to examine and reassess their business practices and transform the thinking and actions of managers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World
"God has a special providence for fools, drunks and the United States of America."--Otto von BismarckAmerica's response to the September 11 attacks spotlighted many of the country's longstanding goals on the world stage: to protect liberty at home, to secure America's economic interests, to spread democracy in totalitarian regimes and to vanquish the enemy utterly.One of America's leading foreign policy thinkers, Walter Russell Mead, argues that these diverse, conflicting impulses have in fact been the key to the U.S.'s success in the world. In a sweeping new synthesis, Mead uncovers four distinct historical patterns in foreign policy, each exemplified by a towering figure from our past.Wilsonians are moral missionaries, making the world safe for democracy by creating international watchdogs like the U.N. Hamiltonians likewise support international engagement, but their goal is to open foreign markets and expand the economy. Populist Jacksonians support a strong military, one that should be used rarely, but then with overwhelming force to bring the enemy to its knees. Jeffersonians, concerned primarily with liberty at home, are suspicious of both big military and large-scale international projects.A striking new vision of America's place in the world, Special Providence transcends stale debates about realists vs. idealists and hawks vs. doves to provide a revolutionary, nuanced, historically-grounded view of American foreign policy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) can be key to planning decisions by identifying the effects of new developments on views and on the landscape itself. This fully revised edition of the industry standard work on LVIA presents an authoritative statement of the principles of assessment. Offering detailed advice on the process of assessing the landscape and visual effects of developments and their significance, it also includes a new expanded chapter on cumulative effects and updated guidance on presentation. Written by professionals for professionals, the third edition of this widely respected text provides an essential tool for landscape practitioners, developers, legal advisors and decision-makers.
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The Routledge Handbook of Sport Communication is the only book to offer a fully comprehensive and in-depth survey of the contemporary discipline of sport communication. It explores communication within, through, and for sport in all its theoretical, conceptual, cultural, behavioral, practical and managerial aspects, tracing the contours of this expansive, transdisciplinary and international discipline and demonstrating that there are few aspects of contemporary sport that don’t rely on effective communications.Including contributions from leading sport media and communications scholars and professionals from around the world, the book examines emerging (new and social) media, traditional (print, broadcast and screen) media, sociological themes in communication in sport, and management issues, at every level, from the interpersonal to communication within and between sport organisations and global institutions. Taking stock of current research, new ideas and key issues, this book is an essential reference for any advanced student, researcher or practitioner with an interest in sport communication, sport business, sport management, sport marketing, communication theory, journalism, or media studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Body, Femininity and Nationalism: Girls in the German Youth Movement 1900–1934
This book brings fascinating new light to bear on the history of German youth movementsWill be of interest to researchers in the fields of Modern German History, but also Women's Studies and Cultural StudiesInterdisciplinary - draws together interpretations from cultural studies, women's studies, psychoanalysis and studies of sexuality
Taylor & Francis Ltd Strategic Planning for Public Relations
The sixth edition of Strategic Planning for Public Relations offers an innovative and clear approach for students wanting to learn how to develop public relations campaigns. Ron Smith shows how to implement research-driven strategic campaigns, drawing on his experience as a professional in the industry and his teaching in the classroom. He turns complex problem-solving and decision-making processes in strategic communication and public relations into easy-to-follow steps, flexible enough to apply to various situations and organizations in the real world. This new edition includes real-world, diverse examples of cases and current events, along with classic cases that stand the test of time. It includes new research on opinions and practices, covers award-winning public relations campaigns, and significantly increases information on social media, with a reformatting of the Tactics section to highlight internet-based and social media.As a leader in teaching public relations strategy, this text is ideal for students in upper division undergraduate and graduate courses in public relations strategy and campaigns. Complementing the book are online resources for both students and instructors. For students: chapter overviews, useful links to professional organizations and resources, and an overview of careers in public relations. For instructors: an instructors’ manual, lecture slides, and sample course materials. Please visit
Taylor & Francis Ltd Contours of South Asian Social Anthropology: Connecting India and Nepal
• The book engages with the practices of sociology and social anthropology in India and Nepal while providing a new imagination of South Asia. • Based on the experiences of Indian and Nepali social anthropology, the book discusses the presence of Nepal studies in Indian social anthropology. • Will be of interest to students, teachers, and researchers of South Asian studies, sociology, anthropology, social anthropology, South Asian sociology, cultural anthropology, social psychology, area studies, cultural studies, Nepal studies, and Global South studies across UK and US.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Chromatography in Environmental Protection
Chromatography has been developed as a powerful and rapid technique for the separation of compounds with highly similar molecular characteristics, even from complicated matrices. Due to their excellent separation characteristics and Versatility, chromatographic methods have found growing acceptance and application in environmental protection for residue analysis in air, ground and surface waters, sewage, sludge, soil matrices, etc The book will be of interest to analytical chemists in legalisation and research and to analytical control specialists, as well as to researchers and students.