Search results for ""peeters publishers""
Peeters Publishers Florilegium Lovaniense: Studies in Septuagint and Textual Criticism in Honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez
Florilegium Lovaniense. Studies in Septuagint and Textual Criticism in Honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez is intended for a special present initiated by his Leuven collegae proximi on the occasion of Professor Garcia Martinez' retirement as a research professor in the Biblical Studies Research Department of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven). Like the personality of the celebrated scholar himself, the composition of his Festschrift has become a most colourful undertaking. After the editor's presentation of the rich biography and the huge bibliography of Florentino Garcia Martinez, M. Vervenne aims at evoking Florentino's personality throughout his life and work. Following this introduction, some thirty contributions transform the Festschrift into a wide-ranging collection of high quality approaches to a number of diverse topics, thus mirroring the wide spectrum of both Florentino's and their own work. The following scholars have contributed to this collection: H. Ausloos & B. Lemmelijn, J.-M. Auwers, R. Bieringer, E. Bons, D. Buchner, R. Ceulemans, J. Cook, H. Debel, D. De Crom, C. Dogniez, G. Dorival, K. Hauspie, M.S. Ibita, J. Joosten, M. Karrer & U. Schmid & M. Sigismund, W. Kraus, M. Labahn, J. Lust, T. Muraoka, A. Pietersma, E. Puech, J.-S. Rey, A. Schenker, R. Sollamo, J. Trebolle-Barrera, A. van der Kooij, P. Van Hecke, H. van Rooy, E. Verbeke. Each contribution has somehow to do with Textual Criticism and/or Septuagint Studies. In addition, they echo the aspects and details of the interest and work of each individual scholar. The editors sincerely hope that all these particular shades of colours might form together a wonderful rainbow, reflecting the contributors' and editors' admiration, respect and friendship for Professor Florentino Garcia Martinez.
Peeters Publishers Identity Puzzles: Medieval Christian Art in Syria and Lebanon
Numerous churches decorated with medieval wall paintings can be found in Lebanon and Syria, especially in the former Crusader County of Tripoli and the Muslim-controlled Damascus area. In particular the first half of the thirteenth century turned out to be a period of intensive artistic activities. This book addresses the matter of identity formation in the decoration of Maronite, Melkite and Syrian Orthodox churches during this artistic 'Syrian Renaissance', and explores the differences and similarities between the arts of these communities. Attention is given to the interaction between Latins and local Christians, the attribution of works of art to local and Byzantine artists, and the relationship with Islamic art. Furthermore, recent discoveries have revealed that indigenous painters and workshops involved in the embellishment of churches also produced icons which were formerly attributed to Latin artists, thus adding a new dimension to the research on the production of Christian art in the Middle East during the Crusader era.
Peeters Publishers La Chronique D'Apollodore Et Le Pseudo-Skymnos: Erudition Antiquaire Et Litterature Geographique Dans La Seconde Moitie Du IIe Siecle Av. J.-C.
On sait que la Chronique d'Apollodore d'Athenes, dont il ne reste que des fragments, a joue un role fondamental dans la tradition chronographique concernant les philosophes, les poetes, les prosateurs. A-t-elle ete importante egalement pour la transmission des dates de fondation des cites? Est-ce sur elle que s'est appuye l'auteur inconnu de l'ouvrage qu'on appelle la Periegese du Pseudo-Skymnos, lorsqu'il a voulu dater les ktiseis des cites du Pont-Euxin? Voila les questions qui ont ete a l'origine de cette recherche. Pour y repondre, il a fallu poser d'autres questions encore, et notamment: Quelle etait l'attitude du Ps.-Skymnos a l'egard de son contemporain Apollodore? Quelle etait sa maniere de travailler? Comment expliquer les ressemblances entre son expose et Ora maritima d'Avienus? Pourquoi, tout en pretendant decrire le monde du present, decrit-il en fait le monde de jadis? Quels etaient les aspects du passe envisages dans la Chronique d'Apollodore? Comment les informations y etaient-elles organisees? Quelle etait la place qu'y occupaient les fragments conserves par l'Academicorum philosophorum index Herculanensis? Cette recherche vise a eclairer le travail de deux intellectuels atheniens - d'un grand erudit et d'un litterateur mineur - du temps de l'effondrement politique du monde hellenistique. Elle entend aussi contribuer a l'etude de la chronographie grecque, a la geographie historique et a la critique du texte de plusieurs auteurs.
Peeters Publishers Luristani Pictorial Tombstones: Studies in Nomadic Cemeteries from Northern Luristan, Iran
From the late 18th to the early 20th century northern Luristan was dominated by feuding tribal leaders, more or less independent of the Qadjar State. The religious concepts of the illiterate Luristani nomads of this period are reflected in the iconography of the pictorial tombstones. Inge Demant Mortensen's book on the Luristani Pictorial Tombstones is primarily based on her studies of the nomadic cemeteries during her fieldwork in Luristan in the 1970s. Her focus is on the testimony of the pictorial tombstones and the religious messages and connotations they reveal. As a background for the interpretation of these messages she makes an attempt to establish the historical, social, and religious context of the cemeteries, and to identify the tribal identity of the nomads residing or moving from winter to summer pastures within the plains and valleys of northern Luristan, where the pictorial stelae and obelisks occur.
Peeters Publishers Un Livre De Feu Dans UN Siecle De Fer: Les Lectures De L'Apocalypse Dans La Litterature Francaise De La Renaissance
En un " siecle de fer ", de signes et de prodiges, qui interroge les cieux et scrute les Ecritures, quelles interpretations recoit l'Apocalypse, avec ses descriptions de fleaux et de cataclysmes, mais aussi ses recits de visions de signes grandioses et de noces eternelles ? A l'origine de l'enquete, cette interrogation en a constitue le fil conducteur, afin d'etablir une synthese envisageant l'ensemble de la reception de ce livre biblique dans la litterature francaise de la Renaissance. Pour rendre compte du contexte hermeneutique dans lequel s'inscrivent les lectures de l'Apocalypse, il a ete necessaire d'en etudier d'abord les commentaires exegetiques (I), puis d'analyser les differents modes d'emprunt au texte johannique dans la litterature de polemique religieuse (II). Il a fallu ensuite apprehender l'intertexte apocalyptique dans des ?uvres s'ouvrant sur l'horizon des derniers temps (III) pour considerer enfin la riche reception de cette source scripturaire dans la litterature spirituelle (IV).
Peeters Publishers "You are My Son": The Reception History of Psalm 2 in Early Judaism and the Early Church
This award-winning study characterizes Psalm 2 as a messianic-theocratic psalm. Early Jewish literature emphasises the eschatological and sapiential applications of the psalm more than the messianic interpretation. However, surprisingly, we come across the same text combinations that later emerge in New Testament literature: Christian scholarship obviously stood in a long tradition. It is shown how the relevant New Testament texts focus on the messianic interpretation of Psalm 2, especially of the words: "You are my Son". In the post-Easter confusion it functions as an argument to show that the crucified Jesus nevertheless was the Son of God. Luke apologetically explains how in this psalm the Messiah, identified earlier as the despised king, is also called "My Son" by God himself. Mark elaborates this idea for catechetical purposes: Jesus already was the Son of God at the time of his baptism and transfiguration. Finally, Hebrews uses Ps.2 to prove the pre-existence of Jesus. Thus, this volume forms a welcome addition to the existing literature on this topic.
Peeters Publishers Reconstructing the Epic: Cross-readings of the Trojan Myth in Hellenistic Poetry
The Trojan war inspired a multifaceted mythological tradition which evolved through a variety of artistic devices - oral and written poetry, prose, iconography. In the open system of Trojan war narratives, Homer represents the dominant line, while the cyclic, lyric and tragic poets offer a host of alternative versions. Reconstructing the Epic builds on the premise that the reception of the Trojan myth by the Hellenistic avant-garde reflects their aesthetic and ideological distancing from the elevated genres of the past, particularly the epic. The book monitors the various stages of this modernistic reaction to the literary tradition: the avoidance of the Trojan muthos as narrated in the Homeric epics; the rewriting of the Trojan stories which derive from the Epic Cycle, lyric and dramatic poetry; the incorporation of Trojan episodes into idylls, elegies and epyllia; and the working out of a new Trojan myth recounting, among other things, how the archetypal war hero, Achilles, is eventually transformed into an ardent lover.
Peeters Publishers Staging the Liturgy: The Medieval Altarpiece in the Iberian Peninsula
Spain and Portugal possess a wealth of medieval churches, including many with original furnishings. Most outstanding of all is the altarpiece or 'retablo', the epitome of Iberian ecclesiastical art. With its exceptional dimensions, architectural structure and extensive imagery, it became clearly distinct from altarpieces elsewhere in Europe. The retable cannot be understood simply as an artistic genre, but must be viewed in its spatial surroundings and against its religious and socio-cultural background. In the present study, the medieval altarpiece in the Iberian Peninsula is approached as a witness to liturgy, faith and devotion. Part I sketches its morphological development from its origins around 1100 to the end of the Gothic age in the first half of the sixteenth century. Part II analyses the retable in its spatial context, formed by the architecture of the church building and other elements of the interior such as the choir. In Part III the retable is discussed as a means of communication, conveying a message between the patron who commissioned it and the recipients. Both as an art object and as a bearer of imagery, the altar retable played an important part in the staging of liturgy in the medieval church of the Iberian Peninsula.
Peeters Publishers International Dictionary of Refrigeration - International Chinese Dictionary of Refrigeration - Dictionnaire International Du Froid: Chinese-English-French: Terms - Chinois-Anglais-Francais: Termes
Because of the array of languages offered, the International Dictionary of Refrigeration comprises a series of volumes composed of: - the basic English-French volume, comprising in a corpus of terms, along with their definitions, followed by an alphabetical index of terms in English and in French; - nine complementary volumes, one for each language, containing the terms only, with each term linked to the equivalent term in English or French - Arabic with a French and English index, - Chinese with an English index, this volume - Dutch with a Dutch index, - German with a German index, - Italian with an Italian index, - Japanese with an English index, - Norwegian with a Norwegian index, - Russian with a Russian index, - Spanish with a Spanish index, Once all these volumes have been published, an interactive CD-ROM, as well as a volume combining all the languages, are likely to be published. When ordered in combination with the English-French: Terms and Definitions volume, this book costs 25 EURO.
Peeters Publishers Northern Voices: Essays on Old Germanic and Related Topics, Offered to Professor Tette Hofstra. Germania Latina vi
This book contains a wealth of new essays on many aspects of Germanic Philology, and the range reflects the scholarly activity of the dedicatee of this festschrift. Section I contains articles on historical philology as this relates to the Old Germanic languages and literatures; Section II contains essays on various aspects of Frisian and Frisian studies; Section III is devoted to the relationship between the Germanic and the Balto-Finnic languages; the articles in Section IV consist of applications of the methods and insights of modern linguistics to the study of the Germanic languages.
Peeters Publishers 1 Timothy Reconsidered
1 Timothy Reconsidered contains the presentations and deliberations of the nineteenth meeting of the Colloquium Oecumenicum Paulinum, a distinguished group of some thirty-five international and ecumenical Pauline scholars, held at the Abbey of Saint Paul in Rome during September, 2006. 1 Timothy served as the focal point for all eight papers, although the relationship of this text to that of 2 Timothy, Titus and to other Pauline writings was repeatedly considered. Extensive dialogue centered on the methodological issue of pseudonymity and its continued effectiveness as an exegetical tool. Some urged consideration of a broader view of Pauline letter writing, one that involved authorization to, or joint authorship with, co-workers situated in diverse Pauline missionary centers. The volume also contains a major reassessment of theological themes found in 1 Timothy including the relationship of grace to such heteronomous norms as asceticism, the so-called accomodationist character of the letter, especially the relationship of eusebeia to bourgeois Christianity, and whether the use of the category "household" is, in fact, a misrepresentation of Paul's understanding of the church. Under the presidency of Karl Donfried, presenters included David Horrell, Luke Timothy Johnson, Vasile Mihoc, Margaret Mitchell, Yann Redalie, Laszlo Simon and Thomas Soding.
Peeters Publishers Le Monachisme En Perse. La Reforme D'Abraham Le Grand, Pere Des Moines De L'Orient
Abraham le Grand, considere comme le Pere des moines de l'Orient, suscita par sa reforme, au sein de l'Eglise syro-orientale, un veritable renouveau du monachisme et de l'ascetisme; des le VIe siecle, le Grand monastere au mont Izla, en Mesopotamie septentrionale, devient un pole d'excellence au service de la theologie syro-orientale et de la diffusion de la culture monastique, analogue a ce qu'etait, pour la vie intellectuelle, l'ecole de Nisibe. Les fondations filles qui se reclameront de la paternite spirituelle d'Abraham de Kaskar, parfois structurees en reseaux d'alliance, contribueront au rayonnement exceptionnel de ce courant reformateur a travers la Babylonie, la Susiane et la Perse, et a la perennite des communautes chretiennes syro-orientales confrontees a d'autres courants christologiques et a l'arrivee de l'islam. La grande avancee missionnaire qui atteindra son apogee sous le patriarche Timothee Ier trouva dans le monachisme reforme son socle et son ferment.
Peeters Publishers Byzantine Holy Images - Transcendence and Immanence: The Theological Background of the Iconography and Aesthetics of the Chora Church
Patristic thinking is the bedrock of the uniformity of Byzantine culture, legitimization of image use in the Eastern Church, as well as Byzantine aesthetics, Karahan argues. The synergy in Late Byzantine holy images of "meta-images" for God's inexplicability, and elaborated dramatized narration for God's immanence epitomize orthodox tradition in general, and in particular fourth-century Cappadocian modes and models of thought on Christology, trinitarian theology and the Theotokos. The incomprehensible, uncircumscribed invisible Trinity, and the comprehensible God-man born of the Theotokos, circumscribed in flesh but not in divinity is a one-God reality of transcendent ontology and actions in the world of the two-natured image of God, Christ. Explanations in words or in images cannot ignore these orthodox axioms without turning into false images or heretic idols. This book explores why and how the idiosyncratic use of color, form, kinetics, light, and brilliance in Late Byzantine aesthetics concur with the tradition of the Fathers. How narration in image as well as literature is orthodoxos, 'of right belief, orthodox'.
Peeters Publishers Albert of Saxony, "Quaestiones Circa Logicam": (Twenty-Five Disputed Questions on Logic)
Albert of Saxony was one of the great logicians of the Middle Ages, on a par with William Ockham and John Buridan. The Twenty-Five Disputed Questions on Logic treat of central issues in logic, both then and now, such as the nature of meaning, of universals, of truth, and of tense and modality; and the quality and quantity of propositions, the role of negation, and the relations of contradiction and equivalence between them. Dr. Fitzgerald has studied Albert's work extensively, and previously edited the Twenty-Five Disputed Questions from the original manuscripts. This translation makes available for the first time in English this careful and exemplary examination of logical notions by an outstanding medieval thinker.
Peeters Publishers Les Querelles Dramatiques a L'Age Classique (XVIIe-XVIIIe Siecles)
A notre epoque, pourtant caracterisee par la liberte d'expression, personne n'oserait se lever au beau milieu d'une representation theatrale pour siffler un acteur, lui donner la replique ou chanter les paroles de son couplet. Sous l'Ancien Regime, de tels incidents sont monnaie courante, revelateurs d'un rapport vivant entre la scene et la salle. De Corneille a Voltaire, ce lien vivant fait la specificite des querelles dramatiques, qui sortent du cabinet des doctes pour rendre le public temoin et acteur des debats. Le decalage entre la critique savante et le jugement du parterre est au c'ur des querelles, et induit une reciprocite permanente entre succes immediat et posterite, anecdote et histoire litteraire, reception et creation. Loin d'etre sterile, la querelle guide le choix des dramaturges, enterine la naissance de genres nouveaux, et fait preuve d'une inventivite constante dans sa propre mise en scene : libelles, parodies et contre-pieces assurent une large publicite a la polemique, elle-meme theatralisee et livree au public. Debordant le cadre du theatre pour entrer en resonance croissante avec les evenements politiques, les querelles sont le premier lieu d'affirmation d'une opinion publique. Le politique s'avere indissociable de l'esthetique, car la reception particuliere du theatre pose une vraie question a l'Age classique : si le classicisme se definit comme la conformite d'une 'uvre a l'attente d'un public donne, comment admet-il que cette 'uvre ait la faculte de creer elle-meme son public, d'engendrer de nouveaux reperes esthetiques ? Comment le public est-il a la fois presuppose et suscite par chaque 'uvre ? L'etude des querelles permet de rendre compte de cet affrontement mi-factice mi-sincere entre la scene et la salle, et de relier la production theatrale a son contexte a la fois theorique et fantasmatique. Par essence circonstancielle, la querelle participe de maniere perenne a la fabrique du theatre.
Peeters Publishers Colloque International "L'Evangile Selon Thomas et les Textes de Nag Hammadi": (Quebec, 29-31 Mai 2003)
Les objectifs du colloque " L'Evangile selon Thomas et les textes de Nag Hammadi. Traditions et convergences " etaient de reunir des specialistes de la bibliotheque copte de Nag Hammadi et de corpus litteraires voisins afin de mettre en evidence les convergences que l'on peut observer entre ces differentes ensembles. Dans ce but, nous sollicitions des contributions consacrees a l'Evangile selon Thomas ou aux textes de Nag Hammadi en rapport avec la litterature neo-testamentaire, apocryphe, patristique, philosophique, monastique, hermetique et manicheenne.
Peeters Publishers Spiritual Awakening: The Hidden Key to Peace and Security, Just and Sustainable Economics, a Responsible European Union
This remarkable book, written by a former senior Dutch diplomat, offers a penetrating analysis of some of the major threats to humanity. Its special feature is that it goes beyond the usual pragmatic approach by putting the emphasis on a spiritual awakening. Edy Korthals Altes makes a convincing case about the need for a fundamental transformation in our deepest motivation; a reappraisal of man's place in Ultimate Reality. Here is, according to the author, the base for the so urgently required change in attitude towards man, material goods and nature. This 'spiritual approach' has not only far-reaching consequences for our personal development, but also for the society we live in. Spiritual values should not be treated as abstract notions, but have to be translated into hard reality. Hence, the inspiring chapters about just and sustainable economics; a comprehensive concept of security and a responsible European Union. This is a challenging and most timely book in a world short of hope and vision. It should be widely read by all those who care for our time.
Peeters Publishers Vision in Text and Image: The Cultural Turn in the Study of Arts
This volume contains the essays presented at the conference that was held on 19-21 October 2005 at the University of Groningen under the auspices of the Groningen Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG). The conference was meant to be an occasion where the Groningen research into culture both past and present, as it occurs within ICOG, could present itself. The theme, Vision in Text and Image, was chosen on the one hand as a wide umbrella for practically the entire body of research being conducted in ICOG (from classical archaeology to modern literature), and on the other as a reference, albeit a modest one, towards a new, more context-oriented approach to text and image. In that sense the volume pinpoints to methodological strands of the study of arts. Nowadays there is little impetus to analyse literary texts and works of visual art per se, as was much more the case in the 1960s and 1970s. So, more attention has been paid to the ties between text/image and the surrounding contemporary culture. Furthermore, the study of arts is no longer considered as totally separate from the study of non-artistic images and texts, either methodologically or ideologically. It is the aim of this volume to reveal the shifts in divisions of labour within the study of arts. Apart from a keynote speech delivered by Jurgen Pieters, professor of literary theory at the University of Ghent, the book contains contributions from all disciplines within ICOG: from young PhD students as well as from senior staff members. Through their practical approach to research, and in some cases also by way of theoretical reflection, they illustrate the dynamics and interchange that characterise the relationship between text/image and culture.
Peeters Publishers Tradition and Innovation in Late- and Postbyzantine Liturgical Chant: Acta of the Congress Held at Hernen Castle, the Netherlands, in April 2005
"Tradition and Innovation in Late- and Postbyzantine Liturgical Chant" stellt ein ideales Thema dar, um die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der byzantinischen Kirchenmusik und gleichzeitig die Bewahrung traditioneller Elemente im liturgischen Gesang aufzuzeigen. In 14 verschiedenen Beitragen treten bedeutende Komponisten mit ihren Schopfungen in den Vordergrund, weiters verschiedene musikliturgische Repertoires, regionale Entwicklungen, Veranderungen bzw. Neuinterpretationen in der Notation und in der Modalitat. Schliesslich rundet eine musikalische Analyse der Interpretation eines fruhchristlichen Troparion durch einen Sanger des 20. Jahrhunderts das Thema ab.
Peeters Publishers Merchants in the Ottoman Empire
To a large extent the present volume deals with merchants established on Ottoman territory for a long time. Whether they were subjects of the sultans or not will be considered of secondary importance; but many if not most of them probably fell into that category. 'Hard to pin down' traders also occur; in particular we have included a number of studies discussing people who started their lives as Ottoman subjects but whose business activities took them to Venice or the Habsburg territories, where some of them struck roots. Such situations after all form part of the life stories of merchants anywhere; and given the broad expanses of sea and land that many Mediterranean traders traversed, it makes sense to adopt as broad a perspective as possible.
Peeters Publishers Stace "Achilleide"
Jean Soubiran, auteur notamment d'une traduction commentee des Argonautiques de Valerius Flaccus chez Peeters, et Francois Ripoll, specialiste des epopees latines d'epoque flavienne, ont reuni leurs competences pour livrer a un large public (chercheurs, enseignants, etudiants, lecteurs, cultives) une edition traduite et commentee de l'Achilleide, derniere oeuvre (inachevee) du poete Stace (v. 96 ap. J.-C.). Ce recit de la jeunesse d'Achille, plein de charme, d'humour et de romanesque, est mis en valeur par une traduction rythmee qui en restitue les qualites poetiques. L'ouvrage comporte en outre une ample introduction degageant la personnalite esthetique et l'originalite de l'oeuvre, un commentaire lineaire complet (le premier en francais sur ce poeme), et une serie d'index detailles. Fonde sur les travaux les plus recents et sur les recherches personnelles des auteurs, cet ouvrage interessera les specialistes de Stace, mais le souci pedagogique qui l'impregne et l'abondance des notices explicatives qu'il comporte le rendent accessible au plus grand nombre.
Peeters Publishers L'alterite, Fondement De La Personne Humaine Dans L'oeuvre D'Edith Stein
Dans l'oeuvre d'Edith Stein, l'alterite apparait comme constitutive de la personne humaine. D'un point de vue proprement subjectif, l'alterite renvoie a l'alter ego, a la dimension communautaire et, dans une perspective croyante, au Tout-Autre. D'un point de vue objectif, elle designe les valeurs, qui faconnent la personnalite, et la foi, qui vient au secours de la raison humaine. Un parcours des oeuvres principales de l'auteur permet de prendre la mesure a la fois de la continuite et de l'evolution de sa pensee. A partir de la, l'etude entreprend de mettre en evidence, d'une part, l'originalite de la pensee d'Edith Stein par rapport a celle de Husserl et, d'autre part, comment Edith Stein se situe par rapport a la pensee de Thomas d'Aquin. L'influence de l'oeuvre de Jean de la Croix est egalement abordee. Enfin, en dialogue avec des auteurs comme Ricoeur, Levinas ou Ladriere, la troisieme partie du livre aborde de maniere critique la question de l'alterite comme fondement de la personne et cela selon trois parcours, l'un lie a la phenomenologie d'Edith Stein, l'autre a sa philosophie chretienne, et le dernier a son attrait pour la mystique.
Peeters Publishers International Dictionary of Refrigeration - Dictionnaire International Du Froid: English-French: Terms and Definitions - Anglais-Francais: Termes Et Definitions: v.1
The English-French volume of the International Dictionary of Refrigeration contains approximately 4400 terms with their definitions in the 2 official languages of the International Institute of Refrigeration, English and French. Approximately 200 experts, who are members of the IIR network and are from about 30 countries on all the continents, took part in the development of the Dictionary. The terms are allocated to 11 chapters: Fundamentals - Refrigeration and Production - Refrigerating Equipment - Cooling Methods - Storage, Transport, Distribution - Refrigeration of Perishable Products - Air Conditioning - Heat Pumps - Cryology - Other Applications of Refrigeration - Refrigeration and the Environment. The terms are classified in alphabetical order within 110 sections. An alphabetical index in English and another one in French make it easy to perform searches for terms and their synonyms. 9 volumes will be published containing the terms alone in 9 languages, with the corrresponding English and French equivalents: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian and Spanish.( Now published) Le volume anglais-francais du Dictionnaire International du Froid comporte environ 4400 termes avec leurs definitions dans les deux langues officielles de l'Institut International du Froid (IIF). Pres de 200 experts, membres du reseau de l'IIF, appartenant a une trentaine de pays de tous les continents, ont participe a l'elaboration du Dictionnaire. Les termes sont regroupes dans 11 chapitres: Principes de base - Production de froid - Installations frigorifiques - Methodes de refroidissement - Entreposage, transport, distribution - Application du froid aux produits perissables - Conditionnement d'air - Pompes a chaleur - Cryologie - Autres applications du froid - Froid et environnement. Les termes sont classes par ordre alphabetique en anglais dans 110 sous-chapitres. Deux index alphabetiques, en anglais et en francais, permettent de trouver rapidement les termes cherches et leurs synonymes. Neuf fascicules vont etre publies avec uniquement les termes en neuf langues, en correspondance avec les termes anglais et francais : allemand, arabe, chinois, espagnol, italien, japonais, neerlandais, norvegien et russe (publies).
Peeters Publishers Formation in Holiness: Thomas Aquinas on "Sacra Doctrina"
What is God?' was the question of Thomas Aquinas; 'What is theology for?' is the question of this book. These two concerns are inextricably connected and while the first question can never be adequately answered it is in and through the process of answering it that an answer to the second can be found. The theology that is a sacra doctrina facilitates an ever deepening relationship with the God who is love. This book suggests that this is precisely what Thomas' life as a Dominican friar and theologian witnessed to. Theology is a work of fides et ratio, faith and reason. Hence this book claims that the doing of theology is best understood as not only an academic discipline but also a sacramental, a holy-making one. Far from feeling a need to leave their brains at the door of the church, as contemporary Christians may feel is asked of them, the suggestion is that the development of our intellect is central to human growth into the image and likeness of God. It is a teaching of Thomas Aquinas that the 'ultimate beatitude of a human consists in the use of their highest function ...the operation of the intellect' and so he is a natural partner for this enterprise.
Peeters Publishers Exodus. Volume 2
This is the second volume in a new series, the Historical Commentary on the Old Testament, which devotes explicit attention to the history of interpretation of biblical tradition in all its stages, both within and without the Hebrew canon. As the term "Old Testament" indicates, the commentary stands in the Christian exegetical tradition. The team of contributors comprises scholars from all over the world and from any different churches and denominations. The commentary is intended not only for Old Testament scholars, but also for ministers and other interested parties. The treatment of every pericope is preceded by a new translation and a section called "Essentials and Perspectives" in which the author summarizes the results of the exegesis in non-technical language. The primacy here is assigned to the final stage of the text. The summary should incite the user to consult the main body of the exegesis which is headed "Scholarly Exposition". Here the approach is that of modern critical scholarship.
Peeters Publishers Don Juan Diabolus in Scriptura: Roman, Autobiographie, Thanatographie (1800-2000)
Au cours des deux siecles precedents les romans, nouvelles, contes et autres creations narratives arborant Don Juan comme figure de proue sont, a quelques exceptions pres, passes pour des accidents de parcours sur le trajet seculaire du mythe. En vue d'elucider l'apparent escamotage critique du 'roman donjuanesque', l'auteur du present ouvrage passe au crible une serie de Don Juan narratifs : de Hoffmann et Kierkegaard a Ballester et Remy, en passant par Balzac, Mallefille, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Shaw, Roche, Azorin, des Forets et Jouhandeau. Au travers des chapitres oA' la synergie de certains ecrivains et surtout des periodes litteraires se fait jour, le lecteur decouvre le renouveau du mythe de Don Juan dans le roman et Don Juan comme figure du renouveau du roman. En effet, dans le corpus des Don Juan romanesques un champ de tension existe entre ce que l'auteur appelle la litterature 'referentielle / reverencielle' et la litterature 'irreferentielle / irreverencielle'. Une tension similaire oppose la thanatographie des Don Juan avec majuscule (de Zeise, Nagel, Jouhandeau...) aux don juan avec minuscule (de Bourbon Busset, Cesbron, Tillimac). La litterature 'irreverencielle' se montre peu respectueuse du referent. Elle promeut une theorie du signe et du discours litteraire aberrante : les textes analyses se veulent processus poetique au lieu de produit mimetique et ils avancent l'interpretant (in casu : le lecteur) comme condition de possibilite du signe. Ce type de discours romanesque se modele sur le Don Juan qu'il contient : celui-ci y apparait en effet comme la figure de l'immanence referentielle. De personnage du monde diegetique il se metamorphose en figure de l'ecriture. Ainsi il s'immortalise en s'emparant de l'ecriture. La litterature 'reverencielle' par contre ne depasse pas les bornes des conceptions traditionnelles du signe, du discours litteraire et de Don Juan en tant que personnage. Le travail du lecteur y est limite. En somme, ce Don Juan qui habite le dire romanesque et en forge l'ecriture, qui met en cause toute forme de transcendental au profit de l'immanence, qui impose son propre masque aux actants du romanesque, sera decouvert comme un veritable diabolus in scriptura.
Peeters Publishers Look Who's Talking: Innovations in Voice and Identity in Hellenistic Epigram
Look Who's Talking examines the methods by which the ancient reader identified the speaker and addressee of epigram, and how these methods were manipulated by hellenistic epigrammatists. Conventions in place from epigram's inscribed heritage were used, at first, to maintain the conceit of inscription, but later formed the basis for mixing of epigrammatic subgenres or even, in the case of Asclepiades, the creation of erotic epigram. Among the most significant hellenistic innovations are the development of a passerby motif and the evolution of epigram's tendency to address its inherent writtenness. The book also traces the development of the ancient habit of equating an artistic image with the thing or being it represented; Nossis, later joined by Theocritus and Callimachus, developed a stance from which they could critique this subtle equation. This book thinks of hellenistic epigram the way its authors did - from the background of inscription - and consequently discovers many of the places where hellenistic epigrammatists hoped to make their mark.
Peeters Publishers Pre-Islamic Archaeology of Kuwait, Northeastern Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman: a Bibliography: Second Supplement (1996-2006)
This analytical bibliography of pre-Islamic archaeology of the Arabian shores of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman covers the years 1996 to 2006. This bibliography is based on the same concept as the two previous volumes (published in 1985 and 1996). A first part covers "General works", followed by three broad chronological sections (Prehistory - 4th Millennium B.C. / Late 4th Millennium - End 2nd Millennium B.C. / Late 2nd Millennium B.C. - 7th Century A.D.). Each of these periods is subdivided in (modern) political regions (Kuwait, Northeastern Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman). This second supplement contains 826 entries. An index of authors also is included.
Peeters Publishers Palimpsestes Et Editions De Textes: Les Textes Litteraires: Actes Du Colloque Tenu a Louvain-la-Neuve (septembre 2003)
Les contributions reunies dans cette publication ont ete presentees au colloque organise les 5 et 6 septembre 2003 a l'Universite catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, dans le cadre de la participation de l'Institut orientaliste (et plus particulierement du Centre d'etudes sur Gregoire de Nazianze) au projet international Rinascimento Virtuale. Digitale Palimpsestforschung. Rediscovering written records of a hidden European cultural heritage. Ce projet, mis en place sous la direction du Prof. D. Harlfinger (Universite de Hambourg), reunit depuis 2001 des specialistes de l'Europe entiere dans le but de faire progresser l'etude de textes mal connus, parce que souvent difficiles ou impossibles a lire a l'oeil nu, sur lesquels on a juge bon d'en copier d'autres. Essentiellement compose d'hellenistes de diverses specialites (philologues classiques, byzantinistes, paleographes, codicologues, etc.), Rinascimento Virtuale s'est construit autour des manuscrits palimpsestes grecs. Son premier objectif est d'ailleurs d'arriver au recensement exhaustif de ce type de temoins conserves dans les differentes bibliotheques europeennes. De ce point de vue, le Centre d'etudes sur Gregoire de Nazianze est bien place, puisque cet auteur, dont la tradition directe est une des plus impressionnantes qui soit, eu egard au nombre de temoins conserves, est present dans une cinquantaine de palimpsestes. Cette position privilegiee, conjugee a la raison d'etre de ce centre de recherches - a savoir, l'editio critica maior des Discours de ce Pere de l'Eglise - a impose le theme de ce colloque: "Palimpsestes et edition de textes: les textes litteraires".
Peeters Publishers «Ousia» dans la philosophie grecque des origines à Aristote
Fruit d'une large collaboration interuniversitaire, cet ouvrage, qui fait suite à une publication consacrée à eidos, idea et morphé (2003), expose les résultats d'une enquête qui a porté sur tous les emplois du mot ousia dans la philosophie grecque jusqu'à Aristote ; il commence par un aperçu des significations du mot dans la littérature non philosophique. Est ainsi offert un cadre de référence exhaustif pour l'étude d'une notion qui compte parmi les plus importantes et aussi les plus complexes de l'histoire de la philosophie. Chacune des ¿uvres concernées de Platon et d'Aristote fait l'objet d'un examen systématique, suivi d'un bilan partiel. Des conclusions générales récapitulent la polysémie foisonnante d'ousia, qui va de l'avoir aux différentes facettes de l'être, et en font voir aussi l'évolution ainsi que les principaux enjeux philosophiques. Trois outils de travail s'y ajoutent: une riche bibliographie, un index de toutes les occurrences d'ousia chez Platon et chez Aristote ainsi qu'un index de plus de 200 mots grecs apparaissant dans ce champ sémantique.
Peeters Publishers The Longing of the Heart: Augustine's Doctrine on Prayer
Augustine often falls outside the scope of people that look for prayers among famous spiritual masters. Presumably this is caused by the absence of a monograph on prayer by his hand. However, anyone who knows his writings, also knows that the force of this inspiring man was based on prayer. Who else than the celebrated authority on Augustine, T.J. van Bavel (1923-2007), can introduce us to this dimension of Augustine. In this book he shows how this passionate North African combined the inner self, prayer, intellectual effort and pastoral dedication to a harmonious whole. His Confessions, confessions of sin and gratitude, are monumental and belong to our religious heritage. His Sermons about the Psalms formed the right moments to incite his faithful to a life of prayer. One will hardly find in his other writings and sermons texts that do not mention the theme of prayer. Much of his ideas have influenced greatly religious leaders of later times.
Peeters Publishers Bibliografie Over Het Jodendom En Israel Voor Het Nederlandse Taalgebied 1992-2006
Is er een boek verschenen over de Joodse geschiedenis van mijn woonplaats? Welke moderne Israelische literatuur is in Nederland beschikbaar? Zijn er Joodse kookboeken en waar vind ik informatie over de kabbala? Op dit soort vragen geeft de Bibliografie over het Jodendom en Israel een antwoord. Het geeft een minitieus overzicht van de boeken in het Nederlandse taalgebied die toegang verschaffen tot de Joodse cultuur en de Israelische samenleving. Korte, doeltreffende omschrijvingen bij de titels geven een goed inzicht in de inhoud van de boeken. Van wetenschappelijke werken tot kinderboeken, fotoboeken tot romans: alles wat tussen 1992 en 2006 verscheen met een Joodse thematiek heeft zijn plaats gevonden in deze bibliografie. Iedereen die geinteresseerd is in Jodendom en Israel zal hierin veel van zijn gading vinden.
Peeters Publishers Saint Francis of Assisi: a Guide for Our Times: His Biblical Spirituality. Translated by M. S. Damste
However interesting and important the stories by his contemporaries are, there is no better place to discover the most profound inspiration of Saint Francis of Assisi than in his own writings. These prayers, poems, proverbs, rules and letters are a gold-mine for those who wish to delve into his thoroughly biblical spirituality. He reveals himself in them as being someone who was permanently touched and marked by his encounter with Christ. In brief: the seeker of God who considered his fellow-creatures as his brothers and sisters; someone who even these days still exerts an unequalled magnetism due to his radical following of Christ. However this does not mean that his biblically inspired radiance does not need to be translated to the challenges of modern life. This is because the eight centuries separating us from him form a wide chasm. In a small way, this book endeavours to contribute to the actualisation of Francis' charisma: a freely chosen life-style characterised by having no possessions as well as by courageous service and courteous respect to others. What can his biblical 'art of living' signify for the modern individual who jealously guards his or her freedom in a world marked by excessive planning and omnipresent technology, and who at the same time is usually not quite sure for whom or for what he or she is actually free?
Peeters Publishers Entre Le Global Et Le Local: Inculturation Et Changement Social
Le modele de la contextualisation conjure la pastorale missionnaire de s'adresser a la situation culturelle integrale des societes, qui comprend des vetera mais egalement des nova, de prendre en consideration la marche des peuples vers l'avenir autant que la culture traditionnelle encore tres vivante, de tenir compte des determinants de la vie des populations encore tres immergees dans les traditions d'antan et de s'y adapter, mais de s'y adapter avec une flexibilite et une ouverture conscientes des aspirations modernes au developpement et de l'evolution ulterieure des societes. Ce louable souci d'equilibre ne suffit point pour satisfaire ni les exigences d'une intelligence a la recherche de comprehension et de coherence, ni les attentes d'une pastorale avide de programmes pratiques et de solutions concretes. Le noble projet restera un pieux desir aussi longtemps qu'on n'aura pas montre par quelles voies concretes l'integration de la tradition et de la modernite est appelee a prendre forme. La question recurrente des hommes et des femmes qui combattent dans les lignes de feu est: Comment faire concretement lorsque, simultanement, sont a l"uvre dans les societes non-occidentales des forces travaillant dans des directions radicalement opposees, les unes tendant au maintien, et meme a l'accentuation des particularismes, les autres agissant dans le sens de la convergence et de l'affinite? C'est aux divers aspects de cette question complexe et rarement abordee qu'est consacree la reflexion developpee dans ce livre. Grace a la double competence de l'auteur, celui-ci est a la fois un ouvrage de theologie pastorale et un essai d'anthropologie appliquee.
Peeters Publishers Philosophie Et Theologie: Festschrift Emilio Brito
Edite a l'occasion de l'accession a l'emeritat du Pr. E. Brito, "Philosophie et theologie" rassemble une trentaine de contributions qui rendent hommage a l"uvre du professeur louvaniste, specialiste de l'idealisme allemand et des rapports entre philosophie et theologie. Reparties en deux grandes sections, une plus historique, l'autre plus thematique, les differentes contributions eclairent de maniere specifique et variee la problematique des relations entre les deux disciplines.
Peeters Publishers Europa: Charming Zeus ... and Numerous Others!: International Political Economy of EU Accession
The central topic in this volume is enlargement-induced institutional change of the European Union (EU). Ever since its embryonic stages, the EU has been a highly attractive organisation to join. The EU consists of 27 member states (2007) and after several rounds of accession it looks as if enlargement is in the Union's genes. Moreover, the EU has far-reaching supranational competences which are widely varying in an increasing number of areas. These reveal the coincidence of widening and deepening as the distinctive feature of European integration. The purpose of this volume - Europa: Charming Zeus ...and Numerous Others: International Political Economy of EU Accession - is to provide the reader with a rationale which explains rather than describes integration processes. The volume offers both a new theoretical framework for the study of enlargement-induced institutional change and a wide range of empirical studies which are original in topic and approach. Contributions range from historical overviews of the processes of enlargement, to analyses of specific policy fields and the modelling of decision-making in the EU. What the contributions have in common is that they focus on the dynamics of integration and follow the leading question of international political economy as put forward by Susan Strange: Cui bono?
Peeters Publishers Mourir au Pays des Deux Fleuves: L'au-dela Mesopotamien D'apres les Sources Sumeriennes et Akkadiennes
Les Mesopotamiens n'ont jamais ressenti le besoin d'enoncer de maniere claire et structuree leur conception de l'au-dela et les informations relatives a ce sujet sont disseminees dans une multitude de documents, toutes categories confondues, disperses dans le temps. Ces textes ont ete rassembles dans cet ouvrage afin de mieux comprendre comment les Mesopotamiens expliquaient le phenomene universel de la " Mort ", comment ils imaginaient ce qui subsiste de l'homme suite au trepas, quelle etait la place occupee par les Enfers dans leur univers, comment pouvait-on y acceder ou encore quel etait le cadre de vie des defunts. Cet ouvrage aborde egalement la question controversee de l'existence d'eventuelles conditions d'acces au sejour des trepasses avant de s'interesser aux modalites de " survie " des defunts.
Peeters Publishers De Boerenkrijg: Een Archeologische Kijk Op De Periode Rond 1798
De Boerenkrijg roept bij velen onder ons wellicht het romantische beeld op van de heldhaftige strijdende boeren die vochten voor God en Vaderland. Niets is minder waar: er wordt in dit boek getracht deze en andere cliches te weerleggen. Deze guerilla op het einde van de 18de eeuw vond plaats in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden en werd veroorzaakt door allerlei maatregelen van de Franse overheersers tegen de inheemse traditie. In deze catalogus, gelijknamig aan de tentoonstelling in de Centrale Bibliotheek van de K.U.Leuven van 12 februari tot 24 maart 2007, willen we de Boerenkrijg in een archeologisch kader plaatsen. Hierbij willen we zowel relicten van de Boerenkrijg als het dagelijkse leven van de mensen in deze periode illustreren. Dit zorgt voor een vernieuwende blik op het historisch kader van de Boerenkrijg.
Peeters Publishers Ancient Nomads of the Aralo-Caspian Region: The Duana Archaeological Complex. University of Sydney Central Asian Programme
The Aralo-Caspian region is the southern heartland of the Eurasian steppe and in its remotest quarters it preserves a rich record of the nomads who have ranged for many centuries across its grasslands. Between the Aral and the Caspian Seas lies the Ustiurt Plateau, an isolated upland area of semi-desert that in past centuries was once the favoured winter grazing land for many of the nomadic tribes of central Eurasia. Professor Vadim Yagodin pioneered work in this difficult region and through several decades documented its history, mainly through evidence gathered from cemeteries. Duana lies in a beautiful setting overlooking the western shores of the Aral Sea. Its importance rests not only in the multi-period burial complex but also in the nomad sanctuaries that have been found there.
Peeters Publishers Profusion de la Vaste Sphere: Klong-chen Rab-'byams (Tibet, 1308-1364). Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre, Sa Doctrine
L'?uvre de Klong chen rab 'byams (alias Klong chen pa) a laisse une profonde empreinte dans la culture tibetaine, non seulement en raison de ses qualites proprement philosophiques, mais encore grace a sa dimension spirituelle et du fait aussi a son ecriture poetique, dont les couleurs la mettent a part de la grande masse de la grisaille scolastique bouddhique. S'inscrivant principalement dans le courant spirituel de la " Grande Completude " (rDzogs chen) de l'ecole dite Ancienne (rNying ma), il ne s'en est pas moins applique a realiser une synthese generale des doctrines et traditions bouddhiques connues au Tibet a son epoque. Dans ce livre, Stephane Arguillere a reconstitue, a partir de la plupart des sources disponibles, ce que l'on pouvait savoir de la vie de cet auteur ; il s'est essaye a etablir un catalogue fiable de ses ?uvres authentiques et a proposer une interpretation philosophique generale de sa pensee. Le volume s'acheve sur la traduction francaise de quelques chapitres d'une ?uvre majeure de la fin de la vie de Klong chen rab 'byams, illustrant le style tres particulier de cet auteur.
Peeters Publishers Renaissantismes et Renaissance des Peuples du Nord. Evolution de la Question Autochtone en Republique Sakha (Yakoutie) dans le Contexte des Mutations Post-sovietiques
Cet ouvrage se penche sur une periode de l'histoire recente de la Siberie, celle de la premiere decennie post-sovietique, marquee par des flux centrifuges et de fortes revendications, regionales et nationales, d'autonomie et de recentrement identitaire. En Yakoutie, vaste region du nord-est siberien ou la presente etude nous conduit, les peuples autochtones, groupes d'origines variees (turciques, toungouses et " paeloasiatiques "), font face, a l'heure ou le regime et l'ideologie sovietiques s'effondrent, a une crise majeure de leur existence collective : comme l'ensemble des peuples autochtones de la Siberie, les Yakoutes, Evenks, Evenes, Dolganes, Youkaguirs et Tchouktches qui constituent le peuplement premier de la Republique Sakha (Yakoutie), font le bilan des pertes infligees par la colonisation russe et sovietique et reagissent a la menace d'extinction que font peser sur eux, entre autre, la depossession de leurs heritages ethnoculturels et la destruction du lien entre l'homme et son environnement traditionnel...
Peeters Publishers Sacred and Sweet: Studies on the Material Culture of Tell Deir 'Alla and Tell Abu Sarbut
Henk Franken contributed much to the archaeology of the Levant. He directed excavations, in the 1960s and 1970s, at the Bronze and Iron Age site of Tell Deir 'Alla, and was later involved in the excavations at the nearby Mamluk site of Tell Abu Sarbut. This volume, dedicated to his memory, is about these two sites in the Jordan Valley, the region to which Franken devoted so much of his time and energy, and about the interaction between the land and its people. Several students and colleagues contributed to it. It also contains Franken's last article on the religion of Deir 'Alla.
Peeters Publishers Two Anonymous Sets of Scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's "Heavenly Hierarchy": V.
Peeters Publishers Voces Biblicae: Septuagint Greek and Its Significance for the New Testament
During the Renaissance period, when the Greek texts of the Bible became accessible again to Western scholars, a large number of words were identified that seemed to be attested only in the Septuagint and New Testament: the famous "voces biblicae", "biblical words". They were held by some to reflect a special kind of Jewish Greek, or perhaps even a peculiar Greek idiom created by the Holy Spirit in order to express the unspeakable mysteries of God's grace. Today, scholars usually prefer more down-to-earth explanations. Moreover, the list of "voces biblicae" has been much shortened because many words that were initially found only in the Bible later turned up in the papyri. Nevertheless, the "biblical words" continue to fascinate. The present volume contains seven essays illuminating different aspects of the vocabulary of the Greek Bible.
Peeters Publishers The Scala Magna of Shams al-Ri'asah Abu al-Barakat. Volume I: Introduction, Text, Translation and Notes
Among the different kinds of "ladders", there was the classified vocabulary, of which several anonymous examples have survived in the manuscripts. These "ladders" group together Bohairic words relating to, for example, geographical features, meteorological phenomena, birds, beasts, creeping things, palm trees, fruits, vegetables and so on. Within each section the words were listed without special order. These "ladders", too, follow examples set by Arabic lexicographers. The "ladder" edited here is an example of this category. It alone is ascribed in the manuscripts to a named author, Shams al-Ri'asah Abu al-Barakat Ibn Kabar (died 10 May, 1324 A.D.). He is presumably identical with the priest of the church called al-Mu'allaqah in Old Cairo, al-Shams Ibn Kabar, who also bore the name Barsauma, who is mentioned in the colophon of Berlin Arabic 10173. He served as secretary to the Mamluk official Baybars al-Mansuri. Besides this "ladder", he composed an ecclesiastical encyclopedia, "The Lamp (that Illuminates) the Darkness and the Elucidation of the Liturgy", and a collection of sermons for feasts and special occasions. His "ladder" is commonly called the Great Ladder, presumably because it is the most complete example of the classified vocabulary. In addition, it attempts to organize the different classifications in a more logical order than is usual for the anonymous classified vocabularies. It is divided into ten books.
Peeters Publishers Das Gemeinschaftliche Gebet in Der Sicht Des Lukas
Die Haltung des Lukas zur romischen Offentlichkeit und zur griechisch-romischen Kultur ist in neuster Zeit ofter gewurdigt worden, weniger jedoch seine darstellung des gemeinschaftlichen Betens bei Christen, Juden und Heiden. Die Studie geht dieser Frage nach, wobei sie der Eigenart der lukanischen Theologie besondere Beachtung schenkt. Erortert werden die historischen Hintergrunde und die literarischen Vorbilder des Idealbildes, das Lukas von den Anfangen des christlichen Gemeindelebens zeichnet. Um die lukanische Sicht zu verstehen, werden nicht allein biblische und fruhchristliche Texte, sondern verstarkt auch Zeugnisse der hellenistisch-judischen Diaspora herangezogen, wobei die Werke des Philo von Alexandria und des Josephus eine herausragende Rolle spielen. So leistet die Studie einen Beitrag zur Erforschung des judischen und christlichen Gebets und kontextualisiert dieses Feld zugleich in der paganen Antike. Es erweist sich dabei in vielfacher Hinsicht, dass Lukas seine Wurzeln im Umfeld der Synagoge hatte.
Peeters Publishers Alexandre Le Grand, Heros Chretien En Ethiopie: Histoire D'Alexandre ("Zena Eskender")
A vingt ans, Alexandre le Grand accede au trone et, en quelques annees, cree un empire de trois millions de kilometres carres que l'hellenisme eclairera de sa lumiere pendant un millenaire. L'evenement prodigieux engendre toute une litterature dont le fleuron, le A"Roman d'AlexandreA" du Pseudo-Callisthene, connait un immense succes au Moyen-Age. L'Ethiopie accueillera ce texte et conservera aussi un ecrit dont l'original, arabe, est perdu : l'A"Histoire des actes et du regne d'Alexandre, le roi aime de DieuA" fait du Conquerant le champion du Christ au pays des negus oA' il pourfend sans treve idolatres et mecreants - dans une atmosphere oA' la parenese va de pair avec l'exaltation du Macedonien. Le texte ethiopien n'avait encore jamais ete traduit en francais, la seule version existante remontant au 19eme siecle. La nature de l'expose a par ailleurs engage a donner A"in extensoA" les tres nombreux paralleles bibliques qui nourrissent la pensee de l'auteur.
Peeters Publishers L'Art de la Collection: Introduction Historico-ethique a L'hermeneutique Conjecturale de Nicolas de Cues. Traduit du Neerlandais par Jean-Michel Counet
;Art de la Collection DESCRIPTION: Nicolas de Cues est un penseur qui, par ses experiences comme politicien et diplomate itinerant, a ete fascine par la diversite des formes de vie religieuses et culturelles. Son projet philosophique peut des lors etre vu comme une tentative de repondre au defi du pluralisme naissant, sur base de l'idee de l'homme createur. La creativite de l'homme dans la pensee du Cusain a neanmoins un tout autre caractere que le paradigme de la subjectivite des temps modernes, qui a toujours ete davantage predominant au fil des siecles. Chez Nicolas, c'est plutot l'experience de la collection qui vient a l'avant-plan. L' " art de la collection " est une traduction libre de l'ars coniecturalis, le nouveau paradigme que le Cusain propose et met en ?uvre dans son livre, le " De Coniecturis" (1441-1445). Dans ce paradigme, la question de la verite est explicitement liee au primat de la praxis. La verite recommence avec chaque individu et doit etre a nouveau realisee par chacun de nous. Cette etude veut offrir une contribution a la comprehension de la modernite, si critiquee actuellement, a partir de sa toute premiere origine.