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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Private Firms and Public Water: Realising Social and Environmental Objectives in Developing Countries
The provision of water and sanitation services (WSS) in developing countries has traditionally been the preserve of the state, but recently there has been a move towards greater private sector participation (PSP).While the potential economic benefits of PSP are well-known, the authors extensively discuss the environmental and social implications unique to the sector. The focus of the book is on the crucial role public authorities must continue to play to guarantee sustainability, levels of service and access to a variety of consumers. The authors show how these objectives are realised in very different ways - and not always successfully - in developing countries. The authors critically review the current literature and include new case studies from Manila, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Abidjan and Mexico City. Private Firms and Public Water will be of interest to regulatory officials, economists, development professionals and scholars, as well as government, business and NGOs.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Quality, Performance and Accountability in Higher Education
The role, scale and expectations of higher education institutions have changed dramatically in recent times as knowledge-intensity has become a key determinant of economic competitiveness. Higher education institutions face increasing pressure to demonstrate their fitness to meet the needs of society and individuals. Questions about the quality, performance and productivity of higher education are central to these concerns, of relevance to society, governments and students. This Handbook brings together a group of international scholars to address these issues and propose how to move beyond them.This Handbook is the first comprehensive reference, laying out current research in the field, and bringing it up-to-date with cutting-edge theoretical and empirical contributions from leading international experts. Blending new research with richly contextualised national and regional examples, the authors give authoritative insights from around the globe on how best to understand, assess and improve quality, performance and accountability in higher education.This Handbook will become an invaluable tool for practitioners in higher education and education policy-making as well as researchers and students of social science and public policy.Contributors include: K.S. Adeyemo, K. Aleksandriyskaya, A. Amaral, S. Archer, I. Austin, E. Bell, P. Benneworth, C. Blanco, V. Borden, R. Bringle, R. Brown, H. Coates, G. Croucher, D. Dill, M. Dobbins, D. Edwards, A. Fryar, S. Fukahori, A. Gibson, F. Guo, M. Hanlon, L. Harvey, E. Hazelkorn, M. Hicks, N. Hillman, A.Y.-c.Hou, F. Huang, J. Huisman, Y. Ibrahim, R. Ismail, N. Jankowski, E. Jerez, G. Jones, B. Jongbloed, J. Jungblut, P. Kelly, R. King, K. Kinser, M. Klemencic, G. Kuh, J. Lane, L. Lange, M.C. Lennon, S.E. Lid, N.C. Liu, Y. Luo, M. Mahat, J. Marino, M. Martin, W.F Massy, A.C. McCormick, K. Moore, S. Moyo, P. Noonan, D. Orr, R. Shavelson, J. Shi, O.-J. Skodvin, B. Stensaker, F. Strydom, P. Teixeira, R. Tijssen, O. Troitschanskaia, A. Usher, F. van Vught, N.V. Varghese, H. Vossensteyn, M. Vukasovic, R. Wagenaar, C.D. Wan, E. Weber, H.P. Weingarten, W. Wen, D. Westerheijden, R. Williams, T. Yang, N. Zeeman, L. Zhang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Women Entrepreneurs in the Global Marketplace
This groundbreaking book examines the status of female entrepreneurs across the world, analyzing the social, political, cultural and economic factors that affect their positions in society and their contributions to entrepreneurship and innovation within their respective countries.Using a combination of original data and detailed statistics drawn from reports by government agencies and international organizations, Andrea E. Smith-Hunter discusses the accomplishments and challenges of women entrepreneurs in nine countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ghana, Iceland, India, Jamaica, Sweden and the United States. This geographic diversity provides a complete and comprehensive picture of women entrepreneurs worldwide - both their shared experiences and the specific conditions they face on a regional level. Following a detailed discussion of the current status of female entrepreneurs, the author offers a number of thoughtful recommendations for improving their opportunities and positions across the world.This innovative volume will prove highly useful for international organizations that assist women, as well as for professors and students of entrepreneurship studies and anyone else interested in the unique conditions faced by women entrepreneurs of the world.Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. Australia 3. Brazil 4. Canada 5. Ghana 6. Iceland 7. India 8. Jamaica 9. Sweden 10. United States 11. Conclusion References Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Law: An Introduction
Although many books focus on law and economics, and environmental economics, this is one of the first to combine the two topics in a fully integrated and comprehensive manner. The authors successfully bridge the gap between the disciplines of environmental law and traditional economics in a lucid and highly accessible style.The Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Law covers many of the recent advances in the field and attempts to integrate some of the most crucial legal and economic instruments which, in the authors' view, have not yet been subjected to proper analysis. These include zoning, expropriation, licensing, third party liability, safety regulation, mandatory insurance and criminal sanctions. The authors pay particular attention to the interrelationships of these instruments and their various economic effects. Using a comparative law and economics methodology, they are also able to incorporate environmental law with international policy and investigate the many diverse rules of the legal system and their implementation in different countries. Crucially, the authors do not consider economics as the exclusive determinant in legal rule-making. They also highlight the need for ethical considerations and illustrate the potential limitations of pure economic analysis.The book assumes no prior knowledge of economics and will prove informative and rewarding for students of law and the social and natural sciences, especially those with an interest in environmental policy. With an extensive reference list and detailed notes on further reading material, this book will also serve as a stimulating introduction to the discipline of law and economics for environmental, political and legal practitioners.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Shaping Policy Agendas: The Micro-Politics of Economic International Organizations
This fascinating book investigates the strategic importance of the production and dissemination of expertise in the activities of the international organizations (IOs) that have come to symbolize the dominance of the Western political and economic order. Analyzing IOs as semi-autonomous policy agenda shapers, chapters explore how they use economic frameworks to interpret the 'problems' and 'solutions' of wider, non-economic policy domains. Examining a diverse range of policy domains, such as education, global care chains, chemical safety, and participatory development, this book illustrates the knowledge authority of IOs on a micro-political scale, revealing the routes and trajectories of international power. Featuring contributions from experts in the field of agenda shaping and international politics, this book is critical reading for political scientists and researchers exploring the growing influence of IOs around the world. Policymakers will also benefit from its insights into the micro-politics of IO policy agendas. Contributors include: D. Dolowitz, C. Fontdevila, E. Fouilleux, V. Gayon, S. Grek, M. Hadjiisky, R. Mahon, S. Maire, A. Martin, O. Nay, R. Normand, L.A. Pal, D. Stone, A. Verger
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Judicial Activism at the European Court of Justice
This well-constructed, and well-written, collection fills a gap in the scholarship. It offers a rounded and plausible picture of the Court's role in Europe, engaging with the complexity of the law without losing sight of the bigger political picture. Well-contextualised, critical, but nuanced, discussions of the role of rights, economics, science, and institutions, and of the important particularities of EU adjudication, will make this volume unmissable for those interested in the political role of the Court of Justice of the EU.'- Gareth Davies, VU University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsThis book delves into the rationale, components of, and responses to accusations of judicial activism at the European Court of Justice.Detailed chapters from academics, practitioners and stakeholders bring diverse perspectives on a range of factors - from access rules to institutional design and to substantive functions - influencing the European Court's political role. Each of the contributing authors invites the reader to approach the debate on the role of the Court in terms of a constantly evolving set of interactions between the EU judiciary, the European and national political spheres, as well as a multitude of other actors vested in competing legitimacy claims. The book questions the political role of the Court as much as it stresses the opportunities - and corresponding responsibilities - that the Court's case law offers to independent observers, political institutions and civil society organisations.Judicial Activism at the European Court of Justice will appeal to researchers and graduate students as well as to EU and national officials.Contributors: A. Arnull, L. Azoulai, M. Bulterman, S. Carrera, M. Dawson, M. de Visser, B. de Witte, V. Hatzopoulos, M. Höreth, C. Kaupa, E. Muir, B. Petkova, E. Vos, C. Wissels
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Business Ethics and Corporate Sustainability
This authoritative book includes cutting-edge insights from leading European and North American scholars who reflect upon business ethics' foundations, firms, markets and stakeholders in order to design more sustainable patterns of development for business and society. Together, the contributing authors advance critical, innovative and imaginative perspectives to rethink the mainstream models and address the sustainability challenge. Business Ethics and Corporate Sustainability will provide a stimulating read for academic researchers, and postgraduate students in business ethics, corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability as well as those interested in management, strategy and finance.Contributors: D. Arenas, M. Bourlakis, G. Brenkert, J. Collier, C.J. Cowton, W. Cragg, A. Di Giulio, G. Enderle, K.J. Ims, K.T. Jackson, O.D. Jakobsen, J.M. Lozano, P. Migliavacca, E. O'Higgins, F. Perrini, Y. Pesqueux, L.J. Spence, A. Tencati, C. Vurro, J. Wempe, L. Zsolnai
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Gender and Entrepreneurial Activity
There is growing interest in the relationship between gender and entrepreneurial activity. In this book, 37 eminent scholars from diverse academic disciplines contribute cutting-edge research that addresses, from a gender perspective, three general areas of importance: key characteristics of entrepreneurs, key performance attributes of entrepreneurial firms, and the role of financial capital in the establishment and growth of entrepreneurial firms. Each chapter focuses on original, burgeoning themes related to gender and entrepreneurship, with forward-looking research that highlights key findings. For example, some authors show how the so-called 'gender divide' in patenting is greater than in publishing for academic entrepreneurs. Others explore the corruption in business practices, which is less for women entrepreneurs than their male counterparts, and explain why gender diversity is higher in equity crowdfunding than in other entrepreneurial finance markets. The book takes a global approach, offering examples of entrepreneurs from around the world. Scholars and students interested in entrepreneurship and the role of gender in business will find this volume informative and eye opening.Contributors include: D.B. Audretsch, D. Benaroio, O. Bengtsson, A. Blume, M.E. Blume-Kohout, F. Carne, S. Coleman, J.A. Cunningham, B. Dolan, R.K. Goel, D. Göktepe-Hultén, C.S. Hayter, J. Hegland, N. Hodges, M. Johannesson, E. Karpova, M. Koparanova, E. Leahey, E.E. Lehmann, A.N. Link, L. Lynch, V. Mangematin, S. Marcketti, R. Mohammed, C. O'Kane, P. O'Reilly, M. Parker, R. Ram, A. Robb, T. Sanandaji, C. Trentini, S. Vismara, K. Watchravesringkan, M. Williams, K. Wirsching, R.-N. Yan, J. Yurchisin
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 21: A Special Issue of European Review of Social Psychology
The European Review of Social Psychology (ERSP) is an e-first journal published under the auspices of the European Association of Social Psychology. ERSP is an international journal which aims to further the international exchange of ideas by providing an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical and empirical work, whose origins may be, but need not be, European. The emphasis of these contributions is on substantial individual programmes of research and on critical assessment of major areas of research, as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporary interest and originality.All articles published by the European Review, whether commissioned by the editors, assisted by an international board of established scholars, or spontaneously submitted by authors are externally reviewed. Publication is subject to a positive outcome of this review process. ERSP (now in its 21st year) is widely accepted as one of the major international series in social psychology and accessed by all important abstracting and indexing services including the Social Science Citation Index. With its e-first publishing model it offers authors an opportunity to participate in a well-respected publication and to disseminate their ideas quickly, while allowing readers the chance to see individual articles as soon as they are completed, without waiting for a whole volume or issue to be prepared.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Drug and Other Stories: Second Edition
This revised and expanded second edition brings together the uncollected short fiction of the poet, writer and religious philosopher Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). Of the fifty-four stories in the present volume, only thirty-five were published in his lifetime. Most of the rest appear in this collection for the first time. Crowley was a successful critic, editor and author of fiction from 1908 to 1922. Like their author, his stories are fun, smart, witty, thought-provoking and sometimes unsettling. They are set in places in which he had lived, and knew well: Belle Epoque Paris, Edwardian London, pre-revolutionary Russia and America during the First World War. The title story The Drug stands as one of the first accounts — if not the first — of a psychedelic experience. His Black and Silver is a knowing early noir discovery that anticipates an entire genre. Atlantis is a masterpiece of occult fantasy that can stand with Samuel Butler’s Erewhon. Frank Harris considered The Testament of Magdalen Blair the most terrifying tale ever written. This second edition adds several additional stories, including the Qabalistic allegory Ambrosii Magi Hortus Rosarum, featuring the author’s previously unpublished annotations. Extensive editorial end-notes give full details about the stories.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Political Entrepreneurship: Regional Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity in Sweden
Political Entrepreneurship explores the role of political entrepreneurs in regional growth and entrepreneurial diversity. The authors define a political entrepreneur as a politician, bureaucrat or officer within the publicly funded sector who encourages entrepreneurship for growth and employment using innovative approaches. This book aims to enrich the established research on entrepreneurship with in-depth knowledge of the conditions conducive for political entrepreneurship in Sweden. Political entrepreneurs have the potential to be innovative and encourage entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial diversity by fundamentally challenging the prevailing formal and informal institutions. It is argued that, in times of economic stress, political entrepreneurship is essential to find new ways of promoting growth, employment and welfare. By using social science and economics perspectives, this study complements the dominant business administration research on entrepreneurship by increasing our knowledge of the economic and political contexts in which entrepreneurship and private enterprise is conducted.This book is essential reading for students, researchers and policymakers interested in politics, economics and entrepreneurship, as well as for those working in the public sector.Contributors include: D.E. Andersson, S. Andersson, A.E. Andersson, P. Assmo, C. Berggren, T. Bromander, C. Karlsson, M. Nilsson, C. Silander, D. Silander, P. Strömblad, M.-L. von Bergmann-Winberg, Y. von Friedrichs, E. Wihlborg
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Sustainable Development: Second Edition
This Handbook demonstrates the well-established body of thinking on sustainable development which now exists, and its tighter focus today on limits to current economic growth patterns. But while there have been lots of big global debates on planetary boundaries, and thresholds for critical resources, there has been little progress on the ground and in getting the politics right. Contributing authors show that many of the models we use to understand and manage relations between planet, people and profit are hopelessly mis-specified. But better tools exist, such as sustainability indicators, national environmental accounts, and the ecological footprint to help bridge this gap.'- Camilla Toulmin, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), UK'There is now wide recognition that current patterns of economic development are already putting great strains on resources, environment and the climate and that, if continued, the consequences could undermine or reverse past development gains and, possibly, lead to catastrophe. In other words our current paths are unsustainable. This Handbook provides a very thorough, thoughtful and valuable contribution to our understanding of the possible meanings of sustainable development, how it can be understood and calibrated, and characteristics of and choices around alternative paths. This is a subject that should be at the centre of the study of development and encompasses many disciplines. And it should be a subject that commands the attention of all those who think carefully about our future well-being; they will find this Handbook fascinating and essential reading.'- Lord Nicholas Stern, London School of Economics and Political Science, UKThis timely and important Handbook takes stock of progress made in our understanding of what sustainable development actually is and how it can be measured and achieved.This fully updated and revised second edition captures recent developments in the field, including 14 new chapters by internationally renowned authors from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. The authors explain that the gap between public commitments to sustainable development and real-world action towards achieving it is still significant, but not insurmountable, and that opportunities do exist to reduce that margin. Contributors synthesize the established knowledge and clearly present cutting-edge concepts from the frontier of sustainability research with direct relevance to theory and practice. Topics covered include: the fundamentals of sustainability; equity within and between generations; the capital approach; green growth; measurements and indicators of sustainability; climate change and wellbeing.This accessible, comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to exploring the theory and practice of sustainable development will prove an invaluable reference tool for researchers, students, academics and practitioners with an interest in the field of sustainable development.Contributors: W.N. Adger, S. Afionis, J. Agyeman, M. Agarwala, J.A. Allan, G.B. Asheim, G. Atkinson, R.M. Auty, E.B. Barbier, A. Bowen, C. Carraro, M.A. Cole, G. Cranston, S. Dietz, L. Dupuy, O. Edenhofer, P. Ekins, S. Fankhauser, T.J. Foxon, A. Galli, G. Gosnell, A. Gouldson, R. Green, K. Hamilton, G. Heal, C. Hepburn, J. Hodbod, T. Jackson, S. Kadner, B. Kristr m, G.-M. Lange, P. Lawn, A. Lucchesi, G. Luderer, J.A. McGregor, G. McNicoll, J.C. Morales, Y. Mulugetta, E. Naikal, E. Neumayer, B.G. Norton, D. Pearce, A. Randall, Y. Rydin, G. Schwerhoff, R. Sullivan, A. Thompson, C.A. Tisdell, J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, J. Vogler, C. von Stechow, M. Wackernagel, A. Winkels, G. Yohe, Z. Zhang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Smart Technologies and the End(s) of Law: Novel Entanglements of Law and Technology
Do conceptions of the Rule of Law reflect timeless truths, or are they in fact contingent on a particular information and communications infrastructure - one that we are fast leaving behind? Hildebrandt has engineered a provocative encounter between law and networked digital technologies that cuts to the heart of the dilemma confronting legal institutions in a networked world.'- Julie E. Cohen, Georgetown University, US'Many contemporary authors are wrestling with two technological developments which will change our society beyond recognition: big data analytics and smart technologies. Few though understand, or can explain, these developments in the way Mireille Hildebrandt does. In ambitiously bringing together legal theory, psychology, social ethnology and of course smart agency and ambient intelligence, Hildebrandt gives the most complete study of these vitally important developments. Books are often described as 'must read' though few actually are; this one genuinely is.'- Andrew Murray, London School of Economics, UKThis timely book tells the story of the smart technologies that reconstruct our world, by provoking their most salient functionality: the prediction and preemption of our day-to-day activities, preferences, health and credit risks, criminal intent and spending capacity.Mireille Hildebrandt claims that we are in transit between an information society and a data-driven society, which has far reaching consequences for the world we depend on. She highlights how the pervasive employment of machine-learning technologies that inform so-called 'data-driven agency' threaten privacy, identity, autonomy, non-discrimination, due process and the presumption of innocence. The author argues how smart technologies undermine, reconfigure and overrule the ends of the law in a constitutional democracy, jeopardizing law as an instrument of justice, legal certainty and the public good. Nevertheless, the book calls on lawyers, computer scientists and civil society not to reject smart technologies, explaining how further engaging these technologies may help to reinvent the effective protection of the Rule of Law.Academics and researchers interested in the philosophy of law and technology will find this book both discerning and relevant. Practitioners and policy makers in the areas of law, computer science and engineering will benefit from the insight into smart technologies and their impact today.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources: The Econometrics of Non-market Valuation
Non-market valuation has become a broadly accepted and widely practiced means of measuring the economic values of the environment and natural resources. In this book, the authors provide a guide to the statistical and econometric practices that economists employ in estimating non-market values.The authors develop the econometric models that underlie the basic methods: contingent valuation, travel cost models, random utility models and hedonic models. They analyze the measurement of non-market values as a procedure with two steps: the estimation of parameters of demand and preference functions and the calculation of benefits from the estimated models. Each of the models is carefully developed from the preference function to the behavioral or response function that researchers observe. The models are then illustrated with datasets that characterize the kinds of data researchers typically deal with. The real world data and clarity of writing in this book will appeal to environmental economists, students, researchers and practitioners in multilateral banks and government agencies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 24
The European Review of Social Psychology (ERSP) is an e-first journal published under the auspices of the European Association of Social Psychology. ERSP is an international journal which aims to further the international exchange of ideas by providing an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical and empirical work, whose origins may be, but need not be, European. The emphasis of these contributions is on substantial individual programmes of research and on critical assessment of major areas of research, as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporary interest and originality.All articles published by the European Review, whether commissioned by the editors, assisted by an international board of established scholars, or spontaneously submitted by authors are externally reviewed. Publication is subject to a positive outcome of this review process. ERSP (now in its 24th year) is widely accepted as one of the major international series in social psychology and accessed by all important abstracting and indexing services, including the Social Science Citation Index. With its e-first publishing model it offers authors an opportunity to participate in a well-respected publication and to disseminate their ideas quickly, while allowing readers the chance to see individual articles as soon as they are completed, without waiting for a whole volume or issue to be prepared.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Welfare Economics of Public Policy: A Practical Approach to Project and Policy Evaluation
This outstanding text, a follow-up to the authors' award-winning 1982 text, provides a thorough treatment of economic welfare theory and develops a complete theoretical and empirical framework for applied project and policy evaluation. The authors illustrate how this theory can be used to develop policy analysis from both theory and estimation in a variety of areas including: international trade, the economics of technological change, agricultural economics, the economics of information, environmental economics, and the economics of extractive and renewable natural resources.Building on willingness-to-pay (WTP) measures as the foundation for applied welfare economics, the authors develop measures for firms and households where households are viewed as both consumers and owner/sellers of resources. Possibilities are presented for (1) approximating WTP with consumer surplus, (2) measuring WTP exactly subject to errors in existing econometric work, and (3) using duality theory to specify econometric equations consistent with theory.Later chapters cover specific areas of welfare measurement under imperfect competition, uncertainty, incomplete information, externalities, and dynamic considerations. Applications are considered explicitly for policy issues related to information, international trade, the environment, agriculture, and other natural resource issues.The Welfare Economics of Public Policy is ideal for graduate and undergraduate courses in applied welfare economics, public policy, agricultural policy, and environmental economics and provides an essential reference for practitioners of applied welfare economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Copyright in the Information Society: A Guide to National Implementation of the European Directive, Second Edition
This substantially revised second edition evaluates the Directive on Copyright in the Information Society and its interpretation by the European Court of Justice in the light of its implementation and application in the EU's 28 member states. Following the initial implementation of the Directive, many member states have enacted further legislation to supplement or refine their earlier implementation: this edition will take these important developments into account. Key features of the updated second edition include: Chapters authored by experts from all 28 member states, providing detailed analysis on how the Directive has been implemented and applied on a national level Contextual chapters on the relevant WIPO treaties and the Directive that highlight areas of discretion left to national legislators Updated review of the European Court's case law that serves to interpret the Directive Expanded foreword by Dr Jörg Reinbothe, the architect of the Directive. Combining practical information on implementation of the Directive with the latest academic research this book will be of great value to policy makers, practising lawyers and researchers alike. The book will be of particular interest for the further development of copyright in the Digital Single Market since it captures the status quo of copyright protection in the member states at a decisive moment in the legislative debate. Contributors include: P. Adamsson, P. Akester, T. Aplin, S.L. Azzopardi, J. Bordans, A. Demetriades, W.Z. Dziomdziora, S. Ercolani, N. Epaminonda, M. Ficsor, P.M. Grimaud, K. Harenko, E. Ivanauskiene, J. Jost, G. Kadlecová, P. Kamina, V. Krizova, M.G. León, B. Lindner, K. Manhaeve, B. Michaux, V. Näslund, S. Olsovsky, F. Philapitsch, A. Quaedvlieg, L. Scales, M. Schaefer, T. Schiltz, P. Schønning, T. Shapiro, V. Sokolov, M. Trampuz, E. Vagena, M. Valousek, I. Veiksa, M. Voican, R.M. Vuckovic
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on Ecotourism
Roy and Jan have assembled a timely snapshot of our current understanding of ecotourism, both as a concept worthy of scientific inquiry and as an increasingly significant segment of global commerce and industry. A terrific piece of work!'- Sam Ham, University of Idaho, US'In the 30 or so year since it became established in the tourism literature and in tourism practice, 'ecotourism' has attracted as many proponents as opponents. This Handbook now brings together some of the leading scholars worldwide in this field, to explore the current position of this form of tourism. In doing so, it offers serious critiques, it explores meanings and paradoxes, it offers best practices and it looks to the future. It is the Handbook for one of tourism's fastest growing and controversial sectors.'- David Airey, University of Surrey, UK'This is a most welcome and needed book. With a very strong editorial team and contributing authors, the Handbook covers all the key issues of ecotourism. It cuts through the confusion surrounding the much-misunderstood concept of ecotourism, clearly dealing with definitions, concepts and research issues. The Handbook is particularly welcome for its focus on the visitor experience, a strength of the editors, and for clearly linking the theory of ecotourism with practice in the field.'- Christopher Cooper, Oxford Brookes University, UKThis Handbook brings together contributions from over forty international experts in the field of ecotourism. It provides a critical review and discussion of current issues and concepts - it challenges readers to consider the boundaries of what ecotourism is, and could be. The Handbook provides practical information regarding the business of ecotourism; insights into ecotourist behavior and visitor experiences; and reflections on the practice of ecotourism in a range of different contexts.The Handbook is designed to be a valuable reference book for tourism scholars and researchers.Contributors: T. Baird, R. Ballantyne, T. Baum, P. Benckendorff, A. Bien, D. Biggs, R. Black, E. Brymer, R. Buckley, J. Butcher, J. Buultjens, S. Curtin, S. Dolnicar, R. Dowling, L. Dwyer, D. Edwards, J.H. Falk, D.A. Fennell, D. Getz, A. Grajal, C.M. Hall, E. Hawkins, K. Hughes, M. Hughes, E. Juvan, A.-M. Lacaze, J. Mann, E.W. Manning, G. Moscardo, D. Newsome, J. Packer, P.L. Pearce, S. Reid, B.W. Ritchie, K. Rodger, A. Shoebridge, A. Spenceley, N.L. Staus, L.A. Sutherland, C. Tisdell, C.L. Vernon, K. Walker, B. Weiler, N.E. White, V. Yanamandram
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Second Edition
Containing newly updated versions of existing entries and adding several important new entries, this second edition of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law takes stock of present-day comparative law scholarship. Written by leading authorities in their respective fields, the contributions in this accessible book cover and combine not only questions regarding the methodology of comparative law, but also specific areas of law (such as administrative law and criminal law) and specific topics (such as accident compensation and consideration). In addition, the Encyclopedia contains reports on a selected set of countries' legal systems and, as a whole, presents an overview of the current state of affairs. Providing its readers with a unique point of reference, as well as stimulus for further research, this volume is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in comparative law, especially academics, students and practitioners. Contributors: M. Abe, D. Bradley, W. Bull, W.E. Butler, R. Caterina, M. Claes, H. Cousy, E. Dacoronia, G.-R. de Groot, M.J. de Waal, H. Dedek, M. Deturbide, R. Dotevall, J.E. du Plessis, M.G. Faure, B. Fauvarque-Cosson, J. Fedtke, F. Ferrari, A. Fournier, J. Fu, D. Geradin, H.P. Glenn, M. Gondek, J. Gordley, J. Hage, B. Havel, J.H. Herbots, V. Heutger, G. Howells, E.J. Hughes, M. Hunter-Henin, J. Husa, N. Jansen, M.T. Kamminga, A.J. Kanning, S.M. Kroll, P. Letto-Vanamo, S.D. Lindenbergh, G. Lubbe, B. Lurger, L. Macgregor, H.L. MacQueen, U. Magnus, K. Mayer, R. Michaels, J.M. Milo, H. Muir Watt, J. Neethling, H.P. Nehl, D. Nelken, L. Nottage, C. O'Cinneide, A.E. Orucu, V.V. Palmer, F. Pennings, P. Pichonnaz, B. Pozzo, L. Rademacher, G. Samuel, M.J. Schermaier, M. Schmidt-Kessel, E. Schrage, G. Shalev, L. Slepaite, D. Smith, J.M. Smits, Z.D. Tarman, V. Thuronyi, M. Torsello, J.H.M. van Erp, N. Van Leuven, C.H. van Rhee, L. van Vliet, A. Vaquer, R. Verhagen, R. Verkerk, D. Visser, S. Vogenauer, M. Vranken, S. Weatherill, T. Weigend, B. Wessels, C.A. Williams, J. Ziller, P. Zumbansen
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Second Edition Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment
This second edition contains 14 countries as opposed to 16 in the first edition, but is essentially different as it not only includes updates for the countries in common, but also six new ones including Australia, Finland, Japan, New Zealand, Nigeria and Russia. It is, therefore, essentially a complement to the first edition. The editors suggest that one of the most significant effects of globalization has been to widen the scope of diversity management as workforces are becoming more diverse, with migrants posing a particular challenge in some countries. Examination at national level is crucial as anti-discrimination legislation and its implementation vary from country to country, especially with respect to whether or not positive discrimination is a feature. Above all the picture is changing over time. Hence the need for this new edition.'- Peter J. Sloane, Swansea University, UK and Flinders University, Australia'By covering the diversity practices in 14 different countries this Handbook makes evident the need to consider diversity management from a global and local standpoint. What is legal and standard practice towards equality in one country can be viewed as discriminative and unlawful just across the border. With such complex reality, the authors of this book make an incredible job of providing the reader with detailed and useful information on how to approach diversity 'glocally' (that is, in multiple geographies). The book, in a way, is a global travel guide for diversity management that benefits both business managers and HR practitioners operating in the international arena.'- Simon L. Dolan, ESADE Business School, Spain and Editor-in-Chief, Cross Cultural Management: An International JournalManaging and developing diversity is on the political and business agenda in many countries; therefore diversity management has become an area of knowledge and practice in its own right. Yet all too often it is referred to as a unifying concept, as if it were to be interpreted uniformly across all cultures and countries. The contributors to this volume expertly examine the relationship between diversity management and equality legislation within the different participating countries' national contexts. They advocate that such separation and sequencing between equality at work and diversity management is far from natural.The second edition of this important reference work provides important updates and new perspectives on the cases constituting the first edition as well as including contributions from a number of new countries: Australia, Finland, Japan, New Zealand, Nigeria and Russia. Countries that have been updated and expanded are Austria, Canada, France, India, Italy, the Netherlands, South Africa and the United Kingdom.This Handbook will be greatly appreciated by scholars who wish to better contextualize their research and will also provide policy-makers with benchmark data regarding equal treatment and diversity as understood in other countries.Contributors: I. Adeleye, D. Atewologun, A.-F. Bender, R. Bendl, I. Bleijenbergh, E. Bokovikova, L.A.E. Booysen, J. Burgess, F. Colgan, E. French, R. Haq, R. Hofmann, A. Klarsfeld, S. Kosheleva, J. Laufer, J. Louvrier, V. Mackie, O. Matanmi, A. McKearney, A. Murgia, E. Ng, S.M. Nkomo, K. Okano, B. Poggio, J.K. Pringle, K. Ravenswood, K.Rawston, I. Roper, I. Ryan, R. Schalk, G. Strachan, A. Tatli, A. Terlouw, D.-G. Tremblay, A. Tuori, M. van Engen, E. Zavyalova
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Nature, Production, Power: Towards an Ecological Political Economy
This book introduces readers to the discipline of ecological political economy, an approach that aims at a theoretical synthesis of nature, production and power relations. At its heart is a critical appreciation of the social institutions and organizations that can provide the basis for strong environmental sustainability. The complex of ecological, political and economic interrelationships are analysed by eleven authors from backgrounds in economics, political theory, political economy, law and theology. Unifying the disparate treatments is each author's commitment to critical reflection in the pursuit of an ever-more informed debate. Key themes include the nature of 'community', the role of civil society in resisting and reforming modern (un)sustainable development, the new place of transnational advocacy networks, the transformative possibilities for the state and new economic institutions.This book will be of special interest to political scientists and economists, as well as geographers, sociologists and students of environmental studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Organizational and Entrepreneurial Ingenuity
Professors Honig, Lampel and Drori have put together a collection of thought-provoking chapters on ingenuity written by an exciting group of scholars from around the world. The authors critically explore the difficult yet rewarding concept of ingenuity, and then apply this concept to the study of processes such as improvisation, bricolage and jugaad in a range of domains and settings such as sustainability, haute cuisine, dance and microfinance. I would recommend this book to academicians and practitioners alike interested in creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.'- Raghu Garud, Pennsylvania State University, USThe editors of this Handbook, Benson Honig, Joseph Lampel and Israel Drori, define organizational ingenuity as 'the ability to create innovative solutions within structural constraints using limited resources and imaginative problem solving'. They examine the dichotomy between organizational freedom and necessity in order to better understand the role of ingenuity in the success of an organization.Organizational ingenuity is essential for effective action in a world where resources are increasingly scarce and regulations are ever more demanding. The authors examine existing models of this phenomenon and offer case studies and theoretical perspectives that illuminate the processes that shape high-quality outcomes. The Handbook concludes with a theoretical summary and a discussion of future research opportunities.This coherent collection, with rich and varied contributions from leading entrepreneurial thinkers, will appeal to students and scholars of business and entrepreneurship as well as to practitioners interested in creativity and innovation.Contributors: A. Banerjee, S. Clegg, L.W. Cox, M. Pina e Cunha, I. Drori, G. Gorse, P. Groenewegen, B. Honig, J. Koch, J.M. Korhonen, J. Lampel, S.R.H. Mariano, F. Masciarelli, J. Matthews, D.T. Methé, J. Moraes, P. Neves, P. Oliveira, A. Prencipe, A. Rego, W. Rothmann, T. Sagiv, N. Senf, J.G. Shearer, A.C.O. Siqueira, A.M.C.E. Stam, L. Välikangas, I.A.M. Wakkee, D.B. Zoogah
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics of Professional Football
In this comprehensive Handbook, John Goddard and Peter Sloane present a collection of analytical contributions by internationally regarded scholars in the field, which extensively examine the many economic challenges facing the world's most popular team sport.The Handbook is naturally divided into four parts: the product market, the labour market, country studies of individual leagues and policy issues. The authors explore why so many football clubs face financial difficulties despite the fact that attendances have risen in many countries, and television and commercial income has increased dramatically. They explain that the labour market is central to understanding these issues, due to trends such as increased bargaining power for the leading players, the acceleration of migration, and the internationalization of the market for footballing talent at the top level. There is, however, diversity across countries as shown in the six cases of England, France, Italy, The Netherlands, the USA and Japan. Finally, the authors consider the policy issues, including the betting market, refereeing and corruption.This Handbook will appeal to sports economists, as well as those working in football governing bodies and individual clubs, sports journalists, and students of business.Contributors: W. Andreff, R. Baker, C.P. Barros, T. Boeri, S. Bridgewater, B. Buraimo, F. Carmichael, E. Couto, P. Dawson, P. Downward, D. Forrest, B. Frick, B. Gerrard, J. Goddard, J. Horne, T. Jewell, S. Kesenne, R. Koning, W. Manzenreiter, I. McHale, S. Morrow, D. Owen, R. Poli, J. Reade, B. Reilly, A. Samagaio, B. Severgnini, R. Simmons, P. Sloane, S. Szymanski, D. Thomas
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Refining Regulatory Regimes: Utilities in Europe
Regulation is on the rise across the world as the state steps back from public ownership. However, as the authors highlight, the style of political delegation to regulatory authorities has not followed a uniform trajectory but rather institutional endowments, administrative traditions, market structure and business culture have all influenced the creation of regulatory authorities and implementation styles. Noting these variances, the focus of this book is to consider the impact of liberalisation and the introduction of new regulatory structures on three utility sectors - telecommunications, energy and the railways - using Germany and the UK as case studies. With regulation seeking to foster competition at the same time as also having to protect essential services, the authors investigate regulatory styles, costs of new regulatory functions and how firms in the new regulatory landscape access and influence regulatory authorities. The authors consider how EU pressures may hinder or help the functioning of new regulatory markets and the establishment of business-regulator relationships, as well as the broader policy implications for these new regulatory environments. The book also determines how regulatory authorities emerge and evolve under different state traditions and assesses, over time, the degree to which there is potential for convergence, divergence and continued differences as regulatory functions mature.This book will be warmly welcomed by researchers and academics of comparative public policy, politics and regulation. It will also appeal to policy makers and the business community in Europe.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Companion to Ethical Behavior in Organizations: Constructs and Measures
This Companion offers comprehensive coverage of the dynamics of ethical behavior in organizations. Edited and authored by leading experts in the field, it is the ideal place to begin acquiring or updating knowledge about the moral dimension of work life.'- Adam Grant, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, US'Wide-ranging in its coverage, this compendium of measures will prove a very helpful aid to researchers studying ethics in organizations. The authors have drawn together and summarized empirical measures of diverse phenomena relevant to organizational ethics - both widely studied topics, such as ethical awareness, decision making, and behavior, and newer, important research on topics such as moral identity, intuition, and emotion. Given the recent rapid growth of behavioral studies of ethics in organizations, this is a very timely work.'- Gary R. Weaver, University of Delaware, US and Senior Associate Editor, Business Ethics QuarterlyBusiness ethics research and publications have proliferated in recent decades, coinciding with increased public interest in workplace ethical conduct. As studies of behavioral ethics extend across disciplines, scholars unknowingly worked in parallel, creating overlapping constructs and measures. Bringing clarity to the field, the Research Companion to Ethical Behavior in Organizations provides a central reference point for academics, human resource practitioners, and compliance officers interested in measuring the moral dimensions of individuals.With expert contributions, this book catalogs empirical work from management and social science disciplines, offering insights to the varied and nuanced constructs used in behavioral ethics. The authors describe and evaluate over 300 measures, including established surveys and new behavioral research techniques. Doctoral students and veteran management researchers will benefit from summaries of the latest ethics research tools and trends. Offering solutions for research challenges and suggesting new research streams and areas for fruitful study, this Companion enhances the burgeoning field of behavioral ethics.Contributors: B.R. Agle, J.B. Bingham, S.D. Brown, J.D. Carlson, K. Bell DeTienne, C. Frogley Ellertson, L, E. Garrett, R. Dailey Goodwin, D.W. Hart, H.M. Hendricks, D.C. Howe, M-C Ingerson, A.K. Klemme, C. Mealey, A. Miller, J.A. Miller, J. Camden Robinson, Z.J. Rodgers, J.A. Thompson, L.L. Wadsworth, M.C. Walsman, M.A. Widmer, A.L. Wilkins
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Policy in Europe: Industry, Competition and the Policy Process
Environmental Policy in Europe focuses on the creation of environmental policy, how new legislation is formed and the influence brought to bear by industrial interest groups. By addressing the nature of this consultation process between interested parties and public authorities, the authors show why public policy in the European Union is so different in practice from the prescriptions of academic scholarship. European environmental legislation results from a process of consultation and negotiation which is extensively explored in this volume by a distinguished group of authors. Focusing on such issues as pesticide registration, combustion emissions, the European waste management industry, recycling regulations and eco-auditing, they offer unique insights into the development of public policy. While the analysis focuses on the actual behaviour of firms and public authorities, the authors also discuss the involvement of firms within the regulation devising process - to determine whether their behaviour distorts the public interest - and the strategic use by firms of the regulatory process by firms leading to restrictions of competition.Scholars, students and policymakers will welcome Environmental Policy in Europe for seeking to enlarge the traditional perspective of environmental economics on public policy while integrating the recent advances of both the economics of regulation and industrial economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on European Union Taxation Law
Offering a comprehensive exploration of EU taxation law, this engaging Research Handbook investigates the relevant legal principles in the context of both direct and indirect taxation. The important issues and debates arising from these general principles are expertly unpicked, with leading scholars examining the status quo as well as setting out a clear agenda for future research. This multidisciplinary book provides an insight into the taxation of individuals, businesses, passive investment and the non-profit sector. It reviews the harmonisation debate in the areas of corporate taxation and Value Added Tax, and also analyses the current developments as to energy and environmental taxation. Tax competition, state aid and the impact of the international polemic against aggressive tax planning are explored, as are the more procedural but equally important topics dealing with cooperation between tax authorities, exchange of information, taxpayer rights and dispute resolution. The final part of this book examines the external dimension to EU tax law - not only as far as the fundamental freedoms are concerned but also in the context of trade agreements and association agreements. An essential resource for students and scholars of EU taxation law, this Handbook will also appeal to practitioners and government officials working in taxation across the EU and beyond. Contributors include: N. Bammens, G. Bizioli, L. Cerioni, I. De Troyer, A.P. Dourado, M. Gammie, W. Haslehner, M. Helminen, S. Hemels, C.A. Herbain, J. Hey, R. Ismer, S. Kargitta, G. Kofler, M. Lamensch, R. Luja, R. Lyal, A. Maitrot de la Motte, C.H.J.I. Panayi, K. Perrou, S. Piotrowski, A. Pirlot, E. Reimer, R. Seer, D. Smit, K. Spies, R. Szudoczky, E. Traversa, F. Vanistendael
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Second Edition
Containing newly updated versions of existing entries and adding several important new entries, this second edition of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law takes stock of present-day comparative law scholarship. Written by leading authorities in their respective fields, the contributions in this accessible book cover and combine not only questions regarding the methodology of comparative law, but also specific areas of law (such as administrative law and criminal law) and specific topics (such as accident compensation and consideration). In addition, the Encyclopedia contains reports on a selected set of countries' legal systems and, as a whole, presents an overview of the current state of affairs. Providing its readers with a unique point of reference, as well as stimulus for further research, this volume is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in comparative law, especially academics, students and practitioners. Contributors: M. Abe, D. Bradley, W. Bull, W.E. Butler, R. Caterina, M. Claes, H. Cousy, E. Dacoronia, G.-R. de Groot, M.J. de Waal, H. Dedek, M. Deturbide, R. Dotevall, J.E. du Plessis, M.G. Faure, B. Fauvarque-Cosson, J. Fedtke, F. Ferrari, A. Fournier, J. Fu, D. Geradin, H.P. Glenn, M. Gondek, J. Gordley, J. Hage, B. Havel, J.H. Herbots, V. Heutger, G. Howells, E.J. Hughes, M. Hunter-Henin, J. Husa, N. Jansen, M.T. Kamminga, A.J. Kanning, S.M. Kroll, P. Letto-Vanamo, S.D. Lindenbergh, G. Lubbe, B. Lurger, L. Macgregor, H.L. MacQueen, U. Magnus, K. Mayer, R. Michaels, J.M. Milo, H. Muir Watt, J. Neethling, H.P. Nehl, D. Nelken, L. Nottage, C. O'Cinneide, A.E. Orucu, V.V. Palmer, F. Pennings, P. Pichonnaz, B. Pozzo, L. Rademacher, G. Samuel, M.J. Schermaier, M. Schmidt-Kessel, E. Schrage, G. Shalev, L. Slepaite, D. Smith, J.M. Smits, Z.D. Tarman, V. Thuronyi, M. Torsello, J.H.M. van Erp, N. Van Leuven, C.H. van Rhee, L. van Vliet, A. Vaquer, R. Verhagen, R. Verkerk, D. Visser, S. Vogenauer, M. Vranken, S. Weatherill, T. Weigend, B. Wessels, C.A. Williams, J. Ziller, P. Zumbansen
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Costs and Liberalization in European Air Transport: A Welfare Economic Analysis
With air transport becoming an increasingly vital part of the economy, the regulatory reform of this market has been a major development in European political economy. This book focuses on two market failures within the airline industry - market power and environmental externalities - and analyses how they have been affected by deregulation. The author employs economic models complemented by extensive empirical research, to demonstrate how the introduction of competition, brought about by liberalization, has resulted in considerable consumer benefits. The author argues that these benefits, such as increased choice through the expansion of operations, must be off set against increased environmental costs including greater noise pollution and emissions, not to mention the reduction of profits that often accompany market liberalization. In the process the book tackles a number of important issues including the background and history of airline regulation in the EU, the basic policy trade-off between monopoly power and external costs, monetary valuation of externalities, and the relationship between airline scheduling and external costs. Perhaps surprisingly, the author concludes that even in the presence of environmental costs, the introduction of competition in airline markets has resulted in net welfare improvements. Policymakers, as well as practitioners and researchers of environmental and transport economics, should draw great value from this original and pertinent volume.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Ethical Consumption: Contemporary Research in Responsible and Sustainable Consumer Behaviour
Presenting a contemporary reflection on ethical and sustainable consumption, this insightful Research Handbook explores the challenges and complexities of living an ethical and sustainable life, and for the researchers who study them. Featuring cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research from authors with unique perspectives and expert insights, this Research Handbook takes a deeper look at the past, present, and future of ethical and sustainable consumption. Chapters explore, among other topics, sustainable solutions to improve responsible seafood consumption, modern slavery, edible insects and the future of planet-friendly proteins, and the influence of austerity in normalising sustainable consumption. Additionally, the Research Handbook analyses consumer engagement with sustainability labelling in the food industry and the role of shared e-micromobility in sustainable transportation. Empirical and conceptual in its approach, the Research Handbook provides significant managerial implications and reviews the compelling questions in ethical and sustainable consumption research. With contemporary reflections on ethical and sustainable consumption, this interdisciplinary Research Handbook will be essential reading for students and scholars across business management, economics, geography, environmental sociology and marketing.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Networks: A Framework for Economic Decision-Making and Policy Analysis
This original book presents a new basis for environmental policymaking: environmental networks. This framework graphically simplifies the analysis of environmental problems and emphasizes the spatial nature of economic activity and pollution dispersion.The book first discusses the foundations of environmental economics before going on to apply the environmental network approach to different firm structures. The authors then extend the analysis to incorporate multiple products and pollutants, the presence of transaction costs, the availability of investment in production technologies, and the issue of noncompliance versus compliance. They also apply the network approach to pollution caused by transportation and assess the success of permits in limiting this. The authors then formulate integrated models, analyzing the use of permits and taxes in firms, producers, and consumers, as well as transportation and trade routes. This book will be of interest to students, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in environmental and transport economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurial Small Businesses: A Resource-based Perspective
The authors of this comprehensive study address why it is that some small firms perform well and others don't, and whether high-performing firms share characteristics that distinguish them from low-performing firms. By exploring bundles of resources and their interaction with other factors, the authors explain important small business outcomes such as growth, performance, entrepreneurial activity, and the chance of receiving debt or equity capital. The authors find that while resources may be valuable, it is essential that small businesses have the processes to facilitate the manipulation of resources into value-creating strategies. Rather than reaching the conclusion that more is always better, the authors tease out the conditions under which certain resources are particularly valuable, as well as the conditions under which these and other resources are less valuable. The resource factors examined range from aspects of the human capital of the small business manager, such as length of education or prior experience with business start-ups, to social capital variables and firm-level resources, such as access to financial capital and competence. Representing leading-edge research across several levels of analysis, this volume will be a useful resource for scholars and students of entrepreneurship and small business, as well as for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Policymakers will find the volume helpful in understanding the effect policies may have on small businesses and the subsequent impact on the economic performance of a region.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Star Wars How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills
The Star Wars galaxy is a dangerous place. Be prepared! Would you survive in the spice mines of Kessel?Could you escape from a giant space slug?From tackling extreme weather and finding shelter, to avoiding social pitfalls, learn what to do to stay alive in a galaxy far, far away. © & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolutionary Complexity of Endogenous Innovation: The Engines of the Creative Response
The notion of endogenous innovation as the outcome of the creative response of firms to out-of-equilibrium conditions is the cornerstone of the new evolutionary complexity. In this book, Cristiano Antonelli elaborates, applies and tests, with his colleagues, the Schumpeterian framework established in the author?s previous work Endogenous Innovation: The Economics of an Emergent System Property.The author carefully explores the role of the reactivity of firms to out-of-equilibrium conditions with a unique mix of econometric tools and simulation techniques. He examines the central role of knowledge externalities in shaping the likelihood of creative responses, and hence the generation of new knowledge and the introduction of innovations, as an alternative to adaptive responses that lead the system to equilibrium with no growth. In so doing, he confirms that innovation is the outcome of the interaction between individual decision-making and the endogenous and path-dependent properties of the system into which firms are embedded.This original and insightful work will be required reading for all those working on evolutionary economics, complexity economics, and the economics of innovation and knowledge.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Is There Progress in Economics?: Knowledge, Truth and the History of Economic Thought
This thought-provoking book discusses the concept of progress in economics and investigates whether any advance has been made in its different spheres of research. The authors look back at the history, successes and failures of their respective fields and thoroughly examine the notion of progress from an epistemological and methodological perspective. The idea of progress is particularly significant as the authors regard it as an essentially contested concept which can be defined in many ways - theoretically or empirically; locally or globally; or as encouraging or impeding the existence of other research traditions. The authors discuss the idea that for progress to make any sense there must be an accumulation of knowledge built up over time rather than the replacement of ideas by each successive generation. Accordingly, they are not concerned with estimating the price of progress, reminiscing in the past, or assessing what has been lost. Instead they apply the complex mechanisms and machinery of the discipline to sub-fields such as normative economics, monetary economics, trade and location theory, Austrian economics and classical economics to critically assess whether progress has been made in these areas of research.Bringing together authoritative and wide-ranging contributions by leading scholars, this book will challenge and engage those interested in philosophy, economic methodology and the history of economic thought. It will also appeal to economists in general who are interested in the advancement of their profession.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Research
Allying and expanding the diverse fields of entrepreneurship and sustainable development research is a modern day imperative. The Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Research cuts through the different approaches and perspectives of the two fields to point the way ahead for research on sustainable entrepreneurship, outlining the motivation, intentions and impact of ecopreneurs in a local, national and global context.This Handbook paints an illuminating picture of the historic and current understanding of the bond between entrepreneurship and sustainable development. The authors explore the basic contradictions between the two fields and outline the transformative role entrepreneurship can play in achieving sustainable development. 45 expert researchers and their research communities from 16 countries across Europe, Africa, Australia and North America provide original and informative contributions on a variety of issues, from women s empowerment to climate change and organic farmers to ecotourism.With current and authoritative contributions spanning the globe, this Handbook will inspire researchers, teachers and policy-makers to compose their own understanding and contribution on the fast expanding field of entrepreneurship and sustainable development.Contributors: S. Avdeitchikova, F.-M. Belz, K. Berglund, J. Binder, T. Bjerregaard, O. Branzei, B. Cannatelli, T. Ceranic, L. Coenen, M. Dejardin, S. Delgado Calderon, J. Delgado-Ceballos, S. Farny, R. Feola, L.M. Ferri, V. Ferrón-Vílchez, S. Gómez-Haro, F. Gribaa, B. Johannisson, A.W. Johansson, G. Keremane, R. Klapper, P. Kyrö, J. Lauring, J. McKay, K. Messeghem, M. Molteni, I. Montiel, J. Nizet, R. Parente, M. Pedrini, K. Poldner, T. Roolaht, E. Rosell, B. Schwartz, M. Sciarelli, E. Sundin, R. Stenberg, M. Tani, M. Tillmar, la Toree-Ruiz, A. Tounés, P. Upham, D. Van Dam, Z. Wu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Privatization and Economic Performance in Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons to be Learnt from Western Europe
This important book provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of privatization on the economic performance of companies in Central and Eastern Europe. It sheds new light on the achievements and shortcomings of the privatization process and draws out lessons for the future.After considering the theoretical issues surrounding privatization, the authors provide an in-depth examination of corporate governance and company performance in advanced market economies as well as transition economies. They begin with a description of the main principles, techniques and results of privatization in Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary and Poland. A statistical and econometric analysis of extensive company-level data and interviews from a large number of firms between 1990 and 1997 is then conducted to discover the main factors in changing economic performance. Using this information the authors compare the transformation of the company sectors in the four countries, and in addition assess company restructuring from the perspective of West European privatizations.Privatization and Economic Performance in Central Eastern Europe will be of interest to policymakers in governments and international organizations and those working in the fields of microeconomics, industrial organization and transition studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Second Edition Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment
This second edition contains 14 countries as opposed to 16 in the first edition, but is essentially different as it not only includes updates for the countries in common, but also six new ones including Australia, Finland, Japan, New Zealand, Nigeria and Russia. It is, therefore, essentially a complement to the first edition. The editors suggest that one of the most significant effects of globalization has been to widen the scope of diversity management as workforces are becoming more diverse, with migrants posing a particular challenge in some countries. Examination at national level is crucial as anti-discrimination legislation and its implementation vary from country to country, especially with respect to whether or not positive discrimination is a feature. Above all the picture is changing over time. Hence the need for this new edition.'- Peter J. Sloane, Swansea University, UK and Flinders University, Australia'By covering the diversity practices in 14 different countries this Handbook makes evident the need to consider diversity management from a global and local standpoint. What is legal and standard practice towards equality in one country can be viewed as discriminative and unlawful just across the border. With such complex reality, the authors of this book make an incredible job of providing the reader with detailed and useful information on how to approach diversity 'glocally' (that is, in multiple geographies). The book, in a way, is a global travel guide for diversity management that benefits both business managers and HR practitioners operating in the international arena.'- Simon L. Dolan, ESADE Business School, Spain and Editor-in-Chief, Cross Cultural Management: An International JournalManaging and developing diversity is on the political and business agenda in many countries; therefore diversity management has become an area of knowledge and practice in its own right. Yet all too often it is referred to as a unifying concept, as if it were to be interpreted uniformly across all cultures and countries. The contributors to this volume expertly examine the relationship between diversity management and equality legislation within the different participating countries' national contexts. They advocate that such separation and sequencing between equality at work and diversity management is far from natural.The second edition of this important reference work provides important updates and new perspectives on the cases constituting the first edition as well as including contributions from a number of new countries: Australia, Finland, Japan, New Zealand, Nigeria and Russia. Countries that have been updated and expanded are Austria, Canada, France, India, Italy, the Netherlands, South Africa and the United Kingdom.This Handbook will be greatly appreciated by scholars who wish to better contextualize their research and will also provide policy-makers with benchmark data regarding equal treatment and diversity as understood in other countries.Contributors: I. Adeleye, D. Atewologun, A.-F. Bender, R. Bendl, I. Bleijenbergh, E. Bokovikova, L.A.E. Booysen, J. Burgess, F. Colgan, E. French, R. Haq, R. Hofmann, A. Klarsfeld, S. Kosheleva, J. Laufer, J. Louvrier, V. Mackie, O. Matanmi, A. McKearney, A. Murgia, E. Ng, S.M. Nkomo, K. Okano, B. Poggio, J.K. Pringle, K. Ravenswood, K.Rawston, I. Roper, I. Ryan, R. Schalk, G. Strachan, A. Tatli, A. Terlouw, D.-G. Tremblay, A. Tuori, M. van Engen, E. Zavyalova
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods in Diversity Management, Equality and Inclusion at Work
Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) have become features of organizations as a result of both legal and societal advances as well as neoliberal economic reasoning and considerations. While current research approaches frequently fall short of addressing the challenges faced in EDI research, this benchmark Handbook brings coverage of research methods in EDI up to date, and advances the development of research in the field.Bringing together well-known academics and researchers, this Handbook is a distillation of current and novel research in the field of EDI. Chapters present groundbreaking new research and methodological perspectives on international, regional and national issues, from equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming to managing diversity in legal, political and socio-economic contexts. Alongside this, the authors discuss new analytic directions to advance empirical EDI research. This Handbook will help to shape the present and future EDI discourse.The book is an invaluable addition to the current literature, particularly for students of EDI and researchers working in the fields of human resource management, strategic management and organization, and culture and change management as well as entrepreneurship and marketing.Contributors include: D. Atewologun, C. Baron, I. Bleijenbergh, E.H. Buttner, H.A. Downs, H. Eberherr, D. Foley, K.M. Hannum, E. Henry, J. Hofbauer, R. Hofmann, E.L. Holloway, C.A. Houkamau, M. Janssens, D. Jones, A. Klarsfeld, K. Kreissl, M. Lansu, J. Louvrier, K. Lowe, R. Mahalingam, A.J. Mills, J.H. Mills, S. Mooney, E. Ng, B. Poggio, N. Rumens, I. Ryan, B. Sauer, H.L. Schwartz, C.G. Sibley, A. Striedinger, P. van Arensbergen, I. Wasserman, J. Wergin, P. Zanoni
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Rules of Civil Procedure: A Commentary on the ELI/UNIDROIT Model Rules
European Rules of Civil Procedure sets out a clear examination of the Rules adopted by UNDROIT and the European Law Institute in 2020. Presented within a systematic structure to aid enhanced academic understanding, it precisely showcases the comparative knowledge of its authors.Key Features: Provides rule-by-rule explanations of the ELI-UNDROIT Model European Rules of Civil Procedure Encompasses insight from a diverse international team of authors including members of the ELI/UNIDROIT project Offers commentary on all rules of the ERCP, surveying their meaning and application as well as their collective history This in-depth Commentary will be essential for academics of European, private, corporate and commercial law disciplines wishing to sharpen their knowledge of comparative civil procedure. It will additionally benefit policy makers and practitioners with an interest in using the model rules to provide a framework for national legislation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Economics at a Crossroads
As Europe moves toward an integrated academic system, European economics is changing. This book discusses that change, along with the changes that are happening simultaneously within the economics profession. The authors argue that modern economics can no longer usefully be described as ?neoclassical?, but is much better described as complexity economics. The complexity approach embraces rather than assumes away the complexities of social interaction. The authors also argue that despite all the problems with previous European academic structures, those structures allowed for more diversity than exists in US universities, and thus were often ahead of US universities in exploring new cutting-edge approaches. The authors further argue that by trying to judge themselves by US-centric measures and to copy US universities, the European economics profession is undermining some of the strengths of the older system ? strengths on which it should be building. While the authors agree that European economics needs to go through major changes in the coming decade, they argue that by building on Europe?s strengths, rather than trying to follow a US example, Europe will be more likely to become the global leader in economics in the coming decades rather than a second-rate copy of the US. The book begins with two chapters spelling out the authors? view of the changes in economics and European economics. This is followed by 11 interviews with a diverse set of innovative European economists from a range of European countries. In the interviews these European economists reflect on the ongoing changes in economics generally and in European economics specifically. These interviews demonstrate how the economics profession is moving away from traditional neoclassical economics into a dynamic set of new methods and approaches (incorporating work in behavioral economics, experimental economics, evolutionary game theory and ecological approaches, complexity and nonlinear dynamics, methodological analysis, and agent-based modelling) that the authors classify as complexity economics. This fascinating and easy-to-read book will prove a stimulating and thought-provoking read for those with an interest in economics, European education, and the nature of academic disciplines generally.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Money Laundering in the Real Estate Sector: Suspicious Properties
In many countries, the real estate sector is vulnerable to money laundering due to a high number of factors including; the high value of assets, price fluctuations and speculation within the market, difficulties in assessing the true value of a house, and the fact that the legal owner is not necessarily the economic owner. In this book, the authors identify a total of 25 characteristics which render a property susceptible to money laundering. The more such characteristics a property exhibits, the more suspicious it becomes. The authors also discover that some of these characteristics weigh heavier than others. Combining economic, econometric and criminological analysis, this multidisciplinary approach shows how to detect criminal investment in the real estate sector. This well-researched book will appeal to government authorities responsible for combating money laundering, international organizations such as the IMF, the UN, the Worldbank and the EU, as well as financial intelligence units in all countries. Real estate associations, real estate research centers, criminologists and economists will also find this book invaluable.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics of Copyright: A Guide for Students and Teachers
Featuring expert contributors from around the world, this book offers insight into the vital theoretical and practical aspects of the economics of copyright. Topics discussed include fair use, performers' rights, copyright and trade, online music streaming, internet piracy, copyright and visual art markets, and open source publishing. In addition to in-depth coverage of these timely topics, the authors also offer insightful predictions and policy recommendations for the future.Each of the self-contained chapters is written by a distinguished expert and is pitched at a level designed to be accessible to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in economics and law. As a whole, the book covers all of the topical content that a student of copyright economics should know. Teachers and lecturers will find all the required material to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject in a single volume. For scholars with a legal background, the book will also act as an effective introduction or refresher in the economic theory underlying copyright.Contributors: D.S. Banerjee, W.J. Gordon, P.J.Heald, S.J. Liebowitz, S.E. Margolis, F. Mueller-Langer, E. Rosati, S.F. Schwemer, R. Towse, M. Waldman, R. Watt
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Partnership and Economic Performance: The Case of Europe
In recent years, and to varying degrees, there has been a marked trend towards decentralisation of labour market regulation in many European countries. The authors of this book seek to assess the impact of social partnership and social protection on the macroeconomic performance of nine member states of the European Union - namely Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK. They compare the performance outcomes of these countries with the USA over the last twenty years and find that, in broad terms, the countries that perform 'best' are those that have adapted and decentralised their systems of social partnership and protection.The authors also analyse the changing nature of social partnership and protection within the European Union (EU). They examine recent developments in EU social policy, particularly its shift towards employment promotion through the national action plans on employment that each member state is now required to introduce. These reinforce social partnership but also impose new challenges for governments, employers and unions to meet. Central amongst these challenges is the need to ensure that social partnership is as inclusive as possible. The authors conclude that the EU requires more social partnership if ever closer union, including monetary union, is to succeed and that employment promotion programmes must be pursued by the EU as a whole.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Risk and EU law
In recent years, we have witnessed the spectacular growth of risk management approaches to regulation, so much so that the concept of risk regulation has entered the mainstream regulation vocabulary. This timely collection takes a critical look at risk and EU law. Its multidisciplinary, comparative approach traces the dangers lurking in the practical application of these approaches. It offers important insights into the limitations of the approach and its variability across domains and Member States. It is a valuable addition to the risk regulation literature and deserves to be widely read.'- Bridget M. Hutter, London School of Economics and Political Science, UKAlthough the assessment and management of risk has always been an integral part of government and private decision-making, it has acquired particular importance in contemporary politics. Developments such as the global financial crisis of 2008, the ensuing Eurozone crisis, the rise in international terrorism, and natural disasters have brought to the fore the importance of risk management. As the competence of the EU has expanded, the presence of EU law in risk control has increased significantly. This book seeks to provide an analysis of EU risk regulation in various sectors, examining some key concepts and transversal themes, as well as focusing on sector specific regulation.The contributors explore the social epistemology of risk observation and management, risk modelling, the role of science in political and judicial decision-making, in addition to transnational risk regulation and contractual governance. They examine EU regulation, among others, in the field of terrorism prevention, external relations, food regulation and financial supervision.LThis book will be of interest to law scholars, social scientists and students, whilst lawmakers and lawyers will also benefit from the practical insights of its expert authors.Contributors: A. Alemanno, F. Allen, D. Brean, F. Cafaggi, E. Carletti, M. Cremona, S. Duquet, A. Garde, T. Herberger, A. Höfer, C. Kobrak, K.-H. Ladeur, H.-W. Micklitz, A. Oehler, T. Tridimas, M.B.A. van Asselt, K. Vieweg, E. Vos, S. Wendt, J. Wouters
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Action: Limits Imposed by Economic and Legal Theory
This book, written by a lawyer and an economist both of whom have worked extensively in the field of international trade, offers a challenging and thought-provoking consideration of actions against dumping and export subsidies. Unlike many books in the field which simply set out the relevant international agreements and discuss their interpretation by various regulatory authorities, this book identifies numerous contradictions found in existing law and practice. Many of which, the authors argue, defy economic as well as legal logic. In light of their analysis, the authors propose a number of changes to current law and practice. Whilst they are under no illusion of the likelihood that such changes will occur in the relevant agreements in the near future, it is hoped that through compelling argument they can not only contribute to future debate, but also shape the way these issues are treated in practice.Providing a critical analysis of the commonly used trade measures against dumping and export subsidies, Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Action will be of international interest, especially to regulatory authorities, trade lawyers, trade economists and scholars and students in business school
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Green Market Transition: Carbon Taxes, Energy Subsidies and Smart Instrument Mixes
'Stefan Weishaar brought an excellent group of authors together in this book, reflecting on key developments for the green market transition! Happy to read so many refreshing contributions on carbon taxes, energy subsidies and smart instrument mixes.'- Kurt Deketelaere, University of Leuven, Belgium The Paris Agreement on climate change constitutes an important milestone in international climate negotiations. Its key objective is the strengthening of the global response to climate change by transitioning the world to an increasingly green economy. In this book, environmental tax and climate law experts address the various issues surrounding green market transitions. Key chapters examine carbon taxes and systems of implementation, energy subsidies, and support schemes for carbon and energy policies. Using a multitude of international case studies, several contributing authors reflect on the underlying policy dynamics and the constraints of various fiscal measures. In addition, this timely work considers the important issue of smart instrument mixes, going beyond instrument choice to examine how they can work in harmony together. Astute and engaging, this book is a vital companion for students and scholars in environmental law, economics and sustainability. Its practical approach also renders it an excellent guide for policy makers and those involved in fiscal reform and green market transition.Contributors include: M. Alsina Pujols, B. Bahn-Walkowiak, P. Castro, M. Distelkamp, N. Droste, E. Fonseca Capdevila, C. Fruhmann, S. Giorgi, A. Großmann, M. Hasenheit, A. Illes, T. Kawakatsu, C. Kettner, M. Kettunen, D. Kletzan-Slamanig, N. Kreibich, L. Kreiser, V. Kulmer, A. Lerch, C. Lutz, M. Machingambi, M. Meyer, J.E. Milne, I. Ring, S. Rudolph, R. Santos, S. Seebauer, H. Sprohge, L.-A. Steenkamp, C. Stroia, I. Taranic, P. ten Brink, A. Tuerk, S. Van Outryve d'Ydewalle, R. Vasileios, M. Villar Ezcurra, H. Wang-Helmreich, H. Wilts, S. Wolff, G. Woltjer, M. Zahno
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Multinationals and Emerging Economies: The Quest for Innovation and Sustainability
The global economy is changing rapidly and multinational corporations (MNCs) are at the forefront of this transformation. The book provides novel and profound analyses of how MNCs and emerging economies are related, and how this relationship affects the dynamics of the global economy. In particular, the authors deal with the nexus between multinationals, emerging economies and innovation from a variety of different perspectives. Innovation is regarded as a core driving force in the global economy but the authors show how it can impede as well as encourage sustainability. Multinationals and Emerging Economies brings together insights from business studies and economics, and combines concise theoretical discussion with empirical analyses of unique data. Researchers and graduate students in the fields of international business, international economics, international relations, innovation studies and strategy will find much of interest to them throughout the book. It will also be an invaluable tool for policy-makers in economics and commerce.