Search results for ""Author Arne"
Barcharts, Inc French Vocabulary Flash Cards
APress Build your own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games
Build Your Own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Gamesteaches you how to develop your own web-based game engine step-by-step, allowing you to create a wide variety of online videogames that can be played in common web browsers. Chapters include examples and projects that gradually increase in complexity while introducing a ground-up design framework, providing you with the foundational concepts needed to build fun and engaging 2D games. By the end of this book you will have created a complete prototype level for a side scrolling action platform game and will be prepared to begin designing additional levels and games of your own.This book isolates and presents relevant knowledge from software engineering, computer graphics, mathematics, physics, game development, game mechanics, and level design in the context of building a 2D game engine from scratch. The book then derives and analyzes the source code needed to implement these concepts based on HTML5, JavaScrip
Barcharts, Inc Spanish Conversation
Use to instantly create hundreds of sentences for communication in Spanish. Provides basic sentences with plug-in words that are color-coded. To change the sentence, pick a different color-coded noun, verb or adjective for a wide range of sentences for communication in each category listed below.
St Martin's Press Wager with the Wind: The Don Sheldon Story
Kehrer Verlag Tokyo Jazz Joints
Kogan Page Ltd Emotional Intelligence Coaching: Improving Performance for Leaders, Coaches and the Individual
Emotional Intelligence Coaching examines the vital role emotions and habits play in performance. Emotional intelligence can help leaders and coaches recognize how attitudes - both their own and those of the people they coach - prevent individuals from reaching their potential. Replacing these with more useful feelings and thoughts can provide a powerful means of improving performance. This book explains the principles of emotional intelligence and how these relate to coaching for performance. It includes practical activities for those seeking to identify and adapt their behaviour in order to achieve more. Never before have emotional intelligence and coaching been brought together in this way to help you develop your own and other people's performance.
Boosey & Hawkes Inc Virgo virginum
Nova Science Publishers Inc Stem Cell Research: Issues & Bibliography
The University of Michigan Press Bad Boys
The classic ethnography on how implicit bias impacts black male students' identities
Edition Erdmann Zu den Fjorden Ostgrönlands
Taylor & Francis Ltd Adolescent Psychology Around the World
This book paints a portrait of adolescent psychology in 4 major regions: Africa/the Middle East, Asia, the Americas, and Europe. Featuring 24 revised and updated chapters from the International Encyclopedia of Adolescence (2007), readers are introduced to the way the majority of the world’s adolescents actually live. Most contributors are indigenous to the country they review. As a whole the book paints an engaging panorama of adolescent life around the world, broadening students’ cultural perspective. All chapters follow the same template to make it easier to compare topics across countries: Background (including demographics, ethnic diversity, and political system), Period of Adolescence, Beliefs, Gender, the Self, Family Relationships, Friends and Peers/Youth Culture, Love and Sexuality, Health Risk Behavior, Education, Work, Media, Politics and Military, and Unique Issues. Each chapter contains a map and photos and a list of references and suggested readings. The introductory chapter explains why the countries were selected and introduces the book’s common themes. The section on Africa and the Middle East introduces students to teen life in Cameroon, one of the few places left where adolescents go through formal puberty rituals. In addition, readers learn about adolescent life in Ethiopia, Israel, Morocco, Nigeria, and Sudan. Next we travel to Asia -- China, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Here readers see how economic growth in India and China is creating opportunities for young people. In The Americas, readers are introduced to life in Argentina, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and the United States. The book concludes with adolescent life in Europe including the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, and the UK. Intended for courses in adolescent psychology, lifespan development, and/or cultural (cross-cultural) psychology taught in departments of psychology, human development and family studies, sociology, and education, this book will also appeal to researchers and clinicians who study or work with adolescents.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Conflict and Crisis in Syria
As of 2020, Syria faces growing economic instability and pockets of renewed political unrest, amid ongoing interventions by outside states and new public health challenges posed by the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Yale University Press Argyll and Bute
This volume provides a survey of this region of Scotland stretching from the Atlantic islands and sea-lochs of Argyll to the softer landscape of Bute and the banks of the Clyde. The gazetteer introduces readers and visitors to a range of buildings.
Crossway Books Emotional Purity: An Affair of the Heart (Includes Study Questions)
Emotional purity involves protecting your heart from becoming too intimate with someone of the opposite sex so you don't have to suffer through emotional damage over and over again.
Hampton Press The Reach of Dialogue
This volume attempts to define the concept of dialogue and to indicate basic sources - philosophical, theoretical, and practical - that can illuminate dialogue's potential, its limitations, and relevancy to communication theory. Essays highlight central questions and issues.
Tourbillon One Brown Bear: The World of Numbers
A lively and colorful introduction to learning about numbers and counting: Puppies, penguins, bees, and many more cheerful animals help children recognize numbers and learn to count. With the help of words and pictures, children can easily make the connection between the numbers and images from 1 through 20. • Encourages numeracy development, helping young children become enthusiastic learners • A built-in counting game that develops observation skills and boosts confidence • A fun number-learning adventure! • Includes a bonus! The numbers 21 to 100 are included in the back pages One Brown Bear helps young children develop pre-math skills. • Great family and classroom read-aloud • Books for children aged 3 to 5 • Books for preschool and kindergarten children
John Wiley & Sons Inc Informing American Health Care Policy: The Dynamics of Medical Expenditure and Insurance Surveys, 1977-1996
Informing American Health Care Policy provides a critical perspective on the National Medical ExpAnditure Surveys (NMES) and how these surveys have responded to the sometimes conflicting challenges of policy and research. Sponsored by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and written by a stellar panel of interdisciplinary experts including contributions from nationally known economists, sociologists, and survey researchers, this essential resource is filled with lessons learned and emerging strategies for the future.
American Psychological Association Neuropsychology of Sports-Related Concussion
This book explores neuropsychological considerations in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of sports-related concussions and their aftereffects. Up to ten percent of all athletes in contact sports will suffer from concussion at some point, and as many as 3 million sports-related concussions are reported each year. In this volume, expert contributors in neuropsychology and sports medicine describe treatment for persistent postconcussive symptoms, including posttraumatic headache and migraine, depression and anxiety. They explore genetic factors that can impact symptoms and diagnosis, as well as the use of neuroimaging in diagnosis and treatment; measurement issues such as sex differences, assessment of effort in evaluations, and computerized testing that can affect the validity of neuropsychological results; and exciting new treatment options such as virtual reality tools. Given the recent shocking findings on the prevalence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy in professional football players, the importance of correctly diagnosing and treating sports-related concussions cannot be overstated. Neuropsychology of Sports-Related Concussion gives clinicians and researchers the tools they need to combat this problem, and help save lives.
Duncker & Humblot Defizite Der Wiederaufnahme in Strafsachen: Bestandsaufnahme Und Reformvorschlage Auf Der Grundlage Einer Empirischen Untersuchung
Barcharts, Inc German Vocabulary
Madison Books Through a Fiery Trial
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Avalon
Theologischer Verlag Wortschatz Der Hebraischen Bibel: 2500 Vokabeln Alphabetisch Und Thematisch Geordnet, Mit Register Deutsch-Hebraisch
Barcharts Spanish Vocabulary 1000 Flash Cards
Arcadia Publishing Slave Labor in the Capital Building Washingtons Iconic Federal Landmarks
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc The Firebird Song
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc The Spirit Queen
Quickstudy Reference Guides Spanish Vocabulary
Quickstudy Reference Guides Spanish Conversation
Barcharts, Inc German Vocabulary
Barcharts, Inc Spanish
HarperCollins Taschenbuch Ziemlich tote Dinge
Kogan Page Ltd Learning for Organizational Development: How to Design, Deliver and Evaluate Effective L&D
Learning for Organizational Development presents how to design, deliver and evaluate effective learning and development (L&D) programmes. This definitive guide to L&D's function in enhancing individual performance and organizational success is a core text for those studying for L&D qualifications such as the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Intermediate level as well as a useful handbook for L&D professionals looking to further their understanding of the latest developments. Complete with case studies and reflective questions to aid comprehension, Learning for Organizational Development considers the strategic business function of L&D for communicating the vital contribution that it makes to both individual performance and organizational success. It explores the role of L&D in talent development, showing how to support line managers in developing their people to drive retention and attraction. It also addresses the importance of developing the leadership capability within the organization, and provides practical guidance and examples of what works.
Princeton University Press Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis: An Investigation of the History of Matter, from the Big Bang to the Present
This book investigates the question of how matter has evolved since its origin in the Big Bang, from the cosmological synthesis of hydrogen and helium to the generation of the complex set of nuclei that comprise our world and our selves. A central theme is the evolution of gravitationally contained thermonuclear reactors, otherwise known as stars. Our current understanding is presented systematically and quantitatively, by combining simple analytic models with new state-of-the-art computer simulations. The narrative begins with the clues (primarily the solar system abundance pattern), the constraining physics (primarily nuclear and particle physics), and the thermonuclear burning in the Big Bang itself. It continues with a step-by-step description of how stars evolve by nuclear reactions, a critical investigation of supernova explosion mechanisms and the formation of neutron stars and of black holes, and an analysis of how such explosions appear to astronomers (illustrated by comparison with recent observations). It concludes with a synthesis of these ideas for galactic evolution, with implications for nucleosynthesis in the first generation of stars and for the solar system abundance pattern. Emphasis is given to questions that remain open, and to active research areas that bridge the disciplines of astronomy, cosmochemistry, physics, and planetary and space science. Extensive references are given.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Global Warming, River Flows and Water Resources
Written by a leading expert in the field, this volume provides an outstanding review of the potential effects of global warming on river flows and water resources. It covers methodologies for climate change impact assessments, techniques for defining credible climate change scenarios, and models for hydrological analysis, before reviewing in some detail, the many published studies into possible changes in hydrological regimes. The bulk of the book is built around a case study of the potential effects of climate change for river flows in Britain. The case study is used to illustrate methods and approaches, and is placed in the broadest context through the literature reviews. It finishes by considering the implications of changes in river flows for water uses and river floodplain activities, as well as for the management of water resources.
Boosey & Hawkes Inc Sing the earth
Skira Lights On: Norwegian Contemporary Art
The first definitive survey of works by the younger generation of Norwegian artists. Through the last decade we have witnessed a steadily increasing globalization of contemporary art. Norwegian artists are acknowledged as being part of a larger artistic milieu – a milieu in which they have become more visible and active participants. Among the artists: Jesper Alvær/Isabela Grosseová, Thora Dolven Balke, Siri Berqvam, Kyrre Bjørkås/Rune Andreassen, Ole Martin Lund Bø, Bjørn Båsen, Jan Christensen, Gardar Eide Einarsson, Ida Ekblad, Jan Hakon Erichsen, Matias Faldbakken, Jan Freuchen, Ivan Galuzin, Hjørdis Kurås, Ingvild Langgård, Jørgen Craig Lello/Tobias Arnell, Trine Lise Nedreaas, Martin Skauen, Eirin Støen, Stian Ådlandsvik, and Øystein Aasan.
Oxford University Press Rhyme Crime
Once upon a time, a thief committed a crime. Everything he stole was replaced with a RHYME! Hammy's brand new hat was swapped for a cat! Arney's comfy chair was switched for a bear! Will the rhyme thief ever be brought to justice? Can YOU solve the mysterious ending? Packed with the silliest of rhymes and wordplay, this original, hilarious, and interactive tale will have the youngest children in fits of giggles! The newest picture book from award-winning artist Jon Burgerman, perfect for fans of Kes Gray and Jim Field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Normativity, Volume 15
This volume of Philosophical Issues, on normativity, has unusually broad scope, and should have correspondingly broad appeal both because of its issues and because of its contributors. This volume includes pieces on moral psychology, theory of reasons and rationality, political philosophy, ethics, metaethics, and epistemology. Includes a book symposium on Brad Hooker's Ideal Code, Real World, with contributions by Richard Arneson and Alison McIntyre, along with Brad Hooker's response.
Pepitas de calabaza Lo que pas historia de una saca del 36
Lo que pasó sucede en un pueblo sin nombre, tan real e inexistente como el que la narración describe. Podría ser cualquiera de los que se encuentran entre Arnedo, Calahorra y Logroño. Pero lo mismo pudo haber sucedido en cualquier pueblo de la retaguardia sometida por el franquismo: Navarra, Galicia, Soria, Valladolid y otras zonas de Castilla, Andalucía o Aragón. Allá donde tras la sublevación no hubo frente, ni trincheras. Solo sacas y cunetas.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Studies in Medievalism XVIII: Defining Medievalism(s) II
Articles which survey and map out the increasingly significant discipline of medievalism; and explore its numerous aspects. This latest volume of Studies in Medievalism further explores definitions of the field, complementing its landmark predecessor. In its first section, essays by seven leading medievalists seeks to determine precisely how tocharacterize the subjects of study, their relationship to new and related fields, such as neomedievalism, and their relevance to the middle ages, whose definition is itself a matter of debate. Their observations and conclusions are then tested in the articles second part of the book. Their topics include the notion of progress over the last eighty or ninety years in our perception of the middle ages; medievalism in Gustave Doré's mid-nineteenth-century engravings of the Divine Comedy; the role of music in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings films; cinematic representations of the Holy Grail; the medieval courtly love tradition in Jeanette Winterson's The Passionand The.Powerbook; Eleanor of Aquitaine in twentieth-century histories; modern updates of the Seven Deadly Sins; and Victorian spins on Jacques de Voragine's Golden Legend. CONTRIBUTORS: Carla A. Arnell,Aida Audeh, Jane Chance, Pamela Clements, Alain Corbellari, Roberta Davidson, Michael Evans, Nickolas Haydock, Carol Jamison, Stephen Meyer, E.L. Risden, Carol L. Robinson, Clare A. Simmons, Richard Utz, Veronica Ortenberg West-Harling
University of California Press In the Vanguard: Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, 1950-1969
In the Vanguard: Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, 1950–1969 traces this unique school’s impact on American art during the mid-twentieth century. Accompanying a landmark exhibition, this catalogue documents Haystack’s innovative pedagogy and its role as a major force in the studio craft movement. Anni Albers, Robert Arneson, Dale Chihuly, Arline Fisch, Jack Lenor Larsen, Harvey Littleton, and Toshiko Takaezu are among the artists who helped define the school’s model of communally oriented, process-based learning. With deeply researched essays that detail the school’s founding and first two decades, archival photographs, and images of rarely or never-before published works made at Haystack, In the Vanguard introduces readers to the important legacy of this groundbreaking institution. Published in association with the Portland Museum of Art. Exhibition dates: Portland Museum of Art, Maine: May 24–September 8, 2019 Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan: December 13, 2019–March 8, 2020
Princeton University Press Exploitation and Developing Countries: The Ethics of Clinical Research
When is clinical research in developing countries exploitation? Exploitation is a concept in ordinary moral thought that has not often been analyzed outside the Marxist tradition. Yet it is commonly used to describe interactions that seem morally suspect in some way. A case in point is clinical research sponsored by developed countries and carried out in developing countries, with participants who are poor and sick, and lack education. Such individuals seem vulnerable to abuse. But does this, by itself, make such research exploitative? Exploitation and Developing Countries is an attempt by philosophers and bioethicists to reflect on the meaning of exploitation, to ask whether and when clinical research in developing countries counts as exploitative, and to consider what can be done to minimize the possibility of exploitation in such circumstances. These reflections should interest clinical researchers, since locating the line between appropriate and inappropriate use of subjects--the line between exploitation and fair use--is the central question at the heart of research ethics. Reflection on this rich and important moral concept should also interest normative moral philosophers of a non-Marxist bent. In addition to the editors, the contributors are Richard J. Arneson, Alisa L. Carse, Margaret Olivia Little, Thomas Pogge, Andrew W. Siegel, and Alan Wertheimer.
Transcript Verlag Between Self-Determination and Social Technology: Medicine, Biopolitics and the New Techniques of Procedural Management
The book critically examines how concepts such as self-determination, participation, ethics, or dialogue, developed not least by the feminist movement and directed against repression, heteronomy and professional paternalism, have been integrated into new contexts and transformed into new social technologies. Crossing a variety of fields from birthing, genetic counselling, living wills, hospital ethics, to population policies and politics of biomedicine, it shows that medicine and medicine-related policies and practices form crucial arenas of these transformations. What we see emerging is procedural management as a new set of social techniques. With a preface by William Ray Arney.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dworkin and His Critics: With Replies by Dworkin
Dworkin and His Critics provides an in-depth, analytical discussion of Ronald Dworkin's ethical, legal and political philosophical writings, and it includes substantial replies from Dworkin himself. Includes substantial replies by Ronald Dworkin, a comprehensive bibliography of his work, and suggestions for further reading. Contributors include Richard Arneson, G. A. Cohen, Frances Kamm, Will Kymlicka, Philippe van Parijs, Eric Rakowski, Joseph Raz and Jeremy Waldron. Makes an important contribution to many on-going debates over abortion, euthanasia, the rule of law, distributive justice, group rights, political obligation, and genetics.