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SAGE Publications Inc Using Narrative in Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
′Jane Elliott′s examination of the use of "narrative" within the broad context of social science inquiry is a must-read for both qualitative and quantitative researchers, novice and expert alike′ - Journal of Advanced Nursing `This important book does an impressive job of synthesising a complex literature and bringing together both qualitative and quantitative methods of narrative analysis. It will become a milestone in the development of narrative methods. Although ground-breaking in many ways, it is very clearly written and accessible to readers from a wide variety of backgrounds and methodological experience′ - Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey `An elegantly written, scholarly and accessible text. Jane Elliott shows a sophisticated appreciation of contemporary methodological developments, and makes a persuasive case for the use of narrative approaches in both qualitative and quantitative research. The book challenges and advances debates about combining methods, and shows how stories can work within and across conventional research boundaries. It is a truly original contribution to the literature′ - Amanda Coffey, Cardiff School of Social Sciences `An outstanding book. Jane Elliott breaks new ground by demonstrating to new generations of social scientists how the power of narrative can fruitfully be harnessed in social research. This is a "must read" book′ - Professor Mike Savage, University of Manchester This is a lucid and accessible introduction to narrative methods in social research. It is also an important book about the nature, role and theoretical basis of research methodology in general. Jane Elliott instructs the reader on the basic methods and methodological assumptions that form the basis of narrative methods. She does so in a way that is practical and accessible and in a way that will make the book a favourite with students and experienced researchers alike. Elliott argues that both qualitative and quantitative methods are characterised by a concern with narrative, and that our research data can best be analyzed if it is seen in narrative terms. In concrete, step-by-step terms she details for the reader how to go about collecting data and how to subject that data to narrative analysis, while at the same time placing this process in its wider theoretical context. She works across the traditional quantitative/qualitative divide to set out the ways in which narrative researchers can uncover such issues as social change, causality and social identity. She also shows how the techniques and skills used by qualitative researchers can be deployed when doing quantitative research and, similarly, how qualitative researchers can sometimes profit from using quantitative skills and techniques. "This book provides both a fascinating and a challenging read. What sets this text apart from other books on research methodology and methods is that it does not focus exclusively on either quantitative or qualitative research approaches, but rather attempts to bridge the divide. The book should be compulsory reading not only for those aspiring to undertake narrative research and those students undertaking higher degree research courses, but also for those more experienced researches wishing to explore contemporary issues in research methods and methodology. As a recent recruit to a lecturer-practitioner post with little recnt experience in the subject area covered by this book, i found it met my needs very well. I would certainly recomment this book for purchase." Dr Andrew Pettipher, University of Nottingham, UK.
Scholastic Phonics Book Bag Readers: Starter Pack 4
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 4 Scholastic Set 7 and 8 Sound Focus: Adjacent consonants with short vowels and Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Book Band: Yellow and Blue This starter packs contains the books in Scholastic Set 7 and Scholastic Set 8 of the Phonics Book Bag Readers series. These titles are part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 7 and Scholastic Set 8 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Cherie's Shack (Set 12)
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 Scholastic Set: 12 Title: Cherie's Shack Focus: or (as in 'work'), u (as in 'full'), oul (as in 'would'), ear (as in 'pear'), tch (as in 'match'), a (as in 'tomato'), a (as in 'want'), ch (as in 'chef'), ze (as in 'freeze'), schwa (unstressed vowel sound as in 'manor' and 'pasta') Tricky words: people one to the Mr said thought of through here do any are sure whole Book Band: Orange This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 12 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Paul's Dressing-up Box (Set 12)
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 Scholastic Set: 12 Title: Paul's Dressing-up Box Focus: au (as in 'sauce'), oor (as in 'door'), al (as in 'talked'), ture (as in 'adventure'), a (as in 'can't'), a (as in 'was'), ch (as in 'school'), unstressed vowel sound at the end of a word (as in 'tractor' and 'orchestra') Tricky words: one the said to your Ms do today oh here through they of Book Band: Orange This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 12 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Go Wild! (Set 10)
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 Scholastic Set: 10 Title: Go Wild! Focus: o (as in 'go'), i (as in 'wild'), a (as in 'baking'), e (as in 'she'), a-e (as in 'make'), i-e (as in 'five'), o-e (as in 'note'), u-e (as in 'tune'), ew (as in 'blew'), ie (as in 'cookies'), aw (as in 'sawed') Tricky words: by said something to into want the could they what are you was Book Band: Green This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 10 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic The Cloud Shack Gang (Set 9)
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 Scholastic Set: 09 Title: The Cloud Shack Gang Focus: ay (as in 'day'), ou (as in 'out'), oy (as in 'Troy'), ea (as in 'each'), ir (as in 'birds') Tricky words: loved the he of all by was someone to one there I'm said I like little come so into we be they Book Band: Green This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 09 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Clues for Tea (Set 9)
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 Scholastic Set: 09 Title: Clues for Tea Focus: ay (as in 'Saturday'), ou (as in 'out'), ea (as in 'tea'), ir (as in 'first'), ue (as in 'clue') Tricky words: I to you some said me the of she was be full have all put we Book Band: Green This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 09 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Little, Brown Book Group Single: A totally gripping psychological thriller full of twists
'I keep feeling like I'm being watched - dropping the boys off at school, choosing wine at the supermarket - but when I turn around there's nobody there...'When single mother Darcy's son falls from a rope bridge at a local playground, life stands still. She clutches his small, limp body, frozen, until a pair of strong hands push her aside, and she watches as George, a local doctor, saves her son's life.George is a single parent too, and with his twinkling hazel eyes, easy charm, and lack of wedding band is almost too good to be true, but coffee becomes lunch, lunch becomes dinner, and soon they can't go an evening without seeing each other. When he invites her to move into his beautiful home with its sprawling garden for her boys, Darcy doesn't hesitate.But as Darcy is settling in, she receives a bunch of flowers with a chilling message. George says they're from an obsessed ex-girlfriend, Opal, and days later Opal turns up at Darcy's son's football match. She claims to have shocking information that could threaten George's custody of his daughter.Darcy doesn't know who to trust, but she's starting to suspect that, whatever the truth, she might have put her beloved boys into terrible danger ...From the million-copy-bestselling author K.L. Slater this utterly gripping psychological thriller will make you gasp out loud as you race towards the unforgettable twist. If you loved The Girl on the Train and The Wife Between Us this book is for you.What everyone is saying about Single:'I would liken reading 'Single' to being strapped into a car with a broken axle on the Tilt-A-Whirl carnival ride. You're gonna get tossed around until you don't know which way is up. Yet, in the end, you can't deny that it was one helluva ride. All superlatives aside, this book stands out in its cleverness and execution. K.L. Slater knocked it out of the park. 5+ stars.' Goodreads Reviewer, *****'Another stunning novel from KL Slater. .Loved every twist and turn. The only negative is what to read next as it won't live up to KL Slater, fingers crossed her next novel won't take long!' Goodreads Reviewer, *****'Wow, I LOVED this book!!! 5 stars easy!! This is my first novel by K.L. Slater and most certainly will not be my last. ...This is the kind of book you cannot put down or stop thinking about. I often had chills and felt like I experiencing this story as the main character. There is no way you will be able to guess the ending.' Goodreads Reviewer, *****'Finishing Single has literally left me lost for words. I mean how am I supposed to review this story? It has blown my mind. Seriously, obliterated it. It is mind numbingly brilliant. Honestly, if you want twisted, they don't come more twisted than this.' Goodreads Reviewer, *****'WOW WOW WOW!!! What a fantastic book!! I couldn't put this one down. Just when i thought i knew what was going on , I changed my mind, and yet again. Twists twists and more twists. i love this author but this book blew me away best yet from her!' Goodreads Reviewer, *****
Scholastic Starter Pack 6 Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
A set of 12 non-fiction decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. 100% matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 These expertly levelled books are engaging with the focus sounds clearly shown on the front covers. Each book also contains parent's notes with guidance on how to help your child to read, including practicing the focus sounds, highhlighting any tricky words they may need assistance with and what to do before, during and after reading the book. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting and a 'talk about it' task supports children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. This starter pack contains the books in Scholastic Set 11, Scholastic Set 12 and Scholastic Set 13 of the Phonics Book Bag Readers Non-fiction series (twelve books in total). SCHOLASTIC BOOK BAG READERS - SERIES INFORMATION A collection of over 100 fiction and non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers and exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. There are thirteen sets of four fiction and four non-fiction books, covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. They cover: Pink Book Band Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Red Book Band Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Yellow Book Band Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Blue Book Band Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Green Book Band Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Orange Book Band Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Turquoise Book Band Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic The Scientist and the Castle (Set 12)
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 Scholastic Set: 12 Title: The Scientist and the Castle Focus: al (as in 'palm'), a (as in 'rather'), a (as in 'water'), a (as in 'want'), ear (as in 'heard'), wr (as in 'wreck'), st (as in 'castle'), sc (as in 'scent'), ch (as in 'echo') Tricky words: of the through to one because again eyes pure oh said into friend Book Band: Orange This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 12 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Gran's Kite (Set 10)
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 Scholastic Set: 10 Title: Gran's Kite Focus: o (as in 'go'), i (as 'behind'), e (as in 'be'), i-e (as in 'kite'), o-e (as in 'hope'), ew (as in 'flew'), ie (as in 'field') Tricky words: to the said they you have my there was of sure would Book Band: Green This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 10 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic The Green Fingers Club (Set 8)
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 4 Scholastic Set: 08 Title: The Green Fingers Club Focus: Adjacent consonants with long vowel sounds (example words: stronger Clark Flora flower) Tricky words: today we the she says I do have you are there to by pulling puts pulls out of one me they Book Band: Blue This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 08 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic The Fair (Set 8)
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 4 Scholastic Set: 08 Title: The Fair Focus: Adjacent consonants with long vowel sounds (example words: street bumper complains Oscar Amber) Tricky words: I'm my we are going to the I all I'll have of he says one love go so some no Book Band: Blue This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 08 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Canelo Lies to Tell: An utterly gripping Scottish crime thriller
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer…Early one morning DI Clare Mackay receives a message from her boss DCI Alastair Gibson telling her to meet him in secret. She does as he asks and is taken from St Andrews to a secure location in the remote Scottish hills. There, she is introduced to ethical hacker Gayle Crichton and told about a critical security breach coming from inside Police Scotland. Clare is sworn to secrecy and must conceal Gayle’s identity from colleagues until the source is found.Clare already has her hands full keeping a key witness under protection and investigating the murder of a university student. When a friend of the victim is found preparing to jump off the Tay Road Bridge it is clear he is terrified of someone. But who? Clare realises too late that she has trusted the wrong person. As her misplaced faith proves a danger to herself and others, Clare must fight tooth and nail to protect those she cares about and see justice done.A page-turning crime thriller perfect for fans of Alex Gray, D. K. Hood and Rachel Amphlett.What readers are saying about Lies to Tell ‘One of Scotland's top up-and-coming crime writers’ The Scottish Sun'DI Clare Mackay is a brilliant character. I’m looking forward to more from Marion Todd’ Graeme Hampton, author of The Darkness Within ‘A gripping addition to the crime genre’ Scottish Field‘With Lies To Tell, Marion Todd is, or should be, firmly in the company of premier league crime fiction writers. Long may the series continue.’ Reader review ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐‘Marion Todd has delivered an excellent third novel in her DI Clare MacKay series… the ending resolutions are completely satisfying and leave the reader frustrated only with how long they have to wait for the next book in the series… A top-notch book’ Reader review ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐‘With so many twists and turns the story romps along at a breathless pace, who can she trust? A brilliant thriller, and an ending I didn’t see coming.’ Reader review ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐‘With its polished pacing and plotting, I found this to be a thoroughly enjoyable, original and difficult to put down novel from Marion Todd. She is a gifted storyteller who can provide readers with thrills, sophistication and a story packed with substance. A very highly recommended five star read’ Reader review ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐‘Over the last three books, Marion has nurtured Clare into someone of real substance and she has become one of my all time favourite female lead characters.’ Reader review ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐‘Could not put this book down at all… this one has to be Marion Todd’s best book to date, a police procedural with non stop action, twists and so many suspects that I was reeling with what was going to happen next’ Reader review ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐‘A book that you just can’t fault … a real not to be missed read’ Reader review⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Scholastic Starter Pack 5 Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
A set of 8 non-fiction decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. 100% matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 These expertly levelled books are engaging with the focus sounds clearly shown on the front covers. Each book also contains parent's notes with guidance on how to help your child to read, including practicing the focus sounds, highhlighting any tricky words they may need assistance with and what to do before, during and after reading the book. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting and a 'talk about it' task supports children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. This starter pack contains the books in Scholastic Set 9 and Scholastic Set 10 of the Phonics Book Bag Readers Non-fiction series (eight books in total). SCHOLASTIC BOOK BAG READERS - SERIES INFORMATION A collection of over 100 fiction and non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers and exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. There are thirteen sets of four fiction and four non-fiction books, covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. They cover: Pink Book Band Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Red Book Band Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Yellow Book Band Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Blue Book Band Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Green Book Band Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Orange Book Band Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Turquoise Book Band Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Johns Hopkins University Press Why Are Health Disparities Everyone's Problem?
How can we all work together to eliminate the avoidable injustices that plague our health care system and society?Health is determined by far more than a person's choices and behaviors. Social and political conditions, economic forces, physical environments, institutional policies, health care system features, social relationships, risk behaviors, and genetic predispositions all contribute to physical and mental well-being. In America and around the world, many of these factors are derived from a lingering history of unequal opportunities and unjust treatment for people of color and other vulnerable communities. But they aren't the only ones who suffer because of these disparities—everyone is impacted by the factors that degrade health for the least advantaged among us.In Why Are Health Disparities Everyone's Problem? Dr. Lisa Cooper shows how we can work together to eliminate the injustices that plague our health care system and society. The book follows Cooper's journey from her childhood in Liberia, West Africa, to her thirty-year career working first as a clinician and then as a health equity researcher at Johns Hopkins University. Drawing on her experiences, it explores how differences in communication and the quality of relationships affect health outcomes. Through her work as the founder and director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity, it details the actions and policies needed to reduce and eliminate the conditions that are harming us all. Cooper reveals with compelling detail how health disparities are crippling our health care system and society, driving up health care costs, leading to adverse health outcomes and ultimately an enormous burden of human suffering. Why Are Health Disparities Everyone's Problem? demonstrates the ways in which everyone's health is interconnected, both within communities and across the globe. Cooper calls for a new kind of herd immunity, when a sufficiently high proportion of people, across race and social class, become immune to harmful social conditions through "vaccination" with solidarity among groups and opportunities created by institutional and societal practices and policies. By acknowledging and acting upon that interconnectedness, she believes everyone can help to create a healthier world.Features• Raises readers' health care inequities literacy through an approachable narrative with specific examples• Introduces the concept of "herd immunity" as it applies to building communal awareness of systemic injustices• Features sections that underscore key takeaways• Includes contributions from the world's leading minds through their research findings and quotations• Guides readers on what can be done at an individual level as a patient, public health professional, and community member • Includes inspiring stories of effective health equity studies and practices around the world, from Ghana's ADHINCRA Project addressing hypertension control to Baltimore's BRIDGE Study for depression in African Americans and the Maryland and Pennsylvania–based RICH LIFE Project for hypertension, diabetes, and other medical conditionsJohns Hopkins WavelengthsIn classrooms, field stations, and laboratories in Baltimore and around the world, the Bloomberg Distinguished Professors of Johns Hopkins University are opening the boundaries of our understanding of many of the world's most complex challenges. The Johns Hopkins Wavelengths book series brings readers inside their stories, illustrating how their pioneering discoveries benefit people in their neighborhoods and across the globe in artificial intelligence, cancer research, food systems' environmental impacts, health equity, science diplomacy, and other critical arenas of study. Through these compelling narratives, their insights will spark conversations from dorm rooms to dining rooms to boardrooms.
HarperCollins Publishers The Manhattan Girls
NEW YORK CITY, 1921 An impossible dream.The war is over, the twenties are roaring, but in the depths of the city that never sleeps, Dorothy Parker is struggling to make her mark in a man’s world.A broken woman.She’s penniless, she’s unemployed and her marriage is on the rocks when she starts a bridge group with three extraordinary women – but will they be able to save her from herself?A fight for survival.When tragedy strikes, and everything Dorothy holds dear is threatened, it’s up to Peggy, Winifred and Jane to help her confront the truth before it’s too late. Because the stakes may be life or death… A new novel from the internationally bestselling author, Sex and the City meets the 1920s in this sweeping tale of love, loss and the everlasting bonds of friendship. Perfect for fans of Fiona Davis, Dinah Jefferies and Chanel Cleeton. Readers love The Manhattan Girls: 'TERRIFIC! Deadly one-liners and killer cocktails combine in this compelling portrait of three fascinating women. Unputdownable.' Veronica Henry, bestselling author of The Impulse Purchase ‘The Manhattan Girls completely stole me away… Paul slips inside her characters brilliantly, blending fact and fiction so seamlessly it’s impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins. A total treat… I loved it.’ Eve Chase, author of The Birdcage ‘A stunning tour de force. A potent cocktail of brilliant characterisation, pacy elegant writing, and mesmerising drama as four wildly clever, talented women negotiate the perils of Jazz Age New York. LOVED it!’ Tracy Rees, author of The Rose Garden ‘The Manhattan Girls pulled me into the dazzling world of prohibition New York and didn’t let me go… an utterly brilliant, entirely compulsive read. A seductive, heady triumph.’ Jenny Ashcroft, author of Under the Golden Sun ‘If ever we needed escapism it is now, and The Manhattan Girls does that perfectly, whisking you instantly away to the glittering world of 1920s New York… A sparkling read in so many ways!’ Liz Trenow, author of Under a Wartime Sky ‘I loved this funny and moving novel about the bonds of friendship.’ Fiona Valpy, author of The Storyteller of Casablanca ‘Oozing with passion and wit, and with Gill’s trademark talent for getting under the skin of her characters, this is a story for those who enjoy their novels with a side order of gin, jazz, and sass. An absolute treat!’ Hazel Gaynor, author of The Bird in the Bamboo Cage ‘Sizzling and compulsive… Gill Paul expertly conjures the brilliant and brittle world of Dorothy Parker and her contemporaries.’ Maggie Brookes, author of The Prisoner’s Wife ‘A riveting novel about friendship’s power to carry women through the grand highs and heartbreaking lows of 1920s New York.’ Georgie Blalock, author of The Last Debutantes ‘Wow, what an eye-opening story! Fascinating and riveting. Highly recommended!’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Well written… compelling… I couldn’t put it down.’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Five stars from me. A brilliant narrative about four unique and real women – I enjoyed every single page.’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Wow! I loved this book so much. I can’t recommend it enough!’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Such a fun read… Don’t miss it!’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG Budapest Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Marco Polo Pocket Guide Budapest: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips Explore Budapest with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the city's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all this wonderful city has to offer… Budapest, Hungary's beautiful and lively capital is a dynamic city full of tradition that is at the same time in the throes of dramatic social and economic change. Marco Polo’s Budapest guide takes you up to the Fisherman's Bastion, with its magnificent views over the city full of fantastic architecture, and down into the bustle of the Central Market and the wonderful atmosphere of the city's traditional coffee houses. Budapest has a host of attractions: a day spent on the green Margaret Island can be just as much part of a visit as a night at the opera or an evening stroll across the Chain Bridge.… This is Budapest! Your Marco Polo Budapest Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips – we show you the hidden gems and little-known secrets that offer a real insight into the city. Discover a cosy courtyard for coffee, see where young fashion designers display their latest creations and enjoy a drink in a ‘ruin pub’ with the locals. Best of – find the best things to do for free, the best ‘only in’ Budapest experiences, the best things to do if it rains and the best places to relax and spoil yourself. Sightseeing – all of the top sights are organised by areas of the city so you can easily plan your day. Discovery Tours – 4 specially tailored tours will get you to the heart of Budapest. Discover and experience all the delights that define Budapest, from its historic Castle Quarter to the lively bars in the former Jewish District. Budapest in full-colour – Marco Polo Pocket Guide Budapest includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the city to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip. Touring App – download any of the Discovery Tours to your smartphone, complete with the detailed route description and map exactly as featured in the guide, free of charge. The maps can be used offline too, so no roaming charges. The perfect navigational tool with distance indicators and landmarks highlighting the correct direction to travel in as well as GPS coordinates along the way. Enjoy stress-free sightseeing and never get lost again! Street Atlas and pull-out map – we’ve included a detailed street atlas and a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour. Useful Hungarian phrases – the essential words and phrases are included to help you get by. Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide Budapest to show you around this fabulous city. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything Budapest has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.
Nilgiri Press The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Volume 3: A Verse-by-Verse Commentary: Chapters 13-18 To Love Is to Know Me
A comprehensive manual for living a spiritual life, based on a verse-by-verse commentary on India’s timeless scripture – from the author of its best-selling translation.(The ebook The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living 9781586381455 includes all three volumes in this series.)The Bhagavad Gita is set on the battlefield of an apocalyptic war between good and evil. Faced with a dire moral dilemma, the warrior prince Arjuna turns in anguish to his spiritual guide, Sri Krishna, for answers to the fundamental questions of life.Easwaran points out that Arjuna’s crisis is acutely modern. The Gita’s battlefield is the struggle for self-mastery that every human being must wage. Arjuna represents each of us, and Sri Krishna is the Lord, instructing us in eighteen chapters of lofty wisdom as we face the social, environmental, and global challenges that threaten our world today.Easwaran is a spiritual teacher and author of deep insight and warmth. His verse-by-verse commentary interprets the Gita’s teachings for modern readers, explaining the Sanskrit concepts and philosophy and applying them with practicality, wisdom, and humor to every aspect of our work, our relationships, and our lives. With everyday anecdotes, stories, and examples, he shows that the changes we long to see in the world start with the transformation of our own consciousness.The practical exercises recommended by Easwaran to achieve transformation are part of a spiritual program he developed for his own life. They are accessible to people from all backgrounds and cultures. Urging us to adopt a higher image of the human being, he assures us that peace and unity are within reach.Each volume of this series covers six chapters of the Gita. Each may be read on its own, but all three volumes together form an in-depth, verse-by-verse explanation of this ancient scripture and its relevance today. Each volume includes instructions in Easwaran's eight-point program of passage meditation.Volume 1: The first six chapters of the Gita explore the concept of the innermost Self and source of wisdom in each of us. Easwaran explains how we can begin to transform ourselves, even as householders engaged in busy lives.Volume 2: The next six chapters of the Gita go beyond the individual Self to explore the Supreme Reality underlying all creation. Easwaran builds a bridge across the seeming divide between scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom, and explains how the concept of the unity of life can help us in all our relationships.Volume 3: The final six chapters put forth an urgent appeal for us to begin to see that all of us are one – to make the connection between the Self within and the Reality underlying all creation. Global in scope, the emphasis is on what we can do to make a difference to heal our environment and establish peace in the world.Easwaran’s commentary is for all students of the Gita, whatever their background, and for anyone who is trying to find a path to wisdom, love, and kindness in themselves and our troubled world. Written as an authoritative, accessible guide to a much-loved scripture, it is a handbook for finding peace and clarity within.This second edition incorporates revisions made across all three volumes following the author’s final instructions.
APA Publications The Rough Guide to California (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
This practical travel guide to California features detailed factual travel tips and points-of-interest structured lists of all iconic must-see sights as well as some off-the-beaten-track treasures. Our itinerary suggestions and expert author picks of things to see and do will make it a perfect companion both, ahead of your trip and on the ground. This California guide book is packed full of details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information and top time-saving tips, including a visual list of things not to miss. Our colour-coded maps make California easier to navigate while you're there. This guide book to California has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook. The Rough Guide to California covers: Los Angeles; San Diego; the Deserts; Death Valley; the Sierra; the Central Coast; San Francisco; the Gold Country; Lake Tahoe and Northern California.Inside this California travel guide you'll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to California, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in Yosemite Valley, to family activities in child-friendly places, like Venice Beach, or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Salvation Mountain.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPS Essential pre-departure information including California entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESIncludes carefully planned routes covering the best of California, which give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter of this California travel guide includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for surfing or climbing the saw-toothed peaks of the Sierra Nevada. HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides' rundown of Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Big Sur, San Diego's best sights and top experiences help to make the most of each trip to California, even in a short time.HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, this California guide book will help you find the best places, matching different needs.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive 'Contexts' chapter of this travel guide to California features fascinating insights into California, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Yosemite National Park and the spectacular Bixby Creek Bridge.COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in San Francisco, Napa and many more locations in California, reduce the need to go online.USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUT With helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of this guide book to California allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
Human Kinetics Publishers Physical Literacy on the Move: Games for Developing Confidence and Competence in Physical Activity
Authors have addressed physical literacy in books before—but these books have never comprehensively tied theory to practice. Author Heather Gardner has found a way to help K-12 physical and health education teachers bridge this gap in Physical Literacy on the Move. The result? Students not only learn the concepts of physical literacy but also learn to apply those concepts while having great fun and developing skills and self-confidence along the way. 120 Games for Physical Literacy Development This highly practical text applies physical literacy from a holistic point of view that goes beyond acquiring basic sport skills or fitness training. The book focuses on the key concepts of physical literacy as it offers the following: • 120 ready-to-use games and activities appropriate for a variety of accessible settings • Game and activity adaptations to increase or decrease the challenge • Personal reflection self-check questions for each activity to help students consider the movement skills, concepts, and strategies used, as well as relationship and social skills and critical thinking issues • A game finder that helps you find the right kind of game and level of challenge for your students Four Learning Levels With Adaptations for Each Game Gardner has broken the games and activities into four progressive levels of learning: beginning, exploring, competent, and proficient. In this way, students are not stuck in levels that are too easy or too hard for them—they have the opportunity to make decisions regarding their own groups, equipment, game set-up, and adaptations. The approach lets them find the optimal level of challenge, maximizing both participation and fun. The book contains eight chapters, each of which is broken into the four levels of learning. In addition to the ready-to-use games and activities, each chapter also has three special elements to aid in your instruction: • Words to Know offers terms and illustrations that are important to your physical literacy instruction and that pertain to specific fundamental movement skills. • Where’s the Physical Literacy? highlights background information and other key learning that you might find appropriate for your students. • Educator Check and Reflect provides teaching and safety tips, strategies for creating an inclusive learning environment, and teaching reminders. Game Construction The games and activities are grouped into activity categories: low-organization games, personal fitness, gymnastics, creative movement, running and skipping, throwing and catching, striking with hands, and striking with an implement or feet. The game descriptions offer all the information needed to easily put them into play; each lists the activity goal, fundamental movement skill, tactical focus, level, facility, equipment, safety, activity instructions, adaptations, self-check questions, and more. You can search for games by chapter, skill, developmental level, or activity category. The Outcome: Physically Literate Students When people are physically literate, they can function confidently and competently in a variety of enviroonments and physical activities—activities that aid the development of the whole person. Physical Literacy on the Move is a tremendous resource to help your students develop their physical literacy. And as they are developing that literacy, you can be supporting their individual needs, thanks to the practical applications of the concepts and theories as delivered through the games and activities. The student-centered games in this book lay the foundation for students to explore and develop their physical literacy through enjoyable activities. And the learning and experiences will spur them to continue being physically active throughout their lives.
Nilgiri Press The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Volume 2: A Verse-by-Verse Commentary: Chapters 7-12 Like a Thousand Suns
A comprehensive manual for living a spiritual life, based on a verse-by-verse commentary on India’s timeless scripture – from the author of its best-selling translation.(The ebook The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living 9781586381455 includes all three volumes in this series.)The Bhagavad Gita is set on the battlefield of an apocalyptic war between good and evil. Faced with a dire moral dilemma, the warrior prince Arjuna turns in anguish to his spiritual guide, Sri Krishna, for answers to the fundamental questions of life.Easwaran points out that Arjuna’s crisis is acutely modern. The Gita’s battlefield is the struggle for self-mastery that every human being must wage. Arjuna represents each of us, and Sri Krishna is the Lord, instructing us in eighteen chapters of lofty wisdom as we face the social, environmental, and global challenges that threaten our world today.Easwaran is a spiritual teacher and author of deep insight and warmth. His verse-by-verse commentary interprets the Gita’s teachings for modern readers, explaining the Sanskrit concepts and philosophy and applying them with practicality, wisdom, and humor to every aspect of our work, our relationships, and our lives. With everyday anecdotes, stories, and examples, he shows that the changes we long to see in the world start with the transformation of our own consciousness.The practical exercises recommended by Easwaran to achieve transformation are part of a spiritual program he developed for his own life. They are accessible to people from all backgrounds and cultures. Urging us to adopt a higher image of the human being, he assures us that peace and unity are within reach.Each volume of this series covers six chapters of the Gita. Each may be read on its own, but all three volumes together form an in-depth, verse-by-verse explanation of this ancient scripture and its relevance today. Each volume includes instructions in Easwaran's eight-point program of passage meditation.Volume 1: The first six chapters of the Gita explore the concept of the innermost Self and source of wisdom in each of us. Easwaran explains how we can begin to transform ourselves, even as householders engaged in busy lives.Volume 2: The next six chapters of the Gita go beyond the individual Self to explore the Supreme Reality underlying all creation. Easwaran builds a bridge across the seeming divide between scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom, and explains how the concept of the unity of life can help us in all our relationships.Volume 3: The final six chapters put forth an urgent appeal for us to begin to see that all of us are one – to make the connection between the Self within and the Reality underlying all creation. Global in scope, the emphasis is on what we can do to make a difference to heal our environment and establish peace in the world.Easwaran’s commentary is for all students of the Gita, whatever their background, and for anyone who is trying to find a path to wisdom, love, and kindness in themselves and our troubled world. Written as an authoritative, accessible guide to a much-loved scripture, it is a handbook for finding peace and clarity within.This second edition incorporates revisions made across all three volumes following the author’s final instructions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Sustainable Development: Second Edition
This Handbook demonstrates the well-established body of thinking on sustainable development which now exists, and its tighter focus today on limits to current economic growth patterns. But while there have been lots of big global debates on planetary boundaries, and thresholds for critical resources, there has been little progress on the ground and in getting the politics right. Contributing authors show that many of the models we use to understand and manage relations between planet, people and profit are hopelessly mis-specified. But better tools exist, such as sustainability indicators, national environmental accounts, and the ecological footprint to help bridge this gap.'- Camilla Toulmin, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), UK'There is now wide recognition that current patterns of economic development are already putting great strains on resources, environment and the climate and that, if continued, the consequences could undermine or reverse past development gains and, possibly, lead to catastrophe. In other words our current paths are unsustainable. This Handbook provides a very thorough, thoughtful and valuable contribution to our understanding of the possible meanings of sustainable development, how it can be understood and calibrated, and characteristics of and choices around alternative paths. This is a subject that should be at the centre of the study of development and encompasses many disciplines. And it should be a subject that commands the attention of all those who think carefully about our future well-being; they will find this Handbook fascinating and essential reading.'- Lord Nicholas Stern, London School of Economics and Political Science, UKThis timely and important Handbook takes stock of progress made in our understanding of what sustainable development actually is and how it can be measured and achieved.This fully updated and revised second edition captures recent developments in the field, including 14 new chapters by internationally renowned authors from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. The authors explain that the gap between public commitments to sustainable development and real-world action towards achieving it is still significant, but not insurmountable, and that opportunities do exist to reduce that margin. Contributors synthesize the established knowledge and clearly present cutting-edge concepts from the frontier of sustainability research with direct relevance to theory and practice. Topics covered include: the fundamentals of sustainability; equity within and between generations; the capital approach; green growth; measurements and indicators of sustainability; climate change and wellbeing.This accessible, comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to exploring the theory and practice of sustainable development will prove an invaluable reference tool for researchers, students, academics and practitioners with an interest in the field of sustainable development.Contributors: W.N. Adger, S. Afionis, J. Agyeman, M. Agarwala, J.A. Allan, G.B. Asheim, G. Atkinson, R.M. Auty, E.B. Barbier, A. Bowen, C. Carraro, M.A. Cole, G. Cranston, S. Dietz, L. Dupuy, O. Edenhofer, P. Ekins, S. Fankhauser, T.J. Foxon, A. Galli, G. Gosnell, A. Gouldson, R. Green, K. Hamilton, G. Heal, C. Hepburn, J. Hodbod, T. Jackson, S. Kadner, B. Kristr m, G.-M. Lange, P. Lawn, A. Lucchesi, G. Luderer, J.A. McGregor, G. McNicoll, J.C. Morales, Y. Mulugetta, E. Naikal, E. Neumayer, B.G. Norton, D. Pearce, A. Randall, Y. Rydin, G. Schwerhoff, R. Sullivan, A. Thompson, C.A. Tisdell, J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, J. Vogler, C. von Stechow, M. Wackernagel, A. Winkels, G. Yohe, Z. Zhang
Scholastic The Bumpy Ride (Set 11)
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 Scholastic Set: 11 Title: The Bumpy Ride Focus: y (as in 'bumpy'), wh (as in 'whipped'), ou (as in 'shoulder'), y (as in 'Kyra'), ow (as in 'Willow'), g (as in 'giant'), ph (as in 'Rapha'), le (as in 'little'), c (as in 'ice'), ve (as in 'serve'), o (as in 'worry'), ui (as in 'fruit') Tricky words: the of people are to asks says into all they was oh there many, could, put Book Band: Orange This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 11 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic The Shiny Trophy (Set 11)
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 Scholastic Set: 11 Title: The Shiny Trophy Focus: y (as in as in 'shiny'), ea (as in 'head'), wh (as in 'whirls'), oe (as in 'toe'), y (as in 'fly'), ow (as in 'show'), g (as in 'gentle'), ph (as in 'trophy'), le (as in 'gentle'), c (as in 'circle'), ve (as in 'have'), o (as in 'worry'), se (as in 'ease' Tricky words: today the who should to what do they of says there was all different thoughts were put water oh are Book Band: Orange This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread. The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 11 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Nilgiri Press The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Volume 1: A Verse-by-Verse Commentary: Chapters 1-6 The End of Sorrow
A comprehensive manual for living a spiritual life, based on a verse-by-verse commentary on India’s timeless scripture – from the author of its best-selling translation.(The ebook The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living 9781586381455 includes all three volumes in this series.)The Bhagavad Gita is set on the battlefield of an apocalyptic war between good and evil. Faced with a dire moral dilemma, the warrior prince Arjuna turns in anguish to his spiritual guide, Sri Krishna, for answers to the fundamental questions of life.Easwaran points out that Arjuna’s crisis is acutely modern. The Gita’s battlefield is the struggle for self-mastery that every human being must wage. Arjuna represents each of us, and Sri Krishna is the Lord, instructing us in eighteen chapters of lofty wisdom as we face the social, environmental, and global challenges that threaten our world today.Easwaran is a spiritual teacher and author of deep insight and warmth. His verse-by-verse commentary interprets the Gita’s teachings for modern readers, explaining the Sanskrit concepts and philosophy and applying them with practicality, wisdom, and humor to every aspect of our work, our relationships, and our lives. With everyday anecdotes, stories, and examples, he shows that the changes we long to see in the world start with the transformation of our own consciousness.The practical exercises recommended by Easwaran to achieve transformation are part of a spiritual program he developed for his own life. They are accessible to people from all backgrounds and cultures. Urging us to adopt a higher image of the human being, he assures us that peace and unity are within reach.Each volume of this series covers six chapters of the Gita. Each may be read on its own, but all three volumes together form an in-depth, verse-by-verse explanation of this ancient scripture and its relevance today. Each volume includes instructions in Easwaran's universal eight-point program of passage meditation.Volume 1: The first six chapters of the Gita explore the concept of the innermost Self and source of wisdom in each of us. Easwaran explains how we can begin to transform ourselves, even as householders engaged in busy lives.Volume 2: The next six chapters of the Gita go beyond the individual Self to explore the Supreme Reality underlying all creation. Easwaran builds a bridge across the seeming divide between scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom, and explains how the concept of the unity of life can help us in all our relationships.Volume 3: The final six chapters put forth an urgent appeal for us to begin to see that all of us are one – to make the connection between the Self within and the Reality underlying all creation. Global in scope, the emphasis is on what we can do to make a difference to heal our environment and establish peace in the world.Easwaran’s commentary is for all students of the Gita, whatever their background, and for anyone who is trying to find a path to wisdom, love, and kindness in themselves and our troubled world. Written as an authoritative, accessible guide to a much-loved scripture, it is a handbook for finding peace and clarity within.This second edition incorporates revisions made across all three volumes following the author’s final instructions.
Nilgiri Press The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Volume 1: A Verse-by-Verse Commentary: Chapters 1-6 The End of Sorrow
A comprehensive manual for living a spiritual life, based on a verse-by-verse commentary on India’s timeless scripture – from the author of its best-selling translation.(The ebook The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living 9781586381455 includes all three volumes in this series.)The Bhagavad Gita is set on the battlefield of an apocalyptic war between good and evil. Faced with a dire moral dilemma, the warrior prince Arjuna turns in anguish to his spiritual guide, Sri Krishna, for answers to the fundamental questions of life.Easwaran points out that Arjuna’s crisis is acutely modern. The Gita’s battlefield is the struggle for self-mastery that every human being must wage. Arjuna represents each of us, and Sri Krishna is the Lord, instructing us in eighteen chapters of lofty wisdom as we face the social, environmental, and global challenges that threaten our world today.Easwaran is a spiritual teacher and author of deep insight and warmth. His verse-by-verse commentary interprets the Gita’s teachings for modern readers, explaining the Sanskrit concepts and philosophy and applying them with practicality, wisdom, and humor to every aspect of our work, our relationships, and our lives. With everyday anecdotes, stories, and examples, he shows that the changes we long to see in the world start with the transformation of our own consciousness.The practical exercises recommended by Easwaran to achieve transformation are part of a spiritual program he developed for his own life. They are accessible to people from all backgrounds and cultures. Urging us to adopt a higher image of the human being, he assures us that peace and unity are within reach.Each volume of this series covers six chapters of the Gita. Each may be read on its own, but all three volumes together form an in-depth, verse-by-verse explanation of this ancient scripture and its relevance today. Each volume includes instructions in Easwaran's universal eight-point program of passage meditation.Volume 1: The first six chapters of the Gita explore the concept of the innermost Self and source of wisdom in each of us. Easwaran explains how we can begin to transform ourselves, even as householders engaged in busy lives.Volume 2: The next six chapters of the Gita go beyond the individual Self to explore the Supreme Reality underlying all creation. Easwaran builds a bridge across the seeming divide between scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom, and explains how the concept of the unity of life can help us in all our relationships.Volume 3: The final six chapters put forth an urgent appeal for us to begin to see that all of us are one – to make the connection between the Self within and the Reality underlying all creation. Global in scope, the emphasis is on what we can do to make a difference to heal our environment and establish peace in the world.Easwaran’s commentary is for all students of the Gita, whatever their background, and for anyone who is trying to find a path to wisdom, love, and kindness in themselves and our troubled world. Written as an authoritative, accessible guide to a much-loved scripture, it is a handbook for finding peace and clarity within.This second edition incorporates revisions made across all three volumes following the author’s final instructions.
Open University Press A Practical Guide to End of Life Care
Are you involved in caring for people at the end of their life? Do you have a role in supporting the families of those who are dying, or is this an area of your work you find personally difficult?This book is an accessible guide for all those working in health or social care and caring for people at the end of their lives. This will include people in roles such as healthcare assistant, hospice worker, volunteer, nurse or other carers.Written by experts with extensive experience in delivering high quality end of life care, this book is full of real life examples, reflection exercises and case studies. It also includes insights into what can help make a good death, and how to help support families at the end of life.The easy to read chapters emphasise treating people who are dying with dignity using a person centred approach.The book supports the delivery of quality care by recognising physical and non-physical symptoms, and thinking about various emotional and physical needs people might have. It is also important that care givers look after themselves and advice is given on how best to do this.An essential purchase for anyone looking for guidance or support in this area, and suitable for those working in the community, care homes, hospices, hospitals or other settings where people are cared for. With a Foreword from Dr. Ros Taylor, MBE, National Director for Hospice Care, Hospice UK.“The book strikes a balance between the factual and the personal, and gives the reader detailed information and time to think through reflection exercises.”Deborah Preshaw, doctoral nursing student, Queens University Belfast, UK“This is a beautifully presented learning tool to support the delivery of end of life care. I particularly like the ‘signposts’ which reinforce the intention of the book to enable ‘carers’ to apply what they read to their role in practice.” Liz Bryan, Director of Education and Training, St Christopher's Hospice, UK"This book is a very welcome addition to the literature on end of life care, as it does exactly what it says – it is a practical guide. I highly recommend this book." Mick Coughlan, Programme Leader, The Royal Marsden School, UK"I feel this book would be very useful for those new to palliative care as well as those studying the subject. Relating theory to practice is always powerful and for new nurses and other healthcare professionals this provides context and meaning."Clodagh Sowton, Director of Patient Services, Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care, UK"This is a welcome book to the field of end of life care. This practical guide is accessible and is an excellent bridge between the ‘Lay Person’ and those health care professionals caring for the individual as they approach the end of life. I will be directing students of healthcare towards this impressive, insightful book."Robert Murphy, Senior Lecturer - Adult Nursing, London South Bank University, UK"The material covered is very helpful and the range of authors has been well selected from individuals who are active in clinical practice. The book is practical and clear, and Clair deserves high praise for the contribution it will make to clinicians seeking to improve their palliative care knowledge and skills."Professor Max Watson, Medical Director Northern Ireland Hospice, Visiting Professor University of Ulster, UK
Simon & Schuster Ltd I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day
*** THE NEW FESTIVE TREAT FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ***'An absolute joy. Like all of Milly's books it's packed with heart and humour and characters you fall in love with. I didn't want it to end' Jane Fallon, bestselling author of Queen Bee It’s nearly Christmas and it’s snowing, hard. Deep in the Yorkshire Moors nestles a tiny hamlet, with a pub at its heart. As the snow falls, the inn will become an unexpected haven for six people forced to seek shelter there… Mary has been trying to get her boss Jack to notice her for four years, but he can only see the efficient PA she is at work. Will being holed up with him finally give her the chance she has been waiting for? Bridge and Luke were meeting for five minutes to set their divorce in motion. But will getting trapped with each other reignite too many fond memories – and love? Charlie and Robin were on their way to a luxury hotel in Scotland for a very special Christmas. But will the inn give them everything they were hoping to find – and much more besides? A story of knowing when to hold on and when to let go, of pushing limits and acceptance, of friendship, love, laughter, mince pies and the magic of Christmas. Gorgeous, warm and full of heartfelt emotion, I Wish it Could be Christmas Every Day is the perfect read this winter!Praise for I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day: 'You can always rely on Milly Johnson to bring the magic, and she's done it again with this festive treat . . . Packed with her trademark warmth and wit, it’s the perfect holiday read’ heat 'Pure escapism' Woman & Home 'A festive smorgasbord of fine food, sparkly decorations, parlour games, presents and more, coupled with Milly Johnson’s trademark warm and witty writing, make this the perfect Christmas read!' My Weekly ‘Perfect escapism, love, laughter, snow, oodles of festive fun... and best of all, some much-needed hope. The perfect cure for the winter blues' Debbie Johnson, author of Maybe One Day ‘A new Milly Johnson novel – a festive one at that – is always welcome’ Woman ‘Heart-warming’ Choice ‘Guaranteed to put you in the Christmas mood’ Woman & Home, Christmas Gift Guide ‘For anyone in need of a lift, Milly Johnson’s feel-good read could be just the tonic’ Yours Fiction Monthly 'The perfect Christmas read, the story is filled with love, laughter and unexpected romances. This really is the feel good treat of the year' UnderTheChristmasTree, Best Christmas BooksPraise for Milly Johnson's novels: ‘Reading a Milly Johnson book is like spending time with a best friend - you always end up feeling better about the world’ Lucy Diamond ‘Every time you discover a new Milly book, it’s like finding a pot of gold’ heat ‘The feeling you get when you read a Milly Johnson book should be bottled and made available on the NHS’ Debbie Johnson ‘Funny, poignant and so uplifting’ Sun ‘Milly’s writing is like getting a big hug with just the right amount of bite underneath’ Jane Fallon ‘A gorgeous, warm, heartfelt novel about friendship and how some people are just meant to be by your side’ Adele Parks
Colenso Books And my mother's bitter tears
There is no doubt that this is, to a considerable extent, an autobiographical novel. It is also clear that parts of it are fictional, but it is not possible to define with any clarity the boundary between autobiography and fiction. The author did serve in the US Army in the Korean War as an underage soldier, though he was probably not quite so young as the narrator claims to have been. The author’s second name “Toteras” is his chosen nom-de-plume, formed from two Greek words “to” and “teras”, meaning “the monster”. The novel begins with the narrator’s return from Korea suffering from what we would now call post-traumatic distress syndrome, and finding himself unable to face his family again. He falls in with a young woman who looks after him. This narrative breaks off to be resumed only in the final chapter of the book, and there follow several chapters in which his early life in San Francisco's Greektown is recounted. Conflicting demands — of their families to be Greek and of their school to become Americans — drive him and his best friend to obtain fake birth certificates, enabling them to enlist, at the age of fourteen, in the US army. Between basic training and embarkation for the Far East they take a bizarre trip to Mexico, where they become involved with a rich American couple who need to involve others in their sex-life. The two teenage soldiers are sent to the Mariana Islands where they are occupied in dismantling a World-War-Two ammunition dump. After an explosion which kills some of their colleagues, they are granted leave, and go to Japan to meet up with a sergeant (also of Greek origin) whom they had made friends with in the training camp. Through a series of mishaps they end up being sent to Korea with the first scratch-force of US troops, following the news that the North Koreans had crossed the 38th Parallel, and they are involved in the first US battles of the Korean War, battles in which the US army was repeatedly defeated with immense loss of life. The battles of Osan, the Pyongtaek Bridge and Taejon are described in graphic and horrific detail, and several subsequent battles are referred to. The novel was completed in the early 1990s, but clearly not to the satisfaction of the author, who died in 2009, leaving it unpublished. The surviving typescripts were problematic, almost unpunctuated and full of errors. They have been painstakingly edited over a number of years and some of the material in the early (Greektown) chapters has had to be rearranged to create a coherent narrative and to remove repetition. The style undoubtedly owes something to Kerouac but the content is far beyond his scope, as it brings us face to face with the insanity and the horror of war and the nature of fear; but it is not without humour, and much of the humour has to do with sex. In this the narrator and his buddy are opposites: the narrator a romantic innocent, his buddy precocious and sex-mad. Although, as noted, the narrative of the weeks after his return alone from Korea is resumed in the concluding chapter, there is no conclusion, for we are left with a final moment of dramatic suspension, not knowing what exactly has just happened and with no clue as to what the narrator’s future will be.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Sales EQ: How Ultra High Performers Leverage Sales-Specific Emotional Intelligence to Close the Complex Deal
The New Psychology of Selling The sales profession is in the midst of a perfect storm. Buyers have more power—more information, more at stake, and more control over the sales process—than any time in history. Technology is bringing disruptive change at an ever-increasing pace, creating fear and uncertainty that leaves buyers clinging to the status quo. Deteriorating attention spans have made it difficult to get buyers to sit still long enough to “challenge,” “teach,” “help,” give “insight,” or sell “value.” And a relentless onslaught of “me-too” competitors have made differentiating on the attributes of products, services, or even price more difficult than ever. Legions of salespeople and their leaders are coming face to face with a cold hard truth: what once gave salespeople a competitive edge—controlling the sales process, command of product knowledge, an arsenal of technology, and a great pitch—are no longer guarantees of success. Yet this is where the vast majority of the roughly $20 billion spent each year on sales training goes. It’s no wonder many companies are seeing 50 percent or more of their salespeople miss quota. Yet, in this new paradigm, an elite group of top 1 percent sales professionals are crushing it. In our age of technology where information is ubiquitous and buyer attention spans are fleeting, these superstars have learned how to leverage a new psychology of selling—Sales EQ—to keep prospects engaged, create true competitive differentiation, as well as shape and influence buying decisions. These top earners are acutely aware that the experience of buying from them is far more important than products, prices, features, and solutions. In Sales EQ, Jeb Blount takes you on an unprecedented journey into the behaviors, techniques, and secrets of the highest earning salespeople in every industry and field. You’ll learn: How to answer the 5 Most Important Questions in Sales to make it virtually impossible for prospects to say no How to master 7 People Principles that will give you the power to influence anyone to do almost anything How to shape and align the 3 Processes of Sales to lock out competitors and shorten the sales cycle How to Flip the Buyer Script to gain complete control of the sales conversation How to Disrupt Expectations to pull buyers towards you, direct their attention, and keep them engaged How to leverage Non-Complementary Behavior to eliminate resistance, conflict, and objections How to employ the Bridge Technique to gain the micro-commitments and next steps you need to keep your deals from stalling How to tame Irrational Buyers, shake them out of their comfort zone, and shape the decision making process How to measure and increase you own Sales EQ using the 15 Sales Specific Emotional Intelligence Markers And so much more! Sales EQ begins where The Challenger Sale, Strategic Selling, and Spin Selling leave off. It addresses the human relationship gap in the modern sales process at a time when sales organizations are failing because many salespeople have never been taught the human skills required to effectively engage buyers at the emotional level. Jeb Blount makes a compelling case that sales specific emotional intelligence (Sales EQ) is more essential to success than education, experience, industry awareness, product knowledge, skills, or raw IQ; and, sales professionals who invest in developing and improving Sales EQ gain a decisive competitive advantage in the hyper-competitive global marketplace. Sales EQ arms salespeople and sales leaders with the tools to identify their most important sales specific emotional intelligence developmental needs along with strategies, techniques, and frameworks for reaching ultra-high performance and earnings, regardless of sales process, industry, deal complexity, role (inside or outside), product or service (B2B or B2C).
Little, Brown Book Group Three Epic Battles that Saved Democracy: Marathon, Thermopylae and Salamis
Praise for the author's A Brief Guide to the Greek Myths: 'Eminently sane, highly informative'PAUL CARTLEDGE, BBC History magazineThe year 2022 marks 2,500 years since the final defeat of the invasion of Greece by the Persian King Xerxes. This astonishing clash between East and West still has resonances in modern history, and has left us with tales of heroic resistance in the face of seemingly hopeless odds. Kershaw makes use of recent archaeological and geological discoveries in this thrilling and timely retelling of the story, originally told by Herodotus, the Father of History.The protagonists are, in Europe, the Greeks, led on land by militaristic, oligarchic Sparta, and on sea by the newly democratic Athens; in Asia, the mighty Persian Empire - powerful, rich, cultured, ethnically diverse, ruled by mighty kings, and encompassing modern Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Egypt.When the rich, sophisticated, Greek communities of Ionia on the western coast of modern Turkey, rebel from their Persian overlord Darius I, Athens sends ships to help them. Darius crushes the Greeks in a huge sea battle near Miletus, and then invades Greece. Standing alone against the powerful Persian army, the soldiers of Athens' newly democratic state - a system which they have invented - unexpectedly repel Darius's forces at Marathon. After their victory, the Athenians strike a rich vein of silver in their state-owned mining district, and decide to spend the windfall on building a fleet of state-of-the-art warships. Persia wants revenge. The next king, Xerxes, assembles a vast multinational force, constructs a bridge of boats across the Hellespont, digs a canal through the Mount Athos peninsula, and bears down on Greece. Trusting in their 'wooden walls', the Athenians station their ships at Artemisium, where they and the weather prevent the Persians landing forces in the rear of the land forces under the Spartan King Leonidas at the nearby pass of Thermopylae. Xerxes's assault is a disastrous failure, until a traitor shows him a mountain track that leads behind the Greeks. Leonidas dismisses the Greek troops, but remains in the pass with his 300 Spartan warriors where they are overwhelmed in an heroic last stand. Athens is sacked by the Persians. Democracy is hanging by a thread. But the Athenians convince the Greek allies to fight on in the narrow waters by the island of Salamis (underwater archaeology has revealed the Greek base), where they can exploit local weather conditions to negate their numerical disadvantage. Despite the heroism of the Persian female commander Artemisia, the Persian fleet is destroyed.Xerxes returns to Asia Minor, but still leaves some forces in Greece. In 479 BCE, the Spartans lead a combined Greek army out against the Persians. In a close-run battle near the town of Plataea, the discipline, fighting ability and weaponry of the Greeks prevail. The Persian threat to the Greek mainland is over.Athens forms a successful anti-Persian coalition to drive the Persians from Greek territory, seek reparations, and create security in the future. But this 'alliance' is gradually converted into an Athenian Empire. The democracy becomes increasingly radical. In this context we see the astonishing flowering of fifth-century BCE Athenian culture - in architecture, drama and philosophy - but also a disastrous war, and defeat, at the hands of Sparta by the end of the century.The book concludes by exploring the ideas that the decisive battles of Thermopylae and Salamis mark the beginnings of Western civilization itself and that Greece remains the bulwark of the West , representing the values of generous and unselfish peace, freedom and democracy in a neighbourhood ravaged by instability and war.
University of California Press James Ivory in Conversation: How Merchant Ivory Makes Its Movies
James Ivory in Conversation is an exclusive series of interviews with a director known for the international scope of his filmmaking on several continents. Three-time Academy Award nominee for best director, responsible for such film classics as A Room with a View and The Remains of the Day, Ivory speaks with remarkable candor and wit about his more than forty years as an independent filmmaker. In this deeply engaging book, he comments on the many aspects of his world-traveling career: his growing up in Oregon (he is not an Englishman, as most Europeans and many Americans think), his early involvement with documentary films that first brought attention to him, his discovery of India, his friendships with celebrated figures here and abroad, his skirmishes with the Picasso family and Thomas Jefferson scholars, his usually candid yet at times explosive relations with actors. Supported by seventy illuminating photographs selected by Ivory himself, the book offers a wealth of previously unavailable information about the director's life and the art of making movies. James Ivory on: On the Merchant Ivory Jhabvala partnership: "I've always said that Merchant Ivory is a bit like the U. S. Govenment; I'm the President, Ismail is the Congress, and Ruth is the Supreme Court. Though Ismail and I disagree sometimes, Ruth acts as a referee, or she and I may gang up on him, or vice versa. The main thing is, no one ever truly interferes in the area of work of the other." On Shooting Mr. and Mrs. Bridge: "Who told you we had long 18 hour days? We had a regular schedule, not at all rushed, worked regular hours and had regular two-day weekends, during which the crew shopped in the excellent malls of Kansas City, Paul Newman raced cars somewhere, unknown to us and the insurance company, and I lay on a couch reading The Remains of the Day." On Jessica Tandy as Miss Birdseye in The Bostonians: "Jessica Tandy was seventy-two or something, and she felt she had to 'play' being an old woman, to 'act' an old woman. Unfortunately, I'couldn't say to her, 'You don't have to 'act' this, just 'be,' that will be sufficient.' You can't tell the former Blanche Du Bois that she's an old woman now." On Adapting E. M. Forster's novels "His was a very pleasing voice, and it was easy to follow. Why turn his books into films unless you want to do that? But I suppose my voice was there, too; it was a kind of duet, you could say, and he provided the melody." On India: "If you see my Indian movies then you get some idea of what it was that attracted me about India and Indians...any explanation would sound lamer than the thing warrants. The mood was so great and overwhelming that any explanation of it would seem physically thin...I put all my feeling about India into several Indian films, and if you know those films and like them, you see from these films what it was that attracted me to India." On whether he was influenced by Renoir in filming A Room with a View "I was certainly not influenced by Renoir in that film. But if you put some good looking women in long white dresses in a field dotted with red poppies, andthey're holding parasols, then people will say, 'Renoir.'" On the Critics: "I came to believe that to have a powerful enemy like Pauline Kael only made me stronger. You know, like a kind of voodoo. I wonder if it worked that way in those days for any of her other victims--Woody Allen, for instance, or Stanley Kubrick." On Andy Warhol as a dinner guest: "I met him many times over the last twenty years of his life, but I can't say I knew him, which is what most people say, even those who were his intimates. Once he came to dinner with a group of his Factory friends at my apartment. I remember that he or someone else left a dirty plate, with chicken bones and knife and fork, in my bathroom wash basin. It seemed to be a symbolic gesture, to be a matter of style, and not just bad manners."
Crown House Publishing The Practitioner's Guide to Mirroring Hands: A client-responsive therapy that facilitates natural problem-solving and mind-body healing
Describes in detail how Mirroring Hands is conducted, and explores the framework of knowledge and understanding that surrounds and supports its therapeutic process. Richard Hill and Ernest L. Rossi's The Practitioner's Guide to Mirroring Hands: A Client-Responsive Therapy that Facilitates Natural Problem-Solving and Mind-Body Healing describes in detail how Mirroring Hands is conducted, and explores the framework of knowledge and understanding that surrounds and supports its therapeutic process. Foreword by Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D. Mirroring Hands is a practical therapeutic technique that can be utilized by all practitioners for the benefit of their clients. With a tranquil state of focused attention as the starting point, the practitioner invites the client to explore an issue by projecting it into their hands; with one hand representing the difficulty or disturbance, the other becomes the natural container for the opposite reflections - resolution, ease and comfort. This enables the client to engage with their deeper therapeutic self - thereby facilitating the shift into a therapeutic consciousness - and connect to the natural flow, cycles and self-organizing emergence that shift the client toward beneficial change. In this instructive and illuminating manual, Hill and Rossi show you how Mirroring Hands enables clients to unlock their natural problem-solving and mind-body healing capacities to arrive at a resolution in a way that many other therapies might not. The authors offer expert guidance as to its client-responsive applications and differentiate seven variations of the technique in order to give the practitioner confidence and comfort in their ability to work within and around the possibilities presented while in session. Furthermore, Hill and Rossi punctuate their detailed description of how Mirroring Hands is conducted with a diverse range of illustrative casebook examples and stage-by-stage snapshots of the therapy in action: providing scripted language prompts and illustrative images of a client's hand movement that demonstrate the processes behind the technique as it takes the client from disruption into the therapeutic; and from there to integration, resolution, and a state of well-being. The Practitioner's Guide to Mirroring Hands begins by tracing the emergence of the Mirroring Hands approach from its origins in Rossi's studies and experiences with Milton H. Erickson and by presenting a transcription of an insightful discussion between Rossi and Hill as they challenge some of the established ways in which we approach psychotherapy, health, and well-being. Building upon this exchange of ideas, the authors define and demystify the nature of complex, non-linear systems and skillfully unpack the three key elements of induction to therapeutic consciousness - focused attention, curiosity, and nascent confidence - in a section dedicated to preparing the client for therapy. Hill and Rossi also supply preparatory guidance for the therapist through explanation of therapeutic dialogue's non-directive language principles, and through exploration of the four-stage cycle - information, incubation, breakthrough and illumination, and verification - that facilitates the client's capacity to access their natural problem-solving and mind-body healing. The authors also take care to advocate Mirroring Hands as not only a therapeutic technique, but also an approach to practice for all practitioners engaged in solution-focused therapy. Through its enquiry into the vital elements of client-cue observation, symptom-scaling, and rapport-building inherent in the therapist-client relationship, The Practitioner's Guide to Mirroring Hands shares a great store of wisdom and insight that will help the practitioner become more attuned to their clients' inner worlds and communication patterns. Hill and Rossi draw on a wealth of up-to-date neuroscientific research and academic theory to help bridge the gap between therapy's intended outcomes and its measured neurological effects, and, towards the book's close, also open the door to the study of quantum field theory to inspire the reader's curiosity in this fascinating topic. An ideal progression for those engaged in mindfulness and meditation, The Practitioner's Guide to Mirroring Hands is the first book on the subject specially written for all mental health practitioners and is suitable for students of counseling, psychotherapy, psychology, and hypnotherapy, as well as anyone in professional practice.
Little, Brown Book Group Three Epic Battles that Saved Democracy: Marathon, Thermopylae and Salamis
Praise for the author's A Brief Guide to the Greek Myths: 'Eminently sane, highly informative'PAUL CARTLEDGE, BBC History magazineIn 2022 it will be 2,500 years since the final defeat of the invasion of Greece by the Persian King Xerxes. This astonishing clash between East and West still has resonances in modern history, and has left us with tales of heroic resistance in the face of seemingly hopeless odds. Kershaw makes use of recent archaeological and geological discoveries in this thrilling and timely retelling of the story, originally told by Herodotus, the Father of History.The protagonists are, in Europe, the Greeks, led on land by militaristic, oligarchic Sparta, and on sea by the newly democratic Athens; in Asia, the mighty Persian Empire - powerful, rich, cultured, ethnically diverse, ruled by mighty kings, and encompassing modern Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Egypt.When the rich, sophisticated, Greek communities of Ionia on the western coast of modern Turkey, rebel from their Persian overlord Darius I, Athens sends ships to help them. Darius crushes the Greeks in a huge sea battle near Miletus, and then invades Greece. Standing alone against the powerful Persian army, the soldiers of Athens' newly democratic state - a system which they have invented - unexpectedly repel Darius's forces at Marathon. After their victory, the Athenians strike a rich vein of silver in their state-owned mining district, and decide to spend the windfall on building a fleet of state-of-the-art warships. Persia wants revenge. The next king, Xerxes, assembles a vast multinational force, constructs a bridge of boats across the Hellespont, digs a canal through the Mount Athos peninsula, and bears down on Greece. Trusting in their 'wooden walls', the Athenians station their ships at Artemisium, where they and the weather prevent the Persians landing forces in the rear of the land forces under the Spartan King Leonidas at the nearby pass of Thermopylae. Xerxes's assault is a disastrous failure, until a traitor shows him a mountain track that leads behind the Greeks. Leonidas dismisses the Greek troops, but remains in the pass with his 300 Spartan warriors where they are overwhelmed in an heroic last stand. Athens is sacked by the Persians. Democracy is hanging by a thread. But the Athenians convince the Greek allies to fight on in the narrow waters by the island of Salamis (underwater archaeology has revealed the Greek base), where they can exploit local weather conditions to negate their numerical disadvantage. Despite the heroism of the Persian female commander Artemisia, the Persian fleet is destroyed.Xerxes returns to Asia Minor, but still leaves some forces in Greece. In 479 BCE, the Spartans lead a combined Greek army out against the Persians. In a close-run battle near the town of Plataea, the discipline, fighting ability and weaponry of the Greeks prevail. The Persian threat to the Greek mainland is over.Athens forms a successful anti-Persian coalition to drive the Persians from Greek territory, seek reparations, and create security in the future. But this 'alliance' is gradually converted into an Athenian Empire. The democracy becomes increasingly radical. In this context we see the astonishing flowering of fifth-century BCE Athenian culture - in architecture, drama and philosophy - but also a disastrous war, and defeat, at the hands of Sparta by the end of the century.The book concludes by exploring the ideas that the decisive battles of Thermopylae and Salamis mark the beginnings of Western civilization itself and that Greece remains the bulwark of the West , representing the values of generous and unselfish peace, freedom and democracy in a neighbourhood ravaged by instability and war.
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House The Nation's Favourite Poems
Forty-five of Britain's best-loved poems, read by John Nettles, Siobhan Redmond, Greg Wise and Emma Fielding.In a national poll conducted to discover Britain's favourite poem, Rudyard Kipling's 'If -' was voted number one. This unique anthology brings together over forty poems from the poll, including the top ten.Here is poignant war poetry (Wilfred Owen's 'Dulce et Decorum Est' and 'Anthem for Doomed Youth', Rupert Brooke's 'The Soldier' and Siegfried Sassoon's 'Everyone Sang' ); romantic verse such as Shakespeare's 'Sonnet 18: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?' and W. B. Yeats' 'When You Are Old'; Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear's great nonsense poems 'Jabberwocky' and 'The Owl and the Pussy-Cat', and much more. Classics such as Wordsworth's 'The Daffodils' and Tennyson's 'The Lady of Shallot' sit alongside contemporary poetry like Allan Ahlberg's 'Please Mrs Butler' and Wendy Cope's 'Bloody Men'.Superbly read by John Nettles, Siobhan Redmond, Greg Wise and Emma Fielding, this popular collection includes many of the very best examples ofBritish verse, as chosen by poetry lovers nationwide.The poems included in this collection are:1 'If -' by Rudyard Kipling, read by John Nettles2 'The Lady of Shallot' by Alfred Lord Tennyson, read by Siobhan Redmond3 'The Listeners' by Walter de la Mare, read by Greg Wise4 'Not Waving but Drowning' by Stevie Smith, read by Siobhan Redmond5 'The Daffodils' by William Wordsworth, read by John Nettles6 'To Autumn' by John Keats, read by Siobhan Redmond7 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree' by William Butler Yeats, read by Emma Fielding8 'Dulce et Decorum Est' by Wilfred Owen, read by Greg Wise9 'Ode to a Nightingale' by John Keats, read by Siobhan Redmond10 'He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven' by William Butler Yeats, read by John Nettles11 'Remember' by Christina Rossetti, read by Siobhan Redmond12 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' by Thomas Gray, read by John Nettles13 'Fern Hill' by Dylan Thomas, read by John Nettles14 'Leisure' by William Henry Davies, read by Emma Fielding15 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes, read by Greg Wise16 'To His Coy Mistress' by Andrew Marvell, read by Greg Wise17 'Dover Beach' by Matthew Arnold, read by John Nettles18 'The Tyger' by William Blake, read by John Nettles19 'Adlestrop' by Edward Thomas, read by Siobhan Redmond20 'The Soldier' by Rupert Brooke ,read by Greg Wise21 'Sea-Fever' by John Masefield, read by John Nettles22 'Upon Westminster Bridge' by William Wordsworth, read by Greg Wise23 'How Do I Love Thee?' by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, read by Emma Fielding24 'Cargoes' by John Masefield, read by Greg Wise25 'Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll, read by Emma Fielding26 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, read by John Nettles27 'Ozymandias of Egypt' by Percy Bysshe Shelley, read by Greg Wise28 'Abou ben Adhem' by Leigh Hunt, read by John Nettles29 'Everyone Sang' by Siegfried Sassoon, read by Greg Wise30 'The Windhover' by Gerard Manley Hopkins, read by Siobhan Redmond31 'Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night' by Dylan Thomas, read by John Nettles32 'Sonnet 18: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?' by William Shakespeare, read by Siobhan Redmond33 'When You Are Old' by William Butler Yeats, read by Emma Fielding34 'Lessons of the War (To Alan Mitchell): Naming of Parts' by Henry Reed, read by John Nettles35 'The Darkling Thrush' by Thomas Hardy, read by Emma Fielding36 'Please Mrs Butler' by Allan Ahlberg, read by Emma Fielding37 'Kubla Khan' by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, read by John Nettles38 'Home-Thoughts, from Abroad' by Robert Browning, read by Greg Wise39 'High Flight (An Airman's Ecstasy)' by John Gillespie Magee, read by Greg Wise40 'The Owl and the Pussy-Cat' by Edward Lear ,read by Emma Fielding41 'The Glory of the Garden' by Rudyard Kipling, read by Greg Wise42 'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost, read by Siobhan Redmond43 'The Way through the Woods' by Rudyard Kipling, read by Emma Fielding44 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' by Wilfred Owen, read by Greg Wise45 'Bloody Men' by Wendy Cope, read by Siobhan Redmond
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dealing with Darwin: How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of Their Evolution
You've read the headlines: industry after industry (airlines, automakers, drug companies, high tech) battered by globalization, deregulation, and commoditization. The Darwinian struggle to deliver profitable products and services keeps getting more brutal as competitive advantage gaps get narrower and narrower. Anything you invent today will soon be copied by someone else — probably better or cheaper. Many companies thrive during the early stages of their life cycle, reveling in bursts of energy and advancement, only to fall slack during periods of inertia and die out while others surge ahead. But some notable companies have figured out how to deal with Darwin at every phase of their evolution — making changes on the fly while fending off challenges from every quarter. Dealing with Darwin will help you understand your company's role in its market ecosystem; where your competitive advantage came from in the past and how it will change in the future; what kinds of differentiation will be most rewarded in your current marketplace; and how to transform your internal dynamics to overcome the inertia that threatens every bold innovation. Bestselling author Geoffrey Moore has consulted for dozens of major companies on this challenge of innovation versus inertia. But in the fall of 2002, he got an unprecedented offer from John Chambers, the CEO of Cisco Systems: unlimited access to Cisco's management processes, with permission to reveal exactly how Cisco continues to innovate relentlessly as a mature enterprise. This collaboration led to the case study that forms the heart of the book — not just an insider story but a masterpiece of management analysis. Dealing with Darwin, Moore's most ambitious work to date, offers nothing less than a new unified theory of the evolution of markets. Drawing on hundreds of different examples, Moore illuminates how established companies can prevent their own extinction — not by throwing resources wildly at every potential innovation, but by moving forward with precision, courage, and smart timing. "Geoff Moore is the master at creating a vocabulary for management strategy that captures the competitive dynamics of the times. In Dealing with Darwin, he uses this signature skill to tackle the fundamental challenge of twenty-first-century business — how to create profitable growth in an increasingly competitive global economy. His models are helpful both for focusing innovation strategy and for improving productivity, and they have played an important role in the continuing evolution of our company." —John T. Chambers, President and Chief Executive Officer, Cisco Systems, Inc. "Dealing with Darwin provides a lucid and engaging perspective on managing innovation, an integral component of Motorola's vision of seamless mobility. Moore's frameworks — his theory of innovation types, his ideas about the impact of business architecture on innovation, and his model for resource recycling to fund ongoing innovation efforts — all have relevant application in today's rapidly evolving and increasingly competitive marketplace." —Edward J. Zander, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Motorola "Globalization is driving everyone to rethink their innovation strategies, and that not only includes SAP but most of our customers as well. For some time we have been using the models and vocabulary outlined in this book to help chart our own future and to better understand our customers' changing needs. Geoff's experience and insight have made him a valued adviser during a time of critical transition in our industry." —Dr. Henning Kagerman, CEO, SAP AG "With Dealing with Darwin, Geoff Moore has provided the first practical guide to successfully navigate the dynamics of product and market innovation at all phases of the business cycle. This is a must read to successfully compete in the twenty-first century." —William T. Coleman, Chief Executive Officer, Cassatt Corporation; Cofounder and Former Chairman, BEA Systems, Inc. "The book's provocative, well-illustrated lessons on innovation strategies are a breakthrough for Geoffrey Moore; he crosses the chasm from rapid-growth, high-tech companies to those facing maturity, slow growth, and commoditization." —Robert S. Kaplan, author of The Balanced Scorecard; Baker Foundation Professor, Harvard Business School "Dealing with Darwin is a lucid bridge that links good conceptual theory with good management practice. Geoffrey Moore gets it. His understanding of the management of innovation is without equal." —Clayton Christensen, Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Proofs and Fundamentals: A First Course in Abstract Mathematics
“Proofs and Fundamentals: A First Course in Abstract Mathematics” 2nd edition is designed as a "transition" course to introduce undergraduates to the writing of rigorous mathematical proofs, and to such fundamental mathematical ideas as sets, functions, relations, and cardinality. The text serves as a bridge between computational courses such as calculus, and more theoretical, proofs-oriented courses such as linear algebra, abstract algebra and real analysis. This 3-part work carefully balances Proofs, Fundamentals, and Extras. Part 1 presents logic and basic proof techniques; Part 2 thoroughly covers fundamental material such as sets, functions and relations; and Part 3 introduces a variety of extra topics such as groups, combinatorics and sequences. A gentle, friendly style is used, in which motivation and informal discussion play a key role, and yet high standards in rigor and in writing are never compromised. New to the second edition: 1) A new section about the foundations of set theory has been added at the end of the chapter about sets. This section includes a very informal discussion of the Zermelo– Fraenkel Axioms for set theory. We do not make use of these axioms subsequently in the text, but it is valuable for any mathematician to be aware that an axiomatic basis for set theory exists. Also included in this new section is a slightly expanded discussion of the Axiom of Choice, and new discussion of Zorn's Lemma, which is used later in the text. 2) The chapter about the cardinality of sets has been rearranged and expanded. There is a new section at the start of the chapter that summarizes various properties of the set of natural numbers; these properties play important roles subsequently in the chapter. The sections on induction and recursion have been slightly expanded, and have been relocated to an earlier place in the chapter (following the new section), both because they are more concrete than the material found in the other sections of the chapter, and because ideas from the sections on induction and recursion are used in the other sections. Next comes the section on the cardinality of sets (which was originally the first section of the chapter); this section gained proofs of the Schroeder–Bernstein theorem and the Trichotomy Law for Sets, and lost most of the material about finite and countable sets, which has now been moved to a new section devoted to those two types of sets. The chapter concludes with the section on the cardinality of the number systems. 3) The chapter on the construction of the natural numbers, integers and rational numbers from the Peano Postulates was removed entirely. That material was originally included to provide the needed background about the number systems, particularly for the discussion of the cardinality of sets, but it was always somewhat out of place given the level and scope of this text. The background material about the natural numbers needed for the cardinality of sets has now been summarized in a new section at the start of that chapter, making the chapter both self-contained and more accessible than it previously was. 4) The section on families of sets has been thoroughly revised, with the focus being on families of sets in general, not necessarily thought of as indexed. 5) A new section about the convergence of sequences has been added to the chapter on selected topics. This new section, which treats a topic from real analysis, adds some diversity to the chapter, which had hitherto contained selected topics of only an algebraic or combinatorial nature. 6) A new section called ``You Are the Professor'' has been added to the end of the last chapter. This new section, which includes a number of attempted proofs taken from actual homework exercises submitted by students, offers the reader the opportunity to solidify her facility for writing proofs by critiquing these submissions as if she were the instructor for the course. 7) All known errors have been corrected. 8) Many minor adjustments of wording have been made throughout the text, with the hope of improving the exposition.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd How to Raise a Global Citizen: For the Parents of the Children Who Will Save the World
A cheerful, optimistic handbook for parents and carers shaping the next generation of responsible global citizens - ready to change the world for the better!Our children have the energy, capacity, and passion to create and nurture a global culture in which inclusion, acceptance, respect, and participation are the core values that underpin a human being's every interaction. As parents and carers, our job is to help our children take their first steps along that path.Raising truly globally minded, and socially conscious children happens at home and in the community. Children can be inspired, equipped, and mobilized to make a difference in the world. By encouraging values such as responsible and kind use of social media, respect, open mindedness, empathy, a sense of community, parents can help to shape a new generation of emotionally intelligent, outward-looking, politically ethical world citizens.Relevant to parents of children of all ages - from toddlers to teens - the book gives practical advice on how to talk to your children, the vocabulary to use, and activities and projects you can undertake with your children, from planting a tree to keeping a gratitude diary to cooking themed cuisines. And you'll find out how to model global citizenship through your own day-to-day actions.Marvyn Harrison is a father of two and founder of Dope Black CIC as well as co-founder of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) consultancy BELOVD. He coined the term Dope Black Dads on Father's Day 2018. Challenged by his feelings towards parenthood, Marvyn created a WhatsApp group with fathers he knew, hoping to share and learn from the experiences of those going on a similar journey to him. Now the Dope Black Dads network engages over 12,000 dads across the UK, US, and Africa. Marvyn regularly leads podcasts for parents and contributes to panels, webinars, Q&As, and documentaries on the subjects of male parenting, masculinity, mental health, the Black experience, and business. @DopeBlackDadsDr Annabelle Humanes wants to live in a world where diversity is celebrated and valued. A linguist, she worked in academia for over a decade before starting a family, teaching languages and carrying out research in language acquisition in young children. Evidence-based decision-making and multilingualism are her passions, and her own family lives with four languages (and cultures) on a daily basis. When she is not travelling or eating her way around the world with her little European citizens, she runs language enrichment classes and playgroups for French-speaking families. She blogs about being the mother of two cross-cultural children and blending cultures and languages. Insta: @ThePiriPiriLexiconDr Melernie Meheux is a senior Educational Psychologist passionate about using psychology to support children and their families. As a certified Play Therapist, she believes in the power of play to give children a voice to make sense of their experiences, and strongly advocates the rights of all children to play. Melernie is co-chair of the British Psychological Society's Division of Educational and Child Psychology (DECP), and chair of the board of trustees for Solidarity Sports, a charity that supports disadvantaged children and those who have experienced trauma to access play opportunities. She loves writing, hates inequality, and wants to contribute towards saving the planet in any way that she can! @DrMelsieJames Murray is an environmental journalist and founding editor of the award-winning website BusinessGreen. He has spent the past 15 years reporting on the climate crisis, the green economy, and clean technologies, and is a regular commentator on a wide range of environmental issues on ?TV and radio. In 2020 he also helped launch the world's first Net Zero Festival, bringing together business leaders, policymakers, and campaigners to explore how to accelerate the green industrial revolution. An English graduate from the University of Exeter, James lives in South London with his wife and two sons. @James_BGJen Panaro is a self-proclaimed composting nerd and an advocate for eco-friendly living for modern families. As a mum to two boys, she is passionate about helping families find ways to be more responsible stewards to our communities and the planet. She regularly writes for her blog, Honestly Modern, and other publications about exploring climate action, zero waste living, regenerative gardening, and intersectional environmentalism, all through the lens of modern family life. Jen is also the founder of WasteWell, a company she runs that provides composting services and related educational resources. In her spare time, she's a messy gardener and a serial library book borrower. Insta: @HonestlyModernJess Purcell is a science educator who is dedicated to making the science of sustainability accessible to all learners. She creates sustainability science experiments and nature activities ?for students of all ages, which can be done in the classroom or at home, and are designed to foster critical-thinking skills and a love of the natural world. Jess lives in central Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids, and two cats, and can usually be found outside, working out the kinks of an experiment, upcycling trash into "treasure", hiking with her family, or attempting to read a book while being cajoled into a game of hide and seek. Insta: @ThoughtfullySustainable Fariba Soetan is a blogger and mother of three multiracial daughters living in London. Her passion for raising citizens of the world grew from her own experience being raised in a mixed heritage family (Iranian/British) and immigrating from Tehran, Iran to Edmonton, Canada at a very young age. After meeting her Nigerian husband in Wales, Fariba moved to Nigeria for a few years with her two young children, before settling down in London. Her blog for parents of mixed race children, Mixed.up.Mama, aims to help bridge parents' understanding about raising multiracial families, and encourage them to be intentional about talking about race and identity to children. Insta: @Mixed.Up.Mama
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sources for a Better Education: Lessons from Research and Best Practices
This textbook evolves from the intersection between ‘Research’, ‘Educational Information Technologies’ and recent ‘Best Practices’. It offers diplomacy and erudite rhetoric in order to harvest from innovation projects and see how new professional needs for teachers are emerging day by day. The volume launches the compact background for the 21st century education that every teacher faces after being in charge for 3 or 6 years after pre-service training. ‘Sources for a better education’ refers to the deep understanding and to the incentives for encouraging teachers to leave the comfort zone and experiment the next steps into a further sophisticated professionalism, without the threat of feeling in a ‘Dilemma’.The first candidate for extending one’s teaching effectiveness is to tailor one’s teaching to the test to be expected. ‘Teaching to the Test’ is an understandable tactic, however it endangers the students’ full understanding of underlying concepts and analogies. The second candidate for professionalism is the deeper layer of knowledge on how curricular domains are related. In simpler terms: better teachers know how to ‘bridge’ topics and subjects so that students develop a deeper understanding on the patterns and structure in knowledge. The 21st century education prioritizes higher degrees of flexible-, divergent and abstract thinking, so that creative problem solving comes into reach. ICT tools for making prior knowledge explicit is a major example on how learners harvest upon prior knowledge, thinking and intuition. The third source for a better education is the courage to envisage one’s meta knowledge in order to see patterns in learning and understanding. The more conscious prior knowledge gets decompiled into genetic metaphors; the better future learning can be anticipated. The fourth asset for meta-cognitive skills is the wide spectrum of tools that the web offers for building knowledge infra-structures so that knowledge becomes transformed into problem solving skills; the availability of knowledge is no longer sufficient for finding creative and authentic solutions in future situations. This is the case for both students and teachers. By tradition, the bottom-up strategy from reproductive factual learning up to the levels of problem solving and creative thinking has been favoured. The ‘one-click away’ access to information on the web asks a more strategic attitude from learners and practitioners to cope with the periphery between known and unknown, so that a more effective meta-cognition develops. The fifth stimulus for more effective learning is the expanding impact of social media. Social media tend to intimidate learners with incomplete understanding to jump on biases as delivered through political and conspiracy agendas. This books aims at the challenge to build upon learners’ existential needs and developing interest for a longer-term learning perspective.“Renaissance man and philosopher Piet Kommers presents us with an interesting question: What makes education exciting? His book covers a range of lessons learnt through research and practice, covering philosophies and paradoxes, ranging from learning to learn to machine learning for learning. In 35 chapters he takes us on an exciting, comprehensive journey of just about every conceivable aspect of technology and education. This is a must-have for every 21st Century bookshelf!” By: Johannes Cronjé, professor of Digital Teaching and Learning in the Department of Information Technology at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa.“Piet Kommers has in 400 pages provided an overview of teaching based on practical experience. It is not a summary of pedagogic models, but a guide to important factors in how to motivate students and thus improve their learning. New technologies changes teaching, and we need to understand how application of such technologies can improve the learning. This book provides such knowledge and I wish I had it when I started teaching at university many years ago.” By: Jan Frick, Professor Business School, University of Stavanger, Norway."Piet Kommers delivers a very thorough book with a holistic perspective on Learning Technologies. This book is a result of many years of experience that the author has in Higher Education. It comprises lessons learned from the author´s professional career, including inputs from European Union research projects, as well as diversified interactions with a wide range of Peoples and Cultures. The result is a unique perspective that is a must-read for anyone interested in Learning Technologies, past, present, and future!" By: Pedro Isaias, associate professor at the Information Systems & Technology Management School of The University of New South Wales (UNSW – Sydney), Australia. “Distinguished Professor and Thinker Dr. Piet Kommers presents the academic community with a new horizon on education that reflects the current and future technology trends in the e-Learning and Fast Internet ubiquity. The Book discusses the current and most recent advances in research and application of most effective learning methods in conjunction with the future directions in machine learning in support of learning. The Book's 35 chapters present cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art learning methods in support of best educational practices and the student's best learning experience. The Book is most valuable asset to educator's community pursuing the mission of excellence in the Third Millennium!” By: Eduard Babulak, Professor, Computational Sciences, Liberty University, Lynchburg, USA."Well-known scientist, (e-)learning expert and philosopher Piet Kommers presents us with an interesting question: What makes education exciting? His book covers a range of lessons learnt through research and practice, covering philosophies and paradoxes, ranging from ‘learning to learn’ to ‘machine learning for learning’. In 35 chapters he takes us on an exciting, comprehensive journey of just about every conceivable aspect of technology and education. This is an interesting and useful publication for all educators as well as learners and must-have for every 21st Century bookshelf!" By: Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Dr. hab., associate professor, Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Art and Sciences of Education, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.“The book presents a mosaic of assets reflecting the vast international experience in research and realization of learning technologies of the author, honourable professor of the UNESCO Chair in New information technologies in education for all, Piet Kommers. Describing various aspects of learning strategies, approaches, techniques and technologies in a concise way, he engages the readers into the mental construction of a "big picture" and makes them reconsider routine processes of teaching and learning. Exciting and thought-provoking reading for educators, researchers, and devoted learners.” By: professor Volodymyr Gritsenko, Director of the International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems, National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Head of the UNESCO Chair.