Search results for ""de gruyter""
De Gruyter Making Time: World Construction in the Present-Tense Novel
2023 Perkins Prize of the International Society for the Study of Narrative ESSE Book Award for Junior Scholars for a book in the field of Literatures in the English LanguageResponding to the current surge in present-tense novels, Making Time is an innovative contribution to narratological research on present-tense usage in narrative fiction. Breaking with the tradition of conceptualizing the present tense purely as a deictic category denoting synchronicity between a narrative event and its presentation, the study redefines present-tense narration as a fully-fledged narrative strategy whose functional potential far exceeds temporal relations between story and discourse. The first part of the volume presents numerous analytical categories that systematically describe the formal, structural, functional, and syntactic dimensions of present-tense usage in narrative fiction. These categories are then deployed to investigate the uses and functions of present-tense narration in selected twenty-first century novels, including Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall, Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, Ian McEwan’s Nutshell, and Irvine Welsh’s Skagboys. The seven case studies serve to illustrate the ubiquity of present-tense narration in contemporary fiction, ranging from the historical novel to the thriller, and to investigate the various ways in which the present tense contributes to narrative worldmaking.
De Gruyter Caspar David Friedrich ausstellen
Im Jahr 2024 wird der 250. Geburtstag Caspar David Friedrichs gefeiert. Für seinen internationalen Ruhm waren vor allem drei große Retrospektiven in den 1970er Jahren in London, Hamburg und Dresden ausschlaggebend. Dieser Band untersucht erstmals vertiefend ihre Rolle für die Rezeption des Künstlers ebenso wie für die Betrachtung des Phänomens Romantik. Er setzt sie in Bezug zu (kultur-)politischen Kontexten der Zeit und erschließt bislang wenig beachtetes Quellenmaterial für weiterführende Forschung. Die Autorin untersucht außerdem, warum gerade Ausstellungen als von vielfältigen Aushandlungsprozessen bestimmtes Format entscheidende Impulse für die Rezeption von Künstler/-innen zu geben vermögen, und weshalb sie stärker in eine kritische Wissens- und Wissenschaftsforschung einbezogen werden sollten. Blick ins Buch
de Gruyter In Japan Liegt Das Glück Auf Dem Land
de Gruyter 3D Ultrasound in Prenatal Diagnosis
De Gruyter History, Politics and Theory in the Great Divergence Debate: A Comparative Analysis of the California School, World-Systems Analysis and Marxism
World history suffers from a paucity of clearly articulated, convincing explanations. While the rise of postmodernism and challenges to Eurocentrism did lead to some important correctives, the pendulum has swung too far the other direction, with a corresponding danger of ‘throwing the baby out with the bathwater’. We need careful, theoretically informed debates about ways of organizing world history. What constitutes a good historical explanation? What should guide historians to choose relevant facts? Which theoretical schools could be made useful, and to what ends? These questions are especially relevant to the main topic of this book: the ‘great divergence’ between the west and the rest of the world, and how this historical rupture is to be explained. The book provides extensive critical analyses of some of the key claims in world history, analyzing their strengths as well as their major weaknesses—too often rooted in insufficient familiarity of historians with theories they discard. It also historicizes the field and the debates to partly account for what caused some theories to become more influential and others to fall into oblivion—despite the fact that the more influential frameworks are seriously flawed and some of the more marginalized ideas are more coherent and plausible. The book offers insights regarding the theoretical and political relevance of older debates about the transition to capitalism and historical materialism. Three major schools of thought in world history are critically examined through an in-depth theoretical and comparative analysis that has not been undertaken elsewhere: the so-called ‘California School’, World Systems Analysis, and Marxist theories of history, capitalism, and the transition from feudalism to capitalism. Murphy argues that, despite some of the more recent criticisms of older approaches to world history, the older theories remain indispensable for the writing of world history and for coming to terms with issues of global poverty, inequality and eco-catastrophe.
de Gruyter Quantenphysik
de Gruyter Mediendidaktik
De Gruyter Allgemeine Grundlagen Der Elektrotechnik
de Gruyter Aufmerksamkeit Und Wachsamkeit
De Gruyter Post-imperial Encounters: Transnational Designs of Bessarabia in Paris and Elsewhere, 1917–1922
In the former Russian province of Bessarabia united with Romania in 1918, local inhabitants tried to make sense of the new reality by mastering geopolitical visions and making their own identity choices. Profoundly marked by the World War I, the disintegration of the Russian Empire and the growing Bolshevik danger, a group of Bessarabians, of both imperial and revolutionary elite, refused to imagine the fate of their region alongside Romania but looked for political alternatives, either in autonomy inside Romania and Ukraine or as part of a restored (monarchic or democratic) Russia. The book tells the story of a transnational network of Bessarabians and White Russian émigrés in Paris and other European capitals who during the 1919 Peace Conference played wisely on the "Wilsonian moment" to propel the idea of a pro-Russian "will" of the Bessarabians. Though unsuccessful in solving the Bessarabian "question" in Paris in their favor, they succeeded in animating anti-Romanian feelings and impacting personal and group identities inside the region.
De Gruyter Bilder unter Verdacht
Nicht erst seit den Diskussionen um Deepfakes und generative KI stehen digitale Bilder unter Manipulationsverdacht. Während in den 1990er Jahren allerdings jeder digitale Bildbeweis fragwürdig erschien, haben sich mittlerweile pragmatische Antworten durchgesetzt. Ob und wie digitale Bilder tatsächlich manipuliert wurden, lässt sich in vielen Fällen mittels Verfahren der Bildanalyse und der vergleichenden Datenauswertung nachweisen. Solche Praktiken der Bildforensik stehen im Mittelpunkt des Bandes. Der Blick auf wissenschaftliche ebenso wie ästhetische Verfahren, auf kriminalistische Methoden, populäre Fernsehserien und künstlerische Praktiken zeigt dabei, wie der Verdacht gegenüber Bildern selbst produktiv wird: Er bringt nicht nur neue Bilder hervor, sondern auch ein neues prozessuales Verständnis digitaler Bildlichkeit. Interdisziplinärer Überblick über die aktuelle Debatte um den Wahrheitsgehalt digitaler Bilder Mit Beiträgen zu professionellen, populären
De Gruyter Das Alttestamentliche Werk
De Gruyter Ecclesia catholica
de Gruyter Physikalische Chemie Kapieren
De Gruyter Jari Genser – It Is about Time: 10 Jahre – 16 Werke / 10 Years – 16 Works
Ein Künstlerbuch über Bilder von Bildern In Jari Gensers künstlerischer Arbeit spielt die Wiederholung eine zentrale Rolle: Er malt Bilder, die immer das jeweils vorhergehende Bild im Prozess seiner Entstehung zeigen. Eine endlose Reihe: Bilder von Bildern von Bildern, wie zwei Spiegel, die sich gegenüberstehen und ein immer kleineres Spiegelbild zeigen. Und die Räume, in denen sie entstanden sind, die Dinge, die dort herumliegen, zufällig oder vorausschauend platziert, kurz: ein Leben. Wie schnell doch die Zeit vergeht. Die Monografie gibt erstmals einen detaillierten Überblick über die ersten 16 Werke, die seit 2012 auf diese Weise entstanden sind und die wie ein visuelles Tagebuch durch das Schaffen des Künstlers führen. Die Präsentation der Arbeiten wird ergänzt durch ein kommentiertes Inventar aller 477 in den Bildern enthaltenen Gegenstände. Aufwendig gestaltete Künstlermonografie und erstes Werkporträt des Künstlers Jari Genser 16 großformatige Abbildungen und ein kommentiertes Inventar der 477 in den Bildern enthaltenen Gegenstände Mit Beiträgen von Veronika Rudorfer und Klaus Speidel
De Gruyter Diaspora and Law: Culture, Religion, and Jurisprudence beyond Sovereignty
Today, law is no longer homogenous or unquestioned. Different overlapping legal systems constantly interfere with one another, both on an international level, in complex transnational contexts such as the European Union or human rights law, but also in the context of cultural diversity or conflicts between religious norms and civil institutions, between minorities and the power of the state. On the other hand, the neutrality of law is also under growing pressure, be it from different global transnational players, or from within nation states where calls are made to adapt law to the will of "the people." The heated European debate on the "refugee crisis" has made it manifest that law is more necessary than ever and yet fundamentally contested, perhaps even caught in contradictions and self-limitations. At the same time, the current perspective on legal problems allows us to address issues of diversity and the role of Europe in the globalized world more clearly. The articles of this book take these recent developments and debates as a starting point to discuss from the perspective of different disciplines the pressing question of how to live together in the new millennium and how to figure the long history of law before, besides, and after the dominant paradigm of state law.
de Gruyter Jüdische Lebenswelten Im Osmanischen Reich
De Gruyter Textkomplexität und Textverständlichkeit
de Gruyter Postcolonial Theory and Crisis
De Gruyter Sonochemistry: Applications and Developments
In the 1980’s sonochemistry was considered to be a rather restricted branch of chemistry involving the ways in which ultrasound could improve synthetic procedures, predominantly in heterogeneous systems and particularly for organometallic reactions. Within a few years the subject began to expand into other disciplines including food technology, environmental protection and the extraction of natural materials. Scientific interest grew and led to the formation of the European Society of Sonochemistry in 1990 and the launch of a new journal Ultrasonics Sonochemistry in 1994. The subject continues to develop as an exciting and multi-disciplinary science with the participation of not only chemists but also physicists, engineers and biologists. The resulting cross-fertilisation of ideas has led to the rapid growth of interdisciplinary research and provided an ideal way for young researchers to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the ways in which different sciences can interact. It expands scientific knowledge through an opening of the closed doors that sometimes restrict the more specialist sciences. The journey of exploration in sonochemistry and its expansion into new fields of science and engineering is recounted in "Sonochemistry Evolution and Expansion" written by two pioneers in the field. It is unlike other texts about sonochemistry in that it follows the chronological developments in several very different applications of sonochemistry through the research experiences of the two authors Tim Mason and Mircea Vinatoru. Designed for chemists and chemical engineers Written by two experts and practitioners in the subject Volume 1 covers the historical background and evolution of sonochemistry Volume 2 explains the wider applications and expansion of the subject VOLUME 2 Applications and Developments Volume 2 contains six chapters which detail the developments of sonochemistry in fields which continue to attract considerable research and development interest from academia and industry. The topics range from the important developments in chemical synthesis through food technology and materials processing to therapeutic ultrasound. The authors have made contributions to all of these and so the content is written in a way which should be understandable to readers whose expertise may not necessarily be in the individual topic. Each of the applications and developments described help to illustrate not only the diverse nature of sonochemistry but also the unifying theme of the effects of acoustic cavitation on a wide range of procedures.
De Gruyter Networks and Practices of Connoisseurship in the Global Eighteenth Century
The 18th century was the age of the connoisseur. It was also an era of an expanding global consciousness born of accelerating trade and imperial conquest. This volume puts into dialogue the consolidation of connoisseurship as an empirical mode of artistic analysis in Europe and Asia and the increasing exposure to different modes of artmaking facilitated by local and global networks over the course of the long 18th century. Focusing on exchanges between India, Japan, China and Europe, the contributors to this volume examine the complex and nuanced impacts on connoisseurial practice of encounters with artworks from different regions of the globe, the international networks that made those encounters possible, and the intricate transactions through which connoisseurial knowledge of art was generated. Expansive focus on practices and networks in India, Japan, and Europe in the 18th century Complexities and asymmetries of connoisseurship in an expanding world
De Gruyter Der Umschlag von allem in nichts
de Gruyter Encyclopedia of Electronic Hrm
De Gruyter Der arme Heinrich
De Gruyter 2022
The first part of the yearbook contains ten essays on Futurist art and literature in Italy, France, Russia, Poland, Portugal and the former colony of Goa. Among other things, early Futurist publishing and propaganda initiatives by means of manifestos, press releases, and newssheets are examined, as well as Athos Casarini's artistic and political work undertaken in Italy and the USA. Articles in the second part deal with the 30th anniversary of the international Academy of Zaum as well as various conferences, exhibitions and publications celebrating the centenary of Zenitism in Serbia and Croatia. Critical responses to exhibitions, conferences and publications as well as a bibliographical section with information on 139 recent book publications on Futurism conclude the yearbook.
de Gruyter Operational Energy
De Gruyter Die koptischen Prochorosakten aus Wien
de Gruyter NonEquilibrium Thermodynamics
De Gruyter Barbara Holub – Stiller Aktivismus / Silent Activism
Dialogisches Handeln in der Kunst Barbara Holubs sozial und politisch engagierte Kunstpraxis verknüpft seit dreißig Jahren urbane Entwicklungen, gesellschaftliche Fragestellungen und künstlerische Interventionen. Als akkumulativer Prozess partizipatorischen Handelns hinterfragen Holubs Projekte die Rolle von Kunst in der Gesellschaft, ob im Kunstkontext, im urbanen öffentlichen Raum oder in Bezug auf Unternehmen. Die Monografie gibt einen fundierten Überblick über Barbara Holubs umfangreiches Werk sowie ihre Projekte mit transparadiso an der Schnittstelle von Kunst, Architektur und Urbanismus, für die sie den Begriff „stiller Aktivismus“ geprägt hat. Anstatt Aktivismus im direkten Sinne zu propagieren, schafft Holub beharrlich performative Situationen für dialogisches Handeln – mit dem Ziel, Normen zu hinterfragen und Grenzen zu überschreiten. „Stiller Aktivismus“ – Barbara Holubs transdisziplinäre künstlerische Arbeit im Porträt Neue Perspektiven für eine partizipatorische Kunstpraxis Mit Beiträgen von Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Enrico Lunghi, Paul O’Neill, Jane Rendell und Andreas Spiegl Zweisprachige Ausgabe: Deutsch/Englisch
De Gruyter Photomurals: Fotografische Wandbilder in transnationalen Aushandlungsprozessen zwischen Mexiko und den USA
The photographic wall-mounted work, the so-called photomural, became an epitome of the USA’s national art in the 1930s; also as a counter-design to Mexican muralism. For the first time, Johanna Spanke analyzes the extent to which the rise of the photomural can be seen as emerging from a process of mediation between Mexico and the United States; one in which national identity constructs and discourses of modernity played a part, as well as negotiated competition between media. This publication makes an important contribution to perspectives on historical entanglements in U.S. art history, bringing to the fore intermedial and transnational debates, as well as gender-related factors. First study concerning a forgotten photographic medium Prehistory to the photo wallpaper A previously unfamiliar chapter in US American art
de Gruyter Wissenschaftsleugnung
De Gruyter Politisches Scheitern
De Gruyter Inertial Navigation Systems with Geodetic Applications
This book covers all aspects of inertial navigation systems (INS), including the sensor technology and the estimation of instrument errors, as well as their integration with Global Navigation Satellite Systems, specifically the Global Positioning System (GPS) for geodetic applications. The text is of interest to geodesists, including surveyors, mappers, and photogrammetrists; to engineers in aviation, navigation, guidance, transportation, and robotics; and to scientists involved in aerogeophysics and remote sensing. The most recent developments are covered with this second edition that also features an updated treatment of the classical material. Detailed mathematical derivations of the principles of measurement and data processing of inertial measurement units for both stabilized and strapdown systems. Complete treatment of the error dynamics from a statistical viewpoint, including the Kalman filter. A self-contained description of GPS with emphasis on kinematic applications. Key concepts supported by illustrations and numerical examples.
De Gruyter Pschyrembel Klinisches Woerterbuch
Das Klinische Woerterbuch ist das fuehrende medizinische Nachschlagewerk fuer die klinische Erstinformation: praezise, qualitaetsgesichert, evidenzbasiert, auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage. Auch in der 269. Auflage dient der Pschyrembel als erste Anlaufstelle fuer medizinische Fachfragen. Fachaerzt/-innen, Medizinstudierende, Pflegekraefte, Hebammen und interessierte Laien vertrauen auf dieses Standardwerk. Die neue 269. Auflage des Klinischen Woerterbuchs bietet: aktuelles, gesichertes Fachwissen in ca. 30.000 Artikeln von ueber 200 Autorinnen und Autoren einen 3-monatigen kostenfreien Zugang zu Pschyrembel Online mit ca. 50.000 staendig aktualisierten Artikeln Vollstaendig aktualisierte Informationen zu Medikamenten inklusive aller Neuzulassungen Up-to-date-Informationen rund um die Corona-Pandemie - von der Hygiene ueber die klinische Akutversorgung bis zu den komplexen Folgestoerungen (Post-COVID- und Long-COVID) Neue Texte zu den Krankheitslasten infolge des Klimawandels und zur klimagerechten Gesundheitsversorgung 200 neue Abbildungen, insbesondere aus dem Bereich der Anatomie (Brustkorb, Darm, Blutgefaesse, Klitoris), Infektiologie (Affenpocken, Masern, Asiatische Tigermuecke) und Augenheilkunde. . Auch als Onlineversion erhaeltlich: Pschyrembel Online Auch als App erhaeltlich:
De Gruyter Täterschaft und Tatherrschaft
De Gruyter Immanuel Kant: Zum Ewigen Frieden
De Gruyter Immanuel Kant: Kritik der Urteilskraft