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DK Science: A Visual Encyclopedia
You'll be firing on all cylinders with this science spectacular!The exciting exploration of biology, chemistry, and physics is vital reading for curious minds. Science becomes simple and straightforward, so you never get your wires crossed again. Hundreds of pages feature stunning images, simple graphics, and crystal-clear text. What makes a firework go bang? How do plants make food from sunlight? What makes a robot clever? Find the answers to all these questions and much, much more.Biology is all about you, living things, and the rest of the natural world. Learn all about your amazing body and more than 1,000 parts that keep it going. Chemistry presents an explosive look at the tiny atoms that build together to create all the brilliant things in the world today. Physics introduces the full force of everything, from electricity and energy to magnetism and machines.All three subjects are examined in extraordinary detail, making Science: A Visual Encyclopedia an absolutely essential addition to each and every family library.
DK El libro de la bicicleta (The Bicycle Book)
From BMX and mountain biking to track and road racing, this comprehensive full-color guide features the latest high-performance bikes and cycling technology, as well as key models from eras gone by.Bicycle showcases classic and cutting-edge bicycles and traces the evolution of cycling from the nineteenth century to today. Virtual tours showcase important bike designs, like the Bianchi Paris Roubaix, and close-up photographs focus on design elements, components, and construction.To tell the complete story of cycling, Bicycle profiles famous cyclists, manufacturers, and brands, and includes detailed images, maps, and histories of key races and competitions—from the first recorded race in 1868 to the Cyclo-cross World Championships to the Tour de France, triathlons, Olympic racing, and more.Desde las primeras bicicletas de hierro, hasta las de pista de fibra de carbono, El libro de la bicicleta registra la fascinante historia del ciclismo con un asombroso detalle visual.Experimenta la emoción de las carreras de ciclismo más famosas. Conoce a los fabricantes y diseñadores que han impulsado un fenómeno global para el transporte, el ocio y el deporte. Revive momentos decisivos de la historia, en los que la bicicleta ha participado en la configuración del mundo moderno.
DK Medicina (Medicine)
La fascinante historia de la medicina desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad a través del tiempo. Todos los hitos que han marcado el desarrollo de esta ciencia y sus avances: descubrimientos, enfermedades, tratamientos y curas. Este libro de medicina abarca todos los periodos históricos y sus avances: desde la trepanación hasta los descubrimientos en terapia genética. Descubre cómo las grandes civilizaciones contaron con especialistas en el arte de la curación, a partir del desarrollo de conocimientos y enseñanzas en ese campo.Los desarrollos de esta ciencia han sido muy importantes en los últimos dos siglos, en los que se han visto avances increíbles. Estos avances han mejorado de manera inconmensurable la experiencia del paciente desde la antigüedad, pero aún existen múltiples retos, como la lucha contra algunas enfermedades y epidemias infecciosas, entre otros. El siglo XXI está siendo el escenario de avances muy notables, como la aparición de nuevos tratamientos con genes y células madre, o la «medicina personalizada». Todas estas cuestiones en detalle en este completo libro de historia de esta disciplina. Medicina: la historia antigua y actual contada con magníficas ilustraciones Desde las primeras sangrías y los robos de cadáveres, hasta los últimos descubrimientos o terapia celular, Medicina muestra los sangrientos escollos y espectaculares hitos de la historia de la medicina. Mediante evocadoras ilustraciones, diagramas esclarecedores y sugerentes textos, presenta los fascinantes avances en el diagnóstico, la cirugía, el tratamiento y la farmacología a lo largo del tiempo, y narra las historias de los protagonistas de esta ciencia. Esta referencia divulgativa te adentra en un viaje por la historia de la medicina a través de los siguientes capítulos:● Sabiduría antigua hasta el año 700● De la Edad Media a la Ilustración. 700-1800.● La ciencia toma las riendas. 1800-1900.● La era de la especialización. 1900-1960.● Promesas de ayer y de hoy. 1960-Actualidad. Medicina. La Historia Visual Definitiva forma parte de nuestra colección de libros de ciencia en español de gran formato. Esta sección está diseñada para deleitar a toda la familia y al público adulto y en ella encontrarás grandes libros de referencia que convierten esta colección en una de las más variadas y extensas de nuestro catálogo con temáticas tales como arte, fotografía, medicina, planetas, y ciencia.
DK Historia (Big History): Un viaje desde el origen del tiempo hasta la revolución digital
El apasionante viaje que nos ha llevado desde el origen del tiempo hasta la revolución digital.Big History es una nueva forma de ver el mundo, un relato que aborda la historia mundial como un todo, desde el Big Bang y los orígenes de la vida en las estrellas hasta nuestros días. Este libro de historia recorre los 13 800 millones de años integrando en una sola disciplina los hallazgos de la ciencia y la sociología, la tecnología y la antropología a fin de mostrar acontecimientos únicos que han configurado nuestro mundo actual.¿Cuál es el origen del universo? Esta pregunta ha cautivado la mente del ser humano probablemente desde el inicio de su especie, en un intento de comprender el lugar que ocupa en la naturaleza. Siglos de observación, investigación y esfuerzos científicos han desembocado en la teoría del Big Bang, pero aún quedan incógnitas por resolver que este libro de historia en español nos motiva a indagar.Con un prefacio del padre del Big History, David Christian, y producido en asociación con el Big History Institute, Big History examina la historia universal como un todo.Un libro de consulta esencial para bibliotecas familiares, como apoyo para tareas escolares, y para regalar a aficionados a la historia o la ciencia. Big History examina el pasado, explica el presente e imagina el futuro.¿Sabías que todos venimos de las estrellas? ¿Cómo se formaron los planetas? ¿Qué hace que se muevan en órbitas estables? ¿Sabías que la temperatura del núcleo terrestre supera los 6700°C? ¿Cómo nacen los continentes? Y, ¿cuál es el continente más viejo? Descubre cuáles son los elementos químicos que son la materia prima de la vida sobre la faz de la Tierra, cuáles fueron los procesos de creación de la vida y cómo esta sigue en evolución. Explora cómo surgió la vida animal, la vegetal y el nacimiento del homo sapiens, y cómo el cambio climático existe desde antes de la Edad de Hielo.La historia universal contada de forma exquisita a través de texto e ilustraciones y relatada de forma cronológica a través de los siguientes capítulos: • El Big Bang. • Nacen las estrellas. • Se forjan los elementos. • Se forman los planetas. • Aparece la vida. • El ser humano evoluciona. • Nacen las civilizaciones. • Aparece la industria. Big History, pertenece a la colección Gran Formato (historia) de la editorial DK, un rincón de nuestro catálogo reservado para el público adulto donde encontrarás grandes libros de historia, ciencia, cultura y muchas otras materias de referencia que convierten esta colección en una de las más variadas y extensas de nuestro catálogo.Cuidados diseños e imágenes reclaman la atención del lector y lo acompañan en el conocimiento de esta magnífica y sugerente recopilación de libros que no dejará indiferente a nadie.
DK 1000 Useful Words: Build Vocabulary and Literacy Skills
This exciting collection of 1,000 words will broaden young children's vocabulary, and strengthen their early reading and writing skills.Arranged thematically, topics include Me and My Family, Animals, How We Look and Feel, Around the World, and I know... Colors, Shapes, Numbers, Weather, and Seasons. There are also four "story style" spreads that tell a simple narrative and inspire storytelling skills: for example, All in a Day is about a young child's typical day, and "If I Were a Pet" looks at a dog, cat, rabbit, fish, and pony, and imagines what these different animals might like to do.The book is packed with clearly labeled pictures, encouraging picture-and-word association, which helps early reading, and every page features short sentences for children to finish that reinforce grammar and encourage early writing skills. The words have been chosen with the help of a leading educational consultant, Penny Coltman, and include a combination of useful and imaginative nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Young children will be amazed and delighted by all the fascinating real-world photos, things to spot, entertaining artworks to talk about, and incredibly useful words! This fun and educational picture word book is a must-have first reference title for parents who are keen to develop their child's language and literacy skills.
DK Baby's First Christmas
This shiny baby book of first words will help your little one learn all about the magic of Christmas.With colorful, clear pictures that have a tactile, raised effect, this board book encourages early learning and makes the perfect Christmas gift for babies and toddlers. You and your baby will enjoy reading the words aloud and pointing at the delightful photographs together. Part of an exciting new series of baby books, Baby's First Christmas will build your child's vocabulary as they discover the fun of Christmas, meeting new friends along the way, such as a snowman, an angel, and Santa. Each page has a vivid Christmassy image, finished with a shiny 3-D effect that will engage your child and help make learning fun.Baby's First Christmas is a sturdy board book, perfect for children to get hands-on with and will become a favorite. This bright, bold baby book will fulfill your baby's thirst for discovering the snowy world around them.
DK How to Be a Big Kid
This super-handy book is a survival guide for the busiest job there is: being a preschoolerBeing little is hard work. There's so much for children to learn: tying their shoelaces, finding the right hole for each arm in a sweater, remembering to say "please" and "thank you," sharing toys with other children, and a whole bunch of other things, too. Then they're expected to go to school and learn even more. How to be a Big Kid is here to help children learn the skills they need to take care of themselves, get along with others, and be ready to go on their first day of school.
DK Look I'm an Engineer
This playful preschool activity book for kids will unleash your child's curiosity and creativity as they play their way through 15 super fun STEM projects.Every project features bright photography and charming illustrations, which support the easy-to-follow instructions. Perfect for ages 3-6, this children's book will excite little ones by revealing the everyday ways they can be an engineer. Children are born with everything they need to be great engineers - inquisitive minds, unlimited imagination, and super senses. With this educational book in hand, little readers are encouraged to use their senses to investigate and discover the world of science and math while having fun.This kids book is ridiculously cool and filled with fun experiments you and your kids can do together. They'll learn how to make the strongest paper bridges, how to power a tugboat with an elastic band, which materials make the best parachutes, and much more. These ingenious hands-on activities align with subjects taught at school, including science, math, and technology.Children have the opportunity to do what they do best with this awesome kids' activity book - imagine, create, learn, problem-solve, and above all, play their way to engineering discovery.Get Your Engineering Hat Ready!You were born with everything you need to be an engineer - a brilliant brain and spectacular senses! Get ready to touch, smell, see, hear, and taste your way to engineering excellence. Find out how to make a floating rescue raft, what makes a bridge super strong, why paper planes glide and much, much more!Full of amazing engineering creations for kids to make like: - A magical woodland den- A sweet, sweet pyramid- The coolest paper bridge - A totally artistic painting pendulum (we're learning gravity here)- And much more!Prepare to have all the FUN!DK's Look! I'm Learning series of exciting and educational STEM books focus on the sensory experience of practical learning and play and finds the science in everyday activities. Hands-on learning experiences tap straight into kids' insatiable curiosity and sense of wonder. These books for children are perfect for ages 3–6 as they are formatted with a padded cover and toddler-tough pages. The series encourages children to develop independence and improves their critical thinking, investigation skills, and motor skills. Try the other titles in the series next, including Look I'm A Scientist, Look I'm A Mathematician, and Look I'm A Cook.
DK Pop-Up Peekaboo! Numbers
Share a love of reading with your child with this fun-filled book about numbers. This interactive book features bold pop-ups that make pictures jump from the pages when the flaps are lifted.With fun surprises on every page, Pop-Up Peekaboo: Numbers enhances the reading experience and builds an early learning foundation. As young children explore the spreads, they will learn to recognize, name, and describe the pictures they see, and develop their number skills.
DK My First Touch and Feel Picture Cards: First Words
Expertly designed to develop early language and motor skills, discover exciting animals in this set of 16 colorful first word flash cards. Each card has a special touch and feel element to make learning fun for all the senses!With a vibrant image on every flashcard, DK's sturdy picture cards make learning about first words fun! Talking points on the back of each card reinforce learning while helping to familiarise children with all sorts of different words, specially chosen to help children grow. These flash cards for toddlers age 1 - 2 also help to encourage a love of language learning from the start, as each word is repeated in four additional languages as well as English – Spanish, German, French, and Chinese – with a handy pronunciation guide next to each word. Celebrate your child’s curiosity as they: • Grow their language skills and learn their first words • Introduces kids to foreign languages from across the Globe, with simple words in English, Spanish, German, French, and Chinese on the cardbacks • Expertly designed to develop early language skills, boost information processing skills and help increase attention span • An easy to carry boxset of 16 picture cards, perfect for on-the-go learning! • Strong and sturdy cards, made to put up with babies and toddlers This set of My First Words flash cards contains an additional card for parent guidance with tips for creative learning games for you and your little one to share. Introduce your little one to their new favorite words with this set of amazing flash cards for babies!More in the SeriesLooking for more picture cards to keep little ones entertained, and help them grow? Well look no further! Grow your toddlers vocab with My First Words Animals, or teach them all about colors and shapes with My First Colors and Shapes Picture Cards!
DK LEGO CITY: Busy Word Book
More than 500 words about vehicles, buildings, jobs, and people label colorful LEGO® scenes and minifigures to help kids learn the building blocks of language.LEGO® City is the perfect place for early readers to encounter lots of exciting words for the first time. There's always something happening, whether it's police officers catching crooks, firefighters training at the fire station, or hotdog vendors cooking up tasty snacks! Interactive activities such as spotting recurring characters and finding hidden objects keep children engaged and encourage repeat reading. Returning time and again to each page, children learn useful and fun words that they can use in daily life.LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks and/or copyrights of the LEGO Group. All rights reserved. ©2017 The LEGO Group. Manufactured by Dorling Kindersley, 345 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014, US under license from the LEGO Group.
DK How Science Works: The Facts Visually Explained
This visual guide is packed with amazing diagrams and infographics to answer all your burning scientific head-scratchers - from gravity and black holes to earthquakes and gene therapy.In How Science Works you will find the most fascinating phenomena in the Universe visually explained, from pulleys to string theory, light to lasers, and chemical reactions to artificial intelligence. If you have ever wondered why the sky is blue, how a black hole works, or what happens in a tsunami, this indispensable guide is for you.Rather than long columns of text, How Science Works is filled with diagrams and infographics, to make even the most difficult concept fun and easy to grasp. Turn the pages to understand dark matter, radioactivity and so much more, and find answers to the really big questions including how life began, will the Universe end, and are we really alone? With hours of enthralling reading, How Science Works is the book you wished you'd had at school and it's the one you'll want for your family.
DK The Astronomy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Since the dawn of humankind, people have looked upward to the heavens and tried to understand them. This encyclopedia takes you on an expedition through time and space to discover our place in the universe. We invite you to take a journey through the wonders of the universe. Explore the cosmos, from planets to black holes, the Big Bang, and everything in-between! Get ready to discover the story of the universe one page at a time! This educational book for young adults will launch you on a wild trip through the cosmos and the incredible discoveries throughout history. Filled to the brim with beautifully illustrated flowcharts, graphics, and jargon-free language, The Astronomy Book breaks down hard-to-grasp concepts to guide you in understanding almost 100 big astronomical ideas. Big Ideas How do we measure the universe? Where is the event horizon? What is dark matter? Now you can find out all the answers to these questions and so much more in this inquisitive book about our universe! Using incredibly clever visual learning devices like step-by-step diagrams, you’ll learn more about captivating topics from the Copernican Revolution. Dive into the mind-boggling theories of recent science in a user-friendly format that makes the information easy to follow. Explore the biographies, theories, and discoveries of key astronomers through the ages such as Ptolemy, Galileo, Newton, Hubble, and Hawking. To infinity and beyond! Journey through space and time with us: • From Myth to Science 600 BCE – 1550 CE • The Telescope Revolution 1550 – 1750 • Uranus to Neptune 1750 – 1850 • The Rise of Astrophysics 1850 – 1915 • Atom, Stars, And Galaxies 1915 – 1950 • New Windows on The Universe 1950 – 1917 • The Triumph of Technology 1975 – Present The Series Simply Explained With over 7 million copies sold worldwide to date, The Astronomy Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas Simply Explained series from DK Books. It uses innovative graphics along with engaging writing to make complex subjects easier to understand. Shortlisted: A Young Adult Library Services Association Outstanding Books for the College Bound and Lifelong Learners list selection A Mom's Choice Awards® Honoring Excellence Gold Seal of Approval for Young Adult Books A Parents' Choice Gold Award winner
DK DKfindout! Earth
Discover the structure of the Earth, from its red-hot inner core to the mountains, deserts, and oceans that cover its surface. Learn why we have seasons, how the water cycle works, and why our population is growing.What is Earth? Why do we need soil? DK findout! Earth presents key geography facts in a fun and exciting way so young readers can dive into the wonders of planet Earth. From earthquakes to mountains, volcanoes to rivers, and ecosystems to the rock cycle, this book tackles core curriculum and STEAM topics with content that is accessible and appropriate for children 6–9 years old.Series Overview: The DK findout! series helps kids ages 6–9 become experts on their favorite subjects—from dinosaurs to Ancient Rome to computer coding. Each book focuses on a specific topic and makes learning fun through amazing images, stimulating quizzes, and cutting-edge information kids are eager to know.
DK DKfindout! Coding
Supporting STEM-based learning, this fun, fact-filled book for kids ages 6–9 explores the programming that makes our world work, in everyday objects from traffic lights to vending machines. Educating young readers through a combination of close-up images, quirky trivia facts, quiz questions, and fascinating tidbits, it’s the perfect book for any reader who can’t get enough of coding.How much did the first laptop weigh? What exactly is a computer bug? How many calculations can the world’s fastest computer perform in a single second? Find out the answers to these questions and more in DKfindout! Coding, which features photographs and illustrations of gadgets, games, and coding geniuses like Ada Lovelace and Alan Turing. Beginning in the mid-1800s, readers can trace the path of coding pioneers from the birth of the first computer all the way to today’s tech boom. Along the way, they’ll learn about the fundamentals of coding languages like Java and Python—including their application in everything from cars to calculators—and how coding continues to revolutionize tech, gaming, medicine, space travel, and more.Vetted by educational consultants, the DKfindout! series drives kids ages 6–9 to become experts on more than 30 of their favorite STEM- and history-related subjects, whether Vikings, volcanoes, or robots. This series covers the subjects that kids really want to learn about—ones that have a direct impact on the world around them, like climate change, space exploration, and rapidly evolving technology—making learning fun through amazing images, stimulating quizzes, and cutting-edge information. The DKfindout! series is one that kids will want to turn to again and again.
DK Children's Illustrated Thesaurus
Expand and explore your vocabulary.Discover a whole new vocabulary and never be lost for words again, with this comprehensive and detailed illustrated children’s thesaurus, with synonyms and antonyms for more than four thousand main entries. This beautifully illustrated thesaurus for kids age 9 and older is packed with: • A comprehensive, illustrated thesaurus created specifically for young readers and writers • Authoritative content from Collins is given the DK treatment to make the pages lively and the words meaningful for children • Fun and fresh illustrated “word features” to explore and expand on vocabulary This colorful and insightful thesaurus contains more than four thousand entries, where each entry is supported by a definition and example sentence to help boost a child’s confidence inusing and choosing words. An imaginative mix of photography and illustration gives the book great visual appeal and is the perfect book for children who enjoy words; or who need a little extra help or encouragement with their English vocabulary.Each entry provides information about each headword: the word type (e.g. noun); definition; example sentence; list of synonyms; further (more advanced) synonyms and antonyms. It also includes synonyms from Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa and the U.S. The Children’s Illustrated Thesaurus is not only a fun and vibrant educational tool for children, but is also perfect for educators looking for a learning tool to inspire vocabulary development.Expand your library collection and pair this exciting learning tool with DK’s ever-popular Children’s Illustrated Dictionary.
DK English for Everyone: Nivel 4: Avanzado, Libro de Estudio: Curso completo de autoaprendizaje
¿Quieres perfeccionar tu nivel de inglés?Todo lo que necesitas está incluido en English for Everyone: gramática inglesa, vocabulario y ejercicios. Con el Libro de estudio del Nivel 4 Avanzado podrás mejorar notablemente tu inglés gracias a los ejercicios de lectura y vocabulario que incluye. Aprende a hablar de experiencias de viaje, temas sociales, carreras profesionales, culturas del mundo y mucho más. Este nivel ayuda a trabajar también las opiniones y las discusiones.En el Libro de estudio del Nivel 4 avanzado aprenderás todo lo necesario para perfeccionar tu nivel de inglés. Desde vocabulario y expresiones sobre temas como los problemas medioambientales, el arte y la cultura, la tecnología y futuro, entre otros, pasando por los aspectos más complejos de la gramática de la lengua inglesa, este libro recoge todo lo fundamental para que puedas llegar a dominar el inglés. Además, también también te encontrarás multitud de ejercicios de inglés donde podrás poner en práctica lo aprendido en cada lección.En lo que respecta a la gramática de la lengua inglesa, este nivel incluye además aspectos como el reported speech, los phrasal verbs, relative clauses, collocations, conditional tenses, entre muchos otros, que te permitirán dominar la gramática del inglés. Todo ello con el apoyo de gráficos e imágenes, que facilitan el aprendizaje y la retención de los conceptos fundamentales y que harán que incluso los aspectos más complejos del inglés te resulten fáciles de comprender.Este libro es ideal para todas aquellas personas que ya tienen un nivel avanzado de inglés y quieren perfeccionarlo, así como para estudiantes que preparan los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC.Descripción general del cursoDK presenta English for Everyone, un innovador curso de autoestudio de lengua inglesa desarrollado por los mejores profesionales de enseñanza del inglés para dar respuesta a la demanda del mercado con un sistema visual, sencillo y fácil de utilizar. El curso de inglés cuenta con cuatro niveles divididos en cuatro libros de estudio con sus correspondientes libros de ejercicios que se complementan, además, con un amplio abanico de audios gratuitos.El curso completo, que ayuda en la preparación de los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC y está diseñado para cubrir todas las necesidades de aprendizaje gracias a contenidos muy estructurados y atractivos con gráficos e ilustraciones que facilitarán la comprensión de las unidades didácticas.El curso English for Everyone cuenta con audios gratuitos que, además, puedes encontrar en y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.English descriptionAre you learning English as a second language?Everything you need is included in this all-in-one grammar book, vocabulary builder, and exercise course. English for Everyone: Level 4: Advanced, Course Book takes your communication skills to the next level with an emphasis on reading and vocabulary. Learn to discuss travel experiences, social issues, careers, cultures, and more. This course book also covers giving, emphasizing an opinion, and arguing a case.English for Everyone: Level 4: Advanced, Course Book covers the language skills, vocabulary, and grammar needed for the major global English-language exams, including TOEFL. All learning is practiced across speaking, listening, reading, and writing exercises, offering rounded preparation for work, travel, study, and exams. Download the free app and practice online with free listening exercises at for Everyone series teaches all levels of English, from beginner to advanced, to speakers of English as a second language. Innovative visual learning methods introduce key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary, which are reinforced with a variety of speaking, reading, and writing exercises to make the English language easier to understand and learn. Visit to find out more.
DK DKfindout! Engineering
Discover the STEM subject of engineering with this children’s book full of photographs and illustrations, fascinating facts, and engaging challenges—from the creators of, DK’s free online resource for kids.Did you know that engineers designed and built the Pyramids and the iPad? Or that the world’s largest jumbo jet can carry 853 passengers? Find out how!Perfect for budding engineers who want a highly visual STEM book to increase their engineering know-how, DK findout! Engineering is sure to inspire the next science fair project or school report. Inside, author Dr. Emily Hunt breaks down what engineering is and how it changes our world. With this DK findout! book, you will:- See how concepts such as levers, wheels and axles, and pulleys work- Read about great engineers in history, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander Graham Bell, and Yoky Matsuoka - Explore steam engines, rocket technology, robotics, flying machines, bridges, and buildings- Learn about the history and exciting future of engineering- Hear from real-life engineer and maker Dr. Lucy Rogers about what it’s like to be an engineer today- Fold out the cover for an engineering quiz, timeline, and careers guide- and find out much, much more!The DK findout! series of kids books helps children become experts on their favorite nonfiction subjects, from dinosaurs and ancient civilizations to space, coding, and cutting-edge technology. Learn more about engineering—and everything else—at, the award-winning free educational website.
DK English for Everyone: Nivel 1: Inicial, Libro de Estudio: Curso completo de autoaprendizaje
¿Estás empezando a estudiar inglés como segunda lengua?Todo lo que necesitas está incluido en English for Everyone: explicaciones gramaticales, vocabulario y ejercicios. En el Libro de estudio del Nivel Inicial 1 encontrarás vocabulario y expresiones básicas de temas comunes: el trabajo, el hogar, gustos y aficiones, bienestar y mucho más. Además, aprenderás a utilizar el presente simple.El curso English for Everyone cuenta con audios gratuitos que puedes encontrar en y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.Descripción general del curso:DK presenta English for Everyone, un innovador curso de autoestudio de lengua inglesa desarrollado por los mejores profesionales de enseñanza del inglés para dar respuesta a la demanda del mercado con un sistema visual, sencillo y fácil de utilizar. El curso esta dividido en cuatro niveles con un libro para cada uno. Cada nivel incluye un libro de estudio con su correspondente libro de actividades y ademas un amplio abanico de audios y ejercicios digitales.El curso completo, que ayuda en la preparación de los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC, está diseñado para cubrir todas las necesidades de aprendizaje gracias a contenidos muy estructurados y atractivos con gráficos e ilustraciones que facilitarán la comprensión de las unidades didácticas.El curso English for Everyone cuenta con audios gratuitos que, además, puedes encontrar en y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.Are you a beginner learning English as a second language?Everything you need is included in this all-in-one grammar book, vocabulary builder, and exercise course. English for Everyone: Level 1: Beginner, Course Book will help you learn how to engage in everyday topics such as your job, home, likes and dislikes, health, and more. This course book also covers how to talk about the present.English for Everyone: Level 1: Beginner, Course Book covers the language skills, vocabulary, and grammar needed for the major global English-language exams, including TOEFL. All learning is practiced across speaking, listening, reading, and writing exercises, offering rounded preparation for work, travel, study, and exams. Download the free app and practice online with free listening exercises at Overview: English for Everyone series teaches all levels of English, from beginner to advanced, to speakers of English as a second language. Innovative visual learning methods introduce key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary, which are reinforced with a variety of speaking, reading, and writing exercises to make the English language easier to understand and learn. Visit to find out more.
DK How Food Works: The Facts Visually Explained
Let this guide be your very own friendly nutritionist, on hand to debunk common food myths and give you the answers to those pressing health questions with easy-to-swallow information.Is red wine good for your heart? Will caffeine raise your blood pressure? How Food Works gives you answers to these and several more questions by investigating claims surrounding a variety of foods and examining them from a biological standpoint. Discover nutritional facts about the food you eat, learn the benefits of superfoods and antioxidants, and go behind-the-scenes of modern food production.Packed with infographics and colorful images, the book delves into the science behind ways of eating including gluten-free and veganism, as well as the benefits of different diets from around the world. Turn the pages to understand why food intolerances occur, what actually makes food organic, how important sell-by dates really are, and how much salt you should really be eating. Readers will also learn about the social and economic implications of food choices, such as eating disorders and fair-trade businesses. Indispensable and accessible to young and old, How Food Works is the perfect health and dietary companion.
DK El Libro de la economía (The Economics Book)
Grandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasCon un lenguaje claro, El libro de la economía ofrece concisas explicaciones que desbrozan la jerga académica, esquemas que hacen sencillas las teorías más complejas, citas clásicas y una serie de ingeniosas ilustraciones que juegan con nuestra comprensión de la economía.El mundo parece sumido en un caos económico, y la importancia de saber de economía se antoja más evidente que nunca.¿Por qué pagamos impuestos? ¿Qué sucede en una recesión? ¿Cómo funciona el mercado? ¿Es la economía una ciencia? ¿Cómo está la economía ligada a la cultura? La economía afecta a todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas, desde cómo nos desplazamos hasta qué compramos, y las ideas económicas siguen configurando el mundo, en un cambio incesante.Este libro de economía explica en profundidad y de forma sencilla cuáles son las teorías de la economía con el fin de ayudarnos a comprender mejor los principios económicos que rigen nuestras vidas.La economía explicada de forma sencillaLa economía es a menudo un tema de conversación en el lugar de trabajo o en la sobremesa. Así, podemos afirmar que la economía nos interesa e impacta a todos de forma directa. Por lo general, puede ser vista como un coto privado de profesionales del mundo de la empresa, de las finanzas y del gobierno. Sin embargo, casi todos somos cada vez más conscientes de lo mucho que llega a influir sobre nuestro patrimonio y nuestro bienestar; y es posible que tengamos una opinión clara acerca de los impuestos o del gasto público, del aumento del coste de la vida, etc. Sin embargo, ¿qué entendemos realmente cuando oímos hablar de desempleo, de crisis de los mercados financieros, de inflación o de déficit comercial? Cuando nos exigen que nos apretemos el cinturón y paguemos más impuestos, ¿entendemos el motivo? Y cuando tenemos la impresión de encontrarnos a merced de temerarios bancos y de multinacionales gigantescas, ¿sabemos cómo han llegado a acumular tanto poder o entendemos por qué aparecieron y por qué siguen existiendo? La economía, como disciplina, da respuesta a este tipo de preguntas y así lo engloba este gran libro en español para niños, jóvenes y adultos.El libro de la economía es una interesante referencia para comprender la historia de la economía así como su estado actual y futuro, repasando todas las etapas desde las primeras negociaciones en comercio en 400. a.C. A través de los siguientes capítulos el lector aprende conceptos de economía, las tendencias y sucesos en cada época y cómo estos están relacionados con la cultura: • Los inicios del comercio. 400 a.C. - 1770 d.C. • La edad de la razón. 1770 - 1820 • Revolución industrial y económica. 1820 - 1929 • Guerra y depresión. 1929 - 1945 • Economía de posguerra. 1945 - 1970 • Economía contemporánea. 1970 - presente El libro de la economía pertenece a la galardonada serie Grandes Ideas explica temas complejos de un modo fácil de entender mediante explicaciones claras y alejándose del academicismo tradicional. Su creativo diseño y los gráficos innovadores que acompañan al texto hacen de esta serie una introducción perfecta a una gran diversidad de materias para toda la familia.
DK El Libro de la filosofía (The Philosophy Book)
Grandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasCon un lenguaje claro, El libro de la filosofía ofrece concisas explicaciones que desbrozan la jerga académica, esquemas que hacen sencillas las teorías más complejas, citas clásicas y una serie de ingeniosas ilustraciones que juegan con nuestra comprensión de la filosofía.¿Cómo surgió el universo? ¿Qué es la verdad? ¿Por qué el ser humano está de forma constante buscando la felicidad?A lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, estas y otras preguntas acerca de la naturaleza y de la existencia han suscitado respuestas de grandes pensadores como Friedrich Nietzsche e Immanuel Kant que continúan dando forma al mundo.Tanto el neófito como el estudiante o el experto aficionado hallarán en este libro de filosofía en español materia con la que nutrir su pensamiento.Pensamientos cultivados, grandes teorías¿Te gustaría filosofar con una buena base sólida y conocer los detalles de los pensadores más ilustres de la historia? Este libro de filosofía para mentes inquietas te abre las puertas a las maravillosas ideas y teorías que se han desarrollado hasta la actualidad. Ordenado de forma cronológica, El libro de la filosofía ilustra de una forma didáctica los orígenes de citas famosas que tratan de explicar el por qué y para qué de la vida. Con esta fabulosa lectura se desvelan las raíces y el contexto sociocultural de donde nacieron citas famosas como “Pienso, luego existo” de Descartes, “La imaginación lo decide todo” de Blaise Pascal, “La vida se vivirá tanto mejor si no tiene sentido” de Albert Camus, o “Al hombre se le define como ser humano, a la mujer como hembra” de Simone de Beauvoir.Conoce las ramas y las orientaciones que han tenido lugar en la historia de la filosofía, desde el existencialismo o la fenomenología, al budismo o el feminismo. Acompañado de hechos históricos, fechas, acontecimientos, biografías y grandes obras literarias, y diseñado para jóvenes y adultos.El libro de la filosofía es una interesante referencia para empaparse de las brillantes ideas y teorías sobre la existencia humana, desde los orígenes de la filosofía griega y romana hasta la actualidad: • Filosofía antigua • Filosofía medieval • Filosofía renacentista • Filosofía moderna • Filosofía contemporánea El libro de la filosofía pertenece a la galardonada serie Grandes Ideas explica temas complejos de un modo fácil de entender mediante explicaciones claras y alejándose del academicismo tradicional. Su creativo diseño y los gráficos innovadores que acompañan al texto hacen de esta serie una introducción perfecta a una gran diversidad de materias para toda la familia.
DK Pruning and Training, Revised New Edition: What, When, and How to Prune
Featuring more than 800 plants and step-by-step instructions to pruning and training hundreds of trees, shrubs, and climbing plants, this comprehensive guide is freshly redesigned to help cultivate your perfect garden.With chapters on everything from rosebushes to peach trees, Pruning and Training has advice for every garden and gardener. Using a practical A–Z approach, organized by plant type, information is displayed in an easy-to-follow format and annotated illustrations that carefully guides readers on specialized techniques for each plant type, including coppicing and pollarding for trees and pinch pruning for shrubs.Learn the basic training techniques for climbers and see how to maintain ornamental shrubs in your garden, including grasses for your topiary or hedges and bamboo. Train jasmine to climb a wall, learn where to prune a rose, and increase your fruit tree's yield.Pruning and Training is the essential guide to pruning and training your garden plants with confidence.
DK Baby Touch and Feel I Love You
An interactive touch and feel book for babies with a cute love theme and read-aloud text! Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning. Baby Touch and Feel: I Love You is an interactive and fun way to help your child learn not only words but shapes and textures too. Bold, bright pictures and colorful love-inspired illustrations will be more than enough to keep your baby’s attention. This adorable picture book is a perfect first book for preschoolers and makes for an ideal baby gift.Not too big and not too small, this sturdy, padded sensory book is just the right size for little hands to hold. No need for Mom and Dad to turn the pages! Babies and toddlers can turn the tough board book pages themselves, which helps to develop their fine motor skills while building an early language foundation. This charming board book for babies includes: - An amazing range of different textures to explore.- Cleary labeled pictures and a simple, easy to follow design.- Easy to read text to encourage early vocabulary building.- A texture or eye-catching area on every pageRounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babies and their growing teeth.Learning to read should always be this fun. Kids will get hours of play from this sturdy board book for babies and toddlers, from making the noises and reading the names to feeling the different textures. This touchy feely book, with its strong, baby-safe jacket, makes for an ideal baby gift. Packed full of shiny objects and some bumps and grooves, this educational book will engage small children and stimulate early childhood development in different ways. Complete the SeriesThis delightful book is part of the Baby Touch and Feel range of board books for babies and toddlers from DK Books and includes titles like Baby Touch and Feel Animals, Baby Touch and Feel Bedtime, Baby Touch and Feel Colours and Shapes, and more for your little one to enjoy!
DK DKfindout! Stone Age
This fun, fact-filled book for kids ages 6–9 is the ultimate guide to the Stone Age, during which humankind took its first steps. Entertaining and educating young readers through a combination of close-up images, quirky trivia facts, quiz questions, and fascinating tidbits, it’s the perfect book for any kid who is curious about early human history.How did people survive during the Stone Age? What innovative tool did they refer to as a “thunderstone”? How big could woolly mammoths grow? Find out the answers to these questions and more in DKfindout! Stone Age, which features photographs of ancient artifacts and relics, as well as illustrations and maps depicting how early humans hunted, communicated, and migrated across continents. Readers will learn about the three main periods of the Stone Age—the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic—and the key developments of each era, from the creation of stone tools and weapons to the start of modern agriculture. DKfindout! Stone Age illuminates this important stage in our species’ past, providing kids with plenty of interesting details to pore over.Vetted by educational consultants, the DKfindout! series drives kids ages 6–9 to become experts on more than 30 of their favorite STEM- and history-related subjects, whether Vikings, volcanoes, or robots. This series covers the subjects that kids really want to learn about—ones that have a direct impact on the world around them, like climate change, space exploration, and rapidly evolving technology—making learning fun through amazing images, stimulating quizzes, and cutting-edge information. The DKfindout! series is one that kids will want to turn to again and again.
DK Pop-Up Peekaboo! Pumpkin: Pop-Up Surprise Under Every Flap!
An interactive pop up book that inspires hands-on learning. Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning.Bold, brightly colored pictures, lift-the-flap pages and entertaining rhymes. Pop up Peekaboo: Pumpkin provides slots of opportunities for parent-and-child interaction and hours of Halloween fun!Babies and toddlers will be enchanted by finding the surprises behind each flap. This interactive toddler book for 2 year olds helps teach young children object permanence, which is an important step in childhood development. Turning the pages and moving the pop-ups help toddlers learn motor control for improved dexterity.Inside the pages of this pop-up adventure book, you’ll find: Hands-on play that builds confident book skills Look-and-find peekaboo games that reward curiosity Rhythmic, read-aloud text that aids language development Rounded edges and chunky pages, protecting babys and their growing teeth! This pop up book has been designed as an all-round activity learning experience, to get the most out of story time. Read aloud the lively rhymes that create the amusing story for your kids to follow, and play a guessing game of who is behind the flap! The rhymes and the easy-to-read text help preschoolers remember the new words they are learning for early language development. Complete the Pop up book series!Surprise! The peekaboo fun doesn't stop here! Your little one will enjoy hours of hide-and-seek surprises with the My Pop-Up Series. Find your farmyard friends with Pop-Up Peekaboo! Farm, search the oceans in Pop-Up Peekaboo! Under the Sea and travel back in time to find dinosaurs in Pop-up Peekaboo! Baby Dinosaur and more!
DK English for Everyone: English Grammar Guide: A Comprehensive Visual Reference
Puzzled by past tenses? Confused be comparatives? The English for Everyone Grammar Guide is packed with easy-to-follow English grammar rules and annotated sample sentences. Ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans, the Grammar Guide uses visual teaching methods to introduce English grammar for beginners, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples when used alongside our Grammar Practice Book. Once you have built up your confidence in the written English language, the Grammar Guide can act as a reference point for more advanced sentence structures in practical English usage.About English For EveryoneEnglish for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that support English learning for teenagers and adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering an easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading, and writing.Whether you are looking for ESL teaching resources, or a structured program for adults to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Series provides:- Sample language examples: New language topics are introduced in context using clear, illustrated, and color-coded explanations- Supporting audio: Extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit, giving vital oral and listening practice. (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App).- Quick referencing: Easy-to-follow units, mirrored in both the Course and Practice Books for easy referencing and teaching- Sentence formation guides: Visual break downs of essential English grammar in use, showing learners how to recreate even complex English sentences- Visual English vocabulary cues: Lists of useful English words and common phrases with visual aids are available throughout the book- Personalised learning: Write-on lines encourage ESL learners to write their prompts and translations The English for Everyone Series covers the skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including:- CEFR- TOEFL - IELTS - TOEIC
DK English for Everyone: Level 4: Advanced, Practice Book: A Complete Self-Study Program
Our Practice Book (Level 4) offers great exercises and examples to introduce English at an advanced stage including key language skills, grammar, and vocabulary. Build your confidence and fluency of conversational English.English for Everyone uses visual teaching methods to introduce practical English usage, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples in our Practice Book (Level 4). Challenge your English experience with topical content covering family life, careers and business, news and media, and even laws, rules, and regulations. As well as continuing to improve your vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation to an advanced level with comprehensive guidance. When used alongside our Course Book (Level 4), this workbook is ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans. Whether you are looking for ESL teaching resources, or a structured program for adults to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Practice Books provide practice questions and exercises focusing on: - Grammar: Applying new language rules into different contexts with visual breakdowns of English grammar in use - Vocabulary: Cement understanding of key English vocabulary with visual cues to help understand the exercises- Reading: Examine target language topics in real-life English examples to support effective English language learning- Writing: Improve core understanding of English by producing written passages of English text- Listening: Test understanding of spoken English with extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App).- Speaking: ESL learners can practice and compare spoken English with our free online audio resources The English for Everyone Level 4 resources cover the advanced skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including: - CEFR: upper B2 – C1- TOEFL (test paper): 520-580 - TOEFL (computer-based test): 200-240- TOEFL (online test): 70-95- IELTS: 5.5-7 - TOEIC: 850-900English for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that supports English learning for adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering an easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a second or foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading, and writing.
DK Ultimate Sticker Book: Baby Animals: More Than 250 Reusable Stickers
Meet the cutest baby animals from adorable ducklings to pretty piglets in Ultimate Sticker Book: Baby Animals. Whether kids are crazy about kittens or excited about puppies, they will love the 250 reusable stickers and pages packed full of activities and scenes to create in Ultimate Sticker Book: Baby Animals.Taking subjects that kids love, from dinosaurs to baby animals to transportation, DK's Ultimate Sticker Book series is being refreshed and updated and now features more than 250 fun, reusable stickers. Packed with activities that allow children to create scenes, match pairs, and complete jigsaws, the activities throughout each book are simple enough for the child to do independently, but engaging enough to keep their interest and help develop dexterity, making these books products parents can trust, and ones that kids will want to keep picking up to learn more about their favorite subjects.
DK Pocket Genius: Bugs: Facts at Your Fingertips
Whether it's the industrious ant, the breathtaking Monarch butterfly, or the multi-legged centipede, children will discover the fastest, strongest, and most harmful species in Pocket Genius: Bugs. Profiling more than 200 insects and bugs, from beetles and butterflies to spiders and scorpions, find out what bugs eat, which are poisonous, which live the longest, and which can be found in your own backyard. Plus, learn about the products we get from bugs, such as honey, ink, silk, and jewelry, and how bugs and insects play important roles in our world.Redesigned in paperback, DK's best-selling Pocket Genius series is now available in an engaging compact and economical format that is ideal for both browsing and quick reference for use in school and at home. Catalog entries packed with facts provide at-a-glance information, while locator icons offer immediately recognizable references to aid navigation and understanding, and fact files round off the book with fun facts such as record breakers and timelines. Each pocket-size encyclopedia is filled with facts on subjects ranging from animals to history, cars to dogs, and Earth to space and combines a child-friendly layout with engaging photography and bite-size chunks of text that will encourage and inform even the most reluctant readers.
DK DK Workbooks: Geography, Fourth Grade: Learn and Explore
Perfect for children ages 9 and 10, this workbook develops the further understanding of geography of fourth graders and contains curriculum-aligned exercises on topics including a more detailed look at each continent, physical features, and types of maps, with a focus on different maps of the United States.Level by level, the write-in DK Workbooks: Geography series offers at-home practice that kids actually enjoy—making them ideal supplements to schoolwork. Designed to support curriculum standards, this series is developed with leading educational experts to build confidence and understanding.Each leveled workbook, for children ages 3–9, is packed with activities and challenges, offering the beneficial repetition and cumulative learning that lead to mastery. Fact boxes on each page give a simple overview of the topics being covered, review the basics, and often offer an example of the task at hand. The exercises themselves reinforce key geography topics including map reading, compass directions, continents, countries and states, borders, bodies of water, and more.
DK First Human Body Encyclopedia
Learn everything there is to know about the amazing human body with this fact-filled encyclopedia.Did you know that every part of your human body is made of tiny, microscopic cells? Did you know your body is organized into distinct systems that have different functions? Learn more about this and much more with the First Human Body Encyclopedia.Know what is inside your bones, find out about how joints move, and how muscles work. Peek into the control center of the body – the brain. Explore all the senses including touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Find out how our organs, such as the heart and lungs, work.You will also see how your body changes as you grow older and hormones develop. Discover how your body fights against germs and allergies and explore how we express and communicate. Then test yourself – and your friends and family – with the quiz pages in the end.First Human Body Encyclopedia is the perfect home resource for young children to start learning all about how our bodies work.
DK DK Braille: Counting
Learn how to count to 10 with DK Braille: Counting.Explore tactile spreads in different textures to discover counting techniques with a book designed specifically for blind or visually impaired readers. DK Braille: Counting's pages combine braille, large print, and high contrast photography with clear and predictive layouts for curious young readers. The accompanying story in print and braille takes readers on a counting adventure in the park.DK Braille: Counting is a unique book that teaches counting in a special, revolutionary book.A flagship series of high-quality, custom books with braille and tactile images for blind and partially sighted children, or sighted children with blind parents. DK Braille books combine uncontracted Unified English Braille and large type with high-contrast colors, embossed images, and tactile cutout shapes for children to feel with their fingers. The combination of text alongside the braille enables sighted parents to share the reading experience with visually impaired children, and for sighted children to share with their visually impaired parents.
DK Eyewitness Explorer: Night Sky Detective: Explore Nature with Loads of Fun Activities
Focus your telescope and get ready to learn all about the night sky. Eyewitness Explorer: Night Sky Detective is full of activities for adventurous hands-on learning with activities to help spot different constellations, make paper planets, study Jupiter and its moons, create a star chart, escape velocity, and even launch a homemade rocket. Eyewitness Explorers encourage hands-on learning with 30 easy activities that help children observe, explore, and learn about the natural world. Each book explains the science behind the activities, laying the essential groundwork for contextualizing the experience to come. But at the heart of the books are the activities themselves — a chance to learn by doing with experiments that can be carried out right at home. Most can even be completed with materials already on hand, so there's no complicated preparation or specialized equipment needed. Simply choose one of the projects and follow the step-by-step, photographically illustrated instructions to create rainbows, make a moth trap, grow stalactites, mix mineral paint, and much more.
DK Grow All You Can Eat in 3 Square Feet: Inventive Ideas for Growing Food in a Small Space
Want to grow your own vegetables and food, but don't have enough space for a garden? Don't let lack of space get in the way of growing healthy, organic foods at home. Apartment dwellers, schoolteachers, and anyone else who wants to grow a lot of food in a little space will find a great small garden resource in Grow All You Can Eat in 3 Square Feet. Small-space gardeners, find your start in Grow All You Can Eat in 3 Square Feet, packed with information on window boxes, potted plants, patio gardening, raised beds, small square-foot gardening, container gardening, and everything else related to growing your own small garden. Whether you want to grow a full garden, grow tomatoes, grow an herb garden, or just pick up great tips for small gardens, Grow All You Can Eat in 3 Square Feet is the resource you need.
DK The Shakespeare Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
Learn the entire works of one of the greatest writers of the English language in The Shakespeare Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about the works of William Shakespeare in this overview guide, great for beginners looking to learn and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Shakespeare Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Shakespeare, with:- Every play and poem from Shakespeare’s canon, including lost plays and less well-known works of poetry- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Shakespeare Book is the perfect introduction to the entire canon of Shakespeare’s plays, sonnets, and other poetry, aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you’ll discover the complete works, from The Comedy of Errors, to the great tragedies of Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth.Your Shakespeare Questions, Simply ExplainedThis is a brilliant, innovative exploration of the entire canon of Shakespeare plays, sonnets, and other poetry with detailed plot summaries and a full analysis of the major characters and themes. If you thought it was difficult to learn about the works of one of the greatest writers in the English language, The Shakespeare Book presents key information in a simple layout. Every work is covered, from the comedies of Twelfth Night and As You Like It to the tragedies of Julius Caesar and Hamlet, with easy-to-understand graphics and illustrations bringing the themes, plots, characters, and language of Shakespeare to life.The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Shakespeare Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.
DK My First Colors
The ideal first book to introduce colors to toddlers - packed with colorful images and clear word-labels to encourage early learning Help your toddler learn all about colors in My First Colors. With colorful, bright photographs alongside clear word-labels your little one will begin to recognize red from yellow and even multi-colored objects too. Each page introduces one color using objects or animals to fully engage your toddler and keep early learning simple. Perfect for encouraging children to build vocabulary and language skills My First Colors helps toddlers grasp early concepts. Your little one will love discovering colors while holding the chunky pages of this tactile board book. Read it together and help them turn the pages and learn all about color.
DK The Planets: The Definitive Visual Guide to Our Solar System
Discover places where a day is longer than a year, where hailstones are made of diamonds, and where a mountain looms twice the size of Everest. These and more are all to be found in The Planets.The Sun’s gravity holds in thrall eight planets, each with an entourage of moons, as well as dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets. The Planets takes you on a dazzling visual tour. From the Solar System’s fiery heart, travel to rocky worlds such as tiny Mercury scorched by the Sun. Then witness Venus swathed in a sulfurous haze, and go to the outer reaches to visit planets such as gas giant Jupiter, which is 120 times the size of Earth.Using 3-D models and photography from NASA and the European Space Agency, The Planets describes each one, as well as the extraordinary endeavors of space exploration. Edited by space scientist Maggie Aderin-Pocock, this book is enthralling reading for everyone interested in astronomy and space exploration.
DK Children's Illustrated Dictionary
Never be lost for words again with this stunning illustrated dictionary for children. Spilling over with thousands of words and definitions for you to pick and peruse, this is the go-to guide for anyone struggling with spellings and meanings. Minds can become muddled by strange spellings and perplexing pronunciations, but the Children’s Illustrated Dictionary explains them all in simple and memorable detail. From abacus to zoom, each word is shown alongside eye-catching pictures, engaging illustrations, concise descriptions, and simple examples of usage. Clear navigation ensures you find the words you’re looking for quickly and easily. Also included are entertaining word games, grammar sections, and a variety of vocabulary themes to build your understanding of language. Developed in close consultation with experts in children’s language teaching, this dictionary is guaranteed to expand your knowledge and broaden your horizons. If words don’t come easy, this is the helping hand you need for school work and homework. For would-be writers and devoted bookworms, this is essential reference to keep by your side. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
DK Chug, Chug Tractor: Lots of Sounds and Loads of Flaps!
Note: Noisy book batteries are light activated, please make sure the lighting is sufficient for this book.The perfect book for your little tractor-lover that even includes exciting sounds from the farm.In Chug Chug Tractor, young readers are presented with a high quality reading experience with exciting novelties including vehicle and animal sounds, touch-and-feel panels, intriguing flaps, and remarkable pop-outs. Combined with bright photographs and entertaining rhyming text, Chug Chug Tractor offers a hands-on, interactive learning experience. Word labels name interesting images in each scene, like the parts of a vehicle, the names of an animal, or the type of building, and provide talking points for parent and child.
DK Pop-Up Peekaboo! Tractor: Pop-Up Surprise Under Every Flap!
Have fun down on the farm playing with tractors and farm animals in this lift-the-flap and pop-up board book for babies. This early learning lift-the-flap book is ideal for preschool and hands-on play. Rhyming text encourages early word recognition, and the colorful pop-up peekaboo surprises help develop imagination and memory skills.Both children and parents will enjoy playing hide and seek to discover cuddly and exciting characters: Farmer Fred is looking for his big, red tractor; Scarecrow is waiting for the big combine harvester; and Jim Farm Cat is up to mischief in the yellow tractor. This sturdy baby book will appeal to both parents and children and will keep little ones entertained again and again!
DK The Business Book
Learn about concepts, management, and commerce in The Business Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Business in this overview guide to the subject, great for beginners looking to learn and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Business Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Business, with:- Up to 100 quotations from the great business thinkers and gurus- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Business Book is the perfect introduction the to key theories that have shaped the world of business, management, and commerce, aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you’ll discover every facet of business management, including alternative business models, with real life examples from the marketplace. If you’ve ever wondered about the stages of business strategy, from start-up to delivering the goods, this is the perfect book for you.Your Business Questions, Simply ExplainedThis book introduces the would-be entrepreneur and general reader to the work of great commercial thinkers, leaders, and gurus. Learn about the hurdles facing every new business, such as finding a gap in the market, securing finance, employing people, and creating an eye-catching brand. If you thought it was difficult to learn about the world of commerce, The Business Book presents information in an easy to follow layout. Learn the ideas of seminal business thinkers, such as Malcolm Gladwell's "tipping point", Michael Porter's "five forces", and Meredith Belbin's theories on effective teamwork, with fantastic mind maps and step-by-step summaries. The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Business Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.
DK Sports Car
This fun book in the shape of a sports car has wheels so little drivers can race them anywhere. The big, tough wheels actually grip, and the beautiful, full color photographs inside are captioned with names to make learning fun. Whether your little road-runners love school buses or sporty cars, hogs or 18-wheelers, there's a Wheelie book to take them speeding out of the store! Vroom, vroom, vroooooooooom!
DK Touch and Feel: Fire Engine
Perfect for the child who wants to know everything about fire trucks, this sturdy book is filled with clear and realistic photography, simple text, and fun textures that encourage tactile exploration and help develop fine motor skills while building an early language foundation.Featuring pictures of everything related to fire engines, Touch and Feel: Fire Engine brightly displays big red trucks including textures on the pages to keep young children engaged.With appealing touch-and-feel elements on every spread, DK's Touch and Feel series is a favorite for both parents and children, in a larger format than DK's Baby Touch and Feel books. The perfect gift for babies and toddlers who will be drawn to the shiny jacket, Touch and Feel: Fire Engine helps develop object recognition and language skills.
DK Small Plot, Big Harvest: A Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Fruits and Vegetables in Small Spaces
Want to grow your own fruit or vegetables, but unsure how? Small Plot, Big Harvest contains brilliantly simple instructions on how to grow more than 50 different crops – perfect for beginners and expert gardeners alike. Look up the specific crop you want to grow, and follow the photos and practical advice on starting, nurturing, and harvesting. Choose your variety from more than 275 covered across the book, with galleries featuring unusual, exotic, or heirloom options for the most popular crops. Discover how to plan your space, whether it's a vegetable patch, a small raised bed, or just some containers (outside or inside). Explore different planting themes to suit your needs and maximize your harvest. This updated edition contains the latest popular new cultivars and heirloom varieties and expanded troubleshooting information to help keep your plants healthy. Whether you're a novice, a longtime gardening fan, or just want to explore a new at-home hobby, Small Plot, Big Harvest is an invaluable resource for all your gardening needs.
DK Nature Guide: Rocks and Minerals: The World in Your Hands
Did you know culinary salt is the mineral halite? Or that the pigment vermillion is powdered cinnabar, a mineral whose name comes from the Persian for “dragon’s blood”?Discover the extraordinary mineral treasures that form our planet and that today we use in everything, from makeup and cookery to agriculture and high-tech. Nature Guide Rocks and Minerals is your essential collector’s companion, with illustrated entries on hundreds of minerals, gems, and rocks from actinium to zirconium. Its breathtaking array includes organic minerals, such as pearls and corals, as well as silicates and “native elements” like gold. Browse to find wonderful gems, including opals, or pyropes – a deep-red garnet the size of a hen’s egg. Nature Guide Rocks and Minerals reveals each mineral’s defining characteristics and explains how and where they were formed, how they were first identified, their uses, and their chemical composition. Whether you are a geology student or starting your own collection, this fact-packed book is both a fascinating read and an essential identification guide.
DK Touch and Feel Baby Animals
The adorable baby chicks and kittens in this beginner book will make the perfect addition to your baby or toddler's first little library.This classic DK board book is filled with clear photography, simple text, and fun textures. Touch and Feel Baby Animals allows children to practice animal recognition and learn what an animal may feel when like when it's touched. With a modern look, these bestselling DK books are sure to become classics for a whole new generation of young readers.Series description: With appealing touch-and-feel elements on every spread, DK's Touch and Feel series is a favorite for both parents and children, in a larger format than DK's Baby Touch and Feel books. Babies and toddlers will be drawn to the shiny jacket, while the bright, bold interior pages help them develop object recognition, and the descriptive text builds their language skills.