Search results for ""Scarecrow Press""
Scarecrow Press A History of New Jersey Libraries 1750-1996
For the first time, a library history is focused on the way in which libraries of all kinds have developed within a single state. The growth of public libraries, the state library, school libraries, academic libraries, and special libraries are all considered in this one volume. New Jersey's library history stretches back into the mid-eighteenth century with the development of a small book collection by the colonial government. In addition to the local events that shaped the growth of libraries in New Jersey, this history also touches on the strong national trends that were at work, which link New Jersey's development to similar occurences in other states. Thus, to read the story of libraries in New Jersey is also to begin to understand the growth of libraries throughout the nation.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Tanzania
The United Republic of Tanzania is a rare phenomenon in Africa, the result of a merger between the former British colony of Tanganyika and the island republic of Zanzibar. While there has been and still are tensions, this has held together, perhaps because the country has been ruled by a dominant party ever since independence. It enjoyed a special aura under its first president, Julius Nyerere, who spoke glowingly of an African socialism, which did not quite prosper as hoped, and a democracy, which is admittedly better than elsewhere but not quite what it might be. But the party is still there and Tanzania is doing as well as most and better than some. Still, while Tanzania is not as popular as before, it remains an important state and is worth knowing better. Given the shortage of literature on the country, it is fortunate that one can fall back on this, now second edition of the Historical Dictionary of Tanzania. It includes information, in the dictionary section, on life before the colonial powers arrived, what Germany and Britain did during their tenure, and what has happened since independence in 1961. This is provided in xxx concise entries. The chronology traces the history, pre-colonial, colonial, and independent, going year by year. And the introduction provides an overview. Certainly not to be missed is the amazingly large bibliography.
Scarecrow Press Taking Humor Seriously in Children's Literature: Literature-Based Mini-Units and Humorous Books for Children Ages 5-12
Educators and librarians are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of humor to children, especially the way it stimulates their interest in reading and enhances the quality of the reading experience. Presents quality humorous children's literature and experiences that develop children's sensitivity toward humor. Literature-based mini-units are accompanied by discussion questions and a variety of ideas and activities that emphasize the components of humorous stories. Creative librarians and teachers can use the mini-units as models to adapt other books to the children they work with daily. Each unit is followed by additional readings about the subject that include features such as cartoon-like illustrations, humorous details, exaggerated expressions, and parody. The annotated bibliography, which is divided by age group and the subjects used in the mini-units, lists additional humorous literature, describes the humorous events in each book and indicates the appropriate age levels.
Scarecrow Press Native Libraries: Cross-Cultural Conditions in the Circumpolar Countries
Based on the growing interest in heritage preservation and Native information management as expressed by Native library users and managers, this monograph is a one-of-a-kind effort at consolidating the current information on this subject, previously only available scattered through periodical and other literature. Hills identifies the need for cross-cultural orientation for non-Native field workers, for libraries and librarians to become more community-minded, and for library education to be more field-responsive and active in researching future trends in library and information science management and provision. Contains three appendixes, which further elaborate on village libraries, provide examples of surveys to graduate library schools, and give notes on the Saami of Northern Scandinavia. In addition, a selectively annotated bibliography gives information on articles and resources through 1995. With index.
Scarecrow Press An Unordinary Man: A Life of Father John LaFarge, S.J.
A Catholic Book Club Selection for May 1996 Father John LaFarge, S.J., (1880-1963) was one of the most prominent American Roman Catholic clergymen of his time, who achieved recognition as a major civil rights activist in the years before and after World War II. An Unordinary Man examines the extraordinary career of this civil rights activist and editor of America—from his youth in Rhode Island, through the founding of the Catholic Interracial Council and the writing of his encyclical on racism (at the request of Pope Pius XI in 1938), to his continued presence in the civil rights movement. Based largely on LaFarge's private and professional papers, as well as interviews with relatives and colleagues, this biography offers civil rights and religious historians a new viewpoint on the participation of the Catholic Church in the civil rights movement. Includes a bibliographical essay and a selected bibliography.
Scarecrow Press Acquisitions in Health Sciences Libraries: Current Practice in Health Sciences Librarianship
The first resource to offer a comprehensive overview of acquisitions processes in health sciences libraries, this volume addresses the basic ordering and receiving functions common to all types of libraries, as well as the unique challenges of acquisitions work in the demanding health sciences environment. Individual chapters cover monograph acquisitions, serials acquisitions, post-acquisition serials control activities such as binding and maintenance of holding records, and acquisition of audiovisual and digital media. The book describes both manual and automated methods, but emphasis is placed on the growing functionality and affordability of automated systems even for smaller libraries. The focus throughout is on the practical day-to-day work of the acquisitions process, but attention is also devoted to the theoretical problem of redefining the acquisitions function in relation to other professional areas such as collection development and cataloging, and to the changing role of libraries in the digital environment. The book highlights the need for acquisitions librarians to embrace the world of digital information in all its technical complexity if they are to retain a useful and vital role in the library of the twenty-first century.
Scarecrow Press Romantic Hearts: A Personal Reference for Romance Readers
This updated version of the popular reference for romance readers features information on over 10,000 new titles representing the work of thousands of new and continuously publishing authors. Also included is information about previously published works dating back as far as the 1950s. All types of romantic fiction are covered here_historical, gothic, regency, contemporary, futuristic, and time-travel_and everything in-between. Under each author name, titles are listed chronologically. Publication date, publishing house, and publisher's book number are also included, where available. The Author Pseudonym Index is especially helpful for finding all the works of a particular author. Highly personal profiles and 60 photographs of authors give insight into the lives and inspirations of the people behind the stories. For browsing through information on the thousands of available titles, checking a pseudonym, finding a new title in a series, or looking for additional books by a favorite author, this guide is indispensable for readers' advisory_every public library, as well as every enthusiastic romance reader should have it.
Scarecrow Press Financial Planning for Libraries
Describes how to prepare and implement budgets and discusses the implications of budgeting and financial management activities for staff and governing boards. Prentice describes data-gathering methodologies such as cost studies, cost-benefit analysis, and unit cost development. She outlines the various budget designs such as line-time, program, and performance-based budgeting, and discusses the purposes and appropriateness of each to a particular environment. Case studies by libraries using a particular format are provided where available, and sample formats for the major types of budgets are included. The capital budget with its special applications is described separately. Appropriation-seeking activities are discussed according to the present or potential source of funding. The final chapter examines future directions in the relationship of planning to budgeting activities. Praise for the first edition: "Prentice's approach to sound financial planning is based on judicious utilization of available resources... pertinent reading for all library directors." —BOOKLIST "This is an important text for those persons involved in planning and funding library services." —JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP "An excellent addition to the professional library or information center manager's library." —SPECIAL LIBRARIES "...was probably the first and is still the best book on the use of the library budget in the long-range planning process." —THE BOTTOM LINE
Scarecrow Press Animals on Screen and Radio: An Annotated Sourcebook
Scarecrow Press What Ministers Know: A Qualitative Study of Pastors as Information Professionals important and unique book. - LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH
Scarecrow Press The Page as a Stageset: Storyboard Picture Books
The picture shares much with the comic book ("graphic novel") and the storyboard, which coordinates the visual and verbal elements of film. Spaulding examines a group of picture books by such innovative modern American and English authors/illustrators as Sendak, Briggs, Stevenson, and Pienkowski, considering them from a new perspective: dramatic literature presented on stage.
Scarecrow Press Holiness Manuscripts: A Guide to Sources Documenting the Wesleyan Holiness Movement in the United States and Canada
Holiness Manuscripts is the first attempt to provide a substantive listing of primary sources documenting the "Holiness Movement," a major focus of recent study in American religious history. The guide covers important precursors of the Movement such as Methodist champions of Wesley's doctrine of Christian perfection, related German Pietist groups, the "Oberlin perfectionists," and the perfectionists associated with the Oneida Community. Its major focus is on important Wesley/Holiness denominations in the post-Civil War period, including the Salvation Army, Church of the Nazarene, Church of God (Anderson), and Brethren in Christ Church, and on the movement's influence on the United Methodist Church. Sources cited also provide information on the Keswick Movement; Pentacostal churches related to the Movement; the Movement's role in the spread of evangelical Christianity; key institutions such as colleges, camp meetings, and missions; and important social phenomena such as abolitionism, the temperance movement, and the role of women. Over 1,200 entries describe collections held by colleges and universities, libraries, historical societies, denominational archives, public agencies, and private individuals throughout the United States and Canada. A subject index provides access to the contents. Will benefit researchers in such fields as history, religion, theology, and genealogy.
Scarecrow Press Beyond Hollywood's Grasp: American Filmmakers Abroad, 1914-1945
Between 1914 and 1945, many Hollywood fixtures ventured outside America to make films. This group ranged from directors such as Rex Ingram, Josef von Sternberg, and Orson Welles, to stars such as Erich von Stroheim, Louise Brooks, Dorothy Gish, and Buster Keaton, among others. During WWII, even Alfred Hitchcock produced two French language films in Britain, Aventure Malgache and Bon Voyage. As a group they produced more than 200 films in 30 years. But out of sight, many of these films were quickly forgotten, or worse, ignored back home. Here for the first time is the story of these many films—illustrated with 60 rarely seen stills—and the filmmakers who created them.
Scarecrow Press 'Gracious Affection' and 'True Virtue' According to Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley
John Wesley (1703-1791) and Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) were both practitioners and theoreticians for the "revivals" of the eighteenth century. Both played determinative roles in English and American ecclesial development and, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, have served as models and mentors for the varieties of evangelicalism throughout the world. During their own lifetimes, Wesley and Edwards were aware of each other. Wesley even edited and published works of Edwards for the edification of his followers. Despite significant theological disagreements, Wesley and Edwards have much in common, especially in their "experimental theologies"—that is, their theories of the interaction between religious emotion and moral character. Steele's volume analyzes for the first time, on the basis of the extant texts, the historical and literary relationships between the two theologians. On the basis of this work, the doctrinal, ethical, and pastoral stances of Wesley and Edwards are compared and contrasted. It is a goal of the Pietist and Wesleyan Studies to contribute to the process of reexamining the traditional ways of understanding Wesley and his context. "Gracious Affection" and "True Virtue" According to Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley has serious implications for understanding the development of Wesleyan thought and trans-Atlantic revivalism as well as for American and British intellectual and religious history.
Scarecrow Press The Silent Comedians
MacCann features Mack Sennett, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, and Harry Langdon in this guide to the lives and works of the most important silent comedy movie-makers in America—the fourth in his acclaimed series, American Movies: The First Thirty Years. In twenty-eight articles reprinted from various sources, twenty-five contributors show how these five artists struggled in early years to find themselves, rise above limited circumstances, and make their entries into production at a time when Hollywood was the new frontier of the twentieth century. For each artist, MacCann includes some kind of statement by the artist himself about comic goals and methods. Contributors include James Agee, Samuel Gill, Penelope Houston, Theodore Huff, Janet E. Lorenz, Donald McCaffrey, Charles J. Maland, Daniel Moews, Graham Petrie, David Robinson, Michael Roemer, Robert E. Sherwood, Anthony Slide, William Schelly, and others. MacCann's introduction eloquently discusses the value of comedy and laments the critical tendency to prefer tragedy: "...the jolly fat clowns of comedy must more than ever be critically stretched to conform with lanky and lugubrious Hamlets in order to be worthy of praise. The celebration of the sad clown is a triumph of philosophy over art."
Scarecrow Press Early American Cinema
A completely revised and rewritten new edition of the pioneering film book first published in 1970, Early American Cinema, New and Revised Edition provides a concise history of the American motion picture industry before 1920, documenting the work of the early production companies, releasing organizations, filmmakers, and performers, and will serve both as a textbook and a reference source. Chapters cover pre-cinema, the Motion Picture Patents Company, independent filmmaking, the birth of the feature film, Thomas H. Ince, D.W. Griffith, sound and music, the star system, the role of women, new technologies, genres, and the languge, business, and art of the film. The book includes suggestions for further reading, together wiht a general bibliography, and lengthy bibliographies on Ince and Griffith.
Scarecrow Press Cross-Cultural Approaches to Theatre: The Spanish-French Connection
Although numerous books and articles discuss the interrelationships between Spanish and French theatre for such periods as the Golden Age and Romanticism, few scholarly studies explore the contemporary period. The cultural interchange between the stages of Spain and France has never totally disappeared, and indeed has at times had major significance over the past several decades. Zatlin provides a comprehensive view of these interrelationships, with emphasis on the 1970s and 1980s. It is based not only on related prior studies and on data from theatre annuals, but also on interviews with theatre people in both countries and on specific productions. The first section of the book includes overviews of Spanish-language theatre performed in France, Spanish theatre performed in French translation, and French theatre performed in Spain. The second section contains four chapters on individual authors with strong bicultural backgrounds: Emmanuel Robles, Eduardo Manet, Francisco Nieva, and Carlos Semprun-Maura. The plays chosen for analysis are rich examples of metatheatricalism and intertextuality in which literary or historical texts from one nation are reworked in the other language. With production photos and an appendix of English translations of play titles cited in Catalan, French, and Spanish.
Scarecrow Press Twins in Children's and Adolescent Literature: An Annotated Bibliography
From the first publication of The Bobsey Twins in 1904 to titles published in 1992, Storey annotates over 300 books that feature twins. Readers will be able to locate popular stories as well as some of the finest children's and adolescent literature in the country, and they will be able to track characters through a number of information sources. The author summarizes each book, describes the family life of the twins in it and the characters' feelings about being twins, and lists topics pertinent to the story. An unusual feature of the bibliography is the inclusion of comments made by authors who have shared their reasons for writing about twins. An index shows whether the twins are main, secondary, or minor characters.
Scarecrow Press Industrial Relations Theory: Its Nature, Scope, and Pedagogy
One of the major purposes of this book is to help clarify the term "industrial relations" and thus to assist meaningful discussion about the strengths and deficiencies of the body of thought to which it refers. The editors' premise is that industrial relations is a multinational field whose disciples should be seeking principles that apply over the broadest span of time and space. Contributors include Roy J. Adams, Jack Barbash, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Braham Dabscheck, John Godard, Steve M. Hills, Kevin Hince, Thomas Kochan, Viateur Larouche and Michel Audet, Craig R. Littler, Noah M. Meltz, Michael Poole, Paula Voos, and Hoyt Wheeler, with an introduction by Roy J. Adams.
Scarecrow Press Music and the Moderns: The Life and Works of Carol Robinson
This biography of Carol Robinson (1889-1979) presents the life of a serious American pianist within the larger context of American intellectual life in the first decades of the twentieth century. An active participant in the avant-garde, Robinson established close ties with literati Margaret Anderson and Jane Heap of The Little Review; with artist Pavel Tchelichev and architect Frank Lloyd Wright; with dancers Elizabeth Delza and Henri; with composers George Antheil, Bohuslav Martinu, and Henry Cowell; and with the spiritual leader Georgi Gurdjieff. The author considers Robinson's life as a pianist and teacher as well as the larger issues raised by her choice of pianistic repertory, by her own compositions, and by the music manuscripts composers gave her (Antheil sent his Jazz Sonata; Martinu, the little gem Par T.S.F.; and Ives, his Sonata No.3 for Piano and Violin). The book is intended for those interested in America's intellectual life in the twentieth century and for scholars concerned with the dissemination of contemporary music literature. To that end, an appendix lists Robinson's extensive repertory with dates and places where each work was performed. Robinson's works in score are also included. Illustrated, with selected bibliography.
Scarecrow Press Community College Reference Services: A Working Guide by and for Librarians
Written by working librarians, this is a day-to-day guide to reference service in community college libraries, based on their daily experience and intended to solve practical problems facing the librarians in these institutions. Contributors include Derrie R. Roark, Marilyn Searson Lary, Susan Anderson & Susanne Fischer, Al Carlson, Mary Adams Loomba, Mark Y. Herring, Richard N. Shaw, Dale Luchsinger, Diane Grund, Gene Elliott, Douglas K. Lehman, Sue Hatfield, Jennie S. Boyarski, Wanda K. Johnsto, Patricia Twilde, Pamela A. Price, Kate Donnelly Hickey, Stanley N. Ruckman, Wanda K. Johnston & Joan S. Clarke, Donald Ray, Tisa M. Houck, Camila A. Alire, Karen Fischer, Gloria Terwilliger, Mimi Gronlund, & Sylvia Rortvedt, and W. Jeanne Gardner.
Scarecrow Press The Gospel of Scholarship: Pierce Butler and a Critique of American Librarianship
Pierce Butler is considered one of library science's greatest intellects. His ideological conflicts with Douglas Waples, social scientist par excellence, became legandary in the 1940s. A humanist himself, Butler initially supported the introduction of social science methods in his seminal Introduction to Library Science (1933), which is reprinted in this volume. Yet he recanted this position late in life, and his critique of American librarianship was that it was becoming scientistic. He argued for something more—a deeper, more spiritual librarianship. In this biography, Richardson provides a well-documented narrative of Butler's life, with appendixes including a complete list of Butler's publications, course offerings, graduate students, and selected sermons.
Scarecrow Press Robotics in Education: An Information Guide
No descriptive material is available for this title.
Scarecrow Press Arnold Schoenberg Correspondence: A Collection of Translated and Annotated Letters Exchanged with Guido Adler, Pablo Casals, Emanuel Feuermann, and Olin Downes
Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) was one of the greatest composers of the twentieth century, was also talented in art and many other subjects, as his publications and correspondence show. This book of his selected unpublished correspondence written between 1903 and 1950 includes the responses of the addressees, giving a vivid picture of the historical controversies between the composer and other major figures in the field. Each of the correspondences, with pioneering musicologist Guido Adler, eminent critic Olin Downes, and cello virtuosi Pablo Casals and Emanuel Feuermann, is presented in separate chapters with introductory comments. The letters are reprinted unaltered in the original languages and in English translation.
Scarecrow Press The Disciples and American Culture: A Bibliography of Works by Disciples of Christ Members, 1866-1984
In order to study adequately the impact of a religious body on its surrounding culture, one must examine the works of all its members, religious leaders and lay members alike. This bibliography takes the first step in that process for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), founded in 1809, one of the largest religious bodies to originate in America, whose history can be seen to parallel American culture in many ways. Works by chemists, engineers, nurses, librarians, politicians, public school teachers, journalists, pastors, and theologians are all included. The goal is to provide a bibliography of representative works by Disciples from 1866, the death date of Alexander Campbell, the last of the denomination's four founders, through 1984, the end of President Ronald Reagan's first term in office.
Scarecrow Press Wesley Quotations: Excerpts from the Writings of John Wesley and Other Family Members
There have been numerous collections of quotations from the writings of John and Charles Wesley since their deaths, but this small collection is unique in several respects: the quotations have been arranged by topics; each quotation is accompanied by complete references to the sources of the quotations, should the reader wish to return to the original writings; the index of all key words used in the quotations can serve as a mini-concordance; and, in addition to quotations from the writings of John and Charles Wesley, a few are from their mother Susanna, their father Samuel, and their older brother Samuel.
Scarecrow Press Chains of Gold: Marketing the Ratings and Rating the Markets
"Broadcasters are bound to ratings with chains of gold which they are reluctant to break..." —Oren Harris, House of Representatives This comprehensive exploration of the evolution of broadcast ratings documents the experiences of ratings pioneers from past to present as they have developed a standardized network and local market ratings vocabulary. Buzzard traces the rise of Nielsen and Arbitron to their present position of dominance in the ratings business and also ties conceptual changes in the methods and terminology used to measure audiences to advertising and marketing and the competitive factors that shaped them.
Scarecrow Press Early American Scientific and Technical Literature: An Annotated Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides
Selected a Best Bibliography in History for 1991, ALA's RASD It is usually accepted that the contributions of early American science were relatively modest compared with the work of European scientists. Yet the volume of material produced by early American scientific and technical writers is surprisingly large. Limiting her study to books, pamphlets and broadsides, the author has found over 800 works that fall into the broad category of early American scientific and technical literature. This bibliography lists those scientific and technical books, pamphlets, and broadsides published in the US between 1665 and 1799. Entries have been taken from a variety of sources.
Scarecrow Press I Remember Television: A Memoir
The book follows the author's career in radio and television, detailing the workings of NBC in the forties, the Philco-Goodyear Playhouse and a large Madison Avenue ad agency in the fifties, and the fabled Goodson-Todman organization from the sixties to the eighties, with fascinating accounts of early political campaigns on television and the days of the blacklist.
Scarecrow Press Basic Reference Sources: A Self-Study Manual
First published in 1971, with 20,000 copies sold, this is a self-paced introduction to general reference/information sources. The new fourth edition brings information about the sources up to date as of late 1988, adding or deleting some titles where appropriate.
Scarecrow Press Women Authors of Modern Hispanic South America: A Bibliography of Literary Criticism and Interpretation
This bibliography lists references to critical and interpretive studies of the literary output of 169 major and minor Hispanic South American women writers active from the turn of the twentieth century to the present. The studies cover all literary genres and take the form of monographs, essays in collections, periodical articles, conference proceedings, and doctoral dissertations. The number of authors included and the number of studies cited challenge the belief that there are few women authors and that criticism has ignored these women.
Scarecrow Press Dictionary of American Immigration History
With some 2,500 entries, this dictionary, the first reference guide of its kind, is designed as a comprehensive reference work on all aspects of American immigration history. All American ethnic groups are included, with essay-entries on general subjects, e.g., immigration, patterns of immigrant settlement in the US, socialization, acculturation, and related themes. Biographical entries on individuals important in the history of immigration are included, along with notices of immigrant historical societies, mutual aid societies, immigrant-help groups, and immigration legislation and restrictionism.
Scarecrow Press A Guide to Collecting Fine Prints
Provides a source of information on buying, selling, and collecting prints for the amateur and beginning professional collector.
Scarecrow Press Index of American Print Exhibitions, 1882-1940
This is the most useful addition to the general reference literature on American prints since Karen Beall's American Prints in the Library of Congress (1970). The first part catalogs chronologically the exhibits and exhibitors at the annual salons of the most important American print societies of the period, as well as print exhibits at international expositions and such key publications as Fine Prints of the Year and Fifty Prints of the Year. The second part is an alphabetical directory of artist-exhibitors.
Scarecrow Press Battle of the Books: Literary Censorship in the Public Schools, 1950-1985
This book covers many important events for those studying censorship conflicts.
Scarecrow Press Music and the Arts in the Community: The Community Music School in America
This book traces the development and growth of community schools of the arts, now found in every region of the U.S. and in Canada. Egan covers all fields of the arts, including music, dance, theatre, literature, painting, and sculpture. Faculty and alumni lists reveal names of some of the most distinguished artists of the twentieth century.
Scarecrow Press Fascism and Fiction: A Survey of Italian Fiction on Fascism (and its Reception in Britain and the United States)
No descriptive material is available for this title.
Scarecrow Press An Index to English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
...Will be welcomed by Old Testament and ancient history scholars because it includes articles that previously have been findable only by meticulous scanning of journals...Recommended for all schools offering graduate work in religion or ancient history. - CHOICE
Scarecrow Press The Great Spy Pictures II
This book is a must for spy film buffs and the serious students of this genre. - MOVIE COLLECTOR'S WORLD
Scarecrow Press Library Automation for Library Technicians: An Introduction
...clearly written and well organized. Provides a general understanding of automated library operations...- JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP
Scarecrow Press Selected Theatre Criticism: 1920-1930
Provides original reviews, reprinted in their entirety, of New York stage productions for the first half of the twentieth century. Each volume includes a name index and an index by critics and the final volume also features a cumulative index to all productions included in the three volumes.
Scarecrow Press Bibliography of the Osage
No descriptive material is available for this title.
Scarecrow Press The Law as Gospel: Revival and Reform in the Theology of Charles G. Finney
The first book-length critical study of the theology of Charles G. Finney. Trained as a legal apprentice, Finney underwent a dramatic conversion to Christianity in 1821, at the age of 29. Throughout his long subsequent career as revivalist, professor, and president of Oberlin College, he produced an innovative evangelical theology that proclaimed religious revival and social reform as the legal means for establishing God's moral government on earth.
Scarecrow Press Theatrical Movement: A Bibliographical Anthology
To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
Scarecrow Press Research in Parapsychology 1981
To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
Scarecrow Press Horror and Science Fiction Films II (1972-1981)
Unlike most other horror and SF surveys, which only venture as far afield as England and Europe, Willis truly reaches around the world, including many little-known or rarely documented movies from China, Japan, Thailand and the Philippines.
Scarecrow Press The International Dictionary of Women Workers in the Decorative Arts: A Historical Survey from the Distant Past to the Early Decades of the Twentieth Century
To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
Scarecrow Press Movies as Social Criticism: Aspects of Their Social Psychology
...a fine introduction to the study of film criticism and the impact on films and society...- CHOICE