Search results for ""Author Bernd"
Quercus Publishing Prussian Blue: Bernie Gunther Thriller 12
The twelfth book in the Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling series, perfect for fans of John le Carre and Robert Harris. 'One of the greatest anti-heroes ever written' Lee ChildFrance, 1956. Bernie Gunther is on the run. If there's one thing he's learned, it's never to refuse a job from a high-ranking secret policeman. But this is exactly what he's just done. Now he's a marked man, with the East German Stasi on his tail.Fleeing across Europe, he remembers the last time he worked with his pursuer: in 1939, to solve a murder at the Berghof, Hitler's summer hideaway in the Bavarian Alps. Hitler is long dead, the Berghof now a ruined shell, and the bizarre time Bernie spent there should be no more than a distant memory.But as he pushes on to Berlin and safety, Bernie will find that no matter how far he thinks he has put Nazi Germany behind him, for him it will always be unfinished business. The Berghof is not done with Bernie yet.
Rombach Verlag KG Die FeldbergChronik von Bernard Graußbeck 17771861
Cornell University Press Bernard of Clairvaux: An Inner Life
In this intimate portrait of one of the Middle Ages' most consequential men, Brian Patrick McGuire delves into the life of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux to offer a refreshing interpretation that finds within this grand historical figure a deeply spiritual human being who longed for the reflective quietude of the monastery even as he helped shape the destiny of a church and a continent. Heresy and crusade, politics and papacies, theology and disputation shaped this astonishing man's life, and McGuire presents it all in a deeply informed and clear-eyed biography. Following Bernard from his birth in 1090 to his death in 1153 at the abbey he had founded four decades earlier, Bernard of Clairvaux reveals a life teeming with momentous events and spiritual contemplation, from Bernard's central roles in the first great medieval reformation of the Church and the Second Crusade, which he came to regret, to the crafting of his books, sermons, and letters. We see what brought Bernard to monastic life and how he founded Clairvaux Abbey, established a network of Cistercian monasteries across Europe, and helped his brethren monks and abbots in heresy trials, affairs of state, and the papal schism of the 1130s. By reevaluating Bernard's life and legacy through his own words and those of the people closest to him, McGuire reveals how this often-challenging saint saw himself and conveyed his convictions to others. Above all, this fascinating biography depicts Saint Bernard of Clairvaux as a man guided by Christian revelation and open to the achievements of the human spirit.
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Der Hase mit den Bernsteinaugen Schmuckausgabe
John Wiley & Sons Bernardino de Sahagun First Anthropologist
He was sent from Spain on a religious crusade to Mexico to “detect the sickness of idolatry”, but Bernardino de Sahagún instead became the first anthropologist of the New World. Translated into English by Mauricio Mixco, León-Portilla's account presents Sahagún as a complex individual - a man of his times yet a pioneer in many ways.
Artbook D.A.P. Bernard Tschumi Architecture Concept Notation
Favoritenpresse F.W. Bernstein Postkarten vom Ich
BRIGHT BOOKS Kaip kaledu berniukas tecio ieskojo
A boy called Christmas - Lithuanian Edition
Siruela Thomas Bernhard una biografía
Artista de la exageración, maestro de la nada, monómano incorregible, moralista, aguafiestas, vulnerable, depresivo, sensible, alegre, satírico, contradictorio..., la lista de epítetos que, en algún momento, se ha aplicado a Thomas Bernhard llenaría varias páginas. Y todos ellos le convenían. Sin embargo, la figura de Thomas Bernhard sigue agigantándose después de su muerte y es ya indiscutible que se trata de uno de los grandes escritores del siglo XX. Pero, curiosamente, su vida presenta todavía abundantes zonas de sombra, sobre todo desde que la crítica reparó en que sus así llamados libros autobiográficos eran tan literarios y ficticios como cualquiera de sus novelas. Thomas Bernhard. Una biografía, escrita por Miguel Sáenz, traductor al castellano de su obra y uno de los primeros y más profundos conocedores de Bernhard, pretende trazar un retrato de éste lo más completo posible ?destacando aspectos hasta ahora inéditos, como el de sus relaciones con España?. Bernhard, considerado
Moderne Kunst, Verlag Fur Bernard Voïta Recto Verso
Gerth Medien GmbH Die Erbin des Bernsteinzimmers
Espasa Libros, S.L. La casa de Bernarda Alba
LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA fue la última obra de teatro que Lorca dejó terminada, pero no llegaría a verla representada. El poeta, además, nunca comentó nada sobre ella, por lo que se presenta como una de sus piezas más enigmáticas. Su lectura ha estado sesgada por interpretaciones de corte político que diluyen lo que en Lorca no es más que un mero marco y postergan el problema de la condición humana, esencial en el poeta. Joaquín Forradellas analiza en esta edición los fundamentos de dichas interpretaciones y defiende la proyección atemporal de LA CASA por su valor estético y subraya la intención documental y realista de la obra. Protagonizada por personas corrientes que salen del pueblo, negando la heroicidad, LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA representa el dolor cotidiano, familiar, hasta sus últimas consecuencias. Lorca optó por un teatro representable, con un argumento asequible y, por ello, absolutamente crítico y eficaz al enfrentar al público con su propia máscara. Y lo hizo, además, con
Arcadia Publishing Inc. Community Hospital of San Bernardino
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Der Ausbau Des Calculus Durch Leibniz Und Die Bruder Bernoulli: Symposium Der Leibniz-Gesellschaft Und Der Bernoulli-Edition Der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, 15. Bis 17. Juni 1987
Laertes Editorial, S.L. Llibre de Fra Bernat
Degut a Francesc de la Via, de la vida del qual, a cavall entre els segles XIV i XV, se saben ben poques coses, El Llibre de Fra Bernat és una narració en vers, en forma de codolada, a la manera dels fabliaux francesos, genere en què s'inscriu, si bé se'n desmarca per la intenció realista i perquè reflecteix situacions més concretes i objectives. Amb un clar propòsit satíric i parodie, ple d'ironia, amb un ambient de picardia, aquesta obra narra la història d'un frare que va a visitar la seva estimada, una monja d'un monestir. Quan hi arriba, però, acompanyat pel mateix autor del llibre, es troba que la dona és requerida amorosament, primer per un cavaller i després per un canonge, als quals promet concedir els seus favors sexuals a canvi d'uns valuosos presents. Aquest és el punt d'arrencada d'aquesta narració plena de dinamisme, de despreocupació moral i de riquesa de llengua i d'estil. L'únic que, al final, aconseguirà de ficar-se al llit amb la monja serà l'autor del llibre, a qui
Paulist Press International,U.S. Bernard of Clairvaux: Selected Works
"...a milestone in American religious publishing." New Catholic World Bernard of Clairvaux-Selected Works translation and foreword by G.R. Evans introduction by Jean Leclercq, O.S.B. preface by Ewert H. Cousins "Lord, you are good to the soul which seeks you. What are you then to the soul which finds? But this is the most wonderful thing, that no one can seek you who has not already found you. You therefore seek to be found so that you may be sought for, sought so that you may be found." —Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153) Born in Fontaines-lès-Dijon in 1090, Bernard had become, by his twenty-fifth birthday, the abbot of a Cistercian monastery which he had founded in the valley of Clairvaux near Aube, France, some four years earlier. There in those isolated and rugged surroundings he became the spokesman for a revival of monastic life in an age when the radical spirit of religious life was endangered by a movement, best seen in the excesses of the monks of Cluny, that stressed the adaptation of the rule of St. Benedict to the exigencies-and taste for princely comforts-of the royal courts of twelfth-century France. But Bernard's dedication to the strict observance of Benedict's rule was mingled not with the abrasive, shrill style of the prophet but with a sweetness and purity of vision that earned him the title Doctor mellifluous. For he possessed a sense of the love of God, the importance of humility, and the sheer beauty of holiness that has made his writings favorites of scholars and laymen alike throughout the ages. Here in a new translation by G.R. Evans are the writings that have had such a major role in shaping the Western monastic tradition and influencing the development of catholic mystical theology. Together with an introduction by the master of Bernard studies, Jean Leclercq, they comprise a volume that occupies a place of special importance in the chronicle of the history of the Western spiritual adventure. †
Nick Hern Books The House of Bernarda Alba
Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price Federico García Lorca's extraordinarily powerful drama, the last he wrote before his assassination, explores the darkness at the heart of repression. When Bernarda's husband dies, she locks all the doors and windows. She tells her grown-up daughters to sew and be silent. 'There are eight years of mourning ahead of us. While it lasts not even the wind will get into this house.' But locks can't hold back the growing tide of desire. This English version of The House of Bernarda Alba, published in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series, is translated and introduced by Jo Clifford, and also contains a chronology and suggestions for further reading.
Rombach Wissenschaft Studien Zu Homer, Zur Tragodie Und Zum Satyrspiel: Herausgegeben Von Bernhard Zimmermann
Prestel Caravaggio and Bernini: Early Baroque in Rome
This book examines in depth the painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571–1610) and the sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598–1680). Other painters and sculptors gathered around these two geniuses in Rome in the first decades of the 17th century. Together they formulated a new artistic language which later came to be known as Roman Baroque. In a very short period of time, Rome became an international cultural hotspot, the breeding ground of new ideas and initiatives. Artists from all over Europe came to the Eternal City to study the many remnants of Roman Antiquity and to seek the increasing patronage of the popes, cardinals, and the local nobility. More than ever before, painters and sculptors shared ambitions, personal friendships, and worked together, often on large papal projects. Caravaggio, Bernini, and their fellow artists embody this artistic fraternisation. Together, their works tell the story of the birth of this new movement in art, and the radical artistic innovation which would prove to have far reaching influence in Europe.
Monash University Publishing Antipodean Perspective: Selected Writings of Bernard Smith
Salamander Street Limited Adventurer: Bernard Miles and the Mermaid Theatre
Bernard Miles was a force of nature. Actor, writer, director, life peer and founder of the Mermaid Theatre, Bernard Miles was a visionary who made an indelible impact on British Theatre. In 1959, in a post-Blitz area of London, amongst the ghosts of Shakespeare and Marlowe, Bernard and his wife Josephine Wilson fought every obstacle to establish a truly remarkable theatre that brought new plays to the British public and revitalised the classics. Alan Strachan’s fascinating biography shares the adventures of Bernard Miles from film set to stage door, covering his personal and professional life and revealing the man and his mission. The talented and eccentric characters who worked and supported the Mermaid Theatre fill the pages of this inspiring memoir. And the man at the helm, the Adventurer, has earned his place in theatre history. Whether filming in an oily tank for In Which We Serve, or on stage with his parrot on his shoulder for Treasure Island; whether arranging inspired ‘get rich quick’ schemes to finance the theatre or bringing the house down as ‘The Uncrowned King of the Chiltern Hills’, Bernard Miles was a determined and passionate idealist. Alan Strachan’s book shows the talented, flawed, beloved, troublesome man in all his glory. “This full, rich and enthralling account of the making of one of the British theatre’s great figures is long overdue. Bernard was one of its most important – and most original – standard bearers, for whom we have much to be grateful, as any reader of this riveting book will discover.” - Simon Callow
Egmont Comic Collection Lucky Luke 35 Sarah Bernhardt
Triumph Books Bernie Federko: My Blues Note
Take a look in the St. Louis Blues' record books, and the name Bernie Federko is impossible to miss. A skilled, unselfish playmaker, Federko made those around him better; while his journey did lead him to the Hall of Fame, he is regarded by many as one of the most overlooked talents in hockey. In this volume, Federko reflects on his life on and off the ice. From his childhood in Foam Lake, Saskatchewan, to years in St. Louis playing with teammates like Brian Sutter and Mike Liut, and his recent years in the Blues' broadcasting booth, this is a refreshing chronicle of a legendary career.
Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art Bernard Leach: Life and Work
An exceptionally thoughtful and well-written biography of one of the most influential studio potters in Britain Widely recognized as the father of studio pottery, Bernard Leach (1887–1979) played a pioneering role in creating an identity for artist potters in Britain and around the world. Born in the East (Hong Kong) and educated in the West (England), throughout his life Leach perceived himself as a courier between the disparate cultures. His exquisite pots reflect the inspiration he drew from East and West as well as his response to the basic tenets of modernism—truth to materials, the importance of function to form, and simplicity of decoration. This outstanding biography provides for the first time a vivid and detailed account of Leach’s life and its relation to his art. Emmanuel Cooper, himself a potter of international reputation, explores Leach’s working methods, the seams of his pottery, his writings and philosophy, his recognition in Japan and Britain, and his continuing legacy, bringing into sharp focus a complex man who captured in his work as a potter the “still center” that always eluded him in his tumultuous personal life.Distributed for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
Arnoldsche Bernhard Huber: Transition Glass Projects
Using new techniques and new materials, Bernhard Huber creates abstract paintings in glass in large formats that shift on multiple planes between transparency, reflection and opacity. His colours are vibrant and clear. Rarely does he indulge in an opulent riot of colour but instead mainly produces stringent creations notable for their cool colour tones. The effects achieved are precisely calculated yet never overwhelmingly so. In this respect, Huber's affinities with Concrete art, with which he also shares some of the formal qualities of his works, are revealed. Glass is for Huber a pivotal working material yet is not his sole medium. He has made the light-forming properties of glass the core of his artistic agenda, which goes beyond glass as a medium to encompass working in the fields of painting, sculpture and architecture. Colour and light have become his media of choice, with which he forms surfaces and spaces. He reacts sensitively to available architectural situations; his works are 'site-specific' to the utmost yet also stunningly configure the space surrounding them. He never simply makes stained-glass windows - he always forms several visual planes so that the 'window principle' is always extended into the interior space. Thus the glass surface becomes light sculpture and this in turn forms light space. Text in English and German.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Bernard Of Clairvaux: Selected Works
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The House of Bernarda Alba
You bring such scandal to my house. In the domain of Bernarda Alba, a daughter who disobeys is no longer a daughter. Forced to live under their mother’s tight grip as they mourn their father’s death, can five sisters survive when young Adela dares for passion and freedom? Olivier Award-winner Harriet Walter (Succession) plays the formidable matriarch, guarding her reputation against the rising tide of her family’s desires in this pitch-black drama exploring the consequences of oppressing women, in Alice Birch's radical new version of Federico García Lorca’s modern masterpiece. This edition published to coincide with the world premiere at the National Theatre, London, in November 2023.
Skyhorse Publishing What Happened to Bernie Sanders
Boosey & Hawkes Inc Bernstein for Bassoon Bassoon with Piano Accompaniment
Boosey & Hawkes Inc Bernstein Theatre Songs High Voice 49 Songs
BusinessVillage GmbH Macht ohne Machtwort Verantwortung bernehmen Potenziale entfalten
University of Illinois Press Leonard Bernstein and the Language of Jazz
Leonard Bernstein's gifts for drama and connecting with popular audiences made him a central figure in twentieth century American music. Though a Bernstein work might reference anything from modernism to cartoon ditties, jazz permeated every part of his musical identity as a performer, educator, and intellectual. Katherine Baber investigates how jazz in its many styles served Bernstein as a flexible, indeed protean, musical idea. As she shows, Bernstein used jazz to signify American identity with all its tensions and contradictions and to articulate community and conflict, irony and parody, and timely issues of race and gender. Baber provides a thoughtful look at how Bernstein's use of jazz grew out of his belief in the primacy of tonality, music's value as a unique form of human communication, and the formation of national identity in music. She also offers in-depth analyses of On the Town, West Side Story, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and other works to explore fascinating links between Bernstein's art and issues like eclecticism, music's relationship to social engagement, black-Jewish relations, and his own musical identity.
Beta-Plus New Architectural Stories: by Bernard De Clerck
Fourteen years after the first publication of Architectural Stories by Bernard De Clerck, this beautiful new book features the latest design projects from Flemish architect Bernard De Clerck - undoubtedly a conceptual architect who is not in the least conventional, even when he finds inspiration not only in ancient times, the Renaissance and the Arts and Crafts movement, but also in local architecture. Each house, living space, cluster of buildings created by Bernard De Clerck is based on a story, and in turn, is the beginning of a new one. It is both in the present and in the past. Timeless, warm, with clear lines and a sensitive attention to detail, New Architectural Stories presents 17 truly exceptional residential country homes and castles, some of them in collaboration with Axel Vervoordt. Text in English, French and Dutch.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Winter: A Bernard Sampson Novel
Skyhorse Publishing What Happened to Bernie Sanders
Penguin Putnam Inc March Violets: A Bernie Gunther Novel
Droste Verlag Berner Oberland. Wandern für die Seele
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Werke Berner Ausgabe Band 12 Prosastcke
De Gruyter Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach 16561723
Das Buch vereinigt einige wichtige ältere sowie drei unveröffentlichte Aufsätze zum Werk und zur Rezeption des Barockbaumeisters Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach. Zentrale Themen sind die Zagreber Zeichnungen zu dessen Buch Entwurff einer Historischen Architectur (1721) sowie die Kirchen in Salzburg und der Prunksaal der Hofbibliothek in Wien. Daneben werden seine englischen Beziehungen und das Werk seines ersten Monographen, Albert Ilg, untersucht. Zeichnungen Fischer von Erlachs und Rezeption seines Werkes Albert Ilg Englischer Barock Blick ins Buch
Weber Verlag 45 faszinierende Wanderungen im Berner Oberland
O'Brien Press Ltd Bernard Dunne: Champion of the World
Gregorian & Biblical Press Critical History According to Bernard Lonergan
VML Verlag Marie Leidorf Ein Stück Bernsteinstraße im nordöstlichen Weinviertel
Felony & Mayhem The Butcher of Berner Street
Kompass Karten GmbH KOMPASS Dein Augenblick Berner Oberland