Search results for ""verlag peter lang""
Verlag Peter Lang Recovering Stolen Assets: With a preface by Eva Joly
Development efforts will remain frustrated so long as corrupt leaders continue to steal their countries’ wealth and dispose of these ill-gotten gains in foreign jurisdictions. The prevention of such looting, and the recovery of the stolen assets are thus critical development issues and a cornerstone of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (2003) (UNCAC). However, to date experience with asset recovery is limited, and a number of legal and other obstacles continue to impede progress. This is the first comprehensive work on asset recovery, written by renowned practitioners and academics representing different legal systems and countries, all of whom have extensive experience in the asset recovery field. The authors notably discuss the ‘success stories’ of the past (the recovery of the assets of Sani Abacha, Ferdinand Marcos and Vladimiro Montesinos) and the concrete challenges for the future with regard to search, seizure, confiscation and repatriation of stolen assets. The book also provides perspectives on the role of technical assistance and donors in asset recovery and the likely impact of the UNCAC.
Verlag Peter Lang Langues À l'École: Quelle Politique Pour Quelle Suisse ?: Analyse Du Débat Public Sur l'Enseignement Des Langues À l'École Obligatoire
Verlag Peter Lang Morphoaccentologie Et Processus d'Affixation de l'Anglais
Verlag Peter Lang Pneumatologie in Der Alten Kirche
Verlag Peter Lang Der Verschleierte Geist: Zen-Betrachtungen Des Chinesischen Moenchs-Philosophen Zibo Zhenke
Verlag Peter Lang The Russians on Athos
Verlag Peter Lang Assessing English for Academic Purposes
Verlag Peter Lang Psychodynamisches Stoerungsbild Und Erzaehlter Konflikt: Narrative Analyse ALS Diagnostische Urteilsbildung
Verlag Peter Lang Teoría E Interpretación del Cuento: 2a Edición, Revisada
Verlag Peter Lang Figures of Madness in Saul Bellow's Longer Fiction
Verlag Peter Lang Free and Unfree Labour: The Debate Continues
Verlag Peter Lang Der Neue Taiwanische Film Der 80er Jahre
Verlag Peter Lang Des Îles En Archipel...: Flottements Autour Du Thème Insulaire En Hommage À Carminella Biondi
Verlag Peter Lang Corpora for University Language Teachers
This volume is made up of 17 chapters which have developed out of papers and workshop sessions presented at the event entitled «Corpora: Seminar and Workshops», held at the University of Padua, March 29-31, 2007. It maintains the straightforward, practical approach which characterized that event, meant as an introduction to the use of corpora even for novices. At the same time it goes into a wide range of different applications for corpora in language teaching and language research in higher education. One of these involves the creation and use of learner corpora. Another application involves corpus-assisted research into political discourse in the media. Language for special purposes is also focussed on as a research topic, an academic discipline, and language to be translated. Multimodal corpora are also considered. Proposals are made for corpus-based research into the language of films, and into translation (and mediation) universals. A corpus-based study of text complexity in reading tests is also presented. Large-scale corpora commercially available are also discussed. An online module for translator training is presented, as is an Internet-accessible corpus of Old English poetry.
Verlag Peter Lang Hochdeutsch Im Kindergarten?: Eine Empirische Studie Zum Fruehen Hochdeutscherwerb in Der Deutschschweiz
Verlag Peter Lang Discours, Diachronie, Stylistique Du Français: Etudes En Hommage À Bernard Combettes
Verlag Peter Lang Michel Houellebecq: Author of our Times
Michel Houellebecq is a French author whose profile in the English-speaking world is unusually high. He is an author who has put the humour back into the Absurd, without losing any of the awareness of the bleakness of the human condition. Undoubtedly one of the most trenchant satirists of our time, he deflates the projected utopias that we imagine protect us from the ills that beset us. More than many other novelists, his work is a reflection of the social and economic reality of life in a post-industrial society. Houellebecq shows a world of violence and tension, a world where people find it hard to be at ease, so that life becomes a process of disease. This book foregrounds Houellebecq’s scrutiny of our various attempts to confront and transcend the fundamental reality of the human condition, in particular the horror of death.
Verlag Peter Lang Le Langage Préfabriqué: Formes, Fonctions Et Fréquences En Français Parlé L2 Et L1
Verlag Peter Lang L'Ecole de la Troisième République En Questions: Débats Et Controverses Dans Le Dictionnaire de Pédagogie de Ferdinand Buisson
Verlag Peter Lang 1955-2005: Emil Staiger Und «Die Kunst Der Interpretation» Heute
Verlag Peter Lang Un Destin de Femme - Martha Musil: L'Amante, l'Épouse, La Soeur
Verlag Peter Lang Iliade: Langue, Récit, Écriture: L'Épopée Homérique Et l'Invention de la Citoyenneté
Verlag Peter Lang John Wilmot, comte de Rochester (1647-1680) : Œuvres- John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (1647-1680): Collected Works: Edition bilingue et critique, traduction par Florence Lautel-Ribstein- Bilingual Edition and Translation by Florence Lautel-R
Première édition bilingue anglo-française de l’œuvre de John Wilmot, comte de Rochester (1647-1680), l’ouvrage qui offre un appareil critique a pour objectif de faire connaître le poète au public français tout en poursuivant l’entreprise de la réhabilitation du « méchant comte » commencée outre-Manche il y a un demi-siècle. Une longue introduction insiste sur l’environnement littéraire et philosophique du poète où les sources du mouvement européen du libertinage de pensée prennent toute leur place. Florence Lautel-Ribstein propose en outre une réflexion approfondie sur l’approche traductive de textes parfois très complexes en raison de leur caractère poétique, de leur dimension ontologique ou de leur registre parodique. Plus de quatre-vingt textes lyriques, satiriques, philosophiques ainsi qu’une tragédie forment le corpus rochesterien à la paternité quasi certaine. Ils sont présentés ici avec leur traduction en regard. Chaque œuvre est accompagnée de l’historique de la publication de ses premières versions manuscrites ou imprimées, de notes textuelles et explicatives abondantes, ainsi que d’un commentaire qui, dans certains cas, est le premier du genre. L’introduction ainsi que les notices, notes et commentaires de cette édition sont rédigés en français. The introduction to this edition, as well as the annotations and commentaries, are written in French.
Verlag Peter Lang Protest and Prayer: Rabbi Dr Solomon Schonfeld and Orthodox Jewish Responses in Britain to the Nazi Persecution of Europe's Jews 1942-1945
Verlag Peter Lang Stepping Queerly?: Discourses in Dance Education for Boys in Late 20th-Century Finland
Verlag Peter Lang L'ecriture Du Feminin Chez Zola Et Dans La Fiction Naturaliste Writing the Feminine in Zola and Naturalist Fiction
Verlag Peter Lang Postcolonial Violence, Culture and Identity in Francophone Africa and the Antilles
Verlag Peter Lang Baustelle Religion: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zum Schulischen Religionsunterricht Im Kanton Bern
Verlag Peter Lang Identités Fragmentées: Eléments Pour Une Grammaire de l'Identité
Verlag Peter Lang Trinity and Inter Faith Dialogue: Plenitude and Plurality
Verlag Peter Lang Aradhakamurti/Adhisthayakamurti - Popular Piety, Politics, and the Medieval Jain Temple Portrait
Verlag Peter Lang La Notion de Gradation: Applications Aux Adjectifs
Verlag Peter Lang Shifting Frontiers of France and Francophonie
Verlag Peter Lang Aletheia: An International Yearbook of Philosophy
Verlag Peter Lang Migration, Minderheiten Und Kulturelle Vielfalt in Der Europaeischen Jugendliteratur Migration, Minorities and Multiculturalism in European Youth Literature
Verlag Peter Lang Yvan Goll: A Bibliography of the Primary Works
Verlag Peter Lang La Formation Des Enseignant(e)S Primaires- Die Ausbildung Von Primarlehrerinnen: Histoire Et Réformes Actuelles- Geschichte Und Aktuelle Reformen
Verlag Peter Lang Reich Christi Und Obrigkeit: Eine Studie Zum Reformatorischen Denken Und Handeln Martin Bucers
Verlag Peter Lang Eine Schule Fuer Die Demokratie: Zur Entwicklung Der Volksschule in Der Schweiz Im 19. Jahrhundert
Verlag Peter Lang Philipp Albert Stapfer- Eine Biographie: Im Alten Bern Vom Ancien Régime Zur Revolution (1766-1798)
Verlag Peter Lang Symbole Im Dienste Der Darstellung Von Identitaet
Verlag Peter Lang «Ich Beswer Dich Wurm Vnd Wyrmin...»: Formen Und Typen Altdeutscher Zaubersprueche Und Segen
Verlag Peter Lang Hermynia Zur Muehlen: Eine Biographie
Verlag Peter Lang Flavius Josephus, the Zealots and Yavne: Towards a Rereading of the "War of the Jews"
Verlag Peter Lang Des Savoirs En Jeu Aux Savoirs En « Je »: Cheminements Réflexifs Et Subjectivation Des Savoirs Chez de Jeunes Enseignants En Formation