Search results for ""verlag peter lang""
Verlag Peter Lang Business, Globalization and the Common Good
Globalization and information technology are driving the world into a new era. Is it the responsibility of business to pursue the common good – and more precisely, to participate in the construction of the global common good? This book brings together contributions from various disciplines, written by scholars who are at the forefront of this debate. It provides multiple insights into a tripartite relationship: business, globalization and the common good. It helps explain why the business sphere will probably not be in a position to ignore the common good much longer, and why this latter concept, widely ignored in today’s management realm, is likely to become part of tomorrow’s corporate policies and practices in the global context. Finally, this work opens up a plethora of avenues for future research, calling for the development of transdisciplinary approaches and for the elaboration of a research program embracing theoretical, empirical and spiritual perspectives to tackle this complex issue.
Verlag Peter Lang Approches Du Roman Et Du Théâtre Missionnaires
Verlag Peter Lang The Articulation of Science in the Neo-Victorian Novel
Verlag Peter Lang Re-Shaping the Genres: Restoration Women Writers
Verlag Peter Lang Das «Prohemium Longum» Des Erfurter Kartaeuserkatalogs Aus Der Zeit Um 1475: Edition Und Untersuchung - Teil I Und II
Verlag Peter Lang Les Juifs Et Le Divorce: Droit, Histoire Et Sociologie Du Divorce Religieux- Préface de Jean Carbonnier
Verlag Peter Lang The Beautiful Oblique: Conceptions of Temporality in Tristram Shandy
Verlag Peter Lang Noch Eine Chance Fuer Die Religionsphaenomenologie?: Vol. 6/7
Verlag Peter Lang Third Level, Third Space
Verlag Peter Lang Femmes Des Premiers Siècles Chrétiens: Avec La Collaboration de Livia Neureiter- Version Française Par Gérard Poupon
Verlag Peter Lang Ueberfachliche Kompetenzen: Theoretische Grundlegung Und Empirische Erprobung Eines Indikatorensystems
Verlag Peter Lang Radikal-Konstruktivistische Paedagogik ALS Problematische Konstruktion: Eine Studie Zum Radikalen Konstruktivismus Und Seiner Anwendung in Der Paedagogik
Verlag Peter Lang Musik Hinter Stacheldraht: Tagebuchblaetter Aus Dem Sommer 1940
Verlag Peter Lang Flesh of the Soul: The Body We Work with: Selected Papers of the 7th Congress of the European Association of Body Psychotherapy, 2-6 September 1999, Travemuende
Verlag Peter Lang Futures of Education: Essays from an Interdisciplinary Symposium
Verlag Peter Lang Journal Des Malers Ludwig York Choris: Herausgegeben Und Kommentiert Von Niklaus R. Schweizer
Verlag Peter Lang Erzaehltechnik Und Verfremdung: Die Montagetechnik Und Perspektivierung in Alfred Doeblin, «Berlin Alexanderplatz» Und Franz Kafka, «Der Verschollene»
Verlag Peter Lang Countering Terrorist Financing: The practitioner’s point of view
Terrorists need money to commit acts of violence and sustain their operations. Measures to combat terrorism therefore aim to prevent terrorists from raising, moving and using funds or other assets. The effectiveness – and the fairness – of these measures were considered at the second ‘Giessbach’ seminar on counter-terrorist financing (CTF) organised by the Basel Institute on Governance in October 2008. This book contains essays presented at the seminar written by practitioners and academics with extensive experience in the field of CTF. The authors offer a diversity of views on the domestic, regional and international initiatives aimed at detecting terrorist funds in the financial system, preventing terrorists from moving their money via alternative financial channels and facilitating the recovery of terrorist assets. The editors conclude with in-sights into the ongoing challenge of making CTF measures both effective and legally sustainable in the lead-up to Giessbach III in December 2009.
Verlag Peter Lang Wendepunkte - Tournants: Beitraege Zur Klaus-Mann-Tagung Aus Anlass Seines 100. Geburtstages, Sanary-Sur-Mer 2006
Verlag Peter Lang Le Rap Français: Esthétique Et Poétique Des Textes (1990-1995)
Verlag Peter Lang Researching Language Teaching and Learning: An Integration of Practice and Theory
Never in the recent history of foreign language education have we seen so much earnest concern for the philosophies which underlie research methods. The primary force behind this concern has been the rise of a socio-cultural paradigm in foreign language education from which new ways of integrating teaching theory and practice are emerging. All but one of the papers collected in this volume were presented and discussed at the international seminar Understanding the Language Classroom and New Directions for Language Teaching Research held in Kobe, Japan, from 14 to 17 March 2007. The volume has reframed research accounts of classroom and learner issues by clarifying the powerful connections between philosophically different families of both recently developed and conventional research practices: Exploratory Practice, Action Research, Narrative Inquiry, Learner Autonomy, and Strategy-based Language Learning.
Verlag Peter Lang Entre Le Musée Et Le Marché: Heinrich Angst: Collectionneur, Marchand Et Premier Directeur Du Musée National Suisse
Verlag Peter Lang L'Afrique Est À Construire: La Responsabilité Spirituelle
Verlag Peter Lang Les Espaces Frontaliers: Laboratoires de la Citoyenneté Européenne
Verlag Peter Lang French and francophone women facing war- Les femmes face à la guerre
Historical and literary scholars have become increasingly interested in women’s roles in and approaches to war. In times of conflict, French and francophone women have made crucial contributions in aid of the patrie, but wars have also set women against the governing powers, frequently forcing them to choose between their concerns as women, and the economic and social demands of their belligerent nations. This volume, the proceedings of the 9th UK Women in French conference entitled ‘Les femmes et la guerre’, brings together scholars from different academic disciplines – history, sociology, politics, literary criticism and gender studies – who explore the impact of war upon women in French and francophone societies. Les critiques littéraires et les historiens s’intéressent de plus en plus aux rôles des femmes pendant les périodes de guerre. Les femmes françaises et francophones ont, par leurs actions cruciales, aidé la patrie en temps de guerre ; cependant, les conflits ont également opposé les femmes à leur gouvernement, en les obligeant souvent à choisir entre leurs intérêts en tant que femmes et les exigences économiques et sociales de leur pays belligérant. Ce volume, reproduisant les actes du 9e colloque britannique organisé par « Women in French », intitulé « Les femmes et la guerre », rassemble des spécialistes de diverses disciplines – histoire, sociologie, sciences politiques, critique littéraire et études de genre – pour analyser les effets de la guerre sur les femmes en France et dans les pays francophones.
Verlag Peter Lang Tackling the Intractable: Palestinian Refugees and the Search for Middle East Peace
Verlag Peter Lang Emergence Des Sciences de l'Éducation En Suisse À La Croisée de Traditions Académiques Contrastées: Fin Du 19 E - Première Moitié Du 20 E Siècle
Verlag Peter Lang Visions Croisées Franco-Allemandes de la Première Guerre Mondiale: Etude de Deux Quotidiens: La Metzer Zeitung Et l'Est Républicain
Verlag Peter Lang La Civilisation Et Ses Représentations: Etude d'Une Revue, Le Français Dans Le Monde (1961-1976)
Verlag Peter Lang «Lieber Gott, Bitte Hilf Mir. Ich Sterbe Dir Sonst Weg.»: Analyse Spaetmoderner Religiositaet Am Beispiel Von Frei Formulierten Gebetsanliegen Und Fuerbitten
Verlag Peter Lang The Politics of Senegambian Integration, 1958-1994
This study focuses on the experience in state-managed cooperation and integration between The Gambia and Senegal. Specifically, it examines the nexus between national politics in The Gambia and inter-state cooperation in Senegambia; that is, the impact and implications of politics in The Gambia on the process of cooperation with Senegal in functional areas. The Senegambia case is a microcosm of the African dilemma of reconciling the ideological imperative of African unity and regional integration, recently enshrined in the Constitutive Act of the African Union, and the primordial reality of protecting national statehood and particularistic interests. The experience is instructive in many ways. It is indicative of the problems that arise in any scheme to promote integration between countries with distinctly different colonial heritages. The Senegambia case demonstrates that integration is more problematic after statehood has been achieved, if only because the rewards of statehood are more immediate whereas those of integration and unity are more distant. Then also this case demonstrates that integration can be perceived as a threat to national sovereignty by one or both parties; in fact, sovereignty is often very fragile in these states and is jealously guarded. Finally, the experience reveals the complexities and intricacies of achieving union between African states and demonstrates the tension between constructing a national political state and responding to the demands of inter-national economic integration.
Verlag Peter Lang What is a Woman to Do?: A Reader on Women, Work and Art, c. 1830-1890
This anthology contributes to a scholarly understanding of the aesthetics and economics of female artistic labour in the Victorian period. It maps out the evolution of the Woman Question in a number of areas, including the status and suitability of artistic professions for women, their engagement with new forms of work and their changing relationship to the public sphere. The wealth of material gathered here – from autobiographies, conduct manuals, diaries, periodical articles, prefaces and travelogues – traces the extensive debate on women’s art, feminism and economics from the 1830s to the 1890s. Combining for the first time nineteenth-century criticism on literature and the visual arts, performance and craftsmanship, the selected material reveals the different ideological positions surrounding the transition of women from idleness to serious occupation. The distinctive primary sources explore the impact of artistic labour upon perceptions of feminine sensibility and aesthetics, the conflicting views of women towards the pragmatics of their own creative labour as they encompassed vocations, trades and professions, and the complex relationship between paid labour and female fame and notoriety.
Verlag Peter Lang Eastern Luminaries Disclosed to Western Eyes: A Critical Evaluation of the Translations of the "Mu‘allaqāt" into English and French (1782-2000)
This book studies and evaluates the different translations of the Mu‘allaqāt, seven canonical pre-Islamic odes, from Arabic into English and French. First, it introduces the Mu‘allaqāt and the chief controversies related to their study in both Eastern and Western scholarship. It then presents the translators of the Mu‘allaqāt and their translations and closes with two typologies of the translations and translators presented. A number of criteria for the evaluation of translations of poetry are developed. The book provides a comparative study of the English and French translations of the Mu‘allaqāt with a focus on a number of communicative priorities in the source text, based on stylistic devices that require a sound awareness of the culture of pre-Islamic Arabia, the main setting of the Mu‘allaqāt. The author assesses the reliability of the criteria of evaluation and the translatability of the Mu‘allaqāt as a text that is remote from its translators in time, in place, and with respect to literary tradition.
Verlag Peter Lang Wirklichkeit Und Literatur: Strategien Dokumentarischen Schreibens in Der Weimarer Republik
Verlag Peter Lang Light That Dances in the Mind: Photographs and Memory in the Writings of E. M. Forster and His Contemporaries
Verlag Peter Lang Witness to Pain: Essays on the Translation of Pain into Art
Verlag Peter Lang Waugh without End: New Trends in Evelyn Waugh Studies
Verlag Peter Lang Between Cross and Class: Comparative Histories of Christian Labour in Europe 1840-2000
Verlag Peter Lang Das Privatleben Der Roemischen Kaiser in Der Spaetantike: Studien Zur Personen- Und Kulturgeschichte Der Spaeten Kaiserzeit
Verlag Peter Lang Transcultural German Studies / Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Building Bridges / Bruecken bauen
To initiate its new Ph.D. Program in Transcultural German Studies, jointly offered by the University of Arizona and the University of Leipzig, the Department of German Studies at the University of Arizona organized an international conference on Transcultural German Studies in Tucson from March 29-31, 2007. Conference participants sought to define the nature of Transcultural German Studies. This new, interdisciplinary field of inquiry investigates the cultural landscapes of the German-speaking world in the light of globalization and inter- and transcultural contact. The contributions that comprise the volume are by scholars who work in a number of related fields, exploring transcultural phenomena – past and present – evident in selected literary, filmic, musical and historical texts. Zur Einführung des neuen, interdisziplinären Studiengangs Transcultural German Studies, den die University of Arizona und die Universität Leipzig gemeinsam anbieten, organisierte das Department of German Studies der University of Arizona vom 29. bis 31. März 2007 in Tucson eine internationale Konferenz. Die Teilnehmer hatten es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, das Wesen der Transcultural German Studies zu definieren und näher zu beleuchten. Dieser Band vereint ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Vorträge. Im Licht von Globalisierung sowie inter- und transkulturellen Kontakten werden Kulturlandschaften des deutschsprachigen Raumes untersucht. Wissenschaftler, die in einer Reihe von verwandten Forschungsgebieten arbeiten, nehmen literarische, filmische, musikalische und historische Texte genauer unter die Lupe und zeigen anhand dieser Texte transkulturelle Phänomene der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart auf.
Verlag Peter Lang Le Barbare: Images Phobiques Et Réflexions Sur l'Altérité Dans La Culture Européenne
Verlag Peter Lang de Stijl: Das Geometrische Ornament Und Die Monumentale Gestaltung