Search results for ""Verso""
Verso Books Verso Notebook
Following on the success of the Verso diary, Verso are now launching a new, beautifully designed notebook. Inspired by the original covers of New Left Book, the notebook is fully lined in the signature Verso red and in a handy portable size. Adding some radical to your writing.
Verso Books 2021 Verso Radical Diary
The best-selling radical diary is back!The 2021 Verso Radical Diary and Weekly Planner is a beautifully designed week-to-view planner where you can keep track of your coming year. Alongside illustrations, it features significant dates in radical history, drawn from events such as the English Civil War and Castro's victory march in Havana, and touches on the lives of characters such as Rosa Luxemburg and Gil Scott Heron, and includes movements such as #blacklivesmatter and the Suffragettes.
Verso Books Verso V Notebook
Celebrate your favourite radical publishing house with our official branded merch! The Verso V Notebook beautfully celebrates our logo, is fully lined in the signature Verso red and in a handy portable size and lined paper throughout.
Five Continents Editions Verso Reverso
This volume marks the publishing debut of the Spanish-Argentinian photographer based in Milan, Patricio Reig, and introduces one of the artist’s preferred subjects: the female portrait. Patricio Reig prints and sets his images on special oriental paper, folded over and over, and finally dipped in a bath of coffee and sodium thiosulfate. He has found the result intriguing ever since his very first experiments: fortuitous coffee stains become scars that denote each photograph, and consequently every story they tell. As he himself says: “A portrait is not the recording of a single identity, but rather the layering of many elements. For this reason, the image may be fragmented, pieced back together, or even folded over, and yet it never loses its essence.” Text in English, French and Spanish.
Latir En Verso
Latir en Verso es un poemario donde cada palabra, cada frase y cada verso ha sido escogido para el deleite del lector y lectora pretendiendo aflorar los sentimientos que todos llevamos dentro y que a veces descuidamos con el paso del tiempo. El autor ha tratado el romanticismo, como hilo conductor, con tanto respeto y sensibilidad que sus poemas dejan una estela emocional.
Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL Soñando en verso
Moderne Kunst, Verlag Fur Vik Muniz Verso
Verso suelto
Antes de cumplir quince años, Sandra Martos descubre su inclinación sexual y asiste a la separación de sus padres; dos circunstancias que la harán sentirse en desventaja con el mundo que la rodea hasta que conoce a Isa, una chica mayor que ella, que le abrirá las puertas de la vida. Desde ese momento, estará en guerra permanente con sus orígenes y buscará respuestas y cobijo fuera de la familia, en la amistad, así como en el cine y en los libros, únicos lugares donde la desolación y el desamor pueden resultar hermosos. Inconsciente de la fugacidad del tiempo, se lanzará a vivir convencida de que su inconformismo no remitirá, del poder magnético de la amistad y de algunos amores y de la durabilidad de los sentimientos, sin saber que un amigo puede ser el agua pero también el desierto.Una novela puramente humana, con más preguntas que respuestas, con una prosa realista, capaz de iluminar las zonas más oscuras de la condición humana y de matizar las más luminosas.
Verso Books 2022 Verso Radical Diary and Weekly Planner
The best-selling radical diary and weekly planner is back for the new year!The 2022 Verso Radical Diary and Weekly Planner is a beautifully designed week-to-view planner where you can keep track of your coming year. Alongside illustrations, it features significant dates in radical history, drawn from events such as the English Civil War and Black Panther movement, through to the protests of 1968 and feminist emancipation, touching on the lives of revolutionaries such as Angela Davis, Rosa Luxemburg and Martin Luther King Jr., and includes movements such as Black Lives Matter and the Suffragettes.
Verso Books Verso Radical Diary and Weekly Planner 2023
The 2023 Verso Radical Diary and Weekly Planner is a beautifully designed week-to-view planner where you can keep track of your coming year. Alongside illustrations, it features significant dates in radical history, drawn from events such as the English Civil War and Castro's victory march in Havana. It touches on the lives of characters such as Rosa Luxemburg and Gil Scott Heron, and includes movements such as #blacklivesmatter and the Suffragettes.
Word for Word Bible Comics El Evangelio de Mateo: Verso a Verso Biblica-Comic: Traduccion NVI
Word for Word Bible Comics El Libro de Rut: Verso a Verso Biblica-Comic: Traduccion NVI
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. El arte del verso
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: FilologíaSerie: PerspectivasEl arte del verso es una traducción al español del Ars Versificatoria de Mateo de Vendôme. La obra tiene el interés de ser el primero de la serie de tratados pertenecientes al ars poetriae, escritos todos ellos entre los siglos XII y XIII. Se trata de una retórica de la versificación de carácter preceptivo que pretende enseñar a escribir poemas.La teoría sobre la poesía expuesta por el autor se basa, al igual que en las otras obras del ars poetriae, en tratados de retórica y poética clásicas, especialmente De inventione de Cicerón, la Rhetorica ad Herennium y el Arte Poética de Horacio. A través de las cuatro partes en que se divide la obra ?sobre las ideas, sobre la forma de las palabras, sobre la cualidad de la expresión y sobre el tratamiento del asunto?, Mateo de Vendôme examina diferentes cuestiones relativas fundamentalmente a la invención, la disposición y la elocución.En estos capítulos se van anal
Animales en verso
Aprende un montón de curiosidades sobre los animales mientras disfrutas del lenguaje poético.Incluye un dosier para sacar el máximo provecho de los contenidos tratados en el libro.Jirafas estresadas, cuervos que leen la mente, leopardos a la moda... Viaja a las profundidades del mar, a los bosques y a las granjas con estos poemas para desatar la imaginación. Te sorprenderán y terminarás de leer con una sonrisa.
Verso Books Verso Radical Diary and Weekly Planner 2024
The 2024 Verso Radical Diary is a week-to-view planner for keeping track of the year ahead. Alongside illustrations and book excerpts, it features significant radical dates from throughout history-such as landmark events of the English Civil War and the Black Panther movement, the protests of 1968, and milestones in women's emancipation. Entries touch on the lives of revolutionaries, including Angela Davis, Rosa Luxemburg and Martin Luther King Jr.
Un verso y un reverso es un canto poético al recuerdo, al amor, a la ciudad amada, una obra que bebe directamente de la Generación del 27, cuya lírica resuena y se atisba en cada una de las estrofas de Alquimista de Palabras , pseudónimo que proyecta con gran atino la capacidad del poeta de jugar con los fonemas, de sustentar el concepto de Homo ludens que Huizinga planteaba al establecer la poesía como una de las formas de juego más antiguas del ser humano.El autor plantea en el mismo inicio de Un verso y un reverso que este es un libro de adivinanzas. No hay forma más acertada de definir a un poemario.Así como la competencia de adivinanzas genera sabiduría, así la competencia poética origina la palabra bella. ?Homo ludens, Johan Huizinga.
Ediciones Cátedra Mujer de verso en pecho
Sin ser localista, la poesía de Gloria Fuertes es una de las poesías más castizamente urbanas que tenemos. Perdura en ella su juventud sensorial y sentimental, una juventud tan prolongada como su inspiración, que permanecerá abierta como un radar de poeta en guardia. Esta edición recoge la poesía de los últimos años.
ANAYA INFANTIL Y JUVENIL Versos piratas piratas en verso
Word for Word Bible Comics El Libro de Jonas: Verso a Verso Biblica-Comic: Traduccion NVI
Libros de la Resistencia Un curso sobre verso libre
Fbulas en verso InfantilJuvenil
Fábulas en verso originales se publicó por primera vez en 1851 y fue de inmediato seleccionado texto oficial en las escuelas de primera enseñanza. En esta obra de sus primeros años de producción literaria, la autora utiliza personajes humanos, animales o simplemente le da voz a las sustancias y objetos inanimados para representar los valores morales de su ideología y su preocupación por la educación y los avances sociales. En la fábula titulada El hierro y el topacio, el hierro pregunta por qué teniendo él un mayor valor utilitario es más apreciado el topacio, a lo que este le responde: Una sencilla verdad // Te dará la explicación: // Tu sirves a la razón, // Yo sirvo a la vanidad. // Fijos dos hechos verás // Aunque de justicia ajenos, // Que la razón paga menos, // La vanidad paga más.
Entorno Gráfico J.A.R.D. 2006, S.L. La luna en verso
Moderne Kunst, Verlag Fur Bernard Voïta Recto Verso
Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw Andrzej Wróblewski: Recto / Verso
One of Poland's most important and independent postwar artists, Andrzej Wroblewski (1927-57) created in his short life his own highly individual, suggestive, and prolific form of abstract and figurative painting that continues to inspire artists today. This volume offers a stunning presentation and thorough reevaluation of his work and its legacy in the international context of art history. Offering an insightful picture of the world of postwar painting in communist Europe, and highlighting Wroblewski's political engagement, the book helps us to understand the immensely evocative vision of war and oppression that he created. This close look at a painter and a period that are of growing interest for international art historians will serve to further cement Wroblewski in the postwar pantheon.
Hartmann Projects Guido Guidi, Gerry Johansson: Verso Nord
Verso Books The Verso Book of Feminism: Revolutionary Words from Four Millennia of Rebellion
Throughout written history and across the world, women have protested the restrictions of gender and the limitations placed on women's bodies and women's lives. People-of any and no gender-have protested and theorized, penned manifestos and written poetry and songs, testified and lobbied, gone on strike and fomented revolution, quietly demanded that there is an "I" and loudly proclaimed that there is a "we." The Book of Feminism chronicles this history of defiance and tracks it around the world as it develops into a multivocal and unabashed force.Global in scope, The Book of Feminism shows the breadth of feminist protest and of feminist thinking, moving through the female poets of China's Tang Dynasty to accounts of indigenous women in the Caribbean resisting Columbus's expedition, British suffragists militating for the vote to the revolutionary petroleuses of the 1848 Paris Commune, the first century Trung sisters who fought for the independence of Nam Viet to women in 1980s Botswana fighting for equal protection under the law, from the erotica of the 6th century and the 19th century to radical queer politics in the 20th and 21st.The Book of Feminism is a weapon, a force, a lyrical cry, and an ongoing threat to misogyny everywhere.
Prh Grupo Editorial La Luna en verso The Moon in Verse
Editorial Fundamentos Dramaturgia y práctica escénica del verso clásico español
Paperblanks Blue Velvet Mini Verso 12-month Dayplanner 2024
Our Blue Velvet design is inspired by a piece of a 15th-century velvet dalmatic. It is decorated in brocaded gilt metal thread with a seven-lobed shield, an artichoke-like botanical shape and tiny floral patterns.
Buske Helmut Verlag GmbH Per il verso giusto bungsbuch fr fortgeschrittene Italienischlernende
Paperblanks Terrene (Medina Mystic) Midi Verso 12-month Dayplanner 2024
This lovely, organic pattern comes from the illustrious carpet-making traditions of the Moldavian people. By mixing ideals of beauty and harmony with folk mysticism and mythology, Moldavian craftspeople elevate everyday carpets to works of spiritual and cultural expression. This particular design comes from a contemporary rug manufacturer, Floare Carpet, who design their floor coverings in the traditional ways.
Creative Media Partners, LLC Un Ingls Comedia En Un Acto Y En Verso
Creative Media Partners, LLC Un Ingls Comedia En Un Acto Y En Verso
Van Siclen Books Les transcriptions des papyrus hieratiques nos. 1116 A Verso et 1116 B Verso de lErmitage imperial a StPetersbourg
Paperblanks Tropical Garden (Nature Montages) Midi Verso 12-month Dayplanner 2024
A lifelong artist, Gary Grayson’s affinity for both antique prints and modern graphic design is on display in the digital artwork behind this cover. His distinctive style is an eclectic mix of vintage vector, impressionism and pop art.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Cuentos en verso para niños perversos / Revolting Rhymes: COLECCIoN DAHL
Paperblanks Granada Turquoise (Moorish Mosaic) Ultra Verso 12-month Dayplanner 2024
Photographer Gérard Degeorge has travelled the world, capturing grand pieces of architectural design through the scope of his lens. This cover design comes from his vast collection of photography and is reminiscent of the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. The geometric pattern, floral design and arabesque setting are all suggestive of the art and architecture styles found in the western Islamic world.
Paperblanks Diamond Jubilee (Sangorski & Sutcliffe) Ultra Verso 12-month Dayplanner 2024
This glorious design comes from Sangorski & Sutcliffe, a world-renowned British bindery best known for their bejewelled cover of Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat. Established in London in 1901, Sangorski & Sutcliffe quickly rose to become one of the 20th century’s most important bookbinders. They were especially celebrated for their jewelled bindings, like the one reproduced here. Originally crafted in 1922 to house Rudyard Kipling’s 1897 “Recessional” poem written for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, it incorporated real turquoise, aquamarine and ruby gemstones, alongside medieval-style illumination by Alberto Sangorski and gold tooling by George Sutcliffe.
Paperblanks Inkblot (Old Leather Collection) Midi Verso 12-month Dayplanner 2024
Capturing the flavour of Renaissance-style binding at its zenith, this intricately embellished book cover is unique, tactile and so very pleasing to the eye. During this remarkable period in history, manuscripts were renowned for their exquisitely crafted covers made of fine moroccan leather. Brought into Europe via the flourishing trade routes to the Far and Middle East, this style of ornamentation lent a new vibrancy and lightness of design not found in medieval manuscripts.
Paperblanks Arabica (Old Leather Collection) Ultra Verso 12-month Dayplanner 2024
Capturing the flavour of Renaissance-style binding at its zenith, this intricately embellished book cover is unique, tactile and so very pleasing to the eye. During this remarkable period in history, manuscripts were renowned for their exquisitely crafted covers made of fine moroccan leather. Brought into Europe via the flourishing trade routes to the Far and Middle East, this style of ornamentation lent a new vibrancy and lightness of design not found in medieval manuscripts.
Paperblanks Granada Turquoise (Moorish Mosaic) Midi Verso 12-month Dayplanner 2024
Photographer Gérard Degeorge has travelled the world, capturing grand pieces of architectural design through the scope of his lens. This cover design comes from his vast collection of photography and is reminiscent of the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. The geometric pattern, floral design and arabesque setting are all suggestive of the art and architecture styles found in the western Islamic world.
Verso Books The Verso Book of Dissent: Revolutionary Words from Three Millennia of Rebellion and Resistance
Throughout the ages and across every continent, people have struggled against those in power and raised their voices in protest-rallying others around them or, sometimes, inspiring uprisings many years later. This anthology, global in scope, presents voices of dissent from every era of human history: speeches and pamphlets, poems and songs, plays and manifestos. Every age has its iconoclasts, and yet the greatest among them build on the words and actions of their forerunners. The Verso Book of Dissent should be in the arsenal of every rebel who understands that words and ideas are the ultimate weapons.