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John Wiley & Sons Inc The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds
The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds A comprehensive introduction to the identification of unknown organic compounds Identifying unknown compounds is one of the most important parts of the study of chemistry. From basic characteristics such as melting and/or boiling point to more complex data generated through cutting-edge techniques, the range of possible methods for identifying unknown organic compounds is substantial. The utility of a research reference which compiles known techniques and characteristics of possible compounds is clear. The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds provides such a reference, designed to teach a hands-on approach in the chemistry lab. It takes readers step-by-step through the process of identifying an unknown compound and elucidating its structure from infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectra in addition to solubility characteristics, melting point, boiling point, and classification tests. The result is an essential overview for advanced chemistry students looking to understand this exciting area of laboratory work. Readers of the ninth edition of The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds will also find: A detailed chapter on safety, personal protection equipment, chemical storage, safety data sheets, and other safety concerns New NMR, IR, and mass spectra with detailed explanations on interpretation Questions at the end of each chapter designed to facilitate and reinforce progression, keyed to a companion website for instructors Tables of known compounds including data relevant for identification Companion website with structural problems from experimental data for students to practice how to reason and solve The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds is a useful reference for advanced undergraduates and graduate students studying organic chemistry, organic spectroscopy, and related subjects.
Facet Publishing Coding with XML for Efficiencies in Cataloging and Metadata: Practical applications of XSD, XSLT, and XQuery
This practical guide will be essential reading for all those needing to come up to speed quickly on XML and how it is used by libraries today. XML and its ancillary technologies XSD, XSLT and XQuery enables librarians to take advantage of powerful, XML-aware applications, facilitates the interoperability and sharing of XML metadata, and makes it possible to realize the full promise of XML to support more powerful and more efficient library cataloguing and metadata workflows. While by no means the only technology arrow in a modern-day cataloguer’s or metadata librarian’s knowledge and skills quiver, a firm understanding of XML remains relevant and helpful for those working in modern bibliographic control or with information discovery services. Even experienced cataloguers who know their way around the tags and strings of a MARC record occasionally need help and advice when creating metadata for sharing bibliographic records or digital collections on the web. This handbook from the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) illustrates with examples how XML and associated technologies can be used to edit metadata at scale, streamline and scale up metadata and cataloguing workflows and to extract, manipulate, and construct MARC records and other formats and types of library metadata. Containing 58 sample coding examples throughout, the book covers: essential background information, with a quick review of XML basics transforming XML metadata in HTML schema languages and workflows for XML validation an introduction to XPath and XSLT cataloguing workflows using XSLT the basics of XQuery, including use cases and XQuery expressions and functions working with strings and sequences, including regular expressions. This handbook will be useful reading for cataloguers of all levels of experience how to code for efficiencies. It will also be important reading for students taking Library and Information Science courses, particularly in cataloguing and information organization and retrieval.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Stellvertretung: Studien zur theologischen Anthropologie
Menschliches Leben bedarf der Stellvertretung. Eltern treten für ihre Kinder ein, diese dann umgekehrt für ihre alt oder krank werdenden Eltern, Freunde für einander, wieder anders Liebespaare. In funktionierenden Demokratien vertreten Abgeordnete die Bevölkerung. Auch elementare Äußerungen christlichen Lebens sind wesentlich Stellvertretung, etwa diakonisches Handeln oder das stellvertretende Bittgebet. Nach biblischem Zeugnis tritt Gott für sein Volk und für einzelne Menschen ein, um ihnen Gemeinschaft mit sich zu gewähren und sie in seine Nähe zu führen. Zugleich zeigen sich hier besondere Schwierigkeiten des Verstehens, weil unter anderem die Semantiken des Opfers und des stellvertretenden Leidens Jesu Christi aufgerufen sind, die nicht selten mit Empörung zurückgewiesen werden. Martin Hailer bietet für die komplexe Sachlage der Stellvertretungsthematik zweierlei: Zum einen wird die Rede von der Stellvertretung Gottes für Menschen entfaltet und nicht zuletzt durch ausführliche Bezugnahmen auf die klassischen Passagen Lev 16 und Röm 3,21-25 diskutiert. Zum anderen wird eine Reihe von Konkretionen zwischenmenschlicher Stellvertretung in theologischer Perspektive vorgestellt, unter ihnen Liebe, Freundschaft, das Phänomen des Vorbilds, Lehren/Lernen und das Gebet füreinander. Stellvertretung zeigt sich in all diesen Facetten als unverzichtbares Element einer theologischen Anthropologie.
Facet Publishing Know it All, Find it Fast for Youth Librarians and Teachers
A brand new version of the best-selling enquiry desk reference text, Know it All, Find it Fast. Specifically designed for those working with children and young people in schools, public libraries and at home.Including an invaluable overview of the education system and the school curriculum as well as a comprehensive listing of useful resources by topic, this A-Z covers school subjects from science and maths to reading and literacy, and more general themes such as children's health, wellbeing and hobbiesEach topic is broken down into useful sections that will help to guide your response; • Typical questions outline common queries such as ‘Have you got any information about volcanoes?’• Considerations provides useful hints and tips i.e. ‘Geography now encompasses not only physical and human geography but also environmental geography, social geography, geology and geopolitics.’• Where to look lists relevant printed, digital and online resources with useful annotations explaining their scope and strengths Readership: This is the must-have quick reference tool arming librarians and teachers with the knowledge to deal with any queries thrown at them from children and young people as well as their parents and caregivers. It will also be a handy reference for parents and anyone working with children and young people in other organizations such as homework clubs and youth workers.
Facet Publishing Home-School Learning Resources: A Guide for Home-Educators, Teachers, Parents and Librarians
Home-School Learning Resources is a practical guide that will help teachers, parents, home educators and librarians to locate useful, quality-tested websites that offer resources for enhanced curriculum learning and related fun activities for children and young people aged 4-16. The book allows users to locate resources quickly and easily, with cross references made between subjects and handy tips for further exploration & discovery. It offers the opportunity for a holistic approach to educating children and enhancing their development. The book presents a range of UK resources as well as relevant international ones listed by subject, covering all areas of the UK curriculum as well as general knowledge, interests and leisure time.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Women and Death 2: Warlike Women in the German Literary and Cultural Imagination since 1500
Explores both constants and changes in representations of warlike and violent women in German culture over the past six centuries. Warlike women are a recurring phenomenon in German literature and culture since 1500. Amazons, terrorists, warrior women -- this volume of essays by leading scholars from the UK and Germany analyzes ideas and portrayals of these figures in the visual arts, society, media, and scholarship, always against the backdrop of Germany's development as a culture and as a nation. The contributors look for patterns in the historical portrayal of warlike women, askingthe questions: What cultural signals are sent when women are shown occupying men's spaces by dressing as warriors or in men's clothing? What can legitimize the woman who bears arms? From what is the erotic potential of images linking women and violence derived? Have recent feminist thought and political developments changed representations of warlike women? Contributors: Bettina Brandt, Sarah Colvin, Mererid Puw Davies, Peter Davies, ChristineEifler, Ute Frevert, Kathrin Hoffmann-Curtius, Ritchie Robertson, Daria Santini, Ruth Seifert, Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly. Sarah Colvin is Eudo C. Mason Chair of German at the University of Edinburgh. Helen Watanabe-O'Kellyis Professor of German at Oxford University and Fellow and Tutor of Exeter College, Oxford.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Lipid Signaling in Plants
Phospholipidshavelongbeenknownfortheirkeyroleinmaintainingthebilayer structureofmembranesandinphysicallyseparatingthecytosolfromorganelles andtheextracellularspace. Inthepastdecade,acompletelynovelandunexpected functionemerged,full?llingacrucialroleincellsignaling. Itwasthediscoveryin animalcells,thatagonist-activatedcellsurfacereceptorsledtotheactivationofa phospholipase C (PLC), to hydrolyze the minor lipid, phosphatidylinositol 4- bisphosphateintotwosecondmessengers,inositol1,4,5-trisphosphate(InsP)and 3 2+ diacylglycerol(DAG). WhileInsP diffusesintothecytosol,whereitreleasesCa 3 2+ from an intracellular store by activating a ligand-gated Ca -channel, DAG remainsinthemembranetorecruitandactivatemembersoftheproteinkinase Cfamily. Overtheyears,avarietyofotherlipidbased-signalingcascadesweredisc- ered. Theseinclude,phospholipaseA,generatinglyso-phospholipidsandfreefatty acids(tobeconvertedintoprostaglandinsandleukotrienes),phospholipaseD,to generatethelipidsecondmessenger,phosphatidicacid(PA),andphosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), generating a distinct set of polyphosphoinositides (PPI) ph- phorylated at the D3-position of the inositol ring, all with separate signaling functions. Sphingolipids,representinganotherimportantgroupofsignalinglipids, alsocameacross. Themajorityoftheselipid-basedsignalingpathwayshavebeendiscoveredin plantcellstoo. Moreover,theyhavebeenfoundtobeactivatedinresponsetoa widevarietyofbioticandabioticstresssignals,butalsotobebasicallyinvolvedin plantgrowthanddevelopment. Whilemanyoftheenzymes,lipids,andtheirtargets involved arewell conserved, major differences with the mammalian paradigms havealsoemerged. Thisbookhighlightsthecurrentstatusofplantlipidsignaling. Allchaptershave beenwrittenbyexpertsinthe?eldandcoverinformationforbothbeginnersand advancedlipidologists. PartIincludesphospholipases(Chaps. 1-3),partII,lipid kinases (Chaps. 4-7), part III, lipid phosphatases (Chaps. 8-9), part IV, ix x Preface inositolphosphates and PPI metabolism (Chaps. 10-13), part V, PA signaling (Chaps. 14-17),andpartVI,additionallipidsignals,e. g. oxylipins,NAPEand sphingolipids(Chaps18-20). Ithasbeenagreatpleasuretobetheeditorofthis bookandtobeawitnessofthislipid-signalingadventure. Amsterdam,June2009 TeunMunnik Contents PartI Phospholipases PhospholipaseAinPlantSignalTransduction...3 Gu..ntherF. E. Scherer TheEmergingRolesofPhospholipaseCinPlantGrowth andDevelopment...23 PeterE. DowdandSimonGilroy PlantPhospholipaseD...39 WenhuaZhang,XiaoboWan,YueyunHong,WeiqiLi,andXueminWang PartII Kinases Phosphatidylinositol4-PhosphateisRequiredforTip GrowthinArabidopsisthaliana ...65 AmyL. SzumlanskiandErikNielsen PIP-KinasesasKeyRegulatorsofPlantFunction ...79 TillIschebeckandIngoHeilmann PlantPhosphatidylinositol3-Kinase...95 YureeLee,TeunMunnik,andYoungsookLee DiacylglycerolKinase...107 StevenA. AriszandTeunMunnik xi xii Contents PartIII Phosphatases SignalingandthePolyphosphoinositidePhosphatasesfromPlants ...117 GlendaE. Gillaspy PhosphatidicAcidPhosphatasesinSeedPlants...131 YukiNakamuraandHiroyukiOhta PartIV PPIMetabolism InsP inPlantCells ...145 3 YangJuIm,BrianQPhillippy,andImaraYPerera InositolPolyphosphatesandKinases...161 JillStevenson-PaulikandBrianQ. Phillippy PhosphoinositidesandPlantCellWallSynthesis ...175 RuiqinZhong,RyanL. McCarthy,andZheng-HuaYe ImagingLipidsinLivingPlants ...185 JoopE. M. VermeerandTeunMunnik PartV PASignaling PhosphatidicAcid:AnElectrostatic/Hydrogen-BondSwitch?...2 03 EdgarEduardKooijmanandChristaTesterink NitricOxideandPhosphatidicAcidSignalinginPlants...223 AyelenM. Diste'fano,M. LucianaLanteri,ArjentenHave, CarlosGarc?'a-Mata,LorenzoLamattina,andAnaM. Laxalt 3-Phosphoinositide-DependentProteinKinaseisaSwitchboard fromSignalingLipidstoProteinPhosphorylationCascades...243 ChristineZalejskiandLa'szlo'Bo..gre PartVI AdditionalLipidSignals DiacylglycerolPyrophosphate,ANovelPlantSignalingLipid...263 EmmanuelleJeannette,SophieParadis,andChristineZalejski OxylipinSignalingandPlantGrowth...277 AlinaMosblech,IvoFeussner,andIngoHeilmann Contents xiii FattyAcidAmideHydrolaseandtheMetabolismof N-AcylethanolamineLipidMediatorsinPlants...293 KentD. ChapmanandElisonB. Blanca?or SphingolipidSignalinginPlants...307 LouiseV. MichaelsonandJohnathanA. Napier Index ...323 Contributors Steven A. Arisz Section Plant Physiology, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences,UniversityofAmsterdam,SciencePark904,NL-1098XH,Amsterdam, TheNetherlands ElisonB. Blanca?or SamuelRobertsNobleFoundation,PlantBiologyDivision, Ardmore,OK73401,USA,eblanca?or@noble.