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Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Pompo: The Cinephile Vol. 1
Film set chaos, creative slumps, and nervous amateur actors--this critically acclaimed manga series about the passion (and pitfalls) that goes into making films is now an animated film itself!Gene Fini is a nervous, but devoted film fanatic working in the movie capital of Nyallywood, running errands for the baby-faced movie producer Joelle Davidovich "Pompo" Pomponette. When Pompo starts working on a new project, she gives Gene the opportunity of a lifetime. Can he prove that his passion for watching movies is matched only by his talent for filming them? Or will Gene's dreams of cinematic greatness wither, as he spends the rest of his life making coffee runs instead of movies?
Johns Hopkins University Press Motorcycle: Evolution, Design, Passion
This is the definitive, comprehensive guide to motorcycle design. Tapping a deep well of knowledge and a lifetime of experience, motorcycle racer and historian Mick Walker sheds light on the evolution of one of the world's ultimate status symbols and style icons-a development owing as much to history, politics, and technology as it does to image, lifestyle, and design. In a survey that ranges from the late nineteenth-century pioneers like Gottlieb Daimler and Hildebrand & Wolfmuller to present-day manufacturers-Harley Davidson, Ducati, Honda, BMW, Aprilia, and Triumph-Walker sets each model within its historical context and outlines the main technological and stylistic innovations that make each bike unique.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Inquisition Lane
Matthew Sweeney's eleventh collection of poems is haunted by mortality, by other worlds and far-flung places, by visitations and violent events like the Spanish Inquisition. The poems are imaginative riffs featuring troubling companions and troublesome thoughts: ghosts and spirits, anger and guilt, crows and horses, a runaway calf and a footballing elephant. And yet amid the outlandish adventures and macabre musings in Inquisition Lane, other notes are also sounded: the poems can be lyrical as well as exuberant, saddened as well as extravagant. Dear friends are remembered. Faith is questioned. The Catholic Church is interrogated. German monks zoom by on Harley-Davidsons and chocolate is mined by French monks beneath the Madeleine in Paris.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Meaning
Meaning brings together some of the most significant philosophical work on linguistic representation and understanding, presenting canonical essays on core questions in the philosophy of language. Brings together essential readings which define and advance the literature on linguistic representation and understanding. Examines key topics in philosophy of language, including analyticity; translational indeterminacy; theories of reference; meaning as use; the nature of linguistic competence; truth and meaning; and relations between semantics and metaphysics. Includes classic articles by key figures such as Frege, Quine, Putnam, Kripke, and Davidson; and recent reactions to this work by philosophers including Mark Wilson, Scott Soames, James Higginbotham, Frank Jackson, Alex Byrne, and Paul Bogohossian.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
‘Will you, Severus, watch over my son Draco as he attempts to fulfil the Dark Lord’s wishes?’ Narcissa Malfoy Suspicion and fear blow through the wizarding world as news of the Dark Lord’s attack on the Ministry of Magic spreads. Harry has not told anyone about the future predicted by the prophecy in the Department of Mysteries, nor how deeply what happened to Sirius Black affected him. He’s desperate for Professor Dumbledore to arrive and take him away from the Dursley’s – but Hogwarts may not be the safe haven from Voldemort’s Dark Forces that it once was. In his sixth year, the names Black, Malfoy, Lestrange and Snape will haunt Harry with shades of trust and treachery as he discovers the secret behind the mysterious Half-Blood Prince – and Dumbledore prepares him to face his own terrifying destiny. These adult editions have been stylishly redesigned to showcase Andrew Davidson’s beautiful woodcut cover artwork.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter is preparing to leave the Dursleys and Privet Drive for the last time. But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him – and Harry has already lost so much. Only by destroying Voldemort’s remaining Horcruxes can Harry free himself and overcome the Dark Lord’s forces of evil. In this dramatic conclusion to the Harry Potter series, Harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the will to face his terrifying destiny: a deadly confrontation that is his alone to fight. These adult editions with glorious jacket art by Andrew Davidson are now available in hardback for the first time.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Stress in the Workplace: Past, Present and Future
This book consists of nine chapters written by internationally known and respected research workers. Lennart Levi presents a psychosocial framework for understanding sickness and health in the workplace. James Campbell Quick, Debra Nelson and Jonathan Quick give an account of their research with executives in industry and the US Air Force. Tores Theorell focusses his research on the increasing demands on workers and the reducing control they have over their working lives. Johannes Siegrist is also concerned with imbalance – in this case between effort and reward at work. Susan Cartwright and Sheila Penchal report on the effects of the increase of mergers and acquisitions in the 1990’s. Howard Khan’s focus is the stress of working for clearing banks, merchant banks and foreign owned banks in London and New York. Sandra Fielden and Lyn Davidson present evidence of the sources of stress of women in managerial positions. Cheryl Traver’s analysis of the rising costs of teacher stress is very relevant for policy makers and mangers. Michiel Kompier and Tage Kristensen make recommendations for planning and implementing stress management strategies in the workplace.
Fordham University Press Sometimes Always True: Undogmatic Pluralism in Politics, Metaphysics, and Epistemology
Sometimes Always True aims to resolve three connected problems. First, we need an undogmatic pluralist standpoint in political theory, metaphysics, and epistemology. But genuine pluralism suffers from the contradiction that making room for fundamental differences in outlook means making room for outlooks that exclude pluralism. Second, philosophy involves reflecting on the world and meaning as a whole, yet this means adopting a vantage point in some way outside of meaning. Third, our lived experience of the sense of our lives similarly undermines its own sense, as it involves having a vantage point in some way wholly outside ourselves. In detailed engagement with, among others, Davidson, Rorty, Heidegger, Foucault, Wilde, and gender and sexuality theory, the book argues that these contradictions are so thoroughgoing that, like the liar’s paradox, they cancel the bases of their own meaning. Consequently, it argues, they resolve themselves and do so in a way that produces a vantage point on these issues that is not dogmatically circular because it is, workably, both within and outside these issues’ sense. The solution to a genuinely undogmatic pluralism, then, is to enter into these contradictions and the process of their self-resolution.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Empirical Macroeconomics
This comprehensive Handbook presents the current state of art in the theory and methodology of macroeconomic data analysis. It is intended as a reference for graduate students and researchers interested in exploring new methodologies, but can also be employed as a graduate text. The Handbook concentrates on the most important issues, models and techniques for research in macroeconomics, and highlights the core methodologies and their empirical application in an accessible manner. Each chapter is largely self-contained, whilst the comprehensive introduction provides an overview of the key statistical concepts and methods. All of the chapters include the essential references for each topic and provide a sound guide for further reading.Topics covered include unit roots, non-linearities and structural breaks, time aggregation, forecasting, the Kalman filter, generalized method of moments, maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation, vector autoregressive, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium and dynamic panel models. Presenting the most important models and techniques for empirical research, this Handbook will appeal to students, researchers and academics working in empirical macroeconomics and econometrics.Contributors: B.H. Baltagi, L. Bauwens, O. Boldea, J. Breitung, C. Cantore, M.J. Chambers, I. Choi, J. Davidson, V.J. Gabriel, R. Giacomini, P. Gomme, J. Gonzalo, P.A. Guerrón-Quintana, N. Haldrup, A.R. Hall, N. Hashimzade, M. Karanasos, L. Kilian, S. Kim, D. Korobilis, R. Kruse, P. Levine, D. Lkhagvasuren, A. Luati, H. Lütkepohl, J. Madeira, T.C. Mills, J.M. Nason, K. Patterson, J. Pearlman, J.-Y. Pitarakis, D.S.G. Pollock, T. Proietti, B. Rossi, F.J. Ruge-Murcia, T. Teräsvirta, M.A. Thornton, R.T. Varneskov, B. Yang, N. Zeng
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls
A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls presents a comprehensive overview of the historical development of all major aspects of analytic philosophy, the dominant Anglo-American philosophical tradition in the twentieth century. Features coverage of all the major subject areas and figures in analytic philosophy - including Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell, G.E. Moore, Gottlob Frege, Carnap, Quine, Davidson, Kripke, Putnam, and many others Contains explanatory background material to help make clear technical philosophical concepts Includes listings of suggested further readings Written in a clear, direct style that presupposes little previous knowledge of philosophy
University of Texas Press Shadowed Ground: America’s Landscapes of Violence and Tragedy
Winner, John Brinckerhoff Jackson Prize, Association of American Geographers, 1997Shadowed Ground explores how and why Americans have memorialized—or not—the sites of tragic and violent events spanning three centuries of history and every region of the country. For this revised edition, Kenneth Foote has written a new concluding chapter that looks at the evolving responses to recent acts of violence and terror, including the destruction of the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Columbine High School massacre, and the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Charlotte Perkins Gilman [pb]: The Woman and Her Work
This collection of essays, edited by Sheryl L. Meyering and with a foreword by Cathy N. Davidson, maps a way for readers to approach Charolotte Perkins Gilman's large body of fiction and poetry. In addition to providing biographical background they treat the fundamental ideas Gilman developed through her work: the need for women to do "meaningful work" outside the home, the conflict suffered by the woman artist, and the depression and breakdown frequentlyresulting from that conflict. Sheryl L. Meyering is Emerita Professor of English at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.
Simon & Schuster Soulbbatical
Part memoir, part manifesto, Soulbbatical is an invitation to become Chief Soul Officer of your own life—and to open up a whole new world of possibility.Former Harley-Davidson executive Shelley Paxton walked away at the peak of her twenty-six-year marketing career and embarked on a profoundly personal journey to reconnect with her true purpose and deepest desires. Her “Soulbbatical,” not only changed her life, it became her calling. Paxton had a wildly successful life by most definitions—iconic brands, executive titles, and a globe-trotting career that took her to over sixty countries. She had one of the coolest jobs in the world yet couldn’t shake the feeling that she had lost something along the way. Something was missing. In Soulbbatical, Shelley shares the sometimes harrowing, often hilarious journey through the illness, divorce, addiction, and tragedy that finally woke her up. Suddenly she was rebelling for
Big Finish Productions Ltd Torchwood: God Among Us Part 3
Big Finish picks up the events after Miracle Day, after Aliens Among Us with Torchwood: God Among Us. Cardiff is recovering from a catastrophe. Torchwood find themselves up against the Disaster Recovery Committee –instead of putting the city back on its feet, it seems to be preparing for something worse. There’s a conspiracy to be exposed, a mythical monster becomes real, fights are breaking out over drinking water, and Jack Harkness is getting ready for the end of the world. 9. A Mother’s Son by Alexandria Riley. Cardiff has suffered a catastrophic flood. Dozens are still missing. Survivors fill camps across the city. An inquiry has been set up to find out what happened.10.ScrapeJane by Robin Bell. ScrapeJane is a myth. A monster made up by an urban explorer. A monster that’s caught on. A monster with forums, with merch, with a book deal. A monster that people have started to believe in. A monster that’s started killing. 11. Day Zero by Tim Foley. They’ve been warning about it for ages. Poisonous mould in the water supply. But it’s finally got out of hand. It’s day zero –the day Cardiff runs out of drinking water. 12.Thoughts and Prayers by James Goss. Cardiff lies broken. Torchwood’s leaders are either arrested or dead. In a storage unit something forgotten has been reborn. And underneath the city, a terrible impossibility has been built. CAST: John Barrowman(Captain Jack Harkness),Tracy-Ann Oberman (Yvonne Hartman),Alexandria Riley(Ng), Paul Clayton(Mr Colchester), Samantha Béart (Orr), Jonny Green (Tyler Steele), Tom Price (Andy Davidson) ,Ramon Tikaram (Colin Colchester-Price), Jacqueline King (God), Mina Anwar (Bethan), Tariq Ali (Lead Counsel), Elian West (Louise), Aaron Anthony (Anthony), Francois Pandolfo (News Researcher), Abbie Hern (Niamh), Peter Heenan (Jeff), Ri Richards (Meredith Pope), Taj Atwa l(Sal), Laura Dalgleish (Faye), Timothy Blore (Security Guard), William Kirk (Bay Soldier), Harry Heap (Angry Boy), Gabin Kongolo (Angry Man). Other parts played by members of the cast. NOTE: TORCHWOOD CONTAINS ADULT MATERIAL AND IS NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNGER LISTENERS.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Unity and Struggle
One of the world''s greatest revolutionary leaders, Amílcar Cabral''s long and arduous campaign for the liberation of Portuguese-dominated Africa is explored in this vivid compilation of his most influential speeches and writings.Unity and Struggle is the compelling account of Amílcar Cabral''s fight against imperialism, discrimination and injustice, as well as his progressive advocacy for religious toleration and gender equality all of which combined to make him one of Africa''s foremost political leaders.Introduction by Basil Davidson.''One of the most lucid and brilliant leaders in Africa'' Fidel Castro ''Figures like Amílcar Cabral... helped us to imagine the horizons of freedom in far broader terms than were available to us through what we now call civil rights discourse.'' Angela Davis
B de Bolsillo (Ediciones B) Un ángel en una Harley
La autora de Dios vuelve en una Harley nos sorprende con una nueva aventura que dejará huella en el corazón de los lectores.Cautelosa y conservadora, Molly Driscoll sigue trabajando en el mismo hospital en el que completó su formación como enfermera hace más de una década. Cuando a su ex marido, Jason, le diagnostican un cáncer, Molly le propone un trato: si él acepta someterse a una quimioterapia, ella hará un cambio radical en su propia vida.Él acepta, y Molly abandona el trabajo, cambia su coche por una motocicleta Harley Davidson y se convierte en enfermera itinerante.A lo largo del camino, Molly se enfrentará a difíciles pruebas, vivirá momentos extraños y tiernos con sus pacientes, topará con un posible acosador y conocerá a un compañero muy peculiar.Ralph es,como ella, un enfermero itinerante y un fan de la moto americana por excelencia. Pero, además, asegura ser un ángel.
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Pompo: The Cinephile Vol. 3
Gene Fini, a production assistant and film fanatic in the movie capital Nyallywood, has been working on popcorn films with the baby-faced movie producer Joelle Davidovich 'Pompo' Pomponette. One day, Gene finds a script written by Pompo and is blown away. When he says it deserves to be made, Pompo challenges him to do it himself - and now Gene is officially directing his first feature film! The hours are long and the challenges are endless, but Gene's passion for movies will fuel him through the gauntlet of making his own. This critically acclaimed manga about film-making that started on the online platform pixiv is now an anime feature film itself!
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
‘Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded’ Lord Voldemort Harry Potter is preparing to leave the Dursleys and Privet Drive for the last time. But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him – and Harry has already lost so much. Only by destroying Voldemort’s remaining Horcruxes can Harry free himself and overcome the Dark Lord’s forces of evil. In this dramatic conclusion to the Harry Potter series, Harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the will to face his terrifying destiny: a deadly confrontation that is his alone to fight. These adult editions have been stylishly redesigned to showcase Andrew Davidson’s beautiful woodcut cover artwork.
HENI Publishing Nomos Alpha
Nomos Alpha features 20 pen drawings (each 27.5 x 22.5 cm) from the book R, published by Swiss Re in 2006. Conceived on the occasion of the Korean Cultural Centre UK's 2016 Artist of the Year exhibition Koo Jeong A: Riptide (7 October–19 November 2016), Nomos Alpha features the 20 exhibited works by the artist. Curated by Je Yun Moon, Riptide included artistic responses to Koo Jeong A's drawings by Kyung Roh Bannwart, Melissa Dubbin & Aaron S. Davidson, Yva Jung, Hanqing Ma & Mona Yoo, Martin Roth and Matthias Sohr. Signed and numbered on a bespoke embossed back cover, the book is published in a limited edition run of 500. Beautifully produced on extra thick paper with a semi-translucent jacket, this little book is a work of art in itself. Koo Jeong A's wonderful, often humorous drawings recall childlike simplicity yet express an underlying complexity.
New York University Press Religion Is Raced: Understanding American Religion in the Twenty-First Century
Demonstrates how race and power help to explain American religion in the twenty-first century When White people of faith act in a particular way, their motivations are almost always attributed to their religious orientation. Yet when religious people of color act in a particular way, their motivations are usually attributed to their racial positioning. Religion Is Raced makes the case that religion in America has generally been understood in ways that center White Christian experiences of religion, and argues that all religion must be acknowledged as a raced phenomenon. When we overlook the role race plays in religious belief and action, and how religion in turn spurs public and political action, we lose sight of a key way in which race influences religiously-based claims-making in the public sphere. With contributions exploring a variety of religious traditions, from Buddhism and Islam to Judaism and Protestantism, as well as pieces on atheists and humanists, Religion Is Raced brings discussions about the racialized nature of religion from the margins of scholarly and religious debate to the center. The volume offers a new model for thinking about religion that emphasizes how racial dynamics interact with religious identity, and how we can in turn better understand the roles religion—and Whiteness—play in politics and public life, especially in the United States. It includes clear recommendations for researchers, including pollsters, on how to better recognize moving forward that religion is a raced phenomenon. With contributions by Joseph O. Baker, Kelsy Burke, James Clark Davidson, Janine Giordano Drake, Ashley Garner, Edward Orozco Flores, Sikivu Hutchinson, Sarah Imhoff, Russell Jeung, John Jimenez, Jaime Kucinskas, Eric Mar, Gerardo Martí, Omar M. McRoberts, Besheer Mohamed, Dawne Moon, Jerry Z. Park, Z. Fareen Parvez, Theresa W. Tobin, and Rhys H. Williams.
Pepitas de calabaza Ángel del Infierno vida y andanzas de Sonny Barger y el Club de Motoristas Ángeles del Infierno
Este es el único libro autorizado sobre el Club de Motoristas Ángeles del Infierno, escrito por el socio fundador Sonny Barger, con una nueva introducción.Ángel del Infierno, escrito por su visionario fundador, es un pase de acceso ilimitado al mundo secreto del infame Club de Motoristas Ángeles del Infierno. Sonny Barger rememora el nacimiento del club en Oakland y cuatro turbulentas décadas de su existencia. También explica por qué revolucionaron la línea de la Harley-Davidson y cimentaron lo que llegaría a convertirse en una comunidad internacional de moteros.Las abundantes fotografías, muchas de colecciones privadas o prestigiosos fotógrafos, aportan un documento visual a esta extraordinaria narración. No es una historia sobre motos, personajes estrafalarios y emociones a toda velocidad, sino el relato verídico de un rebelde que habla sobre lealtad, traición, subculturas, fraternidad y el verdadero precio de la libertad.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Economics of Corporate Law
Comprising essays specially commissioned for the volume, leading scholars who have shaped the field of corporate law and governance explore and critique developments in this vibrant and expanding area and offer possible directions for future research. This important addition to the Research Handbooks in Law and Economics series provides insights into subjects such as the role of directors, shareholders, creditors and employees; empirical studies of litigation and shareholder activism; executive compensation; corporate gatekeepers; comparative law; and behavioral approaches to law and finance. Topics are organized within five sections: corporate constituencies, insider governance, gatekeepers, jurisdiction, and new theory. Taken as a whole, the volume serves as an introduction for those new to the field and as a reference for those unfamiliar with some of the topics discussed. Authoritative and accessible, the Research Handbook on the Economics of Corporate Law will be a valuable resource for students, scholars, and practitioners of corporate law and economics. Contributors: R.B. Ahdieh, V. Atanasov, S.M. Bainbridge, B. Black, M.M. Blair, M.T. Bodie, C.S. Ciccotello, D.C. Clarke, L.A. Cunningham, A. Darbellay, S.M. Davidoff, L.M. Fairfax, F. Ferri, J.E. Fisch, T. Frankel, R.J. Gilson, S.J. Griffith, C.A. Hill, R. Kraakman, D.C. Langevoort, I.B. Lee, B.H. McDonnell, R.W. Painter, F. Partnoy, D.G. Smith, R.S. Thomas, R.B. Thompson, D.I. Walker, C.K. Whitehead
Peepal Tree Press Ltd In Praise of Island Women & Other Stories
In this collection of short stories, meditations and prose poems, Brenda Flanagan celebrates the capacity of women to endure with resilience, stoicism and, frequently, humour. The stories give a vivid picture of an island very like Trinidad, across the past fifty years, touching on women of many ages and ethnicities, of women in town or country, or in flight from the hard circumstances of island life and in search of material security in the USA.Above all, Brenda Flanagan penetrates to the heart of Trinidad's picong (satirical) culture, and the way that playing with the word sustains a sense of self and community relationship."What the best musicians do with wood and brass and air, Brenda Flanagan does with words – she gives them voice and life... And there you are, on the island, in the midst of it all." Janet Kauffman"Brenda Flanagan joins Marshall, Danticat ... Caribbean American women who've done so much to add new colors and rhythms to an American prose that can often be dull and gray..." Ishmael ReedTrinidad born Brenda Flanagan teaches creative writing, Caribbean and African American Literatures at Davidson College, North Carolina. She is also a United States cultural ambassador, and has served in Kazakstan, Chad and Panama.
Pan Macmillan Sins of the Dead
'The best Scottish crime series since Rebus.' – Daily RecordThe sins of the dead are all consuming . . . While illegally street racing in the underground tunnels of Glasgow, four Harley-Davidson riders make a horrifying discovery: a dead man left in the darkness, hands together on his chest as if peacefully laid to rest. The cause of death is unclear, the only clues being a half glass of red wine and a partially eaten chunk of bread by his side that echo the ancient religious practice of sin-eating.Called to the scene, forensic scientist Rhona MacLeod is perplexed by the lack of evidence. But when another body is found near her own flat, laid out in a similar manner, she fears a forensically aware killer stalks the city and is marking the victims with their unique signature. Even more worryingly, the killer appears to be using skills they may have learned while attending her forensic science lectures at Glasgow University.There are signs that Rhona is being targeted, that the killer is playing with her and the police, drawing them into a deadly race against time, before the sin-eater’s next victim is chosen . . .Sins of the Dead is the thrilling thirteenth book in Lin Anderson’s forensic crime series featuring Rhona MacLeod, followed by Time for the Dead.
Anness Publishing Military Motorcycles , The World Encyclopedia of: A complete reference guide to 100 years of military motorcycles, from their first use in World War I to the specialized vehicles in use today
Motorcycles entered military service in World War I, replacing the mounted despatch rider and mechanizing machine-gun and stretcher units. The conflict brought an enormous upsurge in the use of motorcycles in Europe and America. This comprehensive new book covers the lively history of the machines, highlighting the roles of military motorcycles, and how they have evolved. An A-Z directory focuses on 160 motorcycles, showing their diversity. Detailed specification boxes are featured for every motorcycle described. This expertly written book, with its wealth of rare and previously unseen photographs, provides enthusiasts and historians with key information about these diverse and multi-tasking vehicles. The story of the military motorcycle, from the early years of the 20th century to the present day * An illustrated A-Z of over 160 vehicles, including makes such as Harley-Davidson from the USA, Royal Enfield from the UK, BMW from Germany, and other famous manufacturers from around the world, such as Husqvarna, Henderson and Kawasaki * Specification panels provide at-a-glance information about each motorcycle's official name, country of origin, date, crew, weight, dimensions, powerplant and performance * Features over 550 photographs, which illustrate each type and include rare and unseen images from archives, museums and private collections * A glossary explains key terms and abbreviations
University of Wales Press Welsh Environments in Contemporary Poetry
Welsh Environments in Contemporary Poetry' examines the question of how recent English-language poetry from Wales has responded to the diverse physical environments of Wales. The first volume to offer a sustained assessment of Welsh poetry in English within the context of recent developments in environmental literary criticism, this book also draws on aspects of human geography to explore the rich contemporary poetics of Welsh space and place. Opening with an examination of poets from the 1960s as well as the early work of R.S. Thomas, 'Welsh Environments in Contemporary Poetry' subsequently concentrates on the poetry of writers who have come to prominence since the 1970s: Gillian Clarke, Ruth Bidgood, Robert Minhinnick, Mike Jenkins, Christine Evans, and Ian Davidson.Close reading of key texts reveals the way in which these writers variously create Welsh places, landscapes, and environments - fashioning rural and urban spaces into poetic geographies that are both abundantly physical and inescapably cultural. Far from reducing Wales to mere scenery, the poetry that emerges from this book engages with the environments of Wales, not just for their own sake, but as a crucial way of exploring key issues in Welsh culture - from the negotiation of female identity in a land of masculine myths to the exploration of Welsh space in a global context.
Duke University Press Queering Archives: Intimate Tracings
“Queering Archives: Intimate Tracings” is the second of two themed issues from Radical History Review (numbers 120 and 122) that explore the ways in which the notion of the “queer archive” is increasingly crucial for scholars working at the intersection of history, sexuality, and gender. Efforts to record and preserve queer experiences determine how scholars account for the past and provide a framework for understanding contemporary queer life. Essays in these issues consider historical materials from queer archives around the world as well as the recent critical practice of “queering” the archive by looking at historical collections for queer content (and its absence).This issue considers how archives allow historical traces of sexuality and gender to be sought, identified, recorded, and assembled into accumulations of meaning. Contributors explore conundrums in contemporary queer archival methods, probing some of them in essays on the Catholic Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This issue also includes a series of intergenerational interviews reflecting on histories of LGBT archives, a roundtable discussion about legacies of queer studies of the archive, and a closing reflection by Joan Nestle, a founding figure in the practice of international queer archiving.Daniel Marshall is Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Arts and Education at Deakin University, Melbourne. Kevin P. Murphy is Associate Professor of History at the University of Minnesota and a member of the Radical History Review editorial collective. Zeb Tortorici is Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures at New York University.Contributors: Rustem Ertug Altinay, Anjali Arondekar, Elspeth H. Brown, Elise Chenier, Howard Chiang, Ben Cowan, Ann Cvetkovich, Sara Davidmann, Leah DeVun, Peter Edelberg, Licia Fiol-Matta, Jack Jen Gieseking, Christina Hanhardt, Robb Hernandez, Kwame Holmes, Regina Kunzel, A. J. Lewis, Martin F. Manalansan IV, María Elena Martínez, Michael Jay McClure, Caitlin McKinney, Katherine Mohrman, Joan Nestle, Mimi Thi Nguyen, Tavia Nyong’o, Anthony M. Petro, K. J. Rawson, Barry Reay, Juana María Rodríguez, Don Romesburg, Rebecka Sheffield, Marc Stein, Margaret Stone, Susan Stryker, Robert Summers, Jeanne Vaccaro, Dale Washkansky, Melissa White
Nueva York en fotolibros muestra y estudia una selección de libros de imágenes que tratan de la capital del siglo XX y la ciudad más fotogénica y fotografiada de la historia.Entre los libros seleccionados se despliega ante nosotros la ciudad de los rascacielos desde su construcción en los años treinta a la destrucción del World Trade Center en 2001, pero también la vida urbana de los neoyorquinos, registrada con un modelo de fotografía de calle. Buena parte de los libros son obra de viajeros europeos y japoneses que han encontrado múltiples perspectivas (humanas, culturales, sociales, económicas.) en la ciudad icónica de Nueva York.Entre los fotógrafos presentes, se encuentran Berenice Abbott, Nobuyoshi Araki, Cecil Beaton, Mario Bucovich, Roy DeCarava, Bruce Davidson, Raymond Depardon, Juan Fresán, Bruce Gilden, György Lörinczy, Lewis Hine, Evelyn Hofer, Karol Kállay, André Kertész, William Klein, Helen Levitt, Danny Lyon, Daido Moriyama, Ugo Mulas, Robert Rauschenberg, Kees Sch
Hachette Australia Zealot: A book about cults
'a smart, daring and refreshing book' - Weekend Australian 'deliciously sinister' - Herald SunWhy would anyone join a cult? Maybe they're unhappy with their current religion, or they want to change the world, or they're disappointed with their lives and want to find something bigger or holier that makes sense of this confusing, chaotic and dangerous world. Or maybe they just want to give themselves the best possible chance of having sex with aliens.Whatever the reason, once people are in, it's usually very difficult for them to leave. Cults have ways of making their followers do loopy, dangerous stuff to prove their loyalty, and in return they get a chance to feel secure within the cult's embrace, with an added bonus of being utterly terrified of the outside world. From the tragic JONESTOWN Kool-Aid drinkers to the Australian cult THE FAMILY to the fiery Waco climax of THE BRANCH DAVIDIANS, this book is a wide-sweeping look at cults around the world, from the host of the popular podcast ZEALOT.'a piss-taker of rare boldness' - Weekend Australian
Rowman & Littlefield Content and Comportment: On Embodiment and the Epistemic Availability of the World
In this ambitious and compelling book, Michael O'Donovan-Anderson argues that the answer to some long-standing questions in epistemology and metaphysics lies in taking up the neglected question of the role of our bodily activity in establishing connections between representational states—knowledge and belief in particular—and their objects in the world. O'Donovan-Anderson uses ideas from both analytic philosophers (Frege, Dummett, Davidson, and Evans) and continental philosophers (Heidegger and his commentators and critics) to bring together these two approaches in a unique and effective way. Content and Comportment is an important contribution to the literature on embodiment, and will be of great interest to epistemologists and philosophers in both the continental and analytic traditions.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
‘It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be’ Albus Dumbledore When the Quidditch World Cup is disrupted by Voldemort’s rampaging supporters alongside the resurrection of the terrifying Dark Mark, it is obvious to Harry Potter that, far from weakening, Voldemort is getting stronger. Back at Hogwarts for his fourth year, Harry is astonished to be chosen by the Goblet of Fire to represent the school in the Triwizard Tournament. The competition is dangerous, the tasks terrifying, and true courage is no guarantee of survival – especially when the darkest forces are on the rise. These adult editions have been stylishly redesigned to showcase Andrew Davidson’s beautiful woodcut cover artwork.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, since he has survived the murderous attacks of the feared Dark Lord on more than one occasion. But his hopes for a quiet school term concentrating on Quidditch are dashed when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from Azkaban, pursued by the soul-sucking Dementors who guard the prison. It's assumed that Hogwarts is the safest place for Harry to be. But is it a coincidence that he can feel eyes watching him in the dark, and should he be taking Professor Trelawney's ghoulish predictions seriously? These adult editions with glorious jacket art by Andrew Davidson are now available in hardback for the first time.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to John Maynard Keynes
The most influential and controversial economist of the twentieth century, John Maynard Keynes was the leading founder of modern macroeconomics, and was also an important historical figure as a critic of the Versailles Peace Treaty after World War I and an architect of the Bretton Woods international monetary system after World War II. This comprehensive Companion elucidates his contributions, his significance, his historical context and his continuing legacy. Prominent scholars examine Keynes's life and major writings, his theories and contributions, influences on the development of his thought, his interactions with his contemporaries, his followers and critics, the lasting significance of his work and the changing fortunes of Keynesianism in different countries.The concise but thorough and comprehensive entries are arranged in eight parts: Life and Work, Influences, Major Works, Economic Analysis, Critics and Contemporaries, Associates, Legacy and Impact, and Keynesianism in Various Countries. The Companion will serve as the standard reference work for all those interested in John Maynard Keynes, in the economics of Keynes and in the history of macroeconomics.Contributors include: N. Aslanbeigui, M. Assous, R. Backhouse, I. Barens, D. Besomi, P. Bini, M. Boianovsky, H. Bortis, M. Boumans, V. Caspari, V. Chick, P. Clarke, P. Davidson, J.B. Davis, R.W. Dimand, R. Dos Santos Ferreira, S. Dow, M.J. Flanders, J. Forder, M. Forstater, D. Glasner, R. Gomez Betancourt, C. Goodhart, P. Groenewegen, H. Hagemann, O. Hamouda, G.C. Harcourt, I. Hardeen, E. Hein, S. Hollander, P. Howitt, S. Howson, S.D. Kasper, P. Kerr, J. King, H. Klausinger, J. Kregel, P. Kriesler, H.D. Kurz, M. Lavoie, B. Littleboy, L. Magnusson, M.C. Marcuzzo, A. Millmow, D.E. Moggridge, A. Molavi Vassei, J. Neville, R. O'Donnell, G. Oakes, L. Ramrattan, S. Rivot, G. Rubin, M. Sawyer, R. Skidelsky, R.P. Smith, P. Spahn, M. Szenberg, A. Thirlwall, G. Tilly, H.-M. Trautwein, M. Wakatabe, L.R. Wray, W. Young
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Unnatural Creatures
Chosen and introduced by Neil Gaiman, this thoroughly beguiling collection of short stories is inhabited by an amazing menagerie of creatures from myth, legend and dark imagination The griffin, the sunbird, manticores, unicorns – all manner of glorious creatures never captured in zoos, museums or photographs are packed vividly into this collection of stories. Neil Gaiman has included some of his own childhood favourites alongside stories classic and modern to spark the imagination of readers young and old. All contributors have given their work free to benefit Dave Eggers’ literacy charity, 826DC. Includes stories by: Peter S. Beagle, Anthony Boucher, Avram Davidson, Samuel R. Delany, Neil Gaiman, Maria Dahvana Headley, Nalo Hopkinson, Diana Wynne Jones, Megan Kurashige, E. Nesbit, Larry Niven, Nnedi Okorafor, Saki, Frank R. Stockton, Gahan Wilson, E. Lily Yu.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter Adult Hardback Box Set
J.K. Rowling's spellbinding storytelling continues to captivate readers worldwide. This stunning hardback box set contains all seven of the classic, multi-award-winning Harry Potter novels in beautiful new hardback editions, featuring elegant new interiors and stylish cover art by noted artist Andrew Davidson, to appeal to an adult readership. The perfect collection for readers new to Harry Potter, fans and aficionados alike.Contains (in reading order): Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Flowering of an Idea: A Play Presenting the Origin and Early Development of the Johns Hopkins Hospital
How, exactly, did the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions come into existence? Historians may debate the issue but playwrights can imagine it. Here, Alan M. Chesney dares to go where doctors and historians may not. A one-act play, The Flowering of an Idea presents in four scenes "an imaginary conversation in which an idea is born." The dramatis personae include Johns Hopkins himself; the London-based banker George Peabody; Daniel Coit Gilman, founder of the Johns Hopkins University; John Garrett, president of the B&O Railroad; Elihu E. Jackson, governor of Maryland; and Robert C. Davidson, mayor of Baltimore. Chesney used Helen Thom's definitive biography, Johns Hopkins: A Silhouette, as a source and wrote the play to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Seventeenth-Century Flemish Garland Paintings: Still Life, Vision, and the Devotional Image
Focusing on three celebrated northern European still life painters”Jan Brueghel, Daniel Seghers, and Jan Davidsz. de Heem”this book examines the emergence of the first garland painting in 1607-1608, and its subsequent transformation into a widely collected type of devotional image, curiosity, and decorative form. The first sustained study of the garland paintings, the book uses contextual and formal analysis to achieve two goals. One, it demonstrates how and why the paintings flourished in a number of contexts, ranging from an ecclesiastical center in Milan, to a Jesuit chapter house and private collections in Antwerp, to the Habsburg court in Vienna. Two, the book shows that when viewed over the course of the century, the images produced by Brueghel, Seghers and de Heem share important similarities, including an interest in self-referentiality and the exploration of pictorial form and materials. Using a range of evidence (inventories, period response, the paintings themselves), Susan Merriam shows how the pictures reconfigured the terms in which the devotional image was understood, and asked the viewer to consider in new ways how pictures are made and experienced.
New York University Press A Doomsday Reader: Prophets, Predictors, and Hucksters of Salvation
A collection of pronouncements, edicts, and scriptures predicting the apocalypse The approach of the year 2000 has made the study of apocalyptic movements trendy. But groups anticipating the end of the world will continue to predict Armageddon even after the calendar clicks to triple 0s. A Doomsday Reader brings together pronouncements, edicts, and scriptures written by prominent apocalyptic movements from a wide range of traditions and ideologies to offer an exceptional look into their belief systems. Focused on attaining paradise, millenarianism often anticipates great, cosmic change. While most think of religious belief as motivating such fervor, Daniels' comparative approach encompasses secular movements such as environmentalism and the Montana Freemen, and argues that such groups are often more political than religious in nature. The book includes documents from groups such as the Branch Davidians, the Order of the Solar Temple, Heaven's Gate, and white supremacists. Each document is preceded by a substantive introduction placing the movement and its beliefs in context. This important overview of contemporary politics of the End will remain a valuable resource long after the year 2000 has come and gone.
Jewish Publication Society The Purim Anthology
Back by popular demand, the classic JPS holiday anthologies remain essential and relevant in our digital age. Unequaled in-depth compilations of classic and contemporary writings, they have long guided rabbis, cantors, educators, and other readers seeking the origins, meanings, and varied celebrations of the Jewish festivals. The Purim Anthology recounts the origins of the first Purim, then examines festival observances in different eras throughout the world, laws and rites, and finally provides plays and poems, stories and songs. This treasury includes “The Origin of Purim” by Solomon Grayzel, “The Esther Story in Art” by Rachel Wischnitzer, “Purim in Music” by A. W. Binder (including an extensive compilation of Purim songs), “The History of Purim Plays” by Jacob Shatzky, Purim celebrations in Tel Aviv by Mortimer J. Cohen, and Purim in humor by Israel Davidson—all together a thoughtful and fun-filled literary feast.
MIT Press Philosophy of Language The Classics Explained The MIT Press
An introduction to philosophy of language through systematic and accessible explanations of ten classic texts by such thinkers as Frege, Kripke, Russell, and Putnam.Many beginning students in philosophy of language find themselves grappling with dense and difficult texts not easily understood by someone new to the field. This book offers an introduction to philosophy of language by explaining ten classic, often anthologized, texts. Accessible and thorough, written with a unique combination of informality and careful formulation, the book addresses sense and reference, proper names, definite descriptions, indexicals, the definition of truth, truth and meaning, and the nature of speaker meaning, as addressed by Frege, Kripke, Russell, Donnellan, Kaplan, Evans, Putnam, Tarski, Davidson, and Grice. The explanations aim to be as simple as possible without sacrificing accuracy; critical assessments are included with the exposition in order to stimulate further thought and discussio
Little, Brown Book Group A Bad Day for Sunshine: 'A great day for the rest of us' Lee Child
'Laugh-out-loud funny, intensely suspenseful, page-turning fun' Allison Brennan_____________Del Sol, New Mexico is known for three things: its fry-an-egg-on-the-cement summers, strong cups of coffee - and, now, a nationwide manhunt?Del Sol native Sunshine Vicram has returned to town as the elected sheriff, expecting nothing more than a quiet ride. But now a teenage girl is missing, a kidnapper is on the loose, and all of this is reminding Sunshine why she left Del Sol in the first place. Add to that the trouble at her daughter's new school, plus a kidnapped rooster named Puff Daddy, and, well, the forecast looks anything but sunny.But even clouds have their silver linings. This one's got Levi, Sunshine's sexy, almost-old flame, and Quincy Cooper, a fiery-hot US Marshall. With temperatures rising everywhere she turns, Del Sol's normally cool-minded sheriff is finding herself knee-deep in drama and danger.Can Sunshine face the call of duty - and find the kidnapper who's terrorising her beloved hometown - without falling head over high heels in love . . . or worse?'A Bad Day For Sunshine is a great day for the rest of us' Lee Child'From the creative genius who brought you Charley Davidson comes your newest obsession: Sunshine Vicram. Mother. Sheriff. Warden of weird' Susan Donovan
Prestel Magnum Atlas: Around the World in 365 Photos from the Magnum Archive
Featuring new and iconic images, this follow-up to Prestel's highly successful A Year in Photography: Magnum Archive includes some of the most striking photography ever collected in one volume. As readers flip the pages they will find themselves traveling from west to east across the globe. Each country is represented in three or four images captured by a single photographer. While renowned figures such as Robert Capa, Bruce Davidson, and Martin Parr are included, readers will also find younger photographers such as Olivia Arthur, Alessandra Sanguinetti, and Mikhael Subotzky, all of whom present dazzling new views of our changing world. Shining a light on the human condition in every corner of the globe, this compilation exemplifies Magnum founder Henry Cartier- Bresson's vision of "a community of thought, a shared human quality, a curiosity about what is going on in the world, a respect for what is going on and a desire to transcribe it visually."
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc McQueen's Motorcycles: Racing and Riding with the King of Cool
The long-departed Steve McQueen is still the coolest man on two wheels. Get an intimate look at his coolest bikes right here, right now, in McQueen's Motorcycles.Even thirty years after his death, Steve McQueen remains a cultural icon. His image continues to appear in advertising and pop culture and his fan base spans from car lovers to racing enthusiasts to motorcycle obsessives. In his movies, McQueen's character always had an envy-inducing motorcycle or car, but in his personal life, motorcycles were always McQueen's first true love. McQueen's Motorcycles focuses on the bikes that the King of Cool raced and collected.From the first Harley McQueen bought when he was an acting student in New York to the Triumph "desert sleds" and Huskys he desert raced all over California, Mexico, and Nevada, McQueen was never without a stable of two wheelers. His need for speed propelled him from Hollywood into a number of top off-road motorcycle races, including the Baja 1000, Mint 400, Elsinore Grand Prix, and even as a member of the 1964 ISDT team in Europe. Determined to be ahead of the pack, McQueen maintained his body like it was a machine itself. He trained vigorously, weight lifting, running, and studying martial arts. Later in his life, as he backed away from Hollywood, his interests turned to antique bikes and he accumulated an extensive collection, including Harley-Davidson, Indian, Triumph, Brough Superior, Cyclone, BSA, and Ace motorcycles.Today, McQueen still has the Midas touch; anything that was in the man's possession is a hot commodity. McQueen's classic motorcycles sell for top dollar at auctions, always at a multiple of what the same bike is worth without the McQueen pedigree. McQueen's Motorcycles reveals these highly sought-after machines in gorgeous photography and full historical context.
Taylor & Francis Ltd What is this thing called Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of language explores some of the most abstract yet most fundamental questions in philosophy. The ideas of some of the subject''s great founding figures, such as Gottlob Frege, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell, as well as of more recent figures such as Saul Kripke and Hilary Putnam, are central to a great many philosophical debates to this day and are widely studied. In this clear and carefully structured introduction to the subject Gary Kemp explains the following key topics: the basic nature of philosophy of language, its concepts and its historical development Frege's theory of sense and reference; Russell''s theory of definite descriptions Wittgenstein''s Tractatus, Ayer, and the Logical Positivists recent perspectives including Kripke, Kaplan, Putnam, Chomsky, Quine and Davidson; arguments concerning translation, necessity, indexicals, rigid designation and natural kinds the pragmatics of language, including sp
Little, Brown Book Group First Grave On The Right: Number 1 in series
Private investigator Charlotte Davidson was born with three things: looks; a healthy respect for the male anatomy; and the rather odd job title of grim reaper. Since the age of five, she has been helping the departed solve the mysteries of their deaths so they can cross. Thus, when three lawyers from the same law firm are murdered, they come to her to find their killer. In the meantime, Charley's dealing with a being more powerful - and definitely sexier - than any spectre she's ever come across before. With the help of a pain-in-the-ass skip tracer, a dead pubescent gangbanger named Angel, and a lifetime supply of sarcasm, Charley sets out to solve the highest profile case of the year and discovers that dodging bullets isn't nearly as dangerous as falling in love.
Graphis US Inc Graphis Journal Magazine 378
In this Journal, we feature the work of Graphis Masters and Graphis Platinum and Gold award winners in Design, Advertising, Photography, Art/Illustration, and Education, as well as the latest in product design and architecture. These talents are Graphis Masters designer Holger Matthies (DE) and advertiser Robert Talarczyk (US). We also feature design firm Jones Knowles Ritchie (US) and design expert Steven Heller (US); photographers Takahiro Igarashi (US), Cameron Davidson (US), and Felix Holzer (DE), illustrator Daren Lin (US), and professor Josh Ege (US). Lastly, we feature the latest in product and architecture design with the Piper M600/SLS by Piper Aircraft Inc. (US), Jetson ONE by Jetson (SE), No Stress by Rossinavi (IT), RÄVIK Electric Surfboards by Awake (SE), Casa Flotanta by Studio Saxe (CR), and MarAlto La Loica and La Tagua Cabins by Croxatto y Opazo Arquitectos (CL).
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
‘The Dark Lord will rise again with his servant’s aid, greater and more terrible than ever before’ Sybill Trelawney Harry Potter is lucky to reach the age of thirteen, since he has survived the murderous attacks of the feared Dark Lord on more than one occasion. But his hopes for a quiet school term concentrating on Quidditch are dashed when a maniacal mass-murderer escapes from Azkaban, pursued by the soul-sucking Dementors who guard the prison. It’s assumed that Hogwarts is the safest place for Harry to be. But is it a coincidence that he can feel eyes watching him in the dark, and should he be taking Professor Trelawney’s ghoulish predictions seriously? These adult editions have been stylishly redesigned to showcase Andrew Davidson’s beautiful woodcut cover artwork.
University Press of Colorado Gambling Debt: Iceland's Rise and Fall in the Global Economy
Gambling Debt is a game-changing contribution to the discussion of economic crises and neoliberal financial systems and strategies. Iceland's 2008 financial collapse was the first case in a series of meltdowns, a warning of danger in the global order. This full-scale anthropology of financialization and the economic crisis broadly discusses this momentous bubble and burst and places it in theoretical, anthropological, and global historical context through descriptions of the complex developments leading to it and the larger social and cultural implications and consequences. Chapters from anthropologists, sociologists, historians, economists, and key local participants focus on the neoliberal policies-mainly the privatization of banks and fishery resources-that concentrated wealth among a select few, skewed the distribution of capital in a way that Iceland had never experienced before, and plunged the country into a full-scale economic crisis. Gambling Debt significantly raises the level of understanding and debate on the issues relevant to financial crises, painting a portrait of the meltdown from many points of view-from bankers to schoolchildren, from fishers in coastal villages to the urban poor and immigrants, and from artists to philosophers and other intellectuals. This book is for anyone interested in financial troubles and neoliberal politics as well as students and scholars of anthropology, sociology, economics, philosophy, political science, business, and ethics. Publication supported in part by the National Science Foundation. Contributors: Vilhjalmur Arnason, Asmundur Asmundsson, Jon Gunnar Bernburg, James Carrier, Sigurlina Davidsdottir, Dimitra Doukas, Niels Einarsson, Einar Mar Gudmundsson, Tinna Gretarsdottir, Birna Gunnlaugsdottir, Gudny S. Gudbjornsdottir, Pamela Joan Innes, Gudni Th. Johannesson, Orn D. Jonsson, Hannes Larusson, Kristin Loftsdottir, James Maguire, Mar Wolfgang Mixa, Evelyn Pinkerton, Hulda Proppe, James G. Rice, Rognvaldur J. Saemundsson, Unnur Dis Skaptadottir, Margaret Willson