Search results for ""Author David"
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Evidence and Inquiry: Towards Reconstruction in Epistemology
In this important new work, Haack develops an original theory of empirical evidence or justification, and argues its appropriateness to the goals of inquiry. In so doing, Haack provides detailed critical case studies of Lewis's foundationalism; Davidson's and Bonjour's coherentism; Popper's 'epistemology without a knowing subject'; Quine's naturalism; Goldman's reliabilism; and Rorty's, Stich's, and the Churchlands' recent obituaries of epistemology.
The University of Chicago Press Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis
Why has homosexuality always fascinated and vexed psychoanalysis? This groundbreaking collection of original essays reconsiders the troubled relationship between same-sex desire and psychoanalysis, assessing homosexuality's status in psychoanalytic theory and practice, as well as the value of psychoanalytic ideas for queer theory. The contributors, each distinguished clinicians and specialists, reexamine works by Freud, Klein, Reich, Lacan, Laplanche, and their feminist and queer revisionists. Sharing a commitment to conscious and unconscious forms of homosexual desire, they offer new perspectives on pleasure, perversion, fetishism, disgust, psychosis, homophobia, AIDS, otherness, and love. Including two previously untranslated essays by Michel Foucault, Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis will interest cultural theorists, psychoanalysts, and anyone concerned with the fate of sexuality in our time.Contributors:Lauren BerlantLeo BersaniDaniel L. BuccinoArnold I. DavidsonTim DeanJonathan DollimoreBrad EppsMichel FoucaultLynda HartJason B. JonesChristopher LaneH. N. LukesCatherine MillotElizabeth A. PovinelliEllie RaglandPaul RobinsonJudith RoofJoanna RyanRamón E. Soto-CrespoSuzanne Yang
Hodder & Stoughton General Division The Sorrows of an American
After their father's funeral, Erik and Inga Davidsen find a cryptic letter from a woman among his papers, dating from his adolescence in rural Minnesota during the Depression. Returning to his psychiatric practice in New York, Erik sets about reading his father's memoir, hoping to discover the man he never fully knew.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls
A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls presents a comprehensive overview of the historical development of all major aspects of analytic philosophy, the dominant Anglo-American philosophical tradition in the twentieth century. Features coverage of all the major subject areas and figures in analytic philosophy - including Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell, G.E. Moore, Gottlob Frege, Carnap, Quine, Davidson, Kripke, Putnam, and many others Contains explanatory background material to help make clear technical philosophical concepts Includes listings of suggested further readings Written in a clear, direct style that presupposes little previous knowledge of philosophy
WW Norton & Co The Return of the Native: A Norton Critical Edition
It is accompanied by more than 500 editorial footnotes, many new to this edition, that provide essential historical background and glossing of dialect words. Also new to the Second Edition are the twelve illustrations from the novel’s first serial publication and Hardy’s "Sketch Map of the Scene of the Story," which accompanied the 1878 edition. Again included is the "Map of Wessex of the Novels and Poems" from the 1912 Macmillan Wessex Edition of The Mayor of Casterbridge. Backgrounds and Contexts provides a useful "Glossary of Dialect Words" as well as four essays on the textual and publication history of the novel—including pieces by Simon Gatrell and Andrew Nash—all of which are newly included. Also included are six of Hardy’s nonfiction writings on the dialect in the novel, the reading of fiction, and his correspondence, five of which are new to this edition. Criticism provides a selection of contemporary reviews that suggest The Return of the Native’s initial reception as well nine of the most influential modern essays on the novel, by Gillian Beer, D. H. Lawrence, Michael Wheeler, Rosemarie Morgan, Donald Davidson, John Peterson, Richard Swigg, Pamela Dalziel, and Jennifer Gribble. A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.
Biteback Publishing The Honourable Ladies: Profiles of Women MPS 1918-1996: Volume I
FOREWORD BY PRIME MINISTER THERESA MAY When Constance Markievicz stood for election as MP for Dublin St Patrick's in 1918, few people believed she could win the seat - yet she did. A breakthrough in the bitter struggle for female enfranchisement had come earlier that year, followed by a second landmark piece of legislation allowing women to be elected to Parliament - and Markievicz duly became the first female MP. A member of Sinn Fein, she refused to take her seat. She did, however, pave the way for future generations, and only eleven months later, Nancy Astor entered the Commons. A century on from that historic event, 491 women have now passed through the hallowed doors of Parliament. Each one of these pioneers has fought tenaciously to introduce enduring reform, and in doing so has helped revolutionise Britain's political landscape, ensuring that women's contributions are not consigned to the history books. Containing profiles of every woman MP from 1918 to 1996, and with female contributors from Mary Beard to Caroline Lucas, Ruth Davidson to Yvette Cooper and Margaret Beckett to Ann Widdecombe, The Honourable Ladies is an indispensable and illuminating testament to the stories and achievements of these remarkable women.
Faber & Faber The Misadventures of Margaret Finch
'Original, intelligent and beautifully written. . . alive with period detail.'DAILY MAIL'A gem of a book.' ELODIE HARPER, THE WOLF DEN TRILOGY'Such a joy.' JO BROWNING WROE, A TERRIBLE KINDNESS'Utterly transporting, piercingly honest and intimate.' INGRID PERSAUD, LOVE AFTER LOVEBlackpool, 1938. Miss Margaret Finch - a rather demure young woman - has just begun work in a position that relies on her discretion and powers of observation. Then, her path is crossed by the disgraced Rector of Stiffkey (aka Harold Davidson), who is the subject of a national scandal. Margaret is determined to discover the truth behind the headlines: is Davidson a maligned hero or an exploiter of the vulnerable? But her own troubles are never far away, and Margaret's fear that history is about to repeat itself means she needs to uncover that truth urgently. This deeply evocative novel ripples with the tension of a country not yet able to countenance the devastation of another war. Margaret walks us along the promenade, peeks into the baths and even dares a trip on the love boat in this, her first seaside summer season, on a path more dangerous than she could ever have imagined.Readers are loving The Misadventures of Margaret Finch:***** 'Fascinating. The novel perfectly captures Blackpool in its heyday. . . you will not be able to put this down'***** 'Absolutely loved this!'***** 'A wonderful blend of fact, fiction and history to make a fascinating story'***** 'Engaging and captivating, I'm going to miss Margaret et al enormously.'
Rowman & Littlefield The Force of Tradition: Response and Resistance in Literature, Religion, and Cultural Studies
How do we stand in relation to everything that comes down to us from the past? Is the very idea of tradition still useful in the wake of historical ruptures, such as the Holocaust, changes in the canon, and the end of colonialism? The concept of tradition has gained renewed importance in recent cultural studies. Suspicion of tradition as culturally narrow and oppressive is a persistent theme of modernity and has increased lately with the resurgence of religious traditionalism around the globe. At the same time, various groups demanding recognition for their distinctive cultural identity have reclaimed their traditions. Philosophers from Josiah Royce and Hans-Georg Gadamer to Alasdair MacIntyre have explored the relations between tradition and themes such as freedom, community, self-assertion, originality, and the shared values and interpretations that constitute everyday life. The essays in this volume offer varying, even disparate analyses of religious, literary, and cultural traditions and both responses and resistance to them in a variety of philosophers, novelists, and theologians. They examine works by Gadamer, Royce, MacIntyre, Plato, Jacques Derrida, Charlotte Bronte, Søren Kierkegaard, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Edith Wharton, Chinua Achebe, John Fowles, Heinrich Böll, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Cotton Mather, Thomas Kuhn, Mikhail Bakhtin, Donald Davidson, Antebellum African-American women preachers, and Christian and Jewish thinkers in the wake of the Holocaust.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Economics of Corporate Law
Comprising essays specially commissioned for the volume, leading scholars who have shaped the field of corporate law and governance explore and critique developments in this vibrant and expanding area and offer possible directions for future research. This important addition to the Research Handbooks in Law and Economics series provides insights into subjects such as the role of directors, shareholders, creditors and employees; empirical studies of litigation and shareholder activism; executive compensation; corporate gatekeepers; comparative law; and behavioral approaches to law and finance. Topics are organized within five sections: corporate constituencies, insider governance, gatekeepers, jurisdiction, and new theory. Taken as a whole, the volume serves as an introduction for those new to the field and as a reference for those unfamiliar with some of the topics discussed. Authoritative and accessible, the Research Handbook on the Economics of Corporate Law will be a valuable resource for students, scholars, and practitioners of corporate law and economics. Contributors: R.B. Ahdieh, V. Atanasov, S.M. Bainbridge, B. Black, M.M. Blair, M.T. Bodie, C.S. Ciccotello, D.C. Clarke, L.A. Cunningham, A. Darbellay, S.M. Davidoff, L.M. Fairfax, F. Ferri, J.E. Fisch, T. Frankel, R.J. Gilson, S.J. Griffith, C.A. Hill, R. Kraakman, D.C. Langevoort, I.B. Lee, B.H. McDonnell, R.W. Painter, F. Partnoy, D.G. Smith, R.S. Thomas, R.B. Thompson, D.I. Walker, C.K. Whitehead
Penguin Books Ltd Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature
A revised edition of Madness Explained, Richard Bentall's groundbreaking classic on mental illness In Madness Explained, leading clinical psychologist Richard Bentall shatters the modern myths that surround psychosis. Is madness purely a medical condition that can be treated with drugs? Is there a clear dividing line between who is sane and who is insane? For this revised edition, he adds new material drawing on the recent advances in molecular genetics, new studies of the role of environment in psychosis, and important discoveries on early symptoms preceding illness, among other important developments in our understanding.'Madness Explained is a substantial, yet highly accessible work. Full of insight and humanity, it deserves a wide readership.' Sunday Times 'Will give readers a glimpse both of answers to their own problems, and to questions about how the mind works' Independent Magazine Richard P. Bentall holds a Chair in Experimental Clinical Psychology at the University of Manchester. In 1989 he received the British Psychological Society's May Davidson Award for his contribution to the field of Clinical Psychology.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd From the Reformation to the Permissive Society: A Miscellany in Celebration of the 400th Anniversary of Lambeth Palace Library
Provides for a selection of texts, together with scholarly introductions, from one of the world's great private libraries, covering a period from Elizabeth I to the Church's involvement in homosexual law reform. This volume of the Church of England Record Society, published in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the foundation of Lambeth Palace Library, is a tribute to the value of one of the world's great private libraries to the scholarly community and its importance for the history of the Church of England in particular. Thirteen historians, who have made considerable use of the Library in their research, have selected texts which together offer an illustration of the remarkable resources preserved by the Library for the period from the Reformation to the late twentieth century. A number of the contributions draw on the papers of the archbishops of Canterbury and bishops of London,which are among the most frequently used collections. Others come from the main manuscript sequence, including both materials originally deposited by Archbishop Sancroft and a manuscript published with the help of the Friends of Lambeth Palace Library in 2007. Another makes use of the riches to the papers of the Lambeth Conferences. Each text is accompanied by a substantial introduction, discussing its context and significance, and a full scholarly apparatus. The themes covered in the volume range from the famous dispute between Archbishop Grindal and Queen Elizabeth I, through the administration of the Church by Archbishop Laud and Archbishop Davidson's visit to the Western Frontduring World War I, to involvement of the Church in homosexual law reform.
Cornell University Press The French Revolution in Global Perspective
Situating the French Revolution in the context of early modern globalization for the first time, this book offers a new approach to understanding its international origins and worldwide effects. A distinguished group of contributors shows that the political culture of the Revolution emerged out of a long history of global commerce, imperial competition, and the movement of people and ideas in places as far flung as India, Egypt, Guiana, and the Caribbean. This international approach helps to explain how the Revolution fused immense idealism with territorial ambition and combined the drive for human rights with various forms of exclusion. The essays examine topics including the role of smuggling and free trade in the origins of the French Revolution, the entwined nature of feminism and abolitionism, and the influence of the French revolutionary wars on the shape of American empire.The French Revolution in Global Perspective illuminates the dense connections among the cultural, social, and economic aspects of the French Revolution, revealing how new political forms—at once democratic and imperial, anticolonial and centralizing—were generated in and through continual transnational exchanges and dialogues.Contributors: Rafe Blaufarb, Florida State University; Ian Coller, La Trobe University; Denise Z. Davidson, Georgia State University; Suzanne Desan, University of Wisconsin–Madison; Lynn Hunt, University of California, Los Angeles; Andrew Jainchill, Queen's University; Michael Kwass, The Johns Hopkins University; William Max Nelson, University of Toronto; Pierre Serna, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne; Miranda Spieler, University of Arizona; Charles Walton, Yale University
Orion Publishing Co How to Build a Motorcycle: A Nut-and-Bolt Guide to Customizing Your Bike
How to Build a Motorcycle leads you through all the key stages - from initially finding the right project for your skill level, to sourcing a base bike and safely taking on some full-on bike-building tasks. With clear, easy-to-follow instructions, proper advice and specially commissioned step-by-step illustrations throughout it is an ideal aid to getting your hands oily. Written by Gary Inman, the co-founder of independent motorcycle magazine Sideburn, and illustrated by Adi Gilbert who is best known for his bicycle and motorcycle drawings whose clients include Harley-Davidson, Guy Martin, Wired magazine, Sideburn magazine and Nike, this is a must-have for all motorcycle lovers.Read this book, even dip in and out where relevant. If it makes sense, schedule some time, clear your mind, pull on some old clothes, grab your toolbox and get going. The chapters in How to Build a Motorcycle will tell you how to complete a huge variety of tasks that will allow even the greenest of novices to get their hands dirty and start modifying with purpose. If you belong to this camp, start with some of the low-input, high-reward jobs, such as fitting bars, swapping the rear shocks or wiring in a new tail light. Even though these require relatively little work, they'll transform the look of your bike, and completing them will fill you with confidence to undertake the more difficult jobs, such as fitting more modern front forks or even making your own frame.The book comes with a glossy 32-page section on finished bikes and is a reference and the perfect gift for all fans, from those who merely like to tinker, to riders taking on a full build.
Harvard Business Review Press How Brands Become Icons: The Principles of Cultural Branding
Coca-Cola. Harley-Davidson. Nike. Budweiser. Valued by customers more for what they symbolize than for what they do, products like these are more than brands--they are cultural icons. How do managers create brands that resonate so powerfully with consumers? Based on extensive historical analyses of some of America's most successful iconic brands, including ESPN, Mountain Dew, Volkswagen, Budweiser, and Harley-Davidson, this book presents the first systematic model to explain how brands become icons. Douglas B. Holt shows how iconic brands create "identity myths" that, through powerful symbolism, soothe collective anxieties resulting from acute social change. Holt warns that icons can't be built through conventional branding strategies, which focus on benefits, brand personalities, and emotional relationships. Instead, he calls for a deeper cultural perspective on traditional marketing themes like targeting, positioning, brand equity, and brand loyalty--and outlines a distinctive set of "cultural branding" principles that will radically alter how companies approach everything from marketing strategy to market research to hiring and training managers. Until now, Holt shows, even the most successful iconic brands have emerged more by intuition and serendipity than by design. With How Brands Become Icons, managers can leverage the principles behind some of the most successful brands of the last half-century to build their own iconic brands. Douglas B. Holt is associate professor of Marketing at Harvard Business School.
Park Books Teaching / Practice
For many years renowned British architect Jonathan Sergison has been combining practical work with academic teaching. In this new book he offers personal views on the interplay between these two spheres and the great significance he sees in combining them. At the core of Practice / Teaching is a programmatic conversation on the topic with Sergison, conducted by architect and theoretician Irina Davidovici. In addition, the book offers four previously unpublished texts by Sergison, in which he explores the topic from various perspectives, based on his profound experience both as a practising architect and as a teacher. Published to coincide with an exhibit curated by Sergison at this year's 16th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, 26 May - 25 November 2018.
Plough Publishing House Plough Quarterly No. 20 - The Welcome Table
Food – how it’s grown, how it’s shared – makes us who we are. This issue traces the connections between farm and food, between humus and human. According to the first book of the Bible, tending the earth was humankind’s first task: “The Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there he put the man whom he had formed” (Gen. 2:8). The desire to get one’s hands dirty raising one’s own food, then, doesn’t just come from modern romanticism, but is built into human nature. The title, “The Welcome Table,” comes from a spiritual first sung by enslaved African-Americans. The song refers to the Bible’s closing scene, the wedding feast of the Lamb described in the Book of Revelation, to which every race, tribe, and tongue are invited – a divine pledge of a day of freedom and freely shared plenty, of earth renewed and humanity restored. In the case of food, the symbol is the substance. Every meal, if shared generously and with radical hospitality, is already now a taste of the feast to come. Also in this issue: poetry by Luci Shaw; reviews of books by Julia Child, Robert Farrar Capon, Peter Mayle, Albert Woodfox, and Maria von Trapp; and art by Michael Naples, Sieger Köder, Carl Juste, André Chung, Ángel Bracho, Winslow Homer, Raymond Logan, Sybil Andrews, Cameron Davidson, and Jason Landsel. Plough Quarterly features stories, ideas, and culture for people eager to put their faith into action. Each issue brings you in-depth articles, interviews, poetry, book reviews, and art to help you put Jesus’ message into practice and find common cause with others.
Penguin Putnam Inc Hard Truth
Just days after marrying Sheriff Paul Davidson, Anna Pigeon moves to Colorado to assume her new post as district ranger at Rocky Mountain National Park. When two of three children who'd gone missing from a religious retreat reappear, Anna's investigation brings her face-to-face with a paranoid sect--and with a villain so evil, he'll make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter Boxed Set The Complete Collection Adult Paperback
These adult editions of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels have been stylishly redesigned to showcase beautiful jackets by renowned woodcut artist Andrew Davidson. This spectacular box set includes all seven novels and is perfect for Harry Potter novices and collectors alike.Contains (in reading order): Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Medieval Clothing and Textiles 6
The best new research on medieval clothing and textiles, drawing from a range of disciplines. This sixth volume of Medieval Clothing and Textiles ranges widely, as ever, across England and Europe. It presents two groundbreaking articles in novel areas of textile and dress scholarship: an introduction to a previouslyunexamined class of embroidery (decorative manuscript repair), and an English-language overview of scholarly research on historical dress in Latvia. Among the other topics considered in the volume are two very different listingsof clothing items from medieval Germany: an invented lexicon by the mystic Hildegard of Bingen, and an accounting of specific real garments worn by ordinary people and donated to finance the building of Strasbourg Cathedral. Papers also consider the mercantile world of clothing in medieval London: one gathers insight on dealers of secondhand clothing from the evidence of historical documents, while the other examines the social rise of the mercers in the light of their representation in literature, and their connections to the literary world. Further articles consider luxurious dress accessories with both worldly and spiritual significance, and analyse a French manual for Englishhousewives, illuminating the often-overlooked topic of home linen production. Contributors: Hilary Davidson, Ieva Pigozne, Valerie L. Garver, Christine Sciacca, Sarah L. Higley, William Sayers, Roger A. Ladd, Kate KelseyStaples, Charlotte A. Stanford
Vanderbilt University Press Nashville Native Orchids
Offers a comprehensive look into the secret lives of Davidson County's six native orchid species. The book's vibrant, eye-catching photographs of plant life cycles provide a straightforward way for readers to quickly identify these varieties and rediscover the fascinating history of these natural wonders.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Japanese Americans and World War II: Mass Removal, Imprisonment, and Redress
Like its predecessors, this fourth edition of Japanese Americans and World War II is intended as a succinct and affordable supplement to history and political science texts that minimize or neglect the Nikkei (Japanese American) experience in World War II. As was hoped, the first two editions of this publication found an enthusiastic reception by instructors and students alike at the high school, community college, and university level. In addition, the expanded third edition found a new readership beyond the classroom, in members of and visitors to museums, such as the Japanese American Museum in Los Angeles, and interpretive centers at former concentration camp sites administered by the National Park Service at Manzanar, Tule Lake, and others (some in progress). In response to the supportive and constructive feedback of students, instructors, and lay readers, we at Harlan Davidson undertook a bold and sweeping redesign of the third edition that saw our well-loved little “pamphlet” become an attractive but still highly affordable book that, in addition to taking the narrative completely up to date, has been thoroughly re-edited and expanded further to include photographs, key documents, and an enhanced multidisciplinary bibliography of 200 core publications by historians, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, and others, as well as multimedia and Internet-based sources. Inaccurate and misleading euphemisms such as “evacuation” and “internment” have been meticulously replaced with more accurate terms like “mass removal” and “imprisonment—changes explained and amplified in a new “Note on Terminology,” which explains the movement to correct long out-dated language and refers readers to thoughtful essays on the subject by eminent scholars.
Taylor & Francis Inc Australian Native Plants: Cultivation and Uses in the Health and Food Industries
Australian Native Plants: Cultivation and Uses in the Health and Food Industries provides a comprehensive overview of native food crops commercially grown in Australia that possess nutritional and health properties largely unknown on a global basis. These native foods have been consumed traditionally, have a unique flavor diversity, offer significant health promoting effects, and contain useful functional properties. Australian native plant foods have also been identified for their promising antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that have considerable commercial potential.This book is divided into three parts: The first part reviews the cultivation and production of many Australian native plants (ANP), including Anise Myrtle, Bush Tomato, Desert Raisin, Davidson’s Plum, Desert Limes, Australian Finger Lime, Kakadu Plum, Lemon Aspen, Lemon Myrtle, Muntries, Native Pepper, Quandong, Riberry, and Wattle Seed. It then examines the food and health applications of ANP and discusses alternative medicines based on aboriginal traditional knowledge and culture, nutritional characteristics, and bioactive compounds in ANP. In addition, it reviews the anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties of ANP and discusses food preservation, antimicrobial activity of ANP, and unique flavors from Australian native plants.The third section covers the commercial applications of ANP. It focuses on native Australian plant extracts and cosmetic applications, processing of native plant foods and ingredients, quality changes during packaging, and storage of Australian native herbs. The final few chapters look into the importance of value chains that connect producers and consumers of native plant foods, new market opportunities for Australian indigenous food plants, and the safety of using native foods as ingredients in the health and food sectors.
New York University Press Religion Is Raced: Understanding American Religion in the Twenty-First Century
Demonstrates how race and power help to explain American religion in the twenty-first century When White people of faith act in a particular way, their motivations are almost always attributed to their religious orientation. Yet when religious people of color act in a particular way, their motivations are usually attributed to their racial positioning. Religion Is Raced makes the case that religion in America has generally been understood in ways that center White Christian experiences of religion, and argues that all religion must be acknowledged as a raced phenomenon. When we overlook the role race plays in religious belief and action, and how religion in turn spurs public and political action, we lose sight of a key way in which race influences religiously-based claims-making in the public sphere. With contributions exploring a variety of religious traditions, from Buddhism and Islam to Judaism and Protestantism, as well as pieces on atheists and humanists, Religion Is Raced brings discussions about the racialized nature of religion from the margins of scholarly and religious debate to the center. The volume offers a new model for thinking about religion that emphasizes how racial dynamics interact with religious identity, and how we can in turn better understand the roles religion—and Whiteness—play in politics and public life, especially in the United States. It includes clear recommendations for researchers, including pollsters, on how to better recognize moving forward that religion is a raced phenomenon. With contributions by Joseph O. Baker, Kelsy Burke, James Clark Davidson, Janine Giordano Drake, Ashley Garner, Edward Orozco Flores, Sikivu Hutchinson, Sarah Imhoff, Russell Jeung, John Jimenez, Jaime Kucinskas, Eric Mar, Gerardo Martí, Omar M. McRoberts, Besheer Mohamed, Dawne Moon, Jerry Z. Park, Z. Fareen Parvez, Theresa W. Tobin, and Rhys H. Williams.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Labor Law
Economic pressure, as well as transnational and domestic corporate policies, has placed labor law under severe stress. National responses are so deeply embedded in institutions reflecting local traditions that meaningful comparison is daunting. This book assembles a team of experts from many countries that draw on a rich variety of comparative methods to capture changes and emerging trends across nations and regions.The chapters in this Research Handbook mingle subjects of long-standing comparative concern with matters that have pressed to the fore in recent years. Subjects like 'soft law' and emerging geographic zones are placed in a new light and their burgeoning significance explored. Thematic and regional comparisons capture the challenges of a globally comparative perspective on labor law.The fresh and thoughtful comparative analysis in this Handbook makes it a critical resource for scholars and students of labor law.Contributors: K. Banks, A. Bogg, S. Bonfanti, S. Butterworth, S. Cooney, L. Corazza, N. Countouris, G. Davidov, D. du Toit, K.D. Ewing, M. Finkin, R. Fragale, M. Freedland, N. Garoupa, S. Giubboni, F. Hendrickx, J. Howe, A. Hyde, E. Kovacs, R. Krause, N. Lyutov, E. Menegatti, L. Mitrus, G. Mundlak, R. Nunin, M. Pittard, O. Razzolini, K. Rittich, R. Ronnie, E. Sánchez, K. Sankaran, M. Schlachter, A. Seifert, A. Stewart, H. Takeuchi-Okuno, A. Topo
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Guide to EU Renewable Energy Policy: Comparing Europeanization and Domestic Policy Change in EU Member States
The European Union's renewable energy policy is one of the most ambitious attempts to facilitate a transition towards more sustainable energy systems. This book provides a comprehensive guide to the policy and its implementation. It contains key case studies for understanding how member states have shaped the policy, how the EU has affected the policies of its member states and how renewable energy policies have diffused horizontally. An analysis of its external dimension is also included. This remarkable guide is the first comprehensive attempt to shed light on the complex dynamics of renewable energy promotion in the European multilevel system. Theoretically driven, the study employs Europeanization as an analytical framework for assessing policy change, both at the EU level and in the member states, and compares the development of renewable energy policies in the electricity and transport sectors from the 1980s to the present. Comprising contributions from leading scholars, the book is an indispensible guide for academics, researchers and students interested in EU energy and climate policies in general and EU renewable energy policy specifically, as well as practitioners and stakeholders involved in renewable energy policy and climate protection.Contributors include: A. Ancygier, M. Bechberger, P. Bocquillon, S. Davidescu, L. Di Lucia, M.R. Di Nucci, H. Dyrhauge, G. Escribano, A. Evrard, J. Fairbrass, R. Fernandez, B. Hirschl, R. Hiteva, T. Hoppe, K. Jankowska, H. Jörgens, T. Maltby, D. Ohlhorst, E. Öller, D. Russolillo, I. Solorio, E. van Bueren, T. Vogelpohl
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
When the Quidditch World Cup is disrupted by Voldemort’s rampaging supporters alongside the resurrection of the terrifying Dark Mark, it is obvious to Harry Potter that, far from weakening, Voldemort is getting stronger. Back at Hogwarts for his fourth year, Harry is astonished to be chosen by the Goblet of Fire to represent the school in the Triwizard Tournament. The competition is dangerous, the tasks terrifying, and true courage is no guarantee of survival – especially when the darkest forces are on the rise. These adult editions with glorious jacket art by Andrew Davidson are now available in hardback for the first time.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Labor Law
Economic pressure, as well as transnational and domestic corporate policies, has placed labor law under severe stress. National responses are so deeply embedded in institutions reflecting local traditions that meaningful comparison is daunting. This book assembles a team of experts from many countries that draw on a rich variety of comparative methods to capture changes and emerging trends across nations and regions.The chapters in this Research Handbook mingle subjects of long-standing comparative concern with matters that have pressed to the fore in recent years. Subjects like 'soft law' and emerging geographic zones are placed in a new light and their burgeoning significance explored. Thematic and regional comparisons capture the challenges of a globally comparative perspective on labor law.The fresh and thoughtful comparative analysis in this Handbook makes it a critical resource for scholars and students of labor law.Contributors: K. Banks, A. Bogg, S. Bonfanti, S. Butterworth, S. Cooney, L. Corazza, N. Countouris, G. Davidov, D. du Toit, K.D. Ewing, M. Finkin, R. Fragale, M. Freedland, N. Garoupa, S. Giubboni, F. Hendrickx, J. Howe, A. Hyde, E. Kovacs, R. Krause, N. Lyutov, E. Menegatti, L. Mitrus, G. Mundlak, R. Nunin, M. Pittard, O. Razzolini, K. Rittich, R. Ronnie, E. Sánchez, K. Sankaran, M. Schlachter, A. Seifert, A. Stewart, H. Takeuchi-Okuno, A. Topo
Medieval Institute Publications Shakespeare's Play Within Play: Medieval Imagery and Scenic Form in Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear
In his foreword to the volume, Clifford Davidson praises Guilfoyle's application of the concept of scenic form in her study of Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear, and her exposition of Shakespeare's historical consciousness, noting her sensitive examination of the shape of the playwright's scenes when placed against traditional visual configurations and related textual resonances. Any student of Shakespeare will benefit from the nuanced study of his imagery and how it helps to color his characters and the action in his plays.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Stage as Mirror: Civic Theatre in Late Medieval Europe
Aspects of medieval theatre examined for reflection of contemporary life. The essays in this volume explore ways in which plays and public spectacles mirrored the beliefs and values of the late medieval world. Topics covered include seasonal festivals, trade gilds, stagecraft, and the role played by themunicipal governments in fostering and controlling dramatic productions. The geographic range takes in all western Europe, with particular consideration of the connections between the various medieval European dramatic traditions. Inter-disciplinary in approach, perspectives range from the history of theatre to cultural and political history and literary criticism. There is particular emphasis on the real advances that can be made in expanding knowledge of medieval theatre through research in local and regional archives. ALAN E. KNIGHT is professor emeritus of French at the Pennsylvania State University. Contributors: ALEXANDRA F. JOHNSTON, LYNETTE R. MUIR, PAMELA SHEINGORN, R.B. DOBSON, GERARD NIJSTEN, CLIFFORD DAVIDSON, WIM HÜSKEN, STEPHEN SPECTOR, ALAN E. KNIGHT
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
‘It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities’ Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter can’t wait for his holidays with the dire Dursleys to end. But a small, self-punishing house-elf warns Harry of mortal danger awaiting him at Hogwarts. Returning to the castle nevertheless, Harry hears a rumour about a Chamber of Secrets, holding unknown horrors for wizards of Muggle parentage. Then students are found as though turned to stone, and a terrible warning is discovered painted on the wall. The chief suspect – always in the wrong place – is Harry. But something much darker has yet to be unleashed. These adult editions have been stylishly redesigned to showcase Andrew Davidson’s beautiful woodcut cover artwork.
Astiberri Ediciones Café Budapest
Encuadernación: Rústica con solapas.Colección: Sillón OrejeroYechezkel Damjanich es un joven violinista judío que vive con su madre en la desolada Budapest de 1947. Un día, recibe una carta desde Jerusalén enviada por su tío Yosef, del que no sabe nada desde hace 12 años, y al que su madre aborrece sin razón aparente. Huyendo de la miseria, ambos llegan a Palestina en un convulso momento político, justo antes de que los ingleses abandonen la región. El tío Yosef regenta el Café Budapest, un pintoresco local cercano a la ciudad vieja, donde coexisten judíos, árabes, occidentales Un efímero oasis de armonía donde las notas del violín de Yechezkel no tardarán en dar paso al estruendo de los obuses Davidka, las bombas árabes, el odio y la destrucción. El Café Budapest se convierte en un pequeño escenario donde se reflejan el caos y la barbarie presentes en toda Palestina.
Rowman & Littlefield Beyond Epistemology: A Pragmatist Approach to Feminist Science Studies
Social critics, and especially feminist researchers, have long argued that science makes life difficult for society's weakest members. Many of the feminist critiques, particularly, have been based in epistemology. Sharyn Clough supports the intervention into science, but rejects the feminists' prevalent focus on epistemology in favor of a more empirical approach. Beyond Epistemology argues that the best way to discard sexist and racist science is to encourage more accurate data and methods. Using a case study from evolutionary biology, Clough shows how inadequate empirical philosophy is in creating real change in the sciences. Instead, she supports a more pragmatic approach based on the work of Richard Rorty and Donald Davidson. This work encourages Clough's fellow feminists to refocus their critiques and discard their philosophical debates about epistemology.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter can’t wait for his holidays with the dire Dursleys to end. But a small, self-punishing house-elf warns Harry of mortal danger awaiting him at Hogwarts. Returning to the castle nevertheless, Harry hears a rumour about a Chamber of Secrets, holding unknown horrors for wizards of Muggle parentage. Then students are found as though turned to stone, and a terrible warning is discovered painted on the wall. The chief suspect – always in the wrong place – is Harry. But something much darker has yet to be unleashed. These adult editions with glorious jacket art by Andrew Davidson are now available in hardback for the first time.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on New Venture Creation
This comprehensive Handbook provides an essential analysis of new venture creation research. The eminent contributors critically discuss and explore the current literature as well as suggest improvements to the field. They reveal a strong sense of both the 'state-of-the-art' (what has and has not been done in new venture creation research) and the 'state-of-the-could-be' (future directions the field should take to improve knowledge). The Handbook comprises nineteen chapters divided into four main sections: setting the agenda; theoretical perspectives; data and measurements; and new venture creation through contextual lenses. path-breaking Handbook has allowed experienced new venture researchers to tell the world not only where the field has been, but also where it should be going. Their responses have provided an insightful and stimulating resource that will be of great practical value to researchers working in this vital and rapidly expanding subject. Students and practitioners interested in understanding leading edge thinking in the field of new venture creation will also find this handbook invaluable.Contributors: H.E. Aldrich, F. Åstrüm, T. Bager, O. Basso, D. Blackman, M. Brännback, C.G. Brush, A.L. Carsrud, P. Davidsson, G. Don, A. Elam, M.R. Evald, A. Fayolle, W.B. Gartner, S. Gordon, P.G. Greene, G. Hancock, K. Hindle, M. Imas, J.A. Katz, P.H. Kim, K. Klyver, F. Kropp, H. Landström, J. Legge, B. Leleux, J. Levie, N.J. Lindsay, M. Mulej, M. Rebernik, D. Al-Shanfari, D. Smallbone, P. Steffens, J. Sundbo, S. Terjesen, E.T. Tornikoski, F. Welter
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on New Venture Creation
This comprehensive Handbook provides an essential analysis of new venture creation research. The eminent contributors critically discuss and explore the current literature as well as suggest improvements to the field. They reveal a strong sense of both the 'state-of-the-art' (what has and has not been done in new venture creation research) and the 'state-of-the-could-be' (future directions the field should take to improve knowledge). The Handbook comprises nineteen chapters divided into four main sections: setting the agenda; theoretical perspectives; data and measurements; and new venture creation through contextual lenses. path-breaking Handbook has allowed experienced new venture researchers to tell the world not only where the field has been, but also where it should be going. Their responses have provided an insightful and stimulating resource that will be of great practical value to researchers working in this vital and rapidly expanding subject. Students and practitioners interested in understanding leading edge thinking in the field of new venture creation will also find this handbook invaluable.Contributors: H.E. Aldrich, F. Åstrüm, T. Bager, O. Basso, D. Blackman, M. Brännback, C.G. Brush, A.L. Carsrud, P. Davidsson, G. Don, A. Elam, M.R. Evald, A. Fayolle, W.B. Gartner, S. Gordon, P.G. Greene, G. Hancock, K. Hindle, M. Imas, J.A. Katz, P.H. Kim, K. Klyver, F. Kropp, H. Landström, J. Legge, B. Leleux, J. Levie, N.J. Lindsay, M. Mulej, M. Rebernik, D. Al-Shanfari, D. Smallbone, P. Steffens, J. Sundbo, S. Terjesen, E.T. Tornikoski, F. Welter
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Heterodox Economics
Despite the important methodological critiques of the mainstream offered by heterodox economics, the dominant research method taught in heterodox programmes remains econometrics. This compelling handbook provides a comprehensive introduction to a range of alternative research methods, invaluable for analyzing the data prominent in heterodox studies.Providing a solid basis for a mixed methods approach to economic investigations, the expertly crafted contributions are split into three distinct sections: philosophical foundation and research strategy, research methods and data collection, and applications. Introductions to a host of invaluable methods such as survey, historical, ethnographic, experimental and mixed approaches, together with factor, cluster, complex, and social network analytics are complemented by descriptions of applications in practice. Practical and expansive, this handbook is highly pertinent for students and scholars of economics, particularly those dedicated to heterodox approaches, as it provides a solid reference for mixed methods not available in mainstream economics research methods courses.Contributors: V. Adams, S. Austen, A. Basole, M. Bewley, N. Bracarense, T. Cardao-Pito, Z.B. Catanzarite, L. Chester, J.F. Cogliano, B. Cronin, B. Davidson, C.D. Deere, P. Downward, A. Gezici, G.C. Gu, T. Jefferson, X. Jiang, A.R. Johnson, T.E. Lambert, F.S. Lee, G. Lewin, N.O. Martins, A. Mearman, M. Meurs, J. Morgan, J.K. Moudud, J. Muñoz, M.J. Murray, R. Ong, L. Pickbourn, S. Ramnarain, S.K. Schroeder, R. Sharp, R. Szostack, G. Zezza
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Strategic Content
The theme of this volume is Entrepreneurial Strategic Content. As such, it addresses the types of strategies that entrepreneurial companies use to effectively position themselves and gain competitive advantages. As a companion to Volume 10 ("Entrepreneurial Strategic Processes"), Volume 11 identifies several strategic dilemmas and strategic choices that organizations face in their efforts to be more entrepreneurial. Top researchers from a diverse set of perspectives - including Saras Sarasvathy, Per Davidsson, Tom Dean, and Kaye Schoonhoven - have contributed their latest research on a variety of topics such as celebrity entrepreneurship, innovation in traditionally conservative settings (banking and the military) and acquisitions as an entrepreneurial growth strategy. The strategic implications of tax policy and the importance of knowledge management and human resources management to the success of entrepreneurial strategies are also highlighted. The last two chapters constitute a spirited debate between researchers with sharply different views about the role of individual versus collective effort to entrepreneurial progress and success. Volume 11 identifies important strategic alternatives that entrepreneurial companies use to optimize performance and provides valuable insights into how organizations of all types use entrepreneurial strategies to achieve competitive advantages.
Luath Press Ltd Animal Lover
Danny is in trouble. A wannabe animal rights activist and modern day hero, none of this was supposed to happen. After his first attempt at animal liberation ends badly, things go rapidly downhill. In the supermarket where he works his behaviour is becoming more erratic and a number of people, including his boss (a big Jim Davidson fan), a Goth grocery girl (and also teenage poet) and a security guard (enough said) are all out to get him. The woman he loves, Shona, is becoming more extreme by the minute and when they hook up with some hunt saboteurs she’s more interested in digging up human graves and stealing the remains than saving foxes. Danny doesn’t waste his time at the hunt either – thanks to him the fox gets torn to pieces. It’s treble or nothing time, and next week the Circus is coming to town.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Heterodox Economics
Despite the important methodological critiques of the mainstream offered by heterodox economics, the dominant research method taught in heterodox programmes remains econometrics. This compelling handbook provides a comprehensive introduction to a range of alternative research methods, invaluable for analyzing the data prominent in heterodox studies.Providing a solid basis for a mixed methods approach to economic investigations, the expertly crafted contributions are split into three distinct sections: philosophical foundation and research strategy, research methods and data collection, and applications. Introductions to a host of invaluable methods such as survey, historical, ethnographic, experimental and mixed approaches, together with factor, cluster, complex, and social network analytics are complemented by descriptions of applications in practice. Practical and expansive, this handbook is highly pertinent for students and scholars of economics, particularly those dedicated to heterodox approaches, as it provides a solid reference for mixed methods not available in mainstream economics research methods courses.Contributors: V. Adams, S. Austen, A. Basole, M. Bewley, N. Bracarense, T. Cardao-Pito, Z.B. Catanzarite, L. Chester, J.F. Cogliano, B. Cronin, B. Davidson, C.D. Deere, P. Downward, A. Gezici, G.C. Gu, T. Jefferson, X. Jiang, A.R. Johnson, T.E. Lambert, F.S. Lee, G. Lewin, N.O. Martins, A. Mearman, M. Meurs, J. Morgan, J.K. Moudud, J. Muñoz, M.J. Murray, R. Ong, L. Pickbourn, S. Ramnarain, S.K. Schroeder, R. Sharp, R. Szostack, G. Zezza
Saint Andrew Press A Glasgow Bible
Lovingly captured in the lively and colourful Glasgow vernacular, the Old and New Testaments are rejuvenated in this great bestselling classic of Scottish writing. ‘From “no mean city” has come no mean achievement, a triumph of imagination and graphic writing which will be welcome far beyond Glasgow. I’ll be surprised if it does not whet your appetite to go back to the Bible and discover, or rediscover, for yourself the riches it contains.’ Professor Robert Davidson Acclaimed as ‘the Scottish publishing event of the year’ (Evening Times) and a ‘work of love’ (The Herald).
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter is furious that he has been abandoned at the Dursleys’ house for the summer, for he suspects that Voldemort is gathering an army, that he himself could be attacked, and that his so-called friends are keeping him in the dark. Finally rescued by wizard bodyguards, he discovers that Dumbledore is regrouping the Order of the Phoenix – a secret society first formed years ago to fight Voldemort. But the Ministry of Magic is against the Order, lies are being spread by the wizards’ tabloid, the Daily Prophet, and Harry fears that he may have to take on this epic battle against evil alone. These adult editions with glorious jacket art by Andrew Davidson are now available in hardback for the first time.
Nick Hern Books Rapture
'Just cos it's in your imagination doesn't mean it's not real.' Noah and Celeste Quilter met on a blind date organised by a newspaper, fell in love, got married and had a baby. But from the very earliest days of their relationship, they were under surveillance. And when they started a fight for their future, they never guessed it would cost them their lives. In a modern world where reality is whatever we imagine it to be, how do we know the stories we tell ourselves are true? What happens when there's only one person in the whole world you can truly trust? And what if they never take the bins out? Rapture by Lucy Kirkwood is a slippery thriller about love, power and belief which premiered at the Royal Court Theatre, London, in June 2022, directed by Lucy Morrison. It was promoted under the title That Is Not Who I Am, by Dave Davidson, a pseudonym.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Idea of the American South, 1920-1941
Originally published in 1979. The idea of the "South" has its roots in Romanticism and American culture of the nineteenth century. This study by Michael O'Brien analyzes how the idea of a unique Southern consciousness endured into the twentieth century and how it affected the lives of prominent white Southern intellectuals. Individual chapters treat Howard Odum, John Donald Wade, John Crowe Ransom, Allen Tate, Frank Owsley, and Donald Davidson. The chapters trace each man's growing need for the idea of the South—how each defined it and how far each was able to sustain the idea as an element of social analysis. The Idea of the American South moves the debate over Southern identity from speculative essays about the "central theme" of Southern history and, by implication, past the restricted perception that race relations are a sufficient key to understanding the history of Southern identity.
Penguin Books Ltd The Secrets of Rochester Place: Unravel this spellbinding tale of family drama, love and betrayal
A beautiful story of love and survival for fans of Ruth Hogan and Sally Page.-----A LOST CHILD. A LONG-KEPT SECRET. THE HOUSE THAT HOLDS THE KEYSpring 1937: Teresa is evacuated to London in the wake of the Guernica bombing. She thinks she's found safety in the soothing arms of Mary Davidson and the lofty halls of Rochester Place, but trouble pursues her wherever she goes.Autumn 2020: Corinne, an emergency dispatcher, receives a call from a distressed woman named Mary. But when the ambulance arrives at the address, Mary is nowhere to be found. Intrigued, Corinne investigates and, in doing so, disturbs secrets that have long-dwelt in Rochester Place's crumbling walls. Secrets that, once revealed, will change her life for ever . . .Who is Mary Davidson? And what happened at Rochester Place all those years ago?Set between the dusty halls of Rochester Place and the bustling streets of modern-day Tooting, this emotive, intricately layered mystery tells the spellbinding story of two people, separated by time, yet mysteriously connected through an enchanting Georgian house and the secrets within its walls.-----'A moving, page-turning story - beautifully written and heartfelt' Amanda Prowse, To Love and Be Loved'A rich and tender story of fortitude, family and friendship' Ruth Hogan, The Keeper of Lost Things'Simply spellbinding, very addictive, and so beautifully written' Sophie Irwin, A Ladies Guide to Fortune Hunting'Richly atmospheric, evocative and moving - a triumph of storytelling' Abbie Greaves, The Silent Treatment'Full of intrigue and loss, this beautifully written gothic tale makes for a spellbinding read' Rhiannon Ward, The Quickening'This atmospheric tale of family, friendship and long held secrets is a compelling read' My Weekly'An intriguing story which skilfully entwines the past and present' Heidi Swain, A Taste of Home'Absorbing, moving and multi-layered... A book to curl up with' Emma Curtis, Keep Her Quiet'Beautifully written with a story that draws you in' Jane Corry, We All Have Our Secrets
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Holocaust in Norwegen: Registrierung, Deportation, Vernichtung
Das Buch stellt die erste wissenschaftliche Monografie ëber den Holocaust in Norwegen dar. Es zeichnet die Entwicklung der antijëdischen Politik, die Verfolgung und Ausrottung der Juden in Norwegen vom Anfang der deutschen Besatzung bis zum Kriegsende nach.Nach dem Einmarsch deutscher Truppen in Norwegen im April 1940, der Ernennung des Reichskommissars Josef Terboyen und der "Nationalen Vereinigung" unter Parteichef Vidkun Quisling zur einzigen legalen Partei, fëhrten die Besatzer nach anfänglichem Zögern eine gezielte antijëdische Gesetzgebung ein. Im Januar 1942 wurden systematisch Juden registriert. Im ganzen Land wurden sie anschließend terrorisiert und von lokalen Gestapo-Gruppierungen und norwegischen Nazi-Organisationen verfolgt. Einzelne Juden wurden verhaftet und später deportiert. Systematisch vom Rest der Bevölkerung wurden sie jedoch nicht getrennt, auch der "Davidstern" wurde nicht eingefëhrt.Im Februar 1942 fëhrte Vidkun Quisling nach seiner Ernennung zum Fëhrer einer sogenannten "Nationalregierung" das Judenverbot von 1814 wieder ein. Im Herbst 1942 wurden sowohl die Besatzer als auch die Kollaborateure zunehmend ungeduldig in Bezug auf die "Judenfrage". Wie sie daher in der Folge agierten, unterschied sich jedoch vom Vorgehen der Nationalsozialisten im Rest Westeuropas. Warum war das so? Und wie haben die Täter - Deutsche und Norweger - zusammengearbeitet, um ihr Ziel zu erreichen? Diese und weitere Fragen beantwortet der Autor und gibt dabei gleichzeitig auch den Opfern eine Stimme.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter is preparing to leave the Dursleys and Privet Drive for the last time. But the future that awaits him is full of danger, not only for him, but for anyone close to him – and Harry has already lost so much. Only by destroying Voldemort’s remaining Horcruxes can Harry free himself and overcome the Dark Lord’s forces of evil. In this dramatic conclusion to the Harry Potter series, Harry must leave his most loyal friends behind, and in a final perilous journey find the strength and the will to face his terrifying destiny: a deadly confrontation that is his alone to fight. These adult editions with glorious jacket art by Andrew Davidson are now available in hardback for the first time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Reading Rorty: Critical Responses to Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature and Beyond
In "Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature" Richard Rorty presented his vision of post-philosophical culture, calling upon professional philosophers to accept that epistemology is dead, that the analytic method is a myth, and that philosophy and science are merely forms of literature. This volume is an examination of the conclusions drawn by Richard Rorty. Discussions, by philosophers such as W.V. Cline, Donald Davidson, Bernard Williams, Charles Taylor, John Yolton and Martin Hollis, cover Rorty's views on truth, language, knowledge and the self, together with his pragmatism, his "continental turn" and his regard for the literary potential of philosophical writing.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Charlotte Perkins Gilman [pb]: The Woman and Her Work
This collection of essays, edited by Sheryl L. Meyering and with a foreword by Cathy N. Davidson, maps a way for readers to approach Charolotte Perkins Gilman's large body of fiction and poetry. In addition to providing biographical background they treat the fundamental ideas Gilman developed through her work: the need for women to do "meaningful work" outside the home, the conflict suffered by the woman artist, and the depression and breakdown frequentlyresulting from that conflict. Sheryl L. Meyering is Emerita Professor of English at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.