Search results for ""author ross"
Skyhorse Publishing 101 Tips for the Parents of Girls with Autism: The Most Crucial Things You Need to Know about Diagnosis, Doctors, Schools, Taxes, Vaccinations, Babysitters, Treatment, Food, Self-Care, and More
The latest research shows that as many as 1 in 88 US children now has autism, and the number keeps rising. Parents of these children become full-time researchers, always looking for the latest information on doctors, education, and treatments, and parents of girls with autism face particularly unique challenges. After countless hours of study, Tony Lyons is sharing what he has learned. In 101 Tips for the Parents of Girls with Autism you will learn how to deal with troubling issues such as periods, birth control, and the risks of sexual abuse. Both Mom and Dad will learn which menstrual pads work best and why the ones with wings just are not them. And how exactly do you get your daughter to actually start using them? 101 Tips for the Parents of Girls with Autism has the answer. Other topics include:How to get the most useful evaluationWhere to find other parents of girls with autismGetting insurance to cover treatmentsCoping with the unique social issues that girls faceLegal issues and Medicaid pros and consMaintaining a social life for both you and your daughterHandling marital stress and divorceWhere to go on vacationAnd many more!From what to do when you first suspect your daughter might have autism, to coping with the first diagnosis, following up with comprehensive evaluation, and pursuing education and treatment, 101 Tips for the Parents of Girls with Autism is the book that every parent of a girl with autism needs.
Alfred Music Music by Me, Book Five
Moody Publishers The True Vine
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Monetary and Exchange Rate Systems: A Global View of Financial Crises
Combining critical perspectives with a positive contribution to economic policy, both national and international, this book considers the causes and consequences of recent financial crises presenting cutting-edge material.The editors bring together a number of well-known scholars to offer their views and elaborate on alternative solutions with respect to the Washington Consensus on how to restructure the monetary and financial system in order to avoid financial crises in the future. The book deals with a number of issues, such as the Asian financial crises of the 1990s, exchange rate arrangements, financial liberalization and capital controls. The contributors take a critical approach, providing the elements for a new analysis of monetary and exchange rate issues in the modern world.Monetary and Exchange Rate Systems will be extremely useful for researchers and policymakers interested in monetary macroeconomics and in the international financial system.
Image Comics Cowboy Ninja Viking Deluxe
SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING CHRIS PRATT (Guardians of the Galaxy,Jurassic World).This giant, oversized, deluxe trade paperback collects the entire run of the critically acclaimed, fan-favoriteseries COWBOY NINJA VIKING, complete with extensive extras & bonus material!International intrigue! Black-market nukes! And Cowboy Ninja Viking! Sent on a covert mission that willtake the triplets from Bangkok to the Middle East, Duncan, Ghislain, Nix, Grear, Steed Malbranque, andeveryone's favorite gladiator/pirate/oceanographer Yashitiko Ammo are gonna save the world... or totallyscrew it up!
Granville Island Publishing Pocket Guide for After Brain Injury: Tools for Living
Nova Science Publishers Inc Food & Health in the New Millennium: A Concise Guide to the Role of Nutrition in Health & Disease
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Sprachkunst. Beitrage Zur Literaturwissenschaft / Sprachkunst Jahrgang XLIV/201, 2. Halbband: Beitrage Zur Literaturwissenschaft
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Sprachkunst - Beitrage Zur Literaturwissenschaft Jahrgang XLII/2011 1. Halbband
University of Illinois Press WOMEN GENDER AND TECHNOLOGY
An interdisciplinary investigation of the co-creation of gender and technology
Silvana Editoriale Caravaggio: The Complete Works
Springer International Publishing AG Clinical Behavior Analysis for Children
This book is a guide for child psychotherapists interested in applying clinical behavioral analysis to their work and for clinical behavior analysts working with children. In the literature of behavior analysis, a considerable number of publications present clinical strategies to more effectively conduct therapeutic interventions with adults and adolescents, but there is still a lack of publications that address practical aspects of the work of the child behavior analytic therapist. This volume aims do fill this void by bringing together chapters written by therapists who share their views on theoretical and practical aspects of child care and describe the stages and challenges of the psychotherapy process with clients of up to 12 years of age. Chapters in this volume provide an overview of the specific knowledge and techniques clinical behavior analysts need to master to work with children, such as theories of child development from the perspective of behavior analysis; biological influences on the development of child behavior; clinical assessment and definition of therapeutic goals in the work with children; how to include functional play in clinical settings; and how to involve parents and the school in the therapeutic process. Additionally, specific chapters focus on the application of third wave behavioral therapies, such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, to the clinical work with children. Clinical Behavior Analysis for Children will be a valuable resource for psychotherapists and clinical psychology students looking for a guide to understand the specificities of clinical behavior analysis applied to child psychotherapy.
Cottage Door Press Mini Mindful Moments: Kindness
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Jugendgerichtsgesetz: Handkommentar
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Rediscovering Lost Landscapes: Topographical Art in north-west Italy, 1800-1920
Analysis of hundreds of art works from the period provides insights into forgotten landscapes and hidden geographies. After the Napoleonic wars many wealthy British women and men settled along the coast in Liguria and travelled in Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta in search of warmth and health. They established English-speaking colonies of retired clerics, colonial officials, aristocrats and industrialists at places such as Alassio, Bordighera, Sanremo and Portofino. Many were keen artists. This book assesses hundreds of topographical drawings, paintings and photographs of north-west Italy produced by these British visitors and residents in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Through the identification and analysis of these works, scattered today in private and public collections in Italy and Britain, it provides insights into the way Italian landscapes were understood and appreciated. Considered in conjunction with historical photography, maps, archives and fieldwork, they deepen our knowledge of past land management traditions and recover how the contemporary landscape looked. The artists are placed in their intellectual and geographical contexts; and interconnections between British and Italian artists and between topographical art and photography are explored. Different chapters assess the main subjects depicted, including mountains, seascapes, rivers, agriculture, trees and woodland, castles, churches, villages, industries and landscapes of luxury.
KIT Publishers Revisualizing Slavery: Visual Sources on Slavery in Indonesian Archipelago & Indian Ocean
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology: Development and Aging Changes in the Nervous System
In the animal nervous system, a very high metabolic turnover, fragile but steep ionic gradients, and morphological and structural constraints - dictated by the necessity for prompt neuronal transmission of electrical impulses and necessary plasticity - result in a highly fragile organ system. Here, we address a small sampling of major constituents of neural function at the cellular and molecular level that play important roles in development and aging, two endogenous processes that embody features of allostasis or the dynamic shifts in set points for specific homeostatic mechanisms associated with development and aging. These chapters stress the dynamic features of neuronal responses to internal (developmental) cues or the more harmful external events (injury and disease) in a modern perspective.
Gregorian & Biblical Press Spiritualita Ignaziana E Metodo Trascendentale
Rizzoli International Publications Venice and the Doges: Six Hundred Years of Architecture, Monuments, and Sculpture
A feast for the eyes and an entertaining, erudite read, this book opens with an illustrated survey of the 120 doges who led the Venetian Republic before continuing with a detailed survey of the incredible array of sculptures and monuments that memorialize them. Although celebrated for painting and music, Venice has a sculptural tradition that was overshadowed by Florence and Rome. Based on new scholarship, this volume reveals the true magnificence of six centuries of Venetian sculpture. With the oldest works dating to the thirteenth century, these masterpieces fill the city s churches and include pieces by great masters from the Lombardo family to Antonio Rizzo, Jacopo Sansovino, Alessandro Vittoria, and Baldassare Longhena. The sculptural marvels of Venice tell the story of a procession of doges politicians, scholars, conquerors, merchants, and even a saint, Pietro Orseolo over a thousand-year history. Engaging text highlights the adventurous, eventful, and sometimes glorious lives of these legendary figures, while the newly commissioned photography showcases the grandeur and beauty of a neglected aspect of Venice s cultural history.
FJH Music Co, Inc Get Ready For Chord and Arpeggio Duets! Book 2
FJH Music Co, Inc Get Ready For Chord and Arpeggio Duets! Book 1
Ohio University Press Hero of the Angry Sky: The World War I Diary and Letters of David S. Ingalls, America’s First Naval Ace
Hero of the Angry Sky draws on the unpublished diaries, correspondence, informal memoir, and other personal documents of the U.S. Navy’s only flying “ace” of World War I to tell his unique story. David S. Ingalls was a prolific writer, and virtually all of his World War I aviation career is covered, from the teenager’s early, informal training in Palm Beach, Florida, to his exhilarating and terrifying missions over the Western Front. This edited collection of Ingalls’s writing details the career of the U.S. Navy’s most successful combat flyer from that conflict. While Ingalls’s wartime experiences are compelling at a personal level, they also illuminate the larger, but still relatively unexplored, realm of early U.S. naval aviation. Ingalls’s engaging correspondence offers a rare personal view of the evolution of naval aviation during the war, both at home and abroad. There are no published biographies of navy combat flyers from this period, and just a handful of diaries and letters in print, the last appearing more than twenty years ago. Ingalls’s extensive letters and diaries add significantly to historians’ store of available material.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physical Methods of Chemistry, Investigations of Surfaces and Interfaces
Each volume of this series heralds profound changes in both the perception and practice of chemistry. This edition presents the state of the art of all important methods of instrumental chemical analysis, measurement and control. Contributions offer introductions together with sufficient detail to give a clear understanding of basic theory and apparatus involved and an appreciation of the value, potential and limitations of the respective techniques. The emphasis of the subjects treated is on method rather than results, thus aiding the investigator in applying the techniques successfully in the laboratory.
Peeters Publishers Jean Potocki - Oeuvres IV.1: Manuscrit Trouve a Saragosse (version De 1810)
Dans ce volume IV, 1 des Oeuvres de Jean Potocki (1761-1815) est publie le texte du "Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse" dans la version achevee telle qu'elle a ete reellement ecrite par son auteur, version dite "de 1810". Celle-ci differe sensiblement de celle - dite "de 1804" - qu'il avait elaboree precedemment, sans toutefois la conduire a son terme. La version de 1804 est editee dans le vol. IV, 2 de la presente serie. Ces deux etats du roman-culte de Potocki presentent deux conceptions esthetiques tres differentes appliquees a une meme matiere narrative. Bien que l'une d'elles soit demeuree inachevee, il sera desormais necessaire, pour se faire une idee pleine de ce chef-d'oeuvre, de prendre connaissance de ces deux versions. On dispose ainsi pour la premiere fois d'une edition integrale et fiable, etablie sur la base de toutes les sources disponibles, dont une partie etait restee inconnue a ce jour.
Peeters Publishers De Varsovie a Saragosse: Jean Potocki Et Son Oeuvre
Oublie et meconnu pendant longtemps, Jean Potocki (1761-1815) est regarde aujourd'hui comme l'un des ecrivains europeens les plus importants de son temps. Cet aristocrate polonais au genie multiforme a pense contribuer surtout au progres de la connaissance en matiere d'histoire generale et d'histoire des peuples, mais c'est par ses oeuvres litteraires qu'il s'est impose finalement a la posterite. Ses recits de voyage revelent une acuite du regard et une ouverture de l'esprit extraordinaires; dans son theatre, il met surtout en scene une conception de la litterature et de l'ecriture qui triomphera dans ce roman-somme qu'est le Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse. Les auteurs de ce livre presentent une synthese des travaux qu'ils ont consacres a Potocki depuis de nombreuses annees. Ils font d'abord le point des connaissances actuelles, encore lacunaires, sur la vie de cet auteur, en presentant une chronologie detaillee, enrichie par deux importantes collections de correspondances inedites. Dans une deuxieme partie, c'est l'ensemble de l'oeuvre qui est aborde dans sa genese et sous ses differents aspects. Enfin, neuf etudes particulieres permettent de mieux cerner l'extreme et fascinante complexite du Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse. Le tout est complete par une bibliographie exhaustive des travaux publies a ce jour sur Jean Potocki. Paraissant a l'heure oA' les etudes potockiennes connaissent un spectaculaire developpement dans le monde entier, ce livre reflete l'etat actuel du savoir sur cet auteur d'exception et dessine de larges perspectives d'interpretation de son oeuvre.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Le Origini del Processo Formulare Dopo La Scoperta Della Formula Di Mucio Scevola
Editorial el Pirata El hombre que tenía tres pelos
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Habí a una vez un hombre que solo tení a tres pelos y los querí a tanto que incluso les habí a puesto nombre. Uno se llamaba Pepito, otro Juanito y el má s corto, Antoñ ito. Pese a su complejo, Jorge descubre que si se lo toma con humor, el tener poco pelo puede ser incluso divertido… El hombre que tení a tres pelos es el sé ptimo cuento de la colecció n Aprender a leer en letra MAYÚ SCULA e imprenta, en españ ol, que está ordenada en funció n de la dificultad lectora, siendo el nÚ mero 1 el má s sencillo y el nÚ mero 9 el má s complejo.El texto es rimado y está escrito en ambos tipos de letra para facilitar el salto de una a la otra. En cada pá gina se encuentra el mismo texto dos veces: arriba en letra de imprenta y abajo en letra de PALO (mayÚ sculas). Permite trabajar la lectura en letra mayÚ scula y el cambio hacia la letra de imprenta. Al final del libro encontrará s un mensaje para reflexionar.Tí tulos de la colecció n: 1) Daniel, el bombero2) Valiente3) Pequeñ o, el granito de arena travieso4) El dragó n que no tení a fuego5) Simba, el leó n6) El tesoro de pirata7) El hombre que tení a tres pelos8) El coche amarillo9) Trompa largaLa colecció n está pensada para aprender a leer y se ordena en funció n de la dificultad lectora. LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL.SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Once upon a time there was a man who only had three hairs and he loved them so much that he had even named them. One was called Pepito, another Juanito and the shortest, Antoñ ito. Despite his complex, Jorge discovers that if he takes it with humor, having little hair can even be fun... El hombre que tení a tres pelos is the seventh story from the Learn to Read collection in UPPERCASE and lowercase letters, in Spanish, which is arranged according to reading difficulty, number 1 being the easiest and number 9 the most challenging.Each page contains the same text twice: above in lowercase letters and below in CAPITAL LETTERS (uppercase). It teaches capital letters and makes the change towards lowercase easier. At the end of the book, you can find a message to think about.Titles in the collection: 1) Daniel, el bombero2) Valiente3) Pequeñ o, el granito de arena travieso4) El dragó n que no tení a fuego5) Simba, el leó n6) El tesoro de pirata7) El hombre que tení a tres pelos8) El coche amarillo9) Trompa largaThe collection is designed to learn to read and is arranged according to reading difficulty.ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
Hometown World I Love You as Big as West Virginia
Hometown World I Love You as Big as Kentucky
Hometown World I Love You as Big as Iowa
Sourcebooks, Inc My Mountain Baby
Share the joy of exploring nature with your little one in this adorable board book for babies and toddlers!Wake up, Mountain Baby, and welcome to another fun day in the mountains! Enjoy jumping logs, watching eagles, gathering pine cones, camping, and so much more! From nature hikes to campfire s'mores, explore the great outdoors with your Mountain Baby.Celebrate all the places where you and Baby learn, laugh, love, and play!From waking in the morning to saying Good Night, take a fun journey through all the places and activities you and Baby love to share. Whether you're exploring the city or the suburbs; the mountains or the country; the lake or the beach; these cute and clever books will bring your Baby's world to life.For babies and toddlers age 0-3, these sturdy board books are built for read-a-longs, family vacations, travel, and precious together time.Adorable baby animal illustrations and delightful rhyming text help build listening and memory skills.A sweet gift for boys and girls. Perfect for baby showers, new parents, birthdays, Valentine's Day, and the Fourth of July. Also a great Easter basket and Christmas stocking stuffer.
Sourcebooks, Inc Happy Meow-loween Little Pumpkin
Sourcebooks, Inc I Love You More, Babysaur
Celebrate your little hugasaurus with this pun-tastic dinosaur book for babies and toddlers, the perfect gift for baby showers, new parents, or any occasion!Rawr means "I love you" in dinosaur! Filled with cute dinosaur puns, beautiful illustrations, and heartwarming message, I Love You More, Babysaur is a dinomite board book and keepsake families will love to read together again and again. Perfect for sharing with someone you love, this sweet story also includes full dinosaur names and pronunciations!The best book gift for: Fans of I Love You Like No Otter Babies and toddlers ages 0-3. Made just for their little hands! Valentine's Day books for kids Dinosaur lovers Baby showers Birthdays Holiday stocking stuffer or Christmas book for kids Easter basket stuffer and more!You make my heart saur, Above trees and mountains too. I love you more than anything,I spino know what I'd do without you
Alfred Music William Tell Overture: Score & Parts
Alfred Music William Tell Overture: Score & Parts
Simon & Schuster Blooming Beneath the Sun
MIT Press Ltd A Scientific Autobiography
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Die Zukunft von Privatheit und Selbstbestimmung: Analysen und Empfehlungen zum Schutz der Grundrechte in der digitalen Welt
Die in diesem Open-Access-Buch zusammengeführten interdisziplinären Untersuchungen des „Forums Privatheit“ gehen der Frage nach, wie sich die Verwirklichungsbedingungen von Privatheit und Selbstbestimmung durch die Digitalisierung aller Lebensbereiche radikal ändern. Nahezu jede Lebensregung hinterlässt Datenspuren, ermöglicht vielfältige und intensive Datensammlungen über Menschen, unterstützt Verhaltensbeeinflussungen und verstärkt Ungleichgewichte in der Informationsmacht. Es analysiert die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf den rechtlichen und politischen Schutz der Grundrechte, die ökonomischen Beziehungen, die gesellschaftliche Integration und die individuelle Entfaltung. Das Buch zeigt aber auch auf, wie Digitalisierung und ihre gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen technisch, sozial, ökonomisch und rechtlich gestaltet werden können, um Privatheit und Selbstbestimmung zu schützen.
Springer International Publishing AG The Art of Science: From Perspective Drawing to Quantum Randomness
In addition to linear perspective, complex numbers and probability were notable discoveries of the Renaissance. While the power of perspective, which transformed Renaissance art, was quickly recognized, the scientific establishment treated both complex numbers and probability with much suspicion. It was only in the twentieth century that quantum theory showed how probability might be molded from complex numbers and defined the notion of “complex probability amplitude”. From a theoretical point of view, however, the space opened to painting by linear perspective and that opened to science by complex numbers share significant characteristics. The Art of Science explores this shared field with the purpose of extending Leonardo’s vision of painting to issues of mathematics and encouraging the reader to see science as an art. The intention is to restore a visual dimension to mathematical sciences – an element dulled, if not obscured, by historians, philosophers, and scientists themselves.
Hometown World I Love You as Big as Vermont
Walker Books Ltd 100 Adventures to Have Before You Grow Up
Discover a life outdoors with this exuberant guide packed with 100 different big and small adventures. From building a den, to going on a skateboard journey, visiting a lighthouse and telling midnight ghost stories, every adventure will inspire you to get outdoors and go exploring. Created by adventurer Anna McNuff, this book will encourage everyone to fly by the seat of their adventure pants, no matter where they live!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Security in Fixed and Wireless Networks
Introduces aspects on security threats and their countermeasures in both fixed and wireless networks, advising on how countermeasures can provide secure communication infrastructures. Enables the reader to understand the risks of inappropriate network security, what mechanisms and protocols can be deployed to counter these risks, and how these mechanisms and protocols work.
Workman Publishing The Silver Palate Cookbook
"This is the book that changed the way America cooks."—Barbara KafkaThe Silver Palate Cookbook is the beloved classic that brings a new passion for food and entertaining into American homes. Its 350 flawlessly seasoned, stand-out dishes make every occasion special, and its recipes, featuring vibrant, pure ingredients, are a pleasure to cook. Brimming with kitchen wisdom, cooking tips, information about domestic and imported ingredients, menus, quotes, and lore, this timeless book feels as fresh and exciting as the day it was first published. Every reader will fall in love with cooking all over again. This twenty-fifth anniversary edition is enriched with full-color photographs throughout.