Search results for ""author ross"
Ediciones Granica, S.A. Remodela Tu Casa: Guía Técnico-Emocional De Obra Residencial
Highlights Press Bear and Friends: A Scarf for Squirrel
Highlights Puzzle Readers offer an innovative approach to learning that integrates puzzles and stories to develop motivated, confident readers. These Level P books are perfect for kids learning to recognize letters and sounds.Bear and Mouse lost the scarf they want to give their friend, Squirrel. In this Level P Highlights Puzzle Reader, readers can join in the search for the scarf and then find hidden letters throughout the book. The simple text has lots of picture support that will keep readers turning the pages. With a bonus matching activity to reinforce vocabulary, kids will love playing along in this forest adventure.
Skyhorse Publishing All I Can Handle: I'm No Mother Teresa: A Life Raising Three Daughters with Autism
"Dr. Spock? Check. Penelope Ann Leach (remember her?)? Check. What to Expect When You’re Expecting? Check. I had a seven hundred dollar Bellini crib for God’s sake! I was perfect. And so was Mia when she was born . . ." ...and so begins Kim Stagliano’s electrifying and hilarious memoir of her family’s journey raising three daughters with autism. In these stories, Stagliano has joined the ranks of David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs with her amazing ability to lay everything on the table—from family, friends, and enemies to basement floods to birthdays to (possible) heroin addictions—eviscerating and celebrating the absurd. From her love of Howard Stern to her increasing activism in the autism community and exhaustive search for treatments that will help her daughters, she covers it all. Always outspoken, often touching, and sometimes heartbreaking, Kim Stagliano is a powerful new voice in comedic writing—her “Kimoir” (as she calls it) will be a must-read within the autism community and the literary world at large.
De Gruyter Gestalterinnen: Frauen, Design und Gesellschaft im Wien der Zwischenkriegszeit
Gestalterinnen hatten einen entscheidenden Anteil an der Entwicklung der Moderne im Wien der Zwischenkriegszeit. Die Publikation präsentiert neue Forschungen zu Designerinnen, Keramikerinnen, Modeschöpferinnen, Grafikerinnen, Gartenarchitektinnen, Fotografinnen, Kunsthistorikerinnen und Mäzeninnen. An ihrem Beispiel wird gezeigt, wie angestammte Rollenbilder in der Zwischenkriegszeit aufgebrochen wurden und welch eminente Bedeutung diese Frauen für die Wiener Moderne hatten. Sie setzten sich mit bestehenden Vorurteilen auseinander und schufen neue visuelle Sprachen, um erfolgreich Karriere zu machen. Gleichzeitig trugen sie zu einem kritischen Diskurs über die Emanzipation der Frau bei. Zu den Gestalterinnen der Wiener Moderne gehörten u.a. Emilie Flöge, Mathilde Flögl, Jacqueline Groag, Fanny Harlfinger-Zakucka, Yella Hertzka, Else Hofmann, Hilda Jesser, Maria Likarz, Madame d'Ora, Pauline Metternich-Sándor, Bertha Pappenheim, Marie Reidemeister-Neurath, Lisl Weil, Vally Wieselthier, Helene Wolf und Berta Zuckerkandl
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Monetary and Exchange Rate Systems: A Global View of Financial Crises
Combining critical perspectives with a positive contribution to economic policy, both national and international, this book considers the causes and consequences of recent financial crises presenting cutting-edge material.The editors bring together a number of well-known scholars to offer their views and elaborate on alternative solutions with respect to the Washington Consensus on how to restructure the monetary and financial system in order to avoid financial crises in the future. The book deals with a number of issues, such as the Asian financial crises of the 1990s, exchange rate arrangements, financial liberalization and capital controls. The contributors take a critical approach, providing the elements for a new analysis of monetary and exchange rate issues in the modern world.Monetary and Exchange Rate Systems will be extremely useful for researchers and policymakers interested in monetary macroeconomics and in the international financial system.
Shambhala Publications Inc Yoga for a Healthy Lower Back: A Practical Guide to Developing Strength and Relieving Pain
Peeters Publishers Jean Potocki - Oeuvres V: Correspondance - Varia - Chronologie - Index General
Jean Potocki a du ecrire quelques milliers de lettres; seules, cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf ont ete retrouvees, ici reunies. C'est dire le manque, c'est dire aussi l'attente, d'autant plus forte qu'il a toujours apporte grand soin a sa correspondance, redigee de sa propre main. Elle se repartit assez exactement entre le domaine public (lettres a Stanislas Auguste, a Alexandre Ier, a Andrei Budberg) et le domaine prive (lettres a son frere, a sa niece, a son beau-pere). Les limites de la lettre sont moins nettes: on la retrouve dans les voyages, en Turquie, en Hollande, sur le chemin de la Chine, ainsi que dans les ecrits historiques ou politique, sous la forme de memoires adresses aux autorites - sans oublier celles du "Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse". Toutefois, ou qu'elle figure, quel que soit son destinataire, la lettre reste muette sur celui qui l'ecrit: Potocki ne livre rien de lui-meme; son regard reste tourne vers l'exterieur.Nous avons donne, a la suite de la correspondance, des "varia" qui n'entraient pas dans les volumes precedents, comme cette etrange relation d'un episode guerrier entre Polonais et Turcs, traduit de l'espagnol, ou ces lettres fictives qui ebauchaient peut-etre un nouveau roman. Le lecteur trouvera enfin une chronologie de l'auteur, une liste de ses oeuvres et les index generaux de l'edition.
Peeters Publishers Jean Potocki - Oeuvres II: Voyage a Astrakan Et Sur La Ligne De Caucase - Memoire Sur L'ambassade En Chine - Objets De Recherche - Sophio-polis
Apres les voyages a l'Ouest (Turquie, Egypte, Hollande, Maroc, Basse-Saxe: voir le volume I de notre edition), Jean Potocki tourne ses regards vers l'Orient: en 1797, il parcourt le Caucase; en 1805, il prend la route de la Chine et vers 1811, il s'enthousiasme pour la crimee. Ces trois voyages donnerent lieu a relation. Le texte du "Voyage a Astrakan et sur la ligne du Caucase" suit ici pour la premiere fois le manuscrit original; il est augmente du journal adresse a Stanislas Auguste, roi de Pologne, exile a Saint-Petersbourg. Le "Memoire sur l'ambassade en Chine" est suivi du "Rapport" sur les activites des savants places sous la direction de Potocki pendant l'ambassade. Enfin le petit texte sur le projet immobilier de Sophio-polis n'avait plus ete publie depuis sa parution confidentielle au debut du XIXe siecle.Rompant avec les precedentes relations, le "Voyage dans quelques parties de la Basse-Saxe" obeissait principalement a une exigence scientifique: il ne s'agissait plus au gre d'un itineraire vagabond de collecter des etonnements, des surprises. A partir de 1794, Potocki cherche a construire un discours, organiser une representation sur l'histoire des Slaves, les populations caucasiennes ou la diplomatie russe en Extreme-Orient. Le voyage est devenu pre-texte, matiere premiere d'une elaboration intellectuelle; en ce sens, il offre une synthese de l'oeuvre de Potocki, reunissant aussi bien les travaux historiques que les choix politiques ou l'experimentation narrative.Ce deuxieme volume des Oeuvres de Jean Potocki a ete prepare par Dominique Triaire, professeur a l'universite Paul-Valery Montpellier III.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider The City-States of the Jawf at the Dawn of Ancient South Arabian History (8th-6th Centuries Bce). III: A Lexical and Onomastic Index of the Inscriptions
Obelisco Chispa
Sourcebooks, Inc You Shamrock My World
Your little leprechaun will be over the rainbow for this magically pun-tastic St. Patrick's Day board book!Show your little one that they're worth more than any pot of gold! This delightful book for babies and toddlers features heartfelt rhyming puns and adorable springtime illustrations including shamrocks, flowers, fairies, gnomes, ladybugs, and more that families will love to read together. Start a new holiday tradition and share the perfect St. Patrick's Day gift with your lucky little clover or anyone you love!For fans of I Love You Like No Otter, this encouragement story is the best book for kids ages 0-3-made just for their little hands-and is a wonderful gift for baby showers, birthdays, and bedtime read alouds.More charming stories from Punderland, the perfect gift for any occasionI Love You Like No OtterAll I Want for Christmas Is EweSomebunny Loves YouI Love You Slow MuchHappy Meow-loween, Little Pumpkinand more!You're the cutest clover in the patch,with your sparkly smiling eyes.Even with shenanigans,Each with you, a prize.
Hometown World I Love You as Big as Maryland
Hometown World I Love You as Big as New York
Hometown World I Love You as Big as New Jersey
Sourcebooks, Inc My Beach Baby
Share fun at the beach with your little one in this adorable board book for babies and toddlers!Wake up, Beach Baby, and welcome to another fun day at the beach! Enjoy building sand castles, gathering sea shells, swimming, watching sailboats, and so much more! From sandy walks to evening bonfires, explore the world with your Beach Baby.Celebrate all the places where you and Baby learn, laugh, love, and play!From waking in the morning to saying Good Night, take a fun journey through all the places and activities you and Baby love to share. Whether you're exploring the city or the suburbs; the mountains or the country; the lake or the beach; these cute and clever books will bring your Baby's world to life.For babies and toddlers age 0-3, these sturdy board books are built for read-a-longs, family vacations, travel, and precious together time.Adorable baby animal illustrations and delightful rhyming text help build listening and memory skills.A sweet gift for boys and girls. Perfect for baby showers, new parents, birthdays, Valentine's Day, and the Fourth of July. Also a great Easter basket and Christmas stocking stuffer.
Sourcebooks, Inc Somebunny Loves You
Tell your egg-stra special little peep that they make you very hoppy with this punderful Easter book for babies and toddlers! Filled with adorable baby animal illustrations, a heartfelt message, and charming puns all ages can enjoy, Somebunny Loves You is a sweet story families will love to read and share together. Put some spring in your step with this Easter book for kids, shower love on your little one, and start a new holiday tradition. It's an egg-straordinary way to celebrate Easter and springtime and includes a bonus seek and find hidden inside!The perfect book gift for: Fans of I Love You Like No Otter Babies and toddlers ages 0-3. Made just for their little hands! Easter basket stuffer Farm book and baby animal lovers Baby showers Valentine's Day Birthdays and more!Somebunny loves you. Psst… that bunny is me! You're my favorite peep.You fill my heart with glee.
Sourcebooks, Inc Donut Give Up
Give your peanut a little encouragemint with this deliciously punderful board book for babies and toddlers!Show your little one you're berry proud of them with a sweet read aloud you'll love to share together again and again! Filled with adorable food illustrations, funny wordplay, and a heartfelt message of positivity and encouragement, Donut Give Up introduces growth mindset to little ones and inspires them to believe in themselves. It's never too early to taco 'bout dreaming big and never giving up with your child!The pearfect self esteem and encouragement book for kids ages 0-3—made just for their little hands—this punny treat makes a wonderful gift for baby showers, birthdays, graduation,Valentine's Day, Easter basket stuffers, Christmas stocking stuffers, or other special moments all year long!Remember, donut give up,When what you're doing gets tough.And here's the inside scoop:,You'll always be enough.More charming stories from Punderland, the perfect gift for any occasionI Love You Like No OtterI Love You More, BabysaurSomebunny Loves YouHappy Meow-loween, Little Pumpkinand more!
Pearson Education (US) Case Studies in Preparation for the California Reading Competency Test
Case Studies in Preparation for the California Reading Competency Test presents a unique, concise, case-based approach covering all domains, concepts, strategies, and assessments required by the RICA®. It’s the ideal resource for pre-service teachers who want practice in synthesizing and analyzing assessment and strategies for reading in the K—8 classroom, for credential candidates who need to prepare to succeed in taking the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA®), and for in-service teachers who want to enhance their assessment and instruction, while increasing students’ learning.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Konflikttheorie: Ausgewählte Schriften
Randall Collins gehört zu den produktivsten und originellsten soziologischen Theoretikern der Gegenwart. In seinem Werk verbindet er eine an die Traditionslinien von Marx und Weber anknüpfende meso- und makrosoziologische Konflikttheorie mit einer emotionssoziologisch fundierten Interaktionstheorie. Auf dieser theoretischen Grundlage hat er inspirierende Beiträge zu unterschiedlichen soziologischen Forschungsfeldern formuliert. Seine Publikationen zur sozialen Ungleichheit, zur Wissenschaftssoziologie, zur Entstehung und Dynamik des Kapitalismus und zur langfristigen territorialen Macht von Staaten haben zu fruchtbringenden Diskussionen geführt. Dieser Band versammelt eine Auswahl der wichtigsten und interessantesten Beiträge von Collins.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Zeitenwende bei der Energieversorgung: Neujustierung des rechtlichen Rahmens
Trotz des fortschreitenden Klimawandels ist die Neugestaltung der Energieressourcen über lange Jahre vernachlässigt worden. Die energiepolitischen Folgen der russischen Invasion in der Ukraine haben die daraus folgenden Engpässe in der nationalen Energieversorgung nochmals deutlich gemacht. Nunmehr müssen diese Versäumnisse in einer herausfordernd kurzen Zeitspanne nachgeholt werden. Die erforderliche energiepolitische Zeitenwende bringt große Veränderungen im Bereich des energiebezogenen Umwelt- und Infrastrukturrechts mit sich, denen sich der vorliegende Tagungsband widmet. Er dokumentiert dabei die wissenschaftlichen Fachvorträge, die im Rahmen des 7. Deutschen Umwelt- und Infrastrukturrechtstags des Instituts für Umweltrecht der Universität Augsburg gehalten wurden. Ausgehend vom derzeitigen Status quo der Energiewirtschaft und dessen Herausforderungen wird die Neujustierung des energierechtlichen Rahmens auch mit Blick auf seine umwelt- und infrastrukturrechtlichen Implikationen in sieben Schritten nachvollzogen.
Hometown World I Love You as Big as Boston
PM Press No Gods No Masters: Live in Concert
Usborne Publishing Ltd Little Lift and Look Spotty Frog
Where has the spotty frog gone now? Very little children will love lifting the flaps to find the frog and follow her around the pond to meet all the other animals. Discover a speedy fish, a hungry heron, five fluffy ducklings and lots of wiggly tadpoles, as the spotty frog hops, dives and swims around the pond.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fundamentals of Palliative Care for Student Nurses
Fundamentals of Palliative Care for Student Nurses is a thorough yet accessible introduction and overview of a key area of the nursing programme. This textbook clearly explains the palliation of symptoms and the social context of death and dying. Engaging with the latest guidelines and curriculum, it highlights the practical and communicative skills required for induction programmes and continuing professional development. KEY FEATURES: A full-colour, student-friendly, introduction to the essentials of palliative, or end of life care A topical and timely subject area, explored clearly and concisely Full of interactive pedagogy and features, including quizzes, multiple choice questions, vignettes/case studies and activities Features a companion website with links to further reading, additional activities and resources, and self-testing interactive multiple choice questions Fundamentals of Palliative Care for Student Nurses focuses on this area with expert knowledge and compassion, preparing students in order to help them provide the best possible care for their patients and their families.
The University of Chicago Press Building Ideas: An Architectural Guide to the University of Chicago
Many books have been written about the University of Chicago over its 120-year history, but most of them focus on the intellectual environment, favoring its great thinkers and their many breakthroughs. Yet for the students and scholars who live and work here, the physical university - its stately buildings and beautiful grounds - forms an important part of its character. "Building Ideas: An Architectural Guide to the University of Chicago" explores the environment that has supported more than a century of exceptional thinkers. This photographic guide traces the evolution of campus architecture from the university's founding in 1890 to its plans for the twenty-first century. When William Rainey Harper, the university's first president, and the trustees decided to build a set of Gothic quadrangles, they created a visual link to European precursors and made a bold statement about the future of higher education in the United States. Since then the university has regularly commissioned forward-thinking architects to design buildings that expand - or explode - traditional ideals while redefining the contemporary campus. Full of panoramic photographs and exquisite details, "Building Ideas" features the work of architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Henry Ives Cobb, Holabird & Roche, Eero Saarinen, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Walter Netsch, Ricardo Legorreta, Rafael Vinoly, Cesar Pelli, Helmut Jahn, and Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects. The guide also includes guest commentaries by prominent architects and other notable public figures. It is the perfect collection for Chicago alumni and students, Hyde Park residents and visitors, and anyone inspired by the institutional ideas and aspirations of architecture.
Mango Media We Make It Better: The LGBTQ Community and Their Positive Contributions to Society
Celebrate the LGBT Community “For all LGBTQ teens and young adults, this book will help inspire and empower you to become your best selves.”―Dustin Lance Black, Academy Award-winning Screenwriter, “Milk #1 Bestseller in LGBT Studies, Lesbian Studies LGBT history is as old as history itself. In that time, LGBT people have positively impacted their communities, made advancements for society, and changed the world! We Make It Better profiles all the people, places, and events that show just how awesome and inspiring the LGBT community is. A stirring look at LGBT history. LGBT people have always played important roles in society. They have served their country, served in office, pushed for the protection of human rights, and have impacted all fields of study, sport, art, and industry. Meet some of the most famous thinkers and changers in history from Bayard Rustin, Alan Turing, Dr. Sally Ride, and Oscar Wilde to present day innovators and world changers such as Billie Jean King, Jason Collins, Ellen DeGeneres, Tim Cook, the Wachowski sisters, Sir Ian McKellen and more. Positivity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth and adults. More than a “who’s who” of LGBT history, We Make It Better is a vibrant chronicle of the events in history where the LGBT community came together to fight for equality and save lives. Learn how the community came together during the HIV/AIDs crisis, fought for marriage equality, protested discrimination, and pushed for progressive change throughout the years. Learn about the events, places, people, and beliefs that are all causes for pride and celebration. Read this book and: Discover important LGBT people who have changed the world Be moved by the accomplishments of the LGBT community Be inspired by a mix of biographies, history, and quotes Readers of The ABCs of LGBT by Ashley Mardell or Queer: A Graphic History by Dr. Meg-John Barker will love We Make It Better, a quintessential LGBT book.
Nova Science Publishers Inc End-of-Life Care: Ethical Issues, Practices & Challenges
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Pinball Snapshots: Air Aces to Xenon
Timeless in their appeal, pinball games have entertained and tested the skills of players worldwide for many generations. Pinballs combine the unpredictability of a rolling, bouncing silver ball with some of the most amazing commercial artwork and the most up-to-date technological advancements. Here is a book that celebrates what is known to many enthusiasts as "the lure of the silverball." Fifty diverse pinballs, both vintage and contemporary, are showcased. Each has its own chapter outlining the game's special features, historical background, game trivia, game rules, graphic images, collectibility, and current value. Over 500 amazing full color photographs give the reader a complete visual of each game. Whole machine shots, close-ups of backglasses and playfields, and ball's-eye-view images all put enthusiasts right into the action. This outstanding book will be thoroughly enjoyed by pinball collectors, historians, graphic artists, and devotees of coin operated amusement games.
Prestel Edward Hopper: The Story of His Life
This groundbreaking graphic novel delves into the life of the acclaimed artist Edward Hooper, whose iconic works depict quintessentially American scenes and experiences. While many of Hopper's most acclaimed works have been embraced by American culture, the artist himself rejected much of the lyricism and romance that his audience imposed on his paintings. This unique overview of Hopper's life and career offers a fascinating and unflinching portrait of an artist trying to establish himself and define his own style. Using Hopper's own words as a jumping off point, the book traces his roots as an art student and commercial illustrator; his life-changing time in Europe; his rocky relationship with his wife Jo, and his incredible success later in life. It also shows how, as he became increasingly famous, he grew more taciturn and resolute in his disparagement of American society and the labels thrust on him. Using clean lines and a palette that mimics Hopper's own, the book's illustrations reflect the style and substance of the artist's life--and help create a refreshing reconsideration of a creative genius who never wavered from his vision.
Gregorian & Biblical Press Building the Church in Pluricultural Asia
Princeton University Press The Writings of Henry David Thoreau, Volume 6: Journal, Volume 6: 1853
From 1837 to 1861, Thoreau kept a Journal that began as a conventional record of ideas, grew into a writer's notebook, and eventually became the principal imaginative work of his career. The source of much of his published writing, the Journal is also a record of both his interior life and his monumental studies of the natural history of his native Concord, Massachusetts. In contrast to earlier editions, the Princeton Edition reproduces the Journal in its original and complete form, in a reading text that is free of editorial interpolations but keyed to a comprehensive scholarly apparatus. Journal 6 comprises a single manuscript notebook of nearly five hundred pages that Thoreau filled between March 9 and August 18, 1853. During this period, Thoreau divided his energies among his increasingly professional studies as a naturalist in Concord, the revision of his Walden manuscript, and surveying, which provided him a living and established him more securely as a contributing member of the Concord community. Thoreau's writing and his understanding of natural history were enriched by surveying, which gave him the opportunity to regularly observe seasonal occurrences and other natural events in and around Concord. Thoreau recorded these observations in his Journal, making both literary and scientific use of them. Substantial passages from Journal 6 were incorporated into the sixth draft of Walden, and its observations formed the basis for later compilations of field ecology. They are made available here, along with Journal entries, completely unrevised. This volume will delight all custodians of literary and natural history and be an essential addition to the libraries of all Thoreau devotees.
MIT Press Ltd Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Kingston
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Weimar 1924: Wie Bauhauskunstler Die Massenmedien Sahen / How Bauhaus Artists Looked at Mass Media: Die Meistermappe Zum Geburtstag Von Walter Gropius / The Bauhaus Masters' Gift Portfolio for Walter Gropius
Books on Demand Wortreich: Jahrbuch des Stuttgarter Autorenstammtischs 2021
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Die Anästhesiologie
In dem vorliegenden Werk findet sich das gesamte Spektrum der Anästhesiologie umfassend, wissenschaftlich fundiert und praxisnah dargestellt. Das Standardwerk, verfasst von herausragenden Experten des Fachgebietes, wendet sich an alle Anästhesisten in der Fort- und Weiterbildung und liefert damit sowohl dem Facharzt in spe wie auch dem bereits tätigen Facharzt wertvolles Praxiswissen. Alle Themen werden systematisch und nach dem zeitlichen Ablauf einer Narkose dargestellt: Prämedikationsvisite mit anästhesierelevanter Darstellung der Physiologie und Pathophysiologie Pharmakologische Grundlagen mit zahlreichen Tabellen zu allen pharmakologischen Wirkstoffen nach Einsatz, Wirkung und Nebenwirkungen Der anästhesiologische Arbeitsplatz und Allgemeine Anästhesie Spezielle Anästhesie inklusive kurzer Beschreibung wichtiger Eingriffe Anästhesie bei Patienten mit speziellen Krankheitsbildern Auch die großen Teilbereiche Intensivmedizin und perioperative Schmerztherapie werden abgehandelt, ebenso wie rechtliche Aspekte. Die 4. Auflage erscheint komplett aktualisiert und überarbeitet und um neue Themen erweitert, wie Patientensicherheit, Morbidität und Letalität in der Anästhesiologie.Praxis-Plus: 14 Filme zu anästhesiologischen Basistechniken, wie ZVK-Anlage, Spinalanästhesie, endotracheale und nasale Intubation
De Gruyter Pietro Nobile (1776–1854): Neoclassicism between Technique and Beauty
Pietro Nobile (1776–1854), originally from Ticino in Switzerland, Director of the School of Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, architect working for the imperial court and protégé of the Austrian Chancellor of State Clemens Lothar Metternich, attempted to combine science, mechanics, and aesthetics in architecture. An architect trained both as an engineer and academically, he reformed teaching at the School of Architecture at the Academy in Vienna by reacting to the design methods introduced at the Polytechnic in Paris, and by making academic drawing compulsory for engineers. The publication presents the results of Italian-Austrian-Czech cooperation on research into the architect’s death estate in Trieste and Bellinzona, Switzerland, and other materials scattered throughout Europe.
Spector Books En plein air: Ethnographies of the Digital
Alfred Music Get Ready for One-Octave Scale Duets!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Management and Efficiency for the Process Industries
Provides a unique overview of energy management for the process industries Provides an overall approach to energy management and places the technical issues that drive energy efficiency in context Combines the perspectives of freewheeling consultants and corporate insiders In two sections, the book provides the organizational framework (Section 1) within which the technical aspects of energy management, described in Section 2, can be most effectively executed Includes success stories from three very different companies that have achieved excellence in their energy management efforts Covers energy management, including the role of the energy manager, designing and implementing energy management programs, energy benchmarking, reporting, and energy management systems Technical topics cover efficiency improvement opportunities in a wide range of utility systems and process equipment types, as well as techniques to improve process design and operation
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physical Methods of Chemistry, Determination of Chemical Composition and Molecular Structure
Each volume of this series heralds profound changes in both the perception and practice of chemistry. This edition presents the state of the art of all important methods of instrumental chemical analysis, measurement and control. Contributions offer introductions together with sufficient detail to give a clear understanding of basic theory and apparatus involved and an appreciation of the value, potential and limitations of the respective techniques. The emphasis of the subjects treated is on method rather than results, thus aiding the investigator in applying the techniques successfully in the laboratory.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physical Methods of Chemistry, Determination of Thermodynamic Properties
Each volume of this series heralds profound changes in both the perception and practice of chemistry. This edition presents the state of the art of all important methods of instrumental chemical analysis, measurement and control. Contributions offer introductions together with sufficient detail to give a clear understanding of basic theory and apparatus involved and an appreciation of the value, potential and limitations of the respective techniques. The emphasis of the subjects treated is on method rather than results, thus aiding the investigator in applying the techniques successfully in the laboratory.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Sprachkunst. Beitrage Zur Literaturwissenschaft / Sprachkunst Jahrgang XLIV/201, 2. Halbband: Beitrage Zur Literaturwissenschaft
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Sprachkunst - Beitrage Zur Literaturwissenschaft Jahrgang XLII/2011 1. Halbband