Search results for ""author warren""
DC Comics The Authority: Book One
Named by James Gunn as an influence for Gods and Monsters, the first chapter of the new DC Universe film and television slate! This New York Times bestselling story inspires the upcoming film THE AUTHORITY. The Authority are heroes in only the strictest sense of the word. Ruthless and unforgiving, this group of insanely powerful superhumans face down countless menaces to Earth, protecting mankind with their cold version of justice. An invasion from an alternate Earth, an international terrorist who is laying waste to major cities and a hostile alien intelligence who calls himself God all fall under their rule. This is THE AUTHORITY. Pay allegiance. Or get your head kicked in. Created by legendary writer Warren Ellis (THE WILD STORM, TRANSMETROPOLITAN) and artists Bryan Hitch (JUSTICE LEAGUE), Paul Neary (The Ultimates) and Laura Martin (WONDER WOMAN), THE AUTHORITY is considered one of the most groundbreaking titles in modern comics history. Collects issues #1-12, PLANETARY/THE AUTHORITY: RULING THE WORLD and a new story from WILDSTORM: A CELEBRATION OF 25 YEARS.
Everyman The Light In The Forest
A beautifully illustrated edition of a novel that has enthralled young American readers for generations. It is the story of John Cameron Butler-captured as a small child in a raid on the Pennsylvania frontier by the Indian tribe Lenni-Lenape. Adopted by the great warrior Cuyloga and renamed True Son, he has spent 11 years living and thinking of himself as fully Indian. But when the tribe signs a treaty that requires them to return their white captives, 15-year-old True Son is returned against his will to the family he had long forgotten, and to a life that he no longer understands or desires. Despairing and defiant, he manages a dangerous escape only to find himself painfully unsure of where he belongs. Beautifully written, sensitively told, and emotionally compelling, The Light in the Forest is an American classic that has sold more than one million copies in the last ten years in paperback.
Image Comics Trees Volume 2
Collecting the second TREES story, TWO FORESTS. A survivor of the Blindhail Event looks for signs of imminent global disaster among the megaliths and relics of Orkney, while the new mayor of New York plans to extract his revenge for the awful thing that happened the day the Tree landed on Manhattan.
Fordham University Press Systems of Life: Biopolitics, Economics, and Literature on the Cusp of Modernity
Systems of Life offers a wide-ranging revaluation of the emergence of biopolitics in Europe from the mid– eighteenth to the mid–nineteenth century. In staging an encounter among literature, political economy, and the still emergent sciences of life in that historical moment, the essays collected here reopen the question of how concepts of animal, vegetable, and human life, among other biological registers, had an impact on the Enlightenment project of thinking politics and economics as a joint enterprise. The volume’s contributors consider politics, economics, and the biological as distinct, semi-autonomous spheres whose various combinations required inventive, sometimes incomplete, acts of conceptual mediation, philosophical negotiation, disciplinary intervention, or aesthetic representation.
Columbia University Press The Columbia Guide to Social Work Writing
Social work practitioners write for a variety of publications, and they are expected to show fluency in a number of related fields. Whether the target is a course instructor, scholarly journal, fellowship organization, or general news outlet, social workers must be clear, persuasive, and comprehensive in their writing, especially on provocative subjects. This first-of-its-kind guide features top scholars and educators providing a much-needed introduction to social work writing and scholarship. Foregrounding the process of social work writing, the coeditors particularly emphasize how to think about and approach one's subject in a productive manner. The guide begins with an overview of social work writing from the 1880s to the present, and then follows with ideal strategies for academic paper writing, social work journal writing, and social work research writing. A section on applied professional writing addresses student composition in field education, writing for and about clinical practice, the effective communication of policy information to diverse audiences, program and proposal development, advocacy, and administrative writing. The concluding section focuses on specific fields of practice, including writing on child and family welfare, contemporary social issues, aging, and intervention in global contexts. Grounding their essays in systematic observations, induction and deduction, and a wealth of real-world examples, the contributors describe the conceptualization, development, and presentation of social work writing in ways that better secure its power and relevance.
Cambridge University Press The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought: Volume 2, The Twentieth Century
The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought is an authoritative and comprehensive exploration of the themes, thinkers and movements that shaped our intellectual world in the late-eighteenth and nineteenth century. Representing both individual figures and the contexts within which they developed their ideas, each essay is written in a clear accessible style by leading scholars in the field and offers both originality and interpretive insight. This second volume surveys twentieth-century European intellectual history, conceived as a crisis in modernity. Comprised of twenty-one chapters, it focuses on figures such as Freud, Heidegger, Adorno and Arendt, surveys major schools of thought including Phenomenology, Existentialism, and Conservatism, and discusses critical movements such as Postcolonialism, , Structuralism, and Post-structuralism. Renouncing a single 'master narrative' of European thought across the period, Peter E. Gordon and Warren Breckman establish a formidable new multi-faceted vision of European intellectual history for the global modern age.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) International Recognition: A Historical and Political Perspective
International recognition, which lies at the heart of many contemporary political conflicts (Nagorno-Karabakh, Ukraine, ISIS, Palestine, Libya to name a few), has generally been discussed from the point of view of international law and only as concerning modern history. This volume adopts a much broader perspective by tracing the history of recognition back to the ancient world. It approaches the issue of recognition as a political process where law features as only one of several resources at the disposal of the decision makers. The contributors explore the pivotal moments in the history of recognition on both a European and a world scale: the making of the Roman and Carolingian empires, the Peace of Westphalia, Latin American independence, decolonization, and the Cold War. The comparison brings to light the continuities and discontinuities of recognition within and beyond the historical limits of the modern state.
Scribe US Suburbia: The Familiar and Forgotten
Multnomah Press 31 Days of Prayer: Moving God's Mighty Hand
Cherry Lane Music Co ,U.S. Warren Haynes - Guide to Slide Guitar
University Press of America Denying Biology: Essays in Gender and Pseudo-Procreation
We know that human beings are part of nature yet Philosophical systems around the world deny or minimize this fact. As the first book to take a systematic account of the universal human tendency to deny or minimize biology, this book considers a wide variety of these anti-biological systems and their relation to larger issues, particularly gender studies. Discussed in this book are a wide variety of expressions of the antithesis between human beings and natural processes in which the latter are denied, denigrated, or minimized. Contents: Introduction, Warren Shapiro; Sexual Imagery in Spanish Carnival, David D. Gilmore; Symbolic Reproduction and Sherpa Monasticism, Robert A. Paul; Witches and Wizards: A Male/Female Dichotomy?, James L. Brian; Coping with the Dilemmas of Masculinity and Female Disempowerment in Icelandic Mythology, Uli Linke; The Quest for Purity in Anthropological Inquiry, Warren Shapiro; Procreation, Gender, and Pollution, Ward H. Goodenough; Bibliography, Index.
Faber Music Ltd Grease
Based on the high school subcultures of 1950s America, it takes its name from the "tough guy" working-class greasers of the era. The musical, set in 1959 in fictional Rydell High in Chicago, tackles such social issues as teenage pregnancy and gang violence; its themes include love, friendship, teenage rebellion and sexual exploration during adolescence, and, to some degree, class consciousness/class conflict. This songbook provides vocal selections from the stage version.
Monsoon Books Confessions of a Bangkok Private Eye: True Stories from the Case Files of Warren Olson
Taylor & Francis Inc Career Worth Planning: Starting Out and Moving Ahead in the Planning Profession
Now that your planning degree is in sight or in hand, how and where can you find your "dream job?" Once you're on the job, what can you do to not just survive, but thrive and avoid common professional pitfalls? In A Career Worth Planning, two veteran planners offer a road map for success. Packed with practical information and useful advice, it is must reading for planning students, new planners, and experienced planners looking to advance their careers.Career questions can paralyze beginning planners. What are the differences between working for a public planning agency or a private consulting firm? What does an employer look for in a job candidate? How can you set yourself apart from other job hunters through your resume and in an interview? A Career Worth Planning answers these tough questions and many others.But landing a job is only half the battle. Once you're there, how do you negotiate the career ladder, even in the most difficult circumstances? Here are nuggets of wisdom on how to deal with a bad boss, identify crucial "insiders" who can make or break your success on the job, clarify ethical conflicts, manage political land mines, and yes, even evaluate your job satisfaction and determine when you're ready to move on.Wherever you are along your career path, this book will help you assess your skills, preferences, and work style, and find the planning niche that fits you.
Fantagraphics Cartoons For Victory
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Incognegro: A Graphic Mystery (New Edition)
Escape Books Ltd The Great Unwashed
Stanford University Press The Other Adam Smith
The Other Adam Smith represents the next wave of critical thinking about the still under-examined work of this paradigmatic Enlightenment thinker. Not simply another book about Adam Smith, it allows and even necessitates his inclusion in the realm of theory in the broadest sense. Moving beyond his usual economic and moral philosophical texts, Mike Hill and Warren Montag take seriously Smith's entire corpus, his writing on knowledge, affect, sociability and government, and political economy, as constituting a comprehensive—though highly contestable—system of thought. We meet not just Smith the economist, but Smith the philosopher, Smith the literary critic, Smith the historian, and Smith the anthropologist. Placed in relation to key thinkers such as Hume, Lord Kames, Fielding, Hayek, Von Mises, and Agamben, this other Adam Smith, far from being localized in the history of eighteenth-century economic thought or ideas, stands at the center of the most vibrant and contentious debates of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
DC Comics Absolute Transmetropolitan Vol. 2 (2023 Edition)
After years of self-imposed exile, cynical journalist Spider Jerusalem is forced to return to a job that he hates and a city that he loathes. Working as an investigative reporter for the newspaper The Word, Spider attacks the injustices of his surreal 21st century surroundings.Starting with the story "The Scum", Spider Jerusalem learns of the vicious murder of political consultant Vita Severn, one of the few people that he liked. Moving into thrilling stories like "Lonely City" and more—Absolute Transmetropolitan Vol. 2 picks up where Volume 1 leaves off, collecting the exciting stories found in Transmetropolitan #19-39, Vertigo: Winter's Edge #3, and Transmetropolitan: Filfth of the City #1!
DC Comics The Batman's Grave: The Complete Collection
Once a week, rain or shine, Alfred Pennyworth walks to a little cemetery plot on the Wayne Manor grounds. He meticulously tends to Thomas and Martha Wayne s headstones, plinths, and slabs: weeding, cleaning, polishing. But how much longer before there s another Wayne memorial to tend to? Batman s current case forces him to inhabit the mind of a murder victim with a half-eaten face sending him on a collision course with an enemy who has infiltrated every part of Gotham. Every corner Batman turns leads him one step closer to his own grave! In The Batman s Grave, Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch, one of the most legendary creative partnerships of the modern age, reunite for a story about life, death, and the questions most are too afraid to ask.
Simon & Schuster For the Love of Physics: From the End of the Rainbow to the Edge of Time - A Journey Through the Wonders of Physics
Beloved MIT professor Walter Lewin, whose riveting physics lectures have made him a YouTube super-star, offers a mind-opening and delightful journey through the most intriguing discoveries in physics. A wonderful raconteur, Lewin takes readers on a marvellous journey with him in For the Love of Physics, opening our eyes as never before to the amazing beauty and power of all that physics can reveal to us. He describes the coolest, weirdest facets of the tiniest bits of matter, the wonders of our everyday lives-such as the mysteries of why lighting strikes and what makes musical harmony happen-and the most awesome features of the outer reaches of the universe. Whether explaining why the air smells so fresh after a lightning storm or showing us that a flea is strong enough to pull a heavy book across a table, Lewin always entertains as he edifies. For the Love of Physicsis a rare gem that will change the way readers see the world.
MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press I Will Live for Both of Us A History of Colonialism Uranium Mining and Inuit Resistance
Born at a traditional Inuit camp in what is now Nunavut, Joan Scottie has spent decades protecting the Inuit hunting way of life. Scottie's I Will Live for Both of Us is a reflection on recent political and environmental history and a call for a future in which Inuit traditional laws and values are respected and upheld.
Image Comics Injection Volume 3
An archaeological dig in Cornwall has gone very wrong, very quickly. And Maria Kilbride has her hands full already, as the effects of the Injection begin to dig in. So Brigid Roth, her old comrade from the CCCU, gets hired to go to a stone circle in the middle of a moor, under a granite tor, to find out why a ritual murder might have torn a hole in the world. What is the Cold House? "If you’re looking for an intense, moody exploration of how loud and strange the world could get, this is the one for you." - Kirkus Reviews Collects issues 11 through 15.
Oni Press,US Invader Zim Vol. 3: Deluxe Edition
John Wiley & Sons Inc Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work
Thousands of Protestant churches are perplexed by plateaued or declining attendance, while other congregations nearby thrive. Is there a way for them to combine forces, drawing on both their strengths, in ways that also increase their missional impact? Church merger consultant Jim Tomberlin, with co-writer Warren Bird, makes the case that mergers today work best not with two struggling churches but with a vital, momentum-filled lead church partnering with a joining church. In this new book, they provide a complete, practical, hands-on guide for church leaders of both struggling and vibrant churches so that they can understand the issues, develop strategies, and execute a variety of forms of merger for church expansion and renewal to reinvigorate declining churches and give them a "second life."
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Age of Heretics: A History of the Radical Thinkers Who Reinvented Corporate Management
In this second edition of his bestselling book, author Art Kleiner explores the nature of effective leadership in times of change and defines its importance to the corporation of the future. He describes a heretic as a visionary who creates change in large-scale companies, balancing the contrary truths they can’t deny against their loyalty to their organizations. The Age of Heretics reveals how managers can get stuck in counterproductive ways of doing things and shows why it takes a heretical point of view to get past the deadlock and move forward.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit
A thorough update to the industry standard for designing, developing, and deploying data warehouse and business intelligence systems The world of data warehousing has changed remarkably since the first edition of The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit was published in 1998. In that time, the data warehouse industry has reached full maturity and acceptance, hardware and software have made staggering advances, and the techniques promoted in the premiere edition of this book have been adopted by nearly all data warehouse vendors and practitioners. In addition, the term "business intelligence" emerged to reflect the mission of the data warehouse: wrangling the data out of source systems, cleaning it, and delivering it to add value to the business. Ralph Kimball and his colleagues have refined the original set of Lifecycle methods and techniques based on their consulting and training experience. The authors understand first-hand that a data warehousing/business intelligence (DW/BI) system needs to change as fast as its surrounding organization evolves. To that end, they walk you through the detailed steps of designing, developing, and deploying a DW/BI system. You'll learn to create adaptable systems that deliver data and analyses to business users so they can make better business decisions.
Idea & Design Works Locke & Key, Vol. 2: Head Games
Titan Books Ltd Doctor Who - The Twelfth Doctor: Time Trials: Volume 1: The Terror Beneath
The Twelfth Doctor grapples with two deadly small towns in this brand-new collection, kicking off Year Three! First, it's the return of fan-favorite comics companion, space bassist Hattie, as the Twelfth Doctor takes her for the best fish and chips in the galaxy, in a sleepy seaside town in the 1970s. But there's something ancient and evil beneath the waves, something that has mired its twisted tentacles into the local people, something that weaves itself into Hattie's dreams and drags itself up onto land in mounds of shambling seaweed...! Can the Doctor and Hattie get to the bottom of a cosmological horror before it devours them - and wipes the town off the map? And, in a solo adventure, the Twelfth Doctor heads back to the 1950s for a creep slice of small-town Americana, in 'The Boy With the Displaced Smile'! - Collects Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Three #1-4
Oni Press,US Invader Zim Best Of Creatures
Andrews McMeel Publishing Cat Ninja: Welcome to the 'Burbs
Everyone’s favorite feline superhero is back for even more hilarious adventures set in the Cat Ninja-verse. Catch up with Cat Ninja, Master Hamster, and the rest of the family as they face...the suburbs!When Dad buys a new house outside the city, the kids are less than excited about new neighbors, backyard barbecues, and quiet, tree-lined streets. And they’re not alone—a summer in the suburbs is enough to make Cat Ninja miss the villains of Metro City! Our hero and his family feel like fish out of water when they arrive in Peaceful Valley, but it won’t be long before Dad’s new neighborhood reveals its scaly, golden underbelly. This volume includes: Five full-length comics One bonus Cat Ninja Tale
Image Comics Injection Volume 1
Once upon a time, there were five crazy people, and they poisoned the 21st Century. Now they have to deal with the corrosion to try and save us all from a world becoming too weird to support human life. Injection is the new series of graphic novels created by the acclaimed creative team of Moon Knight: From The Dead, about how loud and strange the world is getting, about the wild future and the haunted past all crashing into the present day at once, and about five eccentric geniuses dealing with the paranormal and numinous as well as the growing weight of what they did to the planet with the Injection. Beginning with Maria Kilbride, the troubled troubleshooter for the research wing of mysterious multinational FPI, dragged from hospital to investigate a case of a possessed laboratory and a disappearance that, impossibly, has the hallmarks of ancient folklore.
Architectural Book Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Houses of Mexico: Origins and Traditions
Baker Publishing Group On Being a Servant of God
Sometimes people lose sight of the core of their ministry. They feel overwhelmed by the needs that surround them on a daily basis. Wise and beloved pastor Warren Wiersbe invites ministry leaders to listen in on thirty short "armchair chats" to encourage and strengthen them for service. He shares what he wishes he had known about ministering to others when he began his own Christian pilgrimage. "Ministry," he says, "takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God." With this new edition of a classic book, which includes a foreword by Jim Cymbala, the next generation of ministry leaders can take advantage of Wiersbe's years of wisdom.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Computer-Aided Modeling of Reactive Systems
Learn to apply modeling and parameter estimation tools and strategies to chemicalprocesses using your personal computer This book introduces readers to powerful parameter estimation and computational methods for modeling complex chemical reactions and reaction processes. It presents useful mathematical models, numerical methods for solving them, and statistical methods for testing and discriminating candidate models with experimental data. Topics covered include: Chemical reaction models Chemical reactor models Probability and statistics Bayesian estimation Process modeling with single-response data Process modeling with multi-response data Computer software (Athena Visual Studio) is available via a related Web site enabling readers to carry out parameter estimation based on their data and to carry out process modeling using these parameters. As an aid to the reader, an appendix of example problems and solutions is provided. Computer-Aided Modeling of Reactive Systems is an ideal supplemental text for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in chemical engineering courses, while it also serves as a valuable resource for practitioners in industry who want to keep up to date on the most current tools and strategies available.
Emerald Publishing Limited Documents from Glenn Johnson and F. Taylor Ostrander
Volume 27C of "Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology" consists of documents from Glenn Johnson and F. Taylor Ostrander. Part I includes: notes from lectures by James E. Meade on the linking of monetary theory with the pure theory of value (Oxford University, 1932-1933); notes from the Socialist Club at the Cafe Verique in Geneva (Summer 1931); correspondence between Frank H. Knight and F. Taylor Ostrander; index to the Treasury Department papers of F. Taylor Ostrander; and notes on the long and wide-ranging career of F. Taylor Ostrander. Part II presents Glenn Johnson's notes from courses at the University of Chicago (1946); notes from Lloyd Mints' course on money and banking, economics 330 (Fall 1946); incomplete course notes from Milton Friedman's price theory, economics 300B, University of Chicago (Spring 1947); and notes from seminars by John R. Hicks and Tjalling Koopmans, University of Chicago (October 1946).
Fordham University Press Systems of Life: Biopolitics, Economics, and Literature on the Cusp of Modernity
Systems of Life offers a wide-ranging revaluation of the emergence of biopolitics in Europe from the mid– eighteenth to the mid–nineteenth century. In staging an encounter among literature, political economy, and the still emergent sciences of life in that historical moment, the essays collected here reopen the question of how concepts of animal, vegetable, and human life, among other biological registers, had an impact on the Enlightenment project of thinking politics and economics as a joint enterprise. The volume’s contributors consider politics, economics, and the biological as distinct, semi-autonomous spheres whose various combinations required inventive, sometimes incomplete, acts of conceptual mediation, philosophical negotiation, disciplinary intervention, or aesthetic representation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Still Surprised: A Memoir of a Life in Leadership
An intimate look at the founding father of the modern leadership movement Warren Bennis is an acclaimed American scholar, successful organizational consultant and author, and an expert in the field of leadership. His much awaited memoir is filled with insights about the successes and failures from his long and storied life and career. Bennis' life and career have traversed eight decades of first-hand experience with tumultuous episodes of recent history-from Jewish child in a gentile town in the 30's, a young army recruit in the Battle of the Bulge to a college student in the one of the first progressive precursors to the civil rights movement to a patient undergoing daily psychoanalysis for five years, and later a university provost during the Vietnam protests. Reveals the triumphs and struggles of the man who is considered the pioneer in the contemporary field of leadership studies Bennis is the author of 27 books including the bestseller On Becoming a Leader This is first book to examine the extraordinary life of Warren Bennis by the man himself.
University of Illinois Press A Brief History of American Sports
Elliott J. Gorn and Warren Goldstein show us where our games and pastimes came from, how they developed, and what they have meant to Americans. The great heroes of baseball and football are here, as well as the dramatic moments of boxing and basketball. Beyond this, the authors show us how sports fit into the larger contours of our past. For this new edition, the authors have updated the book to include discussion of performance-enhancing drugs; player salaries, unions, and the business of internationalizing sport; Title IX and gender in American sports; race, especially the entry of Latino and Asian athletes; and the corporatization of amateur athletics. A Brief History of American Sports reveals that from colonial times to the present, sports have been central to American culture, and a profound expression of who we are.
Rowman & Littlefield American, Chinese, and Japanese Perspectives on Wartime Asia, 1931-1949
To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
Cambridge University Press The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought: Volume 1, The Nineteenth Century
The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought is an authoritative and comprehensive exploration of the themes, thinkers and movements that shaped our intellectual world in the late-eighteenth and nineteenth century. Representing both individual figures and the contexts within which they developed their ideas, each essay is written in a clear accessible style by leading scholars in the field and offers both originality and interpretive insight. This first volume surveys late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century European intellectual history, focusing on the profound impact of the Enlightenment on European intellectual life. Spanning twenty chapters, it covers figures such as Kant, Hegel, Wollstonecraft, and Darwin, major political and intellectual movements such as Romanticism, Socialism, Liberalism and Feminism, and schools of thought such as Historicism, Philology, and Decadence. Renouncing a single 'master narrative' of European thought across the period, Warren Breckman and Peter E. Gordon establish a formidable new multi-faceted vision of European intellectual history for the global modern age.
Penguin Books Ltd In Dubious Battle
Both a fast-paced story of social unrest and strike, and the tale of one young man's struggle for identity, IN DUBIOUS BATTLE is a novel about the apocalyptic violence that breaks out when the masses become the mob. Set in California apple country, a strike by migrant workers spirals out of control, as principled defiance turns into blind fanaticism. Caught in this upheaval is Jim Nolan, a once aimless man who finds himself briefly becoming the leader of the strike before being crushed in its service. IN DUBIOUS BATTLE explores and dramatises many of the ideas and themes key to Steinbeck's writing.
University of Nebraska Press The United States Tennis Association: Raising the Game
The United States Tennis Association is an in-depth look at the history of the United States Tennis Association (USTA) and how this sports organization has helped cultivate and organize tennis in the United States over the past 135 years. Starting as a group of elite white men from country clubs in the Northeast, the organization has become the largest tennis association in the world, with women in top leadership positions and an annual revenue of well over $300 million. The USTA was key in establishing the Open Era in tennis in 1968, when professionals began competing with amateurs in Grand Slam events; for expanding the game in the United States during the 1970s tennis boom; and for establishing the U.S. Open as one of the most prestigious and largest-attended sports events in the world. Unique among sports-governing bodies, the USTA is a mostly volunteer-run organization that, along with a paid professional staff, manages and governs tennis at the local level across the United States and owns and operates the U.S. Open. The association participates directly in the International Tennis Federation, manages U.S. participation in international tennis competitions (Fed Cup and Davis Cup), and interacts with professional tennis within the United States. The story of how tennis is managed by the nation’s largest cadre of volunteers in any sport is one of sports’ best untold stories. With access to the private records of the USTA, Warren F. Kimball tells an engaging and rich history of how tennis has been managed and governed in the United States.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Grounding and Shielding in Facilities
Examines how to ground and shield electronic equipment and facilities to control interference. Explains the language of power engineers and the National Electrical Code. Lays the ground rules for safety then explains how to attack and solve problems in grounding and shielding via a field theoretic approach rather than a circuit approach. Provides background theory and describes various hardware and equipment, all key areas in grounding and shielding, ESD, screened rooms and topics in field coupling.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Maslow on Management
A seminal work onhuman behavior in the workplace-now completely updated "At last! We have all been quoting Maslow for years and to now have such an excellent compilation of his seminal thoughts on management and organization comes like a timely gift from heaven. The values and principles he taught decades ago are even more relevant today."—Stephen Covey, author, The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People "Maslow's book is a readable, impressionistic masterpiece that extolled the virtues of collaborative, synergistic management decades ahead of its time. This edition reveals just how much the management thinkers of our day, including Peter Drucker, W. Edwards Deming, and Peter Senge, owe to Maslow, and how much, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, management can still learn from his insights."—Andrea Gabor, author, The Man Who Discovered Quality "Maslow's brilliant and humane perspectives are made easily accessible in this exceptional book. It's also quite humbling-why haven't we yet actualized the truths about human nature and the nature of work?"—Margaret J. Wheatley, author, Leadership and the New Science and A Simpler Way "Maslow's profound concept of self-actualization could generate a Copernican Revolution of work and society, catapulting us out of what future generations will look back on as the dark ages of management."—Jim Collins, coauthor, Built to Last
John Wiley & Sons Inc Warren Buffett on Business: Principles from the Sage of Omaha
The proven business principles of Warren Buffett Warren Buffett is one of the most admired and prolific investors and managers in corporate America. Warren Buffett on Business is a timeless guide to strategies that can help you run a successful business. This book is a one-of-a-kind collection of Buffett's letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway written over the past few decades, and in a clear, simple style distills the basic principles of sound business practices. Through Buffett's own remarkable words, this practical management handbook shares valuable insights on communicating with, and treating employees and shareholders fairly; responsible corporate governance; ethical behavior; patience and perseverance; admitting mistakes; and having a passion for work. Contains priceless pearls of business and management wisdom, woven into a delightful narrative Designed in an accessible manner and organized by business and management topics with strong lessons from Buffett Provides direct, hands-on information on major topics concerning managers, entrepreneurs, business students, and anyone interested in business Informative and inspiring, this unique book puts Warren Buffett's business beliefs in perspective.