Search results for ""author warren""
Baker Publishing Group On Being a Servant of God
Sometimes people lose sight of the core of their ministry. They feel overwhelmed by the needs that surround them on a daily basis. Wise and beloved pastor Warren Wiersbe invites ministry leaders to listen in on thirty short "armchair chats" to encourage and strengthen them for service. He shares what he wishes he had known about ministering to others when he began his own Christian pilgrimage. "Ministry," he says, "takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God." With this new edition of a classic book, which includes a foreword by Jim Cymbala, the next generation of ministry leaders can take advantage of Wiersbe's years of wisdom.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Computer-Aided Modeling of Reactive Systems
Learn to apply modeling and parameter estimation tools and strategies to chemicalprocesses using your personal computer This book introduces readers to powerful parameter estimation and computational methods for modeling complex chemical reactions and reaction processes. It presents useful mathematical models, numerical methods for solving them, and statistical methods for testing and discriminating candidate models with experimental data. Topics covered include: Chemical reaction models Chemical reactor models Probability and statistics Bayesian estimation Process modeling with single-response data Process modeling with multi-response data Computer software (Athena Visual Studio) is available via a related Web site enabling readers to carry out parameter estimation based on their data and to carry out process modeling using these parameters. As an aid to the reader, an appendix of example problems and solutions is provided. Computer-Aided Modeling of Reactive Systems is an ideal supplemental text for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in chemical engineering courses, while it also serves as a valuable resource for practitioners in industry who want to keep up to date on the most current tools and strategies available.
Emerald Publishing Limited Documents from Glenn Johnson and F. Taylor Ostrander
Volume 27C of "Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology" consists of documents from Glenn Johnson and F. Taylor Ostrander. Part I includes: notes from lectures by James E. Meade on the linking of monetary theory with the pure theory of value (Oxford University, 1932-1933); notes from the Socialist Club at the Cafe Verique in Geneva (Summer 1931); correspondence between Frank H. Knight and F. Taylor Ostrander; index to the Treasury Department papers of F. Taylor Ostrander; and notes on the long and wide-ranging career of F. Taylor Ostrander. Part II presents Glenn Johnson's notes from courses at the University of Chicago (1946); notes from Lloyd Mints' course on money and banking, economics 330 (Fall 1946); incomplete course notes from Milton Friedman's price theory, economics 300B, University of Chicago (Spring 1947); and notes from seminars by John R. Hicks and Tjalling Koopmans, University of Chicago (October 1946).
Fordham University Press Systems of Life: Biopolitics, Economics, and Literature on the Cusp of Modernity
Systems of Life offers a wide-ranging revaluation of the emergence of biopolitics in Europe from the mid– eighteenth to the mid–nineteenth century. In staging an encounter among literature, political economy, and the still emergent sciences of life in that historical moment, the essays collected here reopen the question of how concepts of animal, vegetable, and human life, among other biological registers, had an impact on the Enlightenment project of thinking politics and economics as a joint enterprise. The volume’s contributors consider politics, economics, and the biological as distinct, semi-autonomous spheres whose various combinations required inventive, sometimes incomplete, acts of conceptual mediation, philosophical negotiation, disciplinary intervention, or aesthetic representation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Still Surprised: A Memoir of a Life in Leadership
An intimate look at the founding father of the modern leadership movement Warren Bennis is an acclaimed American scholar, successful organizational consultant and author, and an expert in the field of leadership. His much awaited memoir is filled with insights about the successes and failures from his long and storied life and career. Bennis' life and career have traversed eight decades of first-hand experience with tumultuous episodes of recent history-from Jewish child in a gentile town in the 30's, a young army recruit in the Battle of the Bulge to a college student in the one of the first progressive precursors to the civil rights movement to a patient undergoing daily psychoanalysis for five years, and later a university provost during the Vietnam protests. Reveals the triumphs and struggles of the man who is considered the pioneer in the contemporary field of leadership studies Bennis is the author of 27 books including the bestseller On Becoming a Leader This is first book to examine the extraordinary life of Warren Bennis by the man himself.
University of Illinois Press A Brief History of American Sports
Elliott J. Gorn and Warren Goldstein show us where our games and pastimes came from, how they developed, and what they have meant to Americans. The great heroes of baseball and football are here, as well as the dramatic moments of boxing and basketball. Beyond this, the authors show us how sports fit into the larger contours of our past. For this new edition, the authors have updated the book to include discussion of performance-enhancing drugs; player salaries, unions, and the business of internationalizing sport; Title IX and gender in American sports; race, especially the entry of Latino and Asian athletes; and the corporatization of amateur athletics. A Brief History of American Sports reveals that from colonial times to the present, sports have been central to American culture, and a profound expression of who we are.
Rowman & Littlefield American, Chinese, and Japanese Perspectives on Wartime Asia, 1931-1949
To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
Cambridge University Press The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought: Volume 1, The Nineteenth Century
The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought is an authoritative and comprehensive exploration of the themes, thinkers and movements that shaped our intellectual world in the late-eighteenth and nineteenth century. Representing both individual figures and the contexts within which they developed their ideas, each essay is written in a clear accessible style by leading scholars in the field and offers both originality and interpretive insight. This first volume surveys late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century European intellectual history, focusing on the profound impact of the Enlightenment on European intellectual life. Spanning twenty chapters, it covers figures such as Kant, Hegel, Wollstonecraft, and Darwin, major political and intellectual movements such as Romanticism, Socialism, Liberalism and Feminism, and schools of thought such as Historicism, Philology, and Decadence. Renouncing a single 'master narrative' of European thought across the period, Warren Breckman and Peter E. Gordon establish a formidable new multi-faceted vision of European intellectual history for the global modern age.
Penguin Books Ltd In Dubious Battle
Both a fast-paced story of social unrest and strike, and the tale of one young man's struggle for identity, IN DUBIOUS BATTLE is a novel about the apocalyptic violence that breaks out when the masses become the mob. Set in California apple country, a strike by migrant workers spirals out of control, as principled defiance turns into blind fanaticism. Caught in this upheaval is Jim Nolan, a once aimless man who finds himself briefly becoming the leader of the strike before being crushed in its service. IN DUBIOUS BATTLE explores and dramatises many of the ideas and themes key to Steinbeck's writing.
University of Nebraska Press The United States Tennis Association: Raising the Game
The United States Tennis Association is an in-depth look at the history of the United States Tennis Association (USTA) and how this sports organization has helped cultivate and organize tennis in the United States over the past 135 years. Starting as a group of elite white men from country clubs in the Northeast, the organization has become the largest tennis association in the world, with women in top leadership positions and an annual revenue of well over $300 million. The USTA was key in establishing the Open Era in tennis in 1968, when professionals began competing with amateurs in Grand Slam events; for expanding the game in the United States during the 1970s tennis boom; and for establishing the U.S. Open as one of the most prestigious and largest-attended sports events in the world. Unique among sports-governing bodies, the USTA is a mostly volunteer-run organization that, along with a paid professional staff, manages and governs tennis at the local level across the United States and owns and operates the U.S. Open. The association participates directly in the International Tennis Federation, manages U.S. participation in international tennis competitions (Fed Cup and Davis Cup), and interacts with professional tennis within the United States. The story of how tennis is managed by the nation’s largest cadre of volunteers in any sport is one of sports’ best untold stories. With access to the private records of the USTA, Warren F. Kimball tells an engaging and rich history of how tennis has been managed and governed in the United States.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Grounding and Shielding in Facilities
Examines how to ground and shield electronic equipment and facilities to control interference. Explains the language of power engineers and the National Electrical Code. Lays the ground rules for safety then explains how to attack and solve problems in grounding and shielding via a field theoretic approach rather than a circuit approach. Provides background theory and describes various hardware and equipment, all key areas in grounding and shielding, ESD, screened rooms and topics in field coupling.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Maslow on Management
A seminal work onhuman behavior in the workplace-now completely updated "At last! We have all been quoting Maslow for years and to now have such an excellent compilation of his seminal thoughts on management and organization comes like a timely gift from heaven. The values and principles he taught decades ago are even more relevant today."—Stephen Covey, author, The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People "Maslow's book is a readable, impressionistic masterpiece that extolled the virtues of collaborative, synergistic management decades ahead of its time. This edition reveals just how much the management thinkers of our day, including Peter Drucker, W. Edwards Deming, and Peter Senge, owe to Maslow, and how much, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, management can still learn from his insights."—Andrea Gabor, author, The Man Who Discovered Quality "Maslow's brilliant and humane perspectives are made easily accessible in this exceptional book. It's also quite humbling-why haven't we yet actualized the truths about human nature and the nature of work?"—Margaret J. Wheatley, author, Leadership and the New Science and A Simpler Way "Maslow's profound concept of self-actualization could generate a Copernican Revolution of work and society, catapulting us out of what future generations will look back on as the dark ages of management."—Jim Collins, coauthor, Built to Last
John Wiley & Sons Inc Warren Buffett on Business: Principles from the Sage of Omaha
The proven business principles of Warren Buffett Warren Buffett is one of the most admired and prolific investors and managers in corporate America. Warren Buffett on Business is a timeless guide to strategies that can help you run a successful business. This book is a one-of-a-kind collection of Buffett's letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway written over the past few decades, and in a clear, simple style distills the basic principles of sound business practices. Through Buffett's own remarkable words, this practical management handbook shares valuable insights on communicating with, and treating employees and shareholders fairly; responsible corporate governance; ethical behavior; patience and perseverance; admitting mistakes; and having a passion for work. Contains priceless pearls of business and management wisdom, woven into a delightful narrative Designed in an accessible manner and organized by business and management topics with strong lessons from Buffett Provides direct, hands-on information on major topics concerning managers, entrepreneurs, business students, and anyone interested in business Informative and inspiring, this unique book puts Warren Buffett's business beliefs in perspective.
HarperCollins Focus Inventor Confidential: The Honest Guide to Profitable Inventing
The road to licensing a profitable, innovative product or technology is riddled with curves, holes, and rocky cliffs. The President of the United Inventors Association shows inventors, innovators, and makers a better path towards monetizing your creations and how to avoid the get-rich-quick scammers.Every year, hundreds of thousands of eager inventors around the globe spend millions of dollars seeking assistance from inventor service companies and individuals claiming to be experts in the innovation and licensing fields, though their actual success rates are poor in relation to the dollar amounts they charge.The reality is, according to Inventors’ Digest™, while 78% of new inventors believe they will make over a million dollars with their inventions, less than 1% actually do. Marketers prey on this scenario for their own financial gain.In Inventor Confidential, inventor advocate Warren Tuttle tips the odds back in the investor’s favor, helping them: Gain a much broader picture of the many current challenges that inventors face these days. Understand the red flags to watch out for when individuals or companies charge up front for their coaching or help-to-market services. See how inventors can improve their odds of licensing success by following a thorough product development protocol, creating working prototypes, and filing U.S. patents. Get the insider perspective on how companies determine the quality of a product submission and if they want to work with the inventor. Learn the 30 steps to market if you want to go it alone. For anyone who has a great idea or invention and wants to monetize it but are not sure who to trust, Inventor Confidential will show them where to best spend their hard-earned money to maximize their odds for success.
Baker Publishing Group How to Break Growth Barriers – Revise Your Role, Release Your People, and Capture Overlooked Opportunities for Your Church
Some churches grow rapidly, only to hit a ceiling. Other churches have experienced declining or static attendance--many of them for decades. Frustrated pastors and church leaders want growth methods that work, but without adding to pastoral fatigue. How to Break Growth Barriers argues that growth comes when effective leadership and lay-empowerment skills work hand in hand. This requires a shift of focus from the shepherd as the primary caregiver to shepherd as developer and coach of many caregivers. The authors show pastors how to communicate a vision for the future and then how to lead the congregation into the paradigms necessary for potentially limitless growth. The strategies found in this book are not only tried and true, and taken from a biblical perspective of a "harvest" vision. They're also newly updated to reflect our changing culture, including helpful charts and checklists for self-evaluation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Up the Organization: How to Stop the Corporation from Stifling People and Strangling Profits
Although it was first published more than thirty-five years ago, Up the Organization continues to top the lists of best business books by groups as diverse as the American Management Association, Strategy + Business (Booz Allen Hamilton), and The Wharton Center for Leadership and Change Management. 1-800-CEO-READ ranks Townsend’s bestseller first among eighty books that “every manager must read.” This commemorative edition offers a new generation the benefit of Robert Townsend’s timeless wisdom as well as reflections on his work and life by those who knew and worked with him. This groundbreaking book continues to remind us not to get mired in all those sacred organizational routines that stifle people and strangle both profits and profitability. He shows a way to humanize business and a way to have fun while making it all work better than it ever worked before.
MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press Indigenous Men and Masculinities Legacies Identities Regeneration
Indigenous peoples come from traditions of gender equity, complementarity, and the sacred feminine, concepts that were unimaginable and shocking to Euro-western peoples at contact. This title brings together prominent thinkers to explore the meaning of masculinities and being a man within such traditions, further examining the colonial disruption and imposition of patriarchy on Indigenous men.
Dalkey Archive Press Narcisse on a Tightrope
For seventeen years, Narcisse Dièze, chronic sufferer of a mysterious condition called "cerebral rheumatism"; has lived in the protective confines of a psychiatric hospital. There he has been attended by a contingent of nurses, for whom he has obligingly fathered somewhere between thirty-five and one hundred seventy-one children. (No one knows the exact number.) But the doctors abruptly decide that he is cured and prod him to reenter the outside world. Narcisse is floored, yet he gradually summons the will to try. What follows is an account of this naïve and timid patient’s adventures in the realm of the so-called sane. An endearing misfit in the tradition of Walter Mitty and Forrest Gump, Narcisse is destined to totter precariously on the highwire of his existence. Will we see him fall? A quirky fable that pokes holes in the accepted mental health verities and pleads for a touch of madness. With an introduction by Warren Motte.
Image Comics Injection Volume 2
Consulting detective Vivek Headland, originally of the group that caused the release of a haunted artificial intelligence into the world, lives and works in New York, dealing with all the strangeness that very strange city can throw at him. But a case involving a stolen ghost and human deli meat causes him to call for help, as the details of the investigation reveal a new battleground between humanity and The Injection.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Plain Talk: Lessons from a Business Maverick
A visionary, maverick, and genuine American business hero, Ken Iverson is one of the most closely-watched business leaders in the world. Credited with single-handedly rejuvenating the rapidly declining American steel industry to the status of world-class producer, Iverson is one of the most successful and, as he likes to point out, one of the lowest-paid CEOs in the U.S. In his long-awaited book, Ken Iverson shares his ideas, observations, and the lessons he's learned about what it takes to grow a super-competitive, world-class organization.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering
******Recently Published!******Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7th edition continues its lengthy, successful tradition of being one of McGraw-Hill's oldest texts in the Chemical Engineering Series. Since 1956, this text has been the most comprehensive of the introductory, undergraduate, chemical engineering titles available. Separate chapters are devoted to each of the principle unit operations, grouped into four sections: fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer and equilibrium stages, and operations involving particulate solids.Now in its seventh edition, the text still contains its balanced treatment of theory and engineering practice, with many practical, illustrative examples included. Almost 30% of the problems have been revised or are new, some of which cover modern topics such as food processing and biotechnology. Other unique topics of this text include diafiltration, adsorption and membrane operations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Microsoft Data Warehouse Toolkit: With SQL Server 2008 R2 and the Microsoft Business Intelligence Toolset
Best practices and invaluable advice from world-renowned data warehouse experts In this book, leading data warehouse experts from the Kimball Group share best practices for using the upcoming “Business Intelligence release” of SQL Server, referred to as SQL Server 2008 R2. In this new edition, the authors explain how SQL Server 2008 R2 provides a collection of powerful new tools that extend the power of its BI toolset to Excel and SharePoint users and they show how to use SQL Server to build a successful data warehouse that supports the business intelligence requirements that are common to most organizations. Covering the complete suite of data warehousing and BI tools that are part of SQL Server 2008 R2, as well as Microsoft Office, the authors walk you through a full project lifecycle, including design, development, deployment and maintenance. Features more than 50 percent new and revised material that covers the rich new feature set of the SQL Server 2008 R2 release, as well as the Office 2010 release Includes brand new content that focuses on PowerPivot for Excel and SharePoint, Master Data Services, and discusses updated capabilities of SQL Server Analysis, Integration, and Reporting Services Shares detailed case examples that clearly illustrate how to best apply the techniques described in the book The accompanying Web site contains all code samples as well as the sample database used throughout the case studies The Microsoft Data Warehouse Toolkit, Second Edition provides you with the knowledge of how and when to use BI tools such as Analysis Services and Integration Services to accomplish your most essential data warehousing tasks.
Ghostwoods Books Haunted Futures
Dis Voir Jean-Marc Bustamante
Titan Books Ltd Invader Zim Volume 5
ZIM's latest doomsday plot is foiled when GIR goes haywire and tries to kill everyone in sight! (But especially ZIM. He kinda deserves it.) Diagnostics reveal that the malfunction is due to a virus, forcing ZIM to do the one thing he never thought he'd have to-GO INSIDE GIR'S BRAIN. Where nothing works and everything is exactly at GIR's level of nonsense. And when ZIM discovers that the virus was created and implanted by a being known only as VIROOZ from the planet Cyberflox... well hey, let's not give away too much, alright? Just read this special 4-part story with bonus guest issue from Dave Crosland!
Oni Press,US Invader Zim Vol. 3
John Wiley & Sons Inc Beyond Leadership: Balancing Economics, Ethics and Ecology
Beyond Leadership has been written to enable practitioners and students of leadership to manage uncertainty, diversity, conflict, and complexity. Its lead authors are American, Asian and Afro-European, and this range of perspective is reflected in the individual chapters. The unique appeal of this book is its global approach to management as the next evolutionary step beyond the major western (American) and eastern (Japanese) perspectives.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
In this text, internationally recognized authors explore and explain the advances in basic and clinical electrophysiology that have had the greatest impact on catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF). Designed to assist in patient care, stimulate research projects, and continue the remarkable advances in catheter ablation of AF, the book covers: the fundamental concepts of AF, origin of signals, computer simulation, and updated reviews of ablation tools the present practical approaches to the ablation of specific targets in the fibrillating atria, including pulmonary veins, atrial neural network, fragmented electrograms, and linear lesions, as well as the strategies in paroxysmal or chronic AF or facing left atrial tachycardias the special challenge of heart failure patients, the impact of ablation on mortality, atrial mechanical function, and lessons from surgical AF ablation Richly illustrated by numerous high-quality images, Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation will help every member of the patient care team.
University of Nebraska Press Why I Have Not Written Any of My Books
Marcel Bénabou is quick to acknowledge that his own difficulty in writing has plenty of company. Words stick and syntax is stubborn, meaning slips and synonyms cluster. A blank page taunts and a full one accuses. Bénabou knows the heroic joy of depriving critics of victims, the kindness of sparing publishers decisions, and the public charity of leaving more room in bookstore displays. Why I Have Not Written Any of My Books (Pourquoi je n’ai écrit aucun de mes livres) provides both a respectful litany of writers’ fears and a dismissal of the alibis offered to excuse them.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Culture Shift: Transforming Your Church from the Inside Out
Culture Shift, written for church leaders, ministers, pastors, ministry teams, and lay leaders, leads you through the process of identifying your church’s distinctive culture, gives you practical tools to change it from the inside-out, and provides steps to keep your new culture aligned with your church’s mission. Real transformation is not about working harder at what you’re already doing or even copying another church’s approach but about changing church culture at a foundational level.
Yellow Pear Press Collecting The Simpsons: The Merchandise and Legacy of our Favorite Nuclear Family
The Simpsons Merchandise Guide for all Simpsons Lovers#1 New Release in Antiques and CollectiblesThis quirky book unleashes the entire story of all Simpsons merchandise, spanning over decades. Warren Evans, the Bart of Darkness, details a massive collection of rare Simpsons memorabilia.Jump right into 90s nostalgia! Simpsons Lovers everywhere can explore the explosion of Simpsons merchandise and products, right in the comfort of their own home. From action figures, video games, comics, lunch boxes, and yes, even cookie jars, this book is a collectors paradise full of insightful information.The perfect collector’s item to have! This full-color guide features high quality photos of Simpsons-inspired products, and never-before-seen interviews from the toys' creators, writers, actors, and producers. This is the perfect gift for fans of Friends, Family Guy, and the like!Inside, you’ll find: Never-before-seen in-depth interviews and collector items from real-life Simpsons lovers Read for fun: all of the words of Warren Evans, a note-worthy expert on The Simpsons family Full-colored photographs of Simpsons merchandise and collector items from the beginning of the Simpsons dynasty If you're looking for one of the best books for tv nerds who like The Big Bang Theory, Welcome to Dunder Mifflin, or The Simpsons Secret, then Collecting the Simpsons belongs right on your bookshelf!
Idea & Design Works Locke & Key, Vol. 2: Head Games
Image Comics Injection Deluxe Edition Volume 1
“A precise dissection of folklore by a team of the sharpest blades in comics. A bleakly inverted Planetary. A delight.” —Kieron Gillen (THE WICKED + THE DIVINE) Five ambitious, brilliant, crazy people poisoned the 21st Century. They drifted apart, following their own eccentric specialties. And then, one by one, they realised how deep the poison went, and how they’d broken the planet. INJECTION is the story of a team of geniuses who ended the world, and then tried to save it. INJECTION HC 1 contains the first three volumes of the acclaimed series by New York Times bestselling writer Warren Ellis, Eagle Award-winning artist Declan Shalvey, and Eisner Award-winning colorist Jordie Bellaire.
Dynamite Entertainment James Bond: Eidolon
James Bond is trapped in Los Angeles with a MI6 agent under fire and a foreign intelligence service trying to put them both in bags... and possibly more than one foreign intelligence service. And things may not be any safer in Britain, with bodies dropping and ghosts moving in the political mist... Collecting issues #7-12 of the ongoing James Bond comic book series written by Warren Ellis, the New York Times bestselling author of Gun Machine and critically-acclaimed comic book writer (Iron Man, Planetary, Astonishing X-Men), and featuring artwork by Jason Masters (Batman Incorporated). Reviews: "(Proves) that the perfect Bond experience doesn't always have to be on the silver screen or in... a vintage novel. 10 out of 10." - Newsarama "Gorgeous locales, vicious action, and a willingness to experiment. 5 out of 5." - Pop Culture Uncovered "Not only are the characters great, the story itself is engaging as hell." - Big Comic Page
The University Press of Kentucky Kentucky Agate: State Rock and Mineral Treasure of the Commonwealth
Among the rarest and most prized minerals, agate is one of the most exquisite examples of nature's artwork. A striking rock that occurs in various shapes and sizes, with a vivid assortment of colors, agates are coveted by collectors and becoming rarer across the globe. Although the Bluegrass State is usually overlooked in the international study of agate, some of the most beautiful and colorful specimens in the world are hidden away in the rugged terrain of eastern Kentucky's scenic Knobs Region.Kentucky Agate is the first book to showcase the unique mineral, treasured for its fine grain and vibrant banks of deep, varied colors. Authors Roland L. McIntosh and Warren H. Anderson have collected hundreds of professional color photographs, revealing the beauty and diversity of this sought-after stone. With detailed maps of the region surrounding the city of Irvine, Kentucky, including parts of Estill, Powell, Jackson, Menifee, Madison, and Lee counties, Kentucky Agate reveals locations where agate may be found. Featuring full-color photographs showing aspects of the rock not visible to the naked eye, this book also provides detailed information on the history, geology, chemistry, and formation of the mineral, giving collectors and Kentucky nature enthusiasts a stunning look into the world of agate collection and the hidden story of the breathtaking formation of the official state rock.
Scarecrow Press This Horn for Hire: Pee Wee Erwin
George "Pee Wee" Erwin devoted a lifetime to American music. During his long and distinguished career as a professional trumpet player he was in constant demand by the foremost bandleaders and conductors in radio, the movies, recordings, TV, and stage shows, and was active in every phase of the music business. For a time he led his own big band, and later he fronted all-star Dixieland groups at the world-famous Greenwich Village night spot, Nick's, the Metropole, and other jazz clubs around the country. Pee Wee's wide experience, coupled with his fantastic gift for recall, gives insight into the musical history he helped create. A great deal has been written, much of it second-hand, about the period between the World Wars when American music was developing, but Pee Wee's narrative lets us relive the time through the vivid recollections of a man who entered the scene at an early age and remained an active participant.
American Psychological Association Impulsivity: The Behavioral and Neurological Science of Discounting
Impulsivity explores the basis for the seemingly universal tendency to devalue rewards or punishments that are not immediately available. When confronted with any number of modern impulsive behaviors—such as drug use, pathological gambling, marital infidelity, and gluttony—individuals have a choice with two outcomes: an immediate benefit, such as getting high, or a delayed or probabilistic benefit, such as health, money saved, or the satisfaction of a good life. This volume is an approachable, comprehensive overview of the behavioral science and neuroscience of these impulsive choices and their relation to delay discounting—the tendency to devalue temporally distant rewards or punishments, even though they may greatly outbalance the immediate benefit of our choices. The cutting-edge researchers who contributed to this volume have documented cross-species similarities in impulsive decision making and pioneered the neuroscience of impulsive choice. In this text they provide insights into harmless impulsive acts as well as those that dominate and destroy lives. The contributors tackle key issues such as whether impulsivity and risk taking are a trait or state; the neuroscience, neuroeconomics, and computational modeling of neural systems underlying impulsivity; and the relation between impulsivity and addictions, health decision making, altruism, and attention-deficit disorder. Theoretical debates regarding the origins of impulsivity round out this text, which will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in psychology, behavioral economics, psychopharmacology, behavioral analysis and therapy, and the science of decision making.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Written by an expert team of cardiologists, radiologists, and basic scientists, this third edition of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance continues to bridge the divide among specialty areas in with cohesive presentation of this complex and fast-changing field. Offering comprehensive coverage of CMR and the latest cardiology applications, this practical reference enhances the understanding of cardiac physiology and the interpretation and diagnosis of cardiovascular disease. This is an ideal resource for cardiologists, cardiovascular and general radiologists, and anyone who needs up-to-date information on CMR's uses, benefits, and limitations in cardiovascular care. Provides state-of-the-art coverage of CMR technologies and guidelines, including basic principles, imaging techniques, ischemic heart disease, right ventricular and congenital heart disease, vascular and pericardium conditions, and functional cardiovascular disease. Includes new chapters on non-cardiac pathology, pacemaker safety, economics of CMR, and guidelines as well as new coverage of myocarditis and its diagnosis and assessment of prognosis by cardiovascular magnetic resonance, and the use of PET/CMR imaging of the heart, especially in sarcoidosis. Features more than 1,100 high-quality images representing today's CMR imaging. Covers T1, T2 and ECV mapping, as well as T2* imaging in iron overload, which has been shown to save lives in patients with thalassaemia major. Discusses the cost-effectiveness of CMR. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
University of Washington Press Theatre Backstage from A to Z: Revised and Expanded
This invaluable guide to theatrical production includes up-to-date definitions of all technical aspects of stagecraft, including the many advances in the past decade, particularly in the areas of trusses, rigging, and automated lights and their control. More than 200 terms, along with 25 new drawings, have been added, many existing definitions have been expanded and drawings revised to include new technological developments, and World Wide Web addresses have been added to the List of Manufacturers and Distributors and to the Bibliography. At the same time, older terminology and definitions have been retained so the book will remain useful for those unable to participate in the high-tech revolution. For more than thirty years this manual has been the essential handbook for both the beginner and the advanced backstage technician. At a time when theatre, both professional and amateur, is growing and flourishing all over the United States, Theatre Backstage from A to Z provides more practical information, on a wider range of subjects, than can be found in any other book in the field. Sample Contents --Automated light control --Bo-bar --Bounce it --Chase control --Daisy chaining --Donkey --Flats --Multiplexing --Paint and paint colors --Projectors and projection screens --Rigging systems --Shin buster --Sound equipment --Stage crew --Stages --Uncle Buddy
Indiana University Press The Spiritual Journals of Warren Felt Evans: From Methodism to Mind Cure
Warren Felt Evans (1817–1889) converted to Methodism while at Dartmouth College, became a minister, and spent his Methodist years as a spiritual seeker. His two extant journals, edited and annotated by Catherine L. Albanese, appear in print for the first time and reveal the inner journey of a leading American spiritual pilgrim at a critical period in his religious search. A voracious reader, he recorded accounts of intense religious experience in his journals. He moved from the Oberlin perfectionism he embraced early on, through the French quietism of Madame J. Guyon and Archbishop Fénelon, then into Swedenborgianism, spiritualism, and mind cure with distinct theosophical overtones. His carefully documented journey is suggestive of the similar journeys of the religious seekers who made their way into the burgeoning metaphysical movement at the end of the 19th century—and may shed light too on today's spirituality.
Royal Society of Chemistry Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry: IUPAC Recommendations and Preferred Names 2013
Chemical nomenclature is used to identify a chemical species by means of written or spoken words and enables a common language for communication amongst chemists. Nomenclature for chemical compounds additionally contains an explicit or implied relationship to the structure of the compound, in order that the reader or listener can deduce the structure from the name. This purpose requires a system of principles and rules, the application of which gives rise to a systematic nomenclature. Of course, a wide range of traditional names, semisystematic or trivial, are also in use for a core group of common compounds. Detailing the latest rules and international practice, this new volume can be considered a guide to the essential organic chemical nomenclature, commonly described as the "Blue Book". An invaluable source of information for organic chemists everywhere and the definitive guide for scientists working in academia or industry, for scientific publishers of books, journals and databases, and for organisations requiring internationally approved nomenclature in a legal or regulatory environment.
Aspen Publishing Trial Evidence
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Foundations of Research in Economics: How do Economists do Economics?
This stimulating and authoritative book features original essays from leading scholars in the discipline - each of whom addresses the question: how should economists do economics? What emerges is a diverse, constructive commentary on how economics is done and how it should be done.Leading thinkers from a wide variety of perspectives and fields address issues such as the scope of economics, the corpus of theory and its stature, the process of theory construction, the place of mathematical formalism, the role of quantitative analysis, the place of institutions in economic analysis, and, inter alia, technical methods of research. Foundations of Research in Economics: How do Economists do Economics? brings together some of the leading figures from many different schools of thought. This volume ranges across all aspects of professional discourse, ensuring that it will be widely read by economists active in many different areas of research while being of particular interest to economic theorists, methodologists and historians of economics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Disease Management: A Systems Approach to Improving Patient Outcomes
Motivated by business pressures, market consolidation, and the pursuit of quality care, health care professionals in all areas of practice are beginning to explore more fully the tremendous potential of disease management-- a systemwide strategy for proactively managing chronic diseases across the entire continuum of care. Disease Management is the first book to bring together systems thinking and organizational structure in a framework for designing, developing, and implementing a comprehensive health management system.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
This volume is the 15th in a series which collects together research in the history of economic thought and methodology. It considers issues such as why historians should examine the history of economic thought, whether it is 'history' or 'economics', and whether it is progressive or cyclical.
The University of Chicago Press Environmental Physiology of the Amphibians
Through its emphasis on recent research, its many summary tables, and its bibliography of more than 4,000 entries, this first modern, synthetic treatment of comparative amphibian environmental physiology emerges as the definitive reference for the field. Forty internationally respected experts review the primary data, examine current research trends, and identify productive avenues for future research.