Search results for ""ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Sons Inc""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Quantitative and Statistical Data in Education: From Data Collection to Data Processing
This book presents different data collection and representation techniques: elementary descriptive statistics, confirmatory statistics, multivariate approaches and statistical modeling. It exposes the possibility of giving more robustness to the classical methodologies of education sciences by adding a quantitative approach. The fundamentals of each approach and the reasons behind them are methodically analyzed, and both simple and advanced examples are given to demonstrate how to use them. Subsequently, this book can be used both as a course for the uninitiated and as an accompaniment for researchers who are already familiar with these concepts.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Non-Linearities in Passive RFID Systems: Third Harmonic Concept and Applications
This book concerns a new paradigm in the field of UHF RFID systems: the positive exploitation of nonlinear signals generated by the chips integrated into the RFID tags. After having recalled the main principles in RFID technology and its current challenges notably with the emergence of Internet of Things or the smart connected environments, the purpose is to focus on the presence of nonlinearities produced by the nonlinear circuits of RFID chips: effects, nuisances and solutions but also and especially use of the phenomena. The presentation covers all aspects from the characterization of the nonlinear behavior of RFID tags and the associated platforms (distinguishing conducted and radiated measurement) to the design of new types of tags where nonlinearities are exploited in order to offer new capabilities or enhanced performance.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Transition
Although most people are aware of the value of developing new energy technologies, the importance of assessing such technologies is only just beginning to be recognized in full. This book, illustrated by real-life examples, fulfils two main objectives. Firstly, it provides an in-depth summary of energy system evaluation methods, the result of decades of work in this area, for the use of researchers, engineers and anybody else interested in the energy sector. Secondly, the vicious cycle of neglect towards in situ evaluation is broken. This neglect is due to its unjust reputation for being “thankless work”: longwinded, expensive, difficult to exploit and undervalued. By scientifically organizing experience acquired over more than 30 years, Energy Transition highlights the considerable usefulness of the approach, not only economically, but also from a human standpoint.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc City Logistics 3: Towards Sustainable and Liveable Cities
This volume of three books presents recent advances in modelling, planning and evaluating city logistics for sustainable and liveable cities based on the application of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). It highlights modelling the behaviour of stakeholders who are involved in city logistics as well as planning and managing policy measures of city logistics including cooperative freight transport systems in public-private partnerships. Case studies of implementing and evaluating city logistics measures in terms of economic, social and environmental benefits from major cities around the world are also given.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation and Society
This book takes stock of the state of the question on innovation in a particular area of education and training. But for this it must be noted that economists have appropriated the notion since Schumpeter and have constrained to think innovation in professions of intervention on others as if they were products to be delivered to the customer as quickly and the best (frugal innovation). Here the author brings a nuance and demonstrates the specificity of innovations in "soft" areas, their richness, while drawing the reader to caution and criticism because any innovation is not good in itself: it can Produce adverse effects in the medium and long term. The author proposes two supports for innovation: on the one hand the approach by its most objective evaluation which itself induces an innovation in its evaluation and, on the other hand, an approach to values and therefore to philosophy of the desired future man. A detour on the history of innovation, on its international approaches, on the imaginary investments it is often the object of (with a nuance of utopia) makes it possible to understand why innovation has been a means To drive the reforms and to convince people for a better future.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc JavaScript and Open Data
This book will teach you how to take advantage of the JavaScript language to process data provided on the Internet. Much attention is given to the main JavaScript backbone: prototype based objects, and functional capabilities, while common features (loops, etc.) are summarized in a few cheat-sheets. Only operational features are detailed through the coding of several applications -the second and largest part of the book-, on free-access datasets (e.g. World Bank). It includes: cartography (SVG or API's based), data-sheets access (via Ajax or Jsonp), video data and post-synchronization, and animation examples.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Libraries and Crowdsourcing
Instead of outsourcing tasks to providers using labor-intensive countries, libraries around the world increasingly appeal to the crowds of Internet users, making their relationship with users more collaborative . These internet users can be volunteers or paid, work consciously, unconsciously or in the form of games. They can provide the workforce, skills, knowledge or financial resources that libraries need in order to achieve unimaginable goals.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluid Mechanics in Channel, Pipe and Aerodynamic Design Geometries 1
Fluid mechanics is an important scientific field with various industrial applications for flows or energy consumption and efficiency issues. This book has as main aim to be a textbook of applied knowledge in real fluids as well as to the Hydraulic systems components and operation, with emphasis to the industrial or real life problems for piping and aerodynamic design geometries. Various problems will be presented and analyzed through this book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Technicity vs Scientificity: Complementarities and Rivalries
The relationship between technicity and scientificity is often overlooked or avoided despite being a determining factor for establishing interdisciplinarity. By focusing on this relationship and highlighting a number of its ramifications, this book sheds light on the hidden or skewed stakes that condition a wide array of scientific projects. The authors present different approaches based on their own professional experience, focusing on the technique–science relationship in domains as diverse as brain mapping, the decipherment of Mycenaean writing and the design process. Each chapter presents varying and often opposing epistemological conclusions to provide the reader with a wide breadth of examples in different fields. Although the scope of this book is far from exhaustive, it serves as a starting point for the necessary and long-overdue clarification of the relationship between these neighboring, yet disjointed, sectors.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Management of Extreme Situations: From Polar Expeditions to Exploration-oriented Organizations
In response to the rise of various forms of the extreme in economies, organizations and societies (such as disruptive innovation, climate emergency, financial crisis, high-risk sport, etc.), an ambitious 21st century program sets the agenda of management sciences around the unknown, disruption, uncertainty and risk. Management of Extreme Situations presents the research results from the conference organized at the Cerisy-la-Salle International Cultural Center, France, in 2016. It testifies to the existence of an international community that brings together, around management sciences, various disciplines studying the management concept of extreme situations. Through the analysis of varied contexts (polar and mountain expeditions, fire rescue services, exploration projects in the military field, creative industries, etc.), this book offers an initial grammar of the extreme. It presents a heuristic for the management of these situations – particularly in terms of sensemaking, ambidexterity and knowledge expansion.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling and Simulation of Logistics Flows 3: Discrete and Continuous Flows in 2D/3D
Volume 3 begins with an introduction to which are added four chapters focused on modeling and flow simulation in an environment in 2 or 3 dimensions (2D or 3D). They deal with different cases taken from situations found in the field. A conclusion comes close this third book: The different software used in this third volume Computer simulation of discrete flows Mixed flow simulation Flows in 3D and the evacuation simulation Flows in 3D for conveying and storage The conclusion discusses the future developments of the software and their integration into society. At the end of each volume is a bibliography and a list of web links. There is also a glossary explaining some abbreviations, acronyms and some very specific terminology of logistics and operations research.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Business, Innovation and Responsibility
Responsible Innovation. For some, this expression is only an oxymoron or, worse, a means of masking with a sheet of virtue economic practices that would otherwise appear selfish and self-interested. For others, theorists and actors of innovation, this expression represents a formidable lever of action and a rich conceptual source from which to draw new ways of innovating. The articulation between different levels of norms – economic and ethical, to which we can add the legal dimension – is not new, and is the subject of an in-depth reflection, decades old, around the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). By taking up some debates on CSR, most of which are foreign to the current authors of responsible innovation, this book examines the various justifications that CSR brings in order to convince economic players, subject to powerful market forces, of their responsible commitment. But these are not enough. The book also explores the specific contribution of the concept of responsible innovation to coping with the technological, social and political breakthroughs generated by innovation, and is based on philosophical resources such as the ethics of virtue and the ethics of “care”.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Asymmetric Alliances and Information Systems: Issues and Prospects
This book explores the impact of information systems on the management of North–South asymmetric strategic alliances through a series of in-depth case studies which analyze different types of partnerships. Positioned at the heart of the value creation process, the choice of information system seems to be becoming a strategic issue which should be centered not only on the organizational decisions related to the type of alliance but also the management systems of each of the partners. The authors provide an understanding of the nature of this relationship between the organizational structure and the method of information system integration in asymmetric alliances. The in-depth analysis of strategic alliance case-studies illustrates the different methods of information system integration, which are themselves linked to the organisational and structural choices of the alliance. These methods are characterized by information-sharing and coordination mechanisms as well as the balance of control over shared activities developed by the distinct partners.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Production and Maintenance Optimization Problems: Logistic Constraints and Leasing Warranty Services
This book focuses on industrial constraints such as subcontracting, warranty, and quality in manufacturing and logistic fields and gives new integrated maintenance strategies. It presents new production and maintenance Control Policies compared to the Hedging Point theory Strategy and different integrated strategies of maintenance are developed under industrial constraints in order to propose a robustness production and maintenance plan.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Enterprise Interoperability: INTEROP-PGSO Vision
Interoperability of enterprises is one of the main requirements for economical and industrial collaborative networks. Enterprise interoperability (EI) is based on the three domains: architectures and platforms, ontologies and enterprise modeling. This book presents the EI vision of the “Grand Sud-Ouest” pole (PGSO) of the European International Virtual Laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability (INTEROP-VLab). It includes the limitations, concerns and approaches of EI, as well as a proposed framework which aims to define and delimit the concept of an EI domain. The authors present the basic concepts and principles of decisional interoperability as well as concept and techniques for interoperability measurement. The use of these previous concepts in a healthcare ecosystem and in an extended administration is also presented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation and Production Ecosystems
“We do not know where Silicon Valley is really located”, Feldman writes, because these types of organization, when they are dynamic, are moving and fluid. Innovation and production ecosystems or clusters are proliferating today because they seem to be adapted to the demands of innovation, growth and employment. The process leading to their institutionalization escapes a summary analysis of the behavior triggered by monetary incentives or, at the very least, makes it richer. The relational aspect becomes predominant, the interactions between the participants testify to the difficulty of separating the geographical and social dimensions. In the most prominent American clusters, public/private linkages and the building of social links express the centrality of networks in the innovation process. The European vision seeks to articulate entrepreneurial discoveries with vertical public interventions. The competitiveness poles in France suffer from the fact that public choices seem to be torn between two contradictory objectives: efficiency and equity.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Multiple Facets of Innovation Project Management
For firms and other organizations, innovation has become a means of anticipating and managing major changes in their external context and overcoming societal challenges such as sustainable development. As a result, they must innovate repeatedly and continuously. This book explores the multiple facets of innovation project management, defined as the set of activities implemented to bring into being and successfully complete one or several innovation projects. It combines research experience, in cooperation with practitioners, and a theoretical, transversal and global overview inspired from different research streams. The author develops methodologies and frameworks that might be put into practice, provides a case study of research conducted with an air systems manufacturing firm, and outlines avenues for further reflection on innovation project management practice improvement.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Consumer-Resource Relationship: Mathematical Modeling
Better known as the "predator-prey relationship," the consumer-resource relationship means the situation where a single species of organisms consumes for survival and reproduction. For example, Escherichia coli consumes glucose, cows consume grass, cheetahs consume baboons; these three very different situations, the first concerns the world of bacteria and the resource is a chemical species, the second concerns mammals and the resource is a plant, and in the final case the consumer and the resource are mammals, have in common the fact of consuming. In a chemostat, microorganisms generally consume (abiotic) minerals, but not always, bacteriophages consume bacteria that constitute a biotic resource. 'The Chemostat' book dealt only with the case of abiotic resources. Mathematically this amounts to replacing in the two equation system of the chemostat the decreasing function by a general increasing then decreasing function. This simple change has greatly enriched the theory. This book shows in this new framework the problem of competition for the same resource.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Optimal Control in Bioprocesses: Pontryagin's Maximum Principle in Practice
Optimal control is a branch of applied mathematics that engineers need in order to optimize the operation of systems and production processes. Its application to concrete examples is often considered to be difficult because it requires a large investment to master its subtleties. The purpose of Optimal Control in Bioprocesses is to provide a pedagogical perspective on the foundations of the theory and to support the reader in its application, first by using academic examples and then by using concrete examples in biotechnology. The book is thus divided into two parts, the first of which outlines the essential definitions and concepts necessary for the understanding of Pontryagin’s maximum principle – or PMP – while the second exposes applications specific to the world of bioprocesses. This book is unique in that it focuses on the arguments and geometric interpretations of the trajectories provided by the application of PMP.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Movement Equations 4: Equilibriums and Small Movements
An important instance of the application of unbuckled solid mechanics is that of its stability and small movements from this situation. The problem expressing goes through the linearization of the movement equations set up in the 3rd volume of this treaty, by their limited development. This book gives and develops the process which leads to the differential linear equations expressing this kind of movement and allowing the study of the equilibrium and the stability of an unbuckled solid.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Movement Equations 1: Location, Kinematics and Kinetics
The set of books on Mechanical Engineering and Solid Mechanics, of which this book is the first volume, is an essential tool for those looking to develop a rigorous knowledge of the discipline, whether students, professionals (in search of an approach to a problem they are dealing with), or anyone else interested. This volume deals with the elements required for establishing the equations of motion when dealing with solid bodies. Chapter 1 focuses on the systems of reference used to locate solid bodies relative to the observer, and demonstrates how to describe their position, orientation, and evolution during their motion. Chapter 2 introduces descriptors of motion such as velocity and acceleration, and develops the concept of torsor notation in relation to these descriptors. Finally, Chapter 3 concerns the notions of mass and inertia, as well as the kinetic torsor and dynamic torsor which consolidate the kinematic and kinetic aspects in a single concept.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Probabilistic Combinatorial Optimization on Graphs
This title provides a comprehensive survey over the subject of probabilistic combinatorial optimization, discussing probabilistic versions of some of the most paradigmatic combinatorial problems on graphs, such as the maximum independent set, the minimum vertex covering, the longest path and the minimum coloring. Those who possess a sound knowledge of the subject mater will find the title of great interest, but those who have only some mathematical familiarity and knowledge about complexity and approximation theory will also find it an accessible and informative read.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Metrology in Industry: The Key for Quality
Metrology is an integral part of the structure of today’s world: navigation and telecommunications require highly accurate time and frequency standards; human health and safety relies on authoritative measurements in diagnosis and treatment, as does food production and trade; global climate studies also depend on reliable and consistent data. Moreover, international trade practices increasingly require institutions to display demonstrated conformity to written standards and specifications. As such, having relevant and reliable results of measurements and tests in compliance with mutually recognised standards can be a technical, commercial and statutory necessity for a company. This book, the results of a working group from the French College of Metrology and featuring chapters written by a range of experts from a variety of European countries, gives a comprehensive and international treatment of the subject. Academics involved in metrology as well as people involved in the metrology capacities of companies and institutions will find this book of great interest.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in X-ray Tomography for Geomaterials
This book brings together a total of 48 contributions (including 5 keynote papers) which were presented at the 2nd International Workshop on the Application of X-ray CT for Geomaterials (GeoX 2006) held in Aussois, France, on 4-7 October, 2006. The contributions cover a wide range of topics, from fundamental characterization of material behavior to applications in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. Recent advances of X-ray technology, hardware and software are also discussed. As such, this will be valuable reading for anyone interested in the application of X-ray CT to geomaterials from both fundamental and applied perspectives.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Ultrasonic Methods for Material and Structure Inspection
Ultrasonic signals are increasingly being used for predicting material behavior, both in an engineering context (detecting anomalies in a variety of structures) and a biological context (examining human bones, body parts and unborn fetuses). Featuring contributions from authors who are specialists in their subject area, this book presents new developments in ultrasonic research in both these areas, including ultrasonic NDE and other areas which go beyond traditional imaging techniques of internal defects. As such, both those in the biological and physical science communities will find this an informative and stimulating read.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanophotonics
Nanophotonicsis a comprehensive introduction to the emerging area concerned with controlling and shaping optical fields at a subwavelength scale. Photonic crystals and microcavities are extensively described, including non-linear optical effects. Local-probe techniques are presented and are used to characterize plasmonic devices. The emerging fields of semiconductor nanocrystals and nanobiophotonics are also presented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Signal Integrity: From High-Speed to Radiofrequency Applications
This book presents the necessary concepts for the design and testing of radiofrequency and high-speed circuits. Signal and propagation theory is presented for the various circuit levels, from the chip to the PCB. The co-existence of high-speed wideband signals of radiofrequency signals and supply circuits is developed in order to provide design rules for engineers and Masters-level students. The subjects covered include: interconnections and signal integrity; spectral analysis techniques for high-speed signals; design techniques for signal integrity; the transmission-line concept; methods for temporal analysis and techniques for frequency domain analysis for connectics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Joint Optimization of Maintenance and Production Policies
This book presents the recent work regarding the different approaches developed in the framework of the joint optimization of intelligent maintenance and production strategies. The originality of these strategies is that they take various constraints into account, including production management, subcontracting environmental degradation, inspection and product quality.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Metaheuristics for Production Scheduling
This book describes the potentialities of metaheuristics for solving production scheduling problems and the relationship between these two fields. For the past several years, there has been an increasing interest in using metaheuristic methods to solve scheduling problems. The main reasons for this are that such problems are generally hard to solve to optimality, as well as the fact that metaheuristics provide very good solutions in a reasonable time. The first part of the book presents eight applications of metaheuristics for solving various mono-objective scheduling problems. The second part is itself split into two, the first section being devoted to five multi-objective problems to which metaheuristics are adapted, while the second tackles various transportation problems related to the organization of production systems. Many real-world applications are presented by the authors, making this an invaluable resource for researchers and students in engineering, economics, mathematics and computer science. Contents 1. An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problems with Sequence-dependent Family Setup Times, Mansour Eddaly, Bassem Jarboui, Radhouan Bouabda, Patrick Siarry and Abdelwaheb Rebaï. 2. Genetic Algorithms for Solving Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems, Imed Kacem. 3. A Hybrid GRASP-Differential Evolution Algorithm for Solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problems with No-Wait Constraints, Hanen Akrout, Bassem Jarboui, Patrick Siarry and Abdelwaheb Rebaï. 4. A Comparison of Local Search Metaheuristics for a Hierarchical Flow Shop Optimization Problem with Time Lags, Emna Dhouib, Jacques Teghem, Daniel Tuyttens and Taïcir Loukil. 5. Neutrality in Flow Shop Scheduling Problems: Landscape Structure and Local Search, Marie-Eléonore Marmion. 6. Evolutionary Metaheuristic Based on Genetic Algorithm: Application to Hybrid Flow Shop Problem with Availability Constraints, Nadia Chaaben, Racem Mellouli and Faouzi Masmoudi. 7. Models and Methods in Graph Coloration for Various Production Problems, Nicolas Zufferey. 8. Mathematical Programming and Heuristics for Scheduling Problems with Early and Tardy Penalties, Mustapha Ratli, Rachid Benmansour, Rita Macedo, Saïd Hanafi, Christophe Wilbaut. 9. Metaheuristics for Biobjective Flow Shop Scheduling, Matthieu Basseur and Arnaud Liefooghe. 10. Pareto Solution Strategies for the Industrial Car Sequencing Problem, Caroline Gagné, Arnaud Zinflou and Marc Gravel. 11. Multi-Objective Metaheuristics for the Joint Scheduling of Production and Maintenance, Ali Berrichi and Farouk Yalaoui. 12. Optimization via a Genetic Algorithm Parametrizing the AHP Method for Multicriteria Workshop Scheduling, Fouzia Ounnar, Patrick Pujo and Afef Denguir. 13. A Multicriteria Genetic Algorithm for the Resource-constrained Task Scheduling Problem, Olfa Dridi, Saoussen Krichen and Adel Guitouni. 14. Metaheuristics for the Solution of Vehicle Routing Problems in a Dynamic Context, Tienté Hsu, Gilles Gonçalves and Rémy Dupas. 15. Combination of a Metaheuristic and a Simulation Model for the Scheduling of Resource-constrained Transport Activities, Virginie André, Nathalie Grangeon and Sylvie Norre. 16. Vehicle Routing Problems with Scheduling Constraints, Rahma Lahyani, Frédéric Semet and Benoît Trouillet. 17. Metaheuristics for Job Shop Scheduling with Transportation, Qiao Zhang, Hervé Manier, Marie-Ange Manier. About the Authors Bassem Jarboui is Professor at the University of Sfax, Tunisia. Patrick Siarry is Professor at the Laboratoire Images, Signaux et Systèmes Intelligents (LISSI), University of Paris-Est Créteil, France. Jacques Teghem is Professor at the University of Mons, Belgium.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc VaR Methodology for Non-Gaussian Finance
With the impact of the recent financial crises, more attention must be given to new models in finance rejecting “Black-Scholes-Samuelson” assumptions leading to what is called non-Gaussian finance. With the growing importance of Solvency II, Basel II and III regulatory rules for insurance companies and banks, value at risk (VaR) – one of the most popular risk indicator techniques plays a fundamental role in defining appropriate levels of equities. The aim of this book is to show how new VaR techniques can be built more appropriately for a crisis situation.VaR methodology for non-Gaussian finance looks at the importance of VaR in standard international rules for banks and insurance companies; gives the first non-Gaussian extensions of VaR and applies several basic statistical theories to extend classical results of VaR techniques such as the NP approximation, the Cornish-Fisher approximation, extreme and a Pareto distribution. Several non-Gaussian models using Copula methodology, Lévy processes along with particular attention to models with jumps such as the Merton model are presented; as are the consideration of time homogeneous and non-homogeneous Markov and semi-Markov processes and for each of these models. Contents 1. Use of Value-at-Risk (VaR) Techniques for Solvency II, Basel II and III.2. Classical Value-at-Risk (VaR) Methods.3. VaR Extensions from Gaussian Finance to Non-Gaussian Finance.4. New VaR Methods of Non-Gaussian Finance.5. Non-Gaussian Finance: Semi-Markov Models.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Laser Metrology in Fluid Mechanics: Granulometry, Temperature and Concentration Measurements
In fluid mechanics, non-intrusive measurements are fundamental in order to improve knowledge of the behavior and main physical phenomena of flows in order to further validate codes.The principles and characteristics of the different techniques available in laser metrology are described in detail in this book.Velocity, temperature and concentration measurements by spectroscopic techniques based on light scattered by molecules are achieved by different techniques: laser-induced fluorescence, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering using lasers and parametric sources, and absorption spectroscopy by tunable laser diodes, which are generally better suited for high velocity flows. The size determination of particles by optical means, a technique mainly applied in two-phase flows, is the subject of another chapter, along with a description of the principles of light scattering.For each technique the basic principles are given, as well as optical devices and data processing. A final chapter reminds the reader of the main safety precautions to be taken when using powerful lasers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Intracorporeal Robotics: From Milliscale to Nanoscale
A promising long-term evolution of surgery relies on intracorporeal microrobotics. This book reviews the physical and methodological principles, and the scientific challenges to be tackled to design and control such robots. Three orders of magnitude will be considered, justified by the class of problems encountered and solutions implemented to manipulate objects and reach targets within the body: millimetric, sub-millimetric in the 10- 100 micrometer range, then in the 1-10 micrometer range. The most prominent devices and prototypes of the state of the art will be described to illustrate the benefit that can be expected for surgeons and patients. Future developments nanorobotics will also be discussed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Solar Energy at Urban Scale
Increasing urbanization throughout the world, the depletion of fossil fuels and concerns about global warming have transformed the city into a physical problem of prime importance. This book proposes a multi-disciplinary and systematic approach concerning specialities as different as meteorology, geography, architecture and urban engineering systems, all surrounding the essential problem of solar radiation. It collects the points of view of 18 specialists from around the world on the interaction between solar energy and constructions, combining territorial, urban and architectural scales to better regulate energetic efficiency and light comfort for the sustainable city. The main subjects covered are: measures and models of solar irradiance (satellite observations, territorial and urban ground measurements, sky models, satellite data and urban mock-up), radiative contribution to the urban climate (local heat balance, radiative-aerodynamics coupling, evapotranspiration, Urban Heat Island), light and heat modeling (climate-based daylight modeling, geometrical models of the city, solar radiation modeling for urban environments, thermal simulation methods and algorithms) and urban planning, with special considerations for solar potential, solar impact and daylight rights in the temperate, northern and tropical climates, and the requirement of urban solar regulation. Contents 1. The Odyssey of Remote Sensing from Space: Half a Century of Satellites for Earth Observations, Théo Pirard. 2. Territorial and Urban Measurements, Marius Paulescu and Viorel Badescu. 3. Sky Luminance Models, Matej Kobav and Grega Bizjak. 4. Satellite Images Applied to Surface Solar Radiation Estimation, Bella Espinar and Philippe Blanc. 5. Worldwide Aspects of Solar Radiation Impact, Benoit Beckers. 6. Local Energy Balance, Pierre Kastendeuch. 7. Evapotranspiration, Marjorie Musy. 8. Multiscale Daylight Modeling for Urban Environments, John Mardaljevic and George Janes. 9. Geometrical Models of the City, Daniel G. Aliaga. 10. Radiative Simulation Methods, Pierre Beckers and Benoit Beckers. 11. Radiation Modeling Using the Finite Element Method, Tom van Eekelen. 12. Dense Cities in the Tropical Zone, Edward Ng. 13. Dense Cities in Temperate Climates: Solar and Daylight Rights, Guedi Capeluto. 14. Solar Potential and Solar Impact, Frédéric Monette and Benoit Beckers. Appendix 1. Table of Europe’s Platforms (Micro- and Minisatellites) for Earth Observations, Théo Pirard. Appendix 2. Commercial Operators of Earth Observation (EO) Satellites (as of January 1, 2012), Théo Pirard. Appendix 3. Earth’s Annual Global Mean Energy Budget, Benoit Beckers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Color: Acquisition, Perception, Coding and Rendering
In this book the authors identify the basic concepts and recent advances in the acquisition, perception, coding and rendering of color. The fundamental aspects related to the science of colorimetry in relation to physiology (the human visual system) are addressed, as are constancy and color appearance. It also addresses the more technical aspects related to sensors and the color management screen. Particular attention is paid to the notion of color rendering in computer graphics. Beyond color, the authors also look at coding, compression, protection and quality of color images and videos. Individual chapters focus on the LMS specification, color constancy, color appearance models, rendering in synthetic image generation, image sensor technologies, image compression, and quality and secure color imaging. Ideal for researchers, engineers, Master’s and PhD students, Digital Color: Acquisition, Perception, Encoding and Rendering offers a state of the art on all the scientific and technical issues raised by the different stages of the digital color process – acquisition, analysis and processing. Contents 1. Colorimetry and Physiology – The LMS Specification, Françoise Viénot and Jean Le Rohellec. 2. Color Constancy, Jean-Christophe Burie, Majed Chambah and Sylvie Treuillet. 3. Color Appearance Models, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne and Alain Trémeau. 4. Rendering and Computer Graphics, Bernard Péroche, Samuel Delepoulle and Christophe Renaud. 5. Image Sensor Technology, François Berry and Omar Ait Aider. 6. From the Sensor to Color Images, Olivier Losson and Eric Dinet. 7. Color and Image Compression, Abdelhakim Saadane, Mohamed-Chaker Larabi and Christophe Charrier. 8. Protection of Color Images, William Puech, Alain Trémeau and Philippe Carré. 9. Quality Assessment Approaches, Mohamed-Chaker Larabi, Abdelhakim Saadane and Christophe Charrier.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Erosion of Geomaterials
This book aims to deliver significant scientific progress on the problem of the erosion of geomaterials, focusing on the mechanical/physical aspect. The chapters oscillate between a phenomenological outlook that is well grounded in experiments, and an approach that can offer a modeling framework.The basic mechanisms of internal and surface erosion are tackled one-by-one: filtration, suffusion, contact erosion, concentrated leak erosion, sediment and wind transport, bedload transport. These erosion mechanisms comprise both hydraulic structures (dams, dikes) and natural environments (wind, river, coastal).In this book, physicists and mechanicians share with the reader their most recent findings in their field work and study, while at the same time maintaining an accessible format. This compendium provides a well-documented information resource, and above all, a tool for approaching the issue of erosion of geomaterials in an up-to-date fashion for students, researchers and practitioners alike.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Control of Non-conventional Synchronous Motors
Classical synchronous motors are the most effective device to drive industrial production systems and robots with precision and rapidity. However, numerous applications require efficient controls in non-conventional situations. Firstly, this is the case with synchronous motors supplied by thyristor line-commutated inverters, or with synchronous motors with faults on one or several phases. Secondly, many drive systems use non-conventional motors such as polyphase (more than three phases) synchronous motors, synchronous motors with double excitation, permanent magnet linear synchronous motors, synchronous and switched reluctance motors, stepping motors and piezoelectric motors. This book presents efficient controls to improve the use of these non-conventional motors. Contents 1. Self-controlled Synchronous Motor: Principles of Function and Simplified Control Model, Francis Labrique and François Baudart.2. Self-controlled Synchronous Motor: Dynamic Model Including the Behavior of Damper Windings and Commutation Overlap, Ernest Matagne.3. Synchronous Machines in Degraded Mode, Damien Flieller, Ngac Ky Nguyen, Hervé Schwab and Guy Sturtzer.4. Control of the Double-star Synchronous Machine Supplied by PWM Inverters, Mohamed Fouad Benkhoris.5. Vectorial Modeling and Control of Multiphase Machines with Non-salient Poles Supplied by an Inverter, Xavier Kestelyn and Éric Semail.6. Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machines, Nicolas Patin and Lionel Vido.7. Advanced Control of the Linear Synchronous Motor, Ghislain Remy and Pierre-Jean Barre.8. Variable Reluctance Machines: Modeling and Control, Mickael Hilairet, Thierry Lubin and Abdelmounaïm Tounzi.9. Control of the Stepping Motor, Bruno Robert and Moez Feki .10. Control of Piezoelectric Actuators, Frédéric Giraud and Betty Lemaire-Semail.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Reverse Logistics Network: Engineering and Management
Traditional logistical chains have enabled us to respond efficiently to the needs of customers in terms of services and products. However, the returns, rejects and by-products of these activities have been eliminated or ignored. Reverse logistics aims at valuing these products using a value creation network integrating recovery, processing, recycling, distribution or clean removal processes. In the context of sustainable development, integrating economic, social and environmental factors, these activities raise questions concerning the design of products, processes and logistic networks. Taking these considerations into account involves significant changes that affect business models as well as consumer habits. New working methods and a long-term vision are the new bases for sustainable logistic networks.The objective of this book is to supply an educational tool for engineering schools, as well as a management tool for the efficient implementation of the reverse logistics function. It brings together the knowledge acquired by the scientific community. Even if reverse logistics has been the subject of several books over the past few years, very few theories have been developed and the subject is far from being exhausted. This book proposes generic concepts and processes that can be adapted to all businesses producing goods and services and which aim to integrate reverse logistics. These processes will enable us to shed light on their complexity and to take into account all the important variables. Contents 1. Logistics Challenge.2. Reverse Logistics Engineering.3. Ecodesign.4. Value Loops.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Tree-based Graph Partitioning Constraint
Combinatorial problems based on graph partitioning enable us to mathematically represent and model many practical applications. Mission planning and the routing problems occurring in logistics perfectly illustrate two such examples. Nevertheless, these problems are not based on the same partitioning pattern: generally, patterns like cycles, paths, or trees are distinguished. Moreover, the practical applications are often not limited to theoretical problems like the Hamiltonian path problem, or K-node disjoint path problems. Indeed, they usually combine the graph partitioning problem with several restrictions related to the topology of nodes and arcs. The diversity of implied constraints in real-life applications is a practical limit to the resolution of such problems by approaches considering the partitioning problem independently from each additional restriction. This book focuses on constraint satisfaction problems related to tree partitioning problems enriched by several additional constraints that restrict the possible partitions topology. On the one hand, this title focuses on the structural properties of tree partitioning constraints. On the other hand, it is dedicated to the interactions between the tree partitioning problem and classical restrictions (such as precedence relations or incomparability relations between nodes) involved in practical applications. Precisely, Tree-based Graph Partitioning Constraint shows how to globally take into account several restrictions within one single tree partitioning constraint. Another interesting aspect of this book is related to the implementation of such a constraint. In the context of graph-based global constraints, the book illustrates how a fully dynamic management of data structures makes the runtime of filtering algorithms independent of the graph density.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electromagnetic Reverberation Chambers
Dedicated to a complete presentation on all aspects of reverberation chambers, this book provides the physical principles behind these test systems in a very progressive manner. The detailed panorama of parameters governing the operation of electromagnetic reverberation chambers details various applications such as radiated immunity, emissivity, and shielding efficiency experiments. In addition, the reader is provided with the elements of electromagnetic theory and statistics required to take full advantage of the basic operational rules of reverberation chambers, including calibration procedures. Comparisons with other testing systems (TEM cells, anechoic chambers) are also discussed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multiscale Geomechanics: From Soil to Engineering Projects
This book addresses the latest issues in multiscale geomechanics. Written by leading experts in the field as a tribute to Jean Biarez (1927-2006), it can be of great use and interest to researchers and engineers alike. A brief introduction describes how a major school of soil mechanics came into being through the exemplary teaching by one man. Biarez's life-long work consisted of explaining the elementary mechanisms governing soil constituents in order to enhance understanding of the underlying scientific laws which control the behavior of constructible sites and to incorporate these scientific advancements into engineering practices. He innovated a multiscale approach of passing from the discontinuous medium formed by individual grains to an equivalent continuous medium. The first part of the book examines the behavior of soils at the level of their different constituents and at the level of their interaction. Behavior is then treated at the scale of the soil sample. The second part deals with soil mechanics from the vantage point of the construction project. It highlights Biarez's insightful adoption of the Finite Element Codes and illustrates, through numerous construction examples, his methodology and approach based on the general framework he constructed for soil behavior, constantly enriched by comparing in situ measurements with calculated responses of geostructures.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ad Hoc Networks: Routing, Qos and Optimization
This work presents ad hoc networks and their characteristics. It explains a new protocol of routing with QoS as well as its implementation in a network simulator and compares it with the existing protocols. The book discusses the principle of the load balancing, treats the approaches of optimization of energy, and proposes a new approach with an analytical model that gives a better performance.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Inverse Problems in Vision and 3D Tomography
The concept of an inverse problem is a familiar one to most scientists and engineers, particularly in the field of signal and image processing, imaging systems (medical, geophysical, industrial non-destructive testing, etc.), and computer vision. In imaging systems, the aim is not just to estimate unobserved images but also their geometric characteristics from observed quantities that are linked to these unobserved quantities by a known physical or mathematical relationship. In this manner techniques such as image enhancement or addition of hidden detail can be delivered. This book focuses on imaging and vision problems that can be clearly described in terms of an inverse problem where an estimate for the image and its geometrical attributes (contours and regions) is sought. The book uses a consistent methodology to examine inverse problems such as: noise removal; restoration by deconvolution; 2D or 3D reconstruction in X-ray, tomography or microwave imaging; reconstruction of the surface of a 3D object using X-ray tomography or making use of its shading; reconstruction of the surface of a 3D landscape based on several satellite photos; super-resolution; motion estimation in a sequence of images; separation of several images mixed using instruments with different sensitivities or transfer functions; and much more.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Discrete-time Asset Pricing Models in Applied Stochastic Finance
Stochastic finance and financial engineering have been rapidly expanding fields of science over the past four decades, mainly due to the success of sophisticated quantitative methodologies in helping professionals manage financial risks. In recent years, we have witnessed a tremendous acceleration in research efforts aimed at better comprehending, modeling and hedging this kind of risk. These two volumes aim to provide a foundation course on applied stochastic finance. They are designed for three groups of readers: firstly, students of various backgrounds seeking a core knowledge on the subject of stochastic finance; secondly financial analysts and practitioners in the investment, banking and insurance industries; and finally other professionals who are interested in learning advanced mathematical and stochastic methods, which are basic knowledge in many areas, through finance. Volume 1 starts with the introduction of the basic financial instruments and the fundamental principles of financial modeling and arbitrage valuation of derivatives. Next, we use the discrete-time binomial model to introduce all relevant concepts. The mathematical simplicity of the binomial model also provides us with the opportunity to introduce and discuss in depth concepts such as conditional expectations and martingales in discrete time. However, we do not expand beyond the needs of the stochastic finance framework. Numerous examples, each highlighted and isolated from the text for easy reference and identification, are included. The book concludes with the use of the binomial model to introduce interest rate models and the use of the Markov chain model to introduce credit risk. This volume is designed in such a way that, among other uses, makes it useful as an undergraduate course.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Distance and E-learning in Transition: Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges
The rushed development of information and communication technologies and their impact on the world of learning in the last decade have profoundly changed the paradigms, scenarios and values at all levels of education. The professionalization of tools and practices, in addition to the consolidation of academic and practical knowledge, has been a major continuing issue throughout these years. The annual conferences of the largest European professional community in distance and e-learning have been setting the landmarks in this process. The selection from this unique knowledge pool demonstrates the deepening and consolidation of knowledge and experience. This book presents the developments in the field of open, distance and e-learning, through new technologies, methodologies and tools, which have profoundly changed the paradigms, scenarios and values at all levels of education over the last decade.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Renewable Energy Technologies
This book deals with the emerging generation of renewable energy technologies, covering solar energy (photovoltaic, thermal and thermodynamic energy conversion), wind energy, marine energy, small hydropower, geothermal energy, biofuels, biogas and the use of wood as a substitute for fossil fuels.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Thematic Cartography, Set
This series in three volumes considers maps as constructions resulting from a number of successive transformations and stages integrated in a logical reasoning and an order of choices. Volume 1 introduces the basis of thematic cartography; the map is regarded as a construct due to transformation processes. Volume 2 focuses on the impact of the quantitative revolution, partially related to the advent of the computer age, on thematic cartography. Volume 3 is exclusively focused on the new approaches on thematic cartography offered by the three successive revolutions affecting the discipline: digital, multimedia and the Internet.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Structural Reliability
This book describes the main methods used in the reliability of structures and their use in the design process leading to reliable products. This title provides the understanding needed to implement the variety of new reliability software programs.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Control Methods for Electrical Machines
The type of control system used for electrical machines depends on the use (nature of the load, operating states, etc.) to which the machine will be put. The precise type of use determines the control laws which apply. Mechanics are also very important, because they affect performance. Another factor of essential importance in industrial applications is operating safety. Finally, the problem of how to control a number of different machines, whose interactions and outputs must be coordinated, is addressed and solutions are presented. These and other issues are addressed here by a range of expert contributors, each of whom are specialists in their particular field. This book is primarily aimed at those involved in complex systems design, but engineers in a range of related fields such as electrical engineering, instrumentation and control, and industrial engineering, will also find this a useful source of information.