Search results for ""Author Nicolas""
Editorial Anagrama S.A. Cárceles y exilios
Por estas espléndidas memorias, que abordan el periodo comprendido entre 1936 y 1975, desfilan en diez apretados capítulos la actividad clandestina del autor en 1946, su paso por tres cárceles, su procesamiento en un peculiar consejo de guerra, su sonada fuga en 1948 del Destacamento Penal de Cuelgamuros y el exilio en Argentina, donde un obtuso golpe militar interrumpió su carrera universitaria en 1968 y le lanzó a un nuevo exilio en Nueva York. En esta ciudad reanudó su docencia e investigaciones históricas hasta su vuelta definitiva a España. La reminiscencia de esas vicisitudes no se reduce a un anecdotario, sino que, cediendo a su condición de historiador, el autor reflexiona sobre el sentido de unos avatares que no le son exclusivos y sobre las circunstancias nacionales e internacionales que los rodearon. La misma condición le ha llevado a reforzar sus recuerdos personales con documentos de la época, recogidos al abrirse los archivos antes cerrados a consulta. La distancia en el
Doble cristal
Nací en el fin del mundo, en el final de todo, donde pasa una carretera que llega a otro mundo para volver hasta aquí. Así comienza una de las nueve piezas que conforman Doble cristal, la primera novela de Nicolás Dorta, que regresa a la infancia, a la familia y al oficio del periodismo para contar una historia donde lo vivido, lo imaginado y lo inverosímil despliegan sus obse- siones: si nos hemos equivocado en nuestras decisiones, hasta qué punto el pasado nos sacude, el aislamiento, el miedo y la muerte.
Emons Verlag 111 Lieux en CharenteMaritime à ne pas manquer
£16.20 publishing Imperium Aeternum. Life is a Story
Atlantik Verlag Der Hamster mit der Löwenmähne
5M Books Ltd Honeybee Veterinary Medicine: Apis Mellifera L.
Honeybees are an essential part of farming and the wider ecosystem. Since the middle of the 1990s bee populations around the world have suffered dramatic decline through diseases, intoxication, and unknown causes. Veterinarians have had little training in bee health but as the situation continues, qualified animal health professionals and, in particular, veterinarians are being required to become involved as new dangers threaten honeybee health everywhere because of global apiculture, trade and exchanges of honeybees, products of the hive and beekeeping material such as Aethina tumida (the small hive beetle - a beekeeping pest) introduced in Italy in 2014 or the mite Tropilaelaps spp (parasitic mites of honeybees).This book will provide an overview of bee biology, the bee in the wider environment, intoxication, bee diseases, bee parasites (with a large part dedicated to the mite Varroa destructor) pests enemies, and veterinary treatment and actions relating to honeybee health. The book will also cover current topics such as climate change, crop pollination, use of phytosanitary products, antibiotic resistance, and Colony Collapse Disorder.While aimed at veterinary practitioners, students and veterinarians involved in apiculture and bee health (officials, researchers, laboratory veterinarians, biologists. ..), the book can also be beneficial to beekeepers, beekeeping stakeholders, animal health and environmental organisations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Hazardous Materials Compliance for Public Research Organizations: A Case Study, Second Edition
Completely revised and updated, Hazardous Materials Compliance for Public Research Organizations: A Case Study, Second Edition presents a case study of one university’s policies and practices with regard to the procurement, use, storage and disposal of HAZMAT in the context of a changing internal structure and regulatory environment. The author’s presentation is no-holds-barred, using interviews, archival documentation, and unobtrusive observations as a participant where the research institution was at times noncompliant with the new federal guidelines. See What’s New in the Second Edition: Incorporates issues with all types of hazardous materials instead of just focusing on biological HAZMAT Updated information on current regulations on HAZMAT in relation to universities and research centers Follow-up on the case study university, disclosing the university’s progress in resolving the security and safety shortcomings By implementing key improvements in safety and security, the universities can also more easily obtain research grant money and satisfy both state and federal safety requirements. This book includes recommendations to improve safety while using and storing biotoxins, chemical, radioactive material, and industrial waste, and to improve overall security at the university. It also highlights improvements that can make the environment a safer and more secure location to perform biological research.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Intervention and Statebuilding
This innovative Handbook offers a new perspective on the cutting-edge conceptual advances that have shaped - and continue to shape - the field of intervention and statebuilding.Bringing together leading global scholars, the Handbook on Intervention and Statebuilding offers a cross-cutting perspective on a wide array of themes. Chapters cover democracy promotion, transitional justice and humanitarianism, as well as the involvement of drones and cyber technology in conflicts. Employing state-of-the-art perspectives on the most crucial themes, this Handbook explores issues at the heart of contemporary statebuilding.This Handbook will be critical reading for researchers at all levels in the broad field of international relations and peace and conflict studies. Upper-level students of political science will also benefit from the breadth of topics covered.
McGill-Queen's University Press Life Embodied: The Promise of Vital Force in Spanish Modernity: Volume 77
The concept of vital force – the immanent energy that promotes the processes of life in the body and in nature – has proved a source of endless fascination and controversy. Indeed, the question of what vitalizes the body has haunted humanity since antiquity, and became even more pressing during the Scientific Revolution and beyond. Examining the complexities and theories about vital force in Spanish modernity, Nicolás Fernández-Medina's Life Embodied offers a novel and provocative assessment of the question of bodily life in Spain. Starting with Juan de Cabriada's landmark Carta filosófica, médico-chymica of 1687 and ending with Ramón Gómez de la Serna's avant-gardism of the 1910s, Fernández-Medina incorporates discussions of anatomy, philosophy, science, critical theory, history of medicine, and literary studies to argue that concepts of vital force served as powerful vehicles to interrogate the possibilities and limits of corporeality. Paying close attention to how the body's capabilities were conceived and strategically woven into critiques of modernity, Fernández-Medina engages the work of Miguel Boix y Moliner, Martín Martínez, Diego de Torres Villarroel, Sebastián Guerrero Herreros, Ignacio María Ruiz de Luzuriaga, Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, Pedro Mata y Fontanet, Ángela Grassi, Julián Sanz del Río, Miguel de Unamuno, and Pío Baroja, among others. Drawing on extensive research and analysis, Life Embodied breaks new ground as the first book to address the question of vital force in Spanish modernity.
Watkins Media Limited Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discovering the Spiritual Map of Your Life with Numerology
Unlocking the secrets of the blueprint of life hidden within your birth name, this book empowers spiritual seekers to overcome their challenges, express their strengths, manifest their dreams and access their life purpose
Al igual que en el macrocosmos existen dos corrientes o polaridades, una positiva y otra negativa, así también en el microcosmos existen alimentos eléctricos y alimentos magnéticos: las verduras, por ejemplo, son eléctricas mientras que las frutas son magnéticas. Pero para que nuestra alimentación, sea verdaderamente nutricional y regenerativa, debe tener siempre presentes las ?Leyes de la incompatibilidad de los alimentos? (expuestas en este libro precisamente por uno de sus creadores). Sólo así será consciente y no caerá en el error de mezclar en una misma comida alimentos de diferente polaridad. Con El secreto del electromagnetismo., el autor nos introduce con lenguaje sencillo y directo en los entresijos del vegetarianismo y expone de forma aguda y crítica los conceptos básicos de algunas corrientes como el vegetarianismo integral de Suecia o Waerlandismo, el régimen frugívo-ro-frutariano de los yoguis, la dieta sátwica o la monodieta tamásico-rúpica. Las reflexiones de este gran n
Ediciones Trea, S.L. Estructura documental gua para alumnos de diplomtica
Este libro pretende ser una herramienta para el alumno universitario de Diplomática a la hora de resolver las pruebas que se le van a plantear.La primera parte es teórica y constituye un prontuario de la estructura del diploma, sometiendo cada concepto a las distintas opiniones de las publicaciones más autorizadas.El apartado práctico consiste en quince ejercicios arquetípicos, resueltos metódicamente con arreglo a las propuestas planteadas, buscando soluciones eficaces y sencillas.
Baile del Sol SRL De cine
Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Protección penal del consumidor en la Unión Europea
El art. II-98 de la nueva Constitución Europea establece que "en las políticas de la Unión se garantizará un elevado nivel de protección de los consumidores", misión que compartirán las instituciones comunitarias y las correspondientes de cada país miembro. Dicha tutela se orienta en una doble dirección: la protección de la salud humana y el logro de una adecuada transparencia en el mercado interior. Se trata, por tanto, de un problema de primer rango para nuestra comunidad y, por ello, es objeto de protección en los distintos Códigos Penales europeos. El presente volumen recoge los trabajos elaborados por un grupo de penalistas del viejo continente que se han especializado en el análisis de los problemas dogmáticos y politicocriminales que plantean los delitos relativos a los consumidores, desde cuestiones relativas a la seguridad alimentaria hasta la moderna concepción del accionista como consumidor de productos financieros, pasando por la publicidad engañosa o la responsabilidad por
Ediciones Sígueme, S.A. Malebranche N Acerca de la investigación de la verdad
Classiques Garnier Faire de l'Histoire Moderne
University of Hawai'i Press Food Safety after Fukushima: Scientific Citizenship and the Politics of Risk
The triple disaster that struck Japan in March 2011 forced people living there to confront new risks in their lives. Despite the Japanese government's reassurance that radiation exposure would be small and unlikely to affect the health of the general population, many questioned the government's commitment to protecting their health. The disaster prompted them to become vigilant about limiting their risk exposure, and food emerged as a key area where citizens could determine their own levels of acceptable risk. Food Safety after Fukushima examines the process by which notions about what is safe to eat were formulated after the nuclear meltdown. Its central argument is that as citizens informed themselves about potential risks, they also became savvier in their assessment of the government's handling of the crisis. The author terms this "Scientific Citizenship," and he shows that the acquisition of scientific knowledge on the part of citizens resulted in a transformed relationship between individuals and the state. Groups of citizens turned to existing and newly formed organizations where food was sourced from areas far away from the nuclear accident or screened to stricter standards than those required by the state. These organizations enabled citizens to exchange information about the disaster, meet food producers, and work to establish networks of trust where food they considered safe could circulate.Based on extensive fieldwork and interviews with citizens groups, mothers' associations, farmers, government officials, and retailers, Food Safety after Fukushima reflects on how social relations were affected by the accident. The author vividly depicts an environment where trust between food producers and consumers had been shaken, where people felt uneasy about their food choices and the consequences they might have for their children, and where farmers were forced to deal with the consequences of pollution that was not of their making. Most poignantly, the book conveys the heavy burden now attached to the name "Fukushima" in the popular imagination and explores efforts to resurrect it.
Karolinger Verlag Scholien Ein Nachtrag
NBM Publishing Company Glacial Period: The Louvre Collection
W. W. Norton & Company Forest Diplomacy Cultures in Conflict on the Pennsylvania Frontier 1757 0 Reacting to the Past
Minority Rights Group International Minority and Indigenous Trends 2023: Focus on Water
Nova Science Publishers Inc Calcium Channel Blockers & Renal Disease
Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL Alma corazn y manos
Corazón desnervado Juan Negrín en el Congreso de Fisiología de Zúrich agosto de 1938
En agosto de 1938, en plena batalla del Ebro, Juan Negrín y Rafael Méndez, viajaron en avioneta a Zúrich para participar en el XVI Congreso de Fisiología. Allí interactuaron con líderes científicos mundiales, y al parecer también con representantes del Movimiento. En este relato de ficción hemos tratado de, imaginar lo que les pudo haber ocurrido en aquellos días. Nos acompañará el fisiólogo de Harvard Walter B Cannon, presidente del Comité Médico de Ayuda a la República, que les hará las preguntas que a todos nos hubiera gustado poder hacerles.
Blockchain fuego prometeico o aceite de serpiente
Blockchain es una oportunidad para crear, gestionar y preservar información de calidad, y quizá el principio del fin de modelos que priman el corto plazo sobre el interés general. Esta infraestructura de bases de datos segura y distribuida entre sus participantes promete revolucionar Internet y propulsar la tercera gran evolución de la Web, tras el frenesí puntocom y la Web 2.0.La ventaja de blockchain está en el diseño: estas bases de datos registran públicamente las modificaciones y democratizan el acceso a servicios fidedignos sin depender de intermediarios, pues los participantes comparten una copia del registro de todas las entradas. Blockchain es una oportunidad para descentralizar servicios esenciales concentrados en pocas manos, y devolver a los usuarios el control y propiedad de su grafo social y actividad digital.El autor analiza la viabilidad de una tecnología que suscita esperanzas... y recelos como la especulación y el derroche energético.
Alma Corazn y Manos
Alma, el lenguaje del alma es muy sutil, hemos de estar muy atentos para percibirlo, se expresa a través de las emociones, de las dificultades, de las enfermedades, a través de las relaciones, etc. Uno de los problemas que tenemos y que dificulta la comprensión y la paz interior es nuestra actitud ante las dificultades que se nos presentan. Frente a las situaciones difíciles o amargas existen dos opciones: una de ellas es comportarnos como víctimas de la vida y otra es transitar por el sendero del aprendiz; la diferencia es enorme. Vamos a aprender a leer la vida desde una perspectiva diferente, buscando en cada acontecimiento, en cada experiencia o en cada síntoma físico o emocional una oportunidad de aprendizaje.El Corazón es el símbolo que describe el Amor, el amor en todas y cada una de sus manifestaciones, para que esta maravillosa emoción, para que este sentimiento florezca y se expanda, llenando nuestra vida y generando salud, es necesario resolver las cargas emocionales del pas
Biblioteca Nueva pica mito y tragedia Edipo ms all de Grecia
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Globalization, Law and Economy / Globalizacion, Derecho Y Economia: Proceedings of the 22nd World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Granada 2005. Vol. 4
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Trialogus de Possest
Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. K Besitzschutz smarter Sachen
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Norman Bel Geddes: American Design Visionary
Norman Bel Geddes has long been considered the ‘founder’ of American industrial design. During his long career he worked on everything from theatre design, world fairs and cars to houses and product and packaging design. Nicolas P. Maffei’s magisterial biography draws on original material from the archive at the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin, and places Bel Geddes’ work within the fast-changing cultural and intellectual contexts of his time. Maffei shows how Bel Geddes’ futuristic but pragmatic style – his notion of ‘practical vision’ – was central to his work, and highly influential on the professional practice of American industrial design in general.
Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL Alma corazn y manos
Bang Ediciones La gorda de las galaxias 1
John Wiley & Sons Inc Processing Water, Wastewater, Residuals, and Excreta for Health and Environmental Protection: An Encyclopedic Dictionary
This single-source reference is your "go-to" resource for current information on water treatment and water quality Knowledge about water and wastewater treatment, pollution control, water quality, and related applications and equipment is increasing exponentially. New challenges bring new technologiesand terminologies. The acronyms alone can test your memory, not to mention the plethora of proprietary devices and technologies created by different companies. Processing Water, Wastewater, Residuals, and Excreta for Health and Environmental Protection: An Encyclopedic Dictionary consolidates concise definitions, equations, and formulas into one authoritative reference. With logical, systematic organization and clear, concise explanations, it: Defines more than 25,000 key terms related to water treatment, wastewater treatment, excreta disposal, residuals processing, and environmental health Features 1,800 illustrations, including chemical reactions, formulas, figures, and tables Updates you on current technologies and applications Covers both proprietary and nonproprietary technologies This is the hands-on reference for professionals teaching, conducting research, or working in hydraulics, hydrology, water supply, wastewater disposal, stormwater management, environmental engineering, and civil engineering. It is also an excellent resource for students studying water resources and environmental engineering.
Duncker & Humblot GmbH Massregelungsschutz Und Beweislast
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Intervention and Statebuilding
This innovative Handbook offers a new perspective on the cutting-edge conceptual advances that have shaped - and continue to shape - the field of intervention and statebuilding.Bringing together leading global scholars, the Handbook on Intervention and Statebuilding offers a cross-cutting perspective on a wide array of themes. Chapters cover democracy promotion, transitional justice and humanitarianism, as well as the involvement of drones and cyber technology in conflicts. Employing state-of-the-art perspectives on the most crucial themes, this Handbook explores issues at the heart of contemporary statebuilding.This Handbook will be critical reading for researchers at all levels in the broad field of international relations and peace and conflict studies. Upper-level students of political science will also benefit from the breadth of topics covered.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Advanced Materials Research
Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. Arte de putear
Erótica Hispánica es una colección que aspira a recuperar la vertiente de nuestra cultura históricamente más desatendida, cuando no negada u ocultada. Un extremo cuidado en la pulcritud con que lo textos son presentados y aclarados facilita al lector el entendimiento y disfrute pleno de estos otros clásicos.
Duncker & Humblot Zugriffe Auf Elektronische Kommunikation: Eine Verfassungsrechtliche Und Strafprozessrechtliche Analyse
Creative Media Partners, LLC La Petimetra Comedia Nueva
50minutes.Fr Parler en public et captiver son auditoire: Techniques et astuces pour des prises de parole réussies
Peeters Publishers L'epitaphe Ottomane Musulmane (XVIe-XXe Siecles): Contribution a une Histoire de la Culture Ottomane
La stele funeraire ottomane musulmane classique prit forme dans le courant du XVIe siecle. Alors que les Turcs d'Anatolie medievale, y compris les Ottomans, avaient a l'origine adapte a leur usage le modele des inscriptions funeraires arabes, les Ottomans adopterent finalement le turc et, de ce fait, un formulaire nouveau qui leur est propre. Ils developperent aussi une sculpture funeraire originale, en particulier marquee par les couvre-chefs qui donnent a certaines de leurs steles une apparence anthromorphique sans doute trompeuse. C'est a cette culture funeraire ottomane, qui se developpa jusqu'aux lendemains de la Premiere Guerre mondiale sur l'ensemble du territoire non arabophone de l'Empire, qu'est consacre ce livre. Les auteurs ont tente de degager l'essence du formulaire de base de l'epitaphe ottomane - dont le but premier est d'appeler les vivants a prier pour le defunt - et a en suivre les evolutions en analysant le developpement de formules stereotypees, puis l'apparition de textes plus personnalises. Fondee sur un vaste corpus d'inscriptions de zones geographiques, periodes et milieux sociaux divers, l'etude repere - a travers l'analyse du vocabulaire, des principaux themes et de leur mises en forme - des oppositions entre regions, entre milieux urbains et ruraux, entre niveaux sociaux. Mais elle met aussi en relief l'existence d'une culture funeraire ottomane homogene, dont elle degage les constantes et les evolutions dans le temps : sentimentalite grandissante, voire meme sentiment d'injustice devant la mort, apparition de considerations mondaines et profanes, desir croissant de situer et de glorifier l'individu, etc. A partir d'une histoire des epitaphes ottomanes, le livre fournit les elements d'une histoire de la mort chez les Ottomans, mais il aborde aussi de nombreux aspects de leur societe : role de l'oral et de l'ecrit, constitution d'une forme de litterature populaire, definition et designation de l'individu au sein de la societe, etc.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Philosophische Schriften
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Textgelehrte: Literaturwissenschaft Und Literarisches Wissen Im Umkreis Der Kritischen Theorie
Hmh Publications North American T-6 Harvard/Texan: Aircraft in Detail
Brepols N.V. Old Norse Myths as Political Ideologies: Critical Studies in the Appropriation of Medieval Narratives