Search results for ""Author Nicolas""
Hmh Publications Lockheed F-104 G/J/S/AMA Starfighter: Aircraft in Detail
Hmh Publications Agustawestland A109 & Baf Demo Team: Aircraft in Detail
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres
Brepols N.V. Anthropology of Roman Housing
Classiques Garnier Cahiers d'Etudes Nodieristes: Marie Mennessier-Nodier, Lettres de Paris (Feuilleton de la Gazette de Metz)
Classiques Garnier Les Villes Sacrees: Reliques Et Espaces Urbains a l'Epoque Moderne
Classiques Garnier Les Formes Elementaires de la Vie Religieuse,: Emile Durkheim Et La Religion
Classiques Garnier Un Homme, Deux Cultures: Charles de Villers Entre France Et Allemagne (1765-1815)
Les Belles Lettres Les Ottomans Par Eux-Memes
Pelican Publishing Co Warlord's Messengers, The
Tundra Books Thing-Thing
ISTE Ltd Nuclear Economy 2: Nuclear Issues in the Energy Transition
This book presents the factual, precise, complete and accessible economic elements of nuclear energy in order to contribute to an informed and dispassionate debate. It analyzes the economic aspects of spent fuel management, including the costs and financing of long-term storage and deep geological disposal. The economic costs of a nuclear accident are also discussed from both theoretical and applied angles, based on the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Nuclear Economy 2 also examines the industrial and political aspects of the future energy mix. Nuclear energy is thus placed in the more global context of the European electricity market. Finally, this book offers a panorama of energy scenarios on the scale of France, but also of the world.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Leningrad 1943: Inside a City Under Siege
The Siege of Leningrad is the most powerful testimony to the immeasurable cruelty and horror of World War II. From 1941-1945, the Eastern Front was the site of some of the bloodiest atrocities of the war and the city of Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, proved to be a decisive point in the conflict. German policy was resolutely determined to redraw the map of Europe, annihilate the Soviet Union and give large areas of territory to Finland. Through Hitler's ambition to completely eradicate the city and its entire population, it was decided that the most efficient method of invasion was to encircle and bombard the city into submission. After 872 days of aggression, one and a half million people lost their lives, mostly from starvation. As the sole British correspondent to have been in Leningrad during the blockade, Alexander Werth's eyewitness account presents a harrowing perspective on the savagery and destruction wrought by the Nazis against the civilian population of the city. His writing evokes compelling images of terror - the oil bombing of children's hospitals, mass starvation and cannibalism - with rich and sophisticated commentary on the internal politics of Soviet party chiefs, soldiers and civilian resistance fighters. Both an authoritative historical document and a journalistic re-telling of the overwhelming sadness, grief and futility of 20th century warfare, this is an invaluable look at one of the greatest losses of human life in recorded history.
Seagull Books London Ltd Ulysses: Mahler after Joyce
A twist on the Irish literary classic Ulysses, told through Nicolas Mahler's distinctive graphic novel style. Dublin, 16 June 1904: through a day in the life of the advertising agent Leopold Bloom and the sensations of the ordinary, James Joyce created a maximal book from a minimum of matter. Ulysses, the most important novel of modernity, is a defining book of the twentieth century. Joyce's creation-also spectacularly innovative in form-inspired Nicolas Mahler to attempt a literary retelling that is not a mere illustration or adaption of the novel but an independent and equally as inventive work. Using comics, Mahler transforms the various literary techniques of the original. He assembles his images with humorous and philosophical verve, quoting and rambling along in the spirit of Joyce. With this graphic interpretation of the modern classic, which also constitutes a homage to the golden era of the newspaper comic strip, Ulysses can be newly discovered in a delightfully unexpected form.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century: A Middle Way between West and East
For decades, liberal democracy has been extolled as the best system of governance to have emerged out of the long experience of history. Today, such a confident assertion is far from self-evident. Democracy, in crisis across the West, must prove itself. In the West today, the authors argue, we no longer live in "industrial democracies," but "consumer democracies" in which the governing ethos has ended up drowning households and governments in debt and resulted in paralyzing partisanship. In contrast, the long-term focus of the decisive and unified leadership of China is boldly moving its nation into the future. But China also faces challenges arising from its meteoric rise. Its burgeoning middle class will increasingly demand more participation, accountability of government, curbing corruption and the rule of law. As the 21st Century unfolds, both of these core systems of the global order must contend with the same reality: a genuinely multi-polar world where no single power dominates and in which societies themselves are becoming increasingly diverse. The authors argue that a new system of "intelligent governance" is required to meet these new challenges. To cope, the authors argue that both East and West can benefit by adapting each other’s best practices. Examining this in relation to widely varying political and cultural contexts, the authors quip that while China must lighten up, the US must tighten up. This highly timely volume is both a conceptual and practical guide of impressive scope to the challenges of good governance as the world continues to undergo profound transformation in the coming decades.
River Books Decoding Southeast Asian Art: Studies in Honor of Piriya Krairiksh
The collection of essays in this festschrift celebrates the extraordinary scholarship of Professor Piriya Krairiksh, the distinguished Thai art historian on the occasion of his 80th birthday. The collection was seen as the most fitting way to honour an esteemed mentor and colleague, who has dedicated his life to teaching and fundamental research on Thai and Southeast Asian art and archaeology is to support further scholarship and debate on the issues in these fields. The volume gathers together contributions from many of his colleagues, friends, students, disciples, and admirers in tribute to his gift to the world of his scholarship.
Transcript Verlag Philology in the Making – Analog/Digital Cultures of Scholarly Writing and Reading
Philological practices have served to secure and transmit textual sources for centuries. However - this volume contends -, it is only in the light of the current radical media change labeled "digital turn" that the material and technological prerequisites of the theory and practice of philology become fully visible. The seventeen studies by scholars from the universities of Budapest and Cologne assembled here investigate these recent transformations of our techniques of writing and reading by critically examining core approaches to the history and epistemology of the humanities. Thus, a broad praxeological overview of basic cultural techniques of collective memory is unfolded.
Five Leaves Publications The Anarchist Past and Other Essays
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd QGIS et applications en eau et risques
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection IV: Environnement et risques
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection I: Agriculture et forêt
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection micro-onde: Techniques et méthodes
Nova Science Publishers Inc Amazon Basin: Plant Life, Wildlife & Environment
Hodder & Stoughton And Their Children After Them: 'A page-turner of a novel' New York Times
'[A] page-turner of a novel . . . I couldn't put the book down' - New York Times'A multi-viewpoint panorama of thwarted aspirations, spiced with breathy sex scenes and nostalgic detail.' - Mail on SundayAugust 1992. Fourteen-year-old Anthony and his cousin decide to steal a canoe to fight their all-consuming boredom on a lazy summer afternoon. Their simple act of defiance will lead to Anthony's first love and his first real summer - that one summer that comes to define everything that follows.Over four sultry summers in the 1990s, Anthony and his friends grow up in a France trapped between nostalgia and decline, decency and rage, desperate to escape their small town, the scarred countryside and grey council estates, in search of a more hopeful future.Nicolas Mathieu's eloquent novel gives a pitch-perfect depiction of teenage angst. Winner of the Prix Goncourt, it won praise for its portrayal of people living on the margins and shines a light on the struggles of French society today.'Deeply felt . . . An exceptional portrait of youth' - Irish Times
Classical Press of Wales Xenophon and Sparta
Xenophon has long been identified as a chief contemporary source, if not the chief source, for the history of classical Sparta. But his information has commonly been treated in restricted ways. Scholars who have studied Xenophon's oeuvre have tended to apply a knowledge of Athenian history and of general Greek literature rather than a specialist knowledge of Sparta. And specialist students of Sparta have commonly `mined' elements of Xenophon's work without sufficient regard either for the author's general characteristics and biases or for the variety of his literary genres. In this volume, 12 internationally-recognised experts on Sparta examine the quality of Xenophon's information on central topics of Laconian history, in the light of the author's political, literary and intellectual characteristics. This book is the first of a series in which the Classical Press of Wales will apply to Spartan history the approach it is already using for the history of Rome's revolutionary era: focusing in turn on each of the main sources on which historians depend, and analysing with a combination of historical and literary methods. This book is the first of a series in which the Classical Press of Wales will apply to Spartan history the approach it is already using for the history of Rome's revolutionary era: focusing in turn on each of the main sources on which historians depend, and analysing with a combination of historical and literary methods.
Seagull Books London Ltd Party Fun with Kant
Thousands upon thousands of books have been written about Immanuel Kant since his death. None, let’s be clear, have been quite like what we have here. In Party Fun with Kant, Nicolas Mahler tells the story of Kant—and his fellow serious-minded figures from the history of philosophy—with a comic edge. With his witty visual style and clever wordplay, he delves into their lives and emerges with hitherto unknown scenes that show them in a new (and far less serious) light. We go to parties with Kant, visit an art exhibition with Hegel, shop at the supermarket with Nietzsche, and go to the cinema with Deleuze, and celebrate the dream wedding with de Beauvoir. In each case, we come away knowing more about the life, thoughts, and feelings of the philosopher—getting to know them as people rather than as stony-faced figures long since robbed of any existence beyond their ideas. The result is pure fun, but with plenty of insight, too.
Shambhala Publications Inc Manual of Standard Tibetan: Language and Civilization
Visor libros, S.L. Álbum de Venus seguido del Arte de putear de Moratín
Con el Álbum de Venus, seguido del Arte de putear de Moratín (Madrid?, ca. 1815-1820), curioso ejemplar decimonónico reaparecido en el año 2012, estamos ante un excelente representante de la literatura erótica clandestina escrita a caballo entre los últimos años del siglo XVIII y los primeros del XIX. Tras haber permanecido olvidado en las bibliotecas de algunos de nuestros más insignes bibliófilos durante casi dos siglos, se reproduce por primera vez en este volumen el texto íntegro del impreso original, actualizando únicamente los problemas textuales que pudieran suponer un escollo para el lector actual.El Álbum de Venus, que había permanecido inédito hasta la fecha, está constituido por una antología poética que reúne dieciocho poemas de tipo erótico pornográfico de diferente calidad y maestría. En esta miscelánea compilación, más allá de la mera descripción pornográfica, se nos invita a disfrutar del momento a través de unos poemas sensuales, atractivos y sugerentes que, lejos
Peeters Publishers L'epitaphe Ottomane Musulmane (XVIe-XXe Siecles): Contribution a une Histoire de la Culture Ottomane
La stele funeraire ottomane musulmane classique prit forme dans le courant du XVIe siecle. Alors que les Turcs d'Anatolie medievale, y compris les Ottomans, avaient a l'origine adapte a leur usage le modele des inscriptions funeraires arabes, les Ottomans adopterent finalement le turc et, de ce fait, un formulaire nouveau qui leur est propre. Ils developperent aussi une sculpture funeraire originale, en particulier marquee par les couvre-chefs qui donnent a certaines de leurs steles une apparence anthromorphique sans doute trompeuse. C'est a cette culture funeraire ottomane, qui se developpa jusqu'aux lendemains de la Premiere Guerre mondiale sur l'ensemble du territoire non arabophone de l'Empire, qu'est consacre ce livre. Les auteurs ont tente de degager l'essence du formulaire de base de l'epitaphe ottomane - dont le but premier est d'appeler les vivants a prier pour le defunt - et a en suivre les evolutions en analysant le developpement de formules stereotypees, puis l'apparition de textes plus personnalises. Fondee sur un vaste corpus d'inscriptions de zones geographiques, periodes et milieux sociaux divers, l'etude repere - a travers l'analyse du vocabulaire, des principaux themes et de leur mises en forme - des oppositions entre regions, entre milieux urbains et ruraux, entre niveaux sociaux. Mais elle met aussi en relief l'existence d'une culture funeraire ottomane homogene, dont elle degage les constantes et les evolutions dans le temps : sentimentalite grandissante, voire meme sentiment d'injustice devant la mort, apparition de considerations mondaines et profanes, desir croissant de situer et de glorifier l'individu, etc. A partir d'une histoire des epitaphes ottomanes, le livre fournit les elements d'une histoire de la mort chez les Ottomans, mais il aborde aussi de nombreux aspects de leur societe : role de l'oral et de l'ecrit, constitution d'une forme de litterature populaire, definition et designation de l'individu au sein de la societe, etc.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Philosophische Schriften
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Textgelehrte: Literaturwissenschaft Und Literarisches Wissen Im Umkreis Der Kritischen Theorie
Hmh Publications North American T-6 Harvard/Texan: Aircraft in Detail
Brepols N.V. Old Norse Myths as Political Ideologies: Critical Studies in the Appropriation of Medieval Narratives
Classiques Garnier Histoire Immediate Et Raison d'Etat: Le Mercure Francois Sous Louis XIII
Les Belles Lettres L'Ere Des Tyrannies - Etudes Sur Le Socialisme Et La Guerre: Oeuvres Completes, Tome I
Pelican Publishing Co Warlord's Puzzle, The
Steidl Publishers Balthus – Last Studies
Steyler Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH Forgive Us Our Sins: Confession in Late Ming and Early Qing China
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Übersetzung: Über die Möglichkeit, Pädagogik anders zu denken
In diesem Band wird mittels des Übersetzungsbegriffs die Möglichkeit verhandelt, Pädagogik anders zu denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Übersetzungstheorien werden dabei genutzt, um die theoretische Produktivität von Übersetzung für die Pädagogik auszuloten: Als Topos pädagogischer Theoriebildung lassen sich mit Übersetzung Verhandlungen über die Bedeutung von Anderem und Anderen und über die Geltung von pädagogischem Wissen im Horizont eines möglichen oder zukünftigen Anders-Sein thematisieren. Ein pädagogischer Einsatz des Übersetzungsbegriffs verspricht zudem mögliche Antworten auf die Frage nach dem Wie der Vermittlung von Bedeutung und Wissen.Die Beiträge zielen dementsprechend im ersten Teil des Bandes darauf, Übersetzung als begriffliche Kategorie pädagogischer Theoriebildung zu entwerfen. In einem zweiten Teil wird Übersetzung als Analysekategorie der Begegnung kultureller Lebensformen und Ordnungen eingesetzt. Schließlich fokussiert der dritte Teil Formen der pädagogischen Theorieproduktion und erziehungswissenschaftlichen Wissensarbeit im transnationalen bzw. globalen Kontext.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Weak Signals for Strategic Intelligence: Anticipation Tool for Managers
The expression: "We did not see it coming!" has often been heard in recent years from decision makers at the highest levels of responsibility in the private and public sectors. Yet there were actually early (warning) signals, but they were often ignored or not used due to a lack of appropriate methodology. To avoid such blind spots, this book provides answers to the question "how to anticipate".The concept of a "weak signal" is at the heart of the proposed methods. After presenting examples of this concept, the authors provide original and validated answers to questions of feasibility: How to recognize a weak signal? How to exploit it? Numerous applications are presented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling and Verification of Real-time Systems: Formalisms and Software Tools
This title is devoted to presenting some of the most important concepts and techniques for describing real-time systems and analyzing their behavior in order to enable the designer to achieve guarantees of temporal correctness. Topics addressed include mathematical models of real-time systems and associated formal verification techniques such as model checking, probabilistic modeling and verification, programming and description languages, and validation approaches based on testing. With contributions from authors who are experts in their respective fields, this will provide the reader with the state of the art in formal verification of real-time systems and an overview of available software tools.
Profile Books Ltd In Praise Of Love
A new century, new threats to love . . . Love without risks is like war without deaths - but, today, love is threatened by an alliance of liberalism and hedonism. Caught between consumerism and casual sexual encounters devoid of passion, love - without the key ingredient of chance - is in danger of withering on the vine. In In Praise of Love, Alain Badiou takes on contemporary 'dating agency' conceptions of love that come complete with zero-risk insurance - like US zero-casualty bombs. He develops a new take on love that sees it as an adventure, and an opportunity for re-invention, in a constant exploration of otherness and difference that leads the individual out of an obsession with identity and self. Liberal, libertine and libertarian reductions of love to instant pleasure and non-commitment bite the dust as Badiou invokes a supporting cast of thinkers from Plato to Lacan via Karl Marx to form a new narrative of romance, relationships and sex - a narrative that does not fear love.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Copper-Mediated Cross-Coupling Reactions
Providing comprehensive insight into the use of copper in cross-coupling reactions, Copper-Mediated Cross-Coupling Reactions provides a complete up-to-date collection of the available reactions and catalytic systems for the formation of carbon-heteroatom and carbon-carbon bonds. This essential reference covers a broad scope of copper-mediated reactions, their variations, key advances, improvements, and an array of academic and industrial applications that have revolutionized the field of organic synthesis. The text also discusses the mechanism of these transformations, the use of copper as cost-efficient alternative to palladium, as well as recently developed methods for conducting copper-mediated reactions with supported catalysts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Social and Economic Life in Byzantium
Social and Economic Life in Byzantium is the third selection of papers by the late Nicolas Oikonomides to be published in the Variorum Collected Studies Series; a fourth, Society, Culture and Politics in Byzantium, will follow in 2005. The present volume is centred upon the period from the 9th to the 11th century, and a series of examinations into the society and economic activity of the Byzantine world. Other groups of studies investigate relations between state and church, monasteries in particular, aspects of the history of the Slavs in the Balkans, and topics in Byzantine epigraphy.
Harvard University Press Democratizing Finance: The Radical Promise of Fintech
We are only in the early stages of a broader revolution that will impact every aspect of the global economy, including commerce and government services. Coming financial technology innovations could improve the quality of life for all people.Over the past few decades, digital technology has transformed finance. Financial technology (fintech) has enabled more people with fewer resources, in more places around the world, to take advantage of banking, insurance, credit, investment, and other financial services. Marion Laboure and Nicolas Deffrennes argue that these changes are only the tip of the iceberg. A much broader revolution is under way that, if steered correctly, will lead to huge and beneficial social change.The authors describe the genesis of recent financial innovations and how they have helped consumers in rich and poor countries alike by reducing costs, increasing accessibility, and improving convenience and efficiency. They connect the dots between early innovations in financial services and the wider revolution unfolding today. Changes may disrupt traditional financial services, especially banking, but they may also help us address major social challenges: opening new career paths for millennials, transforming government services, and expanding the gig economy in developed markets. Fintech could lead to economic infrastructure developments in rural areas and could facilitate emerging social security and healthcare systems in developing countries. The authors make this case with a rich combination of economic theory and case studies, including microanalyses of the effects of fintech innovations on individuals, as well as macroeconomic perspectives on fintech’s impact on societies.While celebrating fintech’s achievements to date, Laboure and Deffrennes also make recommendations for overcoming the obstacles that remain. The stakes—improved quality of life for all people—could not be higher.
Harvard University Press Six Faces of Globalization: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why It Matters
A Financial Times Book of the YearA Fortune Book of the Year“This book compels us to change our position, move out of our comfort zone, and see the world differently.”—Branko Milanovic, author of Capitalism, Alone“A very smart book…not just about globalization, but also about the power and importance of narrative…Highly recommended.”—Anne-Marie Slaughter, CEO, New America“An indispensable guide to how and why many people have abandoned the old, time-tested ways of thinking about politics and the economy. This is the book the world needs to read now.”—Richard Baldwin, author of The Great ConvergenceWhen it comes to the politics of free trade and open borders, the camps are clear, producing a kaleidoscope of claims and counterclaims. But what exactly are we fighting about? Anthea Roberts and Nicolas Lamp cut through the confusion and mudslinging with an indispensable survey of the interests, logics, and ideologies driving these seemingly intractable arguments.Instead of picking sides, Six Faces of Globalization guides us through six competing narratives about the virtues and vices of globalization, giving each position its due and showing how each deploys sophisticated arguments and compelling evidence. Both globalization’s boosters and detractors will come away with their eyes opened. By isolating the fundamental value conflicts driving disagreement—growth versus sustainability, efficiency versus social stability—and showing where rival narratives converge, this book provides an invaluable framework for understanding ongoing debates and finding a way forward.
JRP Ringier Xavier Veilhan: 256 Jours