Search results for ""Author Maren"
Königshausen & Neumann Moderne Mrchen Populre Variationen in jugendkulturellen Literatur und Medienformaten der Gegenwart
Grin Publishing Von der Leistungsmotivation zur inneren Kndigung Analyse Auswirkungen und Ableitung von Handlungsmanahmen
FISCHER Taschenbuch Geheimnisvolle Bume Das magische Ausmalbuch
Campus Verlag GmbH Führungscoaching to go
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Hasenprosa
Goldmann TB Frida
Random House USA Inc Room Service
Coppenrath F Traumzeit Mein kreatives Traumtagebuch
MoonWalker Verlag Paul und Maggie
Engelsdorfer Verlag Kindertraumwelt Anleitung zum meditativen Trumen
Kopäd Verlag Werkstätten Labore für digitales Lehren und Lernen
Psychiatrie-Verlag GmbH Diagnosenübergreifende Psychoedukation
Secession Verlag Luna Luna
Papyrossa Verlags GmbH + Zwischen Feindbild und Wetterbericht Tagesschau Co Auftrag und Realitt
Atelier Im Bauernhaus Im Teufelsmoor
Schmidt Hermann Verlag Design ist mehr als schnell mal schn Die Wirtschaft hat einen neuen Auftrag fr Sie Gestaltende Beratung
Ziethen Dr. Verlag Häuser und Menschen
Gmeiner Verlag Rheingolf
Gmeiner Verlag Das OpernPhantom
Books on Demand Zahl oder Kopf
Goldmann TB Seelenstärke
Random House USA Inc Stranger Danger
Random House USA Inc Fright Night
Mama Makes Books A Little Blue Dot
Adeo Verlag Geliebte Kinder
Bassermann, Edition 45 Gartenprojekte für Kinder ab 3 Jahren
Bund-Verlag GmbH Tipps für die Vertretung von Menschen mit Behinderungen
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Lights of Darkness
Harvard University, Asia Center Give and Take: Poverty and the Status Order in Early Modern Japan
Give and Take offers a new history of government in Tokugawa Japan (1600–1868), one that focuses on ordinary subjects: merchants, artisans, villagers, and people at the margins of society such as outcastes and itinerant entertainers. Most of these individuals are now forgotten and do not feature in general histories except as bystanders, protestors, or subjects of exploitation. Yet despite their subordinate status, they actively participated in the Tokugawa polity because the state was built on the principle of reciprocity between privilege-granting rulers and duty-performing status groups. All subjects were part of these local, self-governing associations whose members shared the same occupation. Tokugawa rulers imposed duties on each group and invested them with privileges, ranging from occupational monopolies and tax exemptions to external status markers. Such reciprocal exchanges created permanent ties between rulers and specific groups of subjects that could serve as conduits for future interactions.This book is the first to explore how high and low people negotiated and collaborated with each other in the context of these relationships. It takes up the case of one domain—Ōno in central Japan—to investigate the interactions between the collective bodies in domain society as they addressed the problem of poverty.
Spectormag GbR LübkeTidow M Laura Bielau. ARBEIT
AVEdition Werner Sobek: Light Works
Werner Sobek is one of the leading engineers and structural designers of our time. His works have been awarded numerous distinctions and enjoy the highest reputation worldwide. They all excel through their high level of sophistication and innovation, both with regard to materials and structural systems, thus demonstrating impressively Werner Sobek's biggest asset: the capacity to design filigree, nearly dematerialised structures with perfect details, structures that are in true harmony with their form and function. This book presents a sample of the most important projects in the fields of design, materials, skins and structures.
Roh-Ark-Verlag Veganes Studentenkochbuch garantiert 100 pflanzlich
Romance Edition Sincerly the Puck Bunny
Verbraucherzentrale NRW Patchworkfamilie Meins DeinsUnser So regeln Sie Geld und Rechtsfragen
Gmeiner Verlag Insellge
Gmeiner Verlag Inselfeuer
Gmeiner Verlag Inselbrut
Universitatsverlag Winter Zur Aktualisierung Des Schelmenromans Im 20. Und 21. Jahrhundert: Verfahren Und Funktionen