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Basic Health Publications Peak Performance - Body and Mind: Make Your Body Last a Lifetime
Your body is a highly complex machine and you are in control - or should be. How you manage your body, how you take care of it, and how well you know it will determine how well and how long you survive. Peak Performance draws from the fields of kinetics, biomechanics and physiology. The authors present a highly systematic approach to life that will bring you to a much higher level of comfort, satisfaction and accomplishment. You'll actually experience a sense of exhilaration as you learn to eat walk and breathe in ways that can avoid negative environmental impact.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Human Anatomy
Immerse yourself in the spectacular visuals and dynamic content of Principles of Human Anatomy. Designed for the one-term Human Anatomy course, this textbook raises the standard for excellence in the discipline with its enhanced illustration program, refined narrative, and dynamic resources. Principles of Human Anatomy is a rich digital experience, giving students the ability to learn and explore human anatomy both inside and outside of the classroom.
Cambridge University Press Oeuvres de Desargues
The French mathematician and engineer Gérard Desargues (1591–1661) was one of the founders of projective geometry. Desargues' theorem is named in the honour of this prolific writer of treatises on geometry and its application to the arts and architecture. His important writings, which had been lost, were published in 1864 by the mathematician and scientific historian Noël-Germinal Poudra (1794–1894). Poudra's two-volume edition, republished here, reveals the major role played by Desargues in the scientific debates of the seventeenth century. It includes a biography of Desargues, in which Poudra discusses his role as architect, as well as his influence on famous scientists of his time including Pascal and Descartes. Volume 2 contains Poudra's analysis of the works of the engraver Abraham Bosse (1603–76), which develop some of Desargues' ideas. It also reproduces some of the - often critical - responses to Desargues' work by his contemporaries.
Oxford University Press Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Major Works
This authoritative edition was originally published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series under the general editorship of Frank Kermode. It brings together all Hopkins's poetry and a generous selection of his prose writings to give the essence of his work and thinking. Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-89) was one of the most innovative of nineteenth-century poets. During his tragically short life he strove to reconcile his religious and artistic vocations, and this edition demonstrates the range of his interests. It includes all his poetry, from best-known works such as 'The Wreck of the Deutschland' and ''The Windhover' to translations, foreign language poems, plays, and verse fragments, and the recently discovered poem 'Consule Jones'. In addition there are excerpts from Hopkins's journals, letters, and spiritual writings. The poems are printed in chronological order to show Hopkins's changing preoccupations, and all the texts have been established from original manuscripts. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Amsterdam University Press History and Philosophy of the Humanities: An Introduction
The humanities include disciplines as diverse as literary theory, linguistics, history, film studies, theology, and philosophy. Do these various fields of study have anything in common that distinguishes them from, say, physics or sociology? The tripartite division between the natural sciences, the social sciences and the humanities may seem self-evident, but it only arose during the course of the 19th century and is still contested today. 'History and Philosophy of the Humanities: An Introduction' presents a reasoned overview of the conceptual and historical backgrounds of the humanities. In four sections, it discusses: - the most influential views on scientific knowledge from Aristotle to Thomas Kuhn; - the birth of the modern humanities and its relation to the natural and social sciences; - the various methodological schools and conceptual issues in the humanities; - several themes that set the agenda for current debates in the humanities: critiques of modernity; gender, sexuality and identity; and postcolonialism. Thus, it provides students in the humanities with a comprehensive understanding of the backgrounds of their own discipline, its relation to other disciplines, and the state of the art of the humanities at large.
Peeters Publishers Christian Feast and Festival: The Dynamics of Western Liturgy and Culture
This collection on Christian feast culture is closely connected with the first Dutch national research program, Liturgical Movements and Feast Culture, which was conceived and initiated in 1995, and coordinated by the Interuniversity Liturgical Institute, headquartered in Tilburg. The collection marks the conclusion of the program, and through a report of work in progress is intended to present a sort of sampler of Dutch liturgical studies for an international forum. Against the broader background of modern multidisciplinary liturgical studies and the theme of liturgical movements, the dynamic of cultus and culture, Christian feast culture in the year and in life forms the central theme of the collection. A number of choices have had to be made as this developed. For example, the collection almost exclusively focuses on Western Christian rituality, in which, within that Western perspective, broader ritual contexts are brought into the discussion. The collection is divided into four parts. In addition to an introduction (part I) to situate the topic, part II contains a series of systematic, theoretical explorations, which present diverse but also converging disciplinary approaches, generally illustrating them as well. Part III comprises historical explorations. Part IV comprises studies in contemporary liturgical practice, including the liturgia condenda. Each of the parts II-IV has an introduction in which an effort is made to offer some lines of synthesis and evaluation.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Geschichte Der Politischen Ideengeschichte
Classiques Garnier Theorie Critique Du Reformisme Conservateur: Genese de la Matrice Reformiste En Allemagne a l'Epoque de la Revolution Francaise
Histoire & Collections Waterloo Relics
Waterloo, the plain where Napoleon’s Empire was dealt its final blow after a titanic fight, is not only a name on the map. La Haye-Sainte, Hougoumont, Plancenoit, are real places where men struggled, suffered and died. In this book, the authors retrace the phases of the famous battle. But moreover, they lead the reader deep into history by showing the artifacts, weapons, uniforms and pieces of equipment that have survived after more than two centuries. From Napoleon’s hat to Wellington’s pad, from a simple uniform button to a rusted bayonet found on the very ground of the battlefield, these fabulous relics help us revisit the day of June 18th 1815. Packed with dozens of color images of uniforms and equipment.
Klincksieck Methode d'Arabe Litteral: Premier Livre
Les Belles Lettres Petrarque
Astra Publishing House Dorothea's Eyes: Dorothea Lange Photographs the Truth
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Grosseltern werden für Dummies
Egal ob lange ersehnt oder völlig unerwartet? Wenn Ihr Kind ein Kind bekommt, finden Sie sich plötzlich in einer völlig neuen Rolle wieder: Sie werden Großeltern und eine spannende Zeit liegt vor Ihnen! Doch die Erziehung Ihrer eigenen Kinder ist schon lange her und Sie wissen gar nicht mehr so richtig, wie Sie mit Babys und Kleinkindern umgehen sollen? Keine Sorge, dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Familie unterstützen können, ohne selbst dabei zu kurz zu kommen und wie Sie von Anfang an eine wunderbare Beziehung zu Ihrem Enkel aufbauen. Natürlich erfahren Sie auch, wie Sie mit Krankheitsfällen umgehen, wie Sie ein Nachmittag organisieren können und vieles mehr.
Association for Scottish Literary Studies The Crooked Dividend: Essays on Muriel Spark
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Signal and Image Processing using MATLAB, Volume 3: Advances and Applications, The Stochastic Case
Volume 3 of the second edition of the fully revised and updated Digital Signal and Image Processing using MATLAB, after first two volumes on the "Fundamentals" and "Advances and Applications: The Deterministic Case", focuses on the stochastic case. It will be of particular benefit to readers who already possess a good knowledge of MATLAB, a command of the fundamental elements of digital signal processing and who are familiar with both the fundamentals of continuous-spectrum spectral analysis and who have a certain mathematical knowledge concerning Hilbert spaces. This volume is focused on applications, but it also provides a good presentation of the principles. A number of elements closer in nature to statistics than to signal processing itself are widely discussed. This choice comes from a current tendency of signal processing to use techniques from this field. More than 200 programs and functions are provided in the MATLAB language, with useful comments and guidance, to enable numerical experiments to be carried out, thus allowing readers to develop a deeper understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of this subject.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Computer Architecture
This book lays out the concepts necessary to understand how a computer works. For reasons of clarity, the authors have deliberately chosen examples that apply to machines from all eras, without having to water down the contents of the book. This choice helps to show how techniques, concepts and performances have evolved since the first computers. The book is divided into five parts. The first four, which are of increasing difficulty, are the core of the book: “Elements of a Basic Architecture”, “Programming Model and Operation”, “Memory Hierarchy”, “Parallelism and Performance Enhancement”. The final part provides hints and solutions to the exercises in the book as well as appendices. The reader may approach each part independently based on their prior knowledge and goals.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Personal Provision of Retirement Income: Meeting the Needs of Older People?
In response to demographic change many countries in the European Union have reformed their pension systems. During the last two decades personal pensions have been introduced in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Sweden, and the UK. This book is a critical examination of the objectives of personal pensions in these countries and the use of tax incentives to encourage individuals to save for their retirement. It also includes discussion on personal pensions in the United States.The volume focuses on issues such as risk, administrative expense, and the role of tax allowances in encouraging personal pension provision. Based on the evidence from these countries it is concluded that expectations relating to the take up of personal pensions have not been met and that EU countries should not rely on personal pensions to improve income adequacy at the lower end of the income distribution.Academics and researchers teaching and studying employee benefits and pension costs - particularly in countries that have recently reformed their pension systems - will warmly welcome this book. Government bodies involved in pension reform and European Commission institutions concerned with the evolution and problems with pension policy within the EU will also find this book an informative and invaluable read.
Tundra Books Who Owns The Clouds?
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Tales From The Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death Library Edition
Edinburgh University Press Scottish Legal System Essentials, 4th Edition
Association for Scottish Literary Studies The Devil to Stage: Five Plays by James Bridie
Apila Ediciones A Box
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Topics In Bifurcation Theory And Applications (2nd Edition)
This textbook presents the most efficient analytical techniques in the local bifurcation theory of vector fields. It is centered on the theory of normal forms and its applications, including interaction with symmetries.The first part of the book reviews the center manifold reduction and introduces normal forms (with complete proofs). Basic bifurcations are studied together with bifurcations in the presence of symmetries. Special attention is given to examples with reversible vector fields, including the physical example given by the water waves. In this second edition, many problems with detailed solutions are added at the end of the first part (some systems being in infinite dimensions). The second part deals with the Couette-Taylor hydrodynamical stability problem, between concentric rotating cylinders. The spatial structure of various steady or unsteady solutions results directly from the analysis of the reduced system on a center manifold. In this part we also study bifurcations (simple here) from group orbits of solutions in an elementary way (avoiding heavy algebra). The third part analyzes bifurcations from time periodic solutions of autonomous vector fields. A normal form theory is developed, covering all cases, and emphasizing a partial Floquet reduction theory, which is applicable in infinite dimensions. Studies of period doubling as well as Arnold's resonance tongues are included in this part.
New In Chess Side-Stepping Mainline Theory: Cut Down on Opening Study and Get a Middlegame You Are Familiar With
Spend more study time on whats really decisive in your games! The average chess player spends too much time on studying opening theory. In his day, World Chess Champion Emanuel Lasker argued that improving amateurs should spend about 5% of their study time on openings. These days club players are probably closer to 80%, often focusing on opening lines that are popular among grandmasters. Club players shouldnt slavishly copy the choices of grandmasters. GMs need to squeeze every drop of advantage from the opening and therefore play highly complex lines that require large amounts of memorization. The main objective for club players should be to emerge from the opening with a reasonable position, from which you can simply play chess and pit your own tactical and positional understanding against that of your opponent. Gerard Welling and Steve Giddins recommend the Old Indian-Hanham Philidor set-up as a basis for both Black and White. They provide ideas and strategies that can be learned in the shortest possible time, require the bare minimum of maintenance and updating, and lead to rock-solid positions that you will know how to handle. By adopting a similar set-up for both colours, with similar plans and techniques, you will further reduce study time. Side-stepping Mainline Theory will help you to focus on what is really decisive in the vast majority of non-grandmaster games: tactics, positional understanding and endgame technique. Gerard Welling is an International Master and an experienced chess trainer from the Netherlands. He has contributed to NIC Yearbook and Kaissiber, the freethinker's magazine on non-mainline chess openings. Steve Giddins is a FIDE Master from England, and a highly experienced chess writer and journalist. He compiled and edited The New In Chess Book of Chess Improvement, the bestselling anthology of master classes from New In Chess magazine.
Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers La Conversion. Expérience Spirituelle, Expression Littéraire: Actes Du Colloque de Metz (5-7 Juin 2003)
University of Alberta Press Arctic Food Security
"Traditional food production and food economies have changed drastically as a result of social, economic, and political influences. A decrease in subsistence production and consumption of country food and concomitant increase in imported and prepared food has brought increased health risks. But neither are country foods without risk, with impacts of contamination, climate, and cultural change. Contributions from a 5-year multi-disciplinary study examine the impacts of development and environmental change, conservation, co-management and quota systems, fur boycotts and anti-sealing lobbies, the disruption of traditional distribution networks, impacts of new technologies, transportation and infrastructure, the influence of wage economies, market forces, social policies, as well as legal and jurisdictional influences. Issues and their intensity vary between regions of the circumarctic, but many common themes emerge. Introduction by Gerard Duhaime and Nick Bernard. Chapters by: Sophie Theriault, Ghislain Otis, Gerard Duhaime, and Christopher Furgal; Gerard Duhaime, Eric Dewailly, Paule Halley, Christopher Furgal, Nick Bernard, Anne Godmaire, Carole Blanchet, Heather Myers, Stephanie Powell, Susie Bernier, and Jacques Grondin; Heather Myers, Stephanie Powell, and Gerard Duhaime; Heather Myers, Stephanie Powell, and Gerard Duhaime; Marcelle Chabot; Rasmus Ole Masmussen, Gerard Duhaime, Eric Dewailly, Christopher Furgal, Nick Bernard, Carole Blanchet, Peter Bjerregaard, and Alexandre Morin; Rasmus Ole Rasmussen; Josee Arsenault; Ludger Muller-Wille, Leo Granberg, Mika Helander, Lydia Heikkila, Anni-Siiri Lansman, Tuula Tuisku, and Delia Berrouard; Ludger Muller-Wille, Jorunn Eikjok, and Dietbert Thannheiser; Tuula Tuisku; Larissa Abrutina; Chris D. James Paci, Cindy Dickson, Scot Nikels, Hing Man Chan, and Christopher Furgal; and Gerard Duhaime and Nick Bernard. Poster presentations presented as plates by: Gerard Duhaime, Nick Bernard, and Alexandre Morin; Ghislain Otis and Sophie Theriault; Paule Halley and Genevieve Parent; Marcelle Chabot; Paule Halley; Marie-Josee Verreault and Paule Halley; Alexandre Morin and Gerard Duhaime; Veronique Belanger and Paul Halley; and Anne Godmaire and Gerard Duhaime. "
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Introduction à la physique des plasmas
Intersentia Ltd Security Rights and the European Insolvency Regulation
Security rights are of fundamental importance to the granting of credit. They are generally considered to increase the availability and lower the cost of credit but there appear to be divergent views across Europe and elsewhere on the extent to which it should be possible to create security rights over assets.Moreover, laws in many countries avoidance laws strike at advantage gaining by creditors in the period immediately before formal insolvency proceedings are instituted. It is seen as potentially unfair to other creditors who may be forced into taking enforcement proceedings against the debtor and this may precipitate the premature liquidation of the debtor with an overall loss of economic value.The book will assess the conception of security rights according to the different European legal traditions. It will also evaluate the appropriateness of the protection given to security rights in light of:- developments in those European legal traditions;- the objective of the Insolvency Regulation to facilitate the more effective administration of cross-border insolvency cases;- the need for security in the context of the financial crisis;- the basic principles of ensuring fairness between creditors;- forestalling premature liquidation; and- reinforcing the collective nature of the insolvency process.The growth strategy put forward by the European Commission, Europe 2020, is designed to achieve economy recovery and sustainable growth, targeting as primary goals a higher investment rate and the preservation of employment. The rescue of troubled enterprises is at the core of this strategy and the book plots the alignment between this strategy and the evolution of the Insolvency Regulation.The objective is to facilitate a situation where economic and social systems are adaptable, resilient and fair; where economic activity is sustainable; and where human values are respected.
“This book will certainly prove to be a useful resource and reference point … a good addition to anyone’s bookshelf.” Network"This is a superb collection, expertly presented. The overall conception seems splendid, giving an excellent sense of the issues... The selection and length of the readings is admirably judged, with both the classic texts and the few unpublished pieces making just the right points." William Outhwaite, Professor of Sociology, University of Sussex "... an indispensable book for all of us in philosophy and the social sciences who teach and care about the shape of social knowledge in the future." Steven Seidman, Professor of Sociology, State University of New York Albany "For a comprehensive account of the ways in which world transformations affect claims to social scientific knowledge, one need look no further than Gerard Delanty and Piet Strydom's Philosophies of Social Science. ...this collection captures nicely the increasingly engaged political nature of the philosophy of social science. Debates about pragmatism, feminism and postmodernism are particularly well represented" The Australian What is social science? How does it differ from the other sciences? What is the meaning of method in social science? What is the nature and limits of scientific knowledge? This collection of over sixty extracts from classic works on the philosophy of social science provides an essential textbook and a landmark reference in the field. It highlights the work of some of the most influential authors who have shaped social science.The texts explore the question of truth, the meaning of scientific knowledge, the nature of methodology and the relation of science to society, including edited extracts from both classic and contemporary works by authors such as Emile Durkheim, Georg Simmel, Max Weber, Alfred Schutz, Max Horkheimer, Jurgen Habermas, Alvin Gouldner, Karl-Otto Apel, Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, Dorothy Smith, Donna Haraway, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Derrida and Claude Levi-Strauss.The readings are representative of the major schools of thought, including European and American trends in particular as well as approaches that are often excluded from mainstream traditions. From a teaching and learning perspective the volume is strengthened by extensive introductions to each of the six sections, as well as a general introduction to the reader as a whole. These introductions contextualise the readings and offer succinct summaries of them.This volume is the definitive companion to the study of the philosophy of social science, taught within undergraduate or postgraduate courses in sociology and the social sciences.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Musculoskeletal Injections
Clear, concise description of more than 100 US-guided injections in musculoskeletal medicine.A Doody's Core Title for 2022!Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Musculoskeletal Injections includes numerous tips and tricks from the field's most experienced and respected practitioners. This unique and state-of–the-art text is ideal for physiatrists, rheumatologists, sports medicine physicians, radiologists, pain medicine specialists, and orthopedic surgeons. With a focus on safety and efficacy, this atlas is a worthwhile investment for any practitioner looking to add ultrasound-guided procedures to their practice or is looking to sharpen their skills. The book opens with informative coverage of the fundamentals of MSK US, including ultrasound physics, preparation and set-up for MSK US procedures, and the rationale and evidence for performing these procedures. The main body of the book dedicates one chapter to a specific US-guided injection or procedure. Each chapter design includes sections on key points, pertinent anatomy, common pathology, US imaging, indications, and technique. The book is divided into 8 sections: Shoulder Elbow Hand and wrist Pelvis Knee Foot and ankle Special procedures (rotator cuff, Percutaneous Trigger finger release, Ultrasound-guided Carpal Tunnel release, and Tenex) Introduction Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Musculoskeletal Injections includes coverage of the full spectrum of procedures, ranging from basic US guided joint injections to perinerual injections, tenotomies, and surgical procedures such as percutaneous A1 pulley release, making the book the field's first true cornerstone text and the "go to" resource for any clinician interested in the subject.
Helion & Company The Battle for the Swiepwald, 3rd July 1866: English Translation
World Scientific Europe Ltd Postgraduate Vascular Surgery: A Candidate's Guide To The Frcs And Board Exams
Featuring up-to-date information on current topics in vascular surgery, the second edition of Postgraduate Vascular Surgery is aimed at surgical trainees to help them prepare for the FRCS intercollegiate and Board exams. With chapters written by experts in their respective fields, the book contains concise information on surgical procedures, diagnosis and management of vascular conditions. Each section includes bullet point summaries, relevant clinical trials, and references for further research, making it the ideal resource for study. This book will also help candidates preparing for the European and Australian board exams. Practicing surgeons will also find this title useful for updating their knowledge.
Penguin Books Ltd Thérèse Desqueyroux
Nobel-prize winner François Mauriac's masterpiece is Thérèse Desqueyroux, the story of a complex woman trapped by provincial life. First published in 1927, this astonishing and daring novel has echoes of Madame Bovary and has recently been made into a ravishing film starring Amélie actress Audrey Tautou. Thérèse Desqueyroux walks free from court, acquitted of trying to poison her husband. Everyone knew she'd tried to do it, but family honour was more important than the truth. As she travels home to the gloomy forests of Argelouse, Thérèse looks back over the marriage that brought her nothing but stifling darkness, and wonders, has she really escaped punishment or is it only just about to begin?François Mauriac was born in Bordeaux in 1885. He left his university studies to devote himself to writing, and published a collection of poems, Les Mains jointes (Clasped Hands), in 1909. He married in 1913 and the following year was mobilized to serve in the First World War with the Auxilliary Medical Squad in Thessalonica. Mauriac's major literary breakthrough came in 1922 with a novel called Le Baiser au lepreux (A Kiss for the Leper). His most famous work, Thérèse Desqueroux, appeared in 1927 and has been made into a film twice: first in 1962, with Emmanuelle Riva in the lead role, and more recently in 2012, in a version starring Audrey Tautou. In 1933 Mauriac was elected a Member of the French Academy and in 1952 he received the Nobel Prize for Literature. He died in Paris in 1970.'A great novel ... the brilliance of its structure and the elegance of its prose never fail to take my breath away' - Beryl Bainbridge
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer A Thomas More Source Book
This title brings together texts by and about Thomas More - poet, scholar, statesman, educational reformer, philospher, historian and saint. The writings focus upon More's views of education, political theory, church-state relations, love and friendship, practical politics and conscience.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Complications in Surgery
Complications in Surgery, Second Edition offers authoritative recommendations for preventing and managing complications in all current general surgery procedures. The opening sections discuss institutional risk management issues and risks common to all operations, such as wound healing problems, infection, shock, and complications in immunosuppressed patients. Subsequent sections focus on complications of specific procedures in thoracic, vascular, gastric, endocrine, breast, and oncologic surgery, as well as organ transplantation and pediatric surgery. This edition includes new information on surgical quality assessment and patient safety and updated information in the organ-specific chapters.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to the Human Body
Introduction to the Human Body combines exceptional content and outstanding visual, auditory, and interactive presentations for a multimodal and comprehensive learning experience. This digital course gives students the ability to learn and explore anatomy and physiology both inside and outside of the classroom.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrical and Mechanical Fault Diagnosis in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Wind energy conversion systems are subject to many different types of faults and therefore fault detection is highly important to ensure reliability and safety. Monitoring systems can help to detect faults before they result in downtime. This book presents efficient methods used to detect electrical and mechanical faults based on electrical signals occurring in the different components of a wind energy conversion system. For example, in a small and high power synchronous generator and multi-phase generator, in the diode bridge rectifier, the gearbox and the sensors. This book also presents a method for keeping the frequency and voltage of the power grid within an allowable range while ensuring the continuity of power supply in the event of a grid fault. Electrical and Mechanical Fault Diagnosis in Wind Energy Conversion Systems presents original results obtained from a variety of research. It will not only be useful as a guideline for the conception of more robust wind turbines systems, but also for engineers monitoring wind turbines and researchers
John Wiley and Sons Ltd International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2011, Volume 26
The twenty-sixth volume in the most prestigious series of annual volumes in the field of industrial and organizational psychology, providing authoritative and integrative reviews of the key literature in the field All chapters written by established experts and all topics carefully chosen to reflect the major concerns in both the research literature and in current practice Presents developments in such established areas as stress and well-being, consumer behavior, employee trust, deception and applicant faking, the assessment of job performance and work attitudes, and the employment interview Newer topics explored include methodological issues in the development and evaluation of multiple regression models, and the psychological impact of the physical office environment Each chapter offers a comprehensive and critical survey of the chosen topic, and each is supported by a valuable bibliography
Imperial College Press Surgical Talk: Revision In Surgery (2nd Edition)
As final examinations approach, medical students often become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of knowledge required to pass all subjects in one go, including surgery, medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, pharmacology, and psychiatry. Students cannot know each of these subjects in as much detail as they did during their individual attachments and they need to concentrate on important topics rather than minutiae.Whereas existing textbooks cover many topics very well and in great detail, they are lengthy and difficult to read in a short space of time; some subjects are poorly covered and give no real understanding of practical management and logical thought processes — the exact requirements for passing finals.In this second edition, each chapter has been extensively rewritten and updated with the help of experts in their respective subjects.
Classiques Garnier Cinquante Pseaumes de David MIS En Francoys Selon La Verite Hebraique
Classiques Garnier Les Configurations de l'Imaginaire Pascalien
Classiques Garnier Madame de Stael, La Femme Qui Osait Penser
Edinburgh University Press Scottish Legal System Essentials, 4th Edition
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose-Leaf for Operations Management
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Representations: Explorations in Social Psychology
Serge Moscovici first introduced the concept of social representations into contemporary social psychology nearly forty years ago. Since then the theory has become one of the predominant approaches in social psychology, not only in continental Europe, but increasingly in the Anglo-Saxon world as well. While Moscovici's work has spread broadly across the discipline, notably through his contributions to the study of minority influences and of the psychology of crowds, the study of social representations has continued to provide the central focus for one of the most distinctive and original voices in social psychology today. This volume brings together some of Moscovici's classic statements of the theory of social representations, as well as elaborations of the distinctive features of this perspective in social psychology. In addition the book includes some recent essays in which he re-examines the intellectual history of social representations, exploring the diverse ways in which this theory has responded to a tradition of thought in the social sciences which encompasses not only the contributions of Durkheim and Piaget, but also those of Lévy-Bruhl and Vygotsky. The final chapter of the book consists of a long interview with Ivana Marková, in which Moscovici not only reviews his own intellectual itinerary but also gives his views on some of the key questions facing social psychology today. The publication of this volume provides an essential source for the study of social representations and for an assessment of the work of a social psychologist who has consistently sought to re-establish the discipline as a vital element of the social sciences.
Association for Scottish Literary Studies The International Companion to John Galt
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice in Public Entrepreneurship
The term "entrepreneurship" has usually been associated with private sector activities. The term has appeared frequently in public sector literature, with scholars challenged to find new multi-disciplinary frameworks. This collection contributes to the debate due to a confusing array of terminology on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Scholars and practitioners are looking for flexible and adaptable approaches to shaping organisations. Key challenges face public sector institutions and partners, and success will be dependent on how well the public sector finds new ways to deliver excellent public services, and leverage support and resources from non-state partners. Public sectors across the globe have a poor record on productivity despite a dramatic expansion in public expenditure, but the on-going global economic recession has brought into focus the "innovation and enterprise imperative" (Brown & Osborne, 2013). Innovation is embedded into daily routines and interactions with non-state actors, but these chapters illustrate ample evidence on how innovative actors can be. Scholars have contributed studies of flourishing innovation and enterprise in this important field.