Search results for ""Author Four"
University of Notre Dame Press Rituals for the Dead: Religion and Community in the Medieval University of Paris
In his fascinating new book, based on the Conway Lectures he delivered at Notre Dame in 2016, William Courtenay examines aspects of the religious life of one medieval institution, the University of Paris, in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. In place of the traditional account of teaching programs and curriculum, however, the focus here is on religious observances and the important role that prayers for the dead played in the daily life of masters and students. Courtenay examines the university as a consortium of sub-units in which the academic and religious life of its members took place, and in which prayers for the dead were a major element. Throughout the book, Courtenay highlights reverence for the dead, which preserved their memory and was believed to reduce the time in purgatory for deceased colleagues and for founders of and donors to colleges. The book also explores the advantages for poor scholars of belonging to a confraternal institution that provided benefits to all members regardless of social background, the areas in which women contributed to the university community, including the founding of colleges, and the growth of Marian piety, seeking her blessing as patron of scholarship and as protector of scholars. Courtenay looks at attempts to offset the inequality between the status of masters and students, rich and poor, and college founders and fellows, in observances concerned with death as well as rewards and punishments in the afterlife. Rituals for the Dead is the first book-length study of religious life and remembrances for the dead at the medieval University of Paris. Scholars of medieval history will be an eager audience for this title.
Casemate Publishers Among the Firsts: Lieutenant Colonel Gerhard L. Bolland's Unconventional War: D-Day 82nd Airborne Paratrooper, Oss Special Forces Commander of Operation Rype
Unconventional warfare tactics can have a considerable effect on the outcome of any war. During World War II, the United States government developed and employed two new methods of fighting. The first was the development of 'paratroop' units, as they were first called. The second was the formation of a covert and sabotage operations branch called the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Lt. Colonel Bolland was involved in both of these 'firsts'. During the D-Day invasion he parachuted behind enemy lines, jumping out of the 82nd Airborne lead aircraft with General James Gavin. After fighting with the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment for thirty-three days straight, he returned to England and became involved with the OSS Scandinavian Section. He served as Field Commander for their Operation, code named Rype. This was the only American military undertaking, albeit covert, in Norway during the entire course of the war.As a young boy growing up in rural western Minnesota, Bolland got his military start with the Minnesota National Guard, before being accepted to West Point, solely on merit. His military career lasted seventeen years. Lt. Colonel Bolland ended up with numerous decorations including the Norwegian Liberation Medal and Citation, the Bronze Star for valour, the French Fouragerre of Croix de Guerre with Palms and posthumously the Congressional Gold medal awarded to the OSS Society on behalf of all former OSS members that served during the war.His story reveals the struggles, successes, failures and ultimate victories, detailing what went right and what went wrong with these new unconventional methods of fighting.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy
This new edition was recognized as a highly commended title by the British Medical Association at the 2017 BMA Medical Book Awards . Regarded by both students and instructors, Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy, 4th Edition , offers an integrated mechanism-based and systems-based approach to contemporary pharmacology and drug development. An easy-to-follow format helps first- and second-year students grasp challenging concepts quickly and efficiently. Each chapter presents a clinical vignette illustrating a therapeutic problem within a physiologic or biochemical system; followed by a discussion of the biochemistry, physiology, and pathophysiology of the system; and concluding with a presentation of the pharmacology of the drugs and drug classes that activate or inhibit the system by interacting with specific molecular and cellular targets. Chapters are integrated into sections that focus on organ systems and therapeutic areas of highest importance. Clear, concise illustrations highlight key points, and drug summary tables offer quick access to essential information.The Fourth Edition features: Comprehensive updates to all chapters, including recently approved drugs Nearly 40 popular and practical Drug Summary Tables with state-of-the-art information on clinical applications, serious and common adverse effects, contraindications, and therapeutic considerations A new chapter on drug transporters , and extensively revised information on drug-receptor interactions, pharmacodynamics, drug toxicity, and pharmacogenomics Key changes to Section 1: Fundamental Principles of Pharmacology, which now provides a comprehensive framework for material in all subsequent chapters Hundreds of meticulously updated and colorized illustrations , including many that are new or substantially modified to highlight new understanding of physiologic, pathophysiologic, and pharmacologic mechanisms
Little, Brown Book Group From a Far and Lovely Country
The twenty-fourth book in the multi-million copy bestselling and perennially adored No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series.If you are the founder and Managing Director of the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency you may expect complete strangers to approach you with their problems when they see you having dinner with your husband in a peri-peri restaurant. And if you are Precious Ramotswe, you are a kind and helpful person who will be willing to take on a quest to find the relatives of a man who, many years ago, left the country for the uncertainties and dangers of a distant conflict.While that is going on, though, there may be other things that claim your attention - such as the shocking news that a club that calls itself the Cool Singles Evening Club is encouraging married men to pretend to be single and meet women under false pretences. Who can be behind such a distasteful venture? Mma Ramotswe shows great tact in dealing with this situation, and avoids harm to the innocent.And all the time, she and her assistant, Grace Makutsi, are getting on with their normal lives - which, of course, include birthdays and the buying of birthday presents. A new dress makes a fine present, but not if, when being tried on, it splits in a way that is thought to be irreparable. Mma Potokwani has dealt with situations far worse that, and in dealing with this local emergency she shows her characteristic wisdom. At the end of the day, disaster is averted. Life in Botswana, that far and lovely country of the title, continues smoothly, which is what Mma Ramotswe and her friends want - and most certainly deserve.
Princeton University Press Divine Institutions: Religions and Community in the Middle Roman Republic
How religious ritual united a growing and diversifying Roman RepublicMany narrative histories of Rome's transformation from an Italian city-state to a Mediterranean superpower focus on political and military conflicts as the primary agents of social change. Divine Institutions places religion at the heart of this transformation, showing how religious ritual and observance held the Roman Republic together during the fourth and third centuries BCE, a period when the Roman state significantly expanded and diversified.Blending the latest advances in archaeology with innovative sociological and anthropological methods, Dan-el Padilla Peralta takes readers from the capitulation of Rome's neighbor and adversary Veii in 398 BCE to the end of the Second Punic War in 202 BCE, demonstrating how the Roman state was redefined through the twin pillars of temple construction and pilgrimage. He sheds light on how the proliferation of temples together with changes to Rome's calendar created new civic rhythms of festival celebration, and how pilgrimage to the city surged with the increase in the number and frequency of festivals attached to Rome's temple structures.Divine Institutions overcomes many of the evidentiary hurdles that for so long have impeded research into this pivotal period in Rome's history. This book reconstructs the scale and social costs of these religious practices and reveals how religious observance emerged as an indispensable strategy for bringing Romans of many different backgrounds to the center, both physically and symbolically.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
This volume provides useful answers to the following questions: how do tourists go about seeking high novelty and yet return to the same destination year-after-year? How do some firms in the same industry end up embracing industrial tourism while other firms reject such business models? What simple and complex heuristics do freely-independent-travelers apply pre-trip and during the trip in deciding where to go and what to do? What metrics are useful for measuring the impact of activity-focused tourism on the well-being of regional areas? How do executive leadership styles affect employee satisfaction in international tourist hotels? What action and outcome metrics are useful for measuring performance management auditing and destination marketing organization planning and implementing?In terms of the first question, research on tourists' risk-handling behavior provides a useful framework for explaining their novelty seeking proneness. The first paper of the volume provides a complete research report on how tourists' risk-handling behavior explains contingencies in novelty seeking regarding repeat visits to a given destination. How executives process industrial tourism models depends on whether or not they view such enterprise development as a core or peripheral business. The second paper provides thick descriptions of alternative process approaches whilst the third reports a mixed-methods (interpretative and positivistic) research design to provide a thorough report on FITs' (fully independent travellers') pre-trip and trip thinking and doing behavior. This research approach shows how FITs take advantage of serendipitous opportunities to experience a number of locations, attractions, and activities that they had neither actively researched nor planned.The fourth paper applies the fields of travel research and community economic development (CED) within an ethnographic and survey research study on mural tourism which shows how tourism business models can be successful for nurturing CED. The following paper provides both evidence on how leadership styles affect the success of international hotel operations as well as templates on how to measure both leadership styles and subsequent impacts on hotel operations. The final paper includes a longitudinal case study of management performance audits of a government destination marketing organization (DMO) to illustrate the use of templates for measuring both auditor and DMO executives behavior and performance outcomes. As such, this paper concludes what is a diverse and engaging volume of "Advances in Culture Tourism and Hospitality Research".
Orion Publishing Co Crusader's Cross
America's most acclaimed crime writer returns to Louisiana with one of the best-loved detectives in fiction, Dave Robicheaux.In the summer of 1958, Dave Robicheaux and his half-brother Jimmie are just out of high school. Jimmie and Dave get work with an oil company, laying out rubber cables in the bays and mosquito-infested swamps all along the Louisiana-Texas coastline. But on the Fourth of July, change approaches in the form of Ida Durbin, a sweet-faced young woman with a lovely voice and a mandolin. Jimmie falls instantly in love with her. But Ida's not free to love - she's a prostitute, in hock to a brutal man called Kale. Jimmie agrees to meet Ida at the bus depot, ready for the road to Mexico. But Ida never shows.That was many years ago. Now, an older, well-worn Dave walks into Baptist Hospital to visit a man called Troy Bordelon, who wants to free himself of a dark secret before he dies. A bully and a sadist, he has a lot to confess to - but he chooses to talk about a young girl, a prostitute who he glimpsed briefly as a kid, bloodied and beaten, tied to a chair in his uncle's house.Praise for one of the great American crime writers, James Lee Burke:'James Lee Burke is the heavyweight champ, a great American novelist whose work, taken individually or as a whole, is unsurpassed.' Michael Connelly'A gorgeous prose stylist.' Stephen King'Richly deserves to be described now as one of the finest crime writers America has ever produced.' Daily MailFans of Dennis Lehane, Michael Connelly and Don Winslow will love James Lee Burke: Dave Robicheaux Series1. The Neon Rain 2. Heaven's Prisoners 3. Black Cherry Blues 4. A Morning for Flamingos 5. A Stained White Radiance 6. In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead 7. Dixie City Jam 8. Burning Angel 9. Cadillac Jukebox 10. Sunset Limited 11. Purple Cane Road 12. Jolie Blon's Bounce 13. Last Car to Elysian Fields 14. Crusader's Cross 15. Pegasus Descending 16. The Tin Roof Blowdown 17. Swan Peak 18. The Glass Rainbow 19. Creole Belle 20. Light of the World 21. Robicheaux Hackberry Holland Series1. Lay Down My Sword and Shield 2. Rain Gods 3. Feast Day of Fools 4. House of the Rising SunBilly Bob Holland Series1. Cimarron Rose 2. Heartwood 3. Bitterroot 4. In The Moon of Red Ponies * Each James Lee Burke novel can be read as a standalone or in series order *
Societe d'etudes latines de Bruxelles-Latomus Primores Galliarum: IV. Indices
Un peu moins de trois cents Gallo-Romains ont appartenu aux deux ordres nobiliaires romains au cours du Haut-Empire, chevaliers pour les trois quarts, sénateurs pour le quart restant. La reconnaissance de cette appartenance est le résultat d’une application de critères d’origine géographique aux sénateurs et chevaliers romains présumés originaires de Gaule ou présumés tels à divers titres, qui a conduit à écarter, dans l’état actuel de la documentation, un nombre assez élevé de personnages considérés comme ayant appartenu à l’ordre sénatorial ou à l’ordre équestre pour des raisons individuelles ou un statut présumé de groupes. Il s’agit en ce cas d’une part de Gaulois assurés mais dont l’appartenance à l’un des deux ordres nobiliaires ne peut être qu’une erreur ou une trop fragile hypothèse, d’autre part de sénateurs ou de chevaliers parfaitement authentiques mais pour lesquels une origine de Gaule ne pose sur de fondements dépourvus de solidité ou qui ne suffisent pas à asseoir une conviction. Ces deux élites nobiliaires ont connu simultanément une triple évolution. Une évolution chronologique des effectifs connus: ils ont progressé de manière parallèle pour les sénateurs et les chevaliers jusqu’à la fin du 1er siècle, en laissant derrière eux les effectifs sénatoriaux et équestres des provinces hispaniques, africaines et micrasiatiques ; une baisse a commencé dans la seconde moitié du IIe siècle et s’est généralisée au IIIe siècle, plus rapidement et plus profondément, au moins en apparence, pour les sénateurs dont les effectifs connus furent, comme ceux des chevaliers, de plus en plus largement distancées par ceux des nobles d’Afrique et d’Asie Mineure. Cette évolution chronologique s’est accompagnée d’une évolution de la répartition géographique de ces primores. La Narbonnaise est présente dans la prosopographie sénatoriale et équestre dès la fin de la République, mais le premier chevalier connu des Trois Gaules date de l’époque augustéenne et la première attestation d’un sénateur de l’une de ces provinces de l’époque claudienne. Ce retard a duré pour le recrutement sénatorial jusqu’au début du IIe siècle, tandis que les effectifs des chevaliers croissaient oins inégalement. Au IIe siècle le contraste entre la Narbonnaise et le reste de la Gaule s’est atténué à la suite de la diminution du nombre des sénateurs et des chevaliers connus dans la province du Sud-Est, alors que dans les Trois Gaules le nombre des premiers augmentait légèrement et que se maintenait le nombre des seconds, les deux provinces rhénanes restant en retrait. Au cours du IIIe siècle s’est produit un renversement des valeurs au bénéfice de la Gaule conquise par César, les régions rhénanes fournissant alors ses assises les plus larges au recrutement équestre. Les primores gallo-romains ont aussi connu une évolution d’ordre sociologique. Commencée par l’octroi du droit de cité au chefs indigènes, expliquant l’accès privilégié de ceux-ci à l’ordre équestre et par lui à l’ordre sénatorial, l’extension progressive du recrutement équestre puis sénatorial du Sud-Est vers les régions de l’intérieur et du Nord de la Gaule a continué jusqu’au deuxième tiers du IIe siècle au profit des milieux dirigeants traditionnels, mais aux chefs indigènes des peuples du Sud-Est et aux descendants des dynastes aquitains ou bataves ont succédé des notables de moindre envergure ; enfin ont accédé à leur tour à l’ordre équestre des militaires de carrière venus avant tout des régions du Nord-Est.
Headline Publishing Group Tinseltown: Hollywood and the Beautiful Game - a Match Made in Wrexham
*** LONGLISTED FOR THE WILLIAM HILL SPORTS BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023 ****** ONE OF THE DAILY TELEGRAPH'S SPORTS BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2023 ****** ONE OF THE TIMES' SPORTS BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2023 ***The remarkable inside story of how two Hollywood A-listers, Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds, stunned the football world by buying a non-league club in North Wales.'astute, lovingly detailed ... so entertaining ... so charming' Victoria Segal, the Sunday Times'A superb account of a modern-day success story, told beautifully by one of the best writers in the business. This is one of the great football stories of recent years. No matter who you support, if you love football, you will love the story of Tinseltown.' Daniel Taylor, The Athletic'This is a compelling, multi-layered, page turner, underpinned by a real sense of both place and connection with the eclectic characters involved. It will appeal to anyone with even the slightest interest in the game's enduring place in a changing world.' Louise Taylor, Guardian'...the best sports book I've read all year for many years...It's full on factual but funny, exhaustive but not exhausting and well written and wonderful.' Paul Ross, talkSPORT'terrific ... A richly layered and fascinating story of a club and community reborn' FourFourTwo'This book comes from the heart. It tells the story of how Wrexham, the club I love, has always been special and achieved so much in the past, as well as the present. I really enjoyed it.' Mickey Thomas, Wrexham FC legend and 1992 FA Cup heroIt was one of the most extraordinary takeovers British football has known. In February 2021, Ryan Reynolds joined with Rob McElhenney to buy Wrexham FC, a non-league team in North Wales. Wrexham, a former coal and steel town dealing with its post-industrial legacy, suddenly found itself at the centre of global attention, with broadcast networks around the world descending to discover what was going on. The club became the subject of a smash hit Disney+ docu-series, Welcome to Wrexham.Tinseltown tells the story of this extraordinary, unpredictable and often surreal football takeover and the remarkable events that followed. Written with the full cooperation of Wrexham FC, it is the inside story of what happened when Hollywood met a dot on a map. How a town was transformed when its football club, aspiring only to survive on the fifth rung of the British football ladder, was sprinkled with gold dust and found ambition again. With unique access to key figures, the book charts the club's attempts to climb up the pyramid, providing a vivid sense of what it is like to play for this 'Hollywood' team and the pressure and spotlight that comes with it.At their only press conference since buying the club, nobody laughed when Reynolds and McElhenney said the Premier League could be an aspiration. 'Couldn't we theoretically make this happen?' McElhenney asked. 'Why not dream big?' added Reynolds. 'If you don't dream big, you will never go there, so why not?' Tinseltown is the story of how they did just that.
AquaPress Technical Diving: An Introduction by Mark Powell
During the last few years technical diving has become much more popular and has moved into mainstream diving. As a result a significant number of recreational divers are moving towards technical diving. Despite this, there are still many misconceptions about what technical diving actually means and what is involved. Introduction to Technical Diving - An Introduction by Mark Powell gives a straightforward overview of technical diving and dispels many of the myths surrounding this area. It explores what is meant by technical diving, what is involved, the risks that arise and how you can move towards this type of diving. Section one describes technical diving in general and illustrates some of the differences between technical and recreational diving as well as explaining some of the things that recreational divers can learn from technical divers. Section two explains some of the ideas behind this form of diving. It defines exactly what we mean by technical diving as well as why it has become so popular. This section then explains how to make a start in technical diving and the type of divers who tend to get into technical diving. For these divers the second section then goes on to explain what to expect from a technical diving course. Finally this section discusses how accident analysis has been used to shape some of the concepts in technical diving as well as some of the mental aspects of this type of diving. The third section then goes on give an overview of technical diving equipment and explains why this is different to the equipment used in recreational diving. There are many different opinions about technical diving equipment and this section of the book lays out the advantages and disadvantages of the various options so that divers can make an informed decision about their equipment choices. Topics such as twinset configuration, Hogarthian gear configuration and choice of stage cylinders are all covered for the open circuit diver. The fourth section covers the various skills required for technical diving are discussed in detail including buoyancy control, trim, tram diving, problem shutdown and valve shutdowns. Section five covers the issues involved in rebreather diving and the various choices available to divers looking to switch to a rebreather. Section six discusses the various aspects of technical dive planning including decompression planning, dealing with narcosis, avoiding oxygen toxicity and gas planning. Finally this section covers some of the various aspects of planning for specific situations such as wreck, cave penetration and mixed gas expedition diving. The book is aimed at anyone who wants to know more about technical diving. Whether you are looking to take a technical diving course, are looking to improve your skills, or simply want to find out more about what's involved then this book will provide a comprehensive overview. Even those divers who are not tempted to venture into this area of the sport can benefit from this book as it also discusses what lessons can be learnt from technical diving in order to improve normal recreational diving.
Little, Brown Book Group A Brief History of Atlantis: Plato's Ideal State
The Atlantis story remains one of the most haunting and enigmatic tales from antiquity, and one that still resonates very deeply with the modern imagination. But where did Atlantis come from, what was it like, and where did it go to?Atlantis was first introduced by the Greek philosopher Plato in two dialogues the Timaios and Kritias, written in the fourth century BC. As he philosophises about the origins of life, the Universe and humanity, the great thinker puts forward a stunning description of Atlantis, an island paradise with an ideal society. But the Atlanteans degenerate and become imperialist aggressors: they fight against antediluvian Athens, which heroically repels their mighty forces, before a cataclysmic natural disaster destroys the warring states. His tale of a great empire that sank beneath the waves has sparked thousands of years of debate over whether Atlantis really existed. But did Plato mean his tale as history, or just as a parable to help illustrate his philosophy?The book is broken down into two main sections plus a coda - firstly the translations/commentaries which will have the discussions of the specifics of the actual texts; secondly a look at the reception of the myth from then to now; thirdly a brief round-off bringing it all together.
University of Minnesota Press Debates in the Digital Humanities 2023
A cutting-edge view of the digital humanities at a time of global pandemic, catastrophe, and uncertaintyWhere do the digital humanities stand in 2023? Debates in the Digital Humanities 2023 presents a state-of-the-field vision of digital humanities amid rising social, political, economic, and environmental crises; a global pandemic; and the deepening of austerity regimes in U.S. higher education. Providing a look not just at where DH stands but also where it is going, this fourth volume in the Debates in the Digital Humanities series features both established scholars and emerging voices pushing the field’s boundaries, asking thorny questions, and providing space for practitioners to bring to the fore their research and their hopes for future directions in the field. Carrying forward the themes of political and social engagement present in the series throughout, it includes crucial contributions to the field—from a vital forum centered on the voices of Black women scholars, manifestos from feminist and Latinx perspectives on data and DH, and a consideration of Indigenous data and artificial intelligence, to essays that range across topics such as the relation of DH to critical race theory, capital, and accessibility.Contributors: Harmony Bench, Ohio State U; Christina Boyles, Michigan State U; Megan R. Brett, George Mason U; Michelle Lee Brown, Washington State U; Patrick J. Burns, New York U; Kent K. Chang, U of California, Berkeley; Rico Devara Chapman, Clark Atlanta U; Marika Cifor, U of Washington; María Eugenia Cotera, U of Texas; T. L. Cowan, U of Toronto; Marlene L. Daut, U of Virginia; Quinn Dombrowski, Stanford U; Kate Elswit, U of London; Nishani Frazier, U of Kansas; Kim Gallon, Brown U; Patricia Garcia, U of Michigan; Lorena Gauthereau, U of Houston; Masoud Ghorbaninejad, University of Victoria; Abraham Gibson, U of Texas at San Antonio; Nathan P. Gibson, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich; Kaiama L. Glover, Barnard College; Hilary N. Green, Davidson College; Jo Guldi, Southern Methodist U; Matthew N. Hannah, Purdue U Libraries; Jeanelle Horcasitas, DigitalOcean; Christy Hyman, Mississippi State U; Arun Jacob, U of Toronto; Jessica Marie Johnson, Johns Hopkins U and Harvard U; Martha S. Jones, Johns Hopkins U; Annette K. Joseph-Gabriel, Duke U; Mills Kelly, George Mason U; Spencer D. C. Keralis, Digital Frontiers; Zoe LeBlanc, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jason Edward Lewis, Concordia U; James Malazita, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Alison Martin, Dartmouth College; Linda García Merchant, U of Houston Libraries; Rafia Mirza, Southern Methodist U; Mame-Fatou Niang, Carnegie Mellon U; Jessica Marie Otis, George Mason U; Marisa Parham, U of Maryland; Andrew Boyles Petersen, Michigan State U Libraries; Emily Pugh, Getty Research Institute; Olivia Quintanilla, UC Santa Barbara; Jasmine Rault, U of Toronto Scarborough; Anastasia Salter, U of Central Florida; Maura Seale, U of Michigan; Celeste Tường Vy Sharpe, Normandale Community College; Astrid J. Smith, Stanford U Libraries; Maboula Soumahoro, U of Tours; Mel Stanfill, U of Central Florida; Tonia Sutherland, U of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa; Gabriela Baeza Ventura, U of Houston; Carolina Villarroel, U of Houston; Melanie Walsh, U of Washington; Hēmi Whaanga, U of Waikato; Bridget Whearty, Binghamton U; Jeri Wieringa, U of Alabama; David Joseph Wrisley, NYU Abu Dhabi. Cover alt text: A text-based cover with the main title repeating right-side up and upside down. The leftmost iteration appears in black ink; all others are white.
Wits University Press The Musical Instruments of the Indigenous People of South Africa
Percival Kirby was one of the greatest South African musicologists and ethnomusicologists. Born in Scotland in 1887, after completing his studies at the Royal College of Music in London he came out to South Africa as the Music Organiser to the Natal Education Department. In 1920 he moved to Johannesburg as acting Professor of Music at the then University College. He was soon appointed Professor of Music and stayed at the University of the Witwatersrand for 30 years. Kirby was a conductor, timpanist, flautist, composer, teacher, musicologist, scientist and an artist. As well as researching and writing on African music, he wrote the definitive book on the wreck of the Grosvenor. Kirby was concerned about the demise of traditional cultural practices of African people. Whilst at Wits, he was encouraged by his colleagues, people like Raymond Dart and Louis Maingard, to make a comprehensive study of the musical practices of the indigenous peoples of southern Africa. Between 1923 and 1933, supported by several study grants, he travelled thousands of miles, undertook more than nine special expeditions as well as many shorter excursions in his ancient Model T Ford to places like Pietersburg and Potgietersrus, to the area then known as Sekhukhuneland, Transvaal, and to Swaziland and Botswana. He was hosted by local chiefs and taught to play the instruments he encountered. He managed to purchase many of the instruments, and this collection is now known as the Kirby Collection and housed at the South African College of Music, University of Cape Town. The book Musical Instruments of the Native Races of South Africa, first published in 1934, was the culmination of these research trips. It has become the standard reference on indigenous South African musical instruments, but has been out of print for many years. This fourth edition, with a revised title, contains an introduction by Mike Nixon, Head of the Ethnomusicology and African Music programme at the South African College of Music, and new reproductions of the valuable historic photographs by Paff and others, but leaves Kirby’s original text unchanged.
Pennsylvania State University Press Terrorism in Context
An interdisciplinary investigation of the phenomenon of terrorism in its political, social, and economic context as it has occurred throughout the world from the nineteenth century to the present.Acts of violence committed by terrorists have become a staple of news reports in modern times, from hijackings to bombings, kidnappings to assassinations. How are we to understand both the causes and the consequences of these disturbing events? The key, this volume of original essays shows, lies in linking terrorism to the different contexts—historical, political, social, and economic—in which it occurs.The fourteen contributors to this volume—historians, political scientists, and sociologists—provide the expertise to explain the continuities and discontinuities in the development of this form of violent political action in a variety of contexts. They link terrorism to the pattern of relations between state and society and between government and oppositions. Their studies range from the early manifestations of terrorism in revolutionary Russia and the anarchist movements of Western Europe and the United States in the late nineteenth century up to the terrorism still ongoing in Latin America and the Middle East. A section on left-wing terrorism covers the activities of the Italian Red Brigades and German Red Army Faction in the 1960s and 1970s, the urban guerrilla warfare in Argentina in the 1970s, and the rise of Sendero Luminoso in Peru during the 1980s and 1990s. Another section deals with terrorism arising from conflicts in divided societies—by Basques in Spain, the IRA in Northern Ireland, and Sikhs in India. The last major section considers terrorism as it has been linked to the establishment of nation-states in Algeria, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the effort of Iran to export its Islamic revolution throughout the Middle East.The Introduction sets the stage for the individual case studies by outlining an approach to analyzing terrorism in different historical contexts, and the Conclusion by French sociologist Michel Wieviorka highlights some of the common themes that emerge from the case studies and addresses their implications for further research.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd British Naval Trawlers and Drifters in Two World Wars: From The John Lambert Collection
John Lambert was a renowned naval draughtsman, whose plans were highly valued for their accuracy and detail by modelmakers and enthusiasts. By the time of his death in 2016 he had produced over 850 sheets of drawings, many of which have never been published. These were acquired by Seaforth and this title is the fourth of a planned series of albums on selected themes, reproducing complete sheets at a large page size, with expert commentary and captioning. Trawlers and drifters served in both world wars in their thousands; and, in their tens of thousands, so did their fishermen crews. Indeed, these humble craft were the most numerous vessel type used by the Royal Navy in both wars, and were the answer to the strategic or tactical conundrums posed by new technology of mines and submarines. In his accompanying text, Steve Dunn examines the ships themselves, their design, construction, arming, operations and development; and he also relates how the trawlermen and skippers, from the age-old fishing ports of Grimsby, Hull, Lowestoft ad Great Yarmouth, Aberdeen and Fleetwood, came to be part of the Royal Navy, and describes the roles they played, the conditions they served under and the bravery they showed. The book takes some 30 large sheets of drawings which John Lambert completed of these vessels and divides into two sections. The first part tells how the fishing fleet came to be an integral part of the Royal Navy's pre-1914 plans and details some of the activities and actions of trawlers and drifters at war in 1914-18\. And the second investigates the armed fishing fleet in the struggle of 1939-45. These wonderfully detailed drawings, which are backed by a selection of photographs and a detailed complementary text, offer a superb technical archive for enthusiasts and ship modellers, but the book also tells a fascinating story of the extraordinary contribution the vessels and their crews made to the defeat of Germany in two world wars.
FreeLance Academy Press The Twelve of England
In the waning years of the fourteenth century, the household of John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster was scandalized when twelve petulant English knights publicly mocked the twelve ladies-in-waiting to the Duke's wife, calling them ugly to their faces. Outraged, the ladies sought immediate redress, but so fearsome were the knights' reputations that none would step forward. Desperate for help, the Duke appealed to his son-in-law King Joao I of Portugal to find champions ready to fight for the ladies' honor. Enter the 'Twelve of England,' a band of battle-hardened Portuguese knights. Led by the redoubtable Alvaro Gonçalves Coutinho, known as 'Magriço,' or 'The Lean One,' these twelve fearless men set out for England to fight the English knights in judicial combat, prepared to shed their blood to save the honour of ladies they had never met. Such tales of valour and derring-do, which often hinge on the notion of a team of warriors venturing into hostile territory on a quest for vengeance or redress set against a sweeping historical backdrop, have captured the imagination of audiences through the ages, from Jason and the Argonauts to Lieutenant Aldo Raine and the 'Inglorious Basterds.' Although undoubtedly a fictional tale inserted into historical reality, the action does not end at the household of the Duke of Lancaster, and other adventures ensue in France, Germany and Burgundy, as the twelve heroes spread the fame of Portuguese chivalry throughout the great courts of Europe. The third volume of the Deeds of Arms series presents a complete translation of the earliest known version of the Twelve of England, which has survived in only one manuscript. Professor Fallows presents the text in both the medieval Portuguese and an accompanying English translation. A facsimile of the original manuscript and an extensive introduction covering the historical context of both the text and the deeds it discusses are also included. An overview of the arms and armour used by the combatants, colour illustrations, genealogical tables, maps and a comprehensive bibliography further complement the text.
Cornerstone Bones to Ashes: (Temperance Brennan 10)
___________________________________ A gripping Temperance Brennan novel from world-class forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs, the international no. 1 bestselling crime thriller writer and the inspiration behind the hit TV series Bones.Dr Temperance Brennan takes on a case that uncovers horrors she could never have predicted.It is the skeleton of a young girl, no more than fourteen years old - and forensic anthropologist Tempe Brennan is struggling to control her emotions.The coroner is being evasive, insisting the bones are ancient and of no interest. But this doesn't feel right, and Tempe is convinced that someone is hiding something.Working on instinct, Tempe takes matters into her own hands. But her work uncovers horrors she could never have predicted, as what started in the lab quickly becomes her most harrowing, and personal, case yet.___________________________________ Dr Kathy Reichs is a professional forensic anthropologist. She has worked for decades with chief medical examiners, the FBI, and even a United Nations Tribunal on Genocide. However, she is best known for her internationally bestselling Temperance Brennan novels, which draw on her remarkable experience to create the most vividly authentic, true-to-life crime thrillers on the market and which are the inspiration for the hit TV series Bones. ___________________________________ Many of the world's greatest thriller writers are huge fans of her work: 'Kathy Reichs writes smart – no, make that brilliant – mysteries that are as realistic as nonfiction and as fast-paced as the best thrillers about Jack Reacher, or Alex Cross.' JAMES PATTERSON 'One of my favourite writers.' KARIN SLAUGHTER 'I love Kathy Reichs? – always scary, always suspenseful, and I always learn something.' LEE CHILD 'Nobody does forensics thrillers like Kathy Reichs. She’s the real deal.' DAVID BALDACCI 'Each book in Kathy Reichs’s fantastic Temperance Brennan series is better than the last. They’re filled with riveting twists and turns – and no matter how many books she writes, I just can’t get enough!' LISA SCOTTOLINE 'Nobody writes a more imaginative thriller than Kathy Reichs.' CLIVE CUSSLER
Headline Publishing Group Me, Family and the Making of a Footballer: The warmest, most charming memoir of the year
'a wonderful book ... a great read' Daily Mail'a fascinating book ... I really enjoyed it' Piers Morgan, Good Morning Britain'a heart-warming, funny and insightful read. Perfect for a rainy day by the fire.' FourFourTwo magazineOne of the Guardian's 'Biggest Books of Autumn 2020''A beautiful book about football, family, friendship and finding out who you really are.' JACK WHITEHALL'One of the best books I've ever read about what it takes to become a pro.' FRANK LAMPARDFor the Redknapp clan, football is a family concern; it's the family business. Me, Family and the Making of a Footballer is a deeply moving, heartfelt and beautifully personal account of growing up as the second son of Harry Redknapp, and also an enchanting love letter to football."I'm Jamie Redknapp. Chances are my surname rings a bell. I want to introduce you to a colourful cast of characters from my formative years.Growing up, Dad and grandad 'Pop' told us tall stories from London's East End, but there was no artistic licence needed when I was actually kicking a ball about with legends like George Best, Bobby Moore, and Geoff Hurst. This book is the story of my childhood and adolescence. Like many others, I guess it's a pretty typical mix of caravans and lollies, sweaty T-shirts and paper rounds, cheese sandwiches and Glacier Mints, The A Team, E.T. and Chinese takeaways.But this is also the story of a journey through an extraordinary childhood obsession with football. One minute it was all about Shoot! magazine, endless keepy-ups and countless impromptu kickabouts. The next, I'm playing for Bournemouth Reserves against terrifying, fully-grown men. Then I got my move to Kenny Dalglish's Liverpool. I might've been living off gristly sausages and Smash potato in my dingy digs up on Merseyside, but I was living the dream. I was desperately hoping it was the start of something special. Writing Me, Family and the Making of a Footballer has helped me discover so much about myself. This book is my way of explaining who and what have made me ... well, me."
New Society Publishers The Emergent Agriculture: Farming, Sustainability and the Return of the Local Economy
Long embraced by corporations who are driven only by the desire for profit, industrial agriculture wastes precious resources and spews millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year, exacerbating climate change and threatening the very earth and water on which we depend. However, this dominant system, from which Americans obtain most of their food, is being slowly supplanted by a new paradigm. The Emergent Agriculture is a collection of fourteen thematic essays on sustainability viewed through the lens of farming. Arguing that industrial food production is incompatible with the realities of nature, science, and ethics, this lyrical narrative makes the case for a locally based food system which is: * Stable in the face of economic uncertainty * Resilient in the face of environmental variability * Grounded in stewardship of the land, on attaching value to food and the craft involved in producing it, and on respecting the dignity of farmers, consumer,s and livestock A revolution in food production is underway. Written from the vantage point of an ecologist who is also a farmer, The Emergent Agriculture is essential reading for anyone interested in food security and the potential for growing local economies. Food for thought about the future of food. Gary Kleppel is a professor of biology at the SUNY Albany, where he focuses on sustainable agriculture, conservation-based grazing, and the ecology of human-dominated landscapes. He and his wife Pam are owners of Longfield Farm, where they produce grass-fed lamb, wool, free range chickens and eggs, and artisanal breads.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Chaucer's Decameron and the Origin of the Canterbury Tales
A major and original contribution to the debate as to Chaucer's use and knowledge of Boccaccio, finding a new source for the "Shipman's Tale". A possible direct link between the two greatest literary collections of the fourteenth century, Boccaccio's Decameron and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, has long tantalized readers because these works share many stories, which are, moreover, placed in similar frames. And yet, although he identified many of his sources, Chaucer never mentioned Boccaccio; indeed when he retold the Decameron's final novella, his pilgrim, the Clerk, states that it was written by Petrarch. For these reasons, most scholars now believe that while Chaucer might have heard parts of the earlier collection when he was in Italy, he did not have it at hand as he wrote. This volumeaims to change our understanding of this question. It analyses the relationship between the "Shipman's Tale", originally written for the Wife of Bath, and Decameron 8.10, not seen before as a possible source. The book alsoargues that more important than the narratives that Chaucer borrowed is the literary technique that he learned from Boccaccio - to make tales from ideas. This technique, moreover, links the "Shipman's Tale" to the "Miller's Tale"and the new "Wife of Bath's Tale". Although at its core a hermeneutic argument, this book also delves into such important areas as alchemy, domestic space, economic history, folklore, Irish/English politics, manuscripts, and misogyny. FREDERICK M. BIGGS is Professor of English at the University of Connecticut.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Public Health and the Risk Factor: A History of an Uneven Medical Revolution
A look at how the concept of "risk factor" has influenced public health and preventive medicine, with an emphasis upon the study of heart disease. The greatest revolutions in twentieth-century public health and preventive medicine have been the concepts of risk factors and healthy lifestyles as methods of preventing disease. A risk factor is anything that increases the riskof disease in an individual. Lifestyle refers to the individual's personal behaviors with regard to risk factors. Identifying risk factors and modifying them by changing lifestyles in order to prevent disease has become ubiquitousas a strategy in public health. The book examines the history and evolution of the concepts of risk factors and healthy lifestyles and their application to coronary heart disease, the major chronic disease of the twentieth century. The first part contains a history of the use of statistics in public health and medicine, and the ways in which various industries developed the concept of the risk factor. The second part describes the concept of healthylifestyles, which was devised by municipal public health departments and life insurance companies in the early part of the century. The third and fourth parts examine how the concepts of risk factors and lifestyles were applied tothe primary chronic disease of the twentieth century -- coronary heart disease. The focus of the book overall is on coronary heart disease as a public health, rather than a medical, issue, and the various concepts that have beenused in preventing it. William G. Rothstein is Professor of Sociology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Strategic Approach
Since the first edition was published in 1997, Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations has become the go-to reference for public and nonprofit human resources professionals. Now in its fourth edition, the text has been significantly revised and updated to include information that reflects changes in the field due to the economic crisis, changes in federal employment laws, how shifting demographics affect human resources management, the increased use of technology in human resources management practices, how social media has become embedded in the workplace, and new approaches to HRM policy and practice. Written by Joan E. Pynesa noted expert in public administrationthis authoritative work shows how strategic human resources management is essential for managing change in an increasingly complex environment. The book Includes new material on workplace violence and employee discipline Reviews updates on the legal environment of HRM Contains suggestions for managing a diverse workforce Offers a wealth of revised tables and exhibits Updates the most recent developments in collective bargaining in the public and nonprofit sectors Outlines the most current approaches to recruitment and selection Presents an overview of recent information on compensation and benefits Gives an update of the technological advances used for strategic human resources management Provides examples of HRM policies from other countries The book also includes an enhanced instructor's guide with examination questions, PowerPoint® slides, experiential exercises, and video vignettes that are coordinated with chapters in the book.
Pennsylvania State University Press The First Inauguration: George Washington and the Invention of the Republic
“Among the vicissitudes incident to life, no event could have filled me with greater anxieties than that of which the notification was transmitted by your order, and received on the fourteenth day of the present month.”With these words to the assembled members of the Senate and House of Representatives on April 30, 1789, George Washington inaugurated the American experiment. It was a momentous occasion and an immensely important moment for the nation. Never before had a people dared to invent a system of government quite like the one that Washington was preparing to lead, and the tensions between hope and skepticism ran high.In this book, distinguished scholar of early America Stephen Howard Browne chronicles the efforts of the first president of the United States of America to unite the nation through ceremony, celebrations, and oratory. The story follows Washington on his journey from Mount Vernon to the site of the inauguration in Manhattan, recounting the festivities—speeches, parades, dances, music, food, and flag-waving—that greeted the president-elect along the way. Considering the persuasive power of this procession, Browne captures in detail the pageantry, anxiety, and spirit of the nation to arrive at a more nuanced and richly textured perspective on what it took to launch the modern republican state. Compellingly written and artfully argued, The First Inauguration tells the story of the early republic—and of a president who, by his words and comportment, provides a model of leadership and democratic governance for today.
Columbia University Press Puppet Flower: A Novel of 1867 Formosa
In 1867, an American merchant ship, the Rover, sank off the coast of southern Taiwan. Fourteen sailors reached the shore, where almost all were killed by indigenous people. In retaliation, the United States launched two disastrous military operations against local tribes. Eventually, the U.S. consul to Amoy, Charles Le Gendre, negotiated a treaty with Tauketok, the chief of the eighteen tribes of the area, that secured safe passage for shipwrecked sailors.Yao-Chang Chen’s historical novel Puppet Flower retells the story of the Rover incident, bringing to light its pivotal role in Taiwanese history. Merging documented events and literary imagination, the novel vividly depicts Tauketok, Le Gendre, and other historical figures alongside the story of Butterfly, a young woman of mixed ethnic heritage who serves as an interpreter and mediator during the crisis. Chen deftly reconstructs the multiethnic and multilingual society of southern Taiwan in the second half of the nineteenth century from multiple perspectives, portraying local people’s daily struggles for survival and their interactions with Han Chinese settlers, Qing dynasty bureaucrats, and Western officials, tradesmen, and adventurers. The novel explores nineteenth-century Sino-American and Sino-indigenous relations and emphasizes the centrality of Taiwanese indigenous cultures to the island’s history.A gripping work of historical fiction, Puppet Flower is a powerful revisionist narrative of a formative moment in Taiwan’s past. It was recently adapted into a popular Taiwanese TV miniseries, Seqalu: Formosa 1867.
The University of Chicago Press Essential Results of Functional Analysis
Functional analysis is a broad mathematical area with strong connections to many domains within mathematics and physics. This book, based on a first-year graduate course taught by Robert J. Zimmer at the University of Chicago, is a complete, concise presentation of fundamental ideas and theorems of functional analysis. It introduces essential notions and results from many areas of mathematics to which functional analysis makes important contributions, and it demonstrates the unity of perspective and technique made possible by the functional analytic approach. Zimmer provides an introductory chapter summarizing measure theory and the elementary theory of Banach and Hilbert spaces, followed by a discussion of various examples of topological vector spaces, seminorms defining them, and natural classes of linear operators. He then presents basic results for a wide range of topics: convexity and fixed point theorems, compact operators, compact groups and their representations, spectral theory of bounded operators, ergodic theory, commutative C*-algebras, Fourier transforms, Sobolev embedding theorems, distributions, and elliptic differential operators. In treating all of these topics, Zimmer's emphasis is not on the development of all related machinery or on encyclopedic coverage but rather on the direct, complete presentation of central theorems and the structural framework and examples needed to understand them. Sets of exercises are included at the end of each chapter. For graduate students and researchers in mathematics who have mastered elementary analysis, this book is an entrée and reference to the full range of theory and applications in which functional analysis plays a part. For physics students and researchers interested in these topics, the lectures supply a thorough mathematical grounding.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Qur'ān's Legal Culture: The Didascalia Apostolorum as a Point of Departure
The Qur'ān, emphasizing ritual purity and the role of Jesus as giver of God's positive law, preserves aspects of an earlier Jesus movement that most Christian groups diluted or rejected. The Didascalia Apostolorum, a late ancient church order, records a significant number of the laws promulgated in the Qur'ān, but does not fully endorse them when it comes to purity. Likewise, the Didascalia' legal narratives about the Israelites and about Jesus, as well as the legal and theological vocabulary of the Syriac (Eastern Christian Aramaic) version of the Didascalia, recurrently show kinship with the Arabic Qur'ān, amplifying the apparent affinities between the two texts. The Qur'ān, however, is not "based" on the Didascalia in any direct way; detailed comparison of the two documents illustrates the absence of textual influence in either direction. Both texts should rather be read against the background of the practices and the oral discourse shared by their respective audiences: a common legal culture.In this volume, Holger M. Zellentin offers new insights into Late Antique Judaism and Christianity, into the continuity of Judaeo-Christian law and narrative within Jewish and Christian mainstream communities past the fourth century, and into the community that the Qur'ān first addressed. Understanding how the Qur'ān parts ways with contemporaneous forms of Christianity and Judaism, both in the initial and in subsequent phases of the internal development of its legal culture, allows for a more precise appreciation of its message.
University of Pennsylvania Press Peoples and Crafts in Period IVB at Hasanlu, Iran
The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has had a long-standing interest in the archaeology of Iran. In 1956, Robert H. Dyson, Jr., began excavations south of Lake Urmia at the large mounded site of Hasanlu. Although the results of these excavations await final publication, the Hasanlu Special Studies series—of which this monograph is the fourth volume—describes and analyzes specific aspects of technology, style, and iconography. This volume describes a group of ongoing research projects, most of which provide new information on Iron Age technology. A theme that runs through these studies is the degree to which ancient workers varied the composition of their products to create desirable colors and textures. The book begins with a description of the wooden furniture fragments along with fittings and decorative elements for furniture. It presents the first detailed description of the charred textiles, and places these textiles in their archaeological contexts, suggesting the roles that textiles may have played in daily life. Later chapters assess the significance of Hasanlu in the history of glassmaking, describe the archaeometallurgy of the Hasanlu IVB bronzes, and present a catalog of the bladed weapons. Also, the book presents the evidence for deliberate violence against individuals as indicated by their skeletal injuries and the results of a project undertaken to determine whether DNA could be used to obtain a better understanding of the population history at Hasanlu. Content of the book's DVD-ROM may be found online at this location: University Museum Monograph, 132
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Tell Hamoukar, Volume 1. Urbanism and Cultural Landscapes in Northeastern Syria: The Tell Hamoukar Survey, 1999-2001
Tell Hamoukar is one of the largest Bronze Age sites in northern Mesopotamia. The present volume presents the results of three seasons of field survey and remote-sensing analysis at the site and its region. These studies were undertaken to address questions of urban origins, land use and demographic trends through time. Site descriptions and settlement histories are presented for Hamoukar and 59 other sites in its immediate hinterland over the last 8,000 years. The project paid close attention to the "off-site" landscape between sites and considered aspects of agricultural practices, land tenure and patterns of movement. For each phase of occupation, the patterns of settlement and land use are contextualised within larger patterns of Mesopotamian history, with particular attention to the proto-urban fifth millennium BC, the Uruk Expansion of the fourth millennium BC, the height of urbanism in the late third millennium, the impact of the Assyrian empire in the early first millennium BC and the Abbasid landscape of the late first millennium AD. The volume also includes a description of the unparalleled landscape of tracks in the Upper Khabur basin of Hassake province, northeastern Syria. Through analysis of CORONA satellite photographs, over 6,000 kilometres of pre-modern trackways were identified and mapped, mostly dating to the late third millennium and early Islamic periods. This area of northern Mesopotamia is thus one of the best-preserved ancient landscapes of movement in the world. The volume's appendices describe the 60 sites, their surface assemblages and the survey's ceramic typology.
University of Pittsburgh Press Levi's Vindication: The 1007 Anonymous 'as It Really Is'
The "1007 Anonymous," an imaginative, brief text composed in the third or early fourth decade of the thirteenth century, illustrates the proper relations between Jews and their lay rulers and the pope. The pope, consistent in applying laws that both restricted and protected Jews, is seen as a just ruler. Kings and dukes, by contrast, were inconsistent and capricious, threatening Jewish life. This message had to be conveyed indirectly, and the "1007's" vehicle for doing so was a fictional story of murderous attack and forced conversion known as "The Terrible Event of the Year 1007." Yet, by examining the details of this story-which include a direct borrowing from The Quest of the Grail composed in 1221, and a reference to coinage that could only have been made during the early thirteenth century-the actual time-and the purpose-of the 1007's composition is revealed. Claims that the veracity of the story and the actuality of the supposed massacre are demonstrated thorough a comparison with the chronicles of Raoul Glaber and Ademar of Chabannes are shown to be incorrect, as part of Stow's larger discussion of the correct approach to reading medieval Hebrew texts. Students of the 1007 have in fact inverted the order, using the 1007 to give credence to the fantasies of the two Christian writers. That the 1007 was not substantiable by such comparisons was demonstrated by the great French scholar Israel Levi at the turn of the twentieth century. No one, however, paid him heed-regrettably, for he was absolutely correct. Appropriately, this book is titled Levi's Vindication.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass
THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLER THE HIGHLY ANTICIPATED DEBUT BOOK OF POETRY FROM LANA DEL REY, VIOLET BENT BACKWARDS OVER THE GRASS 'Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass is the title poem of the book and the first poem I wrote of many. Some of which came to me in their entirety, which I dictated and then typed out, and some that I worked laboriously picking apart each word to make the perfect poem. They are eclectic and honest and not trying to be anything other than what they are and for that reason I’m proud of them, especially because the spirit in which they were written was very authentic.' Lana Del Rey Lana’s breathtaking first book solidifies her further as 'the essential writer of her times' (The Atlantic). The collection features more than thirty poems, many exclusive to the book: Never to Heaven, The Land of 1,000 Fires, Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving, LA Who Am I to Love You?, Tessa DiPietro, Happy, Paradise Is Very Fragile, Bare Feet on Linoleum and many more. This beautiful hardcover edition showcases Lana’s typewritten manuscript pages alongside her original photography. The result is an extraordinary poetic landscape that reflects the unguarded spirit of its creator. Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass is also brought to life in an unprecedented spoken word audiobook which features Lana Del Rey reading fourteen select poems from the book accompanied by music from Grammy Award-winning musician Jack Antonoff.
Little, Brown Book Group Before All The World
'ikh gleyb nit az di gantze velt iz kheyshekh''I do not believe that all the world is darkness'In the swirl of Philadelphia at the end of Prohibition, Leyb meets Charles. They are at a former speakeasy called Cricket's, a bar that welcomes, as Charles says in his secondhand Yiddish, feygeles. Leyb is startled; fourteen years in amerike has taught him that his native tongue is not known beyond his people. And yet here is suave Charles, fingers stained with ink, an easy manner with the barkeep, a Black man from the Seventh Ward, speaking to him in Jewish; Charles, who calls him 'Lion', and with whom he will fall in love.But Leyb is haunted by memories of life before, on another continent and the village of his birth where, one day, everyone except the ten non-Jews, a young poet named Gittl and he himself, was taken to the forest and killed.Leyb's two lifetimes come together when Gittl arrives in Philadelphia, thanks to a poem she wrote and the intervention of a shadowy character known only as the Baroness. And surrounding Gittl are malokhim, the talkative spirits of her siblings.Flowing and churning with a glorious surge of language, Before All the World lays bare the impossibility of escaping trauma, the necessity of believing in a better way ahead, and the power that comes from our responsibility to the future. It asks, in the voices of its angels, the most essential question: What do you intend to do before all the world?
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Ptolemies, Rise of a Dynasty: Ptolemaic Egypt 330 246 BC
In this first volume of his trilogy on the Ptolemies, John Grainger explains how Ptolemy I established the dynasty's power in Egypt in the wake of Alexander the Great's death. Egypt had been independent for most of the fourth century BC, but was reconquered by the Persian Empire in the 340s. This is essential background for Ptolemaic history since it meant that Alexander was welcomed as a liberator and, after the tyranny of Kleomenes, so was Ptolemy. This was the essential basis of Ptolemy's power. He conciliated the Egyptians, but reinforced his military strength with Greek settlers, mainly retired or available soldiers. He built the city of Alexandria, but to his own requirements, not those planned by Alexander. The empire outside Egypt was acquired, perhaps for defence, perhaps by sheer greed. Ptolemy took over Cyrenaica (with difficulty), Cyprus and Syria/Palestine. These had to be defended against his rivals, hence the development of his navy, and the Syrian Wars. The succession was carefully managed, but was not directly hereditary (Ptolemy II was not the eldest son), and the new king was very different. He fought repeated wars in Syria, and in the Aegean, built up his navy to the greatest seen in the ancient world, and extended his empire into the lands of the Red Sea, Sudan and Ethiopia. He taxed the Egyptians mercilessly to fund all these activities. Yet few of his wars were successful, and he stored up trouble for his successors.
Little, Brown Book Group Rule of the Aurora King: the seductive enemies to lovers fantasy romance
'Even better than the first book! The banter, the sexual tension. . . I can't pick myself up off the floor' Reader ReviewFreed from the golden clutches of the Sun King, Lor now finds herself in the hands of Nadir, the Aurora Prince. Convinced she's hiding something, he's willing to do whatever it takes to make her talk. But Lor knows the value of secrets-she's been keeping them her entire life-and she's not letting hers go without a fight.When Lor and Nadir team up to search for a lost item that holds the key to her past and her future, she isn't sure if she can trust him. All she knows is she won't fall for his promises and make the same mistakes again.Lor also hasn't forgotten her vow to destroy the Aurora King. As Atlas hunts her across Ouranos, Lor plots to bring down the Imperial Fae who took everything. But she soon realizes that the future of the continent is about so much more than just her shattered legacy.Rule of the Aurora King is spicy romantasy sequel to Trial of the Sun Queen, perfect for fans of Fourth Wing, A Court of Thorns and Roses and Serpent and the Wings of Night.Tropes include:Enemies-to-loversFake datingTouch her and dieOnly one bedFated matesThe Artefacts of Ouranos series:Trial of the Sun QueenRule of the Aurora KingFate of the Sun King
The Catholic University of America Press Mary Magdalene and Her Sister Martha: An Edition and Translation of the Medieval Welsh Lives
Mary Magdalene and Her Sister Martha: An Edition and Translation of the Medieval Welsh Lives provides scholarly editions and English translations of the medieval Welsh versions of the legends of Mary Magdalene and Martha. Described by Victor Saxer as medieval best sellers, these hagiographical tales, which described how Mary Magdalene and her sister Martha survived a perilous sea voyage from the holy land and evangelised Provence, were available in many different Latin and vernacular versions and circulated widely in the medieval West. The texts were translated or adapted into Middle Welsh some time before the mid-fourteenth century: the Middle Welsh Life of Mary Magdalene is extant in thirteen manuscripts and the Middle Welsh Life of Martha is preserved in eight of the same manuscripts.Jane Cartwright makes the Middle Welsh versions available to an international audience for the first time and provides a detailed study of the Welsh manuscripts that contain the texts, a comparison between the different manuscripts versions and a discussion of the wider hagiographical context of the texts in Wales. The volume includes transcriptions, editions and translations of the two Lives based on the oldest most complete extant versions found in the Red Book of Talgarth c. 1400, as well as an additional section of text describing Mary Magdalene’s life before Christ’s crucifixion from the fifteenth-century Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Peniarth MS 27ii. The edition is accompanied by a comprehensive glossary which provides translations of all medieval Welsh words that occur in the texts, an analysis of the development and transmission of the legends, as well as a discussion of the relevance and popularity of these two female saints in late medieval Wales: medieval Welsh poetry, church dedications, and holy wells are also considered.
Pearson Education (US) Pathways: Scenarios for Sentence and Paragraph Writing
NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyWritingLab™ does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyWritingLab search for: 0321990951 / 9780321990952 Pathways: Scenarios for Sentence and Paragraph Writing Plus MyWritingLab with Pearson eText – Access Card Package contains: 0133944131 / 9780133944136 MyWritingLab with Pearson eText – Access Card 013394414X / 9780133944143 9780133944136 MyWritingLab with Pearson eText – Inside Star Sticker 0321974166 / 9780321974167 Pathways: Scenarios for Sentence and Paragraph Writing, 4e For courses in Developmental Writing. A lively, integrated approach that emphasizes the connection of the reading and writing processes Pathways: Scenarios for Paragraph and Sentence Writing, Fourth Edition teaches fundamental sentence and paragraph writing skills by engaging student interest, maintaining a focus on expressing ideas rather than on following rules. Students learn grammar in the context of the “whole paper.” Seven of the 17 chapters deal with grammar topics; in these chapters, students examine student essays, read and respond to ideas, and write and revise paragraphs. In Parts II through IV, students apply what they have learned about sentence-level correctness to their own writing as they explore logical paragraph development and organization of ideas. The last two chapters introduce essay writing, enabling students to accelerate from paragraphs to essays, with the goal of achieving stronger, more fully developed writing skills. Also Available with MyWritingLab™ This title is also available with MyWritingLab – an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Signale und Systeme: Theorie, Simulation, Anwendung: Eine beispielorientierte Einführung mit MATLAB
Das Buch behandelt die Theorie der Signale und (linearen) Systeme sowie ihrer Anwendungen. Nach einer Einführung anhand von Beispielen aus den verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten werden die Grundtechniken zur Beschreibung zeitkontinuierlicher linearer zeitinvarianter Systeme und deren Wirkung auf Signale diskutiert. Der Übergang in die digitale Signalverarbeitung wird durch die Herleitung und Diskussion des Abtasttheorems vorbereitet. Anschließend werden die Methoden der Systemtheorie für die digitale Signalverarbeitung vorgestellt. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Diskussion der Diskreten Fouriertransformation. Hier stehen insbesondere die Zusammenhänge zwischen DFT/FFT-Spektren und den Spektren der zeitkontinuierlichen Signale im Focus. Die behandelten Methoden werden auf die Verarbeitung stochastischer Signale übertragen und damit für die praktische Anwendung nutzbar gemacht. Der Autor beschreibt zahlreiche reale Beispiele mit echten gemessenen Daten und stellt das Material sowie die zugehörigen MATLAB-Programme online zu Verfügung. Das Buch enthält über 150, in vielen Fällen MATLAB/Simulink-basierte Übungsaufgaben, deren Lösungen in einem eigenen Lösungsband zur Verfügung stehen. Für die 3. Auflage wurden sowohl im Lehrbuch als auch im Lösungsbuch verwendete Bezeichnungen harmonisiert und vereinheitlicht. Alle verwendeten MATLAB-Funktionen und Simulink-Systeme wurden nochmals überarbeitet und an die aktuelle MATLAB-Version angepasst. Sämtliche Grafiken wurden neu überarbeitet. Größen, Schriftart und Schriftgröße wurden vereinheitlicht, um eine bessere Lesbarkeit der Grafiken zu erzielen. Darüber hinaus wurden einige wenige, immer noch vorhandene Fehler aus den Texten eliminiert.Das Buch eignet sich prinzipiell für Studierende aller ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen und spricht explizit auch die maschinenbaunahen Bereiche an. Aufgrund der ausführlichen Darstellung der Grundlagen ist es jedoch auch für Elektro- und Nachrichtentechniker gewinnbringend nutzbar.
Johns Hopkins University Press Eisenhower: Becoming the Leader of the Free World
"Highly accessible and sprightly written."—Library JournalWinner of the Kansas State Library's Kansas Notable Book AwardIn this engaging, fast-paced biography, Louis Galambos follows the career of Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower, offering new insight into this singular man who guided America toward consensus at home and a peaceful victory in the Cold War.The longtime editor of the Eisenhower papers, Galambos may know more about this president than anyone alive. In this compelling book, he explores the shifts in Eisenhower's identity and reputation over his lifetime and explains how he developed his distinctive leadership skills. As a career military officer, Eisenhower's progress was uneven. Galambos shows how Ike, with the help of Brigadier General Fox Conner, his mentor and patron, learned how to profit from his mistakes, pivot quickly, and grow as a military and civilian leader. On D-Day, Eisenhower guided the largest amphibious force in history to a successful invasion of France and a decisive victory. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, he turned to politics and was elected president in 1952.While today's fiercely partisan political climate makes it difficult to imagine a president forging consensus in Washington, that's exactly what Eisenhower did. As America's leader in an era of profound postwar changes at home and abroad, President Eisenhower sought a middle way with compromise and coalition building. He provided his country with firm-handed leadership, bringing prosperity and peace to the American people in the dangerous years of the Cold War—an accomplishment that made him one of the most influential men of the twentieth century. Destined to be the best short biography of the thirty-fourth president of the United States, Eisenhower conclusively demonstrates how and why this master of the middle way became the successful leader of the free world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Multidimensional Signal and Color Image Processing Using Lattices
An Innovative Approach to Multidimensional Signals and Systems Theory for Image and Video Processing In this volume, Eric Dubois further develops the theory of multi-D signal processing wherein input and output are vector-value signals. With this framework, he introduces the reader to crucial concepts in signal processing such as continuous- and discrete-domain signals and systems, discrete-domain periodic signals, sampling and reconstruction, light and color, random field models, image representation and more. While most treatments use normalized representations for non-rectangular sampling, this approach obscures much of the geometrical and scale information of the signal. In contrast, Dr. Dubois uses actual units of space-time and frequency. Basis-independent representations appear as much as possible, and the basis is introduced where needed to perform calculations or implementations. Thus, lattice theory is developed from the beginning and rectangular sampling is treated as a special case. This is especially significant in the treatment of color and color image processing and for discrete transform representations based on symmetry groups, including fast computational algorithms. Other features include: An entire chapter on lattices, giving the reader a thorough grounding in the use of lattices in signal processing Extensive treatment of lattices as used to describe discrete-domain signals and signal periodicities Chapters on sampling and reconstruction, random field models, symmetry invariant signals and systems and multidimensional Fourier transformation properties Supplemented throughout with MATLAB examples and accompanying downloadable source code Graduate and doctoral students as well as senior undergraduates and professionals working in signal processing or video/image processing and imaging will appreciate this fresh approach to multidimensional signals and systems theory, both as a thorough introduction to the subject and as inspiration for future research.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Risk Management in Banking
The seminal guide to risk management, streamlined and updated Risk Management in Banking is a comprehensive reference for the risk management industry, covering all aspects of the field. Now in its fourth edition, this useful guide has been updated with the latest information on ALM, Basel 3, derivatives, liquidity analysis, market risk, structured products, credit risk, securitizations, and more. The new companion website features slides, worked examples, a solutions manual, and the new streamlined, modular approach allows readers to easily find the information they need. Coverage includes asset liability management, risk-based capital, value at risk, loan portfolio management, capital allocation, and other vital topics, concluding with an examination of the financial crisis through the utilisation of new views such as behavioural finance and nonlinearity of risk. Considered a seminal industry reference since the first edition's release, Risk Management in Banking has been streamlined for easy navigation and updated to reflect the changes in the field, while remaining comprehensive and detailed in approach and coverage. Students and professionals alike will appreciate the extended scope and expert guidance as they: Find all "need-to-know" risk management topics in a single text Discover the latest research and the new practices Understand all aspects of risk management and banking management See the recent crises – and the lessons learned – from a new perspective Risk management is becoming increasingly vital to the banking industry even as it grows more complex. New developments and advancing technology continue to push the field forward, and professionals need to stay up-to-date with in-depth information on the latest practices. Risk Management in Banking provides a comprehensive reference to the most current state of the industry, with complete information and expert guidance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Accidental Zillionaire: Demystifying Paul Allen
The first in-depth look at one of the world's richest-and most secretive-businessmen Though his wealth is certainly no secret, the world's fourth richest man remains an enigma. Paul Allen made his fortune as Bill Gates's partner in Microsoft, supplemented it with questionable, though often profitable, venture capital schemes, and has since invested his wealth in a widely divergent list of interests. He owns the NBA's Portland Trailblazers and the NFL's Seattle Seahawks. Among hundreds of smaller ventures, he is a primary stakeholder in the film production company DreamWorks SKG and formerly held a large piece of the widely despised Ticketmaster monopoly. Dubbed the "Accidental Zillionaire" by Wired magazine, Allen has often appeared to be a bumbler who succeeded primarily through luck and by coopting the visionary ideas of others. In The Accidental Zillionaire, Laura Rich, one of the foremost chroniclers of the Internet economy, unravels the secret Paul Allen, his inner motivations, his vision, and his personality. She tells Allen's story from his days as a fledgling computer geek in suburban Washington state, to his role in founding the world's largest software company, to his battle with cancer, to his sycophantic flirtation with Hollywood and its brightest stars. Paul Allen is a man of various interests and passions, but few if any know him well. The Accidental Zillionaire for the first time reveals the inner workings of a towering figure in the worlds of technology, business, sports, and entertainment. Laura Rich (Los Angeles, CA) is a former writer for The Industry Standard, Adweek, and Inside Media. She currently covers the world of digital entertainment for Entertainment Weekly, Fortune, and The Hollywood Reporter. She penned The Standard's popular "Rich List" report and has reported on Paul Allen for years.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Facilitating with Ease!: Core Skills for Facilitators, Team Leaders and Members, Managers, Consultants, and Trainers
The definitive guide to running productive meetings Facilitating With Ease! has become the go-to handbook for those who lead meetings, training, and other business gatherings. Packed with information, effective practices, and invaluable advice, this book is the comprehensive handbook for anyone who believes meetings should be productive, relevant, and as short as possible. Dozens of exercises, surveys, and checklists will help transform anyone into a skilled facilitator, and clear, actionable guidance makes implementation a breeze. This new fourth edition includes a new chapter on questioning, plus new material surrounding diversity, globalization, technology, feedback, distance teams, difficult executives, diverse locations, personal growth, meeting management, and much more. With in-depth, expert guidance from planning to closing, this book provides facilitators with an invaluable resource for learning or training. Before you run another meeting, discover the practices, processes, and techniques that turn you from a referee to an effective facilitator. This book provides a wealth of tools and insights that you can put into action today. Run productive meetings that get real results Keep discussions on track and facilitate the exchange of ideas Resolve conflict and deal with difficult individuals Train leaders and others to facilitate effectively Poorly-run meetings are an interruption in the day, and accomplish little other than putting everyone behind in their “real” work. On the other hand, a meeting run by an effective facilitator makes everyone’s job easier; decisions get made, strategies are improved, answers are given, and new ideas bubble to the surface. A productive meeting makes everyone happy, and results in real benefits that spread throughout the organization. Facilitating With Ease! is the skill-building guide to running great meetings with confidence and results.
Cornerstone Subject Twenty-One
_____________________________What if our future lies 40,000 years in our past? Subject Twenty-One is an astonishing debut novel in which a young woman's refusal to accept the status quo opens her eyes to the lies her society is built on.A stonking good sci-fi & coming-of-age story all wrapped into one . . . a book that tackles humanity, hardship, and classism at the deepest level.' - Magic Radio Book ClubElise's world is forever changed when she is given the opportunity of a lifetime - to work at the Museum of Evolution and be a Companion to the Neanderthal, Subject Twenty-One.As a Sapien, a member of the lowest order of humans, she and others like her are held responsible for the damages inflicted on the world by previous generations. This job may be Elise's only chance to escape a stagnating life in an ostracised and impoverished community.But it doesn't take long for Elise to realise that, away from the familiarity and safety of her home, her own secrets are much harder to conceal. And the longer she stays the more she comes to realise that little separates her from the exhibits . . . and a cage of her own.________________________________PRAISE FOR THE TOMORROW'S ANCESTORS SERIES'An unputdownable exploration into the ethics of science' Buzz Magazine'Incredible . . . without a doubt one of the best YA sci-fi books I've ever read' Out and About Books'Instantly engaging . . . widens out from a tale of a girl trying to find her own identity to a broader story encompassing an entire population's burden of oppression, and the desire for freedom' Track of Words'One of the rare debuts that are really five star reads. Subject Twenty One grabbed me instantly and I couldn't put it down' Dom Reads__________________________________________________Make sure you've read the whole series!1. Subject Twenty-One2. The Hidden Base3. The Fourth Species
University of South Carolina Press Struggling to Learn: An Intimate History of School Desegregation in South Carolina
The battle for equality in education during the civil rights era came at a cost to Black Americans on the frontlines. In 1964 when fourteen-year-old June Manning Thomas walked into Orangeburg High School as one of thirteen Black students selected to integrate the all-White school, her classmates mocked, shunned, and yelled racial epithets at her. The trauma she experienced made her wonder if the slow-moving progress was worth the emotional sacrifice. In Struggling to Learn, Thomas, revisits her life growing up in the midst of the civil rights movement before, during, and after desegregation and offers an intimate look at what she and other members of her community endured as they worked to achieve equality for Black students in K-12 schools and higher education.Through poignant personal narrative, supported by meticulous research, Thomas retraces the history of Black education in South Carolina from the post-Civil War era to the present. Focusing largely on events that took place in Orangeburg, South Carolina, during the 1950s and 1960s, Thomas reveals how local leaders, educators, parents, and the NAACP joined forces to improve the quality of education for Black children in the face of resistance from White South Carolinians. Thomas's experiences and the efforts of local activists offer relevant insight because Orangeburg was home to two Black colleges—South Carolina State University and Claflin University—that cultivated a community of highly educated and engaged Black citizens. With help from the NAACP, residents filed several lawsuits to push for equality. In the notable Briggs v. Elliott, Black parents in neighboring Clarendon County sued the school board to challenge segregation after the county ignored their petitions requesting a school bus for their children. That court case became one of five that led to Brown v. Board of Education and the landmark 1954 decision that declared school segregation illegal. Despite the ruling, South Carolina officials did not integrate any public schools until 1963 and the majority of them refused to admit Black students until subsequent court cases, and ultimately the intervention of the federal government, forced all schools to start desegregating in the fall of 1970.In Struggling to Learn, Thomas reflects on the educational gains made by Black South Carolinians during the Jim Crow and civil rights eras, how they were achieved, and why Black people persisted despite opposition and hostility from White citizens. In the final chapters, she explores the current state of education for Black children and young adults in South Carolina and assesses what has been improved and learned through this collective struggle.
Oxford University Press Inc Let the People See: The Story of Emmett Till
While visiting family in Mississippi in August 1955, Emmett Till allegedly whistled at a white woman working behind the counter of a crossroads country store. Her husband and brother-in-law kidnapped the fourteen-year-old Chicago kid in the middle of the night and tortured, beat, and shot him. Three days later, his body rose from the Tallahatchie River, a cotton gin fan tied around his neck with barbed wire. Confronting her son's nightmarishly disfigured face, Mamie Till-Mobley decided that his funeral in Chicago would be open-casket. "Let the people see what they did to my boy." The South Side church where her son's body lay in state kept its doors open day and night. More than one hundred thousand people came and saw his face. Millions more stared at the photographs of it published in the African-American press, especially Jet magazine and the Chicago Defender. The pictures galvanized the black community. Journalists and activists drove down to the Mississippi Delta, and risked their lives interviewing townsfolk, encouraging witnesses, spiriting those in danger out of the region, and above all keeping the news cycle turning. Less than a month after Till's murder, despite strong evidence, a fair-minded judge, and prosecutors eager for a conviction, an all-white jury found Till's killers not guilty. For black Americans, the Till lynching and acquittal was a defining moment. Muhammad Ali, Rosa Parks, Anne Moody, John Lewis, and countless others later said that it changed their lives. They were "the Emmett Till generation," and they would help lead the greatest mass movement in twentieth-century America. His story haunts us still, its meanings blurring and shifting with time. Documentaries, histories, memoirs, and oral testimony have revealed new facts. In 2005, fifty years after the lynching, his murderers long dead, the FBI reopened the Till case. They reopened it again the summer of 2018, after new revelations came to light. Building on all the material, old and new, Elliott J. Gorn offers the most complete and immersive account of Emmett Till's story. Let the People See also probes its enduring truths, truths we confront with each fresh spasm of racial violence. Till is more with us today than at any time since 1955, his name invoked whenever another young black man falls victim. His face remains the face of racism, and, as Gorn shows us in this haunting and definitive account, we cannot turn away from it.
Georgetown University Press The Moral Theology of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II is the second-longest serving pope in history and the longest serving pope of the last century. His presence has thrown a long shadow across our time, and his influence on Catholics and non-Catholics throughout the world cannot be denied. Much has been written about this pope, but until now, no one has provided a systematic and thorough analysis of the moral theology that underlies his moral teachings and its astonishing influence. And no one is better positioned to do this than Charles E. Curran, widely recognized as the leading American Catholic moral theologian. Curran focuses on the authoritative statements, specifically the fourteen papal encyclicals the pope has written over the past twenty-five years, to examine how well the pope has addressed the broad issues and problems in the Church today. Curran begins with a discussion of the theological presuppositions of John Paul II's moral teaching and moral theology. Subsequent chapters address his theological methodology, his ethical methodology, and his fundamental moral theology together with his understanding of human life. Finally, Curran deals with the specific issues of globalization, marriage, conscience, human acts, and the many issues involved in social and sexual ethics. While finding much to admire, Curran is nonetheless fiercely precise in his analysis and rigorously thoughtful in his criticism of much of the methodological aspects of the pope's moral theology - in his use of scripture, tradition, and previous hierarchical teaching; in theological aspects including Christology, eschatology, and the validity of human sources of moral wisdom and knowledge; and in anthropology, the ethical model, and natural law. Brilliantly constructed and fearlessly argued, this will be the definitive measure of Pope John Paul II's moral theology for years to come.
Simon & Schuster Stand Up That Mountain: The Battle to Save One Small Community in the Wilderness Along the Appalachian Trail
In the tradition of A Civil Action—this true story of a North Carolina outdoorsman who teams up with his Appalachian neighbors to save treasured land from being destroyed will “make you want to head for the mountains” (Raleigh News & Observer). LIVING ALONE IN HIS WOODED MOUNTAIN RETREAT, Jay Leutze gets a call from a whip-smart fourteen-year-old, Ashley Cook, and her aunt, Ollie Cox, who say a local mining company is intent on tearing down Belview Mountain, the towering peak above their house. Ashley and her family, who live in a little spot known locally as Dog Town, are “mountain people,” with a way of life and speech unique to their home high in the Appalachians. They suspect the mining company is violating North Carolina’s mining law, and they want Jay, a nonpracticing attorney, to stop the destruction of the mountain. Jay, a devoted naturalist and fisherman, quickly decides to join their cause. So begins the epic quest of “the Dog Town Bunch,” a battle that involves fiery public hearings, clandestine surveillance of the mine operator’s highly questionable activities, ferocious pressure on public officials, and high-stakes legal brinksmanship in the North Carolina court system. Jay helps assemble a talented group of environmental lawyers to contend with the well-funded attorneys protecting the mining company’s plan to dynamite Belview Mountain, which happens to sit next to the famous Appalachian Trail, the 2,184- mile national park that stretches from Maine to Georgia. As the mining company continues to level the forest and erect the gigantic crushing plant on the site, Jay’s group searches frantically for a way to stop an act of environmental desecration that will destroy a fragile wild place and mar the Appalachian Trail forever.
University of Toronto Press Stalin's Niños: Educating Spanish Civil War Refugee Children in the Soviet Union, 1937-1951
Stalin’s Niños examines how the Soviet Union raised and educated nearly three thousand child refugees of the Spanish Civil War. An analysis of the archival record and numerous letters, oral histories, and memoirs uncovers a little-known story that describes the Soviet transformation of children into future builders of communism and reveals the educational techniques shared with other modern states. Classroom education taught patriotism for the two homelands and the importance of emulating Spanish and Soviet heroes, scientists, soldiers, and artists. Extra-curricular clubs and activities reinforced classroom experiences and helped discipline the mind, body, and behaviours. Adult mentors, like the heroes studied in the classroom, provided models to emulate and became the tangible expression of the ideal Spaniard and Soviet. The Basque and Spanish children thus were transformed into hybrid Hispano-Soviets fully engaged with their native language, culture, and traditions while also imbued with Russian language and culture and Soviet ideals of hard work, comradery, internationalism, and sacrifice for ideals and others. Throughout their fourteen-year existence and even during the horrific relocation to the Soviet interior during the Second World War, the twenty-two Soviet boarding schools designed specifically for the Spanish refugee children – and better provisioned than those for Soviet children – transformed displaced niños into Red Army heroes, award-winning Soviet athletes and artists, successful educators and workers, and in some cases valuable resources helping to rebuild Cuba after the revolution. Stalin’s Niños also sheds new light on the education of non-Russian Soviet and international students and the process of constructing a supranational Soviet identity.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Digital Signal Processing Handbook - 3 Volume Set
Now available in a three-volume set, this updated and expanded edition of the bestselling Digital Signal Processing Handbook continues to provide the engineering community with authoritative coverage of the fundamental and specialized aspects of information-bearing signals in digital form.Encompassing essential background material, technical details, standards, and software, The Digital Signal Processing Handbook, Second Edition reflects cutting-edge information on signal processing algorithms and protocols related to speech, audio, multimedia, and video processing technology associated with standards ranging from WiMax to MP3 audio, low-power/high-performance DSPs, color image processing, and chips on video. The three-volume set draws on the experience of leading engineers, researchers, and scholars and includes 29 new chapters that address multimedia and Internet technologies, tomography, radar systems, architecture, standards, and future applications in speech, acoustics, video, radar, and telecommunications. Each volume in the set is also available individually ... Emphasizing theoretical concepts, Digital Signal Processing Fundamentals (Catalog no. 46063) provides comprehensive coverage of the basic foundations of DSP. Coverage includes: Signals and Systems, Signal Representation and Quantization, Fourier Transforms, Digital Filtering, Statistical Signal Processing, Adaptive Filtering, Inverse Problems and Signal Reconstruction, and Time–Frequency and Multirate Signal Processing.Wireless, Networking, Radar, Sensor Array Processing, and Nonlinear Signal Processing (Catalog no. 46047) thoroughly covers the foundations of signal processing related to wireless, radar, space–time coding, and mobile communications together with associated applications to networking, storage, and communications.Video, Speech, and Audio Signal Processing and Associated Standards, (Catalog no. 4608X) details the basic foundations of speech, audio, image, and video processing and associated applications to broadcast, storage, search and retrieval, and communications.