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Goose Lane Editions Tent of Blue
Tent of Blue, Rachael Preston's richly conceived first novel, seduces readers with images of captivity and escape. Passing back and forth through time, the novel has its beginnings in England before and during the Second World War. The present is a somewhat seedy mansion-turned-apartment in Vancouver's Shaughnessy neighbourhood and the beaches of Kitsilano and Jericho in the 1950s. The future, or at least the fantasy, is the unattainable Salt Spring Island. In this astonishing novel, Preston creates characters that are trapped by cruelty, poverty, war, and their own minds and bodies. Gradually they awaken to the fact that they carry within themselves the possibility of freedom and the power to achieve it. The novel's images of war-torn beaches, cold, dank theatres, and travelling by bicycle through the streets of Vancouver will linger with readers long after the book is closed. The book tells the story of Anton, a boy of almost sixteen, who suffers the challenges of a clubfoot and Yvonne, his mother, a dance teacher who spent her youth in the decayed music halls of 1930s England. Grotesquely mistreated by her drunken mother, fourteen-year-old Yvonne finds fleeting freedom with a Russian-born dancer. After his death, needing to provide for herself and Anton, she falls into the grip of a brutal impresario and eventually migrates to Montreal and shortly thereafter to Vancouver. Yvonne alternately spurns and smothers her son as she plays the only two roles she knows: victim and victimizer. Both have been imprisoned their whole lives: Yvonne by her fear of her abusive mother, of losing her lover, and of Harold, the man who sweeps her into his control and makes her his wife. Anton has been a prisoner of his physical handicap, of Yvonne's unhappiness, and of Harold's hold on both his and his mother's life. In their Vancouver apartment, Yvonne and Anton struggle to live heroically despite the scathing violence of love. Yvonne opens a dance school where she teaches her few ballet students. Anton struggles for respect and independence and finds a measure of freedom through his wheelchair and apartment bound neighbour, Tom Hart, a World War I vet, who supplies Anton with an old bicycle. Anton tries to return the favour in the only way that he can imagine. Dickensian in its complexity, Tent of Blue marks the career debut of a fascinating new Canadian writer.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Spies Who Changed History: The Greatest Spies and Agents of the 20th Century
Spies have made an extraordinary impact on the history of the 20th Century, but fourteen in particular can be said to have been demonstrably important. As one might expect, few are household names, and it is only with the benefit of recently declassified files that we can now fully appreciate the nature of their contribution. The criteria for selection have been the degree to which each can now be seen to have had a very definite influence on a specific course of events, either directly, by passing vital classified material, or indirectly, by organizing or managing a group of spies. Those selected were active in the First World War, the inter-war period, the Second World War, the Cold War and even the post-Cold War era. These include Walther Dew who formed a spy ring in German-occupied Belgium during the First World War. This train-watching network, known as White Lady', reported on German troop deployments and possible weaknesses in the German defences. Extending its operations into northern France, the ring provided 75 per cent of the information received by GHQ, British Expeditionary Force. By the time of the Armistice in 1918, Dew 's group had a staggering 1,300 members. Olga Gray, the 27-year-old daughter of a Daily Mail journalist, was employed as a secretary by the Communist Party of Great Britain. In 1931 she undertook a mission for MI5 to penetrate the organization and discover its secret channel of communication with Moscow. Gray learned that the Party's cipher was based on Treasure Island and this breakthrough enabled the Party's messages to be read by Whitehall cryptographers. Renato Levi, an Italian playboy, was the longest-serving British agent of the Second World War and is credited with creating the concept of strategic deception. While operating in Cairo as a double agent working for the Abwehr and the British he was instrumental in misleading the Axis about Allied strength across the Middle East and helped Montgomery achieve his victory over Rommel's Afrika Korps at El Alamein. So successful was Levi in this and other deceptions, he was employed to persuade the Germans that the D-Day landings in Normandy were a diversionary feint, in anticipation of an invasion in the Pas-de-Calais. These, and other surprising stories, are revealed in this fascinating insight into a secret world inhabited by mysterious and shadowy characters, all of whom, though larger than life, really did exist.
Arc Publications The Scent of Your Shadow
Poetry Book Society Recommended Translation Summer 2010Arc 'Visible Poets' translation series, no. 29My soul is like these threads of spider silk tensed criss-cross between two apple treesRooted in an ancient folk song tradition, Kristiina Ehin's poetry is both universal and deeply personal; her language is direct and simple, yet she expresses herself so vividly that her joys and sorrows become the reader's own. These poems, beautifully translated by Ilmar Lehtpere and selected from her most recent collection, were written over two years, beginning shortly before the birth of her son."Here is a generous, honest imagination: visceral, shamanistic and wise. Kristiina Ehin is a visionary poet with a discerning and distinctive voice, a voice resonant with genuine passion, close to the primordial world of spirts and myths, but also rooted in history and in contemporary life. There is a refreshing lightness and originality to her poems, which are nonetheless poignant. She is able to express strong emotions without being sentimental. Her work has truly haunted me; it has entered the deepest layer of my being with its rare combination of directness and subtle nuances, ancient traditions and modernity." Sujata Bhatt"Ehin's poems are deeply personal, but not in a way that excludes the reader: quite the opposite, they draw the reader in, so that Ehin's life feels like our own, a fascinating glimpse into a different, simpler life lived close to nature. Reading these poems is like a holiday of the best kind: eye-opening, relaxing and different. Ehin's work is rooted in Estonian folk tradition, and music permeates both the forms and the language. I particularly relished her poems about parenthood, for their beauty and tenderness."StrideKristiina Ehin was born in Rapla, Estonia in 1977. She received an M. A. in Comparative and Estonian Folklore from Tartu University in 2004. She has published five volumes of poetry in her native Estonia and has won a number of prizes there, including Estonia's most prestigious poetry prize for her fourth volume, written during a year spent as a nature reserve warden on an uninhabited island off Estonia's north coast. She has also published a book of short stories and has written a play as well. The Drums of Silence (Oleander Press, 2007), a volume of her selected poems in English translation, was awarded the Poetry Society Corneliu M. Popescu Prize for European Poetry in Translation in 2007. Her other books in English translation are Põletades pimedust – Burning the Darkness – An Dorchadas á Dhó (trilingual Estonian-English-Irish selected poems, Coiscéim, 2009), A Priceless Nest (short stories, Oleander Press, 2009), Päevaseiskaja – South-Estonian Fairy Tales (Huma, 2009) and Noorkuuhommik – New Moon Morning (selected poems, Huma, 2007). She is often invited to take part in international arts and literary festivals and her work, poetry and prose, appears regularly in English translation in leading Irish and British literary journals. Her work has been translated into twelve languages. Kristiina's reading at the Ledbury Poetry Festival (July 2010) was one of the highlights of the Festival.Ilmar Lehtpere had a bilingual upbringing in Estonian and English. He is the translator of Kristiina Ehin's The Drums of Silence (Oleander Press, 2007), which was awarded the Poetry Society Corneliu M. Popescu Prize for European Poetry in Translation. He has also translated her play, A Life Without Feathers, and has already started working on her next collection of poems in English. His own poetry has appeared in Estonian and Irish literary journals.Sujata Bhatt was born in Ahmedabad, India, and grew up in Pune, India and in the United States. To date, she has published seven collections of poetry with Carcanet Press. The recipient of numerous awards, such as the Commonwealth Poetry Prize (Asia), and the Cholmondeley Award, her latest collection, Pure Lizard, was short-listed for the Forward Poetry Prize and received the German Literature Award, Das neue Buch, in 2008. She has translated poetry from Gujarati and German into English. Her work has been widely anthologised, broadcast on radio and television, and has been translated into more than twenty languages. She is a frequent guest at literary festivals throughout the world. Currently, she lives in Germany with her family.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street, + Companion Web Site: A Comprehensive Guide to Today's Valuation Methods
An insider's look at security analysis and business valuation, as practiced by Wall Street, Corporate America, and international businesses Two major market crashes, numerous financial and accounting scandals, growth in private equity and hedge funds, Sarbanes Oxley and related regulations, and international developments changed security analysis and business valuation substantially over the last fourteen years. These events necessitated a second edition of this modern classic, praised earlier by Barron's as a "welcome successor to Graham and Dodd" and used in the global CFA exam. This authoritative book shows the rational, rigorous analysis is still the most successful way to evaluate securities. It picks up where Graham and Dodd's bestselling Security Analysis - for decades considered the definitive word on the subject - leaves off. Providing a practical viewpoint, Security Analysis on Wall Street shows how the values of common stock are really determined in today's marketplace. Incorporating dozens of real-world examples, and spotlighting many special analysis cases - including cash flow stocks, unusual industries and distressed securities - this comprehensive resources delivers all the answers to your questions about security analysis and corporate valuation on Wall Street. The Second Edition of Security Analysis on Wall Street examines how mutual funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, institutional money managers, investment banks, business appraisers, and corporate acquirers perform their craft of security analysis and business valuation in today's highly charged environment. Completely updated to reflect the latest methodologies, this reliable resource represents the most comprehensive book written by someone who has actually worked as an investment banker, private equity executive, and international institutional investor. Shows the methodical process that practitioners use to value common stocks and operating companies and to make buy/sell decisions Discusses the impact of the two stock market crashes, the accounting and financial scandals, and the new regulations on the evaluation process Covers how Internet and computing power automate portions of the research and analytical effort Includes new case study examples representative of valuation issues faced daily by mutual funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, institutional investors, investment banks, business appraisers, and corporate acquirers Is a perfect tool for professors wishing to show their MBA students the essential tools of equity and business valuation Security analysis and business valuation are core financial disciplines for Wall Streeters, corporate acquirers, and international investors. The Second Edition of Security Analysis on Wall Street is an important book for anyone who needs a solid grounding in these critical finance topics.
Societe d'etudes latines de Bruxelles-Latomus Primores Galliarum. Sénateurs et chevaliers romains originaires de Gaule de la fin de la République au IIIe siècle: III. Étude sociale. 2. Les horizons de la vie
Un peu moins de trois cents Gallo-Romains ont appartenu aux deux ordres nobiliaires romains au cours du Haut-Empire, chevaliers pour les trois quarts, sénateurs pour le quart restant. La reconnaissance de cette appartenance est le résultat d’une application de critères d’origine géographique aux sénateurs et chevaliers romains présumés originaires de Gaule ou présumés tels à divers titres, qui a conduit à écarter, dans l’état actuel de la documentation, un nombre assez élevé de personnages considérés comme ayant appartenu à l’ordre sénatorial ou à l’ordre équestre pour des raisons individuelles ou un statut présumé de groupes. Il s’agit en ce cas d’une part de Gaulois assurés mais dont l’appartenance à l’un des deux ordres nobiliaires ne peut être qu’une erreur ou une trop fragile hypothèse, d’autre part de sénateurs ou de chevaliers parfaitement authentiques mais pour lesquels une origine de Gaule ne pose sur de fondements dépourvus de solidité ou qui ne suffisent pas à asseoir une conviction. Ces deux élites nobiliaires ont connu simultanément une triple évolution. Une évolution chronologique des effectifs connus: ils ont progressé de manière parallèle pour les sénateurs et les chevaliers jusqu’à la fin du 1er siècle, en laissant derrière eux les effectifs sénatoriaux et équestres des provinces hispaniques, africaines et micrasiatiques ; une baisse a commencé dans la seconde moitié du IIe siècle et s’est généralisée au IIIe siècle, plus rapidement et plus profondément, au moins en apparence, pour les sénateurs dont les effectifs connus furent, comme ceux des chevaliers, de plus en plus largement distancées par ceux des nobles d’Afrique et d’Asie Mineure. Cette évolution chronologique s’est accompagnée d’une évolution de la répartition géographique de ces primores. La Narbonnaise est présente dans la prosopographie sénatoriale et équestre dès la fin de la République, mais le premier chevalier connu des Trois Gaules date de l’époque augustéenne et la première attestation d’un sénateur de l’une de ces provinces de l’époque claudienne. Ce retard a duré pour le recrutement sénatorial jusqu’au début du IIe siècle, tandis que les effectifs des chevaliers croissaient oins inégalement. Au IIe siècle le contraste entre la Narbonnaise et le reste de la Gaule s’est atténué à la suite de la diminution du nombre des sénateurs et des chevaliers connus dans la province du Sud-Est, alors que dans les Trois Gaules le nombre des premiers augmentait légèrement et que se maintenait le nombre des seconds, les deux provinces rhénanes restant en retrait. Au cours du IIIe siècle s’est produit un renversement des valeurs au bénéfice de la Gaule conquise par César, les régions rhénanes fournissant alors ses assises les plus larges au recrutement équestre. Les primores gallo-romains ont aussi connu une évolution d’ordre sociologique. Commencée par l’octroi du droit de cité au chefs indigènes, expliquant l’accès privilégié de ceux-ci à l’ordre équestre et par lui à l’ordre sénatorial, l’extension progressive du recrutement équestre puis sénatorial du Sud-Est vers les régions de l’intérieur et du Nord de la Gaule a continué jusqu’au deuxième tiers du IIe siècle au profit des milieux dirigeants traditionnels, mais aux chefs indigènes des peuples du Sud-Est et aux descendants des dynastes aquitains ou bataves ont succédé des notables de moindre envergure ; enfin ont accédé à leur tour à l’ordre équestre des militaires de carrière venus avant tout des régions du Nord-Est.
Heartwood Publishing Lanzarote Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Let Marco Polo Lanzarote guide you around this Canary Island. Explore Lanzarote with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the island's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all this Canary Island has to offer. Sea, sand and an incomparable landscape make for a really special holiday in Lanzarote. Lava fields, ash mountains, and eruption craters which shimmer from black to rust red in the sun contrast with snow-white villages and sparse but bright green vegetation. Marco Polo Lanzarote introduces you to a unique travel destination. The fourth largest of the Canary Islands was created from fiery eruptions, and, more than any of its neighbours, has been shaped by vulcanism. This pocket-sized guide suggests places to go for breath-taking views, peaceful fishing villages, towns full of colonial architecture and bustling holiday resorts in which you can enjoy a whole range of activities from water sports to hiking. This practical, pocket-sized guide will help you discover the best of Lanzarote. Your Marco Polo Lanzarote Guide includes: Insider Tips – we show you the hidden gems and little-known secrets that offer a real insight into this amazing island from tucked-away restaurants to spectacular beaches Best of – find the best things to do if you’re travelling on a budget, the best things to do with the kids, the best things to do if it rains and the best things to do if you’re looking for an authentic Lanzarote experience Sightseeing – all the top sights are organised by area, so you can easily plan your trip Discovery Tours – specially tailored tours will get you to the heart of Lanzarote. Experience the unique character of the island with these personal tours Lanzarote in full-colour – Marco Polo Pocket Guide Lanzarote includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the island to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip Get in the holiday mood – before even leaving home, get in to the holiday mood with Marco Polo’s spotify playlist featuring songs related to the travel destination along with the best apps, blogs, film and book recommendations Useful Spanish phrases - the essential words and phrases are included to help you get by Pull-out map – we’ve included a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide Lanzarote to show you this amazing Spanish island. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything that Lanzarote has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Relentless Pursuit: Our Battle with Jeffrey Epstein
This is the definitive story of the case against Jeffrey Epstein and the corrupt system that supported him and Ghislaine Maxwell, told in thrilling detail by the lawyer who has represented Epstein’s victims for more than a decade. In June 2008, Florida-based victims’ rights attorney Bradley J. Edwards was thirty-two years old and had just started his own law firm when a young woman named Courtney Wild came to see him. She told a shocking story of having been sexually coerced at the age of fourteen by a wealthy man in Palm Beach named Jeffrey Epstein. Edwards, who had never heard of Epstein, had no idea that this moment would change the course of his life. Over the next ten years, Edwards devoted himself to bringing Epstein to justice, and came close to losing everything in the process. Edwards tracked down and represented more than twenty of Epstein’s victims, and shined a light on his network of contacts and friends, among them Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Ghislaine Maxwell and Prince Andrew. Edwards gives his riveting, blow-by-blow account of battling Epstein on behalf of his clients, and provides stunning details never shared before. He explains how he followed Epstein’s criminal enterprise from Florida, to New York, to Europe, to a Caribbean island, and, in the process, became the one person Epstein most feared could take him down. Epstein and his cadre of high-priced lawyers were able to manipulate the FBI and the Justice Department, but, despite making threats and attempting schemes straight out of a spy movie, Epstein couldn’t stop Edwards, his small team of committed lawyers and, most of all, the victims, who were dead-set on seeing their abuser finally put behind bars.This is the definitive account of the Epstein saga, personally told by the gutsy lawyer who took on one of the most brazen sexual criminals in the history of the US, and exposed the corrupt system that let him get away with it for far too long.
University of Washington Press Jack Ward Thomas: The Journals of a Forest Service Chief
Jack Ward Thomas, an eminent wildlife biologist and U.S. Forest Service career scientist, was drafted in the late 1980s to head teams of scientists developingstrategies for managing the habitat of the northern spotted owl. That assignment led to his selection as Forest Service chief during the early years of the Clinton administration. It is history’s good fortune that Thomas kept journals of his thoughts and daily experiences, and that he is a superb writer able to capture the moment with clarity and grace. The issues Thomas dealt with in office and noted in his journals lie at the heart of recent Forest Service policy and controversy, starting with President Clinton’s Timber Summit in Portland, Oregon, dealing with the spotted owl issue, and the 1994 loss of fourteen firefighters in the Storm King Mountain fire in Colorado. Against a constant backdrop of partisan politics in the White House and Congress, Thomas discusses issues ranging from grazing in the national forests, long-term pulp timber sales in Alaska, and the Forest Service Law Enforcement Division to the New World Mine near Yellowstone National Park. He considers the timber salvage rider and its linkage to forest health, the Department of Justice and Counsel on Environmental Quality influence on Forest Service policies, and interagency management for the Columbia River Basin. Woven throughout these excerpts from his diary is Thomas’s conviction that the effective, ethical management of wildlife depends on how the management effort is situated within the broader human context, with all its intransigence and unpredictability. Writing in 1995, Thomas says, "Things simply don’t work the way that students are taught in natural resources policy classes--not even close. . . .There is simply no way that scholars of the subject can understand the ad hoc processes that go on within only loosely defined boundaries.” Wildlife management, he says, is "90 percent about people and 10 percent about animals," and when it comes to learning about people, wildlife managers are on their own. This book is the record of how one man met that challenge.
Yale University Press How to Read Greek Vases
This handsomely illustrated volume is the second in a series of publications aimed at giving a broad audience deeper insight into the extensive collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Museum is famed for its Greek vases. Joan R. Mertens, Curator in the Department of Greek and Roman Art at the Metropolitan, has chosen thirty-five notable examples. They reveal the variety and vitality of the refined forms and masterfully rendered scenes that characterize these works. And they demonstrate the interrelation of function, shape, technique, and subject matter that is key to understanding the rich language of Greek vases. The introduction provides valuable background information, and the entries delve into the features of each vase, incorporating brilliant color illustrations, including many arresting details. Greek vases served specific utilitarian functions, and they also afforded outstanding artists, some of whom signed their work, a medium for depicting both the details of daily existence and aspects of their gods, goddesses, and heroes. We see the garments, implements, athletic competitions, and marriage and funerary rituals of Greeks who lived from the seventh through the fourth century B.C. We see their mythological figures and stories, for instance, the goddess Athena with her helmet, spear, and shield, and the great hero Herakles, from his first exploit as a baby to his elevation as an immortal at the end of his earthly life. The exceptional group of works assembled in this volume conveys the extent to which the culture of ancient Greece is still apparent today. Urns and jars inspired by Greek models are a staple in all types of public and private spaces. The meander patterns, palmettes, and other florals that adorn ancient vases recur in all kinds of modern objects. And the concept of the hero, or superman, first formulated and given visual form in ancient Greece is integral to Western culture. How to Read Greek Vases is sure to inspire closer scrutiny of these remarkable works of art, which have survived for over two millennia to offer viewers an enlightening look into the ancient heritage of the Western world.Published in association with The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Canelo Thank You For Sharing: This spicy, captivating and emotional read will make you swoon – the must-read romance of 2023!
She’s hated him since they were teenagers.He’s missed her just as long.The last time Daniel Rosenberg and Liyah Cohen-Jackson spoke to each other was as teenagers, sharing a first kiss. But when the path of young love didn’t run smooth, and Liyah found her heart bruised by Daniel, they parted ways for ever… until they are seated together on an aeroplane fourteen years later, butting heads just as badly but consoling themselves that at least they will never have to see each other again.That is, until Daniel’s marketing firm gets hired by the museum where Liyah works as a junior curator, and they’re forced to work together on a project that will change both of their careers.With every meeting, the tension (and chemistry) between Daniel and Liyah builds until they’re forced to confront the baggage from their childhood to work together.Despite themselves, their friendship blooms once again, each of them finding comfort in their shared experience as Jews of Colour. And as they try and fail to ignore their growing feelings for one another, Liyah must face the fears that she’s been running from her whole adult life and open her heart to love.This sizzling, utterly romantic and emotional debut will sweep you away in a captivating must-read for autumn 2023. Fans of Mhairi Macfarlane, Emily Henry and Talia Hibbert will love this.Praise for Thank You For Sharing:‘This book wrapped a fist around my heart and refused to let go…Rachel Runya Katz is a true talent.’ Rachel Lynn Solomon‘A magical love story. This is a poignant, sharp and sexy romance with the kind of complex, big-hearted characters and emotional honesty readers will adore. I loved it!’ Carley Fortune‘Impossible to put down! A delicious pressure-cooker-style slow burn of a romance…I have no doubt that readers will fall head over heels for Liyah and Daniel!’ Alexandria Bellefleur‘I can’t wait for everyone to fall head-over-heels for Thank You For Sharing…I treasured every moment I spent with Daniel, Liyah, and the rest of the vivid, complex supporting cast. This book is a gift.’ Ava Wilder
Basic Health Publications Pain
It is estimated that 80 percent of people who seek medical help do so to alleviate pain. Research shows that between 30 and 40 percent of adults experience some degree of chronic pain. And that's only physical discomfort. When you consider emotional or psychological pain, chances are everyone is living with some kind of pain. And if that isn't surprising, here's something that's even more amazing - up to 75 percent of reported pain isn't linked to an identifiable physical cause. That means pain is not just a physical issue, so ultimately it can't be treated by physical means alone. Most people cope with pain by searching for a quick, physical fix. In fact a New York Times article reported that more people are now addicted to painkillers than to street drugs and that hospitalisations related to prescription drugs have increased fivefold and overdose deaths fourfold in the last decade. That's not surprising given the ubiquitous ads on TV and in print media for all kinds of painkillers-from the affordable, over-the-counter variety to ones that require expensive prescriptions. But the secret that nobody tells you is: Painkillers only mask pain. They don't-and can't-cure it. It takes someone like Dr. Rajiv Parti, a brilliant, highly successful anaesthetist who specialised in treating pain, to tell the truth about it. After suffering from a series of debilitating, nearly fatal illnesses that started in August 2008, Dr. Parti realised he was addicted to painkillers in March 2011. That's when he made the profoundly difficult, but ethical, choice to give up his practice, to conquer his addiction and to search for a real solution. Soon he realised that his pain was not just physical but deeply emotional, psychological and spiritual. That led him to Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India where he had been born. By becoming a student of that ancient holistic, natural practice which he combined with meditation and yoga, Dr. Parti was able to regain control of his life with a new focus: to share his personal journey through pain to forgiveness, love and healing.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Physics of Music and Color: Sound and Light
This undergraduate textbook aids readers in studying music and color, which involve nearly the entire gamut of the fundamental laws of classical as well as atomic physics. The objective bases for these two subjects are, respectively, sound and light. Their corresponding underlying physical principles overlap greatly: Both music and color are manifestations of wave phenomena. As a result, commonalities exist as to the production, transmission, and detection of sound and light. Whereas traditional introductory physics textbooks are styled so that the basic principles are introduced first and are then applied, this book is based on a motivational approach: It introduces a subject with a set of related phenomena, challenging readers by calling for a physical basis for what is observed. A novel topic in the first edition and this second edition is a non-mathematical study of electric and magnetic fields and how they provide the basis for the propagation of electromagnetic waves, of light in particular. The book provides details for the calculation of color coordinates and luminosity from the spectral intensity of a beam of light as well as the relationship between these coordinates and the color coordinates of a color monitor. The second edition contains corrections to the first edition, the addition of more than ten new topics, new color figures, as well as more than forty new sample problems and end-of-chapter problems. The most notable additional topics are: the identification of two distinct spectral intensities and how they are related, beats in the sound from a Tibetan bell, AM and FM radio, the spectrogram, the short-time Fourier transform and its relation to the perception of a changing pitch, a detailed analysis of the transmittance of polarized light by a Polaroid sheet, brightness and luminosity, and the mysterious behavior of the photon.The Physics of Music and Color is written at a level suitable for college students without any scientific background, requiring only simple algebra and a passing familiarity with trigonometry. The numerous problems at the end of each chapter help the reader to fully grasp the subject.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs
The new edition of the bestselling guide on creating and using key performance indicators—offers significant new and revised content Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help define and measure the organizational goals which are fundamental to an organization’s current and future success. Having solid KPIs is crucial for companies that are implementing performance management systems, such as balanced scorecards, six sigma, or activity-based management. In many organizations, KPIs are often too numerous, randomly assembled, and overly complex—essentially rendering them ineffectual, or at worse, counterproductive. Key Performance Indicators provides a model for simplifying the complex areas of KPIs while helping organizations avoid common mistakes and hazards. Now in its fourth edition, this bestselling guide has been extensively revised and updated to incorporate practical lessons drawn from major implementations. Fresh content includes a more concise KPI methodology with clear implementation guidance, original insights on how other areas of performance management can be corrected, and new in-depth case studies. A revised starter kit is included to identify critical success factors, and the KPI resource kit contains updated worksheets, workshop programs, and questionnaires. Helping readers to better define and measure progress toward goals, this important guide: Dispels the myths of performance measurement and explains a simple, yet powerful KPI methodology Explains the 12-step model for developing and using KPIs with guidelines Helps readers brainstorm performance measures, sell KPI projects to the Board and senior management, and accurately report performance Features the “KPI Project Leaders Corner” which provides readers with essential information and useful exercises Includes an array of practical tools—templates, checklists, performance measures—and a companion website ( Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs, 4th Edition is important resource for C-suite executives, senior management, project teams, external project facilitators, and team coordinators involved in all aspects of performance management systems.
Running Press,U.S. Freezing Cold Takes: NFL: Football Media's Most Inaccurate Predictions—and the Fascinating Stories Behind Them
Since 2015, Fred Segal has chronicled "unprophetic" sports predictions on the internet. His Freezing Cold Takes social media pages feature quotes and predictions from members of the sports world that have aged poorly or were, in hindsight, flat-out wrong. The pages have become a guilty pleasure for hundreds of thousands of sports fans who love to see (okay, and mock in good humor) sports media's infamous "hot takes" that went cold.With this book, Segal focuses on the NFL, and provides a vast collection of poorly aged predictions and analysis from NFL media members and personalities about some of the most famous teams and players in the league's history. He also explores ill-fated commentary related to draft picks, hiring decisions, and some of the NFL's most notable games. But this book is not simply a list of quotes. It delves through content mined from internet archives and original interviews with media, players, and coaches. Segal provides important background surrounding each featured mistake to offer essential context as to why the ill-fated prediction was made as well as why the personality who made the prediction is eating their words.Together, the fourteen chapters-each spotlighting Freezing Cold Takes about a specific team or topic within a certain defined period-create a wholly unique and endlessly entertaining lens through which to explore NFL history.A few illustrative examples:- (1987-94 San Francisco 49ers): "The 49ers should do everyone a favor. Trade Steve Young. The myth. And the man."- (1989-93 Dallas Cowboys): "The Vikings fleeced the Cowboys to get Herschel Walker"- (2000 New England Patriots): "The Patriots will regret hiring Bill Belichick"- (2008 Green Bay Packers): "Brian Brohm has more upside than Aaron Rodgers"- (NFL Draft Picks): "The Dolphins could have had their next Dan Marino if they selected Brady Quinn" (2007)
New York University Press Society without God: What the Least Religious Nations Can Tell Us About Contentment
“Silver” Winner of the 2008 Foreword Magazine Book of the Year Award, Religion Category Before he began his recent travels, it seemed to Phil Zuckerman as if humans all over the globe were “getting religion”—praising deities, performing holy rites, and soberly defending the world from sin. But most residents of Denmark and Sweden, he found, don’t worship any god at all, don’t pray, and don’t give much credence to religious dogma of any kind. Instead of being bastions of sin and corruption, however, as the Christian Right has suggested a godless society would be, these countries are filled with residents who score at the very top of the “happiness index” and enjoy their healthy societies, which boast some of the lowest rates of violent crime in the world (along with some of the lowest levels of corruption), excellent educational systems, strong economies, well-supported arts, free health care, egalitarian social policies, outstanding bike paths, and great beer. Zuckerman formally interviewed nearly 150 Danes and Swedes of all ages and educational backgrounds over the course of fourteen months. He was particularly interested in the worldviews of people who live their lives without religious orientation. How do they think about and cope with death? Are they worried about an afterlife? What he found is that nearly all of his interviewees live their lives without much fear of the Grim Reaper or worries about the hereafter. This led him to wonder how and why it is that certain societies are non-religious in a world that seems to be marked by increasing religiosity. Drawing on prominent sociological theories and his own extensive research, Zuckerman ventures some interesting answers. This fascinating approach directly counters the claims of outspoken, conservative American Christians who argue that a society without God would be hell on earth. It is crucial, Zuckerman believes, for Americans to know that “society without God is not only possible, but it can be quite civil and pleasant.”
Columbia University Press Original Tao: Inward Training (Nei-yeh) and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism
Revolutionizing received opinion of Taoism's origins in light of historic new discoveries, Harold D. Roth has uncovered China's oldest mystical text-the original expression of Taoist philosophy-and presents it here with a complete translation and commentary. Over the past twenty-five years, documents recovered from the tombs of China's ancient elite have sparked a revolution in scholarship about early Chinese thought, in particular the origins of Taoist philosophy and religion. In Original Tao, Harold D. Roth exhumes the seminal text of Taoism-Inward Training (Nei-yeh)-not from a tomb but from the pages of the Kuan Tzu, a voluminous text on politics and economics in which this mystical tract had been "buried" for centuries. Inward Training is composed of short poetic verses devoted to the practice of breath meditation, and to the insights about the nature of human beings and the form of the cosmos derived from this practice. In its poetic form and tone, the work closely resembles the Tao-te Ching; moreover, it clearly evokes Taoism's affinities to other mystical traditions, notably aspects of Hinduism and Buddhism. Roth argues that Inward Training is the foundational text of early Taoism and traces the book to the mid-fourth century B.C. (the late Warring States period in China). These verses contain the oldest surviving expressions of a method for mystical "inner cultivation," which Roth identifies as the basis for all early Taoist texts, including the Chuang Tzu and the world-renowned Tao-te Ching. With these historic discoveries, he reveals the possibility of a much deeper continuity between early "philosophical" Taoism and the later Taoist religion than scholars had previously suspected. Original Tao contains an elegant and luminous complete translation of the original text. Roth's comprehensive analysis explains what Inward Training meant to the people who wrote it, how this work came to be "entombed" within the Kuan Tzu, and why the text was largely overlooked after the early Han period.
Bradt Travel Guides Northern Lights: A practical travel guide
Written by Arctic expert Polly Evans, this new, thoroughly updated fourth edition of Bradt's Northern Lights: a Practical Travel Guide does what it says on the tin, providing practical guidance to the best places to view the natural phenomenon also known as the aurora borealis. Designed for the many people who dream of witnessing this spectacle, it remains the only guidebook to provide detailed treatment of optimum locations across North America (Canada, Alaska), Greenland and Europe (Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland) while also covering practicalities, with this edition providing greater detail on a wider range of accommodation options, from budget hotels to Sweden's spectacular ICEHOTEL, built each year from river water before melting in spring. The northern lights - arguably the greatest light show you'll ever see - are a major, increasingly popular tourist draw of the Arctic and sub-Arctic winter. The experience is also increasingly popular: in the decade to 2016, winter tourism to northern Norway increased by 378%. As well as advice on the best places to see auroras, this guide offers a succinct, easy-to-understand explanation of the science behind the northern lights, and provides information on tour operators offering northern lights packages, up-to-date guidance on photographing the aurora in the light of technological improvements, alongside practical tips including what to wear, how to drive in winter conditions and how to understand northern lights forecasting. The guide is further enriched by suggestions for complementary daytime activities such as dog sledging, skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling and wildlife safaris; an examination of the reactions of the early explorers to their first sightings of this phenomenon; and insights into the myths and legends of the northern indigenous peoples. There is even advice on how and where to get married in ice chapels! Whether the northern lights are still on your bucket list or you are an experienced aurora aficionado, Bradt's comprehensive guide to the Northern Lights remains the essential companion to planning and getting the most out of any trip to watch one of the world's most remarkable events.
Bradt Travel Guides Greece: The Peloponnese: with Athens, Delphi and Kythira
This new edition of Bradt's Greece: The Peloponnese with Athens, Delphi and Kythira remains the only dedicated guidebook to the southern part of the Greek mainland and provides more detailed coverage of the peninsula than any other rival book, making it an indispensable read for travellers to this small but fascinating part of Greece. It also incorporates a focussed mini-guide to the Greek capital of Athens and nearby world famous site of Delphi and is particularly strong on off-the-beaten-track sites, background information, accommodation and other subjects of interest for both independent travellers and those travelling as part of a group. Originally written by Andrew Bostock, an expert on Greece and former resident of the Peloponnese, this fourth edition has been updated by Bradt's most prolific and experienced guidebook writer Philip Briggs. Selective listings have been refreshed to reflect a growing trend towards eco-conscious boutique hotels. As with previous editions, in-depth coverage of well-known sites is supplemented by descriptions of lesser-known attractions and independent tours and activities, reflecting the reality that the Peloponnese, more than any other part of Greece, exemplifies the ideals of 'slow travel'. With Bradt's Greece: The Peloponnese, discover hidden villages, sophisticated towns and other top attractions, including one of Europe's most spectacular train journeys and the tower houses of the famed Mani. Explore hidden sites, including places not covered anywhere else. The guide is packed with information on agritourism spots, camping under the stars, rustic tavernas and locally grown produce. For those coming out of high season, revel in the delights of the wildflowers of spring, the joys of the olive harvest in late autumn and skiing opportunities during the winter. Bird life and marine life are also a huge attraction for visitors to the Peloponnese. The guide also focuses on the colourful life of the traditional 'paneyiri' and those who still embrace the Greek spirit of 'philoxenia'.
Orion Publishing Co Glass Sword: The second YA dystopian fantasy adventure in the globally bestselling Red Queen series
The second novel in the multimillion-copy, #1 New York Times bestselling RED QUEEN series by TikTok sensation Victoria Aveyard. 'All hail Victoria Aveyard - the new Queen of dystopian fiction' GUARDIAN I WAS BORN TO KILL A KING, TO END A REIGN OF TERROR BEFORE IT CAN TRULY BEGIN.If there's one thing Mare Barrow knows, it's that she's different.Mare's blood is red - the colour of common folk - but her Silver ability, the power to control lightning, has turned her into a weapon that the royal court wants to control.Pursued by the vengeful Silver king, Mare sets out to find and recruit other Red-and-Silver fighters to join the rebellion.But Mare finds herself on a deadly path, at risk of becoming exactly the kind of monster she is trying to defeat. Will she shatter under the weight of the lives that are the cost of rebellion? Or have treachery and betrayal hardened her forever?_________________________________'Exhilarating. Compelling. Action-packed. Unputdownable' USA TODAY__________________Read the international bestselling RED QUEEN series in full:Book 1: RED QUEENBook 2: GLASS SWORDBook 3: KING'S CAGEBook 4: WAR STORMBook 5: BROKEN THRONE (AN EXCLUSIVE RED QUEEN COLLECTION)READERS LOVE THE RED QUEEN SERIES:'Will grab you from the first page, andyou'll be unable to put it down, right until the bitter end ... You will feel all the feels. You will rage. You will cry. You will even laugh. You'll love characters even more, get to know new ones, and dread leaving the world yet again' - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'I chose this book over sleep more than once ... This book really did have me pumped full of adrenaline at 2am unable to put it down' - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'The most amazing ending which has kept me desperate for the past year ... yet again I have been left a desperate puddle in need of the fourth and final book in this amazing series!' - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Breathtaking ... Each chapter is flawless. There doesn't seem to a wasted line, or word for that matter!' - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
SPCK Publishing Silence and Honey Cakes: The Wisdom of the Desert
Rowan Williams goes back to the fourth century desert fathers and mothers for inspiration and insight. In exploring their stories and spirituality, the Archbishop discovers that their spirituality resonates strongly with aspects of the modern spiritual search. A bestselling title which draws inspiration from the desert fathers and mothers, now in paperback First published in hardback in November 2003, and having since sold over 11,000 copies in the UK alone, this highly acclaimed book from Rowan Williams (the first published since his enthronement as the Archbishop of Canterbury) is now available in an accessible paperback edition. In this inspirational and fascinating book, the Archbishop looks at the stories of the desert fathers and mothers - a group of Christian monks and nuns living in the Egyptian desert in the 3rd to 5th centuries - concentrating on the wisdom, insights and spirituality found in their writings. In reflecting on the legacy of these extraordinary people and looking at how they lived their lives intimately with God, Rowan Williams contemplates how their spirituality resonates with and can inspire today's spiritual search to reach a unity with God and our fellow neighbours. Williams looks at various topics where the spiritual search of the desert fathers and mothers touches our own, including: * living in relationship with others; * discovering the truth about ourselves; * reassessing our priorities; * silence and the importance of language; * living in a fearless community; * living within our limitations; * life and death; and staying and leaving;
York Medieval Press Rethinking Chaucer's Legend of Good Women
A fresh reading of the Legend shows it to be one of Chaucer's most carefully crafted and significant works. Professor Collette's approach to this challenging and provocative poem reflects her wide scholarly interests, her expertise in the area of representations of women in late medieval European society, and her conviction that the Legend of Good Women can be better understood when positioned within several of the era's intellectual concerns and historical contexts. The book will enrich the ongoing conversation among Chaucerians as to the significance of the Legend, both as an individual cultural production and an important constituent of Chaucer's poetic.achievement. A praiseworthy and useful monograph. Professor Robert Hanning, Columbia University. The Legend of Good Women has perhaps not always had the appreciation or attention it deserves. Here, it is read as one of Chaucer's major texts, a thematically and artistically sophisticated work whose veneer of transparency and narrow focus masks a vital inquiry into basic questions of value, moderation, and sincerity in late medieval culture. The volume places Chaucer within several literary contexts developed in separate chapters: early humanist bibliophilia, translation and the development of the vernacular; late medieval compendia of exemplary narratives centred in women's choices written by Boccaccio, Machaut, Gower and Christine de Pizan; and the pervasive late fourteenth-century cultural influence of Aristotelian ideas of the mean, moderation, and value, focusing on Oresme's translations of the Ethics into French. It concludes with two chapters on the context of Chaucer's continual reconsideration of issues of exchange, moderation and fidelity apparent in thematic, figurative and semantic connections that link the Legend both to Troilus and Criseyde and to the women of The Canterbury Tales. Carolyn Collette is Emeritus Professor of English Language and Literature at Mount Holyoke College and a Research Associate at the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of York.
University of Pennsylvania Press Rural Athens Under the Democracy
Much of the evidence—literary, historical, documentary, and pictorial—from ancient Athens is urban in authorship, subject matter, and intended audience. The result has been the assertion of an undifferentiated monolithic "Athenian" citizen regime as often as not identifiably urban in its lifestyle, preoccupations, and attitude. In Rural Athens Under the Democracy, however, Nicholas F. Jones undertakes the first comprehensive attempt to reconstruct on its own terms the world of rural Attica outside the walls during the "classical" fifth and fourth centuries B.C. What he finds is a distinctly nonurban (and nonurbane) order dominated by a traditional, predominantly agrarian society and culture. Jones relies heavily upon the relatively neglected epigraphic record from the rural countryside and villages, as well as posing new questions of the well-known urban writings of Athenian historians, essayists, and philosophers and occasionally following the lead of Hesiod's agrarian poem Works and Days. From these sources he gleans new findings regarding settlement patterns, argues for a heretofore unrecognized system of personal patronage, explores relations between villages and the town of Athens, reconstructs the "Agrarian" Dionysia in several of its more important dimensions, and contrasts the realities of rural Attic culture with their various representations in contemporary literary and philosophical writings by Aristophanes, Xenophon, Plato, and others. Building on Jones's previous publications on the ancient Greek city-state, Rural Athens Under the Democracy presents the first holistic examination of classical extramural Attica. He challenges the received view that ancient Athens in its heyday was marked by a uniform cultural, ideological, and conspicuously citified order and, in place of the perception of things rural as mere deficits in urbanity, proposes that we look at Attica outside the walls in its own right and in positive terms.
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Philosophy
Japanese philosophy is now a flourishing field with thriving societies, journals, and conferences dedicated to it around the world, made possible by an ever-increasing library of translations, books, and articles. The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Philosophy is a foundation-laying reference work that covers, in detail and depth, the entire span of this philosophical tradition, from ancient times to the present. It introduces and examines the most important topics, figures, schools, and texts from the history of philosophical thinking in premodern and modern Japan. Each chapter, written by a leading scholar in the field, clearly elucidates and critically engages with its topic in a manner that demonstrates its contemporary philosophical relevance. The Handbook opens with an extensive introductory chapter that addresses the multifaceted question, "What is Japanese Philosophy?" The first fourteen chapters cover the premodern history of Japanese philosophy, with sections dedicated to Shinto and the Synthetic Nature of Japanese Philosophical Thought, Philosophies of Japanese Buddhism, and Philosophies of Japanese Confucianism and Bushido. Next, seventeen chapters are devoted to Modern Japanese Philosophies. After a chapter on the initial encounter with and appropriation of Western philosophy in the late nineteenth-century, this large section is divided into one subsection on the most well-known group of twentieth-century Japanese philosophers, The Kyoto School, and a second subsection on the no less significant array of Other Modern Japanese Philosophies. Rounding out the volume is a section on Pervasive Topics in Japanese Philosophical Thought, which covers areas such as philosophy of language, philosophy of nature, ethics, and aesthetics, spanning a range of schools and time periods. This volume will be an invaluable resource specifically to students and scholars of Japanese philosophy, as well as more generally to those interested in Asian and comparative philosophy and East Asian studies.
Harvard University Press Greek Lyric, Volume V: The New School of Poetry and Anonymous Songs and Hymns
Precious snippets of ancient song.Towards the end of the fifth century BC, Aristophanes and the other writers of comedy used contemporary poets and musicians as targets for their jokes, making fun of their innovations in language and music. The dithyrambs of Melanippides, Cinesias, Phrynis, Timotheus, and Philoxenus are remarkable examples of this new style. The poets of the new school, active from the mid-fifth to the mid-fourth century, are presented in this final volume of David Campbell’s widely praised edition of Greek lyric poetry. The longest piece extant is a nome by Timotheus—the foremost of these poets—called The Persians; it is a florid account of the battle of Salamis, to be sung solo to cithara accompaniment.This volume also collects folk songs, drinking songs, and other anonymous pieces. The folk songs come from many parts of Greece and include children’s ditties, marching songs, love songs, and snatches of cult poetry. The drinking songs are derived mainly from Athenaeus’ collection of Attic scolia, short pieces performed at drinking parties in Athens. The anonymous pieces come from papyrus, vases, and stone as well as from literary texts, and include hymns, narrative poetry, and satirical writing.This is the fifth in a five-volume edition of Greek lyric poets. Sappho and Alcaeus—the illustrious singers of sixth-century Lesbos—are in the first. Volume II contains the work of Anacreon, composer of solo song; the Anacreontea; and the earliest writers of choral poetry, notably the seventh-century Spartans Alcman and Terpander. Stesichorus, Ibycus, Simonides, and other sixth-century poets are in Volume III. Bacchylides and other fifth-century poets are in Volume IV along with Corinna (although some argue that she belongs to the third century).
Peeters Publishers Dans l'Esprit Saint: Pneumatologie fondamentale
La théologie actuelle s’intéresse vivement au Saint-Esprit. Parmi les circonstances qui ont aidé à percevoir l’urgence de la pneumatologie, il y a le dialogue avec les théologiens orientaux, mais aussi le souci de ne pas abandonner, en Occident même, l’accent sur la vie de l’Esprit à des tendances sectaires. On doit évoquer également l’essor des mouvements charismatiques; ils ont amené la présence de l’Esprit Saint au premier plan de l’attention. Tout cela invite à reprendre la question du discernement des esprits. Le présent ouvrage le fait opportunément. Par ailleurs, il tient compte de l’insistance de la théologie actuelle sur l’importance de l’Esprit Saint pour rééquilibrer un accent trop unilatéral sur la christologie. Il souligne la dimension pneumatologique de l’ecclésiologie. Il montre que la pneumatologie peut libérer la théologie de maintes étroitesses et l’aider à entrer dans un échange fructueux avec les interrogations de l’esprit moderne et postmoderne. L’un des principaux atouts de ce livre est d’explorer en détail la relation de la pneumatologie et de la théologie fondamentale, et de fournir une vue systématique des dimensions essentielles de la théologie fondamentale. On peut distinguer deux parties principales de l’ouvrage. La première, plus longue, adopte la forme d’un exposé historique. Après les deux premiers chapitres, consacrés respectivement aux religions non chrétiennes (chap. 1) et à l’hellénisme philosophique (chap. 2), les chapitres trois à dix présentent le déploiement de la théologie chrétienne de l’Esprit Saint à travers les siècles. Ils considèrent ce thème successivement dans l’Ancien et dans le Nouveau Testament (chap. 3 et 4), chez les Pères de l’Église et dans les premiers Conciles (chap. 5), chez les théologiens médiévaux et au concile de Florence (chap. 6), dans la Réforme protestante et dans les mouvements et renouveaux qui en dérivent (chap. 7); puis, dans l’imposante pneumatologie de Hegel (chap. 8) et dans l’œuvre de son contemporain Schleiermacher (chap. 9); enfin, au concile Vatican II, ainsi que chez les théologiens catholiques, protestants et orthodoxes du XXe siècle (chap. 10). La seconde partie de l’ouvrage, que l’on peut dire systématique, comprend les chapitres onze à dix-sept. Ici, il ne s’agit plus de retracer simplement l’histoire, mais de proposer une vue cohérente des différents aspects de la pneumatologie fondamentale. Après un chapitre sur la pneumatologie philosophique (chap. 11), le livre traite du Dieu des chrétiens comme Esprit, et en particulier du Saint-Esprit comme Personne et du rapport entre l’Esprit et le Fils (chap. 12). Puis, il considère l’Esprit comme coauteur de la Création, et de son rôle dans l’évolution cosmique (chap. 13). Il explicite ensuite les rapports entre l’Esprit Saint et le Christ (chap. 14), la présence de l’Esprit dans l’existence chrétienne (chap. 15), et la relation entre l’Esprit Saint et l’Église (chap. 16). Le dernier chapitre met en évidence le caractère eschatologique de l’Esprit (chap. 17). L’ouvrage se montre ouvert à des questions très actuelles, comme celles liées à la rencontre du christianisme et des autres religions, au renouveau charismatique, et au mouvement œcuménique (chap. 15 et 16). Mais cette recherche d’une pneumatologie attentive au contexte actuel ne le conduit pas à négliger le centre du message pneumatologique: la présence de Dieu et du Christ dans l’Esprit.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc French AMLS: Support Avance De Vie Medicale with Course Manual eBook
AMLS : Advanced Medical Life Support est le cours de référence pour les praticiens préhospitaliers en matière d’évaluation médicale avancée et de traitement des affections médicales les plus courantes. Enseigné à travers le monde depuis 1999, l’AMLS a été le premier programme de formation des SMU à aborder de manière exhaustive la meilleure façon de gérer les patients en situation de détresse médicale. Créée par la National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) et approuvée par la National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), l’AMLS met l’accent sur l’utilisation de la procédure d’évaluation AMLS. Cet outil d’évaluation essentiel permet aux praticiens préhospitaliers de diagnostiquer rapidement les patients malades et d’initier une gestion effi cace sur le terrain. Cette troisième édition de l’AMLS comprend un tout nouveau contenu sur la pharmacologie (chapitre 11), la septicémie (chapitre 12) et les urgences en matière de santé mentale (annexe C). L’AMLS est le seul manuel approuvé à être utilisé dans le cadre du cours de réanimation médicale avancée de la NAEMT. Son contenu médical est constamment révisé et mis à jour pour refl éter les connaissances et les pratiques actuelles, fondées sur des preuves. La philosophie de l’AMLS est centrée sur l’utilisation de la pensée critique pour évaluer les patients et établir des protocoles de prise en charge. Une approche précise de l’évaluation d’un patient Sur le terrain, chaque seconde compte. La méthode d’évaluation AMLS fournit une approche systématique de l’évaluation d’un patient malade qui permet aux praticiens préhospitaliers d’établir un diagnostic précis et rapide. Solutions technologiques dynamique Le contenu de référence associe une conception pédagogique solide à une interface conviviale pour offrir aux enseignants et aux étudiants une experience d’apprentissage réellement interactive et attrayante avec : • Le manuel AMLS du cours sous format eBook qui renforce les concepts clés présentés dans le cours
Nova Science Publishers Inc Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications and Technology
From the past decade vehicular ad hoc networks got tremendous attention from the industry, academia and research community. According to US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are more than 30 thousands fatalities caused by the vehicle accidents in the U.S. each year, which worth around $250 billion economic cost annually. Research shows that 82% of these accidents can be reduced by the successful deployment of vehicular networks, because nearly 75% percent of vehicular crashes are caused by inattentive drivers. Literally, vehicular ad hoc networks means a network forms by the vehicles. But it has been evolved to network with the infrastructure as well due to the inherent intermittent nature of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) connection. The high mobility of vehicles, wireless communication loss and range constraints are the main reason for this intermittent V2V connection. So, now vehicular networks means communication between vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I). There are billions of dollars invested to research, deployment and testing of vehicular networks. For the emerging connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV), a stable vehicular networks is the foremost requirement. It is now very much visible that CAV will be the future of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). The book is dedicated to discuss for the techniques, applications and relevant technologies of vehicular ad hoc networks and its challenges. The first chapter discuss about the routing protocols of vehicular networks. It focuses on different position-based routing protocols and their mechanisms for the successful use of vehicular networks for different applications. The second chapter discusses on the security and privacy issues on vehicular networks. A well-known security technique called Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is discussed to secure vehicular data from various tampering attacks. The third chapter discusses on the on-demand wireless broadcasting mechanism for improving data dissemination performance in terms of data delivery ratio and response time. A network-coding based approach has been investigated for improving the overall performance of existing classical data broadcast algorithms. The fourth chapter describes how to get a dependable system in the lossy communication medium. This chapter discusses on a number of fault diagnosis techniques, their strengths and weaknesses, and it reviews their implementations in mobile wireless networks. The fifth chapter discusses the basics of Blockchain technology, applications, research challenges and opportunities in the field. Finally, chapter six discuss about the identification and mitigation of the faulty nodes in the wireless network.
Peeters Publishers 'Nos sumus tempora': Studies on Augustine and his Reception Offered to Mathijs Lamberigts
Mathijs Lamberigts’ long and prolific research career started with the study of the controversy between Julian of Aeclanum and Augustine of Hippo on the issues of human free will and divine grace. This research interest rapidly came to include all aspects of the turbulent life, the massive oeuvre, and the complex ideas of the doctor gratiae, imbedded in the historical, political, socio-economic, religious, ecclesial, and intellectual context of the fourth and fifth centuries. Driven by a deep respect for the original sources, and always well informed about the established scholarship, Lamberigts deployed a rigorous historical-critical method in his publications. The first nineteen contributions of the present volume reflect this first love for Augustinian studies. As illustrated by the cover image, taken from the famous sixteenth-century Leuven edition of Augustine’s collected writings, Lamberigts’ historical-critical study of Augustine stands within a rich and enduring Leuven tradition. The same old print expresses the gradual expansion of Lamberigts’ research interests, which came to embrace Augustine’s legacy in the fifteenth–seventeenth centuries. In fact at the end of the Middle Ages, Augustine and his doctrine of sin, grace, and free will found renewed interest, even becoming part of the ideological-religious foundations of Martin Luther – who was after all an Augustinian friar – and hence of the Reformation. All parties involved in the religious controversies of this period appealed to the doctor gratiae to justify their own position. Lamberigts has always shown a vivid interest in these developments, and especially in how Augustinian thinking became a doctrinal pillar of Leuven theology in the Early Modern Era. Consequently, part of Lamberigt’s scholarly work has focused on figures such as Michael Baius and Cornelius Jansenius of Ypres, on movements such as Jansenism, as well as on the Jansenists’ theological adversaries, the Jesuits. Eight essays of this volume evoke this particular period in church history. These twenty-seven papers are offered to Mathijs Lamberigts by former students and colleagues, out of gratitude for his generous personality, for his inspiring scholarship, and for his academic leadership.
Skyhorse Publishing Beach House Dinners: Simple, Summer-Inspired Meals for Entertaining Year-Round
Delicious Dinner-Only Recipes that Showcase the Highly Desirable Beach LifestyleDinner is the most home-cooked meal of the day. We gather in the kitchen, open up a great cookbook, and see what ingredients we have in our pantry. Our devices are off, work is done for the day, and we get ready to make and share an amazing meal. Beach House Dinners: Simple, Summer-Inspired Meals for Entertaining Year-Round celebrates these moments. In her fourth book, chef Lei Shishak returns to her first love—good food by the beach. Whether you currently live by the beach or dream of being at one, get ready to be inspired by the evening meal recipes in Beach House Dinners. Lei has included 80 delectable recipes that she makes at her beach house in Southern California, home to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches. She’s captivated every day by the dazzling beauty of the beaches near her home, and she shares this through food. Each recipe in this book will inspire and transport you to beautiful places around the world, some of which you may already know and others may be new. Either way, her hope is that while making each recipe you’ll become blissfully unaware of the distractions of everyday life and in the end, you and your guests will melt into the joy of eating a great meal. Short on time? All of the recipes are straightforward and hassle-free, leaving you plenty of time to relax, enjoy conversations on the beach, savor dips in the ocean, and bask in the warm sun. In many of the recipes, steps are broken down into those that can be done the night before or the morning of so you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time at the beach. Recipes include some of chef Lei’s favorites like: Summer Tomato Soup with Three-Cheese Panini Coconut Shrimp with Three Sauces Roasted Whole Sea Bass Lemon Garlic Chicken Hearts of Palm Salad Jerk Spareribs Salmon Burger Pot Roast Tagine Lobster Roll and more!
Skyhorse Publishing Beach House Dinners: Simple, Summer-Inspired Meals for Entertaining Year-Round
Delicious Dinner-Only Recipes that Showcase the Highly Desirable Beach LifestyleDinner is the most home-cooked meal of the day. We gather in the kitchen, open up a great cookbook, and see what ingredients we have in our pantry. Our devices are off, work is done for the day, and we get ready to make and share an amazing meal. Beach House Dinners: Simple, Summer-Inspired Meals for Entertaining Year-Round celebrates these moments. In her fourth book, chef Lei Shishak returns to her first love—good food by the beach. Whether you currently live by the beach or dream of being at one, get ready to be inspired by the evening meal recipes in Beach House Dinners. Lei has included 80 delectable recipes that she makes at her beach house in Southern California, home to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches. She’s captivated every day by the dazzling beauty of the beaches near her home, and she shares this through food. Each recipe in this book will inspire and transport you to beautiful places around the world, some of which you may already know and others may be new. Either way, her hope is that while making each recipe you’ll become blissfully unaware of the distractions of everyday life and in the end, you and your guests will melt into the joy of eating a great meal. Short on time? All of the recipes are straightforward and hassle-free, leaving you plenty of time to relax, enjoy conversations on the beach, savor dips in the ocean, and bask in the warm sun. In many of the recipes, steps are broken down into those that can be done the night before or the morning of so you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time at the beach. Recipes include some of chef Lei’s favorites like: Summer Tomato Soup with Three-Cheese Panini Coconut Shrimp with Three Sauces Roasted Whole Sea Bass Lemon Garlic Chicken Hearts of Palm Salad Jerk Spareribs Salmon Burger Pot Roast Tagine Lobster Roll and more!
John Murray Press No Better Friend: One Man, One Dog, and Their Incredible Story of Courage and Survival in World War II
An extraordinary tale of the remarkable bond between one man and his dog during the Second World War.The two friends huddled close together, each of them the other's saving grace in a world gone to hell . . . There was nothing terribly unusual about POWs suffering horribly at the hands of their Japanese captors. All across the Pacific theatre, Allied captives were experiencing similar punishment. But there was one thing unusual about this particular duo of prisoners.One of them was a dog.Flight technician Frank Williams and Judy, a purebred pointer, met in the most unlikely of places: a World War II internment camp. Judy was a fiercely loyal dog, with a keen sense for who was friend and who was foe, and the pair's relationship deepened throughout their captivity. When the prisoners suffered beatings, Judy would repeatedly risk her life to intervene. She survived bombings and other near-death experiences and became a beacon not only for Frank but for all the men, who saw in her survival a flicker of hope for their own. Using a wealth of new material including interviews with those who knew Frank and Judy, letters and firsthand accounts, Robert Weintraub expertly weaves a narrative of an unbreakable bond forged in the worst circumstances. Judy's devotion to the men she was interned with, including a host of characters from all around the world, from Australia to the UK, was so powerful that reports indicate she might have been the only dog spared in these camps - and their care for her helped keep them alive. At one point, deep in despair and starvation, Frank contemplated killing himself and the dog to prevent either from watching the other die. But both were rescued, and Judy spent the rest of her life with Frank. She became the war's only official canine POW, and after she died at the age of fourteen, Frank couldn't bring himself to ever have another dog. Their story of friendship and survival is one of the great sagas of World War II.
University of Washington Press Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan
Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan is the first book-length study to focus on short-story small scrolls (ko-e), one of the most complex but visually appealing forms of early Japanese painting. Small picture scrolls emerged in Japan during the fourteenth century and were unusual in constituting approximately half the height of the narrative handscrolls that had been produced and appreciated in Japan for centuries. Melissa McCormick's history of the small scroll tells the story of its emergence and highlights its unique pictorial qualities and production contexts in ways that illuminate the larger history of Japanese narrative painting. Small scrolls illustrated short stories of personal transformation, a new literary form suffused with an awareness of the Buddhist notion of the illusory nature of worldly desires. The most accomplished examples of the genre resulted from the collaboration of the imperial court painter Tosa Mitsunobu (active ca. 1469-1522) and the erudite Kyoto aristocrat Sanjonishi Sanetaka (1455-1537). McCormick unveils the cultural milieu and the politics of patronage through diaries, letters, and archival materials, exposing the many layers of allusion that were embedded in these scrolls, while offering close readings that articulate the artistic language developed to an extreme level of refinement. In doing so, McCormick also offers the first sustained examination in English of Tosa Mitsunobu's extensive and underappreciated body of artistic achievements. The three scrolls that form the core of the study are A Wakeful Sleep (Utatane soshi emaki), which recounts the miraculous union of a man and a woman who had previously encountered each other only in their dreams; The Jizo Hall (Jizodo soshi emaki), which tells the story of a wayward monk who achieves enlightenment with the help of a dragon princess; and Breaking the Inkstone (Suzuriwari soshi emaki), which narrates the sacrifice of a young boy for his household servant and its tragic consequences. These three works are easily among the most artistically accomplished and sophisticated small scrolls to have survived.
Taschen GmbH The Big Butt Book
The Kama Sutra gives detailed instructions on how to spank it. Contemporary Italians touch it for luck before placing a bet. Americans are having it cosmetically enhanced at rates approaching breast enlargement surgery. The female butt, tush, culo, or derrière has always inspired awe, fantasy, and slavish devotion.Curiously, its primary purpose is functional rather than aesthetic: butts balance our bodies while running, according to biologists. But ask any pygophiliac—as fundament fans are clinically termed—and you’ll get the same answer: female hindquarters exist to please the eye, the hands, and parts south. A pert posterior causes instant arousal, as Zora Neale Hurston observed in Their Eyes Were Watching God: "The men noticed her firm buttocks like she had grape fruits in her hip pockets." Or, as rapper Sir Mix-a-lot proclaimed, "My anaconda don’t want none, unless you’ve got buns, hun."Having all but disappeared from western culture in the breast-obsessed second half of the 20th century, the fully formed fanny is currently enjoying a massive resurgence, attributed by some to American actress Jennifer Lopez, by others to the rise of booty-centric hip hop culture. Yet this rage for shapely butts is nothing new. The ancient Greeks worshipped at the temple of Aphrodite Kallipygos, Goddess of the Beautiful Buttocks, while a womanly rump has always been an object of worship in most of the southern hemisphere.The Big Butt Book explores this perennial fascination with female booty—from small and taut to large and sumptuous—in the fourth installment of Dian Hanson’s critically acclaimed body parts series. Over 400 photos from 1900 to the present day, including works by Elmer Batters, Ellen von Unwerth, Jean-Paul Goude, Ralph Gibson, Richard Kern, Jan Saudek, Ed Fox, Terry Richardson and Sante D’Orazio, of butts ranging from petite Pam Anderson’s to sumptuous Serena Williams’, are contextualized by interviews with porn icon John (Buttman) Stagliano, filmmaker Tinto Brass, artist Robert Crumb, bootylicious butt queens Buffie The Body, Coco and Brazil’s Watermelon Woman, plus Eve Howard and her life-long spanking obsession.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Neurovascular Surgical Diseases: A Case-Based Approach
Nowadays, neurovascular diseases represent a field of enormous interest in clinical and surgical areas because of their complex management and recent advances about surgical and endovascular techniques. The difficult decision-making process at the base of these pathologies comprehends a wide series of treatment options which ought to be mastered by all the specialists facing the neurovascular pathology. This book addresses every aspect of the most common neurovascular diseases, as intracranial aneurysms, brain and spinal cord AVMs and cavernous angiomas, cranial and spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas, as well as spontaneous cerebral haemorrhages. It also focuses on the newer technologies regarding the intraoperative imaging of the cerebral blood flow. A large part is dedicated to the surgical approaches, but also tips and tricks of the management of these complex pathologies, presented by expert and world-renowned neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists and other specialists. The first section reviews the anatomy of the skull base, cranial and spinal cord vasculature. The second analyses in detail the diagnosis, decision-making process, preoperative evaluation and surgical planning of the most common surgical neurovascular diseases. The third reports the most common surgical approaches employed for cranial neurovascular diseases, whereas the fourth miscellaneous section is mainly dedicated to the peculiar aspects regarding the management of giant and complex aneurysms, endovascular techniques, and also the role of radiosurgery for specific intra-axial vascular lesions. A further chapter describes the technical aspects regarding the use of indocyanine green and fluorescein videoangiography during neurovascular surgery. The main valuable strengths of this book lie in its case-based conception and wide number of coloured figures, tables and treatment algorithms. In its structured organization, this book serves as a practical case-based guide for neurosurgeons, neurologists, neuroradiologists, residents, fellows, physicians and medical students involved in the field of neuroscience. The book enables all these specialists to gain high-value insights into the preoperative evaluation, planning, surgical techniques, pitfalls, prevention and management of complications of the surgical neurovascular pathology. Thanks to the contribution of different world-renowned neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists and experts, this book also promotes an updated overview of the most recent advances in neurovascular and neuroendovascular surgery, at the same time encouraging an interdisciplinary approach.
Goose Lane Editions The Blind Bookkeeper (or Why Homer Must Be Blind) / Le comptable aveugle (l'Incontournable cécité d'Homère)
Rich with literary awards and honours, Alberto Manguel extends his literary genius to address and complete a thoughtfully crafted extrapolation on a paper left unfinished by Northrop Frye in 1943. The result is a succinct yet densely multilayered examination of how various readings of Homer throughout the annals of history cast light upon the human tendency towards war rather than peace and asks what roles writing and reading play to bring the world into better equilibrium. Central to this lecture is the concept of re-binding, a word drawn from the Latin roots for the word religion, which Manguel posits is the essential definition of poetry. Homer's writings, the point of origin of all written verse, are also the first written instance of the binding of imagined, written, and read realities. The semantics of Homer's name and the literal and figurative ramifications of his blindness are investigated as Manguel builds the scaffold for unveiling our own blindness through our desire to read Homer in our own image. We are left to examine our own assumptions. Comblé de prix littéraires et d'honneurs, Alberto Manguel prête son génie littéraire á l'étude et au parachèvement d'une extrapolation songée que Northrop Frye avait laissée en plan en 1943. Il en résulte une analyse succincte mais en replis serrés des multiples lectures d'Homère léguées par les siècles, qui révèle comment ces interprétations éclairent la propension humaine á la guerre plutôt qu'á la paix, ce qui le mène á s'interroger sur le rôle que jouent l'écriture et la lecture quand il s'agit de créer un monde plus équilibré. La notion de re-lier, un mot dont les racines latines sont les mêmes que le mot religion, est au coeur de cette conférence, et Manguel en fait la définition essentielle de la poésie. Les écrits d'Homère, point d'origine de toute la poésie écrite, fournissent aussi la première occurrence d'un lien entre les réalités imaginées, écrites et lues. La valeur sémantique du nom d'Homère et les répercussions concrètes et figurées de sa cécité font partie des éléments que Manguel scrute pour fonder son évocation de notre aveuglement á nous quand nous insistons pour lire Homère á notre propre image. Nous n'avons plus qu'á remettre nos hypothèses.
Bradt Travel Guides Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly: Local, characterful guides to Britain's Special Places
Thoroughly updated and significantly expanded in this new fourth edition, Bradt's Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly (Slow Travel) is the most well-established guide to a perennially popular British county. Offering in-depth exploration of both frequently visited and less-well-known destinations that will interest locals as much as newcomers, it is written in a friendly, engaging style and includes up-to-date listings of the best (and sometimes least obvious) places to eat, drink and sleep, appealing to all budgets. Long popular with discerning travellers and foodies, the boom in staycations and coverage in TV dramas such as Poldark mean that Cornwall enjoys ever-increasing acclaim as a healthy, wholesome destination. Few places offer such geographical diversity: rugged, storm-lashed north coast and wide, sandy beaches favoured by surfers lie barely a few miles from the south's sheltered creeks, coves and exotic gardens. Wild moorland is dotted with Neolithic standing stones and mining heritage. And, just 28 miles from Land's End, the Isles of Scilly offer an exhilarating blend of tropical exoticism and wild isolation. Cornwall thus possesses an enduring appeal as a year-round destination for visitors of all ages and interests. But such popularity makes it all too easy to overlook the diverse character of the county and its less obvious destinations - which is why taking a Slow approach is so rewarding. As local residents have discovered, treasures of all kinds are revealed when you ditch the car and start investigating what lies immediately beyond the doorstep. Explore the 'Cornish Alps', the lonely Rame peninsula, secret beaches or stone circles lost amid remote-feeling uplands. Glimpse the future of sustainable technologies at the Eden Project. Listen to world-class musicians playing in tiny rural churches. Celebrate the comeback of the chough, Cornwall's emblematic bird. Wander around Bodmin Moor's Kerdroya, a classical labyrinth built of Cornish stone hedging. Discover where oysters are still harvested in the traditional way and where the best Cornish ice creams, pasties and cider are made. The ideal companion for a visit, Bradt's Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly (Slow Travel) is an invitation to imbibe the region's rich, diverse delights.
Bradt Travel Guides Uruguay
This new, fully updated fourth edition of Bradt's Uruguay remains the only dedicated English-language guide to a country that's small but bursting with character. Bradt's Uruguay provides in-depth coverage of the capital Montevideo, where the once-derelict colonial Old City is undergoing a historic resurgence, plus detailed information on the UNESCO-listed coastal city of Colonia del Sacramento, as well as Punta del Este, where the Buenos Aires glitterati decamp to the beaches each summer. There's advice, too, for active travellers who can rattle their whips on cattle-ranching estancias and spin their sticks in a game of polo or two and for nature enthusiasts keen to watch wildlife in the western wetlands and birds in Cabo Polonio and Santa Teresa. The guide also investigates the Brazilian influences behind Uruguay's music and dance, an active and upcoming food and wine scene, and the country's distinctive Afro-Uruguayan heritage, most noticeable during the world-beating 40-day Carnaval season. In addition, it covers the recent de-velopment of marijuana tours following the legalisation of marijuana. Uruguay caters for all tastes, whether you want to ride with gauchos and spend time on a tradi-tional estancia like La Sirena, visit Fray Bentos and discover the history of the town's former meat-packing plant, or take a tour of the Canelones department wineries. Montevideo's splendid Art Deco architecture and colourful annual Carnaval are covered, and so too are the stunning sandy beaches of boho-chic fishing village José Ignacio and the Termas de Daymán - Uruguay's largest hot baths. Also included are San Javier, an ideal base for bird-watching trips along the Río Uruguay and details of hiking in Quebrada de los Cuervos National Park - a subtropical canyon filled with flowers and birds. Most commonly known for winning the first soccer World Cup, electing the world's so-called 'poorest president', and raising a whole lot of beef on the pampa, Uruguay remains among South America's safest and most stable destinations, replete with interest waiting to be discovered by both leisure and adventurous travellers.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc N-4 Down: The Hunt for the Arctic Airship Italia
"GRIPPING. ... One of the greatest polar rescue efforts ever mounted." —Wall Street JournalThe riveting true story of the largest polar rescue mission in history: the desperate race to find the survivors of the glamorous Arctic airship Italia, which crashed near the North Pole in 1928.Triumphantly returning from the North Pole on May 24, 1928, the world-famous exploring airship Italia—code-named N-4—was struck by a terrible storm and crashed somewhere over the Arctic ice, triggering the largest polar rescue mission in history. Helping lead the search was Roald Amundsen, the poles’ greatest explorer, who himself soon went missing in the frozen wastes. Amundsen’s body has never been found, the last victim of one of the Arctic’s most enduring mysteries . . .During the Roaring Twenties, zeppelin travel embodied the exuberant spirit of the age. Germany’s luxurious Graf Zeppelin would run passenger service from Germany to Brazil; Britain’s Imperial Airship was launched to connect an empire; in America, the iconic spire of the rising Empire State Building was designed as a docking tower for airships.But the novel mode of transport offered something else, too: a new frontier of exploration. Whereas previous Arctic and Antarctic explorers had subjected themselves to horrific—often deadly—conditions in their attempts to reach uncharted lands, airships held out the possibility of speedily soaring over the hazards. In 1926, the famed Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen—the first man to reach the South Pole—partnered with the Italian airship designer General Umberto Nobile to pioneer flight over the North Pole. As Mark Piesing uncovers in this masterful account, while that mission was thought of as a great success, it was in fact riddled with near disasters and political pitfalls.In May 1928, his relationship with Amundsen corroded beyond the point of collaboration, Nobile, his dog, and a crew of fourteen Italians, one Swede, and one Czech, set off on their own in the airship Italia to discover new lands in the Arctic Circle and to become the first airship to land men on the pole. But near the North Pole they hit a terrible storm and crashed onto the ice. Six crew members were never seen again; the injured (including Nobile) took refuge on ice flows,unprepared for the wretched conditions and with little hope for survival.Coincidentally, in Oslo a gathering of famous Arctic explorers had assembled for a celebration of the first successful flight from Alaska to Norway. Hearing of the accident, Amundsen set off on his own desperate attempt to find Nobile and his men. As the weeks passed and the largest international polar rescue expedition mobilized, the survivors engaged in a last-ditch struggle against weather, polar bears, and despair. When they were spotted at last, the search plane landed—but the pilot announced that there was room for only one passenger. . . .Braiding together the gripping accounts of the survivors and their heroic rescuers, N-4 Down tells the unforgettable true story of what happened when the glamour and restless daring of the zeppelin age collided with the harsh reality of earth’s extremes.
Encounter Books,USA A Student Workbook for Land of Hope
A wonderfully written, sweeping narrative history of the United States that will help Americans discover the land they call home. Workbook for students studying the Young Readers Edition of Land of Hope. Middle School, Grades 6-8The SECOND Student Workbook to accompany the two-volume Young Readers Edition of Land of HopeThis Student Workbook to the Young Reader's Edition of Wilfred McClay's Land of Hope: An Invitation to the Great American Story is an invaluable supplement for students reading the Land of Hope in their courses. Prepared by Wilfred McClay in collaboration with John McBride, a master teacher with more than thirty years of secondary and collegiate teaching experience, the workbook expands on the Land of Hope, offering corresponding primary source documents and hands-on map reading exercises. It will help students develop their close reading and geography skills in order to better understand the materials presented in the Land of Hope. This Student Workbook and Teacher's Guide are complementary and designed to be used together. Both provide chapter summaries which instructors may use in teaching students to read for the main idea. The Student Workbook contains reading questions for each chapter of the Land of Hope text; the Teacher's Guide has the same questions with answers. Primary source documents, including speeches, diary entries, song lyrics, compacts, letters, essays, legal documents, and more, accompany each chapter and are broken into shorter segments to help with reading comprehension. In the Student Workbook, each primary source is followed by reading questions directed to help students understand the main ideas; the Teacher's Guide provides the answers. The Student Workbook offers fourteen map exercises; the Teacher's Guide provides the keys. Both editions offer synthetical essay questions for each chapter and for final exams, learning strategies, and study tricks.
Peeters Publishers Bookkeeping without Writing: Early Administrative Technologies in Context: Proceedings of the Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO) Postdoctoral Fellow First Annual Conference, 5th and 6th February 2021
Bookkeeping without Writing: Early Administrative Technologies in Context explores how non-literate systems of information storage were used in the late prehistoric and early historic periods in West Asia, before and alongside writing. The world’s earliest known written script, cuneiform, emerged as the bureaucratic tool of administration in the city-states of south Mesopotamia during the late fourth millennium BC. The invention of writing had a profound impact on daily life, as it enabled the efficient management and control of agricultural production, craft production, labour, and rations as wages. Writing has traditionally been viewed as one of the hallmarks of ‘civilisation’, alongside features such as permanent urban settlements, monumental architecture, social hierarchy and the presence of political and religious institutions. Writing is seen as necessary for complex society to operate and succeed, yet is this really the case? Are there alternatives? Non-written forms of information storage and transmission are known in West Asia from the Late Neolithic (ca 6000 BC) onwards. Crucially, they continue to be used, once writing is established and widespread, so cannot be dismissed as simple, primitive and ineffective forms of administration simply supplanted by writing. In other world regions and time-periods, a variety of non-literate forms of information storage are known. There are large, successful, and complex societies which do not use writing at all, instead thriving with alternative forms of information storage and transmission. This multidisciplinary book brings together papers from various specialists to explore how non-literate forms of information storage were used in West Asia from the Late Neolithic, and why they persisted into the first millennium BC. This is complimented by a range of comparative archaeological and historical examples of complex, non-written administrative systems from the ethnographic and historical record including ancient Egypt, Medieval Europe, Medieval West Africa and South America.
Peeters Publishers William Whiston and the Apostolic Constitutions: Completing the Reformation
Written in the wake of Maurice Wiles’ Archetypal Heresy: Arianism through the Centuries, this book narrates the gripping account of William Whiston’s outsized affections for the Apostolic Constitutions. The Apostolic Constitutions, a collection of teachings concerning issues such as baptism, the eucharist, proper gender relations, and the ordination of bishops claim to have been given by the resurrected Jesus to his apostles during the forty days before his ascension back into the presence of God. In addition, the Apostolic Constitutions claim to have been gathered by Clement, understood to be the companion of the apostle Paul. Most scholars from Whiston’s seventeenth- and eighteenth-century world concluded that the Apostolic Constitutions was not, in fact, apostolical, no matter its claims. The consensus today, perhaps unanimous even, is of a similar nature: the Apostolic Constitutions consists of church orders emerging from the second and third centuries that were then assembled sometime during the fourth century when the apostles’ names, along with first-person pronouns, were added. William Whiston, however, concluded that the Apostolic Constitutions was the most sacred book of the New Testament. How then did William Whiston who, as the successor to Sir Isaac Newton as the Cambridge University Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, was a member of the intelligentsia of his day, come to such a conclusion? The pages of this book will answer this question. As the narrative unfolds it will become apparent that even though Whiston was wrong about the apostolicity of the Apostolic Constitutions, he nevertheless made important contributions to patristic scholarship as well as, and perhaps most important, religious liberty for all persons. Furthermore, even though Whiston was mistaken about the centerpiece of his project to restore primitive Christianity, some readers will appreciate his sincere desire to bring the reformation work of Martin Luther and others to completion.
Outline Press Ltd This Band Has No Past: How Cheap Trick Became Cheap Trick
‘This band has no past’ was the first line of the farcical biography printed on the inner sleeve of Cheap Trick’s first album, but the band, of course, did have a past—a past that straddles two very different decades: from the tumult of the sixties to the anticlimax of the seventies, from the British Invasion to the record industry renaissance, with the band’s debut album arriving in 1977, the year vinyl sales peaked.This Band Has No Past tells the story of a bar band from the Midwest—the best and weirdest bar band in the Midwest— and how they doggedly pursued a most unlikely career in rock’n’roll. It traces every gnarly limb of the family tree of bands that culminated in Cheap Trick, then details how this unlikely foursome paid their dues—with interest—night after night, slogging it out everywhere from high schools to bars to bowling alleys to fans’ back yards, before signing to Epic Records and releasing two brilliant albums six months apart.Drawing on more than eighty original interviews, This Band Has No Past is packed full of new insights and information that fans of the band will devour. How was the Cheap Trick logo created? How did the checkerboard pattern come to be associated with the band? When did Rick Nielsen start wearing a ballcap 24/7? Who caught their mom and dad rolling on the couch? What kind of beer did David Bowie drink? And when might characters like Chuck Berry, Frank Zappa, Don Johnson, Otis Redding, Eddie Munster, Kim Fowley, John Belushi, Jim Belushi, Elvis Presley, Leslie West, Groucho Marx, Robert F. Kennedy, Patti Smith, Andy Warhol, Lou Reed, The Coneheads, Tom Petty, Harvey Weinstein, Michael Mann, Linda Blair, Eddie Van Halen, Elvis Costello, Matt Dillon, and Pam Grier turn up? Read on and find out.
New York University Press Policy Drift: Shared Powers and the Making of U.S. Law and Policy
The role of formal and informal institutional forces in changing three areas of U.S. public policy: privacy rights, civil rights and climate policy There is no finality to the public policy process. Although it’s often assumed that once a law is enacted it is implemented faithfully, even policies believed to be stable can change or drift in unexpected directions. The Fourth Amendment, for example, guarantees Americans’ privacy rights, but the 9/11 terrorist attacks set off one of the worst cases of government-sponsored espionage. Policy changes instituted by the National Security Agency led to widespread warrantless surveillance, a drift in public policy that led to lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of wiretapping the American people. Much of the research in recent decades ignores the impact of large-scale, slow-moving, secular forces in political, social, and economic environments on public policy. In Policy Drift, Norma Riccucci sheds light on how institutional forces collectively contributed to major change in three key areas of U.S. policy (privacy rights, civil rights, and climate policy) without any new policy explicitly being written. Formal levers of change—U.S. Supreme Court decisions; inaction by Congress; Presidential executive orders—stimulated by social, political or economic forces, organized permutations which ultimately shaped and defined contemporary public policy. Invariably, implementations of new policies are embedded within a political landscape. Political actors, motivated by social and economic factors, may explicitly employ strategies to shift the direction of existing public polices or derail them altogether. Some segments of the population will benefit from this process, while others will not; thus, “policy drifts” carry significant consequences for social and economic change. A comprehensive account of inadvertent changes to privacy rights, civil rights, and climate policy, Policy Drift demonstrates how unanticipated levers of change can modify the status quo in public policy.
University of Pennsylvania Press Religion in the Art of Archaic and Classical Greece
Art and religion are both well-attested and much-studied aspects of ancient Greek life, yet their relationship is not perfectly understood. Religion in the Art of Archaic and Classical Greece presents an important rethinking of these two categories. The book examines not only how and where religious activity is presented visually at particular moments and in certain forms, but also what objects and images can tell us about the experiences and impressions of Greek religion. Through an exploration of portable or relatively small-scale art forms—vases, figurines, gems, plaques—Tyler Jo Smith focuses on the visual and material evidence for religious life and customs in Archaic and Classical Greece (sixth to fourth centuries BC). The book introduces its readers to categories of religious practice (e.g., sacrifices, votive offerings, funerals), to the pertinent artistic evidence for them, and to a range of scholarly approaches. Smith combines the study of iconography and the examination of material objects with theoretical perspectives on ritual and performance. When given visual form, religion holds much in common with other ancient Greek modes of artistic expression, including dance and drama. Religion is viewed here as a dynamic performative act, as an expression of connectivity, and as a mechanism of communication. While the complexities of Greek religion cannot be discerned through the visual or material record alone, Religion in the Art of Archaic and Classical Greece frames a more nuanced reading of the artistic evidence than has been previously available. Richly illustrated with 216 halftones and sixteen color plates of mostly small-scale objects, the book is much more than a gathering of images and information in a single place. Taken as a whole, it argues for a visual and material tradition that is intended to express the ritualized practices and shared attitudes of religious life, a story that large public works alone are simply never going to tell.
Stanford University Press Inside Nuclear South Asia
Nuclear-armed adversaries India and Pakistan have fought three wars since their creation as sovereign states in 1947. They went to the brink of a fourth in 2001 following an attack on the Indian parliament, which the Indian government blamed on the Pakistan-backed Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist organizations. Despite some attempts at rapprochement in the intervening years, a new standoff between the two countries was precipitated when India accused Lashkar-e-Taiba of being behind the Mumbai attacks late last year. The relentlessness of the confrontations between these two nations makes Inside Nuclear South Asia a must read for anyone wishing to gain a thorough understanding of the spread of nuclear weapons in South Asia and the potential consequences of nuclear proliferation on the subcontinent. The book begins with an analysis of the factors that led to India's decision to cross the nuclear threshold in 1998, with Pakistan close behind: factors such as the broad political support for a nuclear weapons program within India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the intense rivalry between the two countries, the normative and prestige factors that influenced their behaviors, and ultimately the perceived threat to their respective national security. The second half of the book analyzes the consequences of nuclear proliferation on the subcontinent. These chapters show that the presence of nuclear weapons in South Asia has increased the frequency and propensity of low-level violence, further destabilizing the region. Additionally, nuclear weapons in India and Pakistan have led to serious political changes that also challenge the ability of the two states to produce stable nuclear détente. Thus, this book provides both new insights into the domestic politics behind specific nuclear policy choices in South Asia, a critique of narrow realist views of nuclear proliferation, and the dangers of nuclear proliferation in South Asia.
University of California Press France, the United States, and the Algerian War
In this pioneering book, Irwin M. Wall unravels the intertwining threads of the protracted agony of France's war with Algeria, the American role in the fall of the Fourth Republic, the long shadow of Charles de Gaulle, and the decisive postwar power of the United States. At the heart of this study is an incisive analysis of how Washington helped bring de Gaulle to power and a penetrating revisionist account of his Algerian policy. Departing from widely held interpretations of the Algerian War, Wall approaches the conflict as an international diplomatic crisis whose outcome was primarily dependent on French relations with Washington, the NATO alliance, and the United Nations, rather than on military engagement. Wall makes extensive use of previously unexamined documents from the Department of State, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and heretofore secret files of the Archives of the French Army at Vincennes and the Colonial Ministry at Aix-en-Provence. He argues convincingly that de Gaulle always intended to keep Algeria French, in line with his goal to make France the center of a reorganized French union of autonomous but dependent African states and the heart of a Europe of cooperating states. Such a union, which the French called Eurafrica, would further France's chance to be an equal partner with Britain and the United States in a reordered 'Free World.' In recent years the Algerian War has reclaimed its place in popular memory in France. Its interpreters have continued to view the conflict as a national, internal drama and de Gaulle as the second-time savior who ended French participation in a ruinous colonial war. But by analyzing the conflict in terms of French foreign policy, Wall shows the pivotal role of the United States and counters certain political myths that portray de Gaulle as an emancipator of colonial people. Wall's interpretation of the Algerian conflict may well spark controversy and will open important new avenues of debate concerning postwar international affairs.
John Wiley & Sons Inc International Project Management: Leadership in Complex Environments
The theory, practice, and example projects of international project management A Singaporean corporation builds a manufacturing facility in Cambodia, with a Chinese partner, a Cambodian government agency, and value chain organizations in Germany, Morocco, Vietnam, and Brazil. A Russian charity operates in the Balkans and the Persian Gulf. Pharmaceuticals and food come from ten different countries, physicians are from the EU and Russia, and donations are from Central Asia and the subcontinent. A transnational organization markets through divisions in eighty-two countries. The products are designed in Italy, Sweden, and France, with customization done in each respective country. International projects involve a complex network of cultures, politics, laws, languages, and resources that goes beyond the traditional training and experience of most project managers. International Project Management examines the different dimensions and responsibilities of international projects, and outlines what a project manager must know to lead global projects successfully. It also provides guidelines and examples for the international project management processes. This book explores the professional best practices of international projects, emphasizing the importance of leadership skills and virtual teamwork to successfully navigate an international project. Along with discussions on the process groups, such as initiating, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closing out, this reference is organized according to these knowledge areas: Introduction to international project management Integration management HR management (Diversity & Communications) Scope management Cost and progress management Risk management Time management Customer satisfaction (Quality) Procurement management CPE in the future Integrating the PMBOK® Guide—Fourth Edition, and the ICB, International Project Management provides international project managers, whether experienced or beginners, with the high cross-cultural intelligence, creative communication skills, ability to establish and maintain dependable project management processes, and compelling curiosity to manage international projects successfully. (PMBOK is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Real Analysis: An Educational Approach
An accessible introduction to real analysis and its connection to elementary calculus Bridging the gap between the development and history of real analysis, Introduction to Real Analysis: An Educational Approach presents a comprehensive introduction to real analysis while also offering a survey of the field. With its balance of historical background, key calculus methods, and hands-on applications, this book provides readers with a solid foundation and fundamental understanding of real analysis. The book begins with an outline of basic calculus, including a close examination of problems illustrating links and potential difficulties. Next, a fluid introduction to real analysis is presented, guiding readers through the basic topology of real numbers, limits, integration, and a series of functions in natural progression. The book moves on to analysis with more rigorous investigations, and the topology of the line is presented along with a discussion of limits and continuity that includes unusual examples in order to direct readers' thinking beyond intuitive reasoning and on to more complex understanding. The dichotomy of pointwise and uniform convergence is then addressed and is followed by differentiation and integration. Riemann-Stieltjes integrals and the Lebesgue measure are also introduced to broaden the presented perspective. The book concludes with a collection of advanced topics that are connected to elementary calculus, such as modeling with logistic functions, numerical quadrature, Fourier series, and special functions. Detailed appendices outline key definitions and theorems in elementary calculus and also present additional proofs, projects, and sets in real analysis. Each chapter references historical sources on real analysis while also providing proof-oriented exercises and examples that facilitate the development of computational skills. In addition, an extensive bibliography provides additional resources on the topic. Introduction to Real Analysis: An Educational Approach is an ideal book for upper- undergraduate and graduate-level real analysis courses in the areas of mathematics and education. It is also a valuable reference for educators in the field of applied mathematics.