Search results for ""Author Four"
University of Texas Press Demosthenes, Speeches 60 and 61, Prologues, Letters
This is the tenth volume in the Oratory of Classical Greece. This series presents all of the surviving speeches from the late fifth and fourth centuries BC in new translations prepared by classical scholars who are at the forefront of the discipline. These translations are especially designed for the needs and interests of today's undergraduates, Greekless scholars in other disciplines, and the general public. Classical oratory is an invaluable resource for the study of ancient Greek life and culture. The speeches offer evidence on Greek moral views, social and economic conditions, political and social ideology, law and legal procedure, and other aspects of Athenian culture that have recently been attracting particular interest: women and family life, slavery, and religion, to name just a few. Demosthenes is regarded as the greatest orator of classical antiquity. This volume contains his Funeral Oration (Speech 60) for those who died in the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC, in which Philip of Macedonia secured his dominance over Greece, as well as the so-called Erotic Essay (Speech 61), a rhetorical exercise in which the speaker eulogizes the youth Epicrates for his looks and physical prowess and encourages him to study philosophy in order to become a virtuous and morally upright citizen. The volume also includes fifty-six prologues (the openings to political speeches to the Athenian Assembly) and six letters apparently written during the orator's exile from Athens. Because so little literature survives from the 330s and 320s BC, these works provide valuable insights into Athenian culture and politics of that era.
Pennsylvania State University Press Visual Aggression: Images of Martyrdom in Late Medieval Germany
Why does a society seek out images of violence? What can the consumption of violent imagery teach us about the history of violence and the ways in which it has been represented and understood? Assaf Pinkus considers these questions within the context of what he calls galleries of violence, the torment imagery that flourished in German-speaking regions during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Exploring these images and the visceral bodily responses that they produced in their viewers, Pinkus argues that the new visual discourse on violence was a watershed in premodern conceptualizations of selfhood.Images of martyrdom in late medieval Germany reveal a strikingly brutal parade of passion: severed heads, split skulls, mutilated organs, extracted fingernails and teeth, and myriad other torments. Stripped from their devotional context and presented simply as brutal acts, these portrayals assailed viewers’ bodies and minds so violently that they amounted to what Pinkus describes as “visual aggressions.” Addressing contemporary discourses on violence and cruelty, the aesthetics of violence, and the eroticism of the tortured body, Pinkus ties these galleries of violence to larger cultural concerns about the ethics of violence and bodily integrity in the conceptualization of early modern personhood.Innovative and convincing, this study heralds a fundamental shift in the scholarly conversation about premodern violence, moving from a focus on the imitatio Christi and the liturgy of punishment to the notion of violence as a moral problem in an ethical system. Scholars of medieval and early modern art, history, and literature will welcome and engage with Pinkus’s research for years to come.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Young Woman and the Sea: How Trudy Ederle Conquered the English Channel and Inspired the World
The exhilarating true story of Trudy Ederle, the first woman to swim the English Channel, and inspire a “wave of confidence and emancipation” for women in sports (Parade).By age twenty, at the height of the Jazz Age, Trudy Ederle was the most accomplished swimmer in the world. She’d won Olympic gold and set a host of world records. But the greatest challenge remained: the English Channel. Only a few swimmers, none of them women, had ever made the treacherous twenty-one mile crossing. Trudy’s failed first attempt seemed to confirm what many naysayers believed: No woman could possibly accomplish such a thing.In 1926, Ederle proved them wrong. As her German immigrant parents cheered her, and her sister and fellow swimmer Meg helped fashion both her scandalous two-piece swimsuit and leak-proof goggles, Trudy was determined to succeed. “England or drown is my motto,” she said, plunging into the frigid Channel for her second attempt at the crossing. Fourteen hours later, two hours faster than any man, and after weathering a gale and waves that approached six-feet, she stepped onto Kingsdowne Beach as the most famous woman in the world.Based on years of archival research that unearthed Ederle’s memory from obscurity, Young Woman and the Sea brings to life the real Trudy Ederle, the challenges that came with her fame, and the historic mark her achievement made for all women athletes who followed.
Duke University Press Getting Medieval: Sexualities and Communities, Pre- and Postmodern
In Getting Medieval Carolyn Dinshaw examines communities—dissident and orthodox—in late-fourteenth and early-fifteenth-century England to create a new sense of queer history. Reaching beyond both medieval and queer studies, Dinshaw demonstrates in this challenging work how intellectual inquiry into pre-modern societies can contribute invaluably to current issues in cultural studies. In the process, she makes important connections between past and present cultures that until now have not been realized. In her pursuit of historical analyses that embrace the heterogeneity and indeterminacy of sex and sexuality, Dinshaw examines canonical Middle English texts such as the Canterbury Tales and The Book of Margery Kempe. She examines polemics around the religious dissidents known as the Lollards as well as accounts of prostitutes in London to address questions of how particular sexual practices and identifications were normalized while others were proscribed. By exploring contemporary (mis)appropriations of medieval tropes in texts ranging from Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction to recent Congressional debates on U.S. cultural production, Dinshaw demonstrates how such modern media can serve to reinforce constrictive heteronormative values and deny the multifarious nature of history. Finally, she works with and against the theories of Michel Foucault, Homi K. Bhabha, Roland Barthes, and John Boswell to show how deconstructionist impulses as well as historical perspectives can further an understanding of community in both pre- and postmodern societies.This long-anticipated volume will be indispensible to medieval and queer scholars and will be welcomed by a larger cultural studies audience.
Encounter Books,USA Shattered Consensus: The Rise and Decline of Americas Postwar Political Order
The United States has been shaped by three sweeping political revolutions: Jefferson's "revolution of 1800," the Civil War, and the New Deal. Each of these upheavals concluded with lasting institutional and cultural adjustments that set the stage for a new phase of political and economic development. Are we on the verge of another upheaval, a "fourth revolution" that will reshape U.S. politics for decades to come? There are signs to suggest that we are. James Piereson describes the inevitable political turmoil that will overtake the United States in the next decade as a consequence of economic stagnation, the unsustainable growth of government, and the exhaustion of postwar arrangements that formerly underpinned American prosperity and power. The challenges of public debt, the retirement of the "baby boom" generation, and slow economic growth have reached a point where they require profound changes in the role of government in American life. At the same time, the widening gulf between the two political parties and the entrenched power of interest groups will make it difficult to negotiate the changes needed to renew the system. Shattered Consensus places this impending upheaval in historical context, reminding readers that Americans have faced and overcome similar trials in the past, in relatively brief but intense periods of political conflict. While others claim that the United States is in decline, Piereson argues that Americans will rise to the challenge of forming a new governing coalition that can guide the nation on a path of dynamism and prosperity.
Abbeville Press Inc.,U.S. Ancient Trees: Portraits of Time
Beth Moon's fourteen-year quest to photograph ancient trees has taken her across the United States, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Some of her subjects grow in isolation, on remote mountainsides, private estates, or nature preserves; others maintain a proud, though often precarious, existence in the midst of civilization. All, however, share a mysterious beauty perfected by age and the power to connect us to a sense of time and nature much greater than ourselves. It is this beauty, and this power, that Moon captures in her remarkable photographs. This handsome volume presents nearly seventy of Moon's finest tree portraits as full-page duotone plates. The pictured trees include the tangled, hollow-trunked yews - some more than a thousand years old - that grow in English churchyards; the baobabs of Madagascar, called 'upside-down trees' because of the curious disproportion of their giant trunks and modest branches; and the fantastical dragon's-blood trees, red-sapped and umbrella-shaped, that grow only on the island of Socotra, off the Horn of Africa. Moon's narrative captions describe the natural and cultural history of each individual tree, while Todd Forrest, vice president for horticulture and living collections at The New York Botanical Garden, provides a concise introduction to the biology and preservation of ancient trees. An essay by the critic Steven Brown defines Moon's unique place in a tradition of tree photography extending from William Henry Fox Talbot to Sally Mann, and explores the challenges and potential of the tree as a subject for art.
The Lilliput Press Ltd With Barry Flanagan: Travels Through Time and Spain
With Barry Flanagan is a vivid account of a friendship that evolved into a working relationship when Richard McNeff became ‘spontaneous fixer’ (Flanagan’s description) of the sculptor’s show held in June 1992 at the Museum of Contemporary Art on Ibiza, where they were both living. McNeff was to gain a privileged insight into the sculptor’s singular personality and eccentric working methods, learning to decipher his memorably surreal turns of phrase and to parry his fascinating, if at times unsettling, pranksteresque quirks. In September 1992 Flanagan and McNeff took the show to Majorca, resulting in a lively visit to the celebrated Spanish artist Miquel Barcelo. The following year McNeff was involved in Flanagan’s print-making venture in Barcelona and in his Madrid retrospective. Flanagan rescued him from a rough landing in England in 1994 by commissioning a tour of stone quarries there.Subsequently McNeff ran into a fourteen-year-old profoundly deaf girl who turned out to be his unknown daughter. She had a talent for art and the generous sculptor was instrumental in helping with her studies. Late in 2008 Barry was diagnosed with motor neurone disease. By June 2009 he was wheelchair-bound. Two months later he died, and McNeff read the lesson at his funeral. Fleshed out with biographical detail, much of it supplied by the sculptor himself, this touching memoir is the first retrospective of a major Welsh-born artist. Photographs of him as well as of his drawings and sculpture fully complement the text. With Barry Flanagan captures the spirit of this remarkable Merlinesque figure in a moving portrait that reveals a true original.
Rowman & Littlefield The Human Journey: A Concise Introduction to World History
The Human Journey offers a truly concise yet satisfyingly full history of the world from ancient times to the present. The book’s scope, as the title implies, is the whole story of humanity, in planetary context. Its themes include not only the great questions of the humanities—nature versus nurture, the history and meaning of human variation, the sources of wealth and causes of revolution—but also the major transformations in human history: agriculture, cities, iron, writing, universal religions, global trade, industrialization, popular government, justice, and equality. In each conceptually rich chapter, leading historian Kevin Reilly concentrates on a single important period and theme, sustaining a focused narrative and analytical perspective. Chapter 2, for example, discusses the significance of bronze-age urbanization and the advent of the Iron Age. Chapter 3 examines the meaning and significance of the age of “classical” civilizations. Chapter 4 explains the spread of universal religions and new technologies in the postclassical age of Eurasian integration. But these examples also reveal a range of approaches to world history. The first chapter is an example of current “Big History,” the second of history as technological transformations, the third of comparative history, the fourth the history of connections that dominates, and thus narrows, so many texts. Free of either a confined, limiting focus or a mandatory laundry list of topics, this book begins with our most important questions and searches all of our past for answers. Well-grounded in the latest scholarship, this is not a fill-in-the-blanks text, but world history in a grand humanistic tradition.
Little, Brown & Company Breaking Hate: Confronting the New Culture of Extremism
At fourteen, Christian Picciolini was recruited by a now notorious skinhead leader and encouraged to fight with the movement to "protect the white race from extinction." Soon, he had become an expert in racist ideology, a neo-Nazi terror who roamed the neighbourhood, quick to throw fists. By the time he left the movement years later and was able to see clearly for the first time, Picciolini found that his life was in shambles and the nation around him was coming apart. Told with startling intimacy and compassion, Breaking Hate is the inside story of how extremists have taken the reins of our political discourse and a guide to how everyday Americans can win it back. The forces pushing to polarise and radicalise us are many-from fake news to coded language to Russian trolls to a White House that often aims to inflame rather than to heal. Increasingly, the information with which we construct our world views is segregated by social media stars and advertisers with murky motives to validate our worst impulses. As Picciolini demonstrates, our modern world systematically normalises extremism in such a way that we grow blind to it, only recognising it in the wake of tragedy. Drawing on profiles of extremists that he works to free from violent ideology and on his own painful history leading and then escaping from an infamous neo-Nazi group, Breaking Hate explains why terrorism and violence have come to characterise our daily lives and why that doesn't need to be the case.
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press Conrad in Italy
Conrad in Italy provides international students and researchers with a variety of critical approaches. Richard Ambrosini surveys Conrad's reception within the Italian academy. Franco Marenco's essay on "Heart of Darkness" outlines Conrad's centrality in English Modernism. Alessandro Serpieri deals with Conrad's impressionistic treatment of space in The Secret Agent and other texts. Giuseppe Sertoli focuses on Conrad's debt to the Comtesse de Boigne's Memoires and to James's Portrait of a Lady in the writing of Suspense. Fausto Ciompi investigates the isotopy of dream in Lord Jim and other early novels. Elio Di Piazza reads the The Mirror of the Sea as an inquiry into British and Russian empires. Maria Teresa Chialant's study of "Amy Foster" and "Tomorrow" accounts for the interest of Italian critics in Conrad's minor works. Francesco Marroni unfolds the moral structure of "The Secret Sharer". Nicoletta Vallorani tackles the theme of the double in "The Secret Sharer" from the perspective of the art of photography. Luisa Villa illuminates the complex structure of Chance in the light of Conrad's re-elaboration of the Victorian multi-plot novel. Mario Domenichelli proposes a reading of Conrad's cooperation with Ford. The Inheritors is the subject of Mario Curreli's essay on Conrad's debt to H.G. Wells, Zangwill, and Drumont, while it places the issue of fourth-dimension in the context of European colonialisms. Marialuisa Bignami's survey of Conrad's influence on Primo Levi and Marilena Saracino's intertextual analysis of "Heart of Darkness" and Luigi Guarneri's Tenebre sul Congo are two exercises in dialogic reading which confirm Conrad's well-established reception in Italian culture.
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Holly King: The thrilling new wartime fantasy adventure
'Fast-paced, entertainingly creepy, laugh-out-loud funny, and genuinely moving' Michelle Paver 'Full of magic and delight' Rowan Coleman ‘A darkly comic delight that makes you nostalgic for a simpler time when witches were kicking Hitler’s backside’ C. K. McDonnellThe Holly King is coming, and you’re on his list . . . It's December 1940, and Christmas has come to Woodville. Faye Bright is looking forward to a good old knees-up after a year of supernatural mayhem and Luftwaffe air raids, but it seems glad tidings are in short supply. Already contending with food rationing and sky-high beer prices, the village is upended by the arrival of the Holly King, an ancient power bent on reclaiming his woodland domain. No mortal magic can stand in his way. As the winter solstice draws in and the villagers fall under the Holly King’s spell, Faye, Bertie and the witches race to prevent his sinister Feast of Fools from reaching its deadly conclusion. But when terrible truths threaten to tear them apart, can they confront the mistakes of the past to save the village from destruction? Or has Woodville seen its last Christmas? ***For fans of Lev Grossman and Terry Pratchett comes the fourth novel in this delightful series of war, mystery and a little bit of magic . . . Don't miss the other magical books in the WITCHES OF WOODVILLE series!#1 The Crow Folk#2 Babes in the Wood#3 The Ghost of Ivy Barn
Oldcastle Books Ltd A Short History Of The Cathars
Catharism was the most successful heresy of the Middle Ages. Flourishing principally in the Languedoc and Italy, the Cathars taught that the world is evil and must be transcended through a simple life of prayer, work, fasting and non-violence. They believed themselves to be the heirs of the true heritage of Christianity going back to apostolic times, and completely rejected the Catholic Church and all its trappings, regarding it as the Church of Satan; Cathar services and ceremonies, by contrast, were held in fields, barns and in people's homes. Finding support from the nobility in the fractious political situation in southern France, the Cathars also found widespread popularity among peasants and artisans. And again unlike the Church, the Cathars respected women, and women played a major role in the movement. Alarmed at the success of Catharism, the Church founded the Inquisition and launched the Albigensian Crusade to exterminate the heresy. While previous Crusades had been directed against Muslims in the Middle East, the Albigensian Crusade was the first Crusade to be directed against fellow Christians, and was also the first European genocide. With the fall of the Cathar fortress of Montsegur in 1244, Catharism was largely obliterated, although the faith survived into the early fourteenth century. Today, the mystique surrounding the Cathars is as strong as ever, and Sean Martin recounts their story and the myths associated with them in this lively and gripping book.
Quarto Publishing PLC Hungry Heart: A Story of Food and Love: The Times Food Book of the Year
The Times Food Book of the Year. A soul-searching memoir for foodies everywhere. Let award-winning food writer Clare Finney take you on a passionate exploration of food and love. From family feasts to comfort food, first dates to office cake; how does what we eat define us, and the relationships we have with others? Finney investigates the role that food plays in modern society, exploring how eating unites us in varied ways throughout our lives. She discusses her own childhood spent in her grandmother’s hotel kitchen. She talks about the meals and recipes that have shaped the person she is today. Think of the dance of culinary courtship entailed in dating. Or the funeral foods that remind us of the connections between life and death, Finney examines the power of food and drink to attract, bind and define us—and of course, its power to divide and repel. In this insightful memoir, get access to: Fourteen easy-to-follow meaningful recipes A relatable exploration of what food means in life, love and beyond No-holds-barred look into the world of gastronomy and food writing Touching memories from Finney’s own childhood and life Packed with transformative stories from the heart, this book may just change your relationship with food, dining and mealtimes. At a time when our relationship towards what, when and where we eat has become increasingly complicated, Hungry Heart is a feast. It’s an honest, heart-warming account of humans breaking bread together and what that really means.
Karnac Books Beyond the Binary: Essays on Gender
The increase in the number of non-binary children and adults in our society raises important treatment questions as well as much controversy. It seems essential that analysts and candidates grapple with the challenges this change in society presents. As we struggle in our psychoanalytic societies to diversify our membership and broaden our understanding of difference, this collection offers an opportunity for further discussion and study of one of the most important issues of our time. The opening essay by editor Shari Thurer provides a clear overview of recent cultural changes and the evolution of thinking about gender identification by the American Psychoanalytic Association. Next is an autobiographical essay by long-term non-binary individual Robin Haas plus a clinical reflection on Haas’ contribution by Rita Teusch. A recent account of an individual becoming non-binary from Francesca Spence is followed by the reactions of their parents, L. Harry Spence and Robin Ely. After that are psychoanalytic thoughts about the body and gender by Malkah Notman and reflections on gender from Dan Jacobs. The book ends with an extensive bibliography on the subjects of transsexuality and non-binary gender by Oren Gozlan Beyond the Binary: Essays on Gender introduces readers to current ideas about gender fluidity and choice, as well as giving voice to those who have chosen to be non-binary. This is a must-read for all practising clinicians that will help broaden their perspective on this growing issue. This is the fourth publication sponsored by the Library Committee of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and the first published by Phoenix.
Hodder & Stoughton Assassin's Reign: Book 4 of The Civil War Chronicles
Assassin's Reign, the fourth in The Civil War Chronicles, Michael Arnold's acclaimed series of historical thrillers, sees battle-scarred hero Captain Stryker, 'the Sharpe of the Civil War', in the fight of his life.'Stands in comparison with the best of Cornwell' Yorkshire PostThe forces of King Charles are victorious; their Parliamentarian enemies in deep crisis. In the west, the crucial port city of Bristol has fallen, and Royalist eyes fall quickly upon neighbouring Gloucester. Its walls are weak, its garrison under strength, and its governor - Sir Edward Massie - suspected of harbouring sympathy for the King.Stryker and his men are with the army as it converges on Gloucester, still reeling from the loss of a close friend at the bloody Battle of Stratton. Ordered to infiltrate the rebel city on a mission to discover whether Massie will indeed surrender, Stryker reluctantly embarks upon his most desperate mission yet. But Gloucester's defenders are more resolute than any had imagined, and catastrophe soon befalls him. With his life seemingly forfeit, Stryker is spared by an unlikely saviour; Vincent Skaithlocke, his former commander. The mercenary has returned to England to fight for Parliament, and offers Stryker his protection. As old friends adjust to life fighting for opposing sides, Stryker begins to question his own loyalties . . . but a chance discovery makes him realise that all in Gloucester is not what it seems, for a hidden menace threatens his own life, and that of King Charles himself.
Quercus Publishing Float Up, Sing Down
From National Book Award Finalist Laird Hunt, a masterful collection of interwoven stories capturing one summer's day in Reagan-era Indiana.Candy Wilson has forgotten to buy the paprika. Turner Davis needs to get his zinnias in. Della Dorner told her mother she was going to Milky Freeze, but that's not where she's really headed on her new Schwinn five-speed.Float Up, Sing Down is the story of a single day. But in that day, how much teeming life! The residents of this rural town have their routines, their preferences, their joys, grudges, and regrets. The old-timers savor past triumphs, cast back to lives circumscribed and defined by the World Wars, wonder what might have been. Youngsters covet cars, karate moves, kissing; they writhe in the first blushes of love or pain or independence. Gossip is paramount. Lives are entwined. Retired sheriffs climb corn bins and muse on lost love, French teachers throw firecrackers out of barn windows, and teenagers borrow motorcycles to ride the back roads.Each of the fourteen stories of Float Up, Sing Down follows one character's 'day-in-the-life' in one of Hunt's most beloved and enduring landscapes. As the book unfolds these lives echo and glance off of one another with elegance and warmth, a tenderness born of strength. In the tradition of Willa Cather, Sherwood Anderson, Elizabeth Strout, and Edward P. Jones, this is a symphony of souls, a masterful portrait of both loneliness and community by one of our great limners of American experience.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd High Wood
Bois de Fourcaux, a luxuriant woodland covering 75 acres, set in the area of the battlefields of the Somme, dominates the surrounding landscape today, as it did in the summer of the year 1916. Known to the British Army as 'High Wood', the invading Germans had occupied the wood as it proved to be a natural field fortification and a menace that had to be neutralized if the British were to find a way forward in their attempts to breach the trench systems of the German Army and break out into the 'Green Fields Beyond'. This insightful publication will take the battlefield visitor, and also those who are unable to visit the site, on a journey through the history of the battles for High Wood and its environs. It covers the most significant dates in the British Army's struggle to eject the invader and the Germans determination to hold that which they considered to be their new National Frontier. This is the story of the largely amateur British Army of 1916. Lessons were learned in the roaring furnace of the Somme that would transform the fighting ability of the British irrevocably: High Wood was at the epicentre of that learning process.The book contains detailed maps from the time of the High Wood battles using the excellent British Trench maps and, importantly, an explanation on the use of the numbered grid system, which enables the visitor to locate, to within 5 yards, the site of an action that took place 100 years ago. Photographs are also included to enhance the visitor experience. Join us for the journey
Headline Publishing Group Grave of a Shetland Sailor: The Shetland Sailing Mysteries
The fourth book in Marsali Taylor's thrilling Shetland Sailing Mysteries series. Perfect for fans of Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, Val McDermid, Faith Martin, J.R. Ellis, LJ Ross and Ann Cleeves!'This series is a must-read for anyone who loves the sea, or islands, or joyous, intricate story-telling.' ANN CLEEVESSailing skipper and amateur detective Cass Lynch has been persuaded to spend a quiet Christmas in the Highlands with her former adversary, DI Gavin Macrae, but neither of them can dodge trouble for long. Their peaceful walk by the loch is interrupted when they discover a skeleton among the bracken. Back home in Shetland, Cass is drawn to the case of Ivor Hughson, who left his wife and failed business months ago and hasn't been heard of since. As she continues to ask questions about Hughson's disappearance, it becomes clear that someone will stop at nothing to cut Cass's investigation - and perhaps her life - short. Previously published as Body in the Bracken._____________________________PRAISE FOR THE CHILLINGLY ADDICTIVE, NAIL-BITING SERIES:'What can I say? Another great success... all the ingredients of a great thriller plus the added delights of a beautiful, historically interesting setting and sailing drama to add another dimension' 5* Reader review'...great characters good story, I got quite emotional in places. Couldn't put it down. Will certainly be recommending this book' 5* Reader review'I felt that the book was a true Whodunnit leaving good clues without being obvious' 5* Reader review'A great read putting the reader right there in the islands' 5* Reader review
Headline Publishing Group Blind Spot: A unputdownable new thriller to keep you reading all night!
'An endlessly ingenious writer of compelling, brilliantly crafted thrillers' Peter JamesNew York Times bestseller Brenda Novak's fourth novel in the Evelyn Talbot series sees the return of psychiatrist Dr Evelyn Talbot. When you're studying America's most terrifying psychopaths, can you ever really be safe? This is SILENCE OF THE LAMBS meets Karen Rose...SOMETIMES THE DARKEST DEEDS HAPPEN IN BROAD DAYLIGHT With her tortured past finally behind her - and her tormentor, Jasper Moore, locked up, where she can study him along with the other psychopaths at Hanover House - psychiatrist Evelyn Talbot is looking to the future. She's about to have a baby and marry her long-time love, Amarok, the only police presence in Hilltop, Alaska. But when she's snatched from her own driveway, she can only guess at who's taken her captive...and why. Struggling to survive in a tiny, airless cell, Evelyn is relying on Amarok to find her. But he won't have much to go on, a point that becomes even more alarming when her captor reveals a clue to the mastermind behind her abduction. Not only does she know him, she knows he has a particularly gruesome method of disabling his victims. So unless she manages to escape, neither she nor her baby will survive...Look for the other gripping novels in the Evelyn Talbot series - Her Darkest Nightmare, Hello Again, Face Off, and the prequel novella, Hanover House, available now.
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Informer
In 1988 IRA terrorist Sean O'Callaghan walked into a Tunbridge Wells police station and gave himself up. Two years later, in a Belfast courtroom, he pleaded guilty to all charges of which he was accused and received a sentence of 539 years. Since being a teenager he had been an active member of the IRA and had risen to be the head of their Southern Command. He was responsible for two murders and many terrorist attacks. He was a linchpin of the organization.But in 1996, he was released from prison by royal prerogative. For fourteen years he had been the most highly placed informer within the IRA and had fed the Irish Garda with countless pieces of invaluable information. He prevented the assassination of the Prince and Princess of Wales at a London theatre, he sabotaged operations, explained strategy and caused the arrests of many IRA members. He has done more than any individual to unlock the code of silence that governs the IRA's members, and has in effect made it possible to fight the war against the terrorists. Under constant threat of IRA revenge, he now works ceaselessly for peace in Ireland. As he says, 'I hope to use the time available to me now to tell the truth about the IRA. I will go on doing that for as long as it takes.The Informer is Sean O'Callaghan's story. It is the story of a courageous life lived under the constant threat of discovery and its fatal consequences. It is the story of a very modern hero, who is not without sin but who has done and is continuing to do everything in his power, and at whatever personal cost, to atone for the past.
Peeters Publishers Christian Identity Formation according to Cyril of Jerusalem: Sacramental Theosis as a Means of Constructing Relational Identity
This study is an exploration of how Cyril of Jerusalem constructed Christian identity for those who were preparing to enter into full communion with the church at Easter. In order to include the full catechetical teachings of the fourth-century hagiopolite tradition, the study examined the history of liturgy arguments against Cyrillian authorship of the Mystagogic Catecheses and has found, based upon the most recent scholarship, no reason to date the text to after Cyril’s bishopric. Having also used codicological and textual critical analysis to support the claim of Cyrillian authorship, the study argues for a different preferred manuscript tradition than what is presented in the critical edition. Since Cyril provided an identity-clarifying attribute for the new Christians to associate with each of the rites of initiation, the study looks at the scholarly literature regarding Cyril’s sacramental theology. Taking the Jerusalem catechetical writings as a pedagogical unit and examining it through word studies and flow-of-thought analysis, this study constructs a new model for Cyril’s sacramental theology based upon his doctrine of theosis, which has not been examined with sufficient academic rigor to date. It demonstrates that not only does Cyril have a fully-developed doctrine of theosis, but his expression of theosis is Trinitarian, sacramental, and inseparable from his ethical and identity forming teachings.
Jonglez Secret Provence
Let Secret Provence guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar. Step off the beaten track with this fascinating Provence guide book and let our local experts show you the well-hidden treasures of an amazing region. Ideal for local inhabitants, curious visitors and armchair travellers alike. The places included in our guides are unusual and unfamiliar, allowing one to step off the beaten track. Now in it's fourth edition, Secret Montreal features 200 secret and unusual locations. Inside Secret Provence : A statue of a pregnant Virgin Mary, an astronomical observatory in a former nuclear missile silo, a hotel room in a tree or a gypsy caravan, primitive Provencal artists, the mark of Christ's knee, a fountain that flows with wine, a caiman dedicated to the Virgin Mary, a church in a theatre, an erotic mediaeval bas relief, a countess who returned to life, a Provencal Villa Medicis, a false volcano at La Roquebrussane, a ""sheep bridge"" at Arles, a rain-making saint, an alchemist's garden, a magic palindrome at Oppede ... Don't miss - Each chapter of this Secret Provence corresponds to a different part of the region so that one can always find a hidden or secret place to discover. Perfectly planned walks - Make sure that you do not miss any Secret location, by discovering each one featured in this guide by planning a walking tour of each region.
Cornell University Press Capital and Countryside in Japan, 300–1180: Japanese Historians Interpreted in English
This volume, edited by Joan Piggott (University of Southern California, Los Angeles), includes fourteen essays, originally written in Japanese and here interpreted in English. It introduces readers to a broader array of historical and archaeological research on center-periphery relations than has ever before been available to English readers. Each essay has been translated, annotated, and introduced by a specialist who selected it for its invaluable contribution to his or her own work, and who here renders it into English for a non-specialist audience. The book features thirteen newly created maps, and also includes an exhaustive list of sources (including Chinese characters). Together with its readable and well-annotated text, extensive glossary, rich bibliography, and comprehensive index, these combined tools make for a valuable resource to scholars and students interested in premodern Japan. Researchers whose work has been interpreted include Tsude Hiroshi, Kobayashi Yukio, Hara Hidesaburō, Inoue Tatsuo, Takahashi Tomio, Takeda Sachiko, Hotate Michihisa, Morita Tei, Sasaki Muneo, Toda Yoshimi, Miyazaki Yasumitsu, Motoki Yasuo, Ishimoda Shō, and Koyama Yasunori. Scholar-interpreters include Mikael Adolphson, Michiko Aoki, Bruce Batten, Walter Edwards, Karl Friday, Jan Goodwin, Gustav Heldt, and Joan Piggott.
Simon & Schuster As the Falcon Flies
Frank and Joe circle a new case in the wilds of Alaska in the twenty-fourth book in the thrilling Hardy Boys Adventures series.Frank and Joe Hardy are excited when their parents’ friends, the Adenshaws, invite them to come visit their home in Alaska. The brothers will have the perfect guide to explore the beautiful landscape the area is known for—their hosts’ daughter, Kate. During the visit, Kate introduces the Hardys to her beloved peregrine falcon. There’s a major falconry competition coming up in the United Arab Emirates, and even though Kate can’t compete, she—like so many others in the falconry world—is eagerly looking forward to the event, which has millions riding on it. One California falconer even offered to buy Kate’s falcon so he could enter it in the contest. When Kate’s peregrine goes missing, it looks like the Californian or someone else may have turned criminal in their ruthless desire to win. Kate is devastated, and the Hardy boys have to figure out if her falcon could have flown off…or if it was stolen. Frank and Joe may not know much about birds of prey, but they do know how to solve a mystery. But can they soar to success?
American Psychological Association Methodological Issues and Strategies in Clinical Research
This fourth edition of Alan E. Kazdin’s classic text is, like its predecessors, intended to help students and professionals alike master a wide range of methodological approaches to examining clinical issues and phenomena. The goal is to help the reader design, conduct, recognize, and appreciate high quality research, and recognize the implications of crucial decisions about methodology and design. Articles cover a comprehensive array of topics, including experimental design; the principles, procedures, and practices that govern research; assessment of study constructs and their interrelationships; potential sources of artifact and bias; methods of data analysis and interpretation; ethical issues; and the nuts and bolts of writing research articles and getting published. With 26 new articles and significantly revised and expanded introductory material, this revamped edition features scholarly contributions that explicate core concepts, survey contemporary issues in research, and examine ethical responsibilities toward both research participants and science itself. New additions include articles on translational and qualitative research, advances in data collection methods such as Amazon’s Mechanical Turk service and obtaining client feedback in psychotherapy, advances in mathematical and statistical modeling including single-case interventions, and new chapters addressing questionable research practices and fraud.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients
Since publication of the first edition in 1971, Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients has remained the standard reference for flavor ingredients throughout the world. Each subsequent edition has listed more flavor ingredients and allied substances, including those conferred food additive status, substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by qualified scientists (including the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers’ Association Expert Panel) and those substances having undergone GRAS Notification with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). New in the Sixth Edition 200+ newly approved flavor ingredients Ingredient’s safety standing with the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers’ Association and/or the FDA Extensive and expanded information on aroma and taste thresholds Updated regulatory information on each flavor ingredient New discussion on botanical substances that serve as flavoring ingredients The fourth and fifth editions added more than 300 new entries and represented a total reorganization and updating of the text, consistent with new data and regulations. This, the sixth edition, is likewise expanded with over 200 new entries, including many botanicals and other natural substances. The addition of botanicals is a response to an expanded readership with an interest in dietary supplements, in which a number of flavoring botanicals serve a dual role.
New York University Press Virtue: Nomos XXXIV
In the United States, there exists increasing uneasiness about the predominance of self-interest in both public and private life, growing fear about the fragmentation and privatization of American society, mounting concerns about the effects of institutionsranging from families to schools to the mediaon the character of young people, and a renewed tendency to believe that without certain traditional virtues neither public leaders nor public policies are likely to succeed. In this thirty-fourth volume in The American Society of Legal and Political Philosophy, a distinguished group of international scholars from a range of disciplines examines what is meant by virtue, analyzing various historical and analytical meanings of virtue, notions of liberal virtue, civic virtue, and judicial virtue, and the nature of secular and theological virtue. The contributors include: Jean Baechler (University of Paris-Sorbonne), Annette C. Baier (University of Pittsburgh), Ronald Beiner (University of Toronto), Christopher J. Berry (University of Glasgow), J. Budziszweski (University of Texas), Charles Larmore (Columbia University), David Luban (University of Maryland), Stephen Macedo (Harvard University), Michael J. Perry (Northwestern University), Terry Pinkard (Georgetown University), Jonathan Riley (Tulane University), George Sher (University of Vermont), Judith N. Shklar (Harvard University), Rogers M. Smith (Yale University), David A. Strauss (University of Chicago), and Joan C. Williams (American University).
Princeton University Press Roman de la Rose: A Study in Allegory and Iconography
Since the Roman de la Rose had tremendous influence on the poetry of the fourteenth century, particularly on the works of Deschamps, Machaut, Froissart, and Chaucer, Professor Fleming maintains that it is important for the modern reader to understand what this influential moral satire meant to readers of the medieval period. Basing his interpretation in part on iconographic analysis of the illuminations found in more than one hundred manuscript copies of the poem, he advances a "medieval" reading of the poem. Other tools used by Mr. Fleming to get at the meaning of the poem include a study of the mythographic tradition, a logical and rhetorical analysis of the text, and an examination of formal exegetical documents of the late Middle Ages, especially the Old French commentary on the Echecs Amoureux. Originally published in 1969. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Harvard University Press The Greek Anthology, Volume V: Book 13: Epigrams in Various Metres. Book 14: Arithmetical Problems, Riddles, Oracles. Book 15: Miscellanea. Book 16: Epigrams of the Planudean Anthology Not in the Palatine Manuscript
A gathering of poetic blossoms.The Greek Anthology (literally, “Gathering of Flowers”) is the name given to a collection of about 4500 short Greek poems (called epigrams but usually not epigrammatic) by about 300 composers. To the collection (called Stephanus, literally, “wreath” or “garland”) made and contributed to by Meleager of Gadara (1st century BC) was added another by Philippus of Thessalonica (late 1st century AD), a third by Diogenianus (2nd century), and much later a fourth, called the Circle, by Agathias of Myrina. These (lost) and others (also lost) were partly incorporated, arranged according to contents, by Constantinus Cephalas (early 10th century?) into fifteen books now preserved in a single manuscript of the Palatine Library at Heidelberg. The grand collection was rearranged and revised by the monk Maximus Planudes (14th century) who also added epigrams lost from Cephalas’ compilation.The fifteen books of the Palatine Anthology are: I, Christian Epigrams; II, Descriptions of Statues; III, Inscriptions in a temple at Cyzicus; IV, Prefaces of Meleager, Philippus, and Agathias; V, Amatory Epigrams; VI, Dedicatory; VII, Sepulchral; VIII, Epigrams of St. Gregory; IX, Declamatory; X, Hortatory and Admonitory; XI, Convivial and Satirical; XII, Strato’s “Musa Puerilis”; XIII, Metrical curiosities; XIV, Problems, Riddles, and Oracles; XV, Miscellanies. Book XVI is the Planudean Appendix: Epigrams on works of art.Outstanding among the poets are Meleager, Antipater of Sidon, Crinagoras, Palladas, Agathias, Paulus Silentiarius.
Harvard University Press The Greek Anthology, Volume III: Book 9: The Declamatory Epigrams
A gathering of poetic blossoms.The Greek Anthology (literally, “Gathering of Flowers”) is the name given to a collection of about 4500 short Greek poems (called epigrams but usually not epigrammatic) by about 300 composers. To the collection (called Stephanus, literally, “wreath” or “garland”) made and contributed to by Meleager of Gadara (1st century BC) was added another by Philippus of Thessalonica (late 1st century AD), a third by Diogenianus (2nd century), and much later a fourth, called the Circle, by Agathias of Myrina. These (lost) and others (also lost) were partly incorporated, arranged according to contents, by Constantinus Cephalas (early 10th century?) into fifteen books now preserved in a single manuscript of the Palatine Library at Heidelberg. The grand collection was rearranged and revised by the monk Maximus Planudes (14th century) who also added epigrams lost from Cephalas’ compilation.The fifteen books of the Palatine Anthology are: I, Christian Epigrams; II, Descriptions of Statues; III, Inscriptions in a temple at Cyzicus; IV, Prefaces of Meleager, Philippus, and Agathias; V, Amatory Epigrams; VI, Dedicatory; VII, Sepulchral; VIII, Epigrams of St. Gregory; IX, Declamatory; X, Hortatory and Admonitory; XI, Convivial and Satirical; XII, Strato’s “Musa Puerilis”; XIII, Metrical curiosities; XIV, Problems, Riddles, and Oracles; XV, Miscellanies. Book XVI is the Planudean Appendix: Epigrams on works of art.Outstanding among the poets are Meleager, Antipater of Sidon, Crinagoras, Palladas, Agathias, Paulus Silentiarius.
The University of Chicago Press Posterity: Inventing Tradition from Petrarch to Gramsci
Reading a range of Italian works, Rubini considers the active transmittal of traditions through generations of writers and thinkers. Rocco Rubini studies the motives and literary forms in the making of a “tradition,” not understood narrowly, as the conservative, stubborn preservation of received conventions, values, and institutions, but instead as the deliberate effort on the part of writers to transmit a reformulated past across generations. Leveraging Italian thinkers from Petrarch to Gramsci, with stops at prominent humanists in between—including Giambattista Vico, Carlo Goldoni, Francesco De Sanctis, and Benedetto Croce—Rubini gives us an innovative lens through which to view an Italian intellectual tradition that is at once premodern and modern, a legacy that does not depend on a date or a single masterpiece, but instead requires the reader to parse an expanse of writings to uncover deeper transhistorical continuities that span six hundred years. Whether reading work from the fourteenth century, or from the 1930s, Rubini elucidates the interplay of creation and the reception underlying the enactment of tradition, the practice of retrieving and conserving, and the revivification of shared themes and intentions that connect thinkers across time. Building on his award-winning book, The Other Renaissance, this will prove a valuable contribution for intellectual historians, literary scholars, and those invested in the continuing humanist legacy.
Jolly Learning Ltd Jolly Phonics Readers Level 4, Our World, Complete Set: In Precursive Letters (British English edition)
Jolly Phonics Our World nonfiction readers are fully decodable books for new readers. They have a very carefully controlled vocabulary and are specifically designed for children who are learning to read and write with Jolly Phonics. • The text in these Blue Level Books (fourth level) uses only decodable regular words that use the letter-sound knowledge taught so far: the 42 main letter sounds and the main alternative letter-sound spellings (‹y› as in happy, the ‘hop-over ‹e›’ spellings of the long vowel sounds, ‹ay› as in day, ‹ea› as in seat, ‹y› and ‹igh› as in fly and high, ‹ow› as in low and now, ‹ew› as in dew, ‹oy› as in joy, ‹ir› and ‹ur› as in bird and turn, and ‹al›, ‹au› and ‹aw› as in talk, pause and saw) and a small number of tricky words (frequently used words that are not fully decodable at this stage). • All new tricky words and alternative vowel spellings used are shown on the front inside cover. These can be used as a quick practice activity before starting the book. • Faint type is used for silent letters, like the ‹b› in lamb. • Comprehension questions and discussion topics are included at the end of the book. These ensure that children are not only able to read the text, but also get meaning from it.
Medieval Institute Publications Three Purgatory Poems: The Gast of Gy, Sir Owain, The Vision of Tundale
Though our modern understanding of the medieval doctrine of Purgatory is generally shaped by its presentation by Dante in the Divine Comedy, there is a lengthy history of speculation about the nature of such a place of purgation. Through these fourteenth-century Middle English poems, readers can experience something of the controversies that surfaced and resurfaced even after Aquinas had articulated his doctrine of the Communion of Saints. The Gast of Gy, as Foster notes, puts a human face on the doctrine of Purgatory, not only in the amiable, logical, and patient person of the Gast of Gy himself, . . . but also in the careful and cautious dialogue between the Gast and the Pryor who questions him. Sir Owain and The Vision of Tundale present two accounts of the purgatorial journeys of living individuals who are offered a chance to see the torments they have brought upon themselves by their less-than-perfect lives along with the opportunity to return and amend those lives. All three poems were quite popular, as was the doctrine of Purgatory itself. And why not? As Foster notes in his general introduction, it the doctrine of Purgatory had everything: adventure and adversity, suffering and excitement, and, most importantly, a profound theological warning wrapped in the joyful solace of communion with the departed and hope for our own sinful selves.
Milkweed Editions A Song from Faraway: A Novel
In this, his fourth work of fiction, Béchard takes readers from nineteenth-century Prince Edward Island to modern-day Iraq, tracing the story of a North American family that is at once singular and emblematic, and exploring the cultural repercussions of war and violence. Reinventing themselves in often unexpected ways, the characters in this tapestry defy simplification. A pair of half-brothers come together and drift apart, one passive and risk-averse, the other driven by a passionate desire to understand their reclusive father. A student of Mesopotamian archaeology encounters a young Iraqi man and soon finds himself in Kurdistan, researching stolen artifacts along with mysteries in his father’s past. An Irish-Acadian soldier carries his fiddle and folk song across the battlefields of the First World War. An orphan-turned-assassin pursues his target across the deserts of Mexico and Texas, using a novel as evidence for his location. Growing together and then apart, these and others chase their dreams and run from their nightmares, hungry for life and longing for purpose. Animated throughout by a striking beauty and ferocity, A Song from Faraway pieces together “stories we tell about ourselves,” illuminating the human condition and our times.
University of Nebraska Press A Different Trek: Radical Geographies of Deep Space Nine
A different kind of Star Trek television series debuted in 1993. Deep Space Nine was set not on a starship but a space station near a postcolonial planet still reeling from a genocidal occupation. The crew was led by a reluctant Black American commander and an extraterrestrial first officer who had until recently been an anticolonial revolutionary. DS9 extended Star Trek’s tradition of critical social commentary but did so by transgressing many of Star Trek’s previous taboos, including religion, money, eugenics, and interpersonal conflict. DS9 imagined a twenty-fourth century that was less a glitzy utopia than a critical mirror of contemporary U.S. racism, capitalism, imperialism, and heteropatriarchy. Thirty years after its premiere, DS9 is beloved by critics and fans but remains marginalized in scholarly studies of science fiction. Drawing on cultural geography, Black studies, and feminist and queer studies, A Different “Trek” is the first scholarly monograph dedicated to a critical interpretation of DS9’s allegorical world-building. If DS9 has been vindicated aesthetically, this book argues that its prophetic, place-based critiques of 1990s U.S. politics, which deepened the foundations of many of our current crises, have been vindicated politically, to a degree most scholars and even many fans have yet to fully appreciate.
Penguin Books Ltd Liar Liar: DI Helen Grace 4
THE CHILLING FOURTH NOVEL IN THE BESTSELLING DI HELEN GRACE SERIES'Helen Grace is one of the greatest heroes to come along in years' JEFFERY DEAVER___________In the dead of night, three raging fires light up the city skies. It's more than a tragic coincidence. For DI Helen Grace the flames announce the arrival of an evil she has never encountered before.Because this is no firestarter seeking sick thrills, but something more chilling: a series of careful, calculating acts of murder.But why were the victims chosen? What's driving the killer? And who will be next?A powder keg of fear, suspicion and dread has been laid. Now all it needs is a spark to set it off . . .___________PRAISE FOR M.J. ARLIDGE:'The new Jo Nesbo' JUDY FINNIGAN'Fast paced and nailbitingly tense . . . Gripping' SUN'DI Helen Grace is a genuinely fresh heroine . . . MJ Arlidge weaves together a tapestry that chills to the bone' DAILY MAIL'Chilling stuff' FABULIST'A chilling read' MY WEEKLY'A grisly, gripping thriller' SUNDAY MIRROR'Mesmerizing!' LISA GARDNER 'Expertly pulled off. DI Helen Grace is fiendishly awesome. It's scary as all hell. And it has a full cast of realistically drawn, interesting characters that make the thing read like a bullet' WILL LAVENDER'A fast-paced, twisting police procedural and thriller that's sure to become another bestseller' HUFFINGTON POST
Permuted Press A Few Bad Men: The True Story of U.S. Marines Ambushed in Afghanistan and Betrayed in America
A Few Bad Men is the incredible true story of an elite team of U.S. Marines set up to take the fall for Afghanistan war crimes they did not commit—and their leader who fought for the redemption of his men.Ambushed in Afghanistan and betrayed by their own leaders—these elite Marines fought for their lives again, back home. A cross between A Few Good Men and American Sniper, this is the true story of an elite Marine special operations unit bombed by an IED and shot at during an Afghanistan ambush. The Marine Commandos were falsely accused of gunning down innocent Afghan civilians following the ambush. The unit’s leader, Maj. Fred Galvin, was summarily relieved of duty and his unit was booted from the combat zone. They were condemned by everyone, from the Afghan president to American generals. When Fox Company returned to America, Galvin and his captain were the targets of the first Court of Inquiry in the Marines in fifty years. “Fred Galvin is the real deal. His dramatic retelling of his experience as commander of Fox Company reads like a thriller, full of twists and turns, filled with unassuming heroes and deceitful villains.” — Rob Lorenz, Producer/Director, American Sniper, Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Mystic River, The Marksman “Fred Galvin has written a real ‘page turner’ that demonstrates how politics permeates The Pentagon and posts abroad…I highly recommend this book.” — J.D. Hayworth, U.S. House of Representatives (Arizona), TV/Radio Host “This book is a must-read for every American who wants to know why, after twenty long years in Afghanistan, we did not win.” — Jessie Jane Duff, USMC, Analyst, CNN and FOX “A Few Bad Men is a must-read story of valor, betrayal, and keeping the Marines’ honor clean.” — Jed Babbin, USAF Judge Advocate, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Journalist, National Review, Washington Post “An incredible account and history of the fighting spirit of the ‘Marine Raiders’ under fire and the relentless fourteen-year campaign by their leader to clear their names.” — Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, U.S. Army (Ret.), Deputy Commander, U.S. Pacific Command
Faber & Faber Enough: Scenes from Childhood
'Stephen Hough's memoir had me gripped from the beginning . . . riveting and revelatory. Most memoirs give me far more than I want to know - this is the rare sort that left me urgently demanding a second volume, a third, a fourth. I loved it.' Philip Pullman Stephen Hough is indisputably one of the world's leading pianists, winning global acclaim and numerous awards.This memoir recounts his unconventional coming-of-age story, from his beginnings in an unmusical home in Cheshireto the main stage of Carnegie Hall in New York aged 21. We read of his early love-affair with the piano which curdled, after a teenage nervous breakdown, into failure at school and six-hours a day watching television, engulfed in dreams, seesawing between sexual and religious obsessions.We meet his supportive, if eccentric parents - his artistically frustrated father, his housework-hating mother. We read of the teachers who encouraged and inspired, and others who hit him on the head screaming, "you'll do nothing with your life". Then finding his way back to the piano, having abandoned plans for an alternative life as a Catholic priest, he flourished at the Royal Northern College of Music and the Juilliard School, beginning his career as an international soloist as this book ends.
Carcanet Press Ltd Yellow Studio
"Yellow Studio", Stephen Romer's fourth book of poems, is furnished with the poems of that middle of the life where amorous bewilderment, rueful satire and the bitter-sweet memory conduct their urgent dialogue. Exploring the mystifying link between sacred and erotic love, Romer identifies the source of art itself, a place of creation and refuge, the yellow studio of the title poem. It is the lighted room of childhood, a vulnerable private place the adult tries to recreate. Formal acts of remembrance are attempts to identify what lies ahead as much as to preserve the shadows. Here Romer, with innocence and urbanity, takes stock of past and future.
Medieval Institute Publications Wynnere and Wastoure and The Parlement of the Thre Ages
This edition contains two poems valuable to the study of satire of social abuses in the fourteenth century: Wynnere and Wastoure and The Parlement of the Thre Ages. Both combine two genres of medieval poetry: dream visions and poetic debates. As the editor observes, the poem's perspectives are truly dizzying: on the one hand, economics, politics, ethics and social relations are seen as an interrelated set of universal, timeless principles; on the other, they appear as actual, contingent conditions that have resulted from specific acts in history. The editions include notes, glosses, an introduction, and a glossary, making them accessible to beginning and advanced students in Middle English alike.
Saqi Books Insomnia
An elusive Japanese girl leads a teenage boy into a world of passion and conflict; in Andalusia, a man talks to his painter friend about longing and belonging; a translator finds himself drawn into the personal and political turmoil of the poet he translates; a woman's quiet world is eroded by the onset of war and the movement for independence and nationhood. In his fourth collection, Aamer Hussein charts the geographies of leave-taking and homecoming, the consolations and rivalries of friendship, the yearnings of adolescence, and maturity's tentative acceptance of longing. Moving from Karachi to England, through India, Java, Italy and Spain, these exquisite stories engage with the grand narratives of our time.
Archaeopress The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills
Outside the north gate of Venta Belgarum, Roman Winchester, a great cemetary stretched for 500 yards along the road to Cirencester. Excavations at Lankhills from 1967 to 1972 uncovered 451 graves, many elaborately furnished, at the northern limits of this cemetery, and dating from the fourth century A.D. This book, the second in a two-part study of Venta Belgarum, which forms the third volume of Winchester Studies, describes the excavations of these burials and analyses in detail both the graves and their contents. There are detailed studies and important re-assessments of many categories of object, but it is the information about late Roman burial, religion, and society which is of special interest.
Harvard Business Review Press Making Strategy Work
The Lessons Learned Series Wondering how the most accomplished leaders from around the globe have tackled their toughest challenges? Now you can find out--with Lessons Learned. Concise and engaging, each volume in this new series offers twelve to fourteen insightful essays by top leaders in business, the public sector, and academia on the most pressing issues they've faced. A crucial resource for today's busy executive, Lessons Learned gives you instant access to the wisdom and expertise of the world's most talented leaders. Featuring interviews with: Sir Martin Sorrell, WPP Ken Freeman, KKR Stuart Grief, Textron Michael Dell, Dell
St Martin's Press Science Comics: Trees: Kings of the Forest
very volume of Science Comics offers a complete introduction to a particular topic—dinosaurs, coral reefs, the solar system, volcanoes, bats, flying machines, and many more. These gorgeously illustrated graphic novels offer wildly entertaining views of their subjects. Whether you're a fourth grader doing a natural science unit at school or a thirty-year-old with a secret passion for airplanes, these books are for you! This volume: In Trees we follow an acorn as it learns about its future as Earth's largest, longest-living plant. Starting with the seed's germination, we learn about each stage until the tree's maturation, different types of trees, and the roles trees take on in our ecosystem.
Michigan State University Press Mes Confitures: The Jams and Jellies of Christine Ferber
Ferber is a fourth-generation French patissiere whose speciality is her unusual, delicious jams and jellies, which have gained an international following among chefs and other gourmands. This book, a best-seller in France, presents dozens of recipes, organised by season, for preserves from Black Cherry with Pinot Noir to Greengage and Mirabelle Plum with Mint; a number of them include chocolate, not a standard addition. Few of the recipes include headnotes, although translator's notes identify the more exotic ingredients; instructions are on the brief side. However, any jam maker will find Ferber's book fascinating. Recommended for all canning and preserving collections.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Magic's Most Wanted
Magic is closer than you ever thought possible in this madcap middle grade adventure perfect for fans of James Riley and Chris Grabenstein. For Mason Mortimer Morrison, life isn’t so magical. His dad was just sent to jail, his grades have been plummeting from meh to yikes, and, oh yeah, two officers from some organization called Magix just showed up to arrest him in the middle of fourth period. Talk about bad luck. Mason knows he’s innocent. But in order to clear his name, he’s going to need the help of a plucky Magix junior detective and a cantankerous talking bunny—and a little bit of magic.
Roaring Brook Press Science Comics: Rockets: Defying Gravity
Every volume of Science Comics offers a complete introduction to a particular topic—dinosaurs, coral reefs, the solar system, volcanoes, bats, flying machines, and many more. These gorgeously illustrated graphic novels offer wildly entertaining views of their subjects. Whether you're a fourth grader doing a natural science unit at school or a thirty-year-old with a secret passion for airplanes, these books are for you! This volume: In Rockets we explore the 2,000 years that rockets have been in existence. We dive into Newton's Laws of Motion—learning all about gravity, force, acceleration, and the history of rockets made in the past and rockets to be made in the future!
Hachette Children's Group King Flashypants and the Boo-Hoo Witches: Book 4
"Kids everywhere will love this brilliant book!" MATT LUCAS"Brilliantly original and hilarious. It's nearly as good as one of my books." DAVID WALLIAMS"Two words - such fun!" MIRANDA HART"Beautiful, inventive and laugh-out-loud funny." SUE PERKINSGreat to read aloud with children of 5+ and perfect for newly independent readers of 7+.King Edwin Flashypants is back for his fourth hilarious adventure! Minister Jill has a secret. And it's something to do with the weird meadow in Edwinland. King Edwin always thought Minister Jill was a bit boring, like most grown-ups, but when she is kidnapped, he realises that her past might actually be very exciting indeed ...