Search results for ""Author Four"
Merrell Publishers Ltd Metroburbia: The Anatomy of Greater London
London's suburbs are home to many thousands of people who travel into the centre every day to work, but they also house many thousands who rarely find a reason to do so. They contain all the essential infrastructure for the city, too, including airports, offices, shopping centre, factories and warehouses. Outer London is therefore both metropolitan and suburban at the same time - it is Metroburbia. In this book Paul Knox examines the architectural history and development of London's suburbs, and celebrates their surprising variety and organized structure, refuting the common claim that they are monotonous or amorphous. The first chapter, The Foundations of Metroburbia, explains the foundation and development of Metroburbia and looks at how topography and geology influenced the siting of the villages that would become part of Greater London. The River Thames, of course, is one of London's most important and well-known structural elements, and in this chapter Knox examines how its meanders and bends have produced distinct patterns of settlement and development. He also describes in detail the seven distinctive sectors of London, which are (running clockwise from the west) the Thames Valley, Northwest London, North London, the Lea Valley, Northeast London, the Thames Estuary and South London. Finally, he looks at how early settlements, country estates and royal palaces shaped Metroburbia, and how the increase in roads and industry consolidated the development of what would become suburbia. Chapter 2, Pattern-book London, looks at Victorian and Edwardian suburbs - the first developments to be given that name. The building booms and their effect on employment in the city, and the difference in style and purpose between the various suburbs, are discussed, and Knox also examines the effects of immigration and industrialization on the city's housing requirements. He also describes the genesis of the parks, cemeteries and garden villages that now provide such valuable green space for Londoners, and the creation of the impressive industrial, civic and institutional buildings that are still striking parts of the city's infrastructure. Chapter 3, Inter-war Suburbia: Metro-Land and the Universal Plan, describes the acceleration of building projects between the wars and the beginning of the transition from Edwardian society to the modern welfare state. The term 'Metro-Land', introduced by the Metropolitan Railway Company in the early twentieth century, gives the chapter its title, and describes the expansion of residential London along the route of the Underground lines into Buckinghamshire. The effect of widespread car ownership is discussed, and the various housing styles - Stockbroker Tudor, Suburban Moderne, the mansion block, and so on - are described. The fourth chapter, Secular Reformation and Modernism, covers the thirty years from the end of the Second World War, during which time the welfare state brought about radical changes to life in London and the architecture of the city. Chapter 5, Counter-Reformation, describes the changes wrought on the country by the new neo-liberal agenda, as the welfare state was overtaken by a market-driven economy that fostered free-for-all development. By this time Metroburbia had spread outwards to incorporate Chelmsford, Southend-on-Sea, Maidstone, Guildford, Reading and Luton. This was an era of radical new infrastructure projects - from the rise of the suburban shopping centre to the construction of the new Thames Barrier - and huge increases in house prices. The regeneration of the Isle of Dogs into the Docklands commercial area is one of the most high-profile developments of the era, but infill house-building and small-scale environmental developments were also produced, and social housing regenerated. Finally, the last chapter, Megapolitan Futures, explores the various theories about the capital's future and conjectures about the shape of the city in the twenty-first century.
Peeters Publishers Métaphysique et connaissance testimoniale: Une lecture figurale du Super Iohannem (Jn 1, 7) d'Albert le Grand
Cet essai vise à mettre au jour le mode de connaissance du principe qu’Albert le Grand déploie, dans son commentaire johannique, comme réponse à l’aporie des philosophes. Il formule celle-ci à propos du verset Jn 1, 7: «Et, bien qu’en elle-même elle soit très manifeste, cependant, notre intellect est, par rapport à elle, comme les yeux de la chauve-souris par rapport à la lumière du soleil». C’est à partir de la notion de témoignage, dans laquelle il reconnaît la structure même de l’Évangile de Jean, que le maître de Cologne développe la connaissance testimoniale comme voie vers le principe, alternative à la métaphysique. Cette enquête procède à partir des questions suivantes. Du point de vue noétique, comment Albert de Cologne réélabore-t-il la notion de médiation à l’œuvre dans le modèle péripatéticien qui propose de parvenir au principe selon la gradation des sciences physique, mathématique et métaphysique? Il reconnaît, dans la connaissance testimoniale et dans la métaphysique, l’homologie structurelle de la manuduction: toutes deux commencent par les données des sens et de l’imagination qui conduisent l’intellect «par la main» vers le principe divin. Du point de vue anthropologique, en quoi la connaissance testimoniale constitue-t-elle le mode de connaissance du principe adapté à l’intellect humain en tant qu’il est conjoint aux sens et à l’imagination, et non pas en tant qu’il en est séparé? C’est en ce qu’elle s’adresse à l’intellect humain, en tant qu’il est humain, que la connaissance testimoniale diffère de la métaphysique. Elle demeure dans le milieu, ou la médiation, des images. Du point de vue herméneutique, le Docteur universel nomme intelligentia figuralis le mode d’interprétation spécifique des images du principe. S’agit-il d’un art ou d’une science? Du point de vue métaphysique, en érigeant la notion de témoignage en point focal de sa lecture du quatrième évangile, Maître Albert élabore de manière spécifique le concept de médiation dans le contexte johannique. Comment se caractérise cette spécificité par rapport à ce qu’il développe dans ses commentaires aristotéliciens et dionysiens, notamment? En retour, la notion johannique de témoignage est radicalement réinterprétée à la lumière de la théorie cosmologique gréco-arabe de la médiation qu’est le vase de lumière. Qu’en ressort-il quant à la lecture albertienne de l’Évangile de Jean? Le bénéfice de cet essai philosophique consiste à étudier la notion de médiation à partir d’une micro-lecture du verset Jn 1, 7, en mettant en lumière le réseau textuel auquel elle appartient ainsi que la manière transversale dont cette notion circule dans toute l’œuvre d’Albert le Grand – dans le corpus aristotélicien, dionysien, scripturaire – et dans tous les champs de sa pensée – métaphysique, théologique, ontologique, noétique, physique, cosmologique, biologique, minéralogique... This essay sheds light on how Albert the Great in his Johannine commentary unfolds his response to various aporia of philosophers on knowing the principle, drawing on John 1:7 (‘And, although in itself, it is very manifest, yet our intellect is, in relation to it, like the bat’s eyes in relation to the sunlight’). On the basis of the notion of witness, in which he recognizes the very structure of the Gospel of John, the Master of Cologne develops testimonial knowledge as a way to the principle, an alternative to metaphysics. From the noetic point of view, this essay asks how Albert of Cologne redefines the notion of mediation at work in the peripatetic model according to physical, mathematical and metaphysical sciences. Albert recognizes in testimonial knowledge and metaphysics the structural homology of manuduction: both begin with the data of the senses and the imagination that lead the intellect ‘by the hand’ towards the divine principle. How from an anthropological point of view does testimonial knowledge constitute the mode of knowledge of the principle that is adapted to the human intellect as it is joint to the senses and to imagination? Testimonial knowledge differs from metaphysical knowledge insofar as it is addressed to the human intellect. It remains in the realm of mediation and images. How from a hermeneutical point of view, the Doctor universalis calls intelligentia figuralis the specific method of interpreting images of the principle. Is it an art or a science? By making the notion of testimony a focal point in his reading of the fourth gospel, Master Albert elaborates in a specific way the concept of mediation in the Johannine context. How is this specificity characterized compared to what he develops in his comments on Aristotelian and Dionysian thinking? On the other hand, the Johannine notion of testimony is radically reinterpreted in the light of the vase of light, a Greco-Arabic cosmological theory of mediation. This philosophical essay studies the notion of mediation from a micro-reading of John 1:7, highlighting the textual network to which it belongs, as well as the transversal way in which this notion circulates throughout Albert’s work – in the Aristotelian, Dionysian, and scriptural corpus – and in all the fields of his thought – metaphysics, theology, ontology, noesis, physics, cosmology, biology, mineralogy...
Springer Verlag, Singapore Report on China Smart Education 2022: Digital Transformation of Chinese Education Towards Smart Education
This book aims to reflect the digital transformation of Chinese education toward smart education comprehensively and accurately. It is the first systematic summary of the progress of smart education in China. The book believes that smart education is a new education form in the digital era and is essentially distinct from education forms in the industrial era. This new education form is innovative in five dimensions. First is the new core concept. Smart education is not only a concrete action concerning people’s well-being, but also a vital strategy concerning national plans. Through technology empowerment and data drive, it empowers educational reform in all aspects, systematically constructs a new relationship between education and society, provides suitable education for each learner, and makes the aptitude-based teaching that we have been dreaming of for thousands of years a reality. For the first time in history, smart education helps to reach the full alignment between individual development and societal development. Second is the new system structure. Smart education will break through the boundaries of school education, drive the diversified combination of various education types, resources, and elements, promote the collaboration of school, family, and society in education, and build a high-quality, individualized lifelong learning system that is available for anyone anywhere anytime. Third is the new teaching paradigm. Smart education will integrate physical, social, and digital spaces to create new learning scenarios and promote human–technology integration, and cultivate cross-grade, cross-class, and cross-discipline learning communities across time and space to organically combine large-scale education with individualized cultivation. Fourth is the new educational content. Smart education will focus on developing all-round education, establishing digital knowledge graphs based on systematic logics of knowledge points, and innovating content presentation methods to make learning a wonderful experience and help learners develop higher-order thinking skills, comprehensive innovation capability, and lifelong learning ability. Fifth is the new education governance. With data governance at the core and digital intelligence technology as the driver, smart education will boost the holistic reengineering of education administration and business processes and enhance the modernization of the education governance system and governance capacity. This book is intended for teachers, education administrators, education policymakers, education researchers, and parents concerned about education innovation and development, as well as people from all walks of life who have aspirations for the education industry. It can also serve as a reference for international organizations and education research institutions of all countries to promote the joint exploration of the development path of smart education and create a better future for the world’s mutual development through educational reform.
Prototype Publishing Ltd. PROTOTYPE 4
The fourth instalment of Prototype’s annual anthology: a space for new work, open to all and free from formal guidelines or restrictions. Poetry, prose, visual work and experiments in between.Including contributions by ajw, Sascha Akhtar, Chiara Ambrosio, Charlie Baylis, Jack Barker-Clark, Natalie Linh Bolderston, Jo Burns, Nancy Campbell, J. R. Carpenter, Joe Carrick-Varty, Robert Casselton Clark, Rory Cook, Emily Cooper, Kate Crowcroft, Eve Esfandiari-Denney, Alisha Dietzman, Edward Doegar, Nathan Dragon, Laura Elliott, Alan Fielden, Clare Fisher, Livia Franchini, Jay Gao, Honor Gareth Gavin, Emily Hasler, Grace Henes, Martha Kapos, Annie Katchinska, Victoria Manifold, Samra Mayanja, Jessa Mockridge, Helen Palmer, Yannis Ritsos (trans. Paul Merchant), Rochelle Roberts, Kimberly Reyes, fred spoliar, Scott Thurston, Hao Guang Tse, Ralf Webb, Sam Weselowski, Chrissy Williams and Xuela Zhang.