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Taylor & Francis Inc Determining Project Requirements: Mastering the BABOK and the CBAP Exam
Good requirements do not come from a tool, or from a customer interview. They come from a repeatable set of processes that take a project from the early idea stage through to the creation of an agreed-upon project and product scope between the customer and the developer.From enterprise analysis and planning requirements gathering to documentation, Determining Project Requirements, Second Edition: Mastering the BABOK® and the CBAP® Exam covers the entire business analysis cycle as well as modeling techniques. Aligned with the International Institute of Business Analysis’ (IIBA) Business Analysis Body of Knowledge 2.0® (BABOK® Guide 2.0), the second edition of this popular reference provides readers with a complete and up-to-date resource for preparing to take the Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP®) examination. It also: Presents helpful techniques, tools, best practices, and templates to help readers improve the requirements gathering processes within their organization Contains exercises, sample solutions, and a case study that illustrate how to deal with the various situations that might be encountered in the requirements gathering process Supplies a broad overview of a multitude of business analysis issues Includes two sample business requirements documents—one is a comprehensive template, provided courtesy of ESI International, the second is a simpler template suitable for smaller projects The book covers all of the BABOK® knowledge areas and features new preparatory sections for the CBAP® exam that include 300 questions. It examines data modeling, requirements modeling techniques, process modeling, and hybrid techniques. With its many examples, use cases, and business requirements document templates, this book is the ideal self-study guide for pra
Taylor & Francis Inc Ternary Alloys Based on II-VI Semiconductor Compounds
Doped by isovalent or heterovalent foreign impurities (F), II–VI semiconductor compounds enable control of optical and electronic properties, making them ideal in detectors, solar cells, and other precise device applications. For the reproducible manufacturing of the doped materials with predicted and desired properties, manufacturing technologists need knowledge of appropriate ternary system phase diagrams.A guide for technologists and researchers at industrial and national laboratories, Ternary Alloys Based on II-VI Semiconductor Compounds collects all available data on ternary II–VI–F semiconductor materials. It presents ternary phase diagrams for the systems and includes data about phase equilibriums on the cross sections. The book is also suitable for phase diagram researchers, inorganic chemists, and solid state physicists as well as students in materials science, engineering, physical chemistry, and physics. The authors classify all materials according to the periodic groups of their constituent atoms (i.e., possible combinations of Zn, Cd, and Hg with chalcogens S, Se, and Te) and additional components in the order of their group number. Each ternary system database description contains the diagram type, possible phase transformation and physical–chemical interaction of the components, equilibrium investigation methods, thermodynamic characteristics, and the sample preparation method. In some cases, the book illustrates the solid and liquid-phase equilibriums with vapor because of their importance to crystal growth using the vapor–liquid–solid technique. It also presents data on the homogeneity range as well as baric and temperature dependences of solubility impurities in the semiconductor lattice and the liquid phase.
Taylor & Francis Inc CISO's Guide to Penetration Testing: A Framework to Plan, Manage, and Maximize Benefits
CISO's Guide to Penetration Testing: A Framework to Plan, Manage, and Maximize Benefits details the methodologies, framework, and unwritten conventions penetration tests should cover to provide the most value to your organization and your customers. Discussing the process from both a consultative and technical perspective, it provides an overview of the common tools and exploits used by attackers along with the rationale for why they are used. From the first meeting to accepting the deliverables and knowing what to do with the results, James Tiller explains what to expect from all phases of the testing life cycle. He describes how to set test expectations and how to identify a good test from a bad one. He introduces the business characteristics of testing, the imposed and inherent limitations, and describes how to deal with those limitations. The book outlines a framework for protecting confidential information and security professionals during testing. It covers social engineering and explains how to tune the plethora of options to best use this investigative tool within your own environment. Ideal for senior security management and anyone else responsible for ensuring a sound security posture, this reference depicts a wide range of possible attack scenarios. It illustrates the complete cycle of attack from the hacker’s perspective and presents a comprehensive framework to help you meet the objectives of penetration testing—including deliverables and the final report.
Taylor & Francis Inc Understanding Health Care Reform: Bridging the Gap Between Myth and Reality
After nearly a year of debate, in March 2010, Congress passed and the president signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to reform the U.S. health care system. The most significant social legislation since the civil rights legislation and the creation of Medicare and Medicaid, the bill’s passage has been met with great controversy. Political pundits, politicians, health care economists, and policy analysts have filled the airwaves and the lay press with their opinions, but little has been heard from those who have the most invested in health care delivery reform—patients and their doctors.Understanding Health Care Reform: Bridging the Gap Between Myth and Reality provides readers with the information to make informed decisions and to help counter the bias of political pundits and the influence of the for-profit health care industry. The author introduces readers to a group of dedicated doctors, administrators, and patients whose experiences illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the health care reform legislation. He also shares his own experiences as both a physician and a patient. The book puts the health care reform legislation in perspective by exploring ten critical areas: The private insurance industry Medicare and Medicaid The elimination of waste caused by overutilization, high administrative fees, and fraud Disease prevention and wellness programs Care for the underserved—the health care "safety net" Quality of care The impending workforce shortage Comparative-effectiveness research to compare treatments Changes in the way medicine is practiced Tort reform Describing the reform act as the foundation and framing of a house, it outlines what doctors, patients, and families must focus on as states, the federal government, and the courts craft this legislation over time. The author cuts through the political rhetoric to address the core question: how do we preserve our ability to provide the best possible care for patients and fulfill our societal mission of providing care for our citizens independent of their financial means? Focusing on strengths and weaknesses, rather than what is right or wrong, he encourages readers to think creatively about their role in establishing a better system of health care in America.
Taylor & Francis Inc FRP Deck and Steel Girder Bridge Systems: Analysis and Design
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) decks have been increasingly used for new construction and rehabilitation projects worldwide. The benefits of using FRP bridge decks, such as durability, light weight, high strength, reduced maintenance costs, and rapid installation, outweigh their initial in-place material costs when implemented in highway bridge projects. FRP Deck and Steel Girder Bridge Systems: Analysis and Design compiles the necessary information to facilitate the development of the standards and guidelines needed to promote further adoption of composite sandwich panels in construction. It also, for the first time, proposes a complete set of design guidelines.Providing both experimental investigations and theoretical analyses, this book covers three complementary parts: FRP decks, shear connectors between the deck and steel girders, and the behavior of bridge systems. The text presents stiffness and strength evaluations for FRP deck panels and FRP deck-girder bridge systems. While the FRP deck studies focus on honeycomb FPR sandwich panels over steel girder bridge systems, they can be adapted to other sandwich configurations. Similarly, the shear connection and bridge system studies can be applied to other types of FRP decks. Chapters discuss skin effect, core configuration, facesheet laminates, out-of-plane compression and sheer, mechanical shear connectors, and FRP deck–steel girder bridge systems.Based on the findings described in the text, the authors propose design guidelines and present design examples to illustrate application of the guidelines. In the final chapter, they also provide a systematic analysis and design approach for single-span FRP deck-stringer bridges. This book presents new and improved theories and combines analytical models, numerical analyses, and experimental investigations to devise a practical analysis procedure, resulting in FRP deck design formulations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Optimal Resource Allocation for Distributed Video Communication
While most books on the subject focus on resource allocation in just one type of network, this book is the first to examine the common characteristics of multiple distributed video communication systems. Comprehensive and systematic, Optimal Resource Allocation for Distributed Video Communication presents a unified optimization framework for resource allocation across these systems. The book examines the techniques required for optimal resource allocation over Internet, wireless cellular networks, wireless ad hoc networks, and wireless sensor networks. It provides you with the required foundation in video communications, including Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks, wireless networks, and visual sensor networks. Whether you’re in industry or academia, you’ll value how the book outlines current challenges facing the field and outlines a general solution framework for addressing these challenges. From problem formulations and theoretical analysis to practical algorithms, it facilitates the comprehensive understanding required to achieve optimized video and multimedia communications. Presents the resource allocation techniques for scalable video communications over Internet or wireless networks Examines two resource allocation problems—distributed throughput maximization for scalable P2P Video-on-Demand (VoD) systems and streaming capacity for P2P VoD systems Outlines an optimal prefetching framework for reducing seeking delays in P2P VoD applications Examines distributed optimization techniques for unicast and multicast video streaming over wireless ad hoc networks Considers the network lifetime maximization problem in wireless visual sensor networks Detailing methods that can immediately improve the performance of your video communication systems, this book presents multiple applications of optimal resource allocation. For each of the applications,
Taylor & Francis Inc Superconductivity Revisited
While the macroscopic phenomenon of superconductivity is well known and in practical use worldwide, the current theoretical paradigm for superconductivity suffers from a number of limitations. For example, there is no currently accepted theoretical explanation for the pattern of superconductor critical temperatures in the periodic table. Historical developments in condensed matter were strongly focused on the similarities of all metals and the electron gas model, with little attention paid to their real differences. Accessible by a wide audience, Superconductivity Revisited explores the work of those who investigated the differences, and laid the foundation for all current and future work.Topics Include Pattern of Elemental Superconductors in the Periodic Table High-Temperature Superconductors Electron Spin in Superconductors Heat Capacity and Magnetic Susceptibility in Superconductors Quantum Foundations of Molecular Electricity and Magnetism Metals and Insulators Electron Transport in Metals Magnetoresistance Quantum Hall Effect Type I and Type II Superconductivity Superconductivity Revisited starts from the foundations and shows that the current theory of the subject cannot explain the pattern of superconductors in the periodic table, as the theory depends on a theory of resistivity not congruent with the Sommerfeld equation. Partial wave scattering is introduced as a route to deal with these issues. The book develops a theory of superconductivity that includes the periodic table. The new, coherent, understandable theory of superconductivity is directly based on thermodynamics, scattering theory, and molecular quantum mechanics.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook: Fundamentals for Power, Marine & Industrial Applications
The rigorous treatment of combustion can be so complex that the kinetic variables, fluid turbulence factors, luminosity, and other factors cannot be defined well enough to find realistic solutions. Simplifying the processes, The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook provides practical guidance to help you make informed choices about fuels, burners, and associated combustion equipment—and to clearly understand the impacts of the many variables. Editors Stephen B. Londerville and Charles E. Baukal, Jr, top combustion experts from John Zink Hamworthy Combustion and the Coen Company, supply a thorough, state-of-the-art overview of boiler burners that covers Coen, Hamworthy, and Todd brand boiler burners.A Refresher in Fundamentals and State-of-the-Art Solutions for Combustion System ProblemsRoughly divided into two parts, the book first reviews combustion engineering fundamentals. It then uses a building-block approach to present specific computations and applications in industrial and utility combustion systems, including those for Transport and introduction of fuel and air to a system Safe monitoring of the combustion system Control of flows and operational parameters Design of a burner/combustion chamber to achieve performance levels for emissions and heat transfer Avoidance of excessive noise and vibration and the extension of equipment life under adverse conditions Coverage includes units, fluids, chemistry, and heat transfer, as well as atomization, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), noise, auxiliary support equipment, and the combustion of gaseous, liquid, and solid fuels. Significant attention is also given to the formation, reduction, and prediction of emissions from combustion systems. Each chapter builds from the simple to the more complex and contains a wealth of practical examples and full-color photographs and illustrations.Practical Computations and Applications for Industrial and Utility Combustion SystemsA ready reference and refresher, this unique handbook is designed for anyone involved in combustion equipment selection, sizing, and emissions control. It will help you make calculations and decisions on design features, fuel choices, emissions, controls, burner selection, and burner/furnace combinations with more confidence.
Taylor & Francis Inc Advances in Human Aspects of Healthcare
Now more than ever, the design of systems and devices for effective and safe healthcare delivery has taken center stage. And the importance of human factors and ergonomics in achieving this goal can’t be ignored. Underlining the utility of research in achieving effective design, Advances in Human Aspects of Healthcare discusses how human factors and ergonomics principles can be applied to improve quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness in patient care. Topics include the design of work environments to improve satisfaction and well-being of patients, healthcare providers, and professionals. The book explores new approaches for improving healthcare devices such as portable ultrasound systems, better work design, and effective communications and systems support. It also examines healthcare informatics for the public and usability for patient users, building on results from usability studies for medical personnel. Several chapters explore quality and safety while others examine medical error for risk factors and information transfer in error reduction. The book provides an integrated review of physical, cognitive, and organizational aspects that facilitates a systems approach to implementation. These features and more allow practitioners to gain a deeper understanding of the issues in healthcare delivery and the role ergonomics and human factors can play in solving them.
Taylor & Francis Inc Magnetic Nanoparticles: From Fabrication to Clinical Applications
Offering the latest information in magnetic nanoparticle (MNP) research, Magnetic Nanoparticles: From Fabrication to Clinical Applications provides a comprehensive review, from synthesis, characterization, and biofunctionalization to clinical applications of MNPs, including the diagnosis and treatment of cancers.This book, written by some of the most qualified experts in the field, not only fills a hole in the literature, but also bridges the gaps between all the different areas in this field.Translational research on tailored magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications spans a variety of disciplines, and putting together the most significant advances into a practical format is a challenging task. Balancing clinical applications with the underlying theory and foundational science behind these new discoveries, Magnetic Nanoparticles: From Fabrication to Clinical Applications supplies a toolbox of solutions and ideas for scientists in the field and for young researchers interested in magnetic nanoparticles.
Taylor & Francis Inc Neuroviral Infections
Two-Volume Set:Neurovirology is an interdisciplinary field representing a melding of virology, clinical neuroscience, molecular pathogenesis, diagnostic virology, molecular biology, and immunology. Neuroviral Infections: General Principles and DNA Viruses covers recent developments in the area of neuroviral infections and discusses their role in related fields such as immunology, cell biology, and molecular biology. It offers a complete discussion of the major neuroviral infections caused by DNA viruses, including information on emerging basic principles, neuroviral infections, and future challenges in virology. Neuroviral Infections: RNA Viruses and Retroviruses presents an up-to-date overview of the general principles of infections and major neuroviral infections caused by RNA viruses and retroviruses. It is designed for virologists, specialists in infectious diseases, teachers of virology, and postgraduate students of medicine
Taylor & Francis Inc Computational Methods for Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology
Building from the perspective of reproductive and developmental biology, Computational Methods for Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology provides a timely and comprehensive overview of approaches in reproductive and developmental toxicology.The book, which is part of the QSAR in Environmental and Health Sciences series, is divided into three broad sections. The first provides a review of methods and approaches to meet the need for safety assessments in product development and regulatory approaches for environmental chemicals. The next one reviews the biological processes and endpoints involved in reproduction and development. The final and largest section summarizes protocols for evaluating biological processes and endpoints within reproduction and development. It also discusses informatics resources and computational methods. The book takes a cross-disciplinary approach bringing together developmental, reproductive and systems biology, chemistry, toxicology, pharmacology, biostatistics, information sciences, bioinformatics, and computational approaches. This valuable resource provides those in the field with the necessary knowledge to evaluate both classic and recent approaches to characterize toxicity.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures, Fifth Edition
Following in the footsteps of its bestselling predecessors, the Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures, Fifth Edition provides researchers, teachers, and students with an all-inclusive reference on univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistical procedures.New in the Fifth Edition: Substantial updates and new material throughout New chapters on path analysis, meta-analysis, and structural equation modeling Index numbers and time series analysis applications in business and economics Statistical quality control applications in industry Random- and fixed-effects models for the analysis of variance Broad in scope, the Handbook is intended for individuals involved in a wide spectrum of academic disciplines encompassing the fields of mathematics, the social, biological, and environmental sciences, business, and education. A reference for statistically sophisticated individuals, the Handbook is also accessible to those lacking the theoretical or mathematical background required for understanding subject matter typically documented in statistics reference books.
Taylor & Francis Inc Self-Healing at the Nanoscale: Mechanisms and Key Concepts of Natural and Artificial Systems
A complete panorama of self-healing strategies, Self-Healing at the Nanoscale: Mechanisms and Key Concepts of Natural and Artificial Systems focuses on the development of new nanoscale self-healing systems, from general concepts to physical chemical mechanisms. With a special emphasis on key concepts, strategies, and mechanisms at the atomic, molecular, and nanometric scales, this book is made up of three parts: Natural Self-Healing Systems covers paradigmatic self-repair systems developed by nature in living organisms Artificial Self-Healing Systems describes various materials whose structures have been engineered at the micro- or nanoscale to obtain self-repair ability Frontiers of Self-Healing Systems includes contributions on systems studied in recent years that have shown potential for developing or inspiring new self-healing nanomaterials The development of self-healing systems, especially concerning materials and the nanoscale, is a nascent yet appealing topic for scientists in fields ranging from engineering to biology. Self-Healing at the Nanoscale provides a broad view of the concepts, mechanisms, and types of self-healing systems at the nanoscale, forming a guide to the field and inspiring the development of self-healing systems for the future.
Taylor & Francis Inc Starch-Based Polymeric Materials and Nanocomposites: Chemistry, Processing, and Applications
In recent years, much attention has been focused on biodegradable polymers from renewable resources. Due to its availability and low cost, starch is a promising candidate among biopolymers for use in biodegradable packaging materials and for other purposes. Starch-Based Polymeric Materials and Nanocomposites: Chemistry, Processing, and Applications presents the latest developments in starch chemistry, rheology, starch derivatives, starch-based nanocomposites, and their applications.Topics discussed include: The chemistry, microstructure, processing, and enzymatic degradation of starch The importance and role of starch as a gelling agent Plasticization and the role of plasticizers Various rheological techniques applied to starch-related products and the characteristics of starch dispersions Polymeric aspects of reactive extrusion (REX) and its use on starch and other biopolymers Cyclodextrins (CDs) and their industrial applications, and CD-based supramole and polymers The potential of starch in food packaging, edible packaging, feedstock for bioproducts, and industrial and consumer products The theoretical basis and derivation of the mathematical model for multicomponent systems and its solution algorithm The book also explores recent progress in biodegradable starch-based hybrids and nanomaterials and the incorporation of nanoparticles in starches to enhance their mechanical and thermal properties. The book concludes by discussing the use of biopolymeric nanoparticles (BNPs) in drug delivery and life cycle assessment (LCA) of starch-based polymeric materials for packaging and allied applications.With contributions from leading experts in academia and industry, this volume demonstrates the versatility of starch and its potential in a variety of applications.
Taylor & Francis Inc Improving Quality in Outpatient Services
A valuable reference for those involved in the field of ambulatory patient care, Improving Quality in Outpatient Services offers time-tested instruction on how to create a world-class outpatient program. It supplies a high-level overview of current opportunities, national quality programs, and challenges—outlining the policies, procedures, and plans required for success.Stimulating readers with a wealth of practical applications, stories, and examples, the book details the governance, medical staff, and quality structures required to create, implement, and maintain a safe and efficient outpatient program. It introduces powerful techniques for infection control, medication management, risk prevention, and the elimination of medication errors. It also: Lists mandatory policies and procedures Contains practice drills to prepare you for real-world scenarios Explains how to create a report card to measure quality at all levels Includes a sample curriculum that outlines the courseware required by OSHA and other licensing and regulatory agencies The authors address documentation and human resources factors and supply an abundance of information and resources in the appendices, including how and where to apply for certification, medical record review tools, policy and procedure checklists, and a state-by-state listing of resources available for outpatient and ambulatory programs. Explaining how to involve patients in the decision making process, the text details a proven system for evaluating quality at all levels of your organization.
Taylor & Francis Inc Business, Marketing, and Management Principles for IT and Engineering
In order to achieve long-term profitability and assure survival for their companies, managers must be informed, imaginative, and capable of adapting to shifting circumstances. Practical decisions rather than theories hold the upper ground. Business, Marketing, and Management Principles for IT and Engineering supplies the understanding required to effectively manage an organization in an increasingly competitive global market. Using case studies, the book illustrates the principles, policies, and management practices used by some of the most successful companies around the world. The real-world case studies supply valuable insight into the range of issues that confront decision makers in business. By explaining how to develop effective strategies and business plans, the text supplies both the concepts and the tools to stay on track with those plans. It also: Explains how to evaluate the pros and cons of your organizational policies and how to effect policies for maximum synergy Covers product development, sales, marketing, pricing, and financial analysis Illustrates the right and wrong ways to implement the principles discussed, with case studies of hi-tech companies such as Apple, Google, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Toyota, ITT, and Bloomberg Dimitris N. Chorafas provides valuable insight garnered over half a century of advising financial institutions and multinational industrial corporations. Dr. Chorafas explains how to develop competitive products and use pricing strategies to achieve an edge over your competition. He also includes case studies that examine the price wars in the computer industry. This book supplies a realistic look into the positive and negative aspects of various policies and whether or not current practices related to forecasting, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling have produced th
Taylor & Francis Inc Progressive Kaizen:: The Key to Gaining a Global Competitive Advantage
This book addresses how to make Kaizen a formidable competitive weapon. It serves as reinforcement for the key role the Lean coordinator holds in training and leading change that serves to make and keep a manufacturing firm world competitive.
Taylor & Francis Inc Kaizen Workshops for Lean Healthcare
Part of the Lean Tools for Healthcare series, this user-friendly book will help to improve your understanding of kaizen. It describes exactly what a kaizen event is and details all the phases necessary for implementing continuous improvement practices in your healthcare organization. Kaizen Workshops for Lean Healthcare walks you through the steps of conducting an effective kaizen workshop—one that is well planned, well implemented, and well monitored. The information is presented in an easy-to-assimilate format. Numerous illustrations reinforce the text and margin assists call your attention to key terms, healthcare examples, and how-to steps.Throughout the book, you will be asked to reflect on questions that will help you apply the concepts and techniques in your own workplace. Defining the key concepts and elements of the "production" of healthcare services, the text delineates the differences between healthcare processes and the individual cycles of work that those processes link together. It also: Provides foundational information on kaizen and kaizen workshops—defining the key roles for success Explains exactly how to plan and prepare Presents examples of how to present workshop results and how to follow up Includes a concise summary of kaizen workshop steps Supplies a list of additional resources for learning more about the different kinds of improvement methodologies you might want to implement in your kaizen workshops If your healthcare organization fully applies the steps detailed in this book, it will gain much more than the knowledge of how to conduct a workshop. Through kaizen, you will empower your employees to make positive change a reality. And incrementally, kaizen workshops will become more than isolated events—they will become the way all work is done in your organization.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sustaining Lean in Healthcare: Developing and Engaging Physician Leadership
Among the first books to focus on physician engagement during a Lean effort, Sustaining Lean in Healthcare: Developing and Engaging Physician Leadership explains how to ensure ongoing physician participation long after the consultant leaves. Dr. Michael Nelson, an early adopter of Lean in healthcare, explains how to use these synergic tools to achieve consistently high levels of quality and clinical care outcomes.The book begins with a Lean primer that provides a firm foundation in essential Lean concepts—including value stream maps, 6S, Kanban, Heijunka, and Gemba Walks. Next, it examines how to create a physician engagement plan and covers the specific responsibilities of physician leadership through the Lean transformation. Explaining what to look for when judging success, it provides numerous examples that demonstrate how to sustain success over the long term.Complete with tips for spotting the danger signs that might indicate your plan is off course, this book details time-tested techniques and strategies for reducing waste in healthcare. It supplies a methodology for establishing shared expectations of success with your medical team early on in the process, as well as a proven framework for simultaneous Lean deployment across multiple locations. Praise for the book:In this book , Dr. Nelson draws on his forty years of medical practice and his experience as an early adopter of Lean for healthcare, to identify a crucial piece to aligning healthcare organizations for success; Physician Engagement. … Healthcare executives and clinicians will appreciate and learn from Dr. Nelson’s insight.—Robert Iversen, Director, Accenture Management Consulting …Instead of writing another how-to book, Mike has taken the opportunity to provide insights that are sure to help any healthcare organization sustain the impact of its Lean engagement.—Rick Malik, Worldwide Director, ValuMetrix® Services, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics … provides realistic estimates of timelines for projects, expected satisfaction, quality, and financial paybacks, as well as the time commitments required for Lean healthcare initiatives to become durable successes.—David Mann, PhD, Principal, David Mann Lean Consulting… simplifies and organizes the steps needed to effectively and successfully take advantage of the significant contributions Lean management can make … .—Edward D. Martin, MD, Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Martin Blanck & Associates, Inc.Lean has become a critical predictor of successful systems going forward. Sustaining Lean in Healthcare is the book to get this done.—Stephen C. Beeson MD, Author of Engaging Physicians, A Manual to Physician Partnership
Taylor & Francis Inc Szycher's Handbook of Polyurethanes
A practical handbook rather than merely a chemistry reference, Szycher's Handbook of Polyurethanes, Second Edition offers an easy-to-follow compilation of crucial new information on polyurethane technology, which is irreplaceable in a wide range of applications. This new edition of a bestseller is an invaluable reference for technologists, marketers, suppliers, and academicians who require cutting-edge, commercially valuable data on the most advanced uses for polyurethane, one of the most important and complex specialty polymers.internationally recognized expert Dr. Michael Szycher updates his bestselling industry "bible" With seven entirely new chapters and five that are revised and updated, this book summarizes vital contents from U.S. patent literature—one of the most comprehensive sources of up-to-date technical information. These patents illustrate the most useful technology discovered by corporations, universities, and independent inventors. Because of the wealth of information they contain, this handbook features many full-text patents, which are carefully selected to best illustrate the complex principles involved in polyurethane chemistry and technology.Features of this landmark reference include: Hundreds of practical formulations Discussion of the polyurethane history, key terms, and commercial importance An in-depth survey of patent literature Useful stoichiometric calculations The latest "green" chemistry applications A complete assessment of medical-grade polyurethane technology Not biased toward any one supplier’s expertise, this special reference uses a simplified language and layout and provides extensive study questions after each chapter. It presents rich technical and historical descriptions of all major polyurethanes and updated sections on medical and biological applications. These features help readers better understand developmental, chemical, application, and commercial aspects of the subject.
Taylor & Francis Inc Homeland Security: What Is It and Where Are We Going?
With the ten-year anniversary of 9/11 now behind us, one critical question persists. Have policies enacted to protect us from terrorist attacks actually made us safer, or have they merely mollified the concerned public with a false sense of security? Homeland Security: What Is It and Where We Are Going combines professional experiences, personal reflections, and academic scholarship to provide a realistic assessment of current policy effectiveness.Amos Guiora’s background makes him uniquely qualified to address this issue. He was the Judge Advocate for the Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command and the legal advisor to a congressionally mandated task force charged with creating America’s homeland security strategy under the auspices of the Committee on Homeland Security. This volume: Provides perspectives from a broad array of individuals involved in homeland security Suggests ways to prioritize limited resources Demonstrates the lack of universal consensus regarding the definitions of homeland security and offers insight into what should be the predominant considerations Suggests solutions to a wide variety of dilemmas, including terror financing, cost-benefit analysis of homeland security, international cooperation/intelligence sharing, business continuity, and immigration/narco terrorism Written in an engaging manner suitable for policy makers, academics, and the general public alike, the book presents examples from the United States and Israel, offering concrete recommendations for the articulation, development, and implementation of effective homeland security strategy.
Taylor & Francis Inc Advanced Fiber Optics
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the field of modern fiber optics, beginning with the basics of the field summarized in an introductory chapter. Expert contributors then topics such as polarization effects in optical fibers; photonic crystal fibers; highly-doped optical fibers; non-linear effects; amplification and lasing in optical fibers; supercontinuum generation, Rayleigh and inelastic scattering with applications to sensing; optical fiber point sensors, and polymer optical-fiber-based sensors.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Clinical Nanomedicine Handbook
Designed to foster a stronger awareness and exploration of the subject by practicing clinicians, medical researchers and scientists, The Clinical Nanomedicine Handbook discusses the integration of nanotechnology, biology, and medicine from a clinical point of view. The book highlights relevant research and applications by specialty; it examines nanotechnology in depth, and the potential to solve medical problems. It also increases literacy in nanotechnology, and allows for more effective communication and collaboration between disciplines. Details worldwide developments in nanomedicine Provides a comprehensive roadmap of the state of nanomedicine in numerous medical specialties Bridges the gap between basic science research, engineering, nanotechnology, and medicine This text discusses what nanomedicine is, how it is currently used, and considers its potential for future applications.It serves as a reference for clinicians, including physicians, nurses, health-care providers, dentists, scientists, and researchers involved in clinical applications of nanotechnology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Chemical Genomics and Proteomics
Since the publication of the pioneering first edition of Chemical Genomics and Proteomics more than seven years ago, the area of chemical genomics has rapidly expanded and diversified to numerous novel methods and subdisciplines, such as chemical glycomics and lipidomics. This second edition has been updated to uniquely reflect this interdisciplinary feature as well as the remarkable developments that have occurred. The new edition also covers innovative applications from cell biology to drug discovery to, more recently, clinical diagnostics and medical practice, which utilize the concepts of chemical genomics.The text provides an overview of the strategies and methodologies of chemical genomics, focusing on emerging technologies and recent applications in the areas of combination chemical genetics, toxicogenomics, drug chemical genomics and proteomics, and orthogonal chemical genetics. It describes the development and application of novel analytical methods used in lipodomics, such as steroidomics. The book also discusses biomarker discovery applications of microarray technologies using DNA, RNA, and protein and glycan arrays. Chapters cover further applications of biomolecular biomarkers for disease diagnosis, in small molecule drug R&D, and during therapeutic use of medicines. These include prognostic, disease specific, response (surrogate), and toxicity biomarkers.In addition, the text explores the principles of contemporary systems biology and genomics in experimental medicine—a new paradigm that demonstrates a network-oriented view and advanced statistical and informatics data management, opening the way toward personalized medicine. Finally, various in silico chemogenomics approaches are addressed for predicting binding of drug candidates to undesirable targets, which would help in designing better clinical candidates with fewer side effects. This new edition benefits a broad range of readers from industrial and academic researchers in drug discovery, medicinal chemistry, and molecular and cell biology to physicians in clinical diagnostics and students in related fields of study.
Taylor & Francis Inc Semi-Field Methods for the Environmental Risk Assessment of Pesticides in Soil
Based on discussions at the 2007 SETAC Europe PERAS Workshop in Coimbra, Semi-Field Methods for the Environmental Risk Assessment of Pesticides in Soil presents a timely summary of state-of-the-art higher-tier terrestrial risk assessment of plant protection products (PPPs). Influential regulators, academics, and industry scientists provide a comprehensive, science-based view to guide regulatory authorities and manufacturers in assessing the higher-tier terrestrial risks of PPPs in the environment. The book includes a clear description of how to perform a higher-tier terrestrial risk assessment and provides a single reference on the subject. It examines various types of semi-field methods for soil assessment, including the use of terrestrial model ecosystems for pesticide risk assessment. In addition, the text also explores legislative and regulatory issues and offers technical recommendations. The book provides guidance on how to assess the soil risks of pesticides in the environment and explains how to use semi-field methods to access how pesticides may lead to spatial and temporal changes in soil biological communities and the larger agricultural landscape.
Taylor & Francis Inc Histochemical and Cytochemical Methods of Visualization
Histochemistry and cytochemistry are important fields for studying the inner workings of cells and tissues of the body. While visualization techniques have been in use for many years, new methods of detection developed recently help researchers and practitioners better understand cell activity. Histochemical and Cytochemical Methods of Visualization describes the essential techniques that can be used for histochemical investigations in both light and transmission electron microscopy. The book begins by discussing techniques in light microscopy. It reviews classical methods of visualization, histochemical and histoenzymatic methods, and methods used to visualize cell proliferation and apoptosis. Next, the book examines the cytochemical methods used in electron microscopy with traditional techniques, as well as more specialized methods. The final section provides an overview of image analysis and describes how image processing methods can be used to extract vital information. A 16-page insert supplies color illustrations to enhance the text.Techniques will continue to adapt to the latest technological innovations, allowing more and more precise quantification of images. These developments are essential to the biological as well as the medical sciences. This manual is a critical resource for novice and experienced researchers, technicians, and students who need to visualize what happens in the cell, the molecules expressed, the main enzymatic activities, and the repercussions of the molecular activities upon the structure of the cells in the body.
Taylor & Francis Inc Comparative Bone Identification: Human Subadult to Nonhuman
Building on the success, and maintaining the format, of the best-selling Human and Nonhuman Bone Identification: A Color Atlas (ISBN: 978-1-4200-6286-1), Comparative Bone Identification: Human Subadult to Nonhuman presents new images of human bones representing many states of maturation from neonate to 20 years old. It also extends the scope of the former work by focusing on the smaller bones of fetuses and young humans and comparing them to bones of birds, reptiles, marine mammals, fish, and a frog that may be confused with those of a subadult human.The book begins with a section on general osteology and explains the major anatomical differences between humans and other animals. The second section compares human and nonhuman bones, categorized by type of bone, and includes most of the major bones in humans and nonhumans. The third section presents skeletons within species. Containing nearly 3,500 color photographs, the book provides examples of similar bones in nonhuman species that may be confused with the human bone in question. The bone images are also taken from different angles to enhance detailed understanding.A practical comparative guide to the differences among species for nearly all bones in the body, this book is a valuable resource for the laboratory or in the field. It uses a visual approach with annotations pointing out salient features of the most commonly discovered bones, giving clear examples for use by law enforcement, medicolegal death investigators, forensic anthropologists, students, and readers who wish to distinguish between human bones and those of the a variety of animal species.
Taylor & Francis Inc Emerging Wireless Networks: Concepts, Techniques and Applications
An authoritative collection of research papers and surveys, Emerging Wireless Networks: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications explores recent developments in next-generation wireless networks (NGWNs) and mobile broadband networks technologies, including 4G (LTE, WiMAX), 3G (UMTS, HSPA), WiFi, mobile ad hoc networks, mesh networks, and wireless sensor networks. Focusing on improving the performance of wireless networks and provisioning better quality of service and quality of experience for users, it reports on the standards of different emerging wireless networks, applications, and service frameworks.The book begins by appraising the management challenges in emerging wireless networks. It examines the state-of-the-art in mobility management for IP-based mobile networks, at both the network and link layers. Proposing an integrated network architecture design for NGWNs—including wireless local, metropolitan, and wide area networks—it analyzes WLAN/3G network convergence and advanced mobility features based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture. It highlights the challenges and issues related to mobile virtual private networks, and also: Examines the emerging mobile broadband wireless standards such as IEEE 802.16 and LTE Introduces a mechanism that provides service continuity to end-users in self-organizing IP Multimedia Subsystem environments Considers the challenges, solutions, and services of vehicular communication networks Unveils a new transmission paradigm (network coding) to improve the performance of the transmission control protocol. The book presents a novel distributed scheme based on the stochastic optimization formulation of the network selection problem for heterogeneous wireless networks by using cognitive radio networks concepts. Describing the issues and schemes for network selection and congestion avoidance in multi-access networks, it supplies you with a clear perspective of where the technology is headed and where future opportunities might be found for mobile broadband technologies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Atlas of Remote Sensing of the Wenchuan Earthquake
In May 12, 2008, the Wenchuan County earthquake caused devastating loss of human life and property. Applying all the remote sensing technology available, the Chinese Academy of Sciences immediately launched into action, making full use of its state-of-the-art facilities, remote sensing planes, and satellites to amass invaluable optical and radar data. This unprecedented use of comprehensive remote sensing techniques provided accurate, up to the minute information for disaster management and has left us with a visually stunning and beautiful record that is as much a scientific achievement as it is an artistic one.Based on the accumulated data and images collected by the Project Team of Remote Sensing Monitoring and Assessment of the Wenchuan Earthquake, Atlas of Remote Sensing of the Wenchuan Earthquake documents the events as they happened in real time. The book covers the disaster from six aspects: geological, barrier lakes, collapsed buildings, damaged roads, destroyed farmland and forests, and demolished infrastructure. It also demonstrates that the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project, which has been standing for 2000 years, remains fully functioning, and keeps the Chengdu Plain operating optimally even after the earthquake. Translated into English for the first time, the Atlas presents a pictorial summation of this unique project. It chronicles the event with over 280 before and after color images from a range of perspectives. This volume dramatically demonstrates the value of remote sensing for understanding how an earthquake unfolds and the potential of remote sensing in helping coordinate emergency relief. A pictorial record of events as they unfolded, this book provides a systematic documentation of earthquake damage that can be used to prepare for future seismic events.
Taylor & Francis Inc Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Handbook: Fabrication, Implementation, and Applications
The Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Handbook: Two-Volume Set comprehensively captures the cross-disciplinary breadth of the fields of micro- and nanofluidics, which encompass the biological sciences, chemistry, physics and engineering applications. To fill the knowledge gap between engineering and the basic sciences, the editors pulled together key individuals, well known in their respective areas, to author chapters that help graduate students, scientists, and practicing engineers understand the overall area of microfluidics and nanofluidics. Topics covered include Finite Volume Method for Numerical Simulation Lattice Boltzmann Method and Its Applications in Microfluidics Microparticle and Nanoparticle Manipulation Methane Solubility Enhancement in Water Confined to Nanoscale Pores Volume Two: Fabrication, Implementation, and Applications focuses on topics related to experimental and numerical methods. It also covers fabrication and applications in a variety of areas, from aerospace to biological systems. Reflecting the inherent nature of microfluidics and nanofluidics, the book includes as much interdisciplinary knowledge as possible. It provides the fundamental science background for newcomers and advanced techniques and concepts for experienced researchers and professionals.
Taylor & Francis Inc Transmission Techniques for Emergent Multicast and Broadcast Systems
Describing efficient transmission schemes for broadband wireless systems, Transmission Techniques for Emergent Multicast and Broadcast Systems examines advances in transmission techniques and receiver designs capable of supporting the emergent wireless needs for multimedia broadcast and multicast service (MBMS) requirements. It summarizes the research and development taking place in wireless communications for multimedia MBMS and addresses the means to improved spectral efficiency to allow for increased user bit rate, as well as increased capacity of the digital cellular radio network.The text highlights essential requirements for new services, providing a clear understanding of the corresponding fundamentals and theory needed to fulfill such requirements. Although the schemes and transmission and detection techniques presented are applicable to a wide range of digital communication systems, including wireless, cellular, and satellite, the text maintains a focus on multimedia services using multicast and broadcast techniques. It also: Reports on important enhancements, including transmission techniques, receiver designs, and multi-resolution schemes for modern broadband wireless systems Covers key aspects in the development of emergent services to support the requirements of new services Discusses the transition from Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) to block transmission techniques Considers advanced receivers such as iterative (turbo) equalization schemes for these techniques This complete resource includes coverage of Multiple Input–Multiple Output (MIMO), hierarchical constellations, multi-resolution transmission, macro-diversity principles, and different frequency reuse schemes. It also proposes advances for different propagation and multi-user environments, using both WCDMA and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA). The text concludes by explaining how to effectively combine these techniques and enhancements for the purpose of implementing the evolved MBMS (E-MBMS).
Taylor & Francis Inc Peatland Biogeochemistry and Watershed Hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest
The Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF) in Minnesota serves as a living laboratory and provides scientists with a fundamental understanding of peatland hydrology, acid rain impacts, nutrient and carbon cycling, trace gas emissions, and controls on mercury transport in boreal watersheds. Its important role in scientific research continues to grow as the data gathered offers invaluable insight into environmental changes over the last century and goes far in answering many of today’s pressing questions at landscape and global scales. Synthesizing five decades of research, Peatland Biogeochemistry and Watershed Hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest includes hundreds of research publications, dozens of graduate theses, and even some previously unpublished studies. Research at the MEF has been at the forefront of many scientific disciplines and these 15 chapters offer the depth and breadth of long-term studies on hydrology, biogeochemistry, ecology, and forest management on peatland watersheds at the MEF.Focusing on peatlands, lakes, and upland landscapes, the book begins with the pioneering research on hydrology done during the 1960s. It presents the innovative 1970’s studies of atmospheric deposition; the 1980’s research into nutrient cycles including carbon, nitrogen, and methane emissions; and the 1990’s investigations into mercury deposition. The book concludes with a look at the latest and on-going studies such as this century’s research into controls on methylmercury production and landscape-level carbon storage and cycling.Covering 50 years of research and written by a veritable who’s who in peatland and forestry science, this important milestone in the collection of ecological data highlights bright prospects for future research, including the continuation of existing long-term measurements, the initiation of new monitoring programs, and plans for unprecedented studies on climate change.
Taylor & Francis Inc Performance-Based Medicine: Creating the High Performance Network to Optimize Managed Care Relationships
With healthcare making the transition from volume-based reimbursement programs to value-based approaches, understanding performance measurement is vital to optimize payment and quality outcomes. Performance-Based Medicine: Creating the High Performance Network to Optimize Managed Care Relationships guides readers through the maze of definitions and discussions related to value-based purchasing, healthcare delivery, and pricing. It tackles the question of how hospitals, HMOs, physician groups, and employers can arrive at an optimized reimbursement cost and coverage access decision that is attractive to consumers yet fulfills the need for a working margin.The book begins by looking at HMOs and the three key factors—reimbursement, coordination, and performance—that have led toward performance-based contracting. Laying the foundation for clearer communication between physician hospitals and purchasers, the author defines important concepts in the discussion, from efficiency and cost effectiveness to quality. He focuses on key issues of organizational structure, management, and measuring the outcomes of quality.Discussing pay-for-performance, the book examines programs in the US and offers case studies of countries succeeding in the development of care management. It explores options for reengineering the healthcare delivery system, among them transitional case management programs and specialist data sharing. It also covers the use of information technology in healthcare delivery.This timely book will be of interest to managers, vendors, employers, and insurers who have tried everything to lower cost but are discovering that all care is not equal and that matching the right doctor with the right service for the right patient can be done. Helping readers build a path between where they are and where they want to be, it offers an outline of tasks to move from a disorganized collection of care components to a seamless arrangement of high-performance care-givers.The book is directed at the senior management level for those who are learning metrics and are trying to define performance to become more sophisticated in monitoring and leveraging this vital data in a complex marketplace of contradictory terms and ill-defined outcomes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Artificial Neural Networks in Biological and Environmental Analysis
Originating from models of biological neural systems, artificial neural networks (ANN) are the cornerstones of artificial intelligence research. Catalyzed by the upsurge in computational power and availability, and made widely accessible with the co-evolution of software, algorithms, and methodologies, artificial neural networks have had a profound impact in the elucidation of complex biological, chemical, and environmental processes. Artificial Neural Networks in Biological and Environmental Analysis provides an in-depth and timely perspective on the fundamental, technological, and applied aspects of computational neural networks. Presenting the basic principles of neural networks together with applications in the field, the book stimulates communication and partnership among scientists in fields as diverse as biology, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, and environmental science. This interdisciplinary discourse is essential not only for the success of independent and collaborative research and teaching programs, but also for the continued interest in the use of neural network tools in scientific inquiry.The book covers: A brief history of computational neural network models in relation to brain function Neural network operations, including neuron connectivity and layer arrangement Basic building blocks of model design, selection, and application from a statistical perspective Neurofuzzy systems, neuro-genetic systems, and neuro-fuzzy-genetic systems Function of neural networks in the study of complex natural processes Scientists deal with very complicated systems, much of the inner workings of which are frequently unknown to researchers. Using only simple, linear mathematical methods, information that is needed to truly understand natural systems may be lost. The development of new algorithms to model such processes is needed, and ANNs can play a major role. Balancing basic principles and diverse applications, this text introduces newcomers to the field and reviews recent developments of interest to active neural network practitioners.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nuclear Hydrogen Production Handbook
Written by two leading researchers from the world-renowned Japan Atomic Energy Agency, the Nuclear Hydrogen Production Handbook is an unrivalled overview of current and future prospects for the effective production of hydrogen via nuclear energy. Combining information from scholarly analyses, industrial data, references, and other resources, this handbook illustrates hydrogen’s versatility and potential both as a sustainable energy carrier (e.g., fuel for vehicles and power generators) and as a feedstock material for industry (agriculture, oil, chemical, and steel, etc.). Packed with details about the science, engineering, and production involved in nuclear hydrogen generation, this handbook presents case studies that delve into: Research results of hydrogen development programs sponsored by Japan, Argentina, China, Korea, the US and the EU, among others Operational developments at major nuclear reactors Cutting-edge hydrogen production systems and methods, including high-temperature electrolysis of steam and biomass gasification Applications such as heat- and corrosion-resistant construction materials, chemical reactors, and heat exchangers, as well as thermochemical iodine-sulfur processes Integrated process designs (including thermochemical and hybrid methods) Nuclear hydrogen plant operation management and safety Far exceeding the limited introductory detail offered in other books on the topic, this reference offers an all-encompassing international perspective on nuclear hydrogen production. Addressing a wide range of pertinent technologies, scientific trends, and technical details, this resource will be a useful tool for readers at all levels of understanding.
Taylor & Francis Inc Molecular Manipulation with Atomic Force Microscopy
With the invention of scanning probe techniques in the early 1980s, scientists can now play with single atoms, single molecules, and even single bonds. Force, dynamics, and function can now be probed at the single-molecule level. Molecular Manipulation with Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) presents a series of topics that discuss concepts and methodologies used to manipulate and study single (bio)molecules with AFM. The first part is dedicated to the pulling of single molecules with force spectroscopy to investigate molecular interactions, mechanics, and mechanochemical processes, and the second part to the manipulation, repositioning, and targeted delivery of single molecules on substrates.Single molecule manipulation is an exciting area of research which made important breakthroughs in nanoscience and which could find potential applications in a diverse range of disciplines, including chemistry, biology, physics, material and polymer science, and engineering. New and experienced AFM researchers looking for applications beyond imaging will find a wealth of information in this informative volume.
Taylor & Francis Inc Embedded Systems Handbook: Embedded Systems Design and Verification
Considered a standard industry resource, the Embedded Systems Handbook provided researchers and technicians with the authoritative information needed to launch a wealth of diverse applications, including those in automotive electronics, industrial automated systems, and building automation and control. Now a new resource is required to report on current developments and provide a technical reference for those looking to move the field forward yet again. Divided into two volumes to accommodate this growth, the Embedded Systems Handbook, Second Edition presents a comprehensive view on this area of computer engineering with a currently appropriate emphasis on developments in networking and applications. Those experts directly involved in the creation and evolution of the ideas and technologies presented offer tutorials, research surveys, and technology overviews that explore cutting-edge developments and deployments and identify potential trends. This first self-contained volume of the handbook, Embedded Systems Design and Verification, is divided into three sections. It begins with a brief introduction to embedded systems design and verification. It then provides a comprehensive overview of embedded processors and various aspects of system-on-chip and FPGA, as well as solutions to design challenges. The final section explores power-aware embedded computing, design issues specific to secure embedded systems, and web services for embedded devices. Those interested in taking their work with embedded systems to the network level should complete their study with the second volume: Network Embedded Systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Methods in Product Design: New Strategies in Reengineering
As industries adopt consumer-focused product development strategies, they should offer broader product ranges in shorter design times and the processes that can manufacture in arbitrary lot sizes. In addition, they would need to apply state-of-the-art methods and tools to easily conduct early product design and development trade-off analysis among competing objectives. Methods in Product Design: New Strategies in Reengineering supplies insights into the methods and techniques that enable implementing a consumer-focused product design philosophy by integrating design and development capabilities with intelligent computer-based systems. The book defines customer focused design and discusses ways to assess changing demands and sources, and delves into what is needed to successfully manufacture goods in a demanding market. It reviews proven methods for assessing customer need. Then, after showing how changing needs impact the reengineering of products, it explains how change can be efficiently achieved. It details how IT advances and technology support customer-focused product development, discusses cutting-edge mass customization principles that maximize cost-effective production, and illustrates how to implement effective predictive maintenance policies.Methods in Product Design: New Strategies in Reengineering provides methods, state-of-the-art technologies, and new strategies for customer-focused product design and development that allow organizations to quickly respond to the demanding global marketplace.
Taylor & Francis Inc Introduction to Biology and Biotechnology, Second Edition
Including recent advances, this edition focuses on sustainable development and human welfare in biology, genetics, microbial biotechnology, and molecular medicine. While written for engineers specializing in biotechnology, those in agriculture, veterinary science, and medicine, will find new information relevant to their practice. It links biological principles to plant, animal, environmental, industrial, and medical biotechnologies, discusses concepts of genetics and molecular biology, and examines developments in the production of biopolymers, vaccines, gene therapy, bioremediation, biofuels, and biofertilizers.
Taylor & Francis Inc Dermatokinetics of Therapeutic Agents
Novel drug delivery technologies strive to bypass challenging biological layers to elicit desired pharmacological activity. The skin, one of our key defensive barriers, allows certain topically applied substances and toxins to pass. The dermatokinetics of a drug determines the efficacy of treatment of skin disorders.Presenting the first comprehensive reference on this important area of research, Dermatokinetics of Therapeutic Agents includes a general overview of the theoretical as well as practical aspects of dermatokinetics and addresses the impact of a drug delivery system on the dermatokinetics of drugs. Chapters and illustrations cover introductory aspects and the significance, methods, and models used in dermatokinetic studies of therapeutic agents.Topics include: Theoretical Models for Dermatokinetics of Therapeutic Agents Drug Delivery Approaches to Modulate Dermatokinetics of Drugs Conventional Methods of Cutaneous Drug Sampling Cutaneous Microdialysis Sampling Substrates by Skin Permeabilization Spectroscopic Techniques in Dermatokinetics Studies Regulatory Perspective of Dermatokinetic Studies
Taylor & Francis Inc New Frontiers in Urban Analysis: In Honor of Atsuyuki Okabe
Bringing together the world’s leading experts in Urban Analysis, this remarkable and critically acclaimed volume applies the theories and models of Atsuyuko Okabe, Japan’s preeminent spatial analyst, to case studies in urban planning, transport, administration, and public health in the context of the highly advanced Japanese planning system. It includes information that has never appeared in English, covering the development of techniques in GIS, spatial modeling, and methodologies of spatial analysis as they are applied to urban environments. Each of the contributors has worked directly with or studied under Professor Okabe
Taylor & Francis Inc Far from the Factory: Lean for the Information Age
If you currently employ knowledge workers who do most of their work on computers or with computers, access the Internet, utilize internal and external databases, use e-mail or other new messaging technology, then this book is for you. Quite simply, this handbook is for any organization with a lot of Web DNA that wishes to cut costs, improve performance, and stay perpetually competitive. It is for change agents or managers within those organizations who work with information and want to leverage the latest crop of tool sets to deliver on the promise of Lean for the modern, information-rich office.… packed with new ideas … breaks new ground in so many directions … .— John Bicheno, Director, Lean Enterprise Research Centre, Cardiff Business School … excellent … on several levels … … teaches us how to visualize the depth of hidden wastes in our complex information flows and the large opportunity for improvement that this suggests.— Keith Russell, PhD, Global Continuous Improvement Leader R&D, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Very interesting view on operational excellence, helpful to readers without a background in this area of expertise.— Bert Nordberg, President and CEO. Sony EricssonCongratulations to all the readers holding this book! ... These Lean ideas must be an integral part of the daily operations of your business. I am going to get each and every one of my management team a copy of this brilliant book at the start for our own Lean journey.— Lennart Käll, CEO, Wasa KreditIt’s one thing to develop a concept. It’s another to make it sing. This is the hymnal.— Dr. Don V. Steward, CEO Problematics, Professor Emeritus, Sacramento State University, inventor of DSM … a must read for CIOs everywhere." — Julian Amey, Principal Fellow, Warwick University
Taylor & Francis Inc RFID and Auto-ID in Planning and Logistics: A Practical Guide for Military UID Applications
As RFID technology is becoming increasingly popular, the need has arisen to address the challenges and approaches to successful implementation. RFID and Auto-ID in Planning and Logistics: A Practical Guide for Military UID Applications presents the concepts for students, military personnel and contractors, and corporate managers to learn about RFID and other automatic information capture technologies, and their integration into planning and logistics functions. The text includes comparisons of RFID with technologies such as bar codes, satellite tags, and global positioning systems and provides a decision model for choosing the appropriate technology for a given application.By providing the histories, current use, and future applications of RFID and automatic identification technologies (AIT), the book discusses supply chain planning and logistics uses for these technologies. It addresses the fundamental relationships in RFID, including how antennae, integrated circuitry, and substrate work together. The text provides detailed information for troubleshooting design issues and an understanding of passive, semi-passive, and active tags, so an informed choice of technology type can be made. It describes the unique identification (UID) standards necessary for military contractors and how to use RFID and AIT to meet those requirements.This book is unique in the depth of material presented, making it appropriate for engineers, students, and operational personnel as a resource for foundational concepts for integrating logistics and RFID. A comprehensive reference, this volume can is an academic text, a practitioner’s handbook, and a military contractor’s UID guide for using RFID and AIT technologies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Transgenic Horticultural Crops: Challenges and Opportunities
As the world debates the risks and benefits of plant biotechnology, the proportion of the global area of transgenic field crops has increased every year, and the safety and value continues to be demonstrated. Yet, despite the success of transgenic field crops, the commercialization of transgenic horticultural crops (vegetables, fruits, nuts, and ornamentals) has lagged far behind. Transgenic Horticultural Crops: Challenges and Opportunities examines the challenges for the creation and commercialization of horticultural biotechnology and identifies opportunities, strategies, and priorities for future progress. A "must read" for anyone working in the fields of genetic engineering or plant breeding, for policy makers, educators, students, and anyone interested in the issues of genetic engineering of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals, this book covers: Past achievements, newest developments, and current challenges in transgenic fruit, nut, vegetable, ornamental, and pharmaceutical crops Reviews transgenic horticultural crops in the U.S., Europe, Africa, and Asia Hurdles to the commercialization of transgenic technology in economics and marketplace, consumer acceptance, intellectual property right protection, public–private partnership, and regulation Critical evaluation of the benefits and risks of genetically engineered horticultural crops, including risk assessment and transgene containment Presents case studies and an industry perspective on transgenic horticultural crops The production and commercialization of transgenic horticultural crops is an enormous task—its progress and realization require an informed research community, horticultural industry, government, and body of consumers. To aid in this effort, this book provides facts, analyses and insights by leading experts in this field to inform a wide audience of students, agricultural and genetic professionals, and the interested public. Part of the global conversation on the pros and cons of transgenic foods, Transgenic Horticultural Crops aims to stimulate more interest and discussion on the subject and to promote the development of safe and sustainable genetically modified horticultural crop varieties.
Taylor & Francis Inc Listening to the Voice of the Market: How to Increase Market Share and Satisfy Current Customers
Typically, when companies want to improve their products, they go to their customers. But why not reach further and explore the entire market? In this eye-opening book, Eric Reidenbach goes beyond the "voice of the customer" that so many consultants talk about to introduce you to a groundbreaking concept: the Voice of the Market. Like most business people in this global marketplace, you are searching for that edge that will help you increase market share. In this book, Dr. Reidenbach, teaches you how to identify, and capture the Voice of the Market and then use that data and a new understanding of it to make your organization market-focused. It is not about hijacking customers with one-time special pricing. Instead, it is about applying the proper tools and processes to move your organization from a production or sales orientation to a truly market-based focus. Listening to the Voice of the Market: How to Increase Market Share and Satisfy Current Customers is not for the lazy entrepreneur. Of course, interviewing internal customers is much simpler and probably less painful than probing the thoughts of those customers who have so far eluded you. But with this book as your guide, you will develop surveys that are more than skin deep, learn how to deliver them to the right people, collect information that is useful, and then turn that information into action steps that will help you cultivate customers who feel listened to, which is the first and most obvious step in building loyal relationships.
Taylor & Francis Inc Rapid Detection and Characterization of Foodborne Pathogens by Molecular Techniques
Decades of development of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have yielded a significant array of associated techniques that make it possible to rapidly detect low numbers of all known pathogenic microorganisms without the traditional, more taxing methods of cultivation and phenotypic characterization. Written by one of the most prolific and respected researchers in food safety, Rapid Detection and Characterization of Foodborne Pathogens by Molecular Techniques describes the application of molecular techniques for the detection and discrimination of major infectious bacteria associated with foods. The book puts a particular focus on genes associated with pathogenicity used in PCR, including real-time PCR for specific detection of pathogenic bacteria and the inherent limitations of such methodology with certain pathogens. It also emphasizes methods for extracting microorganisms from complex food matrices and DNA purification techniques. The coverage begins with a highly comprehensive review of real time PCR, complete with theoretical and operational concepts. Each chapter deals with a specific organism and the techniques applied to that organism. The text includes references on the use of PCR primers and DNA probes, the DNA sequence of each being listed at the end of each chapter to create a complete compendium.This is not a "recipe book", but rather a resource with sufficiently detailed information that allows readers to fully comprehend the methodology described and the significance of the results. Copiously illustrated with figures, tables, charts, and graphs, this is a detailed presentation of the major, contemporary studies involving the molecular detection, quantification, and subspecies differentiation of each organism. With objective assessments of the molecular techniques, their advantages, and limitations, the book allows investigators to readily identify the precise molecular technique and application
Taylor & Francis Inc Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients
Since publication of the first edition in 1971, Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients has remained the standard reference for flavor ingredients throughout the world. Each subsequent edition has listed more flavor ingredients and allied substances, including those conferred food additive status, substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by qualified scientists (including the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers’ Association Expert Panel) and those substances having undergone GRAS Notification with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). New in the Sixth Edition 200+ newly approved flavor ingredients Ingredient’s safety standing with the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers’ Association and/or the FDA Extensive and expanded information on aroma and taste thresholds Updated regulatory information on each flavor ingredient New discussion on botanical substances that serve as flavoring ingredients The fourth and fifth editions added more than 300 new entries and represented a total reorganization and updating of the text, consistent with new data and regulations. This, the sixth edition, is likewise expanded with over 200 new entries, including many botanicals and other natural substances. The addition of botanicals is a response to an expanded readership with an interest in dietary supplements, in which a number of flavoring botanicals serve a dual role.