Search results for ""guilford publications""
Guilford Publications Response to Intervention: Principles and Strategies for Effective Practice
This bestselling work provides practitioners with a complete guide to implementing response to intervention (RTI) in schools. The authors are leading experts who explain the main components of RTI--high-quality instruction, frequent assessment, and data-based decision making--and show how to use it to foster positive academic and behavioral outcomes for all students. Implementation procedures are described in step-by-step detail. In a large-size format to facilitate photocopying, the book includes reproducible planning and implementation worksheets. The companion website features an accompanying PowerPoint presentation for use in RTI training. New to this Edition *Includes extensive new research that reflects the increasing adoption of RTI nationwide. *Expanded to include behavioral interventions. *Chapter on effective instructional practices for general education. *Chapter on implementation at the whole-school and district levels. *Chapter featuring multiple intervention case studies. See also Assessment for Intervention, Second Edition, which details a wide range of assessment procedures ideal for implementation in an RTI framework. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Spiritual Resources in Family Therapy
Exploring the role of spirituality in couple and family relationships, this successful text and practitioner guide illustrates ways to tap spiritual resources for coping, healing, and resilience. Leading experts in family therapy and pastoral care discuss how faith beliefs and practices can foster personal and relational well-being, how religious conflicts or a spiritual void can contribute to distress, and what therapists can gain from reflecting on their own spiritual journeys. The volume is rich with insights for working with multi-faith and culturally diverse clients.
Guilford Publications Writing Instruction and Assessment for English Language Learners K-8
Many English language learners (ELLs) require extra support to become successful writers. This book helps teachers understand the unique needs of ELLs and promote their achievement by adapting the effective instructional methods teachers already know. Engaging and accessible, the book features standards-based lesson planning ideas, examples of student work, and 15 reproducible worksheets, rubrics, and other useful materials. It describes ways to combine instruction in core skills with ample opportunities to write and revise in different genres. Invaluable guidance is provided for assessing ELLs' writing development at different grade levels and language proficiency levels.
Guilford Publications Best Practices in ELL Instruction
In this indispensable work, prominent authorities review the latest research on all aspects of ELL instruction (K–12) and identify what works for today's students and schools. Provided are best-practice guidelines for targeting reading, writing, oral language, vocabulary, content-domain literacies, and other core skill areas; assessing culturally and linguistically diverse students; and building strong school–home–community partnerships. Chapters include clear-cut recommendations for teaching adolescent ELLs and those with learning disabilities. The comprehensive scope, explicit linkages from research to practice, and guidance for becoming a culturally informed, reflective practitioner make the book an ideal course text.
Guilford Publications Treating Sexual Desire Disorders: A Clinical Casebook
The loss or lack of interest in sex is a common complaint in sex therapy. Organized around in-depth case presentations, this book showcases effective treatment approaches for individuals and couples. The contributors are highly skilled therapists who explore the complexity of sexual desire problems and offer detailed descriptions of clinical techniques. The book illuminates the complex interplay of biological, psychological, interpersonal, contextual, and cultural factors that need to be considered in assessment and intervention. Concise chapter introductions by editor Sandra R. Leiblum summarize key themes and provide a context for understanding each author's approach.
Guilford Publications Understanding Bipolar Disorder: A Developmental Psychopathology Perspective
This is the first book to systematically examine the development and course of bipolar disorder across the lifespan, identifying important directions for evidence-based treatment and prevention. The editors and contributors are foremost authorities who synthesize cutting-edge research at multiple levels of analysis, including genetic, neurobiological, cognitive, emotional, and family perspectives. Compelling topics include how bipolar symptoms change from childhood through adolescence and adulthood and the interplay of risk and protective factors at different developmental stages. The volume also addresses how developmental knowledge can inform the selection and timing of clinical interventions.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Therapy Techniques for Children and Adolescents: Tools for Enhancing Practice
Providing a wealth of practical interventions and activities--all organized within a state-of-the-art modular framework--this invaluable book helps child clinicians expand their cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) toolkits. Going beyond the basics, the authors provide effective ways to engage hard-to-reach clients, address challenging problems, and target particular cognitive and behavioral skills. Fun and productive games, crafts, and other activities are described in step-by-step detail. More than 30 reproducible forms and handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. See also the authors' authoritative introduction to CBT with young patients, Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents, Second Edition: The Nuts and Bolts.
Guilford Publications The Science of Subjective Well-Being
This authoritative volume reviews the breadth of current scientific knowledge on subjective well-being (SWB): its definition, causes and consequences, measurement, and practical applications that may help people become happier. Leading experts explore the connections between SWB and a range of intrapersonal and interpersonal phenomena, including personality, health, relationship satisfaction, wealth, cognitive processes, emotion regulation, religion, family life, school and work experiences, and culture. Interventions and practices that enhance SWB are examined, with attention to both their benefits and limitations. The concluding chapter from Ed Diener dispels common myths in the field and presents a thoughtful agenda for future research.
Guilford Publications Schizophrenia: Cognitive Theory, Research, and Therapy
From Aaron T. Beck and colleagues, this is the definitive work on the cognitive model of schizophrenia and its treatment. The volume integrates cognitive-behavioral and biological knowledge into a comprehensive conceptual framework. It examines the origins, development, and maintenance of key symptom areas: delusions, hallucinations, negative symptoms, and formal thought disorder. Treatment chapters then offer concrete guidance for addressing each type of symptom, complete with case examples and session outlines. Anyone who treats or studies serious mental illness will find a new level of understanding together with theoretically and empirically grounded clinical techniques.
Guilford Publications The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and Emotions
“Buck up.” “Stop feeling sorry for yourself.” “Don’t ruin everything.” When you are anxious, sad, angry, or lonely, do you hear this self-critical voice? What would happen if, instead of fighting difficult emotions, we accepted them? Over his decades of experience as a therapist and mindfulness meditation practitioner, Dr. Christopher Germer has learned a paradoxical lesson: We all want to avoid pain, but letting it in--and responding compassionately to our own imperfections, without judgment or self-blame--are essential steps on the path to healing. This wise and eloquent book illuminates the power of self-compassion and offers creative, scientifically grounded strategies for putting it into action. Free audio downloads of the meditation exercises are available at the author's website: See also The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook, by Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer, which provides step-by-step guidance for building mindful self-compassion skills and applying them to specific life challenges, and Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program, by Christopher Germer and Kristin Neff (for professionals). Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Book of Merit
Guilford Publications Social and Communication Development in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Early Identification, Diagnosis, and Intervention
From leading clinical researchers, this book presents important advances in understanding and treating the early social-communication difficulties that are hallmarks of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It is grounded in current findings on typically and atypically developing infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Contributors highlight the connections between ASD and impairments in joint attention, communication and language, play, and imitation. They review approaches to supporting children's functioning in each area, along with evidence-based screening and assessment strategies. Valuable advice is offered on matching treatment to individual children's needs. The book also explores the developmental and neurobiological processes that underlie social-communication deficits in ASD.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Therapy of Schizophrenia
Drawing on the authors' decades of influential work in the field, this highly practical volume presents an evidence-based cognitive therapy approach for clients with schizophrenia. Guidelines are provided for collaborative assessment and case formulation that enable the clinician to build a strong therapeutic relationship, establish reasonable goals, and tailor treatment to each client's needs. Described in thorough, step-by-step detail are effective techniques for working with delusional beliefs, voices, visions, thought disorders, and negative symptoms; integrating cognitive therapy with other forms of treatment; reducing relapse risks; and enhancing client motivation. Special features include reproducible client handouts and assessment tools.
Guilford Publications Practical Handbook of School Psychology: Effective Practices for the 21st Century
This authoritative guide addresses all aspects of school psychology practice in a response-to-intervention (RTI) framework. Thirty-four focused chapters present effective methods for problem-solving-based assessment, instruction, and intervention. Specific guidelines are provided for promoting success in core academic domains--reading, writing, and math--and supporting students' positive behavior and social-emotional functioning. The book also describes ways to team with teachers and parents to develop collaborative solutions and overcome obstacles. Grounded in research, this is an indispensable resource for daily practice and an invaluable text for school psychology training programs.
Guilford Publications Child Abuse and Culture: Working with Diverse Families
This expertly written book provides an accessible framework for culturally competent practice with children and families in child maltreatment cases. Numerous workable strategies and concrete examples are presented to help readers address cultural concerns at each stage of the assessment and intervention process. Professionals and students learn new ways of thinking about their own cultural viewpoints as they gain critical skills for maximizing the accuracy of assessments for physical and sexual abuse; overcoming language barriers in parent and child interviews; respecting families' values and beliefs while ensuring children's safety; creating a welcoming agency environment; and more.
Guilford Publications Achieving Excellence in Preschool Literacy Instruction
High-quality preschool programs are essential to improving children’s outcomes in reading achievement and leveling language and literacy disparities among students from diverse backgrounds. Grounded in state-of-the-art research evidence, this practice-oriented book demonstrates how preschool professionals can create, evaluate, and sustain exemplary programs. Chapters from leading authorities cover coaching, assessment, and differentiation, as well as explicit strategies for teaching English language learners and helping at-risk readers. Discussion questions and suggested activities for professional development are included, as are reproducible assessment forms and planning tools for use in the classroom.
Guilford Publications Binge-Eating Disorder: Clinical Foundations and Treatment
This innovative scientific reference and clinical tool is virtually two books in one. Part I thoroughly yet succinctly reviews the literature on binge-eating disorder, covering diagnosis and epidemiology, clinical features and course, links to obesity, medical risks, and current treatment data. Part II provides an evidence-based cognitive-behavioral treatment manual. Session-by-session guidelines address how to help individuals or groups change their eating behavior, cope with emotional triggers, restructure problematic thoughts, deal with body image concerns and associated problems, maintain improvement, and prevent relapse. Featured are more than 40 clearly explained homework assignments and handouts, all in a large-size format with permission to photocopy.
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Trauma
This volume presents cutting-edge cognitive and behavioral applications for understanding and treating trauma-related problems in virtually any clinical setting. Leading scientist-practitioners succinctly review the whys, whats, and hows of their respective approaches. Encompassing individual, group, couple, and parent-child treatments, the volume goes beyond the traditionally identified diagnosis of PTSD to include strategies for addressing comorbid substance abuse, traumatic revictimization, complicated grief, acute stress disorder, and more. It also offers crucial guidance on assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment planning.
Guilford Publications Evaluation Ethics for Best Practice: Cases and Commentaries
Focusing on ethical challenges in program evaluation, this innovative book features six case-study scenarios that end at a point where the evaluator faces a significant decision about how to proceed. For each case, two distinguished evaluators offer insights on the best course of action to choose, and why. What If? boxes modify the details of the scenarios, inviting readers to reflect on whether these changes alter the ethical implications of the case. Six additional cases are presented with questions that guide readers to develop their own ethical analyses. The book is organized to follow the progress of an evaluation, from the entry/contracting phase through the utilization of results.
Guilford Publications Understanding the Defiant Child DVD
Tantrums, resistance to chores, negativity--occasional clashes between parents and children are not uncommon. But when a child's defiance is chronic and disruptive of family life, he or she may have Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). In this clear and accessible video program, leading authority Russell A. Barkley illuminates the nature of ODD and presents real-life scenes of family interactions and commentary from parents. Viewers gain state-of-the-science information about: *How to distinguish ODD from milder forms of misbehavior *Long-term outcomes for defiant children *The relationship between ODD and ADHD *What can be done to help children and families Running time: 34 minutes; includes 28-page manual.
Guilford Publications Shaping Literacy Achievement: Research We Have, Research We Need
In the era of No Child Left Behind, what literacy research is still needed? How should it be conducted? And what role does research play in determining the kinds of literacy experiences that actually take place in classrooms? This forward-thinking book brings together leading authorities to address these vital and hotly debated questions. Contributors analyze the existing knowledge on core aspects of literacy education, describe how science is currently informing practice, and identify important methodological challenges and research directions. A highlight of the book is a chapter in which Michael Pressley offers an insightful critique of Reading First as well as practical recommendations for improving future policies.
Guilford Publications Program Evaluation, Third Edition: Forms and Approaches
Program Evaluation, Third Edition, provides a conceptual and practical overview of the evaluation process in real-world educational, organizational, and social service settings. Using an issues-driven perspective, Owen helps students and practitioners compare and select from an array of evaluation approaches by providing an original conceptual framework for the five major forms of evaluative inquiry: proactive, clarificative, interactive, monitoring, and impact.
Guilford Publications Understanding Peer Influence in Children and Adolescents
Scientists, educators, and parents of teens have long recognized the potency of peer influences on children and youth, but until recently, questions of how and why adolescents emulate their peers were largely overlooked. This book presents a comprehensive framework for understanding the processes by which peers shape each other's attitudes and behavior, and explores implications for intervention and prevention. Leading authorities share compelling findings on such topics as how drug use, risky sexual behavior, and other deviant behaviors catch on among certain peer groups or cliques; the social, cognitive, developmental, and contextual factors that strengthen or weaken the power of peer influence; and the nature of positive peer influences and how to support them.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Constructionist Research
Constructionism has become one of the most popular research approaches in the social sciences. But until now, little attention has been given to the conceptual and methodological underpinnings of the constructionist stance, and the remarkable diversity within the field. This cutting-edge handbook brings together a dazzling array of scholars to review the foundations of constructionist research, how it is put into practice in multiple disciplines, and where it may be headed in the future. The volume critically examines the analytic frameworks, strategies of inquiry, and methodological choices that together form the mosaic of contemporary constructionism, making it an authoritative reference for anyone interested in conducting research in a constructionist vein.
Guilford Publications Teaching Literacy through the Arts
Accessible and hands-on yet grounded in research, this book addresses the whats, whys, and how-tos of integrating literacy instruction and the arts in grades K-8. Even teachers without any arts background will gain the skills they need to bring music, drama, visual arts, and dance into their classrooms. Provided are a wealth of specific resources and activities that other teachers have successfully used to build students' oral language, concepts of print, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and writing, while also promoting creativity and self-expression. Special features include reproducible worksheets and checklists for developing, evaluating, and implementing arts-related lesson plans.
Guilford Publications Talking with College Students about Alcohol: Motivational Strategies for Reducing Abuse
Grounded in current best practices, this book offers flexible, readily applicable guidelines for assessing and working with college drinkers. Provided is a wealth of practical advice on interacting with students in a range of contexts, from brief conversations in medical settings to motivational counseling sessions and group interventions. Also described are effective ways to weave alcohol prevention and intervention services into the fabric of campus life. Over a dozen appendices feature reproducible assessment instruments and other indispensable tools, in a large-size format for ease of photocopying and use. For optimal utility, supplemental materials for use in workshops, seminars, and other educational and training events are available online as PowerPoint slides (
Guilford Publications Introduction to Neuropsychology
This outstanding text gives students a solid grounding in clinical and experimental neuropsychology. The author is a leading authority whose engaging writing style and thorough yet concise coverage of brain localization, anatomy, and their links to cognitive function make the book ideal for undergraduate or graduate use. It is illustrated with more than 60 figures, including six color plates.
Guilford Publications Working with Emotions in Psychotherapy
In previous books, Leslie S. Greenberg has demonstrated the importance of integrating emotional work into therapy and has laid out a compelling model of therapeutic change. Building on these foundations, WORKING WITH EMOTIONS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY sheds new light on the process and technique of intervention with specific emotions. Filled with illustrative case examples, the book shows clinicians how to identify a given emotion, discern its role in a client's self-understanding, and understand how its expression is furthering or inhibiting the client's progress. Of vital importance, the authors help readers think more differentially about emotions; to distinguish, for example, between avoided emotional pain and chronic dysfunctional bad feelings, between adaptive sadness and maladaptive depression, and between overcontrolled anger and underregulated rage. A conceptual overview and framework for intervention are delineated, and special attention is given throughout to the integration of emotion and cognition in therapeutic work.
Guilford Publications Practical Management of Personality Disorder
This volume takes a multi-level approach to understanding and treating personality disorder, identifying core symptoms and problems that many patients share and providing a comprehensive framework for clinical intervention. Drawing on etiological knowledge as well as outcome research, the book identifies effective strategies for addressing key areas of the patient's psychosocial and biological functioning. The clinician learns how to conceptualize the phases of treatment and use the stages-of-change model as a guide for sequencing and selecting appropriate interventions. Pragmatic and flexible, the research-based strategies presented here are applicable in diverse settings, in therapies ranging from crisis intervention to long-term treatment.
Guilford Publications Intervening in Adolescent Problem Behavior: A Family-Centered Approach
This book presents a multilevel intervention and prevention program for at-risk adolescents and their families. Grounded in over 15 years of important clinical and developmental research, the Adolescent Transitions Program (ATP) has been nationally recognized as a best practice for strengthening families and reducing adolescent substance use and antisocial behavior. The major focus is to support parents' skills and motivation to reduce adolescent problem behavior and promote success. Spelling out the why, what, and how of this proactive, culturally informed intervention, the volume provides a solid scientific framework and all of the materials needed to implement the program in school or community settings. Included are illustrative case examples and an appendix featuring reproducible handouts and forms.
Guilford Publications Gender and PTSD
Current research and clinical observations suggest pronounced gender-based differences in the ways people respond to traumatic events. Most notably, women evidence twice the rate of PTSD as men following traumatic exposure. This important volume brings together leading clinical scientists to analyze the current state of knowledge on gender and PTSD. Cogent findings are presented on gender-based differences and influences in such areas as trauma exposure, risk factors, cognitive and physiological processes, comorbidity, and treatment response. Going beyond simply cataloging gender-related data, the book explores how the research can guide us in developing more effective clinical services for both women and men. Incorporating cognitive, biological, physiological, and sociocultural perspectives, this is an essential sourcebook and text.
Guilford Publications Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Theory, Research, and Treatment
Providing a comprehensive overview of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), this book brings together timely contributions from leading researchers and practitioners in the field. In sections covering psychopathology, assessment and treatment, and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders, chapters contain a wealth of new and recent data, numerous case examples, and helpful conceptual and clinical pointers. An appendix features extensive resource listings for both clinicians and patients
Guilford Publications Feeling Good about the Way You Look: A Program for Overcoming Body Image Problems
In a society where a blemish or “bad hair” can ruin an otherwise perfect day and airbrushed abs dominate the magazine rack, many of us feel ashamed of our bodies. If dissatisfaction with your looks is a distressing preoccupation, this compassionate book offers a way to break free from the mirror. Harvard psychologist Sabine Wilhelm leads you through a step-by-step program that helps you fight the urge to spend hours “fixing” your skin and hair, working out, or shopping for flattering clothes. Reality-check exercises based on cognitive-behavioral therapy demonstrate how to identify unfounded beliefs about your appearance. Once you understand the negative thoughts and feelings that distort your self-image, you’ll be able to shed lengthy grooming rituals and overcome the embarrassment that keeps you from enjoying life. With Dr. Wilhelm’s expert guidance, you’ll learn to replace self-doubt and insecurity with confidence and a positive outlook. Whether you’ve spent thousands on plastic surgery or avoid trips to the beach, dating, or socializing, you owe yourself this opportunity to make peace with your looks. If you or someone you care about is struggling with a body image problem, effective care is finally at hand. Health care professionals, see also the related treatment manual: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
Guilford Publications Skills Training Manual for Diagnosing and Treating Chronic Depression: Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy
This handy 8 1/2 x 11 manual provides a step-by-step guide to the clinical strategies and tools presented in Treatment for Chronic Depression. Each chapter summarizes one step of the CBASP technique and details precisely how to implement the skills training procedures. Featuring paper-and-pencil exercises based on realistic case vignettes, the manual helps therapists master the process of clinical decision making within CBASP.
Guilford Publications What Psychotherapists Should Know About Disability
This comprehensive volume provides the knowledge and skills that mental health professionals need for more effective, informed work with clients with disabilities. Combining her extensive knowledge as a clinician, researcher, and teacher with her personal experience as someone with a disability, Olkin provides an insider's perspective on critical issues that are often overlooked in training. A lucid conceptual framework is presented for understanding disability as a minority experience, one that is structured by social, legal, and attitudinal constraints as well as physical challenges. Illuminating frequently encountered psychosocial themes and concerns, chapters describe a range of approaches to dealing with disability issues in the treatment of adults, children, and families. Topics addressed include etiquette with clients with disabilities; special concerns in assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis; the impact of disability on sexuality and romance, as well as pregnancy, birthing, and parenting; the use of assistive technology and devices; disability and substance abuse; and more. Filled with clinical examples and observations, the volume also discusses strategies for enhancing teaching, training, and research.
Guilford Publications Black Families in Therapy: Understanding the African American Experience
This classic text helps professionals and students understand and address cultural and racial issues in therapy with African American clients. Leading family therapist Nancy Boyd-Franklin explores the problems and challenges facing African American communities at different socioeconomic levels, expands major therapeutic concepts and models to be more relevant to the experiences of African American families and individuals, and outlines an empowerment-based, multisystemic approach to helping clients mobilize cultural and personal resources for change.
Guilford Publications The Relational Trauma of Incest: A Family-Based Approach to Treatment
This volume presents a groundbreaking understanding of incest and an innovative, family-based approach to treatment. The authors show that while not all incestuously abused children experience the classic diagnostic symptoms of trauma, virtually all do experience relational trauma --disruptions in the sense of safety, security, loyalty, and trust that may block connection and communication with nonoffending family members. Systematically combining individual and family sessions, the relational treatment model focuses on strengthening the child's protective relationships, mobilizing the family to help resolve the child's emotional and behavioral symptoms, and building the family's resiliency. Filled with annotated case material that illuminates the challenging treatment choices and dilemmas facing the clinician, this book offers essential guidance for anyone working with families in which incest has occurred.
Guilford Publications Spectral Analysis of Time-Series Data
This book provides a thorough introduction to methods for detecting and describing cyclic patterns in time-series data. It is written both for researchers and students new to the area and for those who have already collected time-series data but wish to learn new ways of understanding and presenting them. Facilitating the interpretation of observations of behavior, physiology, mood, perceptual threshold, social indicator variables, and other responses, the book focuses on practical applications and requires much less mathematical background than most comparable texts. Using real data sets and currently available software (SPSS for Windows), the author employs extensive examples to clarify key concepts. Topics covered include research design issues, preliminary data screening, identification and description of cycles, summary of results across time series, and assessment of relations between time series. Also considered are theoretical questions, problems of interpretation, and potential sources of artifact.
Guilford Publications Unorthodox Freud: The View from the Couch
Offering a fresh new look at how Freud practiced psychoanalysis, this book draws upon the five existing full-length accounts of Freud's analyses written by the patients themselves. Focusing upon Freud's definition of the primary task of treatment and the division of labor between himself and his patient, the authors compare the five cases as well as the cases of the Rat Man and the Wolf Man both to Freud's own papers on technique and to current ideals of mainstream analytic treatment. Their findings reveal an unexpected Freud, an active, personal, and emotionally engaged clinician quite different from the dominant image of the Freudian analyst as uninvolved, neutral interpreter of transference and resistance. Raising important questions about the nature of the primary task, the pitfalls of task displacement, and the roles of neutrality and authority, this book makes a valuable contribution to current psychoanalytic dialogue.
Guilford Publications Sports Neuropsychology: Assessment and Management of Traumatic Brain Injury
Neuropsychologists are increasingly involved in the assessment and management of sports-related concussion. This is the only book to provide practical guidelines for evaluating mild head injury and making crucial return-to-play decisions for athletes at all levels, from schoolchildren to high school, college, and professional players. Essential basic knowledge is presented and exemplary concussion management programs are described in depth. Coverage encompasses the most sophisticated, evidence-based neurocognitive techniques, including computerized test batteries for pre- and postconcussion assessment. With special attention to ethical and professional issues, the book provides keys to successful collaboration with physicians, coaches and trainers, and patients and their families.
Guilford Publications Handbook on the Science of Early Literacy
Guilford Publications Practicing Harm Reduction Psychotherapy Second Edition
Guilford Publications Lenses on Reading Fourth Edition
Guilford Publications The Structured Literacy Planner
Structured Literacy (SL) approaches are increasingly recognized as the gold standard for teaching struggling readers. This highly practical book walks educators through designing SL interventions for students with common types of reading difficulties--word reading, comprehension, or a combination of both.
Guilford Publications Social Emotional and Behavioral Supports in Schools
Meeting a critical need, this accessible guide addresses the whats, whys, and how-tos of developing and implementing effective Tier 2 social, emotional, and behavioral supports. The book provides explicit steps for identifying K-12 students who could benefit from Tier 2, matching evidence-based interventions to student needs, and making individualized, data-based decisions regarding adapting, fading, or intensifying supports. Chapters review exemplary interventions in the areas of conduct, self-regulation, social issues, emotional issues, and co-occurring academic and socialâemotionalâbehavioral needs. The place of Tier 2 in schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) is explained, and keys to implementation fidelity are highlighted. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes 23 reproducible forms and checklists that can also be downloaded and printed. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series,
Guilford Publications Psychodynamic Therapy Second Edition
Guilford Publications The Power of Instructional Coaching in Context
Guilford Publications Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom Second Edition
Guilford Publications Lessons of the Pandemic: Disruption, Innovation, and What Schools Need to Move Forward
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on K-12 education have been pervasive and profound. This engaging book concisely outlines the current crisis in schools in the core areas of student learning, student and teacher mental health, and teacher burnout. Synthesizing original research, David T. Marshall and Tim Pressley offer in-depth descriptions of the disruptions caused by prolonged school closures and remote instruction. They also identify some positive changes, such as increased use of online resources and technology, flexible work models, and greater attention to social and emotional learning. Sharing key findings, concrete examples, and teachers’ own voices about what they need to succeed, the book provides clear recommendations for moving schools forward effectively and sustainably.