Search results for ""Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Complexity
Complexity research draws on complexity in various disciplines. This Handbook provides a comprehensive and current overview of applications of complexity theory in economics. The 15 chapters, written by leading figures in the field, cover such broad topic areas as conceptual issues, microeconomic market dynamics, aggregation and macroeconomics issues, econophysics and financial markets, international economic dynamics, evolutionary and ecological-environmental economics, and broader historical perspectives on economic complexity.This Handbook presents perspectives at a broad and high level of current cutting edge research in complexity, and will be of great interest to academics concerned with all aspects of economics and in particular economic theory, macroeconomics and evolutionary economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rule of Law Reform and Development: Charting the Fragile Path of Progress
This important book addresses a number of key issues regarding the relationship between the rule of law and development. It presents a deep and insightful inquiry into the current orthodoxy that the rule of law is the panacea for the world's problems. The authors chart the precarious progress of law reforms both in overall terms and in specific policy areas such as the judiciary, the police, tax administration and access to justice, among others. They accept that the rule of law is necessarily tied to the success of development, although they propose a set of procedural values to enlighten this institutional approach. The authors also recognize that states face difficulties in implementing this institutional structures and identify the probable impediments, before proposing a rethink of law reform strategies and offering some conclusions about the role of the international community in the rule of law reform.Reviewing the progress in the rule of law reform in developing countries, specifically four regions - Latin America, Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, and Asia - this book makes a significant contribution to the literature. It will be of great interest to scholars and advanced students, as well as practitioners in the field, including international and bilateral aid agencies working on rule of law reform projects, and international and regional non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that focus on rule of law reform as a major aspect of their mandate.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Moral Foundations of Management Knowledge
This book sheds light on 'hidden' aspects of management theory by questioning its moral foundations: ethical and moral principles tend to become over time, deeply embedded, if not buried, in the intellectual and disciplinary subfields of management, particularly when the latter vie for scientific status. In the process, they often become invisible or indecipherable both to those who advance and diffuse knowledge as well as to those who receive, interpret and apply it. The contributors to this book explore in various subfields of management thought a number of important moral and ethical issues. What is the definition of 'good behaviour' - and hence of 'bad behaviour' - implicit behind the theories we use and produce? Can we find, historically, a trace of moral and ethical dilemmas and debates in those intellectual subfields that tend to posture today as morally neutral? What is the conception of human nature and social reality embedded in modern management thought and theories? How do those implicit and hidden cognitive schemes influence the development of research and knowledge in those various subfields? How do they prevent certain issues from emerging? How do they shape debates, practices and beliefs - leaving little room to approach the world differently and to depart from mainstream perspectives?This unique treatment of the moral foundations of knowledge management will provide a stimulating read for academics, students and professionals focusing on business and management, business administration, sociology, organizational behaviour and moral philosophy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Global Frontiers in Regulation: The Age of Nanotechnology
Our growing ability to manufacture materials at the atomic scale will change our lives for the better, and tomorrow's nano-economy will outperform today's information age. Or so its proponents claim. Others maintain that a future dominated by commercial incentives risks a toxicological nightmare to rival the sorry global story of asbestos.This important volume is a timely contribution to increasing international calls to regulate nanotechnologies. By investigating the ways in which we could regulate these advances, and what we are learning from regulating existing technologies, such as biotechnologies and information technologies, the book debates the roles of government, business actors and the professions in protecting and enhancing the lives of citizens. In placing particular emphasis on the lessons of earlier technology advances, this book is unique in its broad consideration of the ethical, legal and social issues entwined within the development of the nanotechnology family.The multi-jurisdictional and interdisciplinary nature of the book will appeal to governments, academics, and civil societies across many parts of the world, while also remaining accessible to informed readers with an interest in nanotechnology and the policy and governance issues associated with technology development and regulation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Heightening Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sector
This compilation of original essays by an international cast of top scholars addresses some of the major issues now facing postal and delivery services throughout the world. The European Commission and member states wrestle with the problem of how to implement the scheduled liberalization of these sectors and maintain the universal service obligation while the United States Postal Service is coming to terms with the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. In addition, the book addresses the impact of electronic competition as well as other problems facing the field. The contributors analyze pressing issues such as access to infrastructure and service elements, changes in the national regulations of EU countries, forecasting mail volumes and the evolving market environment, issues surrounding universal service and others.Undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in regulation and public sector economics along with industry professionals will find this volume informative and useful.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Roads to Wisdom, Conversations with Ten Nobel Laureates in Economics
Karen Horn's remarkable interviews with ten Nobel Laureates explore the conditions required for scientific progress by navigating the 'roads to wisdom' in economic science.How does progress in economic theory come about? Where do path-breaking ideas come from? What is it that has enabled these outstanding scholars to make their substantial contributions? How deep are the footprints of a particular historical situation, how strong the political tide or the state-of-the-art in economics, and how influential is personal history on their individual roads to wisdom? Analytical answers to these fundamental questions are presented in this insightful collection of deep and highly inspiring conversations with Nobel Laureates Paul A. Samuelson, Kenneth J. Arrow, James M. Buchanan, Robert M. Solow, Gary S. Becker, Douglass C. North, Reinhard Selten, George A. Akerlof, Vernon L. Smith and Edmund S. Phelps. Superbly supplemented with concise overviews of the Nobel Laureates' lives and works, these fascinating discussions culminate with a comprehensive inquiry into progress in economic theory. As such, this eloquent and highly accessible book will prove to be a compelling read for scholars and students of the discipline, and all those with an interest in economics and the history of economic thought.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Politics of Climate Change
This highly topical collection, edited by two accomplished academics, explores how environmental science and energy policy relate to international politics and policy. This complex and essentially interdisciplinary subject has been the core about which academics have fiercely debated and, as yet, unsuccessfully reached satisfactory negotiations. The editors interpret the politics of climate change as being driven less by scientific understanding than by disguised interests and deeply believed norms. The carefully selected papers in this volume both analyse and advocate policies that claim to be directed towards ?combating man-made global warming? and hence ‘?save the planet?’.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Human Rights in Asia
Does the increasing prominence of Asia also mark a new era for human rights in the region? This timely book uncovers the political drivers behind both recent regional and country-based changes to the recognition, promotion, and protection of rights. Human Rights in Asia focuses on the relationships between political regimes, institutions and cultures, and external actors, such as international organizations, NGOs, and business. The contributing authors provide important discussions on Burma, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Phillipines. Thematic chapters then go on to frame these individually focused contributions, by examining the international pressure to 'normalize' rights regimes, and the relationship between Islam and rights in the region. Providing a unique combination of country-specific and thematic analysis, this book will be a fascinating and beneficial read for postgraduate and undergraduate students in human rights and international relations, as well as scholars in politics, human rights, international relations and government and NGO analysts. Contributors include: M.K. Connors, T.W.D. Davis, M. Ford, B. Galligan, A. Kent, A. McGregor, T. Milner, R.C. Pangalangan, S. Peou, G. Rodan, A. Saeed, R. Samaddar
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Interaction between Europe’s Legal Systems: Judicial Dialogue and the Creation of Supranational Laws
This detailed book begins with some reflections on the importance of judicial interactions in European constitutional law, before going on to compare the relationships between national judges and supranational laws across 27 European jurisdictions. For the same jurisdictions it then makes a careful assessment of way in which ECHR and EU law is handled before national courts and also sets this in the context of the original goals and aims of the two regimes. Finally, the authors broaden the perspective to bring in the prospects of European enlargement towards the East, and consider the implications of this for the rapprochement between the two regimes. The Interaction between Europe's Legal Systems will strongly appeal to academics and students in European law, comparative law, theory of law, postgraduate students and LLM students in European law and in comparative law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Patent Rights in Pharmaceuticals in Developing Countries: Major Challenges for the Future
India's 2005 adoption of a TRIPS-consistent patent regime will reveal whether Indian generic pharmaceuticals companies will continue to supply essential drugs for developing nations such as Thailand, who are reliant on India for the supply of cheap medicines. Patent Rights in Pharmaceuticals in Developing Countries investigates the public policy and public health implications of pharmaceutical patenting in countries such as India and Thailand. The book engages with a broad range of new case studies, providing a detailed examination of options for the resolution of access-to-medicine issues at global, national and local levels. In addition, the book reflects the significant progress in international and national patent law and in international policymaking in this area. Broadly accessible, the work will appeal to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as researchers and academics in fields such as intellectual property law, public health, industrial economics, development studies and political science. National policymakers and government officials, as well as professionals based in international organizations and pharmaceutical industries, will also find this exciting work of great interest.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Integration and Globalization: Challenges for Developed and Developing Countries
The main challenges the European Single Market is facing in the 21st century result from the enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe, the EMU, and the globalization of trade and investment that has aided the rise of competitive emerging markets. This state-of-the-art book provides fresh theoretical and empirical evidence on the challenges presented by integration and globalization for both developed and developing countries. The authors demonstrate how the European Single Market remains a work in progress with many critical issues still to be addressed. These include the rigidities in product and labor markets, the need for innovation and quality upgrading, and the rapid catch-up of new member countries. They go on to show how firms use the opportunities provided by integration and globalization to fragment their production processes internationally, which brings gains but also requires structural adjustment. The book also argues that global environmental coordination may be less detrimental to the growth prospects of developing countries than is commonly believed. Illustrating a number of methodologies, this book will be a great resource tool for postgraduates and undergraduates in the fields of international economics and business, as well as researchers and policy-makers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics of Conflict
The Handbook on the Economics of Conflict conveys how economics can contribute to the understanding of conflict in its various dimensions embracing world wars, regional conflicts, terrorism and the role of peacekeeping in conflict prevention. The economics of conflict is a relatively new branch of the discipline of economics. Conflict provides opportunities for applying game theory involving strategic behaviour, interactions and interdependence between adversaries. The Handbook demonstrates that conflict and its prevention is costly; it considers new dimensions such as ethnic cleansing, destructive power, terrorism, corruption, the impact of new technology, peacekeeping, the role of economists in defence ministries and the use of private contractors in conflict. This unique and comprehensive resource presents a set of original contributions by distinguished experts, providing theoretical, empirical and case-study material. It will prove invaluable for students and researchers interested in defence and peace economics, international relations and strategic studies. Policymakers and defence industry executives will also find this book a fascinating read. Contributors : C. Anderton, S.H. Bae, C.P. Barros, N. Bennett, U. Berkok, L. Bilmes, V. Bove, D. Braddon, J. Bradley, J. Brauer, J. Carter, F. Coulomb, N. Davies, S. Davies, P. Dowdall, J.P. Dunne, A. Gibbons, L.A. Gil-Alana, P. Hall, K. Hartley, J. Hudson, D. Jones, C. Kollisa, S. Markowski, A. Ott, S.M. Paleologou, K. Pittel, I. Ringel, D. Rübbelke, Selami Sezgin, Sennu Sezgin, R. Smith, B. Solomon, J. Stiglitz, A. Tishler, T. Turner, M. Vahabi, V. Zervos
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics and Theory of the Firm
This unique Handbook explores both the economics of the firm and the theory of the firm, two areas which are traditionally treated separately in the literature. On the one hand, the former refers to the structure, organization and boundaries of the firm, while the latter is devoted to the analysis of behaviors and strategies in particular market contexts. The novel concept underpinning this authoritative volume is that these two areas closely interact, and that a framework must be articulated in order to illustrate how linkages can be created. This interpretative framework is comprehensively developed in the editors' introduction, and the expert contributors - more than fifty academics of renowned authority - further elaborate on the linkages in the seven comprehensive sections that follow, encompassing: background; equilibrium and new institutional theories; the multinational firm; dynamic approaches to the firm; modern issues; firms' strategies; and economic policy and the firm. Bridging economics and theory of the firm, and providing both technical and institutional perspectives on real corporations, this path-breaking Handbook will prove an invaluable resource for academics, researchers and students in the fields of economics, heterodox economics, business and management, and industrial organization. Contributors: Z.J. Acs, M. Aglietta, C. Antonelli, M.C. Becker, M. Bellandi, M.H. Best, H. Bo, J.J. Bouma, H. Bouthinon-Dumas, T. Buchmann, R. Carter, M. Casson, C. Cezanne, M. Cloodt, A. Coad, A. Colombelli, A. Correlje, L. De Propris, M. Dietrich, C. Driver, S.P. Dunn, P.E. Earl, N.J. Foss, M. Fransman, J.-L. Gaffard, J. Groenewegen, S. Guillou, J. Hagedoorn, G. Hanappi, G.M. Hodgson, W. Holzl, G. Ietto-Gillies, A. Jolink, T. Knudsen, J. Krafft, W. Lazonick, S. Lechevalier, B.J. Loasby, F. Marty, L. Nesta, E. Niesten, B. Nooteboom, U. Pagano, P.P. Patrucco, A. Pyka, F. Quatraro, J.-L. Ravix, A. Reberioux, A. Reinstaller, E. Salies, P.P. Saviotti, N. Stieglitz, M. Teubal, S. Toms, N. Wadeson, O. Weinstein, J.F. Wilson
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Great Migration: Rural–Urban Migration in China and Indonesia
This fascinating study compares and contrasts the immense internal migration movements in China and Indonesia. Over the next two decades, approximately two-thirds of the rural labour force is expected to migrate, transforming their respective societies from primarily rural to urban based. Whilst both countries face similar challenges as hundreds of millions of people move, the policies implemented and their consequences are very different. Using an extensive range of qualitative and quantitative data, the contributors explore the impact of migration on migrants and their families, as well as the rural communities they leave behind and the urban communities they enter. They discover that migrants earn less and face discrimination in the urban labour market, although more so in China where there are greater restrictions. However migration contributes to a more equal distribution of income in urban China and to lowering poverty in rural China, and migrants fare better on health and poverty indicators in Indonesia.The Great Migration will strongly appeal to researchers, economists and sociologists with a special interest in migration and development studies. Policy-makers in both China and Indonesia will also find much to fascinate them within this highly original book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reforming Public Management and Governance: Impact and Lessons from Anglophone Countries
This critical book focuses on two dominant reform agendas - managerialism and politicisation - to examine the condition of Anglophone countries after 40 years of reform to public sector management and governance. Comparing four countries using the Westminster system - Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom - John Halligan explores the changes resulting from distinctive reform agendas, exposing performance shortfalls and unintended consequences, such as bureaucratisation. Offering a broad overview of the implementation and outcomes of key administrative developments, Halligan unpacks those traditions and conventions of governance in Anglophone countries that have been disrupted by unrestrained political executives, producing dramatic imbalances in management and governance systems. Judicious and incisive, this book will be crucial reading to postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students of public policy seeking an in-depth understanding of both historic and contemporary reforms to public management and governance. Halligan's comparative approach to public management systems will also benefit government practitioners and specialists working closely with governments.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Fragmentation of Production: The Impact of Outsourcing on the Japanese Economy
Using state-of-the-art econometric tools, this book examines the implications of international fragmentation of production for the performance of the Japanese manufacturing industry. The impact of the ongoing process of international fragmentation of production and outsourcing has become a highly contentious issue in developed economies such as the US and Japan. Concerns about deindustrialisation and large-scale job losses - `the export of jobs' have generated a political backlash against multinationals and globalisation. Using detailed data from Japanese multinationals this book rigorously analyses the Japanese experience and compares and contrasts it with the experience of US manufacturing. The study finds no empirical evidence that expansion of multinational activities in foreign countries produces job losses in the home country. Indeed, when demand induced indirect employment effects are taken into account the increased profitability of Japanese firms is likely to have increased overall employment in Japan. However, the shift of labour intensive activities to low wage economies associated with the international fragmentation of production generates adjustment pressures and a structural shift in favour of skilled workers in Japanese manufacturing.Being the first book to examine the impact of international outsourcing on the Japanese economy, this will be an excellent resource tool for scholars in the field of international economics as well as postgraduate students in international business and economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Making of a European Economist
David Colander's highly original and thought provoking book considers ongoing changes in graduate European economics education. Following up on his earlier classic studies of US graduate economic education, he studies the 'economist production function' in which universities take student 'raw material' and transform it into economists, In doing so he provides insight into economists and economics.He argues that until recently Europe had a different 'economist production function' than did the US; thus European economists were different from their US counterparts. However, this is now changing, and Colander suggests that the changes are not necessarily for the best. Specifically, he suggests that in their attempt to catch up with US programs, European economics is undermining some of their strengths-strengths that could allow them to leapfrog US economics in the future, and be the center of 21st century economics. Student views on the ongoing changes and ensuing difficulties are reported via surveys of, and interviews with, students in global European graduate programs. The conclusion draws broad policy implications from the study, and suggests a radically different market approach to funding economic research that Colander argues will help avoid the pitfalls into which European economics is now falling. This unique and path-breaking book will prove essential reading for economists, as well as academics, students and researchers with a special interest in economics education, the methodology of economics, or the history of economic thought.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Global Developments in Public Infrastructure Procurement: Evaluating Public–Private Partnerships and Other Procurement Options
This book provides an up-to-date study of public infrastructure in terms of the selection, procurement and delivery of projects. There is widespread acceptance that infrastructure is vital and needs increasing, yet less agreement about how it should be funded and procured. This book assesses in detail the features of various procurement options while also providing a framework for comparing their advantages and disadvantages. Drawing on international experiences and case studies, Darrin Grimsey and Mervyn Lewis consider some of the best and worst examples of public-private partnerships, new funding methods and infrastructure megaprojects. By offering a conceptual basis for infrastructure decision-making, the authors identify ways to improve infrastructure procurement processes. Focusing on urbanization as a driver of innovation in infrastructure, both the historical context and the future prospects of public infrastructure are analysed. Significantly, the book also examines China's ambitious plans to create a 'high-speed rail economy' and its Belt and Road Initiative across Asia that offers an interesting contrast to infrastructure developments in the United States and other advanced economies. Global Developments in Public Infrastructure Procurement is an essential source of reference for academics and students of economics, public sector finance and urban infrastructure.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Governance in Asia and the Limits of Electoral Democracy
This book documents the search for a workable model of democracy in Asia. It begins with two conceptual chapters that explore the role of electoral democracy as a governance mechanism in the light of other governance mechanisms, then reviews the various forms of Asian democracy, including those that many may consider to be in name rather than in substance, that have been practiced to date, and indicates where these models may have failed or succeeded. Underpinned by extensive case studies, valuable insights into governance and democracy in Asia ?- arguably one of the most fascinating and dynamic regions in the world ?- are provided.The contributors chart the historical development of democracy (or democratic aspirations) within their respective countries/territories, and analyse both the positive and the negative influences on democratization. They assess whether the particular form of democracy (or lack of, as the case may be) that has developed brings benefit or harm to the people living in the countries and why. The extent to which policy-making has been able to produce benefits for the population, regardless of the degree of democratic development, is then addressed. Finally, the book evaluates whether lessons can be learnt from Asia?s experiences with democracy for other areas of the world.Concluding that sound governance mechanisms, in particular the rule of law, ? is the key to effective democratic systems, this book will strongly appeal to those with an interest in democracy, comparative politics, political economy and Asian studies and will be a timely reference or text in courses related to these areas.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Professional Services
Professional services are increasingly seen as an important foundation for future economic growth and prosperity. Yet research on innovative and entrepreneurial processes in professional services has been surprisingly scarce. This Handbook provides a collection of original contributions from leading scholars outlining the current stock of knowledge in the area as well as providing directions for further research. The expert contributors discuss entrepreneurship and innovation from a number of different perspectives, including the entrepreneurial professional team, the entrepreneurial firm and the institutional environment. The first part of the book looks at the challenges of entrepreneurship specific to the professional service firm while the second explores the creation and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities in the professional service team. Part III turns to the organization and Part IV to the management and growth of the entrepreneurial professional service firm. The final part discusses the interplay between professions, firms and the institutional environment. Researchers, scholars and PhD students in the areas of entrepreneurship and professional service firms along with advanced students of management will find this volume of great value. Contributors: J. Benders, D.M. Brock, T. Clark, L. Empson, R. Fincham, J. Flood, J. Glückler, H. Gruber, A. Halinen, K. Handley, S. Heusinkveld, E. Jaakkola, K. Laursen, L. Lefsrud, B.R. Lowendahl, V. Mahnke, N. Malhotra, M. Mohe, M. Mone, T. Morris, D. Muzio, N. Nikolova, M. Reihlen, S. Segal-Horn, J. Sieweke, M. Smets, M. Stollfub, L. Strannegard, A. Sturdy, R. Suddaby, R.-J. van den Berg, P. Vejrup-Hansen, A. Werr, M. Woywode
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Electricity and Energy Policy in Britain, France and the United States since 1945
Martin Chick's book is a major economic and historical study of the development of electricity and energy policy in Britain, France and the United States since 1945. Using newly available archival material the author draws important comparisons between these countries and includes all of the fuel and power industries.Among the issues covered within this book are: nationalisation and privatisation; regulation, deregulation and liberalisation; marginal cost pricing; investment appraisal; the OPEC oil price hikes of the 1970s; the European Coal and Steel Community; domestic and international threats to national energy security; the electricity blackouts in California; the efforts of the European Commission to promote competition in national and transnational electricity markets; and the influence of history on current discussions of energy policy. The book blends economic theory with historical evidence and is as interested in the political factors affecting the implementation of theory as in the theory itself.It will be of interest to all students and scholars of environmental studies, politics, economics, business and industrial history, as well as to anyone interested in placing the current debates on electricity and energy policy in their historical perspective
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Frontiers in Pension Finance
How to deliver adequate pension benefits at reasonable costs is a huge challenge confronting our ageing societies. This book delivers a comprehensive overview of the latest insights into pension finance, pension system design, pension governance and risk based supervision. It combines state-of-the-art analyses with innovative policy proposals to increase the efficiency and resilience of pension systems and to advance these systems' contribution to global financial stability. Renowned pension experts offer cutting-edge guidance for future decision making and the development of best practices. This exciting exploration of the frontiers in pension finance highlights key aspects of securing long term retirement provisions.Frontiers in Pension Finance will be of interest to a wide-ranging audience, especially academic researchers, pension practitioners, supervisors and public sector policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Chicago Price Theory
The 'Chicago Price Theory' approach to economics has been credited with shedding light on many fundamental questions relating to traditional economics and renowned scholars including Milton Friedman, Frank Knight, George Stigler, Jacob Viner and others have each played a key role in the development of investigative techniques and methodologies. This comprehensive three-volume collection brings together the most important papers from leading economists published in the past 120 years covering a wide range of topics and issues. Along with an original introduction by the editors, this authoritative set will be of immense value to students, researchers, scholars and practitioners interested in 'Chicago Price Theory'.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Global Knowledge Work: Diversity and Relational Perspectives
Global Knowledge Work is an up-to-date account of theoretical approaches and empirical research in the multi-disciplinary topic of global knowledge workers from a relational and diversity perspective.This informative volume includes contributions from international scholars and practitioners who have been working with the concept of global knowledge workers from a number of different perspectives, including personal and academic life trajectories. They reveal that the relational framework of the three dimensions of analysis (macro-meso-micro) is relevant for analyzing the phenomenon of global knowledge workers, as expertise and specialized knowledge and its innovative application, together with the attraction and retention of talent remain key topics in the current socioeconomic conditions.With a wealth of original research, this book will strongly appeal to researchers, practitioners, academics and managers in the fields of diversity, organizational studies, knowledge management and human resources.Contributors include: J. Adelstein, B. Al-Jenaibi, K. Chalkiti, P.H. Christensen, G. Gaio Santos, P. Harrigan, L. Harris, W. Harvey, P.V. Ilavarasan, O. Kyriakidou, B. Lange, J. Leah, C.M. Malish, P. Manolopoulos, K.-P. Nikolopoulos, M. Psoinos, K. Sakellariou, J. Schröder, L. Warren
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Economics of Intellectual Property Law: Vol 1: Theory Vol 2: Analytical Methods
Both law and economics and intellectual property law have expanded dramatically in tandem over recent decades. This field-defining two-volume Handbook, featuring the leading legal, empirical, and law and economics scholars studying intellectual property rights, provides wide-ranging and in-depth analysis both of the economic theory underpinning intellectual property law, and the use of analytical methods to study it. Volume 1 explores the the role that economic incentives play in promoting innovation and creativity. It also examines the analogy between intellectual property and tangible property, the economics of intellectual property institutions, and the interplay of intellectual property, development, and international trade. Volume 2 explores analytical methods used to study intellectual property law. The chapters survey data sources, the use of patent citation data, patent valuation, empirical studies of intellectual property modalities (patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secrets) and institutions, the impacts of technological change on technology and content industries, the use of experimental methods, economic history research, political economy, and knowledge commons research.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Transnational Environmental Governance: The Emergence and Effects of the Certification of Forests and Fisheries
In recent years a wide range of non-state certification programs have emerged to address environmental and social problems associated with the extraction of natural resources. This book provides a general analytical framework for assessing the emergence and effectiveness of voluntary certification programs. It focuses on certification in the forest and fisheries sectors, as initiatives in these sectors are among the most advanced cases of non-state standard setting and governance in the environmental realm. Paying particular attention to the Forest Stewardship Council and the Marine Stewardship Council, the author examines how certification initiatives emerged, the politics that underlie their development, their ability to influence producer and consumer behavior, and the broader consequences of their formation and spread. The analysis of the certification of forests and fisheries offers a wealth of insights from which to better understand the capacity of non-state governance programs to ameliorate global environmental problems.Containing a detailed review of the direct effects and broader consequences of forest and fisheries certification, this book will be warmly welcomed by scholars of environmental politics and corporate social responsibility, as well as practitioners involved in non-state certification programs throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Emerging Clusters: Theoretical, Empirical and Political Perspectives on the Initial Stage of Cluster Evolution
This book rigorously explores the critical, initial stage of cluster emergence in which the seeds for further growth are sown. Whether economic growth actually occurs, however, ultimately depends on various regional conditions and the processes in place.The contributors offer a broad spectrum of conceptual perspectives and empirical case studies on the regional factors and policies required for economic growth. They discuss the link between new clusters and established regional paths, the generation of institutions and endogenous dynamics, and the patterns of emergence and growth of successful clusters. A number of important questions are addressed, including: ? How do opportunities and crises influence cluster emergence? ? Is cluster emergence purely random or can it be planned? ? How can emerging clusters be identified and their growth patterns measured? ? How can regional policies support cluster emergence? Filling a gap in the literature on the actual genesis of clusters, this path-breaking book will prove a fascinating read for academics focusing on economics, geography, entrepreneurship, technological change and innovation, and regional studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurial Teams and New Business Creation
There is a growing interest in the diversity and complexity of entrepreneurial teams because of their potential to shape new business growth. In particular, curiosity is focused on how entrepreneurial teams should be formed in order to allow new businesses to be created and therefore ensure their growth. This timely collection identifies leading contributions in this developing area and reflects a growing body of research. The editors have written an authoritative introduction exploring the origins and development of research in this field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Government, Governance and Welfare Reform: Structural Changes and Subsidiarity in Italy and Britain
This unique and original book focuses on institutional changes, welfare reforms and transformations in both Britain and Italy over the last three decades. The book illustrates that although it was a widely held belief in both countries that the arena of social and economic governance would shift to the national level, to the surprise of many, a different trend has emerged. In otherwise very different national experiences, both Britain and Italy have seen the sub-national level of governance become crucial in redefining public services, and in designing, delivering, and monitoring key services. The expert contributors use a distinctive and original principle - subsidiarity - as a lens through which to examine and assess these governance regimes, their philosophies, and their organizational choices. Academics, researchers and students of social policy, public policy, public administration and regional studies will find this book to be a highly fascinating read. It will also provide a wealth of information for policymakers and think tanks.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Islamic Banking
The Handbook of Islamic Banking comprises 25 studies by leading international experts on Islamic banking and finance specially commissioned to analyse the various debates and the current state of play in the field.From its origins thirty years ago, Islamic banking has expanded rapidly to become a distinctive and fast growing segment of the international banking and capital markets. Despite this expansion, Islamic banking still remains poorly understood in many parts of the Muslim world and continues to be a mystery in much of the West. This comprehensive Handbook provides a succinct analysis of the workings of Islamic banking and finance, accessible to a wide range of readers. At the same time, it seeks to bring the current research agenda and the main issues on Islamic banking before a wider audience.Islamic banking offers, as an alternative to conventional interest-based financing methods, a wide variety of financial instruments and investment vehicles based on profit-and-loss sharing arrangements. These are all explored in detail along with other subjects such as governance and risk management, securities and investment, structured financing, accounting and regulation, economic development and globalization.M. Kabir Hassan, Mervyn Lewis and the other contributors have created an authoritative and original reference work, which will contribute to a wider understanding of Islamic banking as well as provoking further discussion and research. It will be invaluable to all scholars, researchers and policymakers with an interest in this subject.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Pricing Nature: Cost–Benefit Analysis and Environmental Policy
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is one of the most useful tools of applied economics for the social appraisal of public projects and government policies. Nick Hanley and Edward Barbier show how CBA can be applied to environmental policy choice and environmental resource management. They cover the conceptual underpinnings of CBA, practical methods for applying CBA, and a wide range of case study applications from Europe, North America and developing countries. Issues such as the value of ecosystem services and the special problems posed for CBA by environmental management are brought into close focus. The textbook is aimed at students on inter-disciplinary courses as well as those studying environmental economics, welfare economics and public policy. It will also be of interest to people in the policy community, NGOs and consultancy sectors.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Expectations, Rationality and Economic Performance: Models and Experiments
This book offers a broad perspective on the economics of expectations. Experimental studies are used to analyse how human bounded rationality affects economic performance. The challenges posed for policy making are also addressed.Tobias Rotheli begins by presenting the basic tools and theoretical models necessary to our understanding of rational and boundedly rational expectations and their role in economic life. Key topics discussed include expectations in general equilibrium theory, probabilities and expected utility, heterogeneity of economic agents, behavioural alternatives to forecasting and the effects of expectations heuristics, particularly in financial markets. The author then goes on to explore the fascinating insights behavioural economics - the empirical analysis of economic decision making - has to offer. Here experimental studies illustrate the effects of costly information, the role of pattern recognition as basis of expectations, anticipation and coordination failures, and the role of expectations in determining the general price level. The book also addresses the implications of the experimental findings for applied economics.Aiming to achieve the accessibility of a textbook, this research monograph will appeal to economic researchers interested in economic behaviour and theory, as well as students taking upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses. It will also be of interest to economists working in business and government.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Handbook of Service Industries
Service activities are now acknowledged as key players in economic development, societal change and public policy worldwide. This exciting Handbook not only contributes to ongoing conceptual debates about the nature of service-led economies and societies; it also pushes back the frontiers of current critical thinking about the role of service activities in urban and regional development and the important research agendas that remain to be addressed.Drawing on both theory and case studies, the contributors are international experts who have written original and stimulating chapters from a number of different disciplinary perspectives. Each chapter seeks to raise awareness of, and to provoke debates about, the opportunities and challenges presented by the shift to service employment.Providing a truly interdisciplinary analysis, The Handbook of Service Industries will be invaluable to scholars specializing in services research, as well as students and researchers in the areas of economics, geography, business and management, sociology, public policy and planning. The policy-making community will also find the Handbook a relevant and useful resource.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Regulatory Response to the Financial Crisis
There are already many papers and books on the causes and course of the current financial crisis, but this is the first and, for the moment, only such book to focus on the regulatory response to it. There are two main attributes that a bank needs to remain in business during a period of turmoil, liquidity to enable it to pay its debts when due, and capital, to absorb losses. Both have been insufficient. Charles Goodhart describes what went wrong and what needs to be done, alongside discussions of deposit insurance, credit rating agencies, prompt corrective action, etc.Charles Goodhart is the senior British economist specialising in financial stability issues. As the turmoil began, continued and exploded into crisis, he has kept up a series of commentaries, all since September 2007. These have been brought together, plus some new and additional material, to provide the reader with an overview of what went wrong in the regulatory framework for the financial system, and what now needs to be done to put that right. This will be required reading for financial regulators, practitioners in banking and finance, academics and students of finance, and those just wanting to know what went wrong and what to do now.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Diversity in Economic Growth: Global Insights and Explanations
Economists have long relied on cross-country regression analysis to identify the determinants of continued growth, but with only limited success. This book demonstrates the value of a different approach.The editors isolate three attributes that appear to be associated with long-term growth. First, whatever the form of the decision-making authority, all are ultimately subject to an element of political constraint: the population at large must eventually experience the benefits of growth if the authority is to remain in power. Broad-based growth is therefore required for growth to be sustained. Second, given the complexity and dynamism of the world, and our imperfect understanding of how it works, ideological rigidity will inevitably prove disastrous, whereas pragmatism and responsiveness to changing conditions and to ineffective policy initiatives are more likely to prolong growth. Third, unconventional substitutes can fill critical gaps while more formal institutions are being developed, thus hastening the growth process in the short run. Drawing on the knowledge and understanding of local circumstances of researchers from the case-study countries, this book will appeal to post-graduate students studying development; particularly poverty, trade, investment and migration. Development practitioners concerned with the impact of developed-country policies on poverty in the developing world will also find this a captivating read.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Handbook on Non-Market Environmental Valuation
Non-market environmental valuation (NMEV) is undergoing a period of increased growth in both application and development as a result of increasing recognition of the role of economics in environmental policy issues. Against this backdrop, The International Handbook on Non-Market Environmental Valuation brings together world leaders in the field to advance the development and application of NMEV as a tool for policy-making. The expert contributors provide insights into the state of the art across the spectrum of both revealed and stated preference methods and highlight new directions being taken. A sequence of topical applications demonstrate various techniques and illustrate what can be achieved using NMEV: deliberately diverse case studies are drawn from Europe, North America, Asia and Australia with valuation targets ranging across use and non-use values of the environment. A number of reviews of cutting-edge issues are also presented. This outstanding resource will enable those interested in environmental valuation from theoretical, practical or policy perspectives to bring themselves to the forefront of developments and practice. As such, this Handbook will prove invaluable to a wide-ranging audience encompassing academics, researchers, students, practitioners and consultants involved in environmental economics and NMEV.Contributors: S. Bain, I.J. Bateman, J. Bennett, E.Y. Besedin, M.C.J. Bliemer, R. Brouwer, R.T. Carson, J. Champ, J. Cheesman, S. Colombo, J. Downing, J. Englin, S. Garcia, M. Giergiczny, A. González-Cabán, T. Groves, N. Hanley, J.A. Herriges, S. Hess, T. Holmes, Y. Jeon, R.J. Johnston, H.A. Klaiber, C.L. Kling, Y. Liu, J. Loomis, P.-A. Mahieu, K.E. McConnell, S. Navrud, A. Pang, G.L. Poe, P. Riera, J. Rolfe, J.M. Rose, E.T. Schultz, K. Segerson, V.K. Smith, J. Strand, P.J. Thomassin, D. Tinch, P. van Beukering, C.A. Vossler, X. Wang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Multinational Enterprises and the Challenge of Sustainable Development
Transnational corporations play a role in the design, diffusion, and consolidation of sustainable development in the context of globalization and multinational firms. In this timely book European and American contributors analyze this role and explore the complex and dynamic phenomena of economic, political, cultural and legal interactions involved. In order to understand this interplay, the authors examine the practices and organizational behaviors used by multinationals in sustainable development. They also discuss the evolving concepts that multinationals hold about sustainable development and corporate social responsibility and how companies reaffirm these philosophies through their strategy and organizational practices such as human resource development, marketing, supply chain, information technology, law, and communications. The authors outline an approach to help identify the key details and motivating factors in decision making.Scholars, students and policy analysts in the fields of business, ecology, economic development and developmental economics and consultants focusing in corporate planning and strategic analysis will find this original collection of great value.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Caching the Carbon: The Politics and Policy of Carbon Capture and Storage
Over the past decade, carbon capture and storage (CCS) has come to the fore as a way to manage carbon dioxide emissions contributing to climate change. This book examines its introduction into the political scene, different interpretations of its significance as an emerging technology and the policy challenges facing government and international institutions with respect to its development, deployment and regulation. The focus of the book is on the construction of arguments about CCS in the public sphere, the coalitions of actors who have articulated distinctive perspectives on CCS and the varied strategies governments have adopted to integrate it into climate and energy policies. The authors analyse the issues decision-makers now confront in encouraging the uptake of the technology, managing uncertainties and regulating attendant risks. The book includes case studies of the reception of CCS in seven OECD countries: Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States. Developments in the EU form the subject of an eighth case study. The authors point to the political significance of CCS as a mitigation option offering a way forward for fossil fuels in a carbon constrained world, while also emphasizing the uncertainties that surround its future development and deployment. Students, scholars and researchers from a wide variety of fields who are interested in climate change, energy policy, and the politics and policy of the environment will find this book illuminating, as will officials and policy makers in international organizations and governments.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Governance of the Great Seas: Law and Effect
The great seas contain immense resources and provide invaluable services to humankind, yet their environmental conditions are threatened worldwide. The authors of this comprehensive study provide a rich assessment of the seas and the efficacy of the initiatives governing them, as well as suggestions for improving governance and protection. Case studies of the Baltic, Mediterranean, Black, Caribbean and East Asian seas illustrate the varying degrees of policy success, failure and promise. The authors address the specific roles of the Law of the Sea and the United Nations Regional Seas Programme and discuss the importance of better information exchange between scientists and policymakers, increased funding, greater participation, and new and more effective laws. National, regional and international initiatives are conceptualized as clusters, and their success evaluated using data on the physical conditions of the seas, the law and policy adopted, and international cooperation. The interdisciplinary, insightful treatment of this complex issue will be of great interest to policymakers, students and scholars in the fields of law and policy as well as marine and environmental sciences.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Art Entrepreneurship
This pioneering book explores the connections between art and artistic processes and entrepreneurship. The authors expertly identify several areas and issues where research on art and artistic processes can inform and develop the traditional field of entrepreneurship research. Nine original chapters by an international group of scholars take a detailed look at the sources of new art ideas, how they are transformed into tangible objects of art, make their way through often hostile selection environments, and ultimately go on to become valued and accepted by the general public. Making a number of original contributions at the crossroads of art and entrepreneurship, the book speaks to researchers across these fields, practicing artists interested in promoting and gaining acceptance for their work, as well as policymakers concerned with sustained dynamics of the art arena. Entrepreneurship researchers interested in new developments in the field will find this unique book invigorating. It also serves as an invaluable source of inspiration for academics and practitioners interested in social and cultural entrepreneurship.Contributors: D. Barry, M. Bonnafous-Boucher, R. Cuir, P. Frankelius, S. Haefliger, K. Lindqvist, S. Meisiek, M. Partouche, M. Scherdin, M. Søndergaard, I. Zander
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd James A. Mirrlees, William S. Vickrey, George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence and Joseph E. Stiglitz
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates? careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics of Sport
This comprehensive Handbook provides a survey of all the major research areas in sports economics written by almost all of the active researchers in this field. It offers not only an accessible insight into the major findings of the literature but also presents some of the world's principal researchers' views on the unanswered questions that face us today. Issues covered include: sport in the economy the demand for sport cost-benefit analysis of sportvsporting governance and the state individualistic sports team sports dysfunctions in sport including discrimination, doping and corruption. It is an indispensable guide to one of the most lively and rapidly evolving fields of economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Rise of Transnational Corporations from Emerging Markets: Threat or Opportunity?
This comprehensive analysis deals with the range of issues raised by the rise of transnational corporations from emerging markets. This insightful book shows that foreign direct investment (FDI) from emerging markets has grown from negligible amounts in the early 1980s to $210 billion in 2007, with the stock of investment now being well over $1 trillion. This reflects the rise of firms from these economies to become important players in the world FDI market. The contributors to this book comprehensively analyze the rise of emerging market TNCs, the salient features of the transnational activities of these firms, the relationship of outward FDI and the competitiveness of the firms involved, their impact on host and home countries and implications for the international law and policy system.The subject of this study is both topical and important and poses a number of challenges that will require considerable policy attention in the future. It will appeal to academics interested in FDI as well as emerging markets. Karl P. Sauvant has gathered together a group of leading academics that makes this an informative and valuable read for anyone interested in the subject, including academics, students at all levels and private sector entities, as well as government officials dealing with outward FDI.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reforming Healthcare Systems
Healthcare is one of modern society's most crucial arenas - costly, important and controversial. This comprehensive research review brings together more than fifty scholarly articles on both healthcare systems in general and health reform in particular. The editors have carefully selected papers by leading academics which will enhance our understanding of the central feature of social and political life. The articles are distinguished by their clear prose and wide disciplinary range. This book is an essential reference resource for students, and practitioners interested in this topical field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Law and Society in Korea
This book sets out a panoramic view of law and society studies in South Korea, considering the factors that have made this post-colonial war-torn country economically and politically successful.The contributors examine societal and historical conditions that are reflected in - or that were shaped by - the law, through a variety of lenses; including law and development, law and politics, colonialism and gender, past wrongdoings, public interest lawyering, and judicial reform. In dismantling the historical specificity of the way in which Korea studies are universally framed the contributions provide novel views, theories and information about South Korean law and society.Incorporating various perspectives and methodologies, and demonstrating a finely crafted application of general theory to specific issues, this compendium will prove insightful to law scholars and researchers looking to widen their perspective and broaden their knowledge on law and society in Korea. Law practitioners whose practice requires knowledge of the Korean legal system will also find plenty of information in this authoritative book.Contributors include: K. Cho, D.-k. Choi, P. Goedde, S.S. Hong, D. Kim, J.-O. Kim, C. Lee, I. Lee, K.-W. Lee, H. Yang, S. Yi
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Shadow Economy
The shadow economy (also known as the black or underground economy) covers a vast array of trade, goods and services that are not part of the official economy of a country. This original and comprehensive Handbook presents the latest research on the size and development of the shadow economy, which remains an integral component of the economies of most developing and many developed countries. The volume explores the driving forces behind the shadow economy and highlights important regional variations. The expert authors address the whole spectrum of issues including tax moral, government institutions, corruption and illicit work. Importantly the book also examines recent progress in how the shadow economy is measured and estimated. This well-documented and authoritative study will appeal to economists and researchers, as well as academics and students in the fields of economics, political science and social science. It will also be of interest to anyone seeking a comprehensive investigation into the workings of shadow economy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Entrepreneur as Business Leader: Cognitive Leadership in the Firm
An entrepreneur who decides to found a firm and to hire employees has to tackle two central problems: their employees' coordination and motivation. Drawing on findings from cognitive, social and organizational psychology, this book sheds new light on the relevance of bounded rationality and social learning in the process of leadership. Silke Scheer bridges some of the missing links that can be identified within the theory of cognitive leadership and demonstrates how its scope can be broadened by investigating group level processes, and how they can have an impact on the socialization of newcomers.Combining both theoretical and empirical explorations, this book will be of great significance to anyone from a managerial or psychological background that is interested in leadership. Academics and students on business, management and entrepreneurship courses will also find this book invaluable.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Regional Economics of Knowledge and Talent: Local Advantage in a Global Context
This original and instructive new book defines and explores the concept of knowledge as the talent, skills, know-how and understanding embodied in individuals. The distinguished contributors advance the current research frontier in three novel directions which focus on: the role of human capital and talent for creativity, entrepreneurship and regional development; the role of institutions for the behavior of firms and entrepreneurs; and the influence of the global context on the location, export and innovation behavior of firms in a knowledge economy. They also address critical questions that underpin the emerging knowledge economy: Why does human capital and talent tend to agglomerate in large urban regions? How does this agglomeration affect the location of different types of economic activities? How does this agglomeration affect regional growth? Presenting the state of the art in the field of knowledge economics, this book will prove a stimulating and challenging read for scholars and researchers with an interest in economics, business and management, and regional and urban studies. Contributors: M. Andersson, C. Autant-Bernard, P. Billand, G.A.S. Cook, U. Grasjo, J.J. Gutierrez, T. Hatori, B. Johansson, S. Johansson, C. Karlsson, K. Kobayashi, H. Loof, N. Massard, K. Matsushima, P. Nijkamp, D. Nilsson, K. Nystrom, M. Olsson, N.R. Pandit, M. Sahin, R.J. Stimson, R.R. Stough, A. Todiras